3SIXTY July 2009

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Cover July 09 FINAL v2.indd 1

26/6/09 18:16:38

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CO M I N G S O O N...

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26/6/09 13:35:13


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07 Contents.indd 7

26/6/09 16:16:07


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08-11 National News.indd 8


26/6/09 13:36:43


BBC ‘must stop gay jibes’ THE BBC IS PROMISING to clean up its act and stop anti-gay jibes from being broadcast. The Director General of the BBC, Mark Thompson, says that all shows must adhere to new strict guidelines to prevent more allegedly homophobic outbursts. The move comes after a difficult year for presenter Chris Moyles (pic right), who has been accused of aiding ant-gay bullying by mocking gay celebrities such as Will Young. Earlier this year, Moyles broadcast an alternative version of Will Young’s song Leave Right Now, replacing the original lyrics with: “Oooh Will Young here, mmmmh. I’m here, it’s Will’s birthday and as the years go by I get more very gay. When you

saw me years ago you didn’t know, but now I’m the gayest fella you probably know. mmm I like to wear a silly hat, I get camper by the hour, oh would you look at the muck in here. I’m Will Young and I’m gay.” “We have to find some middle ground,” said Mr Thompson. But added there were “absolute boundaries” over issues including bullying, abusive behaviour and invasions of privacy.

newsinbrief 3SIXTY launches ‘hot spots’ 3SIXTY magazine is continuing to expand its national and comprehensive gay scene coverage by launching a new ‘Pick of the Week’ venue on its website. ‘Hot Spots’ will highlight a venue, night or event which deserves support and is going the extra mile to provide our readers with a fun night out that week. In addition to this, the service includes a ‘Party of the Month’ section, where only the best monthly events are considered. The initiative is the beginning of a huge overhaul of 3SIXTY’s online presence and scene coverage. Log on to www.3sixtymagazine.com regularly to find out where to party.

scotch guard

huge gay party planned for London LONDON IS BRACING itself for the biggest gay party the UK has ever seen. A record amount of people are expected to enjoy London Pride this year, topping the 850,000 revellers that were on the streets of the West End at the 2008 party. More than 120 groups and 4,000 people have pre-registered to take part in the parade, with many thousands expected to turn up on the day to join in. “Our intention is always to make the event bigger and better every year,” says Tom Barber from London Pride. “Our Pride Festival Fortnight has really grown this year and we have a huge range of theatre, art, music, film and comedy for people to enjoy. We have more stages than ever. There

is so much going on this year and of course the sun will shine!” More than 400 stewards are already signed up to ‘police’ the parade, but organisers are still looking for more. The event is set to further establish London as one of the most appealing destinations for LGBT people from around the globe, and have a hugely positive effect on gay tourism to the capital. “Pride brings hundreds of thousands of people together on to the streets of central London to celebrate everything our incredibly diverse community has to offer,” continues Barber. “By putting on a bigger and better event every year more people will come from different parts of the UK and abroad.”

veteran gay campaigner honoured VETERAN GAY RIGHTS activist Peter Tatchell has been named Campaigner of the Year. Mr Tatchell was awarded the prestigious prize at the Observer Ethical Awards in London in June. In his acceptance speech, he paid tribute to “the many human rights campaigners worldwide who risk their lives and freedom, in countries like Russia, Iran, Zimbabwe, Iraq and China. It is an honour to work with and support them. “During the 1980s and 1990s I was often demonised by the popular press, lambasted by the political establishment and targeted for violent attack by neo-Nazis. Undeterred, I carried on campaigning. After more than 40 years of activism for gay rights and for other human rights causes, it is immensely gratifying to receive this accolade. My transition from public enemy number one to campaign award winner has been extraordinary. “I want to thank everyone who supported me through the difficult, turbulent years.” Mr Tatchell went on to describe how his sched-

ule in the past year has included arrest at the recent Gay Pride parade in Moscow, support for persecuted ethnic minorities in Iran and Pakistan, publicising the murder of LGBT Iraqis by Islamist death squads, challenging homophobia in football, assisting asylum seekers fleeing persecution, lobbying against the ban on same-sex marriage and helping secure the acquittal of two Baluch human rights campaigners who were framed on terrorism charges in London. In further recognition of his work, a blue plaque was placed outside Peter Tatchell’s flat in south London in April. www.tatchellrightsfund.org

LGBT people in Scotland now have further protections against anti-gay hate crime. The Scottish Parliament has followed legislative changes in England and Wales and passed a bill that seeks to ban hate crime against LGBT people. “No one in Scotland should have a crime committed against them simply on the basis of sexual orientation,” says Justice Secretary Kenny MacAskill. “With hate crime, that is exactly what happens. This Bill will improve the way the courts deal with these crimes.”

two men and a fourth baby Two men who made history by becoming the first gay couple to become surrogate fathers are expecting their fourth child. Barrie and Tony Drewitt-Barlow say they are expecting their new child to be born in February 2010 – and they have a feeling it may even be a twin pregnancy. “We know we are pregnant but we don’t know how many yet,” Tony, 43, told the Daily Mail. “The baby is due on Valentine’s Day, we didn’t plan it but it is absolutely fantastic. It’s still early days. I’m a great believer in watch this space, take every day as it comes but it’s positive news so far.” The baby is being carried by a surrogate mother, who lives in America. The couple are already parents to nine-year-old twins Aspen and Saffron and five-year-old Orlando.

gay tax advice ‘a waste’ A new leaflet advising gay people about tax is being criticised as a waste of money. The booklet, called Diversity in HMRC, is to be distributed at London Pride next week. It details how to manage tax effectively if a couple is in a civil partnership or how to claim a pension if you’ve changed gender. But high ranking tax chiefs say the initiative is a waste of resources. “HMRC is meant to produce simple, clear guidance for everyone, not spend extra money going out of their way to target particular minorities,” said Matthew Elliott, chief executive of the Taxpayers’ Alliance.


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08-11 National News.indd 9

26/6/09 15:56:07


pink paper ceases printing ONE OF BRITAINS’S biggest gay publications has ceased printing due to the credit crunch. The Pink Paper, which is published by one of Europe’s largest gay businesses, MPG, will no longer be available in printed form. It will now only be available online. “The decision to suspend print and distribution of Pink Paper has been one of the toughest we have had to make in a long, time,” said MPG Media Director Kim Watson. “But in order to ensure that we can continue providing a service to the LGBT community in future we have taken the decision now, rather than when the situation has worsened to a point that we would need to cease Pink Paper all together.” MPG says that it feels there is growth potential in online ways to access gay news, and they will focus on web-based content only from now on. “It is very sad that we aren’t able to continue in our print format for the time being,” said Pink Paper Editor Tris Reid-Smith. “However, I hope our readers will stick with us, visit the website often and sign up to our weekly email newsletter.” The Pink Paper was launched as a weekly LGBT newspaper in 1987. In 2005 MPG acquired Pink Paper after it had gone out of print as a magazine and re-launched it as a fortnightly newspaper. Community figureheads were quick to react to

the news. “The loss of the Pink Paper is a big blow to the lesbian and gay community,” said gay human rights campaigner, Peter Tatchell. “”We have lost a major source of news and information. It was an invaluable forum for debate and helped us coordinate campaigns against homophobia. “Although the online version will remain, it is no substitute for the fortnightly paper, which reached many people who are either not online or who enjoyed the portability of the printed version.” All staff are reportedly staying in the employment of MPG as the company re-focuses on online initiatives and their other titles. In October last year MPG announced it was ceasing the printed version of its glossy gay lifestyle magazine AXM, which has also moved online.

google goes gay for Pride

fire killer gets 23 years A jealous lover who murdered his ex-boyfriend by setting him of fire has been jailed for 23 years. Nadim Kurrimbukus, 25, poured petrol over the head of his ex Charlie Davies and set him alight outside his home in Templedene Avenue, Staines two months after their relationship ended. The various aggravating features included the degree of planning and the particularly horrific method you chose to attack Charlie Davies,” the Judge at Kingston Crown Court told Kurrimbukus. “It was the culmination of a vendetta and because of your continued denial there seems to be a total lack of remorse.” Davies, 23, died in hospital 12 days after the attack, which happened on June 14 2008

christian values? An anti-gay religious group that organises adoptions is vowing to stop helping children altogether rather than place them with same-sex couples. The Catholic Children’s Society says is it would rather cease all adoption activity than adhere to legislation which makes it illegal to discriminate against gay couples. The Sexual Orientation Regulations of 2007 made it illegal if “a person… discriminates against another… on grounds of the sexual orientation”. In 2003 the Vatican claimed that it was “gravely immoral” to place children with same-sex couples.

come out and play

THE INTERNET GIANT Google is celebrating gay pride by introducing a rainbow bar graphic to its search page. Instead of a thin blue dividing line between the search field and the results, Google will show the rainbow flag. But the move is being criticised as too discreet, as it will only appear when users search for something gay or pride related.

world’s largest drag bingo game BRIGHTON-BASED DRAG QUEEN Miss Jason is to host the biggest gig of her life at this year’s Bourne Free pride festival. The Big Gay Bingo Game, which will take place on Sunday 12 July, is part of the huge Family Funday and will be free for everyone to take part in, with more than £500 worth of prizes. ”I can’t believe I’ll be handling such big balls,” said an overwhelmed Miss Jason, who is currently busy sewing on sequins to a mid-size two-man tent she picked up half price from Ted’s Camping Gear. “I’ve been practicing my bingo calling skills ever since I found out that this was happening.”


The gig will be the jewel in the Miss Jason’s Bournemouth bingo crown, and is already earning her the accolade of ‘Honorary Queen of Bourne Free’ by leading community figures. “We are so excited about having Miss Jason back in Bournemouth,” says Tom Faull from Bourne Free. “She is synonymous with bingo and badass behaviour in Bournemouth after her ten-year stint hosting games at The Branksome pub in the town. We’re all sure it will be a hysterical afternoon.” More than 20,000 people are expected to descend on Bournemouth’s town centre over the Bourne Free weekend. www.bournefree.co.uk

Lord of the Rings star Ian McKellen is urging gay people in the closet to come out. The star made the plea in an article in the Times, in which he wrote: “Coming out made me unburdened and more selfconfident. It’s amazing that it’s an experience that people who you’ll never meet, in places in the world you’ll never go to, can relate to. It’s one of the best things I’ve ever done.” McKellen came out in 1988 when he was 49 years old, and cites this as reason for others to come out earlier. “I wish that a major sportsman or woman would come out, that would make a huge difference. We need more role models in the public eye, and I know that some of those people are fearful about how people would perceive them if they came out. “Everyone should feel that they have the right and opportunity to live openly,” he concluded.

stars remember danny la rue A host of stars have attended the funeral of female impersonator Danny La Rue, who died last month aged 81. Barbara Windsor, Ronnie Corbett, Barry Cryer and Joe Pasquale gathered in London to celebrate the life of a man who Bob Hope once described as “the most glamorous woman in the world”.


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08-11 National News.indd 10

26/6/09 15:56:32

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08-11 National News.indd 11

26/6/09 13:37:05

Pet Shop Boys Pandemonium On Tour December 2009 17th Glasgow SECC 18th Birmingham NIA 20th Manchester MEN Arena 21st London O2 Arena




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Prom queen boy speaks out A gay student from California has won the title of prom queen at his Los Angeles high school. Sergio Garcia, 18, beat eight girls to the coveted crown during Saturday’s ceremony at Fairfax Senior High. “I see myself as a boy with a different personality. I don’t wish to be a girl, I just wish to be myself,” he told the LA Times. “At one time, prom may have been a big popularity contest where the best-looking guy or girl were crowned king and queen. Things have changed and it’s no longer just about who has the most friends or who wears the coolest clothes.”

India’s only gay mag returns India’s only gay magazine is back on sale after a seven-year break. Bombay Dost, which is limited to a print run of just 1,500 copies, is now available at major bookstores and will be published twice a year. It was previously only sold by street sellers. The 56-page glossy contains just one shot of Mr Gay India in swimming trunks, alongside book and art reviews and reportage on gay rights issues. It will cost 150 rupees (£2).

Suicide warning in NZ Yes, Pet Shop Boys, the new album out now. A Live Nation and DF Concerts presentation in association with Helter Skelter


Gay teenagers in New Zealand are more likely to kill themselves than their straight peers, according to a new study. The research, carried out by the University of Auckland, discovered that gay people suffer from discrimination and have much less self-esteem than heterosexuals, and are far more likely to self harm. Gay groups are calling the findings “distressing”.

A mountain to climb An attempt to equalise the age of consent for sex between gay males in Gibraltar has failed. A bill aimed at bringing the age of consent to 16, to be in line with law for heterosexuals and lesbians was defeated in Gibraltar’s parliament. But gay groups argue that the bill was incorrectly worded to make it impossible for it to be passed. Activists are pushing for a review.

Obama’s gay party At the time of 3SIXTY going to press The President of the United States, Barack Obama, was due to host an historic gay Pride reception at the White House. The party was scheduled for Monday 29 June in order to mark the 40th anniversary of the Stonewall riots. “[The] event is a chance for the White House to recognise the accomplishments of LGBT Americans,” White House spokesman Shin Inouye commented. LGBT community figureheads and activists are among those invited.

Gay referee ‘unfit’ for football A Turkish football referee sacked due to his sexuality is vowing to fight to get his job back. Halil Ibrahim Dincdag, 33, was allegedly fired after announcing on TV that he was gay. The Turkish Football Federation issued a statement claiming that homosexuals are ‘unfit’ for sporting events. Dincdag says he will take his fight to the European Court of Human Rights.

US census recognises gay couples Gay couples will be counted at the next US census in 2010. The US Census Bureau has confirmed that it is already working on introducing the necessary changes to ensure same-sex unions can be recognised. The last US census was carried out in 2000, when gay couples could not marry in any state. The UK is set to follow suit with a civil partnership option at our next census, in March 2011.

Civil partnerships for Ireland Civil partnerships could become a reality in Ireland before the end of the year. Irish minister for justice Dermot Ahern has said he will soon seek cabinet approval for a civil partnerships bill.

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Death penalty scare for athletes A leading Danish politician is warning athletes who take part in this year’s World Outgames that they may face jail when they return home. Copenhagen city councillor Manu Sareen says that as 85% of participants come from countries where homosexuality is illegal, they could face imprisonment or even capital punishment after taking part. Security chiefs at the event are allowing athletes to opt out of the opening ceremony and take part anonymously if desired.

Cher on daughter’s sex change Pop superstar Cher is publicly supporting her daughter’s decision to have a sex change. Chaz Bono, 40, previously Chastity Bono, who is now referred to as male, revealed his decision to undergo gender reassignment last month. “Chaz is embarking on a difficult journey‌ I respect the courage it takes to go through this transition in the glare of public scrutiny,â€? Cher says. “Although I may not understand, I will strive to be understanding. The one thing that will never change is my abiding love for my child.â€?

Trans woman runs for mayor A trans woman is running for mayor in the American state of Idaho. Melissa Sue Robinson, who used to be a man, says she is running because she is “progressive and I feel that Nampa, Idaho, is a city that needs progressive people in city government.� Although the elections aren’t until November, she is already receiving negative press.

Cross-dressing arrests A human rights group is urging authorities in Saudi Arabia to drop charges against 67 men arrested for cross-dressing. The men were detained in Riyadh on in June, reportedly for wearing drag. Police say they found women’s clothing, cosmetics, and alcohol at the party. Human Rights Watch says the arrests are a violation of the men’s basic human rights.

THE ANTIQUE HOUSE Bringing antiques back to The Lanes

Gay couples’ passports success Gay couples in America can now use their married names in their passports. The US State Department says it the Code of Federal Regulations will recognise same-sex unions. The move is being welcomed by gay activists in the States as further proof of President Obama’s commitment to LGBT equality.

