藥林寶典 Valuable Dictionary of Medicines ※藥林寶典乃是臨床診斷和開方的珍貴資料,提供給擁有 MTS 的學員參考。 * The Valuable Dictionary of Medicine is a precious database for clinical diagnosis and prescription and is provided for reference of students with MTS. ※身體有問題時請經醫師診斷。 * Please see the doctor in case of physical illness.
◎A 感冒頭痛 Cold with headache 1全頭痛:一號外感方ㄨ+蔓荊子ㄇ+川芎ㄔ Headache: No.1 Waiganfang + Manjingzi + Chuanxiong 2前頭痛:一號外感方ㄨ+蔓荊子ㄇ+川芎ㄔ+防風ㄈ Frontal headache: No.1 Waiganfang + Manjingzi + Chuanxiong + Fangfeng 3後頭痛:一號外感方ㄨ+蔓荊子ㄇ+川芎ㄔ+羌活ㄑ Occipital headache: No.1 Waiganfang + Manjingzi + Chuanxiong + Qianghuo 4顛頂痛:一號外感方ㄨ+蔓荊子ㄇ+川芎ㄔ+蒿本ㄏ Top headache: Waiganfang + Manjingzi + Chuanxiong + Gaoben 5側頭痛:一號外感方ㄨ+蔓荊子ㄇ+川芎ㄔ+柴胡ㄔ Temporal headache: No.1 Waiganfang + Manjingzi + Chuanxiong + Chaihu 6眉棱骨痛:一號外感方ㄨ+蔓荊子ㄇ+川芎ㄔ+白芷ㄅ Forehead pain: No.1 Waiganfang + Manjingzi + Chuanxiong + Baizh
◎B 感冒、打噴嚏、鼻流清涕 * 感冒症狀多變,兩方皆可用. Cold with sneezing and thin nasal mucus * If the cold symptoms are changeable, both of the following prescriptions are available. 1一號外感方ㄨ+細辛ㄒ+蒼耳子ㄘ No.1 Waiganfang + Xixin + Xangerzi 2一號外感方ㄨ+生薑ㄕ No.1 Waiganfang + Ginger
◎C 感冒發燒 Cold with fever 1一號免疫方ㄇ+大黃ㄉ No1 Mianyitang + Dahuang 2發燒,肩背酸痛,關節酸痛:葛根湯ㄍ+石膏ㄕ Fever, back and shoulder pain, and articulatory ache: Gegentang + Shigao 3發燒發熱口渴大汗出:白虎湯ㄅ+石膏ㄕ Fever, feels thirsty and sweltering: Baihutang + Shigao
◎D 感冒咽喉痛、頭痛 Cold with anginosis and headache 1感冒咽喉痛:一號免疫方ㄇ+連翹ㄌ Cold with anginosis: No.1 Mianyitang + Liangqiao 2感冒咽喉痛、頭痛:二號外感方ㄨ Cold with anginosis and headache: No2 Waiganfang 3感冒咽喉痛、頭痛、肩頸酸痛、目痛、鼻乾 (1)葛根湯ㄍ (2)口渴:葛根湯ㄍ+天花粉ㄊ Cold with anginosis, headache, neck and shoulder pain, eye ache, dry nasal cavity: (1) Gegentang (2) Thirsty: Gegentang + Tianhuafen *以上皆無效,才改用 三號外感方ㄨ * If the above prescription does not work, use No. 3 Waiganfang
◎E 感冒咳嗽 Cold with cough 1痰白:一號外感方ㄨ+浙貝母ㄓ+杏仁ㄒ White phlegm: No.1 Waiganfang + Zhebeimu + Zingren 2痰黃易咳出 :一號外感方ㄨ+桑白皮ㄙ+黃芩ㄏ+浙貝母ㄓ Yellow phlegm and easy discharge: No.1 Waiganfang + Sangbaipi + Huangqing + Zhebeimu 3痰不易咳出,鼻流清涕或濁涕:一號咳嗽方ㄎ Difficult discharge of phlegm, thin or thick nasal mucus: No.1 Kesoutang 4不咳則已,一咳連續咳:二號咳嗽方ㄎ Continuous cough: No.2 Kesoutang 5咳嗽痰清稀,咽癢而咳:小青龍方ㄒ Clear cough phlegm, or cough from itchy pharynx: Xiaoginglongtang 6久咳不愈,支氣管發炎,痰黃或有腥味:一號咳嗽方ㄎ+肺萎方ㄈ Long-term cough, inflammatory