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「芳第」精緻茶の領導品牌 High Tea - A Leading Exquisite Tea Brand

品牌故事 Brand Story

High Tea 芳第品牌迄今進入第 26 個年頭,芳第 - 意取台灣話的 諧音「奉茶」,秉持自然、健康、時尚的理念與對茶的熱忱,以世 界茶結合新時尚風潮,讓茶有別以往的嶄新詮釋,解讀芳第帶來前 所未有的全新概念,凸顯「芳香第一,輕鬆洋溢」的核心價值,創 造獨一無二的優質茶品。 芳第於 2016 年突破舊有思維,將 logo 化繁為簡呈現 H 圖像感, 著眼在 High Quality、Healthy、Happiness 之品牌精神,刻劃 出令人耳目一新的企業形象;以金黃色茶葉隨著魚尾的律動延伸意 象,意謂著芳第企業版圖已觸及全球各地,打造 High Tea 芳第品 牌國際競爭力,更成功將品牌行銷至國際市場。 Our brand High Tea, whose name originated from the Taiwanese word for “serving tea,” is stepping into its 26th year. Upholding our ideals for natural, healthy, and trendy for tea, we aim to merge Eastern culture with global teas. We hope to give a brand new interpretation to tea that will allow consumers to experience an entirely new concept of tea drinking, thereby enhancing its core value — “Unparalleled fragrance that emanates with ease.” In 2016, having broken free from old ways of thinking, High Tea simplified their logo into the form of the letter “H”. This act stresses our dedication to high quality, health, and happiness and refreshes our brand image. The imagery of the golden tea leaf swaying with the fish tail symbolizes the expansion of the company’s domain. High Tea has become a competitive international brand that is now shining on the global market.

芳第形象概念店 High Tea Show Room

芳第品牌形象概念店以天然原創精神、堅持卓越的品質穩定度和超 凡的風格品味,為生活帶來茶的獨特舒適享受,更透過國際認證的 食品安全規格下,為芳第品牌在國際市場上能獨佔鰲頭。

引領世界的茶飲基地,以店中店的複合式概念結合最新萃茶技術, 質感又充滿活力的氛圍,讓來訪的客戶流連忘返。我們提供穩定的 品質及完善的服務給海外的顧客,以全套教學及研發為核心,透過 此新營運模式提升通路價值,強力徵求更多對世界茶文化無比熱情 的朋友,在喝出健康與品味時,也讓芳第的茶香飄向全球。 The headquarters for our leading tea beverage brand was designed to have a store within a store. Our newly developed tea extracting techniques are showcased in a elegant and lively environment that will make visitors wish to linger. We consistently provide high quality products and holistic service to international clients. We focus on providing a complete education for our clients as well as innovative research and development. Our new operational model has greatly enhanced our market values and we now seek more partners who share our passion for global tea culture. It is our hope that, as we savor our tea and enjoy its health benefits, we may also propagate High Tea to the world.

世界特色茶 Feature Tea Of The World

好茶好時光 Great Tea With Happiness Time 細心觀察,發掘世界每個視角不同的變化。 用心品味,細捻生活裡的苦澀、甘美。 放心感受,珍藏每一刻然後回應一抹微笑。 與 High Tea 一起,體驗隨處可見的小小感動。 以享用下午茶的心情,品味生活中的美好時光。 Careful observation, to explore different variations of each view. Intentions taste, feeling life bitter and sweet. Feel at ease , and then respond a smile to every moment. Together with High Tea, experienced everywhere little moved. Enjoy afternoon tea, the taste of life in the good days.

●產地茶系列 Origin Tea

覆香冬片 - Winter oolong tea 鹿谷貴妃烏龍 - Dong-ding oolong tea 阿里山高山金萱茶 - Alishan jin xuan tea 蜜香紅茶 - Honey black tea 日月潭紅茶 - Sun moon lake ruby tea 南投四季春 - Four seasons spring tea of Nantou 蜜香紅烏龍 - Honey red oolong tea 深焙鐵觀音 - Roast tie guanyin 高山金萱紅茶 - High mountain jin xuan tea 翠玉茶 - Taiwan jadiete tea 香包種茶 - Taiwan pouchong tea

●紅茶系列 Black Tea

格雷伯爵茶 - Earl grey tea 玫瑰蘭花紅茶 - Rose & orchid black tea 太妃糖紅茶 - Toffee black tea 高山大吉嶺紅茶 - High mountain darjeeling black tea 草莓巧克力紅茶 - Strawber y chocollate black tea 紅石榴草莓紅茶 - Pomegranate & strawberr y black tea 經典錫蘭茶 - Classic ceylon black tea 熱帶天堂紅茶 - Tropical paradise black tea

●綠茶系列 Green Tea

紅石榴綠茶 - Pomegranate green tea 荔枝桂花鮮綠茶 - Litchi & osmanthus green tea 蘭花綠茶 - Orchid green tea 洋甘菊柚香綠茶 - Chamomile & citron green tea 韃靼蕎麥翠綠茶 - Buckwheat green tea 蘋果洋甘菊綠茶 - Apple & chamomile sencha tea 淨美什穀茶 - Cereals pretty tea 春賞綠茶 - Spring green tea 頂級白毫綠茶 - Super pekoe green teaa 日式烤茶葉 - Roast sencha tea 日式玄米煎茶 - Genmai green tea