India’s gay prince opens Pride The openly gay Indian Prince Manvendrasinh Gohil has opened the gay Pride celebrations in Sao Paulo, Brazil. Gohil, 43, who is from Rajpipla in Gujarat, danced with samba dancers and took part in the parade, which attracted more than three million people. “Every person present in the crowd was cheering for India the moment they saw me. It was a very special moment for me. People there are curious to know more about India,� said Gohil. Gohil has been disowned by his family over his sexuality, and all his rights as the son and heir to the Rajpipla fortune have been revoked.


Banjo killer on trial A Hungarian tourist who allegedly killed a gay man in New Zealand with a banjo has gone on trial. Ferdinand Ambach, is accused of hitting 69-year-old Ronald James Brown around the head with the musical instrument before shoving the neck repeatedly down his throat. The incident allegedly occurred after the two met and went back to Brown’s home, and Brown wrongly presumed that Ambach was gay. Ambach denies murder.

Gay marriage ‘boosts economy’ Gay weddings may boost the US economy by more than $9.5 billion.The University of California says that if gay marriage was made legal in every state, about half of all cohabiting gay couples would get married. That would mean around 390,600 weddings, and the ensuing spend.


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SPARKLE: THE NATIONAL CELEBRATION OF GENDER DIVERSITY Sparkle, Britain’s only national ‘celebration of gender diversity’, takes place in Manchester’s Canal Street on 10-12 July. Now in its fifth year, Sparkle offers live music and shows, films, picnics and meals, and the Tranny of the Year competition, organised by former Alternative Miss London winner Leah True. Bella Jay, TV Repartee magazine’s editor, joined Sparkle in 2005 and took over as event co-ordinator last year – whilst she has been involved, it has grown from a one-day celebration to a three-day festival weekend, becoming the largest transgender event in the world. In many ways, Sparkle resembles the Pride events that take place across Britain every summer, but it’s the only one exclusively aimed at transgender people. “Most of the LGBT Pride events as so big that the ‘T’ just gets slightly lost,” says Bella. “So we felt it was time that for one weekend a year the ‘T’ comes first. “We are still very much LGB friendly, of course, but felt we should also have an event of our own. “We expect over a thousand visitors, the vast majority of which are TG (male-to-female), from those who cross-dress occasionally to those who live full-time in their chosen gender, or have transitioned. We have visitors who have never been ‘out’ in public before and we go to special lengths to support them. We are also pleased that lots of wives and partners attend and even a few children and families.” For the first time, the performers on the Sparkle stage are all

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transgender, and Saturday’s ‘Sparkle in the Park’ event excites Bella the most. “It’s when that most people are together in one place, and if it’s a nice sunny day there is a lovely ‘village fete’ style atmosphere with trade and info stands and performances.” Whilst Sparkle seems to cater primarily for T-girls, Bella welcomes trans men – their involvement in the past has been limited. “I am told the name ‘Sparkle’ puts them off, but Sparkle isn’t meant to sound ‘girly’ it’s meant to sound celebratory! It’s a celebration of transgender, and what better way to celebrate than to sparkle with pride in the person you really are!” Sparkle 2009 begins at the Rembrandt pub on Friday 10 July, with a consultant from Inner Beauty giving make-up and style tips, and Greater Manchester Police’s LGBT Liaison Officer advising on personal safety. The meet welcomes trans men and women (particularly those arriving in male mode) and their friends. Then there is a Chinese banquet and a party at the Place Hotel. On Saturday, there are workshops and a film festival, in the Shang Hi restaurant’s function room, with self-defence and styling lessons. Sparkle in the Park continues throughout the day, with stands, volleyball and performances from Samantha Earmes, Gloria, Natalie B and Debbie Roberts. Then tvchix.com hosts a party at New York New York, after a meal at The Rembrandt. Brighton’s Transister stages an event, at Manto, whilst Transliving take over Taurus Bar. On Sunday, there is lunch, a church service and a closing meal. Sparkle, 10-12 July, Canal Street, Manchester. www.sparkle. org.uk


Six footer John Jack (pic left) has plenty of Chekhov and Shakespeare on his CV as well as pantomime appearances in Aladdin and A Christmas Carol. This month, he’s appearing in the intriguingly titled Gay School Musical. ‘It’s Grease meets High School Musical, but in a sort of crap, less glossy, British comprehensive school sort of way,’ Jon Bradfield, cowriter of the book and lyrics and the music, explains. ‘The humour is very silly but actually when we get to the romantic number at the end, people do get quite moved.” Above The Stag Theatre, 15 Bressenden Place, London SW1 from 7-9 July as part of the venue’s Pride season. Tickets Tel: 0208 932 4747

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As part of this year’s Brighton Pride celebrations, which have the theme of Pride beside the Seaside, the Brighton and Hove (Actually) Gay Men’s Chorus will take to the stage at St Andrews, Waterloo St, Hove for a very special Pride show on 30 and 31 July. In ‘On the Beaches’ the Chorus will sing their hearts out with renditions of many modern songs. They will also sing some of the great period numbers which were popular in the 1940s and have remained firm favourites ever since. 30 and 31 July. St Andrew’s, Hove, www.bhagmc.org


Bright’n’Queer, the Brighton Pride LGBT stand-up comedy fundraiser is back for two shows during this year’s Pride week, tickling funny bones and raising money. This summer’s show is headlined by Brighton favourite Nicky Mitchell, with local comics Jaq Bayles and Stephen Richards (better known as his alter-ego, Lola Lasagna) and London girl Suzi Ruffell adding to the chuckles. Bright’n’Queer has raised almost £2500 for Brighton Pride and in 2008 was the seventh largest fundraiser for the charity.


Due to overwhelming public demand, Once in a Lifetime productions are pleased to announce the return engagement to Brighton & Hove of Betty’s Music Hall. Treading the boards in a special PRIDE SPECTACULAR will be the legendary, unsinkable music hall star and sole remaining Titanic survivor, Miss Betty Love, with a fullsupporting cast to include Dame Margot, Spice, Betty Swollocks and further big-name acts to be announced. Miss Betty Love will perform a rousing one-hour set that will include the world premier of two exclusively commissioned songs titled “From Cricklewood to Broadway” and “Dolly” (set to be her future Xmas single/CD release). She will also perform a dedication to her recently departed friend, mentor and fellow music hall star, Danny La Rue. The launch of Betty’s Music Hall DVD titled ‘From Betty with Love’ starring Betty Love live in concert will take place prior to the evening’s entertainment. Betty’s Music Hall, Tuesday 28 July. Latest Music Bar. Latest Music Bar (formerly the Joogleberry Playhouse) 14 – 17 Manchester Street Kemp Town, Brighton, BN2 1TF

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Thursday 30 July 7.30pm AND 10pm Latest Music Bar, Manchester Street, Brighton www.brightnqueer.co.uk


Bonkers Amazonian Grace Jones is gearing up for another legendary live performance in London this summer Don’t miss it. Somerset House, London Thursday 9 July. Tickets: 0870 4000 601



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Hot on the heels of his fiftieth birthday and publication of his second gripping comedy thriller, Devil in Disguise, Julian Clary is about to embark on a nationwide tour with his new show. Succinctly entitled Lord of the Mince (because the fey but acerbic comedian feels he has done for mincing what Michael Flatley did for Irish dancing), this new camply comic extravaganza will preview in Brighton before going on the road to bring a little levity to a credit crunch world. Pavilion Theatre, New Road, Brighton on 9 July at 8pm. Tickets: 01273 709709 or www.brightondome.org

From the company that brought you 2008’s raunchy Adventures of Butt Boy and Tigger (Winner of the Filthiest Show not Involving Nudity Award - Scotsman 2008); comes Steven Dawson’s latest Award Winning Play Jane Austen’s Guide to Pornography. Jane’s on her last lungs and desperately wants to go out with a bang; while 21st century pornographic playwright Brett wants to write something that doesn’t involve willy. Meanwhile Darcy’s sodomising stableboys, Marianne’s getting rogered rigid and Jane still can’t say “fellatio” without reaching for the smelling salts. Sound strange? It is! Theatre 503, London, Sept 2nd – Sept 12th www.theatre503.com


Perenial favourite Rod Stewart, who ahd a big hit with his pioneering gay song The Killing of Georgie makes his only UK appearance this summer in Plymouth. At 64, he’ll get down and dirty with famous numbers such as Maggie May. Plymouth Argyle Football Ground, 2 July. www.pafc.co.uk or 0845 338 7232


Controversial British Muslim artist Sarah Maple is headlining the west London gallery SaLon’s UK’s Future Greats exhibition, which showcases the very best of the UK’s new talent. Maple’s new works are said to reveal her new pre-occupation with the exploration of femininity (pic right) Until 4 July, Salon Gallery, 82 Westbourne Grove, London W2 5RT

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ticket hotline 0844 412 4657 (

booking charge applies)

book online at WWW.SEETICKETS.COM

or from the theatre royal drury lane box office

registered charity NUMBER 1107328 AND REGISTERED IN SCOTLAND (SC039857)

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Hayley Evetts on stage in Thriller Live, now touring the UK

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The UK’s summer pride season 2009 is upon us already. Has it already been a whole year since the last lot? Yes! But, if like us, you like summer and you like pride festivals, then it’s time to get excited (and start planning your jaw-droppingly stunning outfit).

July 2009

August 2009

September 2009

London Pride • 4 July | www.pridelondon.org Bournemouth’s Pride Festival - Bourne Free • 10-12 July | www.bournefree.co.uk Sparkle 2009, Manchester • 10 - 13 July | www.sparkle.org.uk Torquay - Pride Torbay • 16-19 July | www.pridetorbay.org Newcastle Northern Pride • 18 July | www.northernpride.org.uk Thanet Pride • 18 July | www.thanetpride.co.uk Norwich Pride • 24-25 July | www.norwichpride.org.uk Brighton Pride • 25 July - 3 August | www.brightonpride.org Nottingham Pride • 25 July | www.nottinghampride.co.uk Hull Pride • 25 July | www.hullpride.com Leeds Gay Pride • 2 August | www.leedspride.com Cornwall Pride • 8 August | www.cornwallpride.co.uk Gloucestershire Rainbow Day, Cheltenham • 8 August | www.gloucestershirepride.org.uk UK Black Pride, London • 15 August | www.ukblackpride.org.uk Swindon Pride • 15 August | www.swindonpride.co.uk Plymouth Pride • 15 August | www.plymouthprideevent.co.uk Doncaster Pride • 16 August | www.doncasterpride.co.uk Manchester Pride • 21 - 31 August | www.manchesterpride.com Cardiff-Wales Mardi Gras • 29 - 30 August | www.cardiffmardigras.co.uk Reading Pride • 5 September | www.readingpride.co.uk

October 2009 November 2009

Pre-hiBEARnation, Manchester • 6 - 9 November | www.manbears.co.uk

December 2009


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London Pride (parade Satuday 4 July) THE THEME OF THIS year’s London Pride, on Saturday 4 July, is Come Out and Play (can you see what they’ve done there?) and is billed as a ‘cavalcade of colour and fun through the streets of London’. The parade is scheduled to set off from Baker Street at 1pm and proceed down Oxford Street and Regent Street taking in some of the major sites of the capital as it swings round through Piccadilly to Trafalgar Square. In Trafalgar Square there’ll be an eclectic mix of speakers, stalls and a great line up of main stage performers from 3pm. Alternatively, head into Soho where you’ll find the streets closed to traffic and a street party in full swing. MAIN STAGE @ TRAFALGAR SQUARE Following the Parade, there will once again be a fabulous afternoon of entertainment, speakers, community and music on the Main Stage in Trafalgar Square, including: Heather Small - Legendary M People star Heather Small will open the Main Stage this year and will perform her Olympic anthem Proud and some classic M People hits! Avenue Q - The witty, irreverent, hilarious hit West End Musical perform for the crowds at Trafalgar Square Urban Cookie Collective - Perform their old school hit The Key the Secret for all you nineties kids!

Q Boy - Confident, cocky, cute, clever, witty, unique, entertaining… rapper Q Boy brings some beats to the main stage Kele Le Roc - With her brand new single Retro and of course her ever classic My Love Scooch - Your high camp Eurovision favourites are here! Living Joy feat Luzhann- Back to the Nineties for

some happy summer house beats that will make sure you Dont Stop Movin’ Priscilla - If you’ve seen the Oscar®-winning movie The Adventures of Priscilla, Queen of the Desert, you’ll know that this is a spectacular new musical with a PRIDE London Exclusive!

Tina Cousins - From her global sucsess with the anthemric Mysterious Times, Tina Cousins is a true 21st Century diva. She’s stunningly beautiful, with a powerfully emotive voice and yet has to be one of the nicest personalities in pop. Dame Edna Experience - The one and only, the leg-end that is the Dame Edna Experience brings the South London Action Girls Society to Trafalgar Square Jimmy Somerville - Performing hits including the massive, classic track You Make me feel (Mighty Real) KU BAR POP STAGE @ LEICESTER SQUARE Pride London and the fabulous Ku Bar are bringing back a stage to Leicester Square this year, and they’ve pulled out all the stops to get the cream of gay talent to er, come out and play: The original gay icon Boy George! The Trannyshack Girls Candy Rock - The hottest new girl band in town (Expect big things from these girls in the next year) Sandra - The Hampstead whore Hosted by Boogaloo Stu. For more information of the event visitwww.kubar.co.uk There are also lots of other stages. For all the gossip, visit www.pridelondon.org

Torbay Pride (Thursday 16- Saturday 18 July) IN JULY, THE TORBAY area of Devon is hosting its first-ever gay pride festival. Pride Torbay will take the form of a four day festival, combining a variety of events including a beach picnic with live music stage, a pool party, themed club nights, a boat trip, an open air cinema screening and a cabaret street party. THURSDAY 16 JULY PRIDE LAUNCH PARTY The Pride not Prejudice team presents the official launch party with a host of live entertainment from the likes of Kelly Lorena (N-Trance) and dance legends Bimbo Jones. FRIDAY 17 JULY OPEN-AIR FILM SCREENING Bring a picnic and enjoy Oscar-winning film Milk in the stunning grounds of Torre Abbey. CANDYFLOSS Traffic Light party with £2 door entry being donated to the Pride Torbay charities. REMIX AT BOHEMIA Big Pride party Night hosted by Miss Jason, with top dance chart vocalist Tina Cousins and DJ

sets from Gaydar Radio’s Gary H, Lee Yeomans and the legendary Max Sanna. COME TO DADDY The team from London, Bristol and Cardiff bear club Come To Daddy, will be taking over

Tom’s Cruise Bar at Key West Resort, to host a special party for the hirsute and portly and their admirers. SATURDAY 18 JULY POOL PARTY Pool Party at Key West, with community stalls,

live music, DJ and a charity barbecue. Wear a bad taste Hawaiian shirt and party the afternoon away. Proceeds from the food sales are being donated to the pride Torbay charities. CANDYFLOSS The big pride Torbay Saturday Night bash, with the Candy Room spinning the very best in 70s and 80s retro sounds and the main floor pumping out the dance, chart and party sounds. SUNDAY 18 JULY BEACH PICNIC It’s Beach Blanket Oddicombe, as we take over this stunning beach conveniently location at the bottom of Babbacombe Cliff Railway. Expect a live music stage featuring the crème of local bands and artists, community stalls, face painting and balloon modelling for the kids, and a fully licensed bar available. PRIDE CABARET STREET PARTY A cabaret street party outside the Meadfoot Inn, starring Jason Abrahams, Topping & Butch and Rogue Minogue. The event will be fully licensed outside and is a great finish to the weekend. www.pridetorbay.org

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IML Concerts Present


Summer Picnic Concerts 2009

Jools Holland & His Rhythm & Blues Orchestra special guests and

Dave Edmunds

Ruby Turner

Borde Hill Garden, Haywards Heath

East Park, Hull Saturday 27th June

The Quarry, Shrewsbury

Saturday 20th June

Saturday 11th July

Vivary Park, Taunton

Dyrham Park, Bath

Saturday 4th July

Friday 31st July

The Quarry, Shrewsbury

Calke Abbey, Ticknall

Friday 10th July

Friday 14th August

Rugby School, Rugby Friday 17th July

Charterhouse School, Godalming

Ripley Castle, Harrogate

Saturday 15th August

Saturday 25th July

Clumber Park, Worksop

Dyrham Park, Bath

Friday 21st August

Saturday 1st August

Stonor Park, Henley Friday 7th August

Belvoir Castle, Grantham Saturday 8th August An evening with

John Barrowman Arundel Castle, West Sussex Saturday 22nd August



Stonor Park, Henley Saturday 8th August

Calke Abbey, Ticknall Saturday 15th August

For complete artist line-ups, ticket prices and all information visit

www.imlconcerts.co.uk Box OfďŹ ce and Enquiries 01603 660444 22-23 Feature 2.indd 22

26/6/09 13:40:48

Graeme Smith models the show’s placard

A new television programme premieres to coincide with London Pride and already has scheduled repeats after Brighton and Manchester Prides. 3SIXTY had a sneak preview. reckon I’m a pretty normal bloke, whatever that means,” explains Graeme Smith. “I’m twenty-six, was born in Liverpool and now live in a terraced house in North-West London. I work as a TV presenter and I suppose that’s not so normal really. But, anyway, apart from that I lead a pretty regular life. I try to keep fit. I enjoy and a few drinks at the weekend. I’ve got a cat and I’ve got a boyfriend called Darren…” Current TV’s cutest presenter, Graeme, is introducing himself as the thematic thread who runs through This is Gonna Sound a Bit Gay, a magazine format documentary which will be shown on Sky 183 and Virgin 155 to coincide with London Pride and which will then be repeated on the Mondays following both Brighton and Manchester Prides. Six months in the making, the programme consists of short films made by viewers and a linking commentary focusing on Graeme’s life which ties the individual items together. “This is Gonna Sound a Bit Gay will be looking at the modern gay and lesbian identity,” Graeme points out, “and exploring what being gay and lesbian means at the beginning of the twenty-first century.” Amongst the items featured in the programme are ‘Marina and her Moms’ – about seventeen-year-old Marino Gatto who lives in San Carlos, California with her two mothers whose lesbian relationship is complicated by the fact that the non-biological partner is not a US resident.