bronchitis, yellow or fishy phlegm: No.1 Kesoutang+FeiWeitang 7打噴嚏流鼻水,咳嗽痰白:一號外感方ㄨ+小青龍湯ㄒ Sneeze with nasal mucus and white cough phlegm: No.1 Waiganfang + Xiaoqinglong tang *以上 1~7 項感冒症狀若伴有噁心想吐時,加:半夏ㄅ+生薑ㄕ * If the cold symptoms from item 1 to item 7 include nausea, add: Banxia + Ginger 8咳嗽氣喘痰聲重,痰黃易咳出:葶藶大棗瀉肺湯ㄊ+麻杏石甘湯ㄇ Heavy sound of coughing asthma with phlegm, yellow phlegm is easily discharged: Tinglidazaoxiefeitang + Maxingshigantang
◎ F 聲音沙啞 Hoarse voice 1響聲破笛方ㄒ+蟬蛻ㄔ
Xiangshengpoditang + Chantui
◎G 鼻子過敏 (過敏性鼻炎)、鼻塞 Nasal allergy (allergic rhinitis), and nasal obstruction 1一號外感方ㄨ+蟬蛻ㄔ+蒼耳子ㄘ+細辛ㄒ No.1 Waiganfang + Chantui + Cangerzi + Xixin 2清鼻方ㄑ Qingbitang 3一號外感方ㄨ+麻黃ㄇ+附子ㄈ+細辛ㄒ No.1 Waiganfang + Mahuang + Fuzi + Xixin* *三者擇一 * Select one from the above three *孕婦不要加細辛 * Do not use Xixin for pregnant women
◎H 耳痛、耳鳴、中耳炎 Otalgia, tinnitus, and tympanitis 1一號外感方ㄨ+黃芩ㄏ+麥芽ㄇ+香附ㄒ No.1 Waiganfang + Huangqin + Maiya + Xiangfu 2黃柏ㄏ+砂仁ㄕ+炙甘草ㄓ Huangbo + Sharen + Zhigancao * 二者擇一 * Select one from the above two
◎I 頭痛、眩暈、胸悶、耳鳴、耳癢、耳塞住感、梅尼爾氏症 Headache, dizziness, chest tightness, tinnitus, ear itching, ear obstruction, and Meniere's disease 1眩暈方ㄒ
2如出現感冒症狀如怕冷,肩背酸痛(1)眩暈方ㄒ+乾薑ㄍ+半夏ㄅ+茯苓ㄈ+炙甘草ㄓ (2)眩暈方ㄒ+一號外感方ㄨ In case of cold symptoms, such as fear of cold, and shoulder and back pain (1) Xuanyuntang + Ganjiang + Banxia + Fuling + Zhigancao (2) Xuanyuntang + No.1 Waiganfang
◎J 小便不利、口渴、眠差、水瀉、頭暈℃ difficult urination, thirsty, poor sleep quality, and watery diarrhea Giddiness 1小便不利方ㄒ
◎K 腦震盪頭痛 Concussion headache 1消炎去瘀方ㄒ
◎L 青光眼頭痛 Glaucomaheadache 1降眼壓方ㄐ
◎M 中暑 Sunstroke 1中暑頭痛:清暑散ㄑ + 滑石ㄏ Sunstroke with headache: Qingshusan + Talc 2中暑發熱口渴大汗出:白虎湯ㄅ Sunstroke with fever, feels thirsty, and sweltering: Baihutang
◎N 甲狀腺異常、淋巴腫 Thyroid disorder and lymphedema 1甲狀腺異常:消瘰方ㄒ Thyroid disorder: Xiaoluotang 2甲狀腺異常,心悸:消瘰方ㄒ + 心悸方ㄒ Thyroid disorder and palpitation: Xiaoluotang + Xinjitang 3淋巴腫:消瘰方ㄒ Lymphedema: Xiaoluotang
◎O 口渴飲不休、喜冷飲、倦怠、目酸、乾燥症、聲音沙啞 Continuous thirst, preference for cold drink, tiredness, sore eye, and xerostomia, hoarseness 1益胃湯ㄧ Yiweitang * 熬夜,過度疲勞,誤藥,吃辛辣類,感冒後的倦怠目酸聲音沙啞 亡津液可用:益胃湯一 * Tiredness, sore eye fluid collapse resulted from late sleep, over fatigue, drug application mistake, spicy food, and tiredness sore eye hoarseness resulted from cold: Yi Wei tang 若又有便秘,可視症狀 + 一號便秘方ㄅ 或 二號便秘方ㄅ If the symptoms further include constipation, the following prescriptions can be used according to the symptom: + No.1 Bianmifang or + No.2 Bianmifang