●烏龍茶系列 Oolong Tea

百香芒果烏龍茶 - Passionfruit & mango oolong tea 荔枝烏龍茶 - Litchi oolong tea 熱帶水果紅烏龍 - Tropical fruits red oolong tea 櫻花包種青茶 - Sakura pouchong tea 黃金蕎麥烏龍 - Golden buckwheat oolong tea 玫瑰鐵觀音茶 - Rose tie-guanyin tea 甘菊黑美人 - Chamomile oolong tea 桂花烏龍茶 - Osmanthus oolong tea

●花果茶系列 Herbal Tea

康福茶 - Comfort tea 山楂洛神玫瑰 - Hawthorn, rose & roselle tea 桂花佛手柑 - Osmanthus foshou-gan tea 玫瑰甘菊 - Rose & chamomile herbal tea 覆盆子萊姆 - Raspberr y & lime fruit tea 藍莓果子 - Blueberr y fruit tea 柑橘魔力 - Citrus magic fruit tea

●南非茶 / 南美茶系列 Rooibos Tea, Mate Tea 紅石榴南非國寶茶 - Pomegranate rooibos tea 焦糖蘋果國寶茶 - Caramel apple rooibos tea 黃金穀物國寶茶 - Buckwheat rooibos tea 太妃馬黛茶 - Toffee mate tea 香橙馬黛茶 - Citrus mate tea

( 全品項皆有茶葉與三角立體茶包可供選擇 )

莊園茶 Tea Estate 芳第多年來致力於引進世界各大知名產區的茶款,出乎始終如一對於 完美茶品的追求與堅持,全新莊園茶系列商品,嚴選自台灣阿里山、 斯里蘭卡、尼泊爾 三大知名茶區,為了尊重自然及維持生態的平衡, 而採用無農藥及化學肥料栽種的茶。此產地茶葉以高海拔、自然栽培、 契作模式、烘培方式等處理程序不同,而使茶葉展現出屬於自己的獨 特風味,更因氣候不同而影響其風味與品質,茶葉包含的營養成分較 為充足,無刺激感,使喝茶的人能喝的安心和健康。 High Tea have dedicated to develop exquisite tea from all over the world these years. The new series of TEA ESTATE, selected from Taiwan, Sri Lanka, Nepal, three well-known tea area. In order to respect the natural balance, no pesticides and chemical, all are origin from high altitude and natural cultivation. Because of their own unique flavor, people who drink tea peace of mind and health.

●台灣。高山金萱茶 Taiwan, Alishan Jinxuan Oolong Tea

●斯里蘭卡。有機紅茶 Sri Lanka, Organic Black Tea

種植於阿里山 1300~1400M 瑞峰茶區,日夜溫差大,葉片本身富含 鮮活滋味,獨特的花香與金萱特有的奶香淡淡交織在一起,滋味清純 滑潤甘醇,風味獨特,耐人尋味。最受女性及年輕族群消費者喜愛的 台灣高山茶,又稱台茶十二號。 Cultivating at sea level between 1300 ~ 1400m of Alisan mountain. With unique scent of flower & natural milk aroma and smooth taste. It is one of mountain tea that is so popular to female, also known as TTES no. 12.

來自斯里蘭卡中央山脈西側頂普拉產區 Horton Plains( 哈頓 ) 高原, 海拔 1000~1900m,日夜溫差大造就了兼具香氣及滋味的高品質紅 茶。茶葉外觀黑褐明亮,茶湯水色呈紅橙色,明顯的花香與蜜糖香氣 為錫蘭紅茶之經典。厚重的滋味極優雅芳醇,單飲享用紅茶的純粹香 氣或搭配牛奶製成柔潤口感都相當適合。 Picked from Horton Plains, Sri Lanka, at 1000 ~ 1900m above sea level. Temperature fluctuates greatly from day to night, hence, producing a high quality of black tea. Tea appearance is dark brown and tea color is red orange with scent of flower.

●尼泊爾。高山莊園紅茶 Nepal, High Mountain Garden Tea

●斯里蘭卡。有機綠茶 Sri Lanka, Organic Green Tea

座落於高度 1500 公尺尼泊爾東部的伊拉姆茶區,全自然農法栽種, SFTGFOP-1 等級紅茶,茶湯呈鮮明紅透亮的色澤,先感受到花香氣 息,爾後品味麝香葡萄果香,香氣在口中層次性綻放,茶感圓潤飽和 甘甜,茶體扎實而充滿個性,擁有高海拔茶款特有的爽勁之氣,那濃 厚豐碩的芬芳更是令人深深著迷!再製大吉嶺茶歷史一頁的極品紅 茶。 Cultivating with natural farming at a height of 1500m in Ilam, Nepal with proven SFTGFOP 1 grade. Tea color is bright red with fragrance of flower and taste is sweet & fresh.