‘Ex-Gay’ is a disturbing short film about Love in Action, one of those tiresome Christian groups who believe they can turn gay men and lesbians into happily straight men and women. “I woke up one day as if I’d come out of a coma,” Peterson Toscano, who experienced – but rejected – the process explains.

“We’re exploring what being gay and lesbian means at the beginning of the twenty-first century ... And along the way, I’ll be doing some uncomfortable things and getting put in some difficult situations!” ‘Marina and her Moms’ and ‘Ex-Gay’ are from American filmmakers and rather less sparky than two quirkily British entrants. ‘Small Town Boy’ is about fifteen-year-old David Birch who is determined to surmount the obstacles and hostility to (triumphantly) become the first ever gay male alternative carnival queen in Axbridge, the small town of the title. ‘Sex and Love on Gaydar’ is a humourous take on those looking for love on the internet. “People take this far too seriously,” George, a policeman who appears

to be having … well, a gay old time on Gaydar opines. And the film’s director Maxx Ginnene stresses that she’s “really glad that there are another five million people staring at their computer monitors and staving off respectability for the gays…” This is Gonna Sound a Bit Gay also showcases an animation about the history of gay life “from the Greeks and the Romans to Gay Liberation,” Graeme points out. And on a more serious side, there’s a hard-hitting feature about gay exiles seeking asylum in this country. “I’ll also be going on a personal journey to explore what my sexuality means to me and see how much I’m defined by it,” Graeme continues. “And along the way, I’ll be doing some uncomfortable things and getting put in some difficult situations.”

This is Gonna Sound a Bit Gay will be screened on Sky 183 and Virgin 155 on Thursday 2 July at 10pm and repeated at the same time on: Monday 6 July at 10pm – at the end of London Pride weekend Monday 13 July at 10pm Monday 3 of August at 10pm - at the end of Brighton Pride weekend Monday 31 August at 10pm - at the end of Manchester Pride weekend.

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new boy joelby gets into the groove


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24-25 Pop.indd 25

26/6/09 16:34:54


N O I T I S N TRA T re, she ng full time as a woman. He livi n ga be le, ma rn bo s, ue In May 2009, Juliet Jacq sexual’. a life working towards ‘trans of s nth mo o tw t firs the nts recou

he three things I feared most: my colleagues, my friends and my family. That’s not how it should be, is it? But changing gender turns the world upside down. First your world, then those of people around you, and the closer they are, the more your transition shakes them. I thought telling my friends would be easiest. After four nightmarish school years, I came out as ‘a cross-dresser’ at college, and have shared shifting transgender identities with them, over the last decade, slowly working towards ‘transsexual’. At least, that’s how I saw it. I’m 27, and I moved to Brighton from Manchester six years ago. All the close friends I’ve made since, and my college friends from Horsham who’ve moved here too, had seen me as Juliet many times. Seen is crucial: even if they knew about my female persona, they’d seen me as Juliet only occasionally these last five years, at most. This was especially true of my oldest friends. The fear that became bound with my ‘cross-dressing’ in my teens, when I most feared parental discovery, meant that for years, I would only go en femme to ‘safe’ LGBT venues. Many of my friends and I were united by disdain for mainstream culture, especially pop music. Most gay clubs bored us, but unlike me, my friends had nothing invested, physically or intellectually, in finding alt-queer spaces. For years, occasionally cross-dressing in LGBT venues satisfied me. Then, working in an oppressive office, I broke down, and spent months in counselling. After that, for two years, I considered myself inherently female whilst remaining outwardly male, avoiding the social and physical upheaval of transitioning. But gradually, the schism between how I perceived myself and how the world treated me wore me down. Finally, I realised it was time to shed my male skin. There is no right way to tell anyone you’re changing gender. I told some friends face-to-face (female friends, with whom I’d shared my gender trouble) before seeing my GP and being referred to a psychiatrist - the first step towards transitioning via the NHS. I was told there was a four-month waiting list for this appointment. Then a letter arrived: it would be in two weeks. I made a decision. I would live as a woman

“In a pub, a guy got up and asked: “Are you a bird or a bloke?” Then he squeezed the contents of my bra and left. I sat down, simultaneously violated and relieved.” – except at work, as my temporary contract with the NHS expired in two weeks. I sent an email to everyone I see socially (I wanted them to find out from me, rather than from someone else, or seeing me in the street). I covered every issue I thought they might have, before my finger hovered over the mouse button. Heavy-hearted, I pressed Send. Then I prepared to go into town, to buy essentials for my new role. I picked an outfit: I had to make it clear that I was presenting as female, without

conspicuously over-dressing. I settled on a black and white T-shirt, a knee-length skirt, black tights and flat shoes, and ventured out. The more ‘everyday’ my action, the more apprehension I felt about it. Stepping outside for the first time in your new role is one of the scariest parts of the process – I’d often been clubbing in women’s clothing, but this was different. The stakes were far higher: I’d denied myself the ‘off’ switch that previously comforted me whenever presenting as female came with difficulties. I knew, however, that I was doing the right thing. For a trans woman, I’m lucky: my frame is slight, I’m only 5’7” and I still have my hair. I’m also lucky to live in Brighton, a tolerant, private city; both meant that the 30-minute walk into town passed without anyone giving me a second look (as far as I noticed). The first space I entered was transgender-specific: Lacies in Hove. Through every step of my journey from ‘cross-dresser’ to ‘transsexual’, Lacies has featured, providing information about the male-tofemale community, catering for anyone within it. I realised that transitioning would cost serious money as I bought my first item: breast forms, as my own bust won’t grow until at least three months on hormones, which won’t be prescribed until I’ve been to the Charing Cross gender identity clinic – there’s a six-month waiting list. They cost £110, but each step nearer convincing femininity was worth it. I wanted food. I stepped into the Co-op, tense. What if they refused to serve me, or if a customer hassled me? Would transphobia (or my internalised transphobia) stop me buying groceries? No: I bought a banana, easily, and confidently got the bus home, unburdened. Already, I was feeling more secure. Friends replied to my email: all supportive, many praising my ‘bravery’, although some apologised in advance for getting my name wrong. My male friends had more anxieties than my female ones – some selfish, some not. What I’d under-estimated, from my transgender position, was the tribal nature of gender – most people feel that they belong to one ‘side’, it seemed: my female friends were delighted that I was ‘joining’ them; my male friends felt I was ‘leaving’ them. Once I met them, their anxieties dissipated. The immediate changes were superficial: fundamentally, I was the same person. In a pub, I was reminded of

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26-27 Feature 3.indd 26

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how people I didn’t know might respond. Two men stared at me: one got up and asked: “Are you a bird or a bloke?” How to respond? Demand a third option? Say “woman” in a clearly male voice? (Speech therapy to change this would make me feel like I’m putting on an act.) I hesitated, then grudgingly said “bloke”, fearing the consequences. “I thought so,” he said. “Nice tits!” Then he squeezed the contents of my bra and left. I sat down, simultaneously violated and relieved. Two days later, I went to the Clare Project – Brighton and Hove’s transgender support group. I was feeling

I went home, slightly reassured. The next day, I returned to work – in male mode. I knew that the Gender Recognition Act prevented employers from sacking transitioning staff, but as a temp, I could soon be unemployed, and nothing stops employers passing over transsexuals, as long as that’s not explicitly stated. I told my manager, who was helping me find another job within the NHS Primary Care Trust. She told me to consult Human Resources. I did. The HR manager and myself decided that if I got another job, I would email everyone I knew explaining my transition not just between departments, but

and friends, my paid and creative work, my involvement with the transgender community, my psychiatric history, my alcohol or drug use and my sexuality. My fears were unfounded: he scheduled a second appointment, telling me that he would recommend me for full gender reassignment. To celebrate, I went shopping with a friend. Once we were done, I discarded the (awful) coat and bag I had bought years ago, symbolising my move from ‘cross-dresser’ to ‘trans woman’. Finally, I felt like the woman I’d always wanted to be. I returned to work the next day, and arranged a new temporary role. I told my new boss that I was

ived e rc e p I w o h n e e tw e b m is h “gradually, the scthe world treated me wore me myself and how was time to shed my male skin” down. I realised it less secure: a shop had refused to serve me, my oldest friends hadn’t returned my email, and I was worrying about my family. I saw the counsellor: she told me to give my friends time, to expect some discrimination, and to bide my time with my family – I would find the right moment, and she would provide support for both me and them if necessary. “What if the psychiatrist rules me unfit to transition?” I asked. “He won’t. There’s a raft of psychiatrists to go through – this referral just checks for any obvious mental health problems. Explain your gender dysphoria as you did to me and you’ll be fine.”

between genders. For now, though, I contemplated unemployment – and starting another job, in an unknown situation. I’d rather stay where I was: I knew it was a welcoming environment, and there was another trans woman on my floor – who seemed perfectly happy there. My psychiatric assessment was the next day. I nervously entered Hove Polyclinic and filled out a preliminary questionnaire, measuring my depression and anxiety. I’ve struggled with these before, but my scores were low. I discussed my lifelong gender dysphoria with the psychiatrist, going back to early childhood, and he asked about my family

transitioning: no issue, she said. I thought how fortunate I was: for most trans people, the transition is far harder. The other trans woman at work told me she lost everything when she transitioned: her job and her family. It was tragic: I thanked goodness that I was a generation younger, and had always been able to live and work in a relatively accommodating place. So I am now living and working as a woman, and getting involved with various transgender groups in Brighton and Hove. I know how lucky I am, to be able to be exactly who I want to be. Now I just have to tell my family ... • *J@OKP D8>8Q@E< CK; s ).

26-27 Feature 3.indd 27

26/6/09 16:37:19

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28-29 Film DVD 28

26/6/09 16:38:04


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*J@OKP ss )0 )0 *J@OKP D8>8Q@E< CK;

28-29 Film DVD 29

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30-31 Feature 4.indd 30

26/6/09 13:41:42

max roeg

DreamBoy Straight actor Max Roeg has just finished making his first gay-themed film, Dream Boy. “It’s just natural, true, grass-roots human emotion,” he tells Josh Winning.


normous! Bigger than it usually is!” laughs Maximillion Roeg. He’s talking, of course, about the size of his head when it’s projected up onto a vast cinema screen canvas. What did you think he was talking about? The next in line to an impressive Atlantic-spanning movie dynasty, Max is the 23-year-old son of legendary Brit director Nicholas Roeg (Don’t Look Now, The Witches) and American actress Theresa Russell. Growing up immersed in a world of camera equipment, extravagant costumes and make-believe, it was almost a given that Max would follow his parents into show business. “I like to think I have more control over my destiny than that,” the actor chuckles, exposing twin rows of perfect white teeth. “It was definitely a huge influence from a very early age, watching movies and premieres.” A stream of Hollywood A-listers at the dinner table of his youth can’t have hurt. “I never really knew who they were, though,” Max shrugs. “It was just like ‘Ollie Reed’s coming over’, or David Bowie or Angelica Huston. I didn’t really know until recently. They weren’t Arnold Schwarzenegger, so I didn’t know who they were.” The name-dropping could be deemed desperate if it weren’t for Max’s easy, blokey candour. Slightly posh, with gorgeous, floppy dark blonde hair and a Cheshire cat grin, he sits chatting in the BFI’s plush green room with youthful enthusiasm. The tiniest bit timid, he possesses a refreshing, pre-Hollywood meat grinder lack of airs and graces as he promotes his second feature film to date, Dream Boy, an adaptation of Jim Grimsley’s book of the same name. “Working on a movie set is not really

glamorous,” the actor smiles. “And then this is actually quite nice.” Published in 1995, Grimsley’s Dream Boy is set in the deep south of ‘70s America, where prejudices jostle against each other, and religious fanaticism is rampant. Into this hotbed of clashing, crushing morality comes Nathan (Stephan Bender, who previously appeared in a blink-and-you’ll-miss-him cameo as young Clark Kent in Superman Returns). A quiet, reserved teenager, Nathan finds himself drawn to the popular boy next door, Roy (Max Roeg), who drives the school bus every day. But as a tentative romance stirs between the bus seats, Roy begins to suspect that Nathan is hiding a dark secret. After meeting with director James Bolton, whose past works include 2000’s similarly gay-teen-themed Eban and Charley, Max was the first actor to commit to Dream Boy. “I hadn’t really seen many things with a gay theme,” Max says, “but I really sort of was quite intrigued by the genre, and the different ways in which people can execute a storyline like that.” Given a list of films to watch by his director, Max hopped down to his local video shop and grabbed the likes of Mysterious Skin, Boys Don’t Cry, My Own Private Idaho, even Badlands. Happy viewing, then! “They’re all quite dark, it’s quite sad,” Max acknowledges. “And it’s something that is sort of a bit tough because it’s such a sensitive subject matter for people, because they’ve been through so much oppression and persecution. Even today it’s not really okay in a lot of places and in a lot of circles.” When we suggest that the term ‘gay movie’ is quite a troubling definition, Max is quick to agree. “This movie, it’s essentially... I read it not as a gay movie, but as a love story. And the two characters in it are not fighting adversity, they’re just sort of expressing their emotions and finally being able to be comfortable with themselves, with each other. And that’s a very important thing with ‘gay’ movies, is that people tend to pigeon hole them in a very specific way – it’s a ‘queer movie’ or it’s a certain thing. But anyone can relate to a forbidden love

tale. Anything that shows just natural, true, grass-roots human emotion is all it’s about. The fact that it’s gay or not gay is fairly superfluous.” Still, as a straight young actor (his LA girlfriend is lounged reading at the other end of the sofa while we chat), did Max not find any of the revealing, intimate scenes difficult? “To be honest, with the romantic scenes I had to put my own inhibitions on the back burner because my co-star was 17 at the time,” Max reveals. “Stephan’s from a small town, St Louis, and even though it’s not the south, they still hold the same inhibitions and prejudices. That was a huge hurdle for him to get over. So I found myself trying to help him to open up. But I think he did a really wonderful job in his performance. I didn’t have a problem with the intimacy; I’ll sacrifice any sort of personal vendetta if I believe in a project.” On the evidence of Dream Boy, a beautiful, delicate drama, we can’t wait to see what Max does next.

