Oct 2010 Arrowhead

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Est. 1919 Vol 2, Issue 7

Div. HQ (Fwd), Joint Base Lewis-McCord, Wash.

Arrowhead 6 Sends S

oldiers of the 36th Infantry Division, greetings and welcome to Joint Base Lewis-McChord. Much has changed since the last time I wrote for this newsletter. In addition to PMT, a CPX, mobilization, and the move to JBLM, our numbers have grown to include many personnel who are new to the “Fighting 36th.” If you haven’t already, please join me in welcoming each and every one of them, and help ensure that they are integrated into our Arrowhead Team as warmly and seamlessly as possible. As many of you know from past experience or have learned in the past few weeks, the beginning stages of a mobilization can be frustrating and difficult for any Soldier, no matter what age or rank. In addition to the heartache of separation from home and family, we have a lot of training and prepping to do for our deployment, and a limited time in which to do it. The most important thing you can do to help make the experience better for yourself and others is to be flexible and adaptable, maintain a positive attitude and remember

the proud tradition of excellence embodied in the T-patch. One of the most poignant anecdotes of World War II came from a survivor of the Normandy landing. He recalled that at some point during the carnage of Omaha

October 2010

terror was not a recipe for success and probably meant certain death. While our mission in Iraq could not possibly be more different than the Normandy landing, the essential truth remains that the quickest and surest way home is to tackle our mission with courage, dedication, and perseverance, never letting any new obstacle slow us down for long. The two readiness exercises we are conducting will each have their share of small obstacles and frustrations; it’s a natural part of the process. Don’t be afraid to make mistakes in the performance of your duties. Learn from them, and learn from your successes as well. Make the most of the training and your time here, and it will make our transition to full authority in Southern Iraq that much more effective. From what I have seen so far of the men and women of this Division, I have no doubt that we Beach, pinned down by German will excel. Best of luck, and keep up the gunfire with nothing left of unit integrity and no option of retreat, he good work. and the Soldiers around him came to realize that the quickest way Arrowhead! home was up the hill and through the German defenses. Wallowing Maj. Gen. Spurgin on the beach in confusion, anger, or

From the Commanding General and Command Sergeant Major concerning Sexual Harassment and Fraternization


ny form of sexual misconduct or inappropriate fraternization within the Arrowhead Division will not be tolerated. Sexual misconduct in any of its many forms; verbal, nonverbal or physical and improper fraternization are unacceptable conduct within the 36th Infantry Division. This behavior will always affect good order and discipline and will adversely impact our Soldiers, our mission and most importantly our professionalism. We are professionals, representing the greatest Army of the Greatest Nation on the earth and we must set the standard for all to follow. Allowing or participating in the above conduct brings shame on each and every one of us. We must all do everything we can to establish an atmosphere of teamwork, camaraderie and respect. These are the hallmarks of the professional division, the Arrowhead Division. All of us have worked too hard to have our collective reputation stained by allowing or participating in unprofessional behavior, especially behavior that degrades or hurts our fellow comrades. Do what’s right and do not tolerate anyone who is doing wrong!

36th Infantry Division Equal Opportunity Advisors Cell Bldg. 8D22 (Behind B Co. Orderly Room) 254-458-7934 Sgt. 1st Class Joe Lawton

“Contact us if you are the victim of an Equal Opportunity or Sexual Harassment Complaint.”

Capt. Lisa Ann Lerma

The Arrow Head Staff:

36th Infantry Division:

PAO - Maj. Eric N. Atkisson Deputy PAO - 1st Lt. Adam J. Musil Supervising Editor Sgt. 1st Class Merrion LaSonde Layout & Design Sgt. Jeremy Spires Sgt. David A. Bryant Staff Master Sgt. Brenda Benner Sgt. Katie Danielson

Commander - Maj. Gen. Eddy M. Spurgin Command Sgt. Maj. Wilson Early Division Special Troops Battalion Commander - Lt. Col. Doug DeVries Command Sgt. Maj. Todd Richardson Headquarters Support Co. Capt. Brent A. Middleton A Co. - Capt. Omar Davila B Co. - Capt. Kadett Derry C Co. - Capt. John F. Kirby D Co. - Chief Warrant Officer 2 Jeff Lightsey