來自斯里蘭卡中央山脈西側頂普拉產區 Horton Plains( 哈頓 ) 高原, 海拔 1000~1900m,為避免茶葉開始發酵,以最短時間運送至工廠 加工生產。採用日式蒸氣殺菁的工序,利用蒸氣高溫讓茶葉停止發 酵,能夠保留剛採摘下來茶葉本身清新的氣味,使口感更加柔順。聞 起來有淡雅的蔗香及茶香,尾韻醇厚甘甜。 Picked from Horton Plains, Sri Lanka, 1000 ~ 1900m above sea level. Using steam fixation to preventing tea from being fermented, this will preserve tea original aroma and it will taste more smooth and sweet.

4g x 6 入 ( 充氮防潮三角茶包 )

2.5g x 8 入 ( 充氮防潮三角茶包 )

2g x 8 入 ( 充氮防潮三角茶包 )

2.5g x 8 入 ( 充氮防潮三角茶包 )

自然悠活 Natural Life 芳第將自然新鮮的健康茶品, 集結熱銷口味製成手提式禮盒, 獨立沖氮氣保鮮包裝,平價的時尚。 High Tea select famous flavors, such as peach oolong tea, buckwheat green tea, comforting tea to become the tea gift. At reasonable prices and with a sincere heart we share natural, healthy, and fashionable teas with you.

●檸檬草康福茶 Lemongrass Comforting Tea

●橙花甘菊 Neroli & Chamomile Herbal Tea 2g x 20 包入

怡欣養顏的橙花與令人沉靜的洋甘菊, 集合玫瑰花、薰衣草、檸檬草等花草元 素,微帶薄荷清涼的氣息,相互調配出 更豐富且細膩的層次,讓人放鬆的複方 花草茶,為歐洲皇家貴族的最愛。 The perfect combination of Neroli and Chamomile makes Neroli & Camomile Herbal Tea a favorite of European royal families. It has a soft and smooth taste that soothes the senses.

●白毫茉莉綠茶 Jasmine Pekoe Green Tea 2.5g x 20 包入

2g x 20 包入

精選沁涼的薄荷及清新的檸檬草,散發 柔和且溫暖舒適感,純天然香氣,加上 甘草圓潤的口感,無添加人工香料,零 咖啡因、低熱量,不必擔心影響睡眠, 幫助舒緩身心芬芳口氣,給你前所未有 的香氛體驗。 Refreshingly ar omatic lemongrass comes up at your first sip as it has combined both flavors of light cooling mints and sweet taste. This will excite your tastebuds and cannot help yourself drinking again and again.

●黃金蕎麥綠茶 Buckwheat Green Tea 4g x 20 包入

輕火淺焙的黃金蕎麥結合帶有花香的台 灣綠茶,台灣綠茶使用炒青作法,使茶 葉香氣有別於日式煎茶,多出一股焙火 香氣,入口即感受到蕎麥的極致淡雅, 令人驚嘆的香氣從喉間與鼻間竄出,多 層次口感別有一番日式風味。 A f u l l of f i n e s c e n t of g o l d e n b u c k w h e a t . W h e n pa i re d w i t h Taiwanese green tea, using the process of pan-firing, it will increase the roasting scent. In addition, the tea leaf itself differs from Japanese Sencha and has light flowery scent, which makes buckwheat taste a lot more smooth.

●白桃烏龍茶 Peach Oolong Tea 4g x 20 包入

當白桃果肉的清甜多汁與台灣高山烏龍 茶相遇在一起,入喉後回韻回甘,淺淺 的淡雅白桃甜味突顯出烏龍茶的清新香 氣,在美好季節帶來輕盈浪漫感受,白 桃烏龍的極佳表現,是值得你和至親摯 友同享的幸福首選。 This simple and pleasant peachflavored oolong tea is a combination of the most popular Japanese peach preferred by women and the Taiwan High Mountain oolong tea. Drinking this beverage helps lighten one's mood.

選用特級白毫綠茶再鋪上茉莉花乾,透 過四次薰製的工序,茶葉吸飽了茉莉花 的清香散發出最天然的香氣,將花本身 的溫和與柔順的特質展現出來,茶湯醇 厚、尾韻香氣上揚。 Choose fine jasmine pekoe green tea with jasmine flower for scenting process. Four times of scenting process, making tea leaf filled with jasmine flower aroma. Having gentle and soft as its characteristic, tea has a mellow and long aftertaste.

●晨露翠玉茶 Taiwan Oolong Tea 3.5g x 20 包入

選自台灣南投的翠玉烏龍茶,交付經驗 豐富的製茶師與焙茶師攜手琢磨,無須 奇花異卉薰香烘托,自然散發層次豐盈 的花香,感受大自然的田園風情,後韻 甘醇持久且不易苦澀。 picked from Nantou, Taiwan, has a natural fragrance of a flower. Through great experienced of tea making process by tea masters, tea has a mellow and long finish taste.