Dream Boy is out on Monday 6 July on Pecadillo www.peccadillopictures.com *J@OKP D8>8Q@E< CK; s *(

30-31 Feature 4.indd 31

26/6/09 16:38:30

BOOKWORM New books, reviewed by Peter Burton DEVIL IN DISGUISE by Julian Clary (Ebury Press, £14.99) Le]fikleXk\cp# J`dfe _Xj \efl^_ dfe\p kf i\dfm\ k_\ e\Z\jj`kp ]fi nfib% K_`j j`klX$ k`fe d\Xej k_Xk _\ _Xj kff dlZ_ k`d\ kf `e[lc^\ `e _`j ]Xmfli`k\ gXjk`d\j Æ ^\kk`e^ i`fkfljcp [ileb# Zil`j`e^ k_\ n`[\ fg\e jgXZ\j f] Cfe[fe Xe[ glijl`e^ jkiX`^_k d\e% J`dfeËj Y\jk ]i`\e[ Dfccp k_\p ]`ijk d\k Xj j`e^lcXicp `eXkk\e$ k`m\ jkl[\ekj Xk le`m\ij`kp `j Xe XZki\jj Xe[ j`e^\i _fg`e^ kf dXb\ k_\ Y`^ k`d\% JX[cp# j_\ j\\dj kf Y\ kiXgg\[ `e d\[`f$ Zi\ kfli`e^ gif[lZk`fej f] >`cY\ik Xe[ Jlcc`mXe fg\i\kkXj% 9lk k_\e Æ [l\ kf J`dfeËj [lgc`Z`kflje\jj Æ k_`e^j [iXdXk`ZXccp Z_Xe^\ ]fi Yfk_ f] k_\d% 9i`\]cp X jlZZ\jj Xj f]]$k_\$nXcc [iX^ XZk >\e`kX CËNXikj# J`dfe jl[[\ecp ]`e[j _`dj\c] jd`kk\e n`k_ DfccpËj \ek`i\cp _\k\ifj\olXc Yfp]i`\e[ ;Xe`\c% 8j _\ _Xj X beXZb ]fi Y\[[`e^ jkiX`^_k d\e# `k `jeËk cfe^ Y\]fi\ J`dfe _Xj i\XZ_\[ _`j ?fcp >iX`c Æ ;Xe`\cËj ZifkZ_% N_\e Dfccp [`jZfm\ij k_\ knf f] k_\d `e ]cX^iXek\# knf i\cXk`fej_`gj Xi\ j_Xkk\i\[% ;Xe`\c [\gXikj k_\ eXiiXk`m\2 J`dfe _`kj k_\ Yfkkc\ n`k_ k_\ b`e[ f] \oZ\jj`m\ m`^fli f] X k\id`eXccp [\gi\jj\[ Xe[ ^l`ckp hl\\e% Dfccp# d\Xen_`c\# ]c\\j kf k_\ cXe[cX[p n`k_ n_fd j_\ jkXp\[ fe _\i dfjk i\Z\ek kfli% C`c`X j\\dj kf Y\ X b`e[cp \ZZ\eki`Z n`k_ ^cXdfiflj k_\Xki`ZXc gXjk Æ Ylk j_\ `j efk n_Xk j_\ j\\dj¿ ;\m`c `e ;`j^l`j\ `j Alc`Xe :cXipËj j\Zfe[ efm\c Xe[# c`b\ k_\ ]`ijk# Dli[\i Dfjk =XY# nfibj Xj Zfd\[p Xe[ k_i`cc\i% ?\ _Xj n\cc$[\m\cfg\[ Z_XiXZk\ij Xe[ X k\ii`]`Z gcfk Xe[ X Zfem\ijXk`feXc jkpc\ k_Xk e\m\i c\kj k_\ gXZ\ ]cX^% ?l^\cp \eafpXYc\%

LOVE AND OTHER POSSIBILITIES By Lewis Davies (Parthian, £6.99) & OUT WITH IT By Aled Islwyn (Parthian, £7.99) J_fik jkfi`\j Xi\ jfd\k`d\j Xe `e[`ZXk`fe k_Xk X e\n ni`k\i `j ]`e[`e^ k_\`i nXp kfnXi[j ]lcc$c\e^k_ ]`Zk`fe Xe[ Yfk_ Cfm\ Xe[ Fk_\i Gfjj`Y`c`k`\j

Xe[ Flk N`k_ @k `ek`dXk\ k_Xk n_\e C\n`j ;Xm`\j Xe[ 8c\[ @jcnpe kXZbc\ k_\ efm\c k_\p n`cc gif[lZk jfd\$ k_`e^ n\cc nfik_ i\X[`e^% 9fk_ k_\j\ N\cj_ ni`k\ij befn _fn kf Zfeki`m\ jkfi`\j k_Xk [`jkliY n_`cjk _fc[`e^ k_\ i\X[\ijË ]lcc Xkk\ek`fe% C\n`j ;Xm`\jËj ÊK_\ JkXij 8Yfm\ k_\ :`kpË Æ ]fi `ejkXeZ\ Æ `j X d\dfiXYc\ kXc\ XYflk X pfle^ dXe X[i`]k `e DfifZZf# i\d\dY\i`e^ k_\ cfm\i _\ _Xj cfjk# nfe[\i`e^ n_Xk k_\ ]lkli\ _fc[j% 8e[ ÊAljk C`b\ Dp A\]]Ë `e 8c\[ @jcnpeËj Zfcc\Zk`fe `j Xe leZfd]fikXYc\ jkfip XYflk X d`[[c\$ X^\[ dXe Y\`e^ hl\jk`fe\[ X]k\i k_\ gfc`Z\ n_\e k_\ i\ek Yfp _\ _X[ jc\gk n`k_ k_\ gi\m`flj e`^_k `j ]fle[ _Xe^`e^ `e X e\XiYp nff[% ?\i\ Xi\ knf ni`k\ij kf nXkZ_%

DORIS DAY: RELUCTANT STAR by David Bret (JR Books, £8.99)

BLUE SKY ADAM by Anthony McDonald (BIGfib Books, £10.99) 8 jkXe[$Xcfe\ j\hl\c kf 8ek_fep DZ;feXc[Ëj Y\jkj\cc`e^ 8[Xd )''* # 9cl\ Jbp 8[Xd ]`e[j k_\ \gfepdflj _\if X^\[ kn\ekp$knf Xe[ k_\ `e_\i`$ kfi f] X d`cc Xe[ m`e\pXi[ `e jflk_\ie =iXeZ\% ?\ [\Z`[\j kf kXb\ X _fc`[Xp Xe[ `ejg\Zk _`j e\n gifg\ikp Xe[ Zf$fgkj _`j Zcfj\jk ]i`\e[j Æ Xe[ fZZX$ j`feXc cfm\ij Æ D`Z_X\c Xe[ J\Xe kf XZZfdgXep _`d% C\ >iXe[ Dflc`e `e Gi\jjXZ gifm\j kf Y\ `[pcc`Z Xe[ 8[Xd hl`Zbcp [\Z`[\j kf dXb\ k_\ d`cc _`j _fd\% 8 ZcXjj`$ ZXccp kiX`e\[ dlj`Z`Xe# _\ ]`e[j nfib Xk X cfZXc jZ_ffc Xe[ jcfncp Y\^`ej kf \jkXYc`j_ _`dj\c] Xj X Z\cc`jk n`k_ X Yi`^_k ]lkli\% 9lk j\o n`k_ k_\ jfe f] X e\`^_Yfli Xe[ ifdXeZ\ n`k_ k_\ i\klie f] k_\ cfm\i _\ _X[ n_\e _\ nXj X k\\eX^\i Zi\Xk\ gifYc\dj Xe[ 8[Xd ]`e[j _`dj\c] n`k_ [\Z`j`fe kf dXb\% 9cl\ Jbp 8[Xd `j X clj_cp \eafpXYc\ efm\c XYflk k_\ Zfdgc`ZXk`fej f] cfm\ dfjk pfle^ ^Xp d\e n`cc ]XZ\ Xe[ `k `j Xcc j\k `e cfZXk`fej k_Xk Xi\ jf m`m`[cp \mfb\[ k_Xk k_\ i\X[\i n`cc ]`e[ k_\dj\cm\j p\Xie`e^ ]fi X aflie\p jflk_%

;fi`j ;Xp Yfie ;fi`j BXg\c_f]] `e (0)+ _XjeËk Xgg\Xi\[ `e X dfm`\ j`eZ\ N`k_ J`o Pfl >\k <^^ifcc `e (0-/ Xe[ _XjeËk i\Zfi[\[ X e\n XcYld j`eZ\ k_\ Xj$p\k lei\c\Xj\[ N_Xk 8 ;Xp =fi X ;Xp[i\Xd `e (0/-% @eZi\Xj`e^cp i\Zclj`m\# k_\ \`^_kp$]`m\$p\Xi$ fc[ `j dfi\ ZfeZ\ie\[ n`k_ Xe`dXc i\jZl\ k_Xe Z\c\Yi`kp% N`k_ X dfi\ n_fc\$ jfd\ k_Xe Xggc\ g`\ i\glkXk`fe# ;fi`j ;Xp _Xj Y\\e k_\ Ylkk f] afb\j Ê@ be\n ;fi`j ;Xp Y\]fi\ j_\ Y\ZXd\ X m`i^`eË nXj fe\ f]k hlfk\[ Xe[ X ifc\ df[\c ]fi c\jY`Xej Y\ZXlj\ f] _\i gfikiXpXc f] k_\ kfdYfp`j_ :XcXd`kp AXe\ `e dfm`\ f] jXd\ eXd\ % :li`fljcp# ]fi X nfdXe n_f p\Xie\[ ]fi [fd\jk`Z`kp Yp nXp f] jlZZ\jj]lc dXii`X^\ Xe[ Z_`c[i\e# j_\ _Xj c\[ X iXZb\kp c`]\ n`k_ ^\e\iXccp m`fc\ek d\e _ljYXe[j Xe[ cfm\ij n_f XYlj\[ _\i Xe[ ifYY\[ _\i Yc`e[% 9`f^iXg_\i ;Xm`[ 9i\k DXic\e\ ;`\ki`Z_# AfXe :iXn]fi[# :cXib >XYc\# MXc\ek`ef _Xj X i\glkXk`fe ]fi [`^^`e^ k_\ j\olXc [`ik fe _`j jlYa\Zkj Xe[ _`j Y`f^iXg_p f] ;fi`j ;Xp `j jXlZp# iXZp Xe[ _`^_cp i\X[XYc\%

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IN YER FACE by by Ismael Alvarez (Bruno Gmunder, £18.95) There’s a quotation by Andy Warhol at the back of Ismael Alvaraez’s In Yer Face (‘An artist is someone who produces things that people don’t need but that he – for some reason – thinks it would be a good idea to give them’). Presumably it’s there to give the book some kind of (spurious) respectability. However, the artistic merits of this collection of cartoonish paintings of delec-

table young men (mostly sporting Tom of Finland-esque erections) in leisure situations is dubious. Like the heroine of Chitty Chitty Bang Bang, Alvarez’s men are truly scrumptious, but, by their very nature, beyond fantasy. And the book’s so ridiculously over-priced that it’s difficult to imagine anyone buying it.

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For thirty years the distinctive photographs (portraits, production shots and surreal studies) by Angus McBean were the public face of West End theatre. Peter Burton is enthralled by a new book, which brings together the best of them.

Vivien Leigh as Cleopatra

Claire Luce as Cleopatra 1941 and a trial in 1942 (he was charged with three counts of buggery and gross indecency) at which he was sentenced to four years’ imprisonment with hard labour (he served a two-and-a-half years). After his release from prison, McBean return to photography, gradually re-establishing himself as the West End’s premier photographer – a position he retained until well into the 1960s. His theatre photography was augmented by shots for album sleeves for such artistes as The Beatles and Cliff Richard and, more latterly, fashion shots. McBean’s final years were spent in Suffolk where he died in 1990, aged eighty-six and one day.

Robert Helpmann as Hamlet y kind of theatre concerns itself with kings and queens, princesses sleeping or otherwise in ivory towers, or in enchanted castles with satins, furs and cloth of gold,’ Angus McBean once explained. ‘There must be huge splashes of colour, wild music, beautiful people, monstrous Calibans; magic, imagination, illusions, fairies, oceans of blood and wine, and always happy endings…’ Famous for both his intensely dramatic and his extraordinary surreal portraits of theatrical luminaries (Laurence Olivier, Vivien Leigh, John Gielgud, Richard Burton, Ivor Novello, Noel Coward), Angus McBean


(pronounced, McBain) was born in Welsh mining village in 1904 but by the time he moved to London at the age of twenty his flair for design was much in evidence. He created fantastic masks and costumes for such events as the Old Vic Balls and these led to his being asked to execute designs for Richard of Bordeaux and masks for the dramatisation of Max Beerbohm’s The Happy Hypocrite- starring fellow Welshman Ivor Novello, who commissioned him to take the production photographs –and the young Vivien Leigh. Thereafter McBean’s photographic work was in constant demand and was to remain so for the next thirty years. At the outbreak of World War II, McBean evacuated himself to Bath, where he kept a riotous open house for servicemen and teenagers. This led to his arrest in

An elegant and beautifully presented book, The Photographs of Angus McBean: From the Stage to the Surreal by Frederic Woodbridge Wilson (Thames & Hudson, £22.50) is an enthralling reminder of the dramatic power and the comic possibilities McBean utilised in his stunning black and white photographs to capture the very essence of performer and performance.

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Brighton Pride is one of the largest free gay festivals in Europe. Every year it gets bigger, with more and more people wanting to be a part of the action. And with more people come more promoters and more parties. July is when gay girls and boys across the UK begin to wonder what’s on and where to go over the main Brighton Pride weekend, this year on Saturday 1 and Sunday 2

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August. So, we thought we’d help you make an informed choice about where to spend your cash and where the biggest parties are happening. After all, Brighton Pride only happens once a year (apart from Winter Pride, but that’s a whole different story). What’s clear from looking over the events happening this year is that almost everybody is going at

full speed to bring the best of UK nightlife to Brighton to help us all celebrate our diversity and sexuality, on the fortieth anniversary of the Stonewall riots in New York City that kick started the whole pride thing around the world. So, let’s go forth and have fun, celebrate together, and also remember those who fought so bravely for the freedoms that we enjoy today. See you on the dancefloor!

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Paul Kemp has been at the helm of Brighton clubbing institution Wild Fruit for almost seventeen years, bringing cutting edge dance music and innovative nights to the south coast - and beyond.

Brighton Pride has grown hugely in the last few years, to become one of the biggest free festivals in Europe. What is hardest part of being involved in organising such a mammoth event? To be honest it’s hard work all year long - not just by us but also by the police, the council and the Pride board who all do a great job and work really hard. There are many meetings throughout the year and several site visits to the park. In fact there is so much involved with Pride that I don’t know where I’d begin to start telling you about it all, it can be exhausting but it’s ultimately a very rewarding project to work on.