◎P 眼睛 Eyes 1結膜炎:大黃ㄉ+黃芩ㄏ+黃連ㄏ+金銀花ㄐ Conjunctivitis: Dahuang + Huangqin + Huanglian + Jinyinhua 2結膜炎:結膜炎方ㄐ Conjunctivitis: Jemoyantang 3因情緒起伏引起之飛蚊症:眼疾方ㄧ Muscae volitantes resulted from mood swing: Yanjitang 4眼睛酸澀 (長期疲勞):明目方ㄇ Sore eye (long-time fatigue): Mingmutang 5近視或視力模糊:一號綜合眼方ㄗ 或 二號綜合眼方ㄗ
Myopia or blurred vision: No.1 Zongheyanfang or No.2 Zongheyanfang 6倦怠、目酸、淚溢、喜熱飲:明目方ㄇ Tiredness, sore eye, epiphora, and preference for hot drink: Mingmutang * 使用 MTS 和經絡軟體治療眼睛時嚴禁看 3C 產品. * Do not watch 3C products when treating the eye using MTS and Meridian software.
◎Q 牙齒痛、牙齦腫痛 Toothache, swelling, and aching of gums 1免疫系統下降:二號免疫方ㄇ+細辛ㄒ Decreased immune system: No.2 Miangyitang + Xixin 2體機能下降:細辛ㄒ+白芷ㄅ(X4) Decreased physical function: Xixin + Baizhi * 亦可用:蜂房ㄈ(X2)+覆瓦刺冠軟珊瑚ㄈ * The following prescription is also available: Fengfang (X2) + Capnella imbricata
◎R 口腔潰瘍、口角炎、舌破 Oral ulcer, angular stomatitis, and tongue erosion 1二號免疫方ㄇ+黃柏ㄏ
No.2 Miangyitang + Huangbo
◎S 發燒、口手足症 Fever, and hand-foot-mouth disease 1 一號免疫方ㄇ
* 症狀同時發生或較嚴重時+大黃ㄉ(X3)
No.1 Miangyitang
* If the above symptoms occur at the same time or the symptoms
are serious, further use rheum + Dahuang(X3)
◎T 皮膚病、蕁麻疹 Skin disease, and urticaria 1蕁麻疹 Urticaria 1-1 遇熱則癢:一號免疫方ㄇ+大黃ㄉ(X3) * 視症狀加:消炎去瘀方ㄒ Itch when feeling hot: No.1 Miangyitang + Dahuang (X3) * The following prescription can be added according to the symptoms: + Xiaoyanquyutang 1-2 遇寒則癢:麻黃湯ㄇ+大黃ㄉ+附子ㄈ Itch when feeling cold: Mahuangtang + Dahuang + Fuzi 2皮膚病皮膚起疹子 Skin disease with measles 2-1皮膚起疹子:一號免疫方ㄇ Measles: No.1 Miangyitang 2-2忽冷忽熱,有時癢有時不癢:一號外感方ㄨ+麻黃ㄇ+杏仁ㄒ Sometimes hot and sometimes cold, and discontinuous itching: No.1 Waiganfang + Mahuang + Xingren
3亦可用:蜂房ㄈ(X5)+蟬蛻ㄔ(X2) The following prescription can also be used: Fengfang (X5) + Chantui (X2)
◎U 出血 Hemorrhage 1受傷出血量多:獨蔘湯ㄉ Massive hemorrhage in wound: Duhentang 2血崩:2-1獨蔘湯ㄉ Profuse metrorrhagia: 2-1 Duhentang 2-2崩漏方ㄅ 2-2 Bengloutang 3眼睛出血、流鼻血、胃出血、崩漏、吐血等症:三黃湯ㄙ Symptoms such as eye hemorrhage, nose hemorrhage, stomach hemorrhage, metrostaxis, and hematemesis: Sanhuangtang
Chest tightness with difficult phlegm discharge 1瓜蔞餅ㄍ(X2)+半夏ㄅ(X2)+黃連ㄏ(X2) Gualoubing (X2) + Banxia (X2) + Huanglian (X2)