●十草六穀茶 Multi-Grain Herbal Tea 8g x 16 包入

顛覆日本十六茶的傳統思維,使用豐富 的十種草本植物及六種穀物做搭配,不 含咖啡因無單寧酸,融合各種層次的香 氣,富含多種營養素,可以使排便順 暢,幫助調整體質,促進新陳代謝,生 津止渴,降火氣,潤喉,讓您感受不同 凡響的滋味。通過 SGS 398 項農藥殘 留最嚴格的檢測,讓您輕鬆盡情享受樂 活無負擔。 Overturn Japanese Jūrokucha (16 te a s ) t r a d i t i o n a l t h i n k i n g , u s e generous 10 herbs and 6 cereals, decaffeinated and tannins free, blend various aroma, contains multiple nutrients, cause smooth defecation, help physique adjustment, advance metabolism, promote the secretion of saliva and quench the thirsty, help get rid of the heat from the body, moisten throat, it makes you feel extraordinary flavor.


秘境的華麗冒險 Gorgeous adventure in secret realm 撼動視覺及味覺的茶中精品 茶美學的進化論 開啟時尚收藏新趨勢 源於生活經驗的想像,用茶葉與繽紛元素為趣味加分, 引領大家進入味蕾的殿堂,在創意的舞動間,推開了通 往童話國度的大門,透過歡愉的品茶過程,拼湊出對美 好生活的記憶版圖。

Tea evolution of visual and taste. Open a new trend in tea boutique. You can make tea more lively with your own imagination from your past daily experience. Through the processes of joyful tea sipping, it can recall your wonderful past life memories.

●感官味覺的遊樂園 -《蘋果樂園》 Apple Theme Park 4g X 15 包入

矗立在廣場的巨大摩天輪,旋轉著 輕快樂聲的木馬,一旁傳來管風琴 的悠揚,帶你進入夢幻般的童話世 界。像一座感官味覺的遊樂園,迷 人不膩的果香搭配焦糖的氣味,感 受令人怦然心動的美味感動。 A giant Ferris Wheel stands tall and upright on the square with beautiful melodies that played by pipe organs as if you were in the dreams of fairy tale world. This is because when a fascinating and fruity scent is paired with caramel, you will be touched by such an unforgettable taste just like you were enjoying the amusement facilities at a theme park.

●擁抱島嶼的奔放熱情 -《熱帶天堂》 Tropical Paradise 4.5g X 15 包入

來到一望無際的黃金海岸,徜徉在 沙灘的慵懶愜意,隨著衝浪板迎面 而來的是熱帶天堂專屬果香,穿上 性感的比基尼,輕輕擁抱這片海 洋,盡情悠遊在陽光的親吻下,享 受無拘束的繽紛色彩。 You can imagine yourself as if you were in a vast gold coast that extends as far as the eye can see. While strolling around the beach, you will smell the particular fruity scent at this tropical paradise. Putting a sexy bikini on and enjoying yourself under the sunshine as if you totally release yourself from the daily stress.

●農夫與土地 -《豐收》 Plentiful Harvest

●奇異思想瞬間迸發 -《夢遊仙境》 Wonderland

透著煦光的一大片黃金田,走近 一看盡是結實纍纍的韃靼蕎麥, 嚐得見農夫與土地相互之間的濃 情蜜意,體驗隨處可見的小小感 動,不自覺的揚起幸福的微笑, 用心品味細捻生活裡的甘美。 A shiny golden filed with a full of buckwheat attracts your a t te n t i o n w h e n yo u c l o s e by. Once you taste it, you will feel hear twarming and unintentionally raise up your mouth and keep smiling as the taste will make you think of how beautiful and sweet the life is.

沉浸在這充滿愛及粉紅小花的天地 中,瞬間迸發出繽紛閃耀光芒,構 築出近乎夢遊世界裡的奇幻場景, 如夢般的生活體驗,等待著每個人 細心品嘗,為生活帶來無限喜悅。 A superior Darjeeling tea not only shows the nobility, but when it comes along with honey aroma, you get yourself immersed in this wonderland as well as you can enjoy such a fabulous and incomparable taste with full of love and pink flowers.

4g X 15 包入

3.5g X 15 包入

●純淨自然的夏夜魅力 -《螢火蟲》 Firefly 4g X 15 包入

●舞伶飛翔的夢想 -《浪漫芭蕾》 Romantic Ballet 4g X 15 包入

乘著月光穿過桂花林步道,捕捉螢 火蟲的可愛閃光,純淨自然的夏夜 魅力,如風般自由地演奏,再搭配 路易博士的編曲,吹奏出最具異國 風味的香氛,繽紛星光中享受最大 樂趣。 The moonlight passed through p a t h w a y o f s w e e t- s c e n t e d o s m a n t h u s wo o d s , c a tc h i n g fireflies and admiring the adorable lighting is the charms of n a t u re i n s u m m e r. W h e n osmanthus is mixed with rooibos tea, you will immerse yourself in an exotic atmosphere once you taste it.

舞伶雍容優雅的緩緩出場,豐富舞 蹈的技巧和表現力,足尖舞出嚮往 飛翔的夢想,指揮拉蔓花彩繪成的 五線譜,各式音符的特色同時發聲, 酸與甜相互交融的浪漫芭蕾,讓幸 福的香氣無限蔓延開來。 Marigold flower, rose flowers, oolong tea, apples, and nerolis are as if the musical notes that jumped on the staff on a musical textbook . When each of these flowers and fruits are used together, an excellent and charming music will get started.