What makes Brighton Pride so special for you? We’ve been involved with Pride since day one. In fact I’ve just dug out a video from the first dance tent on the level (1993?), it’s really moved on since then! What’s special, for me, is that great feeling you get from seeing the whole community come together and seeing all our friends visit from all over the UK. Brighton really shows off what a unique and diverse place it is at Pride, which really is something to be really proud of This year, you have the licence for the bars at Pride. Which brands/venues can we expect to see at Preston Park this year and what are they offering? We do have the franchise for organising the bars, but we do sub-let almost 50% of them to local businesses. We work very closely with Pride (who have the ultimate and final say) to create as much diversity as possible on the park and provide something for everyone. New to the park this year will be the lovely guys from Vavoom who’ll have a sexy beach party theme to their tent. The girls tent ‘Girl Action’ is being organised by Rebecca from Ghetto and is promising an action packed day of entertainment for the women in the park. The ‘Calabash’ tent (people of colour) is always really popular as is the Bears and men’s tent. Pop and Indie lovers will be pleased to know that the Popstars tent is back on the park too. The Wild Fruit Big Top is one of the highlights of the Pride weekend for many of the thousands who turn up. What have you programmed to make this year memorable? Luckily we are inundated with requests from DJs and PAs who really want to play the big top tent, but unfortunately we just don’t have enough hours to give everyone a slot. We try to have a good mix of local and London guests. This year is going to be fantastic - we have a couple of surprises in store including a DJ set from Boy George! He’ll be playing quite early on so make sure you get to the tent early so as not to miss him. Despite the damned credit crunch and Pride being a free event we are spending even more on production for the tent this year. It’s going to be amazing! How do you choose which nights are invited down to Brighton?

Gay nightlife has evolved dramatically since the Stonewall riots forty years ago in NYC that kicked off gay pride celebrations – when did you first go gay clubbing, what happened, and what was your reaction to it? I started running my own ‘New wave’ type club when I was 17. It was packed with transvestites and gays as well as punks, goths and skinheads; I was surrounded by gay clubbers from a young age without really realising it so I never had the dramatic ‘first time’ experience of gay clubbing, it was just a natural progression for me.

We invite quality brands that really do have something different to offer. We are keenly aware that the Pride audience is a very diverse crowd and we try to make sure there is something that’ll appeal to everyone - hence having the fabulous Trannyshack in town for all the glamour-pusses as well as Patrick Lilley (Work) bringing down PYT, which is R&B and Hip Hop. Competition for the best club night on Pride weekend seems to be getting fiercer year on year. What tricks do you have up your sleeve to make sure Wild Fruit on Sunday is the hottest ticket around? I’m not so much interested in competition as I am in putting on the very best party we can. We’ll be pulling out all the stops for Wild Fruit on Sunday. Everyone knows that we put in loads of extra production for this date to make sure it is very special indeed; it’ll be a full on Wild Fruit extravaganza with three fantastic rooms to party in. We are thrilled to have our old friends The Freemasons back who have played Wild Fruit many times over the years and are now two of the biggest producers/DJs in the world.

When/where did you first go to a gay pride celebration and what was it like? It was a very long time ago, a London Pride, either at Jubilee gardens on the South Bank or on Kennington Park I can’t really remember which. I do remember that it was a far more politically motivated affair than Pride celebrations are today. What does gay pride mean to you? I guess nowadays Pride means a celebration of diversity to me and although we have the luxury of Pride not being a solely politically motivated festival I believe that there are many political issues that Pride can address. It’s a good time to remember those LGBT people all over the world who are far less fortunate and are repressed in their own countries, they can’t enjoy the freedoms that we sometimes take for granted these days. It is also a good time to reflect on those who have made sacrifices, worked so hard and stuck their necks out so that we can enjoy our freedoms and things like being able to express ourselves, party and join with the whole of society in something as wonderful as Pride. I’m proud to be gay because… I’m proud to be gay because I cannot think of any good reason why I shouldn’t be!

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Dusty O is one of London’s most well-known gender benders, with gigs and nights at an enormous amount of venues in the capital. This year, she’s bringing her Trannyshack night to Brighton Pride... When did you first go gay clubbing, what happened, and what was your reaction to it? I started clubbing in the early 80s and was heavily into the alternative and New Romantic style clubs. The first gay club I ever went to was a men-only members club in Birmingham. It was full of clones and leather queens. I didn’t fit in at all. In those days there was not much choice. Now there is something for everyone. I always felt more at home in mixed venues to be honest. I still do. I like women and I like straight people as long as they show gay people the same respect we show them. I think it’s important to keep a balance though. If it’s aimed at the gay market then it should be as described. I hate the trendy clubs that bill themselves as polysexual when in reality we are just tokens. We have to maintain the majority in our own spaces or they no longer remain ‘our’ places.

Trannyshack is famous for outrageous costumes and pushing the boundaries of gender. What can we expect from your night in Brighton? It’s all about “fun” at Trannyshack. We leave attitude at the door. Anything goes. Dress how you want. Love who you want. Everyone is included. It’s the reason we have lasted so long and become so well known. Great atmosphere, great music - it’s about being eclectic and being yourself, whatever that is!

When did you first go to a gay pride celebration and what was it like? Years ago in Brum they had a sort of pride event called “Five days of fun in Gay Brum” if i remember correctly. It wasn’t much fun and the main things that sticks in my mind was a “handbag throwing” competition in the car park of a pub! Not glam. When I moved to London in 1990 it all became huge with 200,000 people on the streets. Those days were brilliant. I think it’s gaining a bit more momentum here now again thank god. Brighton is still the best free pride though. Without doubt.

What does gay pride mean to you? It means fun but it’s also a political statement which is equally important. It’s about saying “look we are here and there are fucking loads of us, so get used to it cos we aint going away”. What makes Brighton Pride so special? It’s so fantastic because it’s a holiday resort and is geared up to fun. It has tons of gay venues and a big resident gay population. It’s fab that it’s only an hour’s train ride from London so all the queens from here can make it down. I adore it. The struggle for gay equality continues. What should gay people be fighting for (if anything)? For acceptance, to end gay bashing, to have equal rights in this country and in other countries. We are lucky here compared to places like Russia and certain parts of the USA and Islamic states where our mere existance is punishable by death. We have a long way to go. I’m proud to be gay because… Because thats the only way I can be and I actually like myself and enjoy being that way! Gay is good!



German-born Oliver M has played at club across Europe, including Amnesia and Privilege in Ibiza, Matinee Group in Barcelona and Roxy in Amsterdam. Now a London boy, he brings the hugely successful Matinee night to Brighton Pride…

Matinee has proven a massive success in London, bringing a Balearic vibe to the UK and paving the way for other Ibiza promoters to follow suit. How do you think it will fit in with Brighton clubbers? We at Matinee London have managed to get a massive fan base with clubbers all over the UK and especially with the Brighton massive. Brighton’s ambience is very close to Ibiza due to the cosmopolitan atmosphere and of course because of the beach and sea. Why is Matinee so popular in London? When we started Matinee in London the gay scene was stagnant and boring. We wanted to rejuvenate the scene which we did and now we got our concept copied by many Londoner “promoters” which shows that we lead the way. I decided to bring Matinee to Brighton after meeting Paul Kemp from Wild Fruit. We got on straight away and we are looking forward to biggest collaboration of the Brighton Pride weekend. Competition for the best club night on Pride weekend seems to be getting fiercer year on year. What are you doing to make sure Matinee is the hottest ticket around? I think the combination of Brighton’s best club promoter and club night, Wild Fruit, and London most successful promotions group, Evolved Events, and monthly event will ensure that it will be a huge winner.

If it’s a huge hit what plans do you have to make Matinee in Brighton a regular event? If it goes well Paul and myself for sure we will run more Matinee events in Brighton which we are looking forward to that too. When/where did you first go to a gay pride celebration and what was it like? I went to my first gay pride Berlin when I was 20. It was great fun and I loved the fact that you could express yourself fully and show to the whole world that you are gay and proud of it.

What does gay pride mean to you? Gay Pride is to me a big celebration of what we are and of-course to make a political statement to the world we live in. What makes Brighton Pride so special? Everything: the City, the people, the atmosphere. I think everyone in Brighton can be proud to live in such a great city. I’m proud to be gay because… I love my man

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36-47 Feature 6.indd 40

26/6/09 16:16:55

MARK WILLIAMS * TRADE * Trade has been one of the most prestigious and perfect gay clubbing experiences for years, and is now kicking off regularly at Ministry of Sound, London. Want to try Trade in Brighton? Now’s your chance...

Trade is a name synonymous with all-night clubbing and hordes of sweaty, topless men. Is this what we should expect at Kinky Trade this Brighton Pride? I think anyone who has been along to Trade would agree with that description! And yes, this year we have decided to bring Kinky Trade to Brighton Pride. Kinky Trade has been a massive success in London before and was also the concept we used for several years at both Privilege and Amnesia in Ibiza. It will be a lot racier than a normal Trade and the Cuckoo Club. Our own sexed-up hot dancers will be adding to the sexually charged atmosphere and a lot of people seem to be using the fact it’s a “Kinky Trade” to dress up accordingly, so some very interesting outfits will no doubt be on display too. What is it about Trade events that people can’t get enough of? I’d like to think that we always try and provide something slightly different from the norm. All of our resident DJs are very carefully selected - most of them being producers in their own right, underground music and musical progression is what Trade is famous

for. Also… one of Laurence’s obsessions is how the club looks our visual artist Trademark provides us with unique imagery to use in the venues. What are you doing to make Trade the hottest ticket around at this year’s Brighton Pride? With Trade opening at 8am this year, you can have breakfast before heading down for some sleazy Trade fun. When did you first go gay clubbing, what happened, and what was your reaction to it? The first gay club I went was Heaven in London about eight years ago on a Saturday night and back then Heaven was very different to how it is now. The main floor was all about sexy men with their tops off... I’d never experienced anything like that before. After that I was hooked on London; me and my friend Tim used to make a twice weekly trip into London alternating (dare I say it) between GA-Y and Heaven. Then wait until the first train and arrive back just in time to go to work ... That was until I found a much naughtier

side of clubbing that stayed open a whole lot later! What does gay pride mean to you? I guess there are two sides to pride, on one hand it’s a fantastic excuse for a massive party, chance to meet up with those friends you haven’t seen since last pride! And to bump into those vile ex’s that you wish you hadn’t! On the other hand there is a serious message regards the rights of homosexuals and how they have been and are persecuted. What makes Brighton Pride so special? Brighton Pride has always been one of my favourites, kind of how London used to be. I love the festival atmosphere and the way that for one weekend Brighton just goes 110% gay and this is so positively received by the local community. I’m proud to be gay because… We’re so much more fun than the hetties... and know how to throw a good party! See you all at Trade!!!

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26/6/09 15:24:03

STEVE ELLIOTT * SALVATION * As the man behind the massively successful Salvation London, Steve Elliott has a reputation for offering high quality, glamorous nights. How are they going to go down by the sea at Brighton Pride?

Why is Salvation so popular in London and indeed across the world? And why are you bringing it to Brighton? Salvation has always been known for bringing fresh and exciting elements to clubbing so you can always expect the unexpected at Salvation. Where ever we are in the world, we always try to make the party unique to anything else they have seen. We had many requests from salvation regulars & friends asking us to come to Brighton and we couldn’t refuse... Competition for the best club night on Pride weekend is getting fiercer. You’ve been known to book huge acts such as the recent appearance from Kelly Rowland. What tricks do you have up your sleeve to make sure Salvation is the hottest ticket around? Kelly Rowland was great and we are pleased we had chance to see her perform before her track reached number one. In Brighton we have Valerie M from Groove Armada who is an excellent singer and knows how to work the crowd so I’m sure she will put a lot of sparkle in the party. Along with two of our best DJs Miswhite and Sharon O Love who will be spinning the

decks with some of the hottest sounds of the summer.

those days have gone that you realise how good they were.

If it’s a huge hit what plans do you have to make Salvation in Brighton a regular event? We are working with the lovely Dulcie at Revenge club and if all goes well we will be planning more regular Salvation parties in Brighton. I can’t give too much away at the moment but we are sure the Brighton clubbers will be excited about our future plans.

When/where did you first go to a gay pride party? The first ever Pride I went to was in Madrid which is a fantastic city and they sure do know how to party... It was very hot and I don’t just mean the weather!

Gay nightlife has evolved dramatically since the Stonewall riots forty years ago in NYC that kicked off gay pride celebrations – when did you first go gay clubbing and what was your reaction to it? The first few gay clubs I ever went to were Flesh at the Hacienda in Manchester and Love Muscle in the Fridge in London. The Hacienda was so underground but amazing with people like Madonna, Take That and Happy Mondays performing there. It was a great time. Then when I moved to London in the 90s - Love muscle was my favourite; it had such a friendly atmosphere and music I had never heard before. It’s not until you

What does gay pride mean to you? Gay pride means that we can stand proud of who we are as individuals and has a group in today’s society. It also means we can have a good time meeting new people and party like its 1999... What makes Brighton Pride so special? Brighton is the best pride event in the UK and there are many things that make it special. The people who organise and support it are the best so we need to keep supporting them and working together as a big family. I’m proud to be gay because… I have the right to be!

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Dulcie has been a DJ since 1991 and has spun tunes at Ministry of Sound, The End, Digital and Wild Fruit, amongst many others. She is currently director of promotions at Brighton’s Revenge Club.

What are you excited about at Revenge this Brighton Pride? We have plenty of exciting new things happening at the club this year for Brighton Pride like our first all-nighter, our first Pride foam party and our first headphone disco! We look forward to raising more money than ever for the Pride charity this year. Kinky Dangerous on Pride Saturday features a huge line-up of 10 DJs, including Dusty O, Bimbo Jones and The Sharp Boys. Girls on Top has revolutionised clubbing for lesbians in Brighton. What have you got planned for the ladies at this year’s Brighton Pride? Girls On Top is teaming up with some fantastic brands over Pride weekend. We’re pairing up with the North’s finest - Vanilla - Londons top girls’ party, Wish, plus international night French Kiss. I am extremely proud of our DJ line up this year particularly at

© Rebecca Goodchild


Girlsworld at The Ocean Rooms which includes djs like Philly, Miss Bailey, Kath Harding, Lisa German and Donna Beatz. We have nights happening all over Brighton from Thursday to Sunday and end the weekend with a huge foam party. I couldn’t think of a more fun way to go out in.

Gay nightlife has evolved dramatically since the Stonewall riots forty years ago in NYC that kicked off gay pride celebrations – when did you first go gay clubbing, what happened, and what was your reaction to it?

Revenge’s fabulous roof terrace will be ready for Pride weekend. What are you using the terrace for over the big weekend? Wow! Have you seen it? Most of the weekend will have people enjoying their drinks and smoking under the stars but the big highlights will be the Saturday night firework display over Brighton Pier and our exclusive headphone disco with bbq on the Sunday afternoon!

When/where did you first go to a gay pride celebration and what was it like? Again my first experience of a gay pride celebration was djing at one, when Brighton Pride was on the Level and I played the Wild Fruit dance tent. I don’t think anyone would have even have dreamed back then to what extent the Saturday has grown to now, the tent back then was probably not even a fifth of the size it is now!

What makes Brighton Pride special for you? It’s a chance for all of the people of Brighton community to shine for one weekend of the year. It brings a fantastic feeling of equality to our city and is the best and biggest most exciting free festival in the UK - which is something we should all be proud of. It’s great to think that you are raising money for much needed charities whilst having so much fun.

My first experience of a gay club was djing in one. I was 16 years old (around 18 years ago) and the people and the vibe was very exciting. It was one of Brighton’s first gay clubs and was set under a hotel, they used to have some debauched Sunday night parties back when the licensing was all different.

What does gay pride mean to you? Personally it’s a chance for me to get together with friends and think how lucky I am to live in the now and take stock of the many great things in my life that I take for granted, that many of our predecessors fought hard for us to have. I’m proud to be gay because… Well I can’t help being gay but I do love it, it’s a great part of being me!

PATRICK LILLEY * WORK! * Patrick Lilley has been running one of Britain’s longest-established gay clubs — Queer Nation, in Vauxhall, London — for almost eighteen years. With more hugely successful nights under his belt – such as Work! at Heaven (which has just relocated to Area in Vauxhall) and PYT (Pretty Young Things), is there no stopping him? Patrick brings Work! to Brighton Pride this year.