This Band Can Carry More Than a Tune Story and Photos by Sgt. Jeremy D. Spires 36th Infantry Division Public Affairs


OINT BASE LEWIS-MCCHORD, Wash. – Amid a drizzly Washington morning, a talented group of musicians eagerly exit their van onto a damp and foggy field with just a few shanty-like buildings set off in the far corner. These musicians are unlike the every-day artist a person might find across the country. These are Soldiers from the 36th Infantry Division Band and they are here to do more than just toot their horns. By the time the sun has long since set and the cold darkness of night envelopes the scene, these Soldiers will have successfully entered and cleared the buildings, routed enemy forces and saved countless civilians as a result. “(Today’s) training was really advantageous for us because we really don’t do that kind of stuff,” said Kyle, Texas native, 1st Sgt. Marvin S. Housley, Noncommissioned Officer in Charge of the 36th ID Band. “We are musicians so doing these kinds of things are very enlightening.” The band members started the day with the traditional “walkthroughs” of what is expected of them. This included entering and clearing different rooms at a variety of training speeds. Not only are they expected to safely navigate themselves through this gauntlet, but they are also expected to be able to protect any civilian life they may encounter.

Once 1st Corps instructors are confident in the unit’s ability to perform the task, they will repeat the task using blank ammunition and eventually live rounds. “It used to be doctrine that the band would augment the military police or provide tactical operation center security around the Division Main,” said Housley. “That doctrine has really changed and most people don’t realize that. Our mission is music; that’s it.” “(It was) pretty high speed training,” said 20-yearold French horn player Spc. Preston M. Hussman, a native of Burleson, Texas. “It was kind of scary in ways; you had to deal with live rounds and had to trust your buddies... (but) I really enjoyed it.”

(ABOVE) A team of gifted Soldier musicians from the 36th Infantry Division Band prepare to clear make-shift rooms housing both civilian and hostile targets during an all-day training event. (LEFT) Soldiers of the 36th Infantry Division Band receive instructions on clearing rooms that contain both civilian and hostile targets. This training was conducted Oct. 9 in preparation for the 36th Infantry Division deployment to Iraq.

MRX and 4-Day Pass MRX 1: Oct. 18 - 29 Advon & Torch Party Pass:

29 Oct. -- You are able to sign out in civilian 2 Nov. -- You must sign in before midnight

attire after


attire after


MRX 2: Nov. 8 - 20 Main Body Pass: 23 Nov. -- You are able to sign out in civilian 27 Nov. -- You must sign in before midnight

If for ANY reason you feel that you might be late or a problem arises during your pass, you must contact your chain of command and the ALOC @ 253-967-6442

Just click the link!


Regular Mail


UPS/Fed Ex

Rank/Name Rank/Name 1st JMB 36ID, (Co. __?) Cook Ave BLD R9656 P.O. Box 339546 MS 120 Joint Base Lewis-McChord, WA Joint Base Lewis-McChord, WA 98433-9546 98433-9546