●古羅馬的典雅與雄偉 -《米蘭》 Milan

●忘不掉的青澀回憶 -《初戀》 First Love

哥德式建築強大的生命力,光線穿 透玻璃灑進大教堂,憶起古羅馬的 典雅與雄偉,融合現今米蘭的時尚 與浪漫,伯爵茶宛若舞台上最耀眼 的巨星,綻放柑橘清淨優雅的香 味。 G o t h i c a rc h i te c t u re h a s a n exuberant vitality. The Sun s h i n e s t h e c h u rc h t h ro u g h the glass, it reminds me of graceful and majestic ancient roman. With the combination of Milan’s latest fashion and romance, our earl grey tea is as if it was the shiniest and the most charming star at the stage and gave off an intoxicating scent of citrus.

第一次牽手的那份悸動,女孩充滿 著羞澀的回憶,仰望著湛藍的天 空,麥穗也跟著愉悅的舞動,迷迭 香清新迷人的風味,悄悄帶來甜蜜 的氣息,那種微妙的幸福感無可取 代。 When first time you strolled hand in hand with someone who you are in love with, these memories always brought many recollections to girl’s mind. When looking up at an azure and cr ystal clear sky, ear of wheat waved joyfully in the wind. A pure and fresh fragrance of Rosemary brings about the sweeting feeling. Such happiness is irreplaceable.

2.5g X 15 包入

3.2g X 15 包入

漢方茶 Chinese Herbal Tea 現代消費者日益講究飲食,垂青各種養生類茶品,採用純天然草本植物精心調配,品質嚴格控管,保有自然甘醇的滋味, 無添加人工香料及色素。促進新陳代謝、調整體質,維持紅潤的好氣色,開啟輕鬆養生新風貌。 The modern consumers begin to pay attention to diet, look to a variety of health class tea. From natural herbal plants, through strict quality control, to maintain the natural taste, no artificial flavorings and colorings. Promote metabolism, adjust the constitution to maintain good look and start with a healthy life style.

●人蔘黃耆茶 Ginseng & Astragali Radix Herbal Tea

●山楂洛神玫瑰 Hawthorn Rose & Roselle Tea

嚴選人蔘、黃耆;、枸杞、紅棗等多項草本精華,以專業的漢方養生 調配比例,長期飲用能調節生理機能,促進新陳代謝、增強體力。 With Carefully selected essential herbs such as ginseng, astragali radix, and jujube are mixed according to professional Eastern medicinal recipes. Long-term consumption of this tea will help to regulate physiological functions, and boost both metabolism and the immune system.

山楂酸香的口感,搭配玫瑰花與洛神的馨香,鮮嫩粉紅的茶湯,微調 點甜味,柔順清爽的口感,令人再三回味。 Hawthom has a sour taste and blend with rose, This tart and aromatic rose hip with rose and hibiscus tea is a delicate shade of pink. It is mildly sweet and has a smooth, fresh flavor that will leaving you yearning for more.

●牛蒡養生茶 Burdock Healthy Tea

●美顏紅棗茶 Jujube & Rose Tea

精選台灣牛蒡、黃耆與紅棗等元素調配而成,不涼不燥,含多種營 養素,滋補強身、有益健康、減少疲勞感。Using herbal essences such as Made with carefully selected Taiwanese burdock root, astragali radix, and jujube, this tea is mild and rich in a variety of nutrients that will nourish your body and help with fatigue.

粉嫩玫瑰茶湯佐清甜紅棗粒,薏仁富含潤澤養顏分子,保養由內而 外,給您口氣清香同時擁有透亮好膚質。 This delicate rosebud tea is paired with sweet jujube and job’s tears that contains nutrients that nourish the skin. It will keep you in good health and give you a healthy glow of the skin that emanates from within whilst leaving you with fresh,

4g x 10 包入

5g x 10 入

5g x 10 入

5gx10 包入

水果草本茶 Fruit Creations


Fruit Creations, Luxury Flavor 德國進口原料,經國際級專業配茶師精心調配,自然無 咖啡因,在閒逸安靜的午後,來杯濃郁果香的草本茶, 讓身心靈放鬆得到愉悅 ! After busy day……give yourself a cup of Fruit and Herbal Tea to unwind and relax. The magnificent fruity fragrance, beautiful color and great taste is also caffeine-free. And with no artificial colors of preservatives, it is a healthy alternative as well.

●蔓越莓蘋果 Cranberry & Apple Fruit Tea

●檸檬果萊姆 Lemon Twist Fruit Tea

最珍貴的蔓越莓結合鮮嫩多汁的蘋果肉,創 造清新獨特無法擋的雙重口感,調和出別有 韻致的果茶。 Valuable cranberry and juicy apple meat create unique, fresh, irresistible dual taste, a blending fruit tea made up with amazing natural charm .