What’s going to make Work! the party to go to this year? Honey – we’re cheap! We’re bringing genres of music not usually heard in gay clubs. We play R&B, hip hop, old skool – of course this depends how old you are. Some of the people who come to my parties think that Beyonce is old skool though! This year there’s something for everybody – it’s not just all about funky house.

done over the years has been introducing a multiracial element – we want our nights to be inclusive.

When did you first go clubbing? In the 70s, in Birmingham. I was inspired by the fact that they played different music in different rooms: punk rock in one, and soul and reggae in the others. I still use this now at Work!, as we play pop, R&B and hip hop in different rooms. A big feature of what I’ve

I’m proud to be gay becuase... I’m a happy cocksucker! And don’t tell anyone this but I’ve never taken home a customer at my club in twenty years! I try to separate business and pleasure. Oh, fuck it, you can print that if you want. Maybe my luck will change!

What makes Brighton Pride so special? Brighton Pride is so special because it’s free! It’s also a great day out at a park and by the sea. It keep the spirit of pride, which is for all. It’s still run as a local event, with an international attendance. It hasn’t become over commercialised. And we love the seaside!

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Š2009 Barefoot Cellars, Modesto, CA. All Rights Reserved.

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26/6/09 15:24:56

SO WHEN IS ALL THIS ON? There are more events and a more diverse range of parties on at this year’s Brighton Pride than ever before: below are the listings you need to know about: bars, clubs, nights, they’re all here. Next issue, we’ll update with even more listings. If you want your event included, please email nightlife@3sixtymagazine.com THE MARLBOROUGH Saturday sees Marlborough Place taken over by hot new girl group Girl Action, turning the area into a lesbian paradise with live PAs and DJs. Open 8pm – 3.30am, tickets £13 or £10 in advance. www.the-marlborough.co.uk THE BRIGHTON TAVERN Open for 18 hours, with champagne breakfast available from 9am. Doors open 9am – 2am, a great alternative to Kemptown for your Pride celebrations. THE BULLDOG Open from Thursday right through to Tuesday, The Bulldog will be a great place to grab a Pride drink or two, at any time night or day. There’ll be DJs, karaoke, and excellent drinks promotions throughout. THE AQUARIUM THEATRE BAR Open for business as usual, with cabaret and karaoke galore. See online for more information on all their Pride events, as and when they are announced! www.the-aquarium-theatre-bar.co.uk

QUEEN’S ARMS The QA will be partying on the streets as George Street is closed all day Saturday and Sunday. Karaoke is in the bar all night, with Julie Glitter hosting. www.queensarmsbrighton.com LEGENDS Legends celebrate Pride with a series of terrace parties, open ‘til 5am Friday, Saturday and Sunday night. Enjoy a Pimms in the sun, or just relax late into the night with all the friendly partygoers. www.legendsbrighton.com R BAR Join DJs Richard Jones and Hollie on Saturday night playing some of the biggest funky, sexy, disco house anthems! Sunday features over 30 cabaret acts performing back-toback raising money for Pride. www.revenge.co.uk

DOCTOR BRIGHTON’S Saturday night sees local legend DJ Tony B take to the decks, supplying choice funky house and commercial anthems. Expect a big party atmosphere as landlord Charles will make sure this is one party you wont forget! www.doctorbrightons.co.uk KING’S ARMS With George Street closed all day Saturday and Sunday, The King’s Arms will have a bar out on the street, and acts as the official bears bar for the street party. They open at midday, with a special extended closing time of 3am on Sat 1 Aug. www.kingsarmsbrighton.co.uk VAVOOM Pride Saturday sees Vavoom in the parade with a float, on Preston Park with a bar for the first time, and on the New Steine at the bar itself, which is open from 7pm right through to Sunday. www.vavoom.co.uk

THE WILD FRUIT BIG TOP AT PRESTON PARK The Big Top is the highlight of Pride for many, featuring a line-up of some of the best local DJs and international stars and a truly electric atmosphere with over 5,000 clubbers. Kicks off midday – 8pm. www.wildfruit.co.uk

FITLADZ AT G LOUNGE Naughty London clubnight Fitladz returns to G Lounge, near London Road, from 8pm – 4am. Includes a maze, dark room and sexy underground vibe, with the latest house music. www.fitladzclub.co.uk

THE ZONE BARR Sharon and her staff welcome Dave Lynn making her Zone Barr debut on Fri 31 July. On Saturday The Zone is open late ‘til 4am, and Sunday features Miss Jason at 8pm.

112 CHURCH STREET Open all day Saturday and Sunday, closing at 1am. Pride lunch will be served midday – 8pm on Saturday, and Richard’s Pride Sunday Roast will be served midday – 8pm. www.112churchstreet.co.uk

WILD FRUIT PARTIES AT AUDIO Audio goes gay with a Pride welcome party on Fri 31 July, the Pride terrace party on Sat 1 Aug from 6pm, then the official Pride afterparty with DJs including Steve Pitron and Guy Williams. Sunday is a Sunday Sundae Pride Special from 3pm – 11pm. www.wildfruit.co.uk

TRANNYSHACK AT RIKITIKS London’s infamous tranny night brings its unique brand of outrageous glamour to Brighton. Join DJs Dusty O and Tasty Tim at the swish and intimate Rikitik Bar, Bond Street, 10.30pm – 4am. www.trannyshack.co.uk

THE STAR INN It’ll be packed at the Star at Pride, with outdoor bars serving drinks 6pm – midnight on Sat 1 Aug, and midday – 8pm Sun 2 Aug. All the boys will be dressed up too, but you’ll have to be there to find out what they’re wearing!

THE GROSVENOR Fri 31 July is a beach party, watch as The Grosvenor is transformed into a beachside paradise. Saturday and Sunday are Pride afterparties, open extra late.

SALVATION AT CONCORDE 2 International gay superclub Salvation heads to Brighton for a Pride special on Saturday night. Features a top DJ line-up including Miswhite, Sharon O Love plus guests. Live PA from Groove Armada’s Valerie M, set over two rooms. www.salvation-london.com

PYT AT JAM Patrick Lilley’s popular urban clubnight heads south to Jam, Middle Street, playing all things r’n’b, hip hop, UK funky and bashment. Features DJs Big John, Biggy C and Jeffrey Hinton. CLUBS GAYDARGIRLS.COM GIRLS WORLD The official girls party for Brighton Pride is at The Ocean Rooms from 11pm – 3.30am on Sat 1 Aug. Three rooms with three styles of music featuring Girls On Top, Wish, and Gaydar Girls. THE BASEMENT CLUB Legends Basement Club keeps the party spirit alive with free entry at all times, open 11pm – 4am. DJs Peter Castle and Lee Harris spin funky house and chart remixes. www.legendsbrighton.com KINKY DANGEROUS AT REVENGE Revenge gets things jumping on Saturday night with two floors and 10 fabulous DJs including Dusty O, The Sharp Boys and Bimbo Jones. Sunday is the Girls On Top Foam Party, with French Kiss hosting upstairs spinning all things house. www.revenge.co.uk CHARLES STREET CLUB DJs Lil Alex and LeeRoy will kick up a storm at Charles Street this year, spinning the latest house and remixed chart sounds. Both the club and bar will be open, and very busy! www.charles-street.co.uk

MATINEE AND WILD FRUIT (AFTERHOURS) AT THE HONEYCLUB Wild Fruit and Matinee go head to head at the Honeyclub. The event features Matinee DJs Jordi Lights, Oliver M and Paul Heron, plus Wild Fruit’s Jon Byrne, Kate Wildblood and Jonny M. Opens 3.30am Sunday morning – 9am. www.evolvedevents.co.uk KINKY TRADE AT CUCKOO CLUB For those that just don’t want to stop, legendary afterhours Trade returns to Brighton kicking off at 8am Sunday morning. Fierce Rulin’ DJs include Nick Tcherniak and Lady Bianca. www.tradeuk.net WILD FRUIT CLOSING PARTY AT TRU Officially ending the Pride celebrations for another year, this mammoth party features 3 rooms, loads of big name DJs including the mighty Freemasons! 10pm–3am, Sunday night. www.wildfruit.co.uk REBEL AT DIGITAL The very last dance for Brighton Pride 2009. The Rebel residents dish out underground house from 3am Monday morning ‘til very late. www.aeonevents.co.uk

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26/6/09 16:19:57

Roll up, Roll up, for the...



Launch Night

in The Triangle Friday 10th July from 7pm til late Opening Ceremony, Live Music, Bar & Hog Roast

Pride Parade

from Meyrick Park Saturday 11th July at 1pm Circus themed costumes encouraged!

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Family Funday in The Gardens Sunday 12th July from 1pm Music and Games for all the family at The Bandstand

Entr y ds Wristban On Sale Now!

Bournemouth’s Pride Festival listedmagazine.com Registered Charity: 1115708

48-49 Feature 7 48

Find out more and buy wristbands online: www.bournefree.co.uk

0845 463 9583

26/6/09 13:47:41

THE BOURNE FREE SUPREMACY Torsten Højer chats to Bourne Free Chair Peter Lovegrove, who’s currently preparing for the town’s biggest ever gay party (Fri 10 - Sun 12 July)

t might not sound like the best of starts, but it’s true to say that Bourne Free – Bournemouth’s annual gay Pride celebration - was born out of hate. Not a great foundation for a festival, you may think, but, the big pat-on-the-back part of Bourne Free is that is grew from a desire to turn hatred into love. Too gushy? Well, perhaps, but it’s true. In the midst of negativity much positivity can be created. “Back in 2004, we were warned that the anti-gay cult calling themselves Christian Voice were coming to Bournemouth to preach their hate-filled messages against homosexuality,” says Peter Lovegrove, Chair of Bourne Free. “As a member of the community I got together with people who were against this hatred, and we decided to put on a big party to balance out the negative protests. We wanted to show the general public that gay people are good to know, good to live next door to and not at all scary. We’re now incredibly grateful to Christian Voice!” So there. Take your hate and stick it up your… Anyway. Five years on and Bournemouth – which has the fifth largest gay population in the country – has a Pride festival to be, well, proud of. “I was looking back at the archive photos from the 2004 event, and there was about 50 people watching the entertainment in the Lower Gardens,” Lovegrove recalls. “Last year, there were so many people crammed into the gardens I couldn’t even see any grass.” This year, Bourne Free is expected to be attended by more than 20,000 people, who are coming to the town from all over the UK. The event is now a three-day festival, attracting national attention and an array of household-name stars keen to perform for


the masses. One of the unique aspects of Bourne Free is its inclusive approach and family-oriented programming. “What’s special about using the gardens in the centre of Bournemouth as the venue for many of our events is that it’s so public,” says Lovegrove. “Many people simply walk through the gardens and stumble across the entertainment in the bandstand and stay to watch. The whole ethos of Bourne Free is about being ‘in yer face’ without being in your face. That’s why the event has always been right in the midle of town, right in a public park, so there’s high visibility factor. People who don’t venture to the gay bars, who don’t pick up magazines that we advertise in, can hear the music and see the LGBT community, and wonder what’s going on and find themselves a part of it. If they still feel animosity against drag queens or same sex couples they’re quite welcome to leave, we’re not forcing them to stay. But I’d like to think that people’s issues with homosexuality are decreasing in part because of this.” Acts confirmed for Bourne Free 2009 include Atomic Kitten Natasha Hamilton, dance supremos Livin’ Joy, and more cabaret artists than you could shake a sequinned frock at, including Bournemouth Belle Miss Jason, who will be hosting the world’s biggest outdoor drag bingo game ever! 3SIXTY’s sister publication, one80news, has a Bourne Free special issue out at the moment. Pick up you copy at venues across the south, or view it online at www.one80news.com www.bournefree.co.uk - tickets on sale now! The Bourne Free team

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oinciding with the fortieth anniversary of the Stonewall Riots in New York in 1969 (which might also be acknowledged as the beginning of gay America’s rampant cultural colonisation of the rest of the English-speaking gay world) is Gay Icons, at the National Portrait Gallery in London - the first such celebratory exhibition. But just what constitutes an icon? According to The Shorter Oxford English Dictionary, an icon can be either ‘An image, figure. or representation; a portrait; an illustration in a book’ or ‘A representation of some sacred personage, itself regarded as sacred, and honoured with a relative worship.’ Icon is a word much mis-used, because it is a word much misunderstood. Gay Icons comprises of sixty photographic portraits of subjects who had lived within the last onehundred¬and-fifty years, chosen by ten individuals whom the National Portrait Gallery’s Director Sandy Nairne describes as “themselves iconic.” Those selectors were Lord Waheed AlIi, Alan Hollinghurst, Sir Elton John, Jackie Kay, Billie Jean King. Sir Ian McKellen, Lord Chris Smith, Ben Summerskill, Sandi Toksvig and Sarah Waters. To claim each of these as iconic is hyperbole. Each of the selectors was allowed to choose portraits of six subjects whom they regarded as either inspirational or as a personal icon. Amongst the individuals included in the exhibition are artists Francis Bacon and David Hockney, civil rights campaigner Harvey Milk, writers Quentin Crisp, Joe Orton, Daphne Du Maurier, Patricia Highsmith and Walt Whitman. composer Pyotr Tchaikovsky, musicians k d lang, Will Young and the Village People, entertainers Ellen DeGeneres, Kenneth Williams and Lily Savage and Nelson Mandela and Diana, Princess of Wales. The photographers who created the images are themselves distinguished, iconic even - and include Cecil Beaton, Polly Borland, Terry O’Neill, Snowdon and Andy Warhol. Icons? Diana, Princess of Wales and Nelson Mandela? Certainly. Joe Dallesandro (“I don’t know whether I’ll ever become a household name in America, but my big thing is to land that television series that goes fifty episodes and you sit at home and collect the cheques”)? Probably not. He was always a pin-up. Quentin Crjsp? Perhaps. Joe Orton (“The whole trouble with Western society today is the lack of anything worth concealing”)? Maybe. The Village People? Certainly not. They were only ever a joke. But it’s all a question of taste. Most of us have icons (heroes?), so those chosen by the National Portrait Gallery’s distinguished panel will not always chime with those of the viewers looking at these icons for others. Yet regardless of absences and omissions and some very eccentric inclusions, it has to be said that Gay Icons is at once thought-provoking and simply provoking.


With the first exhibition of portraits which celebrate the contribution of gay men and lesbians to history and culture just opened in London, Peter Burton wonders exactly who is iconic.

Gay Icons runs at the National Portrait Gallery, St Martin’s Place, London WC2 until October 18. For further information - Tel: 0207 312 2463 or www.npg.org.uk

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Facing page: Joe Orton by Lewis Morley 1965 National Portrait Gallery, London Š Lewis Morley Archive / National Portrait Gallery, London This page: Joe Dallesandro by Paul Morrissey 1968 Š Paul Morrissey, 1968

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26/6/09 16:23:27

Michelle Williams Destiny’s Child singer Michelle Williams is in London for the summer to take up the role of murderous Roxie Hart in Chicago The Musical. Torsten Højers spends an awkward five minutes with her.