Chaplain’s Corner

amid the conflict whether great or small, do not be disheartened, God is all over; count your many blessings, angels will attend, help and comfort give you to your journey’s end.” (Johnson Oatman, Jr., 1897) By CH (Lt. Col.) J. Craig Combs These are not just futile mental games or wishful od bless Texas! And God bless the Arrowhead thinking. Instead, they are words filled with the truth of God’s promises that have proven reliable Division! Hooah! That was our prayer as we began our and trustworthy throughout history. Here is one of those many trustworthy promises mobilization, our prayer as we train here at Joint Base Lewis-McChord; and it will continue to be that we can claim: Psalm 91:9-11, 14-15, “If you make the Most our prayer as we deploy to Iraq. That means we are asking Him to bless each High your dwelling – even the LORD, who is my and every one of our Soldiers and their family refuge – then no harm will befall you, no disaster members, as well as our efforts to successfully and will come near your tent. For he will command honorably fulfill our mission and bring everyone his angels concerning you to guard you in all your ways … ’Because home. One of the best ways to 36th ID DSTB Religious Services Schedule he loves me,’ says the LORD, ‘I will rescue deal with adversity (yes, Friday him, I will protect him, even long deployments) 1300--Muslim Services @ Madigan Chapel for he acknowledges my is to sincerely ask for Conference Room 1st, 3rd, 5th Fridays of each month name. He will call upon God’s blessing and then 1800--Jewish Services @ Chapel #5, Bldg T2270 me, and I will answer focus on the ways He Saturday him; I will be with him answers that prayer. 1700--Catholic Mass @ Main Post Chapel in trouble, I will deliver Those of you who might Sunday him and honor him.’” question the power of 0730--Protestant Service @ ROTC Chapel The truth is that God prayer and the existence 0900--Catholic Mass @ North Ft. Chapel does indeed answer of a God who not only 1200--Catholic Mass @ Main Post Chapel prayer. In fact, He loves hears, but is eager to 1700--Hour of Power @ ROTC Chapel to bless His children respond favorably toward with good gifts. His children, can see this Many times, we simply do not recognize all as an exercise in the power of positive thinking. We who have experienced numerous direct and the blessings and good gifts that He has given us irrefutable answers to prayer first hand realize it is because we are simply not looking for them or we not just an exercise in positive mental calisthenics. are distracted by the worries and cares or empty A positive attitude is certainly key, but it comes pleasures that leave us blinded in our frustration as a result of God’s goodness and faithfulness in and despair. Don’t let this happen to you. I will close with the blessing the Lord gave Moses blessing us despite our inability to manipulate or to pass on to Aaron and his sons to pronounce upon affect the outcome. I am reminded of the refrain from the beloved God’s people: “The LORD bless you and keep you; the LORD old hymn: “Count your blessings, name them one make his face shine upon you and be gracious to by one; count your blessings, see what God has you; the LORD turn his face toward you and give done!” The last stanza is particularly applicable: “So, you peace.” Numbers 6:24-26


A Shining Example for all her Peers Story and Photos by Sgt. David A. Bryant 36th Infantry Division Public Affairs


OINT BASE LEWISMCCHORD, Wash. – Some Soldiers stand above their peers and set the standard for others to follow. Spc. Roxanna A. Lewis, the administrative clerk for Company B, 36th Division Special Troops Battalion, is one such Soldier. “Without her in this office, the company would go nuts,” said Sgt. 1st Class Daniel Leon, Co. B operations noncommissioned officer. “She doesn’t need supervision, she’s always good at her work and she keeps the commander and first sergeant up to date.” She’s way ahead of her peers, is very knowledgeable and very mature, Leon, a Newark, N.J. native, added. Paperwork and countless hours at the computer updating files is all part of the job, but simply taking care of the Soldiers in her company is what makes it worthwhile, Lewis said. “Pay is usually the number one issue I deal with,” the 28-year-old Virginia Beach, Va., native said.

Sgt. 1st Class Daniel Leon, B Company operations noncommissioned officer, 36th Division Special Troops Battalion, covers the day’s priorities with Lewis here Oct. 10.

Spc. Roxanna A. Lewis, administrative clerk for Company B, 36th Division Special Troops Battalion, inputs requested dates for the company’s more than 200 Soldiers’ rest and relaxation leave during the 36th Infantry Division’s upcoming deployment to Iraq in support of Operation New Dawn.