◎W 痛風、飲食內容不正常所造成之腫痛身脹 Swelling and pain resulted from gout or abnormal diet 1 痛風方ㄊ
◎X 血栓致身體肌肉疼痛 Muscle pain resulted from thrombus 1血栓方ㄒ
◎Y 頭痛、身痛、骨節疼痛 Headache, body pain, and joint pain 1麻黃湯ㄇ
◎Z 妥瑞氏症 Tourette syndrome 1妥瑞氏方ㄊ
Tourette prescription
◎AA 化療中 During chemotherapy 1化療方ㄏ
2吃不下,一吃就吐:化療方ㄏ Unable to eat, and vomits everything eaten: Hualiaotang
◎AB 睡眠障礙、失眠 Sleep disorder and insomnia 1睡眠障礙、容易便秘、煩躁:三黃湯ㄙ Sleep disorder, easy constipation, and irritation: Sanhuangtang 2失眠:補火湯ㄅ Insomnia: Buhuotang
◎AC 項背僵硬、目痛、鼻乾、不眠、惡熱 Neck and back stiffness, eye ache, dry nasal cavity, insomnia, and aversion to heat 1葛根湯ㄍ
◎AD 胸悶、心臟無力 Chest tightness and weak heart 1強心方ㄑ+吳茱萸ㄨ
Qiangxintang + Wuzhuyu
◎AE 心悸 Palpitation 1心悸方ㄒ
◎AF 二尖瓣脫垂、胸悶 Mitral valve prolapse and chest tightness 1強心方ㄑ+吳茱萸ㄨ+人參ㄖ
Qiangxintang + Wuzhuyu + Renshen
◎AG 咳血 Hemoptysis 1喜冷飲:大黃ㄉ+黃連ㄏ Preference for cold drink: Dahuang + Huanglian 2喜熱飲:肺萎方ㄈ Preference for hot drink: Feiweitang
◎AH 氣喘 Asthma 1咳嗽氣喘痰聲重,痰黃易咳出:葶藶大棗瀉肺湯ㄊ+麻杏石甘湯ㄇ Heavy sound of coughing asthma with phlegm, yellow phlegm is easily discharged: Tinglidazaoxiefeitang + Maxingshigantang 2胸悶、喘咳、喜熱飲:虛喘方ㄒ Chest tightness, wheezing cough, and preference for hot drink: Xuchuantang 3腹瀉合併氣喘:腹痛方ㄈ Diarrhea and asthma: Futongtang
◎AI 腹脹、急性腸炎、腸病毒、腹瀉、輪狀病毒、諾羅病毒
Abdominal distension, chordapsus, enterovirus, diarrhea, rotavirus, and norovirus 1腸炎腹脹,腹瀉味臭:腹痛方ㄈ * 如合併手口足症,用:一號免疫方ㄇ+大黃ㄉ Enteritis abdominal distension, diarrhea, and ozostomia: Futongtang * If the symptom is combined with hand-foot-mouth disease, use: No.1 Miangyitang + Dahuang 2便秘腹脹:一號便秘方ㄅ Constipation abdominal distension: No.1 Bianmifang 3食積腹脹:腹脹方ㄈ Dyspepsia abdominal distension: Fughangtang 4中暑腹脹:腹脹方ㄈ+清暑散ㄑ Sunstroke abdominal distension: Fughangtang + Qingshusan 5消化性潰瘍腹脹:潰瘍方ㄎ Abdominal distension resulted from peptic ulcer: Kuiyangtang 6胃食道逆流,胃酸過多腹脹:潰瘍方ㄎ Abdominal distension resulted from gastroesophageal reflux and hyperchlorhydria: Kuiyangtang 7肝炎腹脹:潰瘍方ㄎ Hepatitis abdominal distension: Kuiyangtang 8輪狀病毒,諾羅病毒 Rotavirus, norovirus 8-1微燒,38℃以下,腹脹,上吐下瀉:腹痛方ㄈ+木香ㄇ Slight fever, below 38°C, abdominal distension, vomiting, and diarrhea: Futongtang + Muxiang 8-2上吐下瀉後發生便秘加 大黃ㄉ Constipation after vomiting and diarrhea, add Dahuang 8-3 