CAE Basics
What is CAE
CAE: Computer Aided Engineering has 3 elements: Pre processing (Meshing) Solving Post processing
CAE: 3 types of analyses: FEA: Finite Element Analysis MBD: Multi Body Dynamics CFD: Computational Fluid Dynamics
Pre Processing Generally consumes 50 ~ 60% time CAD Model is the input (Part or assembly) Material modeling – e.g. steel, Aluminum, composite, plastic etc. Material properties – Specific properties Boundary conditions – define joints Loads – Structural, Thermal, Fluid etc.
Pre Processing
Post Processing Generally consumes 10% time Generation of Reports Stress plots Strain plots Displacements etc.
Solving Generally consumes 20 ~ 30% time Is generally a black box Involves mathematical equations and physics Accuracy is dependent on the development of the equation which is a part of the solver Speed is dependent on the hardware Processing through multi CPU
Finite Element Analysis Linear: Material that rebounds to original shape Non Linear or Plastic: When the loads go beyond the Young’s modulus and the shape changes to become elastic Non Linear: Implicit: Balanced / gradual forces Explicit: Irregular such as Impact Drop Explosion
Multibody Dynamics MBD involves: Kinetics – Interference checking during motion Quasi static – Between static and motion Static for moments
Outputs loads Loads are later subjected to FEA for structural analysis MBD Force Loads FEA MBD Modeling CAD
(Position, Acceleration, Velocity, Friction, Contact, Driving, Reaction)
Results Simulation
(Stress, Strain, Deformation, Position, Force, Torque)
CFD Three types of flows: Laminar flow – which is a regular stream such as a flowing river Turbulent – Such as a STORM Mach no. Subsonic Sonic Supersonic
Two phases Single phase – fluid does not change form Multi phase – fluid changes form (e.g. gas to liquid) Change in molecule
Positioning: Potential Buyers 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.
OEM – Products company T1 / T2 – assembly makers If Outsourcing CAE – awareness already there Number of CAD / PLM – indicating maturity Number of designers / ability to sustain cost Turnover Linked to any OEM Relevant case studies Foreign Collaboration Defense Supplier
Primary reasons to invest TWO REASONS to invest Application Safety
CAE reduces the need of prototyping in the product lifecycle Two types of testing – Destructive: possible in – Auto, machinery, tooling, consumer durables. FMCG, biomedical / healthcare, heavy engineering
Non destructive: applicable to – Aero, satellite, pressure vessels, ship, civil structures etc.
Regulatory compliances such as ARAI, IBR, ASME etc.
Multiple reasons to invest 1.
Performance Improvement of existing or new product
Reduce design and manufacturing costs
Reduce number of physical tests / trials
Bring products faster to market
Possibility of evaluating alternate geometries and materials
Quickly analyse variants
Clear understanding of design intent – better design
Reduce material wastage
Topology and weight optimization without compromising performance and safety
10. Availability of complete information – better design 11. Meet legal, environmental, contractual requirements 12. Get recognized by certifying bodies 13. Safe products 14. Improved customer satisfaction 15. Now possible even with low hardware costs 16. Now possible with designers 17. Warranty prediction and services schedules
Popular products ANSYS Strengths – Fluent, CFX, ICEM, Workbench, Autodyne, ANSOFT, Mechanical Structural, Electromagnetic
ALTAIR – Auto Industries MSC Nastran – Auto and Aero Industries Adams, PATRAN, Marc, DYTRAN
ABACUS – Non linear Solver Siemens – NX Nastran LMS, Mentor Graphics, CD Adapco
Wish you the best!!