“I’m currently working on inputting everyone’s (rest and relaxation) leave, accident avoidance courses and updating 4100s.” The Army National Guard Form 4100 is an overview of a Soldier’s military career and civilian education used to determine promotion eligibility, she added. She also keeps the company personnel files current, updates all administrative records and loads them to the individual Personnel Electronic Records Management System (iPERMS) network and maintains the company’s morning report, a document used to track the location of the company’s more than 200 Soldiers. “She takes care of Soldier’s pay issues, promotions, TRICARE issues, marriages, new-born children, (Servicemember’s Group Life Insurance) updates and a whole list of administrative work,” Leon said. Lewis originally came to Texas to attend college and joined the Texas Army National Guard four years

ago. She served as an administrative clerk with the 1836th Transportation Battalion in El Paso, Texas, and recently signed on with B Co. for the 36th Infantry Division’s deployment to Iraq in support of Operation New Dawn. “Everything is going smooth so far for the deployment,” Lewis said. “Some days we get out of the office around normal hours, some days we get out around 8 (p.m.). It’s a lot of work, but I enjoy helping other Soldiers.” Soldiers like Lewis are a dream come true for a commander. “I need a lot of information before I make a decision on what order I will give as a commander,” said Capt. Kadett E. Derry, B Co. commander and Alamogordo, N.M., native. “She already has whatever information I need ready before I even ask for it. Her tasks are always done properly and I never have to follow up with her. It’s very refreshing to work with such an outstanding Soldier.”

Thrift Savings Plan: What you need to know By Staff Sgt. James Roach, Fiscal Branch


he Thrift Savings Plan is a retirement savings program for military members and civilian federal employees. TSP is a tax-deferred fund, which means the money contributed to the account is deducted right away from the person’s taxable income, and the money in the fund isn’t taxed until it’s withdrawn at retirement, usually after age 59 1/2, which is a significant tax reduction. The TSP is part of the Federal Employees Retirement System (FERS) designed to closely resemble the dynamics of private sector 401(k) plans. FERS employees are eligible to join TSP immediately upon starting work and may join at any time thereafter. Both FERS and CSRS employees and member of the uniformed services may contribute up to the Internal Revenue Code limitation, which is $16,500 for 2010. Uniformed service members are permitted to make contributions from both basic pay as well as from incentive, special, or bonus pay, but are subject to the regular contribution limits. Now PAY ATTENTION- Members of the uniformed services who deploy to designated combat zones are subject to the combat zone tax exclusion, which allows tax-exempt income earned. Contributions to the TSP by uniformed service members in a combat zone are contributed to the TSP as tax-exempt, and accrue tax-deferred earnings. Tax-exempt contributions are not subject to the IRC elective deferral limit, but are combined with taxdeferred contributions made and are subject to the IRC section 415(c) annual additions limit of $49,000 (as of 2010). Bottom-line: If you can afford to throw as much money in to the TSP as possible while you are deployed; that money will not be taxed when you withdraw it at 59 1/2. Don’t go broke, but if you can afford a higher percentage of you income deferred; do it. Uniformed service members are eligible for matching contributions only if the secretary of the specific service designates “critical specialties” eligible for such. As of 2010, no specific specialty has been designated as such. However in 2006, Congress enacted legislation to sponsor a pilot program to offer matching contributions to new active duty enlistees. This program was administered by the Department of the Army from April 1, 2006 through December 31, 2008. Enlistees who qualified for TSP matching during this period (provided completion and returned paperwork was processed as of initial enlistment) received a dollar for dollar matching contribution on the first three percent of their contributions from basic pay; and fifty cents on the dollar for the next two percent contributed for the duration of their first term of enlistment. You have control over the percentage of your pay you would like deferred to the TSP. By logging onto My Pay, you will have the option to change your contribution anytime you like. Getting set up is easy. Go to the TSP Website by going to https://www. tsp.gov/index.shtml. Once enrolled your USERID and password will be sent to you in separate mailings. Everyone is strongly encouraged to participate in this program. Compounded with your military retirement and any other investments; your golden years could be just that: GOLDEN. Arrowhead! If you have any questions about the Thrift Savings Plan, please contact a member of the Finance Office. Or visit the TSP website by clicking here.