“I’m a serious performer, I’m an actress, and I’m a person of faith” ichelle Williams (right) is a girl who doesn’t like doing interviews. She says that she can appreciate that she has the opportunity to be ‘out there’ and get her name about (she should, given that she’s arguably the least known member of the three girls who made Destiny’s Child (pic above) the best-selling female group of all time – Beyonce is a household name and Kelly Rowland has hit it big with the gays with her Freemasonsdriven mix of dirty stomper Work, and number oneselling collaboration with David Guetta, When Love Takes Over) and hey, a lot of people now recognise the name Michelle Williams as the American actress who starred in Ang Lee’s 2005 gay cowboy movie Brokeback Mountain. Is it bitterness? Boredom? Who knows, but she doesn’t sound like a girl who’s grateful for the opportunities life has gifted her. OK, so she says her inclusion in world-dominating Destiny’s Child was a “blessing”, but offers this as a one-word answer to sum up the experience of being part of the most successful girl group ever. Perhaps she’s bored of talking about it, which is understandable considering she left the group in 2005 after five incredibly successful years (50 million records sold – and counting) to pursue a solo career. Her first major solo pop effort, Unexpected (2002’s Heart to Yours and her 2004 release Do You Know were both gospel-led albums) was released in 2008. She told the press at the time that Unexpected was to be her breakthrough solo CD – the one that establish Williams as a solo star to be reckoned with. “I’m a serious performer, and I’m an actress, and I’m a person of faith,” she said. “But I’m also a girl who likes to cut loose. I like to hit the dance floor with my friends and party and laugh. This album is about that side of me.” It’s possible that Williams, aware of the public’s perception her as a good Christian girl singing songs for God’s ears rather than theirs, was keen to push forward a more Beyonce-esque ‘Sassy Girl’ image in order to attain proper pop star status (us Brits, unlike the Americans, aren’t keen on god-bothering gospel music on the whole).


So, is her new job, as Roxie Hart in the West End production of hit musical Chicago, the next step in her onslaught on the UK’s perception of her? After all, Roxie Hart is one sassy girl. “Yeh.” There’s that one-word answer again, Michelle, with an obvious full-stop tone that shout ‘I’m not going into this any further’. So, perhaps we should end the interview there, eh?

Michelle Williams appears as murderous chorus girl Roxie Hart in the enormously popular West End production of Chicago The Musical, during a limited six-week engagement running from July 13 through August 23, at the Cambridge Theatre (Earlham Street, Seven Dials, London WC2) www.chicagothemusical.co.uk. She will also perform at london’s G-A-Y club on Saturday 18 July.

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52-53 Feature 9.indd 53

26/6/09 13:48:49

a hola in Key West one: words: rose collis

Torquay Devon

Peter & Brendan welcome you from near and far to


Key West Bar & Hotel now open Opening offer: Three nights for two www.daddyholesauna.co.uk NOW OPEN www.tomscruisebar.co.uk OPENING PRIDE WEEKEND Friday 17h July Bear Party Open till 2am Saturday 18th July Come To Daddy with DJ Paul Coals till 4am Sunday 19th Tea Dance 6pm - Midnight Hosting Torbays Pride BBQ and pool party 2pm – 6pm Saturday 18th July

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hink of the Costa Del Sol, and it probably conjures up images of Marbella and Torremolinos, beaches bulging with lobster-pink Brits who forgot to slipslap-slop before bingeing on cheap sangria and adding to the local colour with some technicolour yawns of their own. All of which explains why their Costa Del Sol neighbour, Malaga, Spain’s sixth largest city, is making a concerted effort to distance itself from such seedy shenanigans — especially as it’s making a bid to be the European City of Culture in 2016 — and remarket itself as Andalucía’s version of Barcelona. And, it must be said, with some justification. Of course, Malaga has everything to offer that the regions other coastal resorts have to offer: abundant beaches, bars, restaurants and cafés, and an amazing 325 days of sunshine a year. But it’s a city steeped in history and culture that stretches back thousands of years, founded by the Phoenicians in 800 BC, and subsequently conquered by the Greeks, the Carthaginian and the Romans, it also boasts Jewish and Arabian influences. Malaga is now a favourite haunt of native Spaniards from the North; many Madrid residents have second homes in Malaga and the new high-speed AVE rail service has reduced the journey time between the two cities to just two and a half hours, which also makes a tourist day-trip to the capital a welcome add-on to any holiday. At the hub of Malaga’s cultural centre is Picasso — a terrible, woman-hating git, yes, but indisputably the 20th century’s greatest artist. Born in Malaga in 1881, he is honoured with the impressive Musée Picasso (Plaza de la Merced 15, www.fundacionpicasso.es), opened in 2003 by the King and Queen of Spain and featuring nearly 200 pieces of artwork, many from Picasso’s own private collections and donated by his daughter-in-law, Christine Ruiz-Picasso. Within a few minutes walk of Musée Picasso is the Roman amphitheatre (one of the oldest in the Iberian Peninsula. It was discovered in 1951, but a full excavation had to wait until Malaga’s old public library — under which it sat — was demolished. Areas of it are still being unearthed, but you can go on a free guided tour of the huge ruins already on view. If you fancy caning your calves while getting some spectacular views of the city and coastline, behind the teatro romano is the Alcazaba, the 11th century Moorish fortification and, on top of the adjoining hill, is the Castillo de

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3SIXTYTRAVEL Go for the bull: Plaza La Malagueta, Malaga

making it to malaga Rose Collis flew with Iberia and stayed at the NH Malaga Hotel (www.nh-hotels.com) on a visit organised by the Spanish Tourist Office, PO Box 4009, London W1A 6NB Information/brochure request line 08459 400 180. www.spain.info/uk

malaga Old town, Malaga.

Gibralfaro, built in the 14th century. You can cheat and get a bus up to the top of the Castillo (number 35, Euro 1.10), but it’s worth the walk, which is not as arduous as it appears. From the top of the Castillo, you get a sense of Malaga’s layout, from the magnificent cathedral in the old town to the bullring in the east near the busy harbour. Depending on whether or not you like large crowds, a funfair-ish street atmosphere and lots of Catholic drag and imagery, Malaga’s Holy Week festival is something to behold. 60,000 visitors flock to the city to watch members of ancient ‘brotherhoods’ (male and female) don robes and spend four days and nights parading ‘tronos’ (floats with 100-year-old, 5,000kg wooden figures of Christ and Mary) through the streets. The tronos are carried by up to 200 muscle marys, known as ‘penitents’ — Malaga’s other famous son, Antonio Banderas, was a penitent in 2008. Behind and in front of the tronos parade ‘nazarenos’, whose pointed hoods obviously had a huge fashion influence on the Ku Klux Klan… Though not exactly a gay Mecca, Malaga has a very laidback, cosmopolitan feel to it; the hotel where I stayed didn’t bat an eyelid when I turned up with a fellow female journalist and smilingly asked whether we wanted ‘one or two rooms’. Gay clubbers tend to head for Warhol on the Calle Niño de Guevara. As a port town, Malaga is known for its fish restaurants, and offers plenty of ‘fruits of the sea’ straight off the boats. There is only one vegetarian restaurant, El Vegetariano de la Alcazabilla (Pozo de Rey 5), but most cafés and restau-

Last one on the beach is a sissy!

rants, especially tapas venues, offer plenty of choices if requested. So — if you want to spend a few sunny days in a resort that offers you culture and chillin’, you could do worse than put those Costa del Sol prejudices behind you and bid Malaga a fond ‘hola!’.

The UK’s only Gay and Lesbian Cruise agency To celebrate the launch of our website, log on to enter the free prize draw for your chance to win a fab Mediterranean cruise!


Tel 0844 884 9501 Free prize draw, no purchase necessary. Closing date 31/07/09. Log on for full details.

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26/6/09 16:41:48

Scott Brown discovers the delights of a budget break in one of the most beautiful – if less familiar – areas of France.

On the road in Languedoc


expectation - the last time I had flown Ryanair was on a trip to Scandinavia, when I had landed in a different country to the one I had intended to visit. Sometimes it’s good to check the small print. That’s a lesson for all of life, not just when booking a holiday. Imagine then my surprise when, online, I pulled up a Ryanair destination bar which displayed a list as long as my arm, my, my, service had improved. I was so amazed and excited at the smorgasbord before me that I put the Dairylea back in the box and started thinking of Brie. Absentmindedly I found myself paying £30 for

the pleasure of flying to France. Oh well, you can’t have everything. Perpignan it was. And I had no idea what awaited me, nor what Perpignan meant. It was south, and normally that’s a safe bet, although I was sure this wouldn’t rival Monaco, but then no small budget gets you into a millionaires’ playground, I guess I would save that pleasure for after the credit crunch - when my affluence was back in full flow. For now I would adopt the ‘wait and see’ approach, I’m sure it would all turn out for the best. Somewhere in my head was the nagging conviction

...somewhere cheap’ he said. Can you imagine it? ‘Do you want to go away somewhere cheap?’ Well I didn’t. I refused. I’d go somewhere that didn’t cost too much money, but not somewhere cheap – a small, but significant, difference. We agreed on the term ‘budget break’ and I immediately felt sick at the thought of such an experience. I’m growing tired of this credit crisis; it is having a seriously detrimental impact on the fabulous lifestyle I’ve grown accustomed to. I was then left fretting quietly about exactly what ‘budget break’ meant, I was experiencing a reoccurring nightmare of a week in Clacton-on-Sea with nothing but Dairylea triangles to keep me going. Something inside made me act on impulse and I did the most bizarre of things; I clicked on the Ryanair website. Sleep deprivation makes us behave queerly. To be honest my internet search was launched purely out of desperation and not

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Clockwise from left: Carcassonne, Collioure, River Orb as it passes through Roquebrun

that cheap getaways would be more effective if you just didn’t go on them. I felt like I was paying for the chance to be underwhelmed. Oh dear. The flight down to Perpignan takes about the same time it took me to drink two cups of tea and to devour an adequate sandwich, the combined on-board cost of which added up to a fair percentage of what I paid for the flight. I may have napped on the flight, I don’t remember. Opening my eyes as we descended, I saw beautiful French houses creating a terracotta carpet on the land below me. The snow capped Pyrenees appeared on my left and a gently lapping sea was stretched far and wide to my right. It was a bit of a picture postcard. I hadn’t been expecting that. I wasn’t yet underwhelmed, but then there was a whole weekend to go. The airport was only a mile or so from the town, a pretty place with squares and parks. A sleepy town though – but it did smack of a place that had never quite got going. A quick browse around and one nice coffee shop later and I felt I’d ‘done’ Perpignan. To be honest,

it had a feel of ‘Brit’s abroad’ about it, and that’s really not for me (probably a reason I’ve never visited Benidorm or Tenerife, I decided to leave Perpignan to the Ryanair massive). So, I hired a car and took to the open road. As the postcard Perpignan disappeared in my rear view mirror an air of calm descended upon me, I felt free. I headed east to explore the Languedoc, a region between the Rhone and Aude River, an area of beauty and of simplicity, an area compared to Provence in so many ways - except cost. And therein lies the logic‌ budget break; enjoy it, just don’t pay premium for it. Suddenly my feelings of being underwhelmed were lifted, I had a faint glimmer of hope in my heart. Maybe it was the sunshine on my face that was doing it. Gently meandering roads swept us away from Perpignan, away from the Pyrenees and on to embrace undulating hills, sprawling vineyards and wild vegetation. The landscape was interrupted only by the odd village, each displaying its own unique past European influence: Italian, Greek, Spanish and French architecture splashes across the horizon and before you know it everything before your eyes has evolved into a canvas of lush beauty. Head north-east and you traverse the Black Mountains, dramatic dark clouds hang in the sky, an unnerving natural phenomenon, and Harry Potter-esq feelings are evoked as you descend out of the dark and down in to the mediaeval city of Carcassonne. A city with unspoilt architecture, yet a place that is somewhat aged and dirty. Like a grubby urchin; Carcassonne is nice, but you don’t want it too close. We stopped, drank a lot of local produce and were unable to continue. Lower priced hotels are aplenty and so it was that our budget remained intact. Luckily the local grape juice was cheap too. Cheap and dirty. I confess I don’t really remember, but I’m sure it was fun. After a good night’s sleep and a lot of bread product, we found ourselves sober enough to be back on the winding roads of the Languedoc, this time south-east towards Narbonne, a town smaller than Carcassonne, but more perfectly formed; a low rise city nestled in the hills and adjacent to the sea. The place oozing life and

lust, immediately ticking boxes; it had most things you would need in abundance (good food and good wine) and everything else that you needed in moderation (gay bars and pretty boys). I guess the sun shining make a difference, and it did shine, it does in that part of the world more frequently than in most places. I think I was happy. Feelings of being underwhelmed had clearly evaporated in the sunshine or been drowned by copious amounts of vin rouge and sea vistas. After another economical night in a perfectly comfortable hotel, we realised the weekend was already over and that we had seen so little of this perfect and unspoilt piece of France. In the car, we began to wind our way back to the postcard Perpignan, meandering west this time with the sea on our left and astonishing rolling views ahead and to the right. In the distance were the Pyrenees once more, the foothills marking our point of origin and our destination. Despite the hangovers (after another night on the local Languedoc produce) I could now appreciate what we had experienced; a soft sample of France in its rawest form, rough around the edges, but one which worked so very well. It wasn’t Provence, but the people, the views and the feel in the air were all more than comparable. They say that the Languedoc is the poor man’s Provence, but that doesn’t make it bad, nor the man who visits it poor – quite the opposite, it makes good business sense in a time where it is sensible to be prudent, in fact it makes it all the more attractive, not that it actually needs help to be made attractive as this whole area is a real hidden gem. On reflection, I searched for where my feelings of being underwhelmed should surface and I couldn’t find a spot. The place was great, the journey easy, and the people more than friendly. It was a perfect little weekend and I started to worry. I had enjoyed a budget break. I was quite simply horrified – I felt the same way Judith Chalmers would have when she realised she liked Butlins. Oh dear. On the way home I had a revelation; all this cheap travel simply meant that I could do more of it. I think I had been bitten by the bug. I got to thinking about what else Ryanair had on offer. I worry for me, I really do.

Geneva. Where people meet. MySwitzerland.com/gaylesbian

56-57 Travel 2.indd 57

26/6/09 16:43:18

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58-59 Shop.indd 59

26/6/09 16:45:59

60-63 Feature 10.indd 60

26/6/09 16:48:08


ENCOUNTER Nick Denbigh models Andrew Christian Photographer: Anthony Frausto - http://anthonyfrausto.com Make-up: Jeffrey Fetzer • Stylist: Marc Little John

60-63 Feature 10.indd 61

26/6/09 16:48:41

60-63 Feature 10.indd 62

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60-63 Feature 10.indd 63

26/6/09 16:51:33

64-65 Scene Cover.indd 64

26/6/09 13:50:14


REGIONAL Zfek\ekj -. >>> JUly BARBOY & dance CHART s -/ >>> London SCENE s .+ >>> brighton SCENE s /' >>> south coast SCENE s /, >>> thames valley SCENE s // >>> bristol SCENE s 0- >>> west SCENE s 0/ >>> wales SCENE s ('' >>> midlands SCENE s (') >>> liverpool SCENE s ('+ >>> manchester SCENE s ('. >>> leeds SCENE s ('/ >>> HULL SCENE s ((' >>> newcastle scene s ((+ >>> competition s

64-65 Scene Cover.indd 65

26/6/09 16:57:40

Photography by Magnus Hastings


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66-67 Barboy Chart.indd 66

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26/6/09 13:51:16



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66-67 Barboy Chart.indd 67

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26/6/09 16:56:23

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68-73 London.indd 68

26/6/09 13:52:44

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68-73 London.indd 69

26/6/09 13:53:08

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68-73 London.indd 70

26/6/09 15:54:45

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74 BrightonjZ\e\

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74-79 Brighton.indd 76

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26/6/09 14:00:18

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74-79 Brighton.indd 77

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78 BrightonjZ\e\ >>>D8E:?<JK<I >@ICJ E@>?K D<<KJ 9I@>?KFE :CL9