38℃以上,用:二號免疫方ㄇ If the fever is above 38°C, use: No.2 Miangyitang 9腸病毒 enterovirus 9-1發燒:一號免疫方ㄇ+大黃ㄉ(X3) Fever: No.1 Miangyitang + Dahuang(X3) 9-2嘴破:二號免疫方ㄇ+大黃ㄉ(X3) Canker sores: No.2 Miangyitang + Dahuang(X3) 9-3發燒嘴破:二號免疫方ㄇ+大黃ㄉ(X3) Fever and canker sores: No.2 Miangyitang + Dahuang(X3) 10 急性腸炎口不渴、倦怠、腹瀉便味正常:理中湯ㄌ Chordapsus, absence of thirst, tiredness, diarrhea, and normal excrement smell: Lizhongtang 11 腹瀉合併氣喘:腹痛方ㄈ Diarrhea and asthma: Futongtang 12 膽囊發炎,膽結石,膽瘜肉,胰臟發炎:潰瘍方ㄎ Cholecystitis, gallstones, Gallbladder polyps, pancreatitis: Kuiyangtang
◎AJ 便秘 Constipation 1便秘腹脹:一號便秘方ㄅ Constipation abdominal distension : No.1 Bianmifang 2便秘腹脹痛,口渴腹硬:二號便秘方ㄅ Constipation abdominal distension pain, thirst, and pneumoperitoneum: No.2 Bianmifang 3便秘腹不脹,小便數:三號便秘方ㄅ Constipation without abdominal distension, and frequent urination: No.3 Bianmifang 4便秘口渴飲不休,目酸倦怠:一號便秘方ㄅ+益胃湯ㄧ Constipation thirst, unable to drink water, but thirsty, sore eye, tireness: No.1 Bianmifang + Yiweitang 5便秘便不易出,倦怠,甚至大便軟:四號便秘方ㄅ Constipation, constipation, tiredness, soft excrement: No.4 Bianmifang 6大便硬,上不出,口乾舌燥,人煩躁:二號便秘方ㄅ Hard excrement, hard discharge, thirsty, and irritation: No.2 Bianmifang 7大便硬,上不出,口乾舌燥 (喝水不能止渴),人煩躁疲倦,眼睛酸澀: Hard excrement, hard discharge, thirsty (which cannot be solved by drinking water), irritation and easy fatigue, and sore eye: 二號便秘方ㄅ+益胃湯ㄧ No.2 Bianmifang + Yiweitang
◎ AK 肝炎 Hepatitis 1C 型肝炎 (倦怠,身體發黃,可能便秘) :強心方ㄑ+大黃ㄉ+茵陳一+梔子ㄓ Hepatitis C (tiredness, yellow body, and possible constipation): Qiangxintang + Dahuang + Yinchen + Zhizi 2B 型肝炎,GOT,GPT 異常,肚子脹氣,便秘,胃酸:潰瘍方ㄎ Hepatitis B, GOT, abnormal GPT, abdominal distension,constipation, acid stomach: Kuiyangtang
◎AL 因體機能下降腹瀉、倦怠、流口水、食欲不振 Diarrhea, tiredness, drooling, and anorexia resulted from decreased body function 1理中湯ㄌ
◎AM 尿道炎、淋病、小便刺痛灼熱、膀胱炎
Urethritis, gonorrhea, tingling and burning urination, and cystitis 1尿道炎方ㄋ
◎AN 膀胱無力、攝護腺腫大 Weak bladder and swelling prostate 1強心方ㄑ+車前子ㄔ+川牛膝ㄔ Qiangxintang + Cheqianzi + Chuanniuxi 2小便黃:強心方ㄑ+車前子ㄔ+川牛膝ㄔ+茵陳ㄧ Yellow urine: Qiangxintang + Cheqianzi + Chuanniuxi + Yinchen
◎AO 痔瘡 Hemorrhoid 1痔瘡方ㄓ
◎AP 抽筋 Muscle cramp 1 抽筋方ㄔ
◎AQ 腎結石 Renal calculus 1 排石方ㄆ