淡黃色檸檬與淺綠色萊姆,東西方最完美的 結合,清香宜人的飲品,是您提升士氣及振 奮精神的最佳水果茶飲品。 Light yellow lemon and light green lime make the perfect combination of East and West in this tea. The pleasant fragrance of this tea makes it ideal to boost people’s minds and spirits.

2g X 20 包入

2g X 20 包入

●野柑橘桂香 Orange Spicer Fruit Tea

●水蜜桃天堂 Peach Paradise Fruit Tea

提振精神的橙香,搭配擁有獨特芬芳的肉 桂,清爽的口感給人最舒暢的享受,為您迎 接一天美好的開始。 Boost the spirit with the orange aroma and unique fragrance of cinnamon in this tea, with each refreshing sip a perfect welcome for any day.

甜美多汁的水蜜桃香,啜飲一口如同品嚐新 鮮水蜜桃果肉,讓身心靈完全沈浸甜美幸福 的水蜜桃天堂中。 Sweet juicy peach aroma makes every sip of this tea taste like a bite of fresh peach. The aroma and taste of this tea will definitely put a smile on your face.

2g X 20 包入

●覆盆子草莓 Raspberry & Strawberry Fruit Tea 2g X 20 包入

甘美多汁的覆盆子和草莓,盛出滿杯鮮嫩的 紅色莓子茶,極緻的甘甜誘惑您的味蕾,給 您紅潤好氣色! M e l l o w, j u i c y r a s p b e r r i e s a n d strawberries create a cup of fresh and sweet tea that is refreshing as well.

2g X 20 包入

●黑嘉栗玫果 Blackcurrant Fruit Tea 2g X 20 包入

嚴選稀有黑嘉栗玫果,甜美的果香瀰漫在空 氣中,酸中帶些許甜味的特殊口感,讓人想 一再品嚐。搭配黃檸檬片,更添華麗風味。 Crafted from meticulously selected rare blackcurrants, the special taste of sour and sweet in this tea will keep you asking for more. Add a slice of lemon to display a more resplendent color and enhance the flavor.

品味台灣 Taste Taiwan Tea


Explore The Beauty Of Formosa. 蘊藏在台灣山林裡的高山茶,茶農用辛苦的雙手, 自然栽培出每一顆健康茶樹,100% 原產手採一心 二葉,堅持在地好茶的信念,絕無混雜其他進口茶 葉,創造一段美好的茶之旅,細捻每一口茶湯裡的 甘醇韻味,品味茶飲的時尚美學,深邃悠揚足以飄 香界各角落。

●神采 -《有機 GABA 烏龍茶》 Organic GABA Oolong Tea 75g 散茶葉

來自奧萬大有機茶園,海拔約 1400 公尺, 選用金萱茶種,以無氧發酵的方法製作,含 有豐富的 GABA 胺基丁酸成分,果香中帶 木質香氣,濃郁的果酸口感,滋味甘醇清 新,不苦澀且不傷胃,長期飲用可調節生理 機能,放鬆身心,幫助入睡。

Taiwan high mountain tea is rich in Mountain forest, tea growers grow every single healthy tea bush wholeheartedly. Onetip two-leaf is 100 % picked artificially on their own . We strengthen our conviction on our local fine tea , and ensure that none of foreign tea leaves are mixed with our local tea leaves. With the best quality and impressive taste, our tea has already been spread over each corner of the world.

The organic Gaba oolong tea were selected from Aowanda, Nantou at the mountain level of 1400M. It contains the richest GABA amino acid element and taste the fantastic fruit flavor. It taste really refreshing and also help you to relax yourself and easy to fall asleep.

●雲賞 -《有機高山烏龍茶》 Organic High Mountain Oolong Tea 75g 散茶葉

產於南投信義鄉的有機茶園,海拔高度約 1200~1300 公尺,茶湯滋味濃郁,在溫和 高雅的花香下,入喉先有清新的口感,接隨 而來的是甘醇的後味,讓您不知不覺就愛上 高山茶。 Special select of Nantou country Xinyi township, altitude from 1200-1300 meter, Strong tea tasting and flower fragrance, first tasting fresh tea accompany sweet flavor that you fall in love with highmountain tea.

●嵐霧 -《梨山高山茶》 Lishan High Mountain Tea 75g 散茶葉

選用梨山翠巒茶區海拔高度 1500 公尺 以上茶園所摘採的最好茶葉所製成,由 於氣候與高度適宜,所產茶葉味清甘且 具獨特高山韻味,孕育出了梨山茶特有 的山頭香氣。淡雅的花香味,滋味甘潤 醇厚,風味極佳。 The use of Lishan High Mountain Tea leaves are picked in the area of Truiluan, where is more than 1500 Meters above sea level, the air in this area is not only fresh, but also water is especially sweet. The tea leaf itself is thick and solid. The taste is terrific, especially with the elegant fragrance of flowers.