Targeting … by the Numbers Story and Photos by Master Sgt. Brenda Benner 36th Infantry Division Public Affairs


OINT BASE LEWIS-MCCHORD, Wash. – Arrowhead Division Soldiers labored over mathematical and algebraic equations during their Advanced Network Analysis &Targeting (ANAT) classes October 9-12 in preparation for their Operation New Dawn mission in Southern Iraq. The majority of the 24 ANAT students were intelligence personnel who were joined by other key staff members. Ranging from specialists to lieutenant colonels, the students learned cutting-edge social network analysis and the accompanying Organizational Risk Analyzer (ORA) software used to support the analysis process. Simply put, they scientifically explored the structure of social groups. Understanding the complex dynamics of insurgent networks and their subordinate recruiting, finance and IED-emplacement groups essentially relies on objective analysis based on mathematics. Correct and objective network analysis is essential for the planning of more precise lethal and non-lethal attacks against various threat networks. Kevin Jamison, one of the ANAT instructors with the Mobile Training Team, said the purpose of ANAT is to rapidly identify targets and focus more analysis on those targets. “We studied networks which involve people, events and locations,” said Jamison. “We tested our students over the material so they would have a grasp of all the mathematics involved so they could better understand what the ORA software was producing. They can use this new skill set to guide their intelligence collection efforts.” When references were made about the weekly CBS crime fighting drama “Numbers” and the mathematics-

Spc. Antonio Galvan, second from right, determines which of many people within a social network is the proper target.

obsessed professor who helps the FBI, Jamison replied, “That’s what we are doing here with the ORA program.” Any relationship of people with people or people with events can be captured in a matrix.” A few of the students admitted they had to dust off their algebra skills from high school and college to work the equations by hand during their tests. One such student was Maj. James R. Crady III, of Company B, Division Special Troops Battalion. He is the officer-in-charge of the counter-IED cell. Crady said the class offered him

Students painstakingly crunch numbers while analyzing social network data during their tests.

an “advanced bag of tricks and tools” to use during his mission in Iraq. “Learning these automated programs will help us during our MRX (mission readiness exercise) and in theater because the math would be too overwhelming with large (real-world) networks,” Crady explained. “Once ORA spits out the data on the backside … we understand what it means.” The capstone exercise of the four-day course required each small group of students to import a network into ORA and provide a 30-minute brief of who they would target and why. Intelligence analyst Spc. Antonio Galvan, of Co. B., was previously a paralegal with the U.S. Marine Corps. He said the course was very interesting and he learned a lot of useful information. “I’ll be taking this with me down range and putting it in my pocket for when I need it,” said Galvan. “With what we do, precision is everything. We don’t want to waste time, money and effort chasing the wrong guy who has no real influence on the network.”

The Fighting 36th and the Battle for Forrest Farm By Lt. Col. Enrique Villarreal 36th Infantry Division Historian


he year was 1918; the world was at war and the Soldiers of the 36th Infantry Division were ready to play their part. On Oct. 3, the Division was transferred to the 4th French Army Reserve and, by Oct. 5, the Division’s 71st Brigade was ordered to relieve the 2nd Division on the front lines, a manuever accomplished under continuous shellfire by the following night. That first day in the lines the troops prepared for attack. Early on the morning of Oct. 8 the 71st was ordered to attack near the small French village of St. Etienne. This day would mark the 36th Division’s baptism by fire. By the end of the day the 71st captured about 600 prisoners and more than 75 machine guns. The brigade suffered 1,293 casualties during the attack, but the heroism of the Arrowhead Soldiers was so great that two Medals of Honor and 30 Distinguished Service Crosses were awarded for that day alone. The 36th completed the relief of the 2nd Division Oct. 9 and Maj. Gen. William R. Smith, division commander, immediately made plans for the Division to move forward, with the 72nd Brigade leading. The attack began on the 10th, but enemy artillery fire was so intense it was impossible for the 144th Infantry to advance and the 143rd Infantry’s advance was badly organized. Despite continuous artillery resistance the advance marched steadily north, the heroic 71st Brigade reorganized and following as the Division Reserve. By Oct. 20 the Division was seriously extended on the flanks due to the withdrawal of the 7th French Division on the left and the 73rd French Division on the right. This shift brought the 36th directly opposite a strong enemy position at Foret Ferme (Forrest Farm), about three kilometers east of Attigny. The Aisne River made