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74-79 Brighton.indd 78

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BrightonjZ\e\ 79

74-79 Brighton.indd 79

26/6/09 14:02:56

80 South CoastjZ\e\ >>>>F JN@DD@E> 8K K?< <;>< K?< <;><# JFLK?8DGKFE# =I@ *( ALCP# J8K ( 8L> FeZ\ X p\Xi K_\ <[^\ `j kiXej]fid\[ `ekf X Y\XZ_ gXiX[`j\# Xe[ k_Xk \oZ`k`e^ jldd\i e`^_k `j e\Xicp lgfe lj K_`j p\Xi# fe =i` *( Alcp Xe[ JXk ( 8l^ljk# k_\i\ n`cc \m\e Y\ X jn`dd`e^ gffc `e k_\ ^Xi[\e <og\Zk gc\ekp f] [leb`e^j k_ifl^_flk k_\ e`^_k% E`e\ kf =`m\ Zfek`el\j fe =i` (' Xe[ JXk (( Alcp# ^`m`e^ ]`m\ g\fgc\ ^\kk`e^ k_\ Z_XeZ\ kf n`e ('' `e ZXj_# Xe[ K_\ <[^\ =XZkfi _\Xkj Xi\ \m\ip Kl\j[Xp Xe[ Jle[Xp% K_\ ^iXe[ gi`q\ `j (#''' jf n\cc nfik_ X ^f `] pfl k_`eb pfl Zflc[ Y\ k_\ e\ok C\feX C\n`j nnn%k_\\[^\jflk_Xdgkfe%Zfd





G_fkfj ]ifd K_\ <[^\













Southampton '( K_\ <[^\ s :fdgkfe NXcb s '.'0' +)* -// s nnn%\[^\$e`^_kZclY%Zfd ') K_\ <e[\Xmfli s . J`de\c Jki\\k s nnn%k_\\e[\Xmfli%Zf%lb '* ?)F s /0 Jk DXipËj IfX[ s ')* /'*/ -//' '+ @jfYXi s (''Z Jk DXipËj Jki\\k s ')* /')) )')/ snnn%`jfYXijflk_Xdgkfe%Zfd ', K_\ Cfe[fe s ) K\id`elj K\iiXZ\ s ')* /'.( '-,) s nnn%k_\$cfe[fe%Zf%lb '- K_\ G`eb 9ifX[nXp s .0&/' <Xjk Jki\\k s ')* /')* //'+ s nnn%g`eb$YifX[nXp%Zfd









The Edge, Compton Walk, Southampton SO14 0BH

Tel: 023 8036 6163

Open - Tuesday to Friday & Sunday 9pm-3am · Saturday 9pm-5am email: info@theedgesouthampton.com

, +


80-84 South Coast.indd 80

26/6/09 14:07:27

South CoastjZ\e\ 81 >>>JBP;@M@E> =FI K?< :FLEK<JJ DFLEK98KK<E ?FJG@:< K?< CFE;FE ?FK<C# JFLK?8DGKFE# K8B<J KF K?< JB@<J

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80-84 South Coast.indd 81

26/6/09 14:07:59

82 South CoastjZ\e\ >>>9FLIE<DFLK? J:<E< =F:LJ ALCP )''0 >>>K_\ 9Xb\iËj 8idj


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password “stickybuns”

Pâtisserie Angélique is hosting ‘Pink Sundays’ every Sunday in Westbourne. Come to the launch on Sunday 5th July. Toby and Philippe invite you to a chilled afternoon cream tea, cake or milkshake on their sun terrace. www.patisserieangelique.com

Pink Sundays is being launched to offer the gay community in Bournemouth something different from the usual venues, a more relaxed atmosphere where you and your friends can sit, chat and enjoy a French fancy or two! 79 Poole Road Westbourne Bournemouth BH4 9BB

>>>K_\ JXleXYXi 9flie\dflk_Ëj JXleXYXi `j fe\ f] k_\ cXi^\jk Zfdgc\o\j f] `kj b`e[ fe k_\ Jflk_ :fXjk# n`k_ X ]lccp c`Z\ej\[ YXi# ]lccp kiX`e\[ dXjj\lij# Xe[ cfX[j f] ]XZ`c`k`\j% Fe JXk (( Alcp k_\i\Ëj X jg\Z`Xc 9flie\ =i\\ Jn`e^\ij GXikp ]ifd 0gd% nnn%^XpjXleXYXi%Zfd

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>>>K_\ 9iXebjfd\ Jle[Xp \m\e`e^j Xk K_\ 9iXebjfd\ ]\Xkli\ ;A Gi`[\ ]ifd /gd n`k_ ^l\jk ZXYXi\k Xk ('gd% Dfe[Xpj Xi\ BXiXfb\ Hl\\ej ]ifd 0gd n`k_ ClZ`e[X CXj_\j# Zfd\ Xe[ j`e^ pfli ]Xmfli`k\ jfe^j Kl\j[Xpj Xi\ Z_`ccflk e`^_k n`k_ YXZb^ifle[ dlj`Z# Xe[ N\[e\j[Xpj Xi\ JXccp MXk\Ëj D`[n\\b DX[e\jj n`k_ ^Xd\j Xe[ gi`q\j% K_\ n\\b\e[j ]\Xkli\ ZXYXi\k# ;Aj Xe[ cfX[j f] [i`ebj gifdfk`fej nnn%k_\YiXebjfd\%Zfd

>>>OZ_Xe^\ 9Xi Xe[ :clY Jle[Xpj Xi\ bXiXfb\ ]ifd /gd Æ d`[e`^_k# Kl\j[Xpj Xi\ ifcc k_\ [`Z\ pfl Zflc[ n`e X ]i\\ [i`eb Xe[ N\[e\j[Xpj ]\Xkli\ ;A JZfkk% ;A Dfeb\p `j fe =i`[Xp e`^_kj# n`k_ ZXYXi\k fe k_\ ]fccfn`e^ [Xk\j1 =i` * Alcp JZXic\k ;`Xdfek\# =i` (' CX[p CX Ifl# =i` (. ;Xm\ Cpee# =i` )+ 8cc Dflk_ Ef Kiflj\ij# =i` *( CXhl`j_X Afeq% nnn%oZ_Xe^\YXi%Zf%lb

>>>9Xi 9\pfe[ >f`e^ jkife^ j`eZ\ `kj cXleZ_ cXjk dfek_# 9Xi 9\pfe[ `j gcXp`e^ `k ]lebp Xe[ ZcXjjp n`k_ X jk\ccXi c`e\ lg f] ;Aj% ;feËk ]fi^\k# k_\i\Ëj X jdfb`e^ k\iiXZ\ flk YXZb% ?fn Zfem\e`\ek

>>>NXek pfli \m\ek c`jk\[6 <dX`c e`^_kc`]\7*j`okpdX^Xq`e\%Zfd<<<

G_fkf ]ifd k_\ D`e` 9Xi

for the wild side of your lifestyle nnn%n_`k\k`^\ijkfi\%Zfd ). K_\ Ki`Xe^c\# 9flie\dflk_

80-84 South Coast.indd 82

26/6/09 14:08:37

South CoastjZ\e\ 83 K_\ )0*' K_\ Ki`Xe^c\

K_\ 9iXebjfd\

Bournemouth '( K_\ 9Xb\ij 8idj s .. :fdd\iZ`Xc IfX[ s '()') ,,,,'- '* )0*' K_\ Ki`Xe^c\ s *' K_\ Ki`Xe^c\ s '/+, +.+ *'(0 s nnn%)0*'k_\ki`Xe^c\%Zfd '+ K_\ 9iXebjfd\ s :fdd\iZ`Xc IfX[ s '()') ,,),++ s nnn%k_\YiXebjfd\%Zfd ', :`iZlj 7 K_\ Fg\iX ?flj\ s ,.' :_i`jkZ_liZ_ IfX[# 9fjZfdY\ s '()') *000)) s nnn%fg\iX_flj\%Zf%lb '- Fm\i K_\ IX`eYfn s >Xp D\ej ?\Xck_ Gifa\Zk s '()') ),.+./ s nnn%iX`eYfnYflie\dflk_%Zf%lb '. IlYpq :XYXi\k I\jkXliXek s N\jk ?`cc IfX[ s nnn%ilYpq%Zf%lb '/ JXleXYXi s + 8m\el\ CXe\ s nnn%^XpjXleXYXi%Zfd '0 K_\ OZ_Xe^\ s + K_\ Ki`Xe^c\ s '()') )0+*)( (' D`e` 9Xi s ('0$((( :fdd\iZ`Xc IfX[ s 9?) ,IK (( K_\ GXk`jj\i`\ 8e^ c`hl\ s .0 Gffc IfX[s N\jkYflie\ s 9?+ 099 s nnn%gXk`jj\i`\Xe^\c`hl\%Zfd () 9Xi 9\pfe[ s ('* :fdd\iZ`Xc IfX[ s 9?) ,IK (* N_`k\ K`^\i s ). K_\ Ki`Xe^c\ s 9flie\dflk_ s 9?) ,J< s '/+, +0- -*', s nnn%n_`k\k`^\ijkfi\%Zfd




'* (( (' ()

(* '(



80-84 South Coast.indd 83

26/6/09 14:09:21

84 South CoastjZ\e\ >>>GFIKJDFLK? J:<E< =F:LJ ALCP )''0

>>>9FLIE<DFLK? :CL99@E> @EJK@KLK@FE G8IK@<J =FI GI@;< :@I:LJ 9FLIE< =I<< 8=K<IG8IKP# K?< FG<I8 ?FLJ<# J8K (( ALCP

>>>K_\ Fc[ M`Z :XYXi\k Xe[ g\i]fidXeZ\j Xi\ `e XYle[XeZ\ Xk K_\ Fc[ M`Z k_`j dfek_# n`k_ dXc\ mfZXc`jk 9\ae` fe Jle , Alcp# N\jc\p XbX :Xjj`[p :feefij fe JXk () Alcp# ]\dXc\ mfZXc`jk E`Zfcc\kk\ Jki\\k fe JXk (/ Alcp Xe[ CX[p AXd\j fe Jle )- Alcp% J\\ k_\ n\Yj`k\ ]fi dfi\ [\kX`cj Xe[ k_\ cXk\jk c`e\ lgj nnn%fc[m`Zgfikjdflk_%Zf%lb

>>>K_\ ?Xdgj_`i\ 9flc\mXi[ Dfe[Xp e`^_kj Xk K_\ ?Xdgj_`i\ 9flc\mXi[ Xi\ Jfle[ Xj X Gfle[# n`k_ ;A C\\ ?Xii`j Xe[ Xcc [i`ebj Xk m\ip Z_\Xg gi`Z\j =i`[Xp e`^_kj Xi\ ZXYXi\k e`^_kj# n`k_ CfcX CXjX^e\ fe =i` * Alcp# JXe[iX fe =i` (' Alcp# J\op :lk\ jki`gg\i fe =i` (.# BXi\e ;fckfe fe =i` )+ Alcp Xe[ K`kk` CX :Xdg fe =i` *( Alcp%

@kËj YXZb :`iZlj# efn `e `kj ),k_ 8ee`m\ijXip p\Xi# gi\j\ekj Xe \okiX jg\Z`Xc [Xk\ `e 9flie\dflk_Ëj ZclYY`e^ [`Xip% Fe JXk (( Alcp K_\ Fg\iX ?flj\ X kilcp jklee`e^ m\el\ `] \m\i k_\i\ nXj fe\ n`cc Y\ kXb\e fm\i Yp k_\ :`iZlj k\Xd ]\Xkli`e^ X c`m\ G8 ]ifd LJ [`mX Xe[ nfic[n`[\ ^Xp `Zfe Cfee`\ >fi[fe% Cfee`\ `j Zlii\ekcp gifdfk`e^ _\i e\n XcYld# >fi[feËj >iffm\# Xe[ n`cc Y\ g\i]fid`e^ jfd\ f] _\i Y`^^\jk _`kj `eZcl[`e^ ?Xgg\e`e^ 8cc Fm\i 8^X`e Xe[ :XkZ_ Pfl 9XYp% ;Aj fe k_\ e`^_k `eZcl[\ 8[i`Xe ;leYXi Xe[ B\m`e 9iffbj gcXp`e^ Xe \oZclj`m\ YXZb)YXZb j\k # :_i`j 9# GXlc B`e^ Xe[ J` :lY% K_\ dlj`Z n`cc Y\ gldg`e^ _flj\ Xe[ i\d`o\[ Zfdd\iZ`Xc Xek_\dj# gif^i\jj`e^ kf X _Xi[ _flj\ jfle[ Xj k_\ e`^_k ^f\j fe% K_\ 8dXq`e^ 8i` Xi`\c g\i]fid\i n`cc Xcjf Y\ fe _Xe[# g\i]fid`e^ _`j `eZi\[`Yc\ iflk`e\j XYfm\ k_\ jkX^\# Xj n\cc Xj j\op ^f ^f Yfpj Xe[ ]\dXc\ [XeZ\ij% K_`j cffbj j\k kf Y\ X dXafi ZclYY`e^ \m\ek nnn%dpjgXZ\%Zfd&Yflie\dflk_Yfckj


>>>DXik_XËj Xe[ )). <m\ip N\[e\j[Xp Xk DXik_XËj `j Hl`q E`^_k# _fjk\[ Yp E`Zb ]ifd /gd% ?\X[ Xcfe^ Xe[ kXb\ gXik `e k_\ hl`q# pfli Z_XeZ\ kf ^iXY X _Xe[YX^ Xe[ gfjj`Ycp n`e X ZXj_ aXZbgfk =`e[ DXik_XËj fe =XZ\Yffb kf ^\k dfi\ `e]fidXk`fe%

G_fkfj ]ifd :`iZlj <i`Z >ip^`\i

>>>NXek pfli \m\ek c`jk\[6 <dX`c e`^_kc`]\7*j`okpdX^Xq`e\%Zfd<<<

>>>:IL@J@E> 8IFLE; >8P 9FLIE<DFLK? K?< 9@> >8P :IL@J< C8LE:?<J K?< >8P KI@8E>C< 9flie\dflk_Ëj C>9K m\el\j jkff[ kf^\k_\i cXjk dfek_# Xj k_\ ]`ijk \m\i 9`^ >Xp :il`j\ f]]`Z`Xccp cXleZ_\[ K_\ >Xp Ki`Xe^c\% K_\ \m\ek nXj X Y`^ jlZZ\jj# n`k_ fm\i (-' g\fgc\ klie`e^ lg kf Y\ n_`jb\[ Xifle[ k_\ YXij# n_`Z_ `eZcl[\[ O:_Xe^\# K_\ 9iXebjfd\# D`e` 9Xi# )0*' K_\ Ki`Xe^c\# JXleXYXi Xe[ K_\ 9Xb\iËj 8idj% K_\ e\ok ^Xp Zil`j\ `j gcXee\[ ]fi k_\ \e[ f] Alcp# k_\ [Xk\ _X[ p\k kf Y\ Zfe]`id\[ Xj *J@OKP n\ek kf gi\jj# jf Z_\Zb fec`e\ ]fi k_\ cXk\jk lg[Xk\j% nnn%k_\^Xpki`Xe^c\%Zfd

South Coast <8JK9FLIE< K_\ ?Xik s /0 :Xm\e[`j_ GcXZ\ s '(*)* -+* (,( s nnn%k_\_Xik%Zf%lb

GFIKJDFLK? ?Xdgj_`i\ 9flc\mXi[ s ( ?Xdgj_`i\ K\iiXZ\ s Jflk_j\X s ')* 0))0 .,'0 K_\ Fc[ M`Z s Jk GXlcËj IfX[ s ')* 0))0 .'(* s nnn%fc[m`Zgfikjdflk_%Zf%lb DXik_XËj s )). :fdd\iZ`Xc IfX[ s ')* 0)/, )0,(

K_\ 9`^ >Xp :il`j\

80-84 South Coast.indd 84

26/6/09 14:10:47

Thames ValleyjZ\e\ 85 >>>I8@E ;F<JEËK JKFG GC8P @E FO=FI; GI@;< =<JK@M8C ?8@C<; 8J 8 JL::<JJ ;\jg`k\ i\c\ekc\jj [i`qqc\ k_ifl^_flk Fo]fi[ Gi`[\Ëj gXiX[\# dfi\ k_Xe )'' g\fgc\ klie\[ lg kf dXiZ_ k_ifl^_ k_\ jki\\kj f] Fo]fi[% K_\ ef`jp gifZ\jj