●綺韻 -《有機紅玉紅茶》 Organic Sun Moon Lake Ruby Tea

●尊品 -《御賞人蔘茶王》 Ginseng oolong tea 75g 散茶葉

30g 散茶葉

以阿里山的金萱茶為基底,佐以加拿大粉光 蔘調製而成。金萱茶產於知名茶區阿里山隙 頂,位於海拔 1250 公尺左右,人蔘溫補的 特性,襯托出金萱茶的質純韻美,每一口茶 湯都蘊含著高山香氣及甘甜風味。

生長在日月潭有機茶區,由野生台灣紅茶 種與緬甸大葉茶樹配育而來,外觀條索型, 功夫紅茶精製而成。台灣最具代表性的日 月潭紅茶,帶著迷人的柑桔果香與淡淡薄 荷香,熱帶水果般濃郁口感,有別於一般 紅茶的苦澀。

The basis was from Alishan mountain J i n x u a n te a , b l e n d e d w i t h C a n a d a Ginseng. The origin of Jinxuan tea was founded, located on the level of 1250m. The tea was roasted by experienced tea experts who use their technique to make Jinxuan with slightly roast flavor and don’t forget that still have healthy content, Ginseng. Looking no further, let’s have it now!

Planting in Sun-Moon Lake organic tea area, mix wild Black tea tree and Myanmar tea tree. Taiwan typical sunmoon lake black tea has mountain tea flavor , tasting orange and lightly mint fragrance, tropical fruit rich tasting, very different than normal black tea’s bitter and astringent tasting.

●甘露 -《有機金萱綠茶》 Organic Jinxuan Green Tea 75g 散茶葉

種植在奧萬大有機茶園的高山金萱茶,海 拔約 1300 公尺,人工手摘一心二葉,輕 微發酵製作,茶葉外型如珠粒,完整表現 出茶的原味。入口卻能品嘗到淡淡的奶 香,就是金萱無法抗拒的獨特魅力。 The organic Jinxuan green tea were selected from Aowanda, Nantou at the mountain level of 1300. After taste, you could taste the sweetness from your tongue, during tasting, you will have slight milky flavor.

●山境 -《阿里山珠露茶》 Alisan Zhu-lu High Mountain Tea 75g 散茶葉

阿里山珠露茶產於知名阿里山石棹茶產 區,海拔 1200 至 1600 公尺,地利人和 的環境使得珠露茶茶味濃郁、甘醇、入 口回甘。茶湯帶高山香氣,在國內外都 具有相當優良的評價,堪稱全世界最好 喝的茶。 Zu-Lu Tea, known as Alisan high mountain tea, is grown in Shihjhuo area at an altitudes of 1300 Meters or above. The brewed tea possesses a b e a u t i f u l y e l l o w c o l o r, s u b t l e fragrance as well as rich and mellow after taste, which deserves its grade of premium high mountain tea.

健康首選 Taste Taiwan Tea 芳第時尚茶飲文化與當代生活態度結合,嚴選最新鮮、天然、 優質的好茶與元素,研發出最具代表性的健康茶品,冷熱泡皆 宜。 The series is really recommended. You can drink both hot and cold to keep healthy, beauty and as a energy drink. It’s very popular among our customers.

●黃金蕎麥茶 Golden Buckwheat Tea 6g * 20 包入

嚴選台灣韃靼種黃金蕎麥,一片黃金麥田覆蓋著大地,蘊化出溫暖的陽 光滋味。健康元氣茶飲,經過膨發的蕎麥,色澤明亮,純天然無其他添 加物,不含咖啡因,營養價值極高,可調節生理機能促進新陳代謝,具 代表性的健康茶品,喝一口就難忘其絕妙風味。 Carefully selected Taiwanese Tartar golden buckwheat comes from a golden field that is basked in the warmth of the sun. This healthy, invigorating tea drink consists of fermented buckwheat that gives the liquid a bright color. Additive free and caffeine free, this tea is extremely nutritious and helps regulate physiological functions and boosts metabolism. It is a landmark healthy tea whose exquisite flavor will not be easily forgotten.

有機南非茶 Organic Rooibos Tea

啜飲無咖啡因的健康 Sipping Health From Tea is Coffeine Free 每日晨曦開始,綻放出一朵朵鮮紅的色彩,在追求健康生活 的潮流下,國寶茶不只被喜愛或傳承而已,我們藉此將來自 南非人最愛喝的茶葉介紹給 大家認識,而國寶茶的細膩口 感與風味,透過自然健康元素的添加,為茶品的質感及獨特 性大大的加分。 Daily sunrise start, bursting out of a blossoming red color in the sky , in the pursuit of healthy living trend, rooibos tea not only loved by tea or inheritance only, we take from the South Africans tea to you know. By adding natural healthy ingredients for enhancing the value of tea.

●有機南非茶 Organic Rooibos Tea 4g X 12 包入

每日晨曦開始,綻放出一朵朵鮮紅的色 彩,在追求健康生活的潮流下,南非茶 完整呈現茶的原始甘醇與純淨,低單寧 酸且不含咖啡因,高營養價值、養顏美 容、促進新陳代謝,沖泡後呈高雅琥珀 色,幫助調節生理機能,睡前、空腹皆 可飲用。 As Rooibos Tea is with low tannic acid and caffeine free, it tastes mild and mellow. It also smells sweet and fresh. The tea is suitable for everyone to drink frequently before meal or sleep.