◎AR 月經、白帶 Menstruation and leucorrhea 1月經來偏頭痛:生理期頭痛方ㄕ Migraine during menstruation: Shengliqitoutongtang 2月經來腹痛:痛經方ㄊ Abdominal pain during menstruation: Tongjingtang 3月經淋瀝不止:崩漏方ㄅ Unstoppable stranguria during menstruation: Bengloutang 4頭暈,白帶多,胸悶,耳鳴:眩暈方ㄒ+小茴香ㄒ Giddiness, high leucorrhea, chest tightness, tinnitus: Xuanyuntang + Xiaohuixiang 5頭暈,白帶多,胸悶,耳鳴,腰痛:眩暈方ㄒ+小茴香ㄒ+細辛ㄒ Giddiness, high leucorrhea, chest tightness, tinnitus, lumbago: Xuanyuntang + Xiao huixiang + Xixin 6白帶多,頻尿:眩暈方ㄒ High leucorrhea and pollakiuria: Xuanyuntang 7白帶色黃綠,鼠蹊癢:三妙散ㄙ High and yellow-green leucorrhea, and itchy groin: Sanmiaosan 8白帶色黃綠兼有腹瀉:白頭翁湯ㄅ Yellow-green leucorrhea with diarrhea: Baitouwengtang
9白帶色白或黃:完帶湯ㄨ White or yellow leucorrhea: Wandaitang
◎AS 頭暈倦怠欲吐、孕吐 Giddiness, tiredness, vomiting, and vomiting during pregnancy 1人蔘乾薑半夏湯ㄖ
◎AT 乳腺炎 Mastitis 1乳腺炎方ㄖ
◎AU 安胎 Tocolysis 1安胎飲ㄢ
2孕婦便秘:安胎飲ㄢ+大黃ㄉ(X4) Constipation of pregnant woman: Antaiyin + Dahuang (X4) 3孕婦便秘 (口乾舌燥眼睛酸澀疲倦):益胃湯ㄧ+一號便秘方ㄅ Constipation of pregnant woman (thirsty, sore eye, and fatigue): Yiweitang + No.1 Bianmifang 4孕婦便如羊屎狀,腹硬脹:益胃湯ㄧ+二號便秘方ㄅ Hard and round shape stool of pregnant woman, and abdominal distension: Yiweitang + No.2 Bianmifang
◎AV 更年期症候群 Climacteric syndrome 1潮熱盜汗:麻杏薏甘湯ㄇ Hot flashes and night sweats: Maxingyigantang 2潮熱盜汗,不易入睡:停經方ㄊ Hot flashes, night sweats, and difficulty sleeping: Tingjingtang
◎AW 便秘體質、高血壓 Constipation physique and high blood pressure 1三化湯ㄙ
◎AX 中風 Stroke 1腦梗塞:三化湯ㄙ
* 出血型當下不能用,事後有高血壓才能用。
Cerebral infarction: Sanhuatang * This prescription cannot be used for the bleeding type, and can only be used for high blood pressure after the event.
◎AY 三酸甘油酯、膽固醇過高 Triglyceride and high cholesterol 1降脂方ㄐ
◎AZ 盲腸炎 Typhitis 1腸癰方ㄔ
◎BA 顳頷關節炎、肚膌流水、開刀加速傷口癒合 Temporo-mandibular arthritis, belly watering, and cut to accelerate wound healing 1二號便秘方ㄅ
No.2 Bianmifang
◎ BB 憂鬱症 Hypochondria 1強心方ㄑ+大黃ㄉ+半夏ㄅ Qiángxīntang + Dahuang + Banxia 2煩躁失眠:補火湯ㄅ Irritation and insomnia: Buhuotang
◎ BC 末梢迴圈障礙、手腳冰冷 Peripheral circulation disorders, and cold hands and feet 1強心方ㄑ+桂枝ㄍ+細辛ㄒ
Qiangxintang + Guizhi + Xixin
◎ BD 凍瘡 Chilblain 1一號外感方ㄨ+當歸ㄉ+木通ㄇ+細辛ㄒ No.1Waiganfang + Danggui + Mutong + Xixin
◎ BE 身體機能不平衡 Unbalanced physical function 1氣虛:氣虛方ㄑ 2血虛:血虛方ㄒ
Deficiency of vital energy: Qixutang Blood deficiency: Xuexutang
Slow metabolism: Xinchendaixietang
◎ BF 水肥型肥胖 Edema adiposity 1理中湯ㄌ+砂仁ㄕ+半夏ㄅ+茯苓ㄈ Lizhongtang + Sharen + Banxia + Fuling * 臨床上體重不一定減輕, 但體型會比較勻稱, 不會那麼水肥.