General John J. “Backjack” Pershing awards 1st Lt. Donald J. McLernan, 142nd Infantry Regiment, the Distinguished Service Cross April 9, 1919, for actions near Tonnerre, France.

a horseshoe loop in this area and reconnaissance showed enemy control of the north bank. Every attempt by American patrols to cross the river was met by heavy machine gun and rifle fire. The land within the horseshoe loop

of the Aisne was considerably higher than the land immediately to the south and was of great tactical advantage for the enemy, both as observation points and as a launching point for attacks on the Allied line. It was critical for the Division to take this stronghold away from the enemy. The attack was planned for 4:30 p.m. Oct. 27. Everyone from the brigade commander down to the lowestranking rifleman knew the part they would play in the upcoming drama. Shortly before the attack was to begin, the artillery directed such a barrage of high explosives against enemy positions across the river that enemy artillery was completely neutralized. At exactly 4:30 the infantry began the advance, moving forward and rapidly overcoming enemy resistance. Within less than an hour green star signals were sent up to indicate the objective had been reached. The entire operation proceeded from start to finish exactly according to the field orders, surpassing a maneuver for perfection. The Arrowhead Division sustained a total loss of 11 killed, 36 wounded and took 194 enemy combatants as prisoners of war.


Prepare: Identify problems early on Prevent: Stop! Recognize the signs

of abuse

Protect: Report, advocate, take




CH (Maj.) Wayne Mays, Division Special Troops Batallion Chaplain (832) 428-1545 Cpt. Lisa Ann Lerma Equal Opportunity Advisor (254) 458-7934

CHIEF SHAW’S SAFETY SLICE By Chief Warrant Officer 2 Bryan Shaw 36th Infantry Division Safety Officer

The Five Steps: 1. Identify hazards to the force. Consider all aspects of current and future situations, environments, and known historical problem areas. 2. Assess hazards to determine risks. Assess the impact of each hazard in terms of potential loss and cost based on probability and severity. 3. Develop controls and make risk decisions. Develop control measures that mitigate the hazard or reduce its risk. As control measures are developed, risks are re-evaluated until the residual risk is at a level where the benefits outweigh the cost. The appropriate decision authority then makes the decision. 4. Implement controls that eliminate the hazards or reduce their risks. Ensure the controls are communicated to all involved. In other words, put your plan into action! 5. Supervise and evaluate. Enforce standards and controls. Evaluate the effectiveness of controls and adjust/update as necessary. Ensure lessons learned are fed back into the system for future planning. Practice Composite Risk Management in all your activities. Using Composite Risk Management is instinctive; we do it every day for nearly every situation. This tool is key for communicating risk information to the force and is invaluable when it comes to documenting and sharing lessons learned. Remember, your day-to-day safety is in your own hands.

36th Infantry Division Inspector General Office Maj. Oliver Mintz

Master Sgt. Tina Marberry Staff Sgt. Rebecca Diaz

Sgt. Rosalyn Wilkins

254-291-5807 BLDG 8D21


The Inspector General is a personal staff officer of the commander, providing the commander with a sounding board for sensitive issues. The IG is an extension of the commander; his eyes, ears and conscience. The IG’s role is to determine and report on the economy, efficiency, discipline, morale, esprit de corps, readiness and resources of the command. In other words, the Inspector General is interested in every aspect of the command.Complaints can be filed by Soldiers, their family members, retirees, former Soldiers or civilians working for the Department of the Army. Leaders may not restrict any of their subordinates from contacting the IG for resolution of a problem. However, all Soldiers should give their chain of command a chance to resolve their problem prior to bringing it to the IG. IGs can provide a great deal of assistance to commanders and are linked worldwide to gather information quickly and confidentially. IGs work closely with Soldier support agencies (Chaplain, JAG, Red Cross, ACS, etc.) to resolve problems. The IG can help you get started in the right direction.

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