●蜜桃味有機國寶茶 Peach Organic Rooibos Tea 4g X12 包入

甜美清新的蜜桃香氣調配有機南非茶, 飄逸而出的曼妙芬芳更是聞之即令人垂 涎,低單寧酸且不含咖啡因,促進新陳 代謝、養顏美容,睡前、空腹皆可飲用, 滋味絕佳。 Sweet and fresh peach flavor makes the organic rooibos tea very unique. As Rooibos Tea is with low tannic acid and caffeine free. The tea is suitable for ever yone to drink frequently before meal or sleep.

輕食主義 Taste Taiwan Tea 精選穀類原料製成,口味獨特 ! 雙重享受 - 喝的到濃醇,咬的到的健康 ! 低熱量,輕食飽足無負擔 ! 充氮氣包裝,防氧 化結塊保新鮮 ! 符合農藥殘留合格標準,品質嚴格把關 ! 蛋奶素者可食用 ! Based on the popularity trend ,Pei Chen has developed a great number of popular instant powders that are blended according to the perfect proportion. We blend all in one, you don’t have to add additional sugar or milk. All instant powder with Nitrogen keeps the fresh and anti-oxidation, easy to carry.

●黑豆玄米抹茶 Black Beans & Rice Maccha Powder

●紅豆燕麥豆奶 Red Beans & Oats Soymilk Powder

嚴選新鮮綠茶研磨製成頂級抹茶粉,黑 豆滋補、玄米香脆、抹茶甘醇。濃郁的 香氣紮實的口感,含膳食纖維增加飽足 感,變身人氣茶飲。 Carefully selected fresh green tea milled into premium matcha powder that is paired with nutritious black bean and roasted brown rice. In addition to the rich fragrance of the tea and delightful texture of the rice, dietary fiber makes this beverage a filling and popular drink.

精選台灣高屏地區上等小紅豆,吃的到健康 的燕麥片,增添豐富的口感。採用非基因改 造黃豆,無添加人工奶精,無負擔的輕食享 受,最佳穀類營養品、現沖現飲好健康。 Carefully selected high quality red beans from the Kaohsiung and Pingtung areas of Taiwan paired with highly nutritional oats that also provide a delightful texture. We use non-genetically modified soybeans and do not use ar tificial non-dair y creamers so you can enjoy this excellent and nutritional instant grain beverage without guilt.

30g * 10 包入

30g * 8 包入

繽紛時尚 Trendy Flavors 極纖五重奏,精選茶葉與花草果實的創意搭配,葉片於 三角空間立體延展,悠然釋放花草果茶香味,聞的到的 感動,喝的到的好味道。 Selected tea leaves mixed with flower and fruits and stored in three-dimensional tetrahedron create these unique teas. The tea leaves expand while steeping in the water, with the resulting aroma that will captivate you with one smell.

●白桃烏龍茶 Peach Oolong Tea 3g X 5 包入

●櫻花包種青茶 Sakura Pouchong Oolong Tea 2.5g X 5 包入

大島櫻的白花瓣及葉片擁有與其它櫻花不同的雅 緻香氣,限量採收把香氣全部鎖在包種青茶裡,水 色蜜綠多了櫻花清揚的花香味,也品嚐的到包種茶 的甘香。 Sakura flowers are harvested for Pouchong tea. The color of this tea is green, with the fragrance of sakura throughout to help accompany its mellow taste.

●草莓布蕾格 Strawberry Puer Tea 2.6g X 5 包入

當水蜜桃果肉與台灣高山烏龍茶相遇在一起,入喉 後回韻回甘,淺淺的淡雅白桃甜為突顯出烏龍茶的 清新香氣。 The tea is a combination of the most popular peach and the Taiwan High Mountain oolong tea.

●覆盆莓萊姆果 Raspberry & Lime Fruit Tea 3.5g X 5 包入

猶如紅寶石般的茶湯色澤,覆盆莓富含令人驚艷的 營養價值,養顏美容讓您擁有紅通通的水嫩氣色, 健康無咖啡因,享受健康也享受生活。 The ruby color of this tea drink hints at the amazingly rich nutritional value this drink holds. Naturally caffeine free, one can enjoy a great afternoon tea time without the sideeffects of caffeine with this tea.

黑茶與草莓結合出另類新喝法,意外發現草莓的香 氣讓黑茶的滋味更溫醇細緻,時尚健康。 It is then blended with fully fermented puer tea, allowing for a sweet taste and aroma. The strawberry flavor is an excellent counter to the strong mature flavor of the puer tea.

●黃金蕎麥烏龍 Buckwheat Oolong Tea Bag 3g X 5 包入

被視為五穀雜糧之王的蕎麥與烏龍獨創黃金比例, 味道香醇是最受注目的元氣茶飲,迷人的特殊蕎麥 米香,富含多種營養素,擁有好活力。 Buckwheat, the king of whole grains, and Oolong tea leaves. The golden color accompanied by its thick and mellow taste makes this one of most high-profile tea drinks offered.

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