* The clinical weight is not necessary to be reduced; however, the body shape should be more even and not seem to have edema
◎ BG 糖尿病 Diabetes 1桂耆湯ㄍ Guiqitang 2四逆益覆湯ㄙ Siniyifutang * 不分類型,二者擇一,不可混用 Above select one,you can not mix them up. 3糖尿病發熱汗出口渴:白虎湯ㄅ+山藥ㄕ+黃柏ㄏ Diabetes, fever, sweating, and thirsty: Baihutang + Shanyao + Huangbo
◎BH 去重金屬 Heavy metal detoxification 1解毒方ㄐ Jiedutang
◎BI 肋間神經痛 Intercostal neuralgia 1小柴胡湯ㄒ Xiaochai hutang * 默默不欲飲食,心煩,喜嘔,口苦,咽幹,有症狀之一皆可用. * This prescription is suitable for one of the following symptoms: loss of appetite, vomiting, bitterness in the mouth, and dry throat.
◎BJ 化療後白血球下降、嘔吐 Leukopenia and vomiting after chemotherapy 1乾薑黃連芩人參湯ㄍ
◎BK 肩背酸痛 Shoulder and back pain 1有感冒:一號外感方ㄨ+延胡ㄧ With cold: No.1 Waiganfang + Yanhu 2沒感冒:肩背酸痛方ㄐ Without cold: Jianbeisuantongtang 3肩背酸痛,頭痛,目痛,鼻幹:葛根湯ㄍ+延胡ㄧ Shoulder and back pain, headache, eye ache, and dry nasal cavity: Gegentang + Yanhu 4肩關節痛: 理中湯ㄌ+香附ㄒ+桂枝ㄍ+延胡ㄧ Shoulderjoint pain: Lizhongtang + Xiangfu + Guizhi + Yanhu
◎BL 手麻 (因頸椎骨刺導致肩背酸痛和手麻) Hand numbness (shoulder and back pain and hand numbness resulted from cervical spondylosis) 1強心方ㄑ+木瓜ㄇ+延胡ㄧ 2蠲痹方ㄐ
Qiangxintang + Mugua + Yanhu
Juan biting
◎BM 腰痛 Lumbago 1腰痛方ㄧ
2腰痛,大轉子痛:腰痛方ㄧ+枳實ㄓ Lumbago and greater trochanter: Yaotongtang + Zhishi
◎BN 跌打損傷紅腫熱痛 Traumatic injury inflammation and pain 1消炎去瘀方ㄒ
◎BO 膝關節痛 Knee-joint pain 1一號補骨方ㄅ
No.1 Bugutang
2膝關節痛伴腰酸:二號補骨方ㄅ 或 腰痛方ㄧ Knee-joint pain and sore waist: No.2 Bugutang or Yaotongtang 3膝關節痛伴腳痛或麻:小青龍方ㄒ Knee-joint pain and foot pain or numbness: Xiaoqinglongtang
◎BP 踝關節痛 Ankle pain 1抽筋方ㄔ
◎BQ 足跟痛 Talalgia 1一號外感方ㄨ+延胡ㄧ
No.1 Waiganfang + Yanhu
◎BR 肘關節痛 Anconitis 1肘痛方ㄓ
◎BS 手腕痛、手指痛 Wrist pain and finger pain 1一號外感方ㄨ+川烏ㄔ+蜂蜜ㄈ
No.1 Waiganfang + Chuanwu + Fengmi
《名醫驗方》 《Famous Doctor Approved Prescriptions》 ◎風熱飲ㄈ Fengreyin 風熱型感冒初期 (咽喉痛,咳嗽咽癢,頭痛,鼻塞,流鼻水,發熱) At the beginning of a wind-heat cold (anginosis, cough, itchy throat, headache, nasal obstruction, nasal mucus, and fever) 咳嗽,黃痰,急性鼻竇炎 (鼻塞,黃涕) Cough, yellow phlegm, and acute sinusitis (nasal obstruction and yellow mucus)
多用於婦科:子宮肌瘤及子宮內膜異位 (巧克力囊腫療效佳) 引起的經痛,盆腔發炎及流血過 度引起的腹痛,氣滯血瘀引起的上背痛,不論男女皆可. Mainly applied to gynecology: Dysmenorrhea resulted from hysteromyoma and endometriosis (well worked for chocolate cyst), abdominal pain resulted from pelvic inflammation and excessive hemorrhage, and upper back pain resulted from stagnation of qi and blood stasis, regardless of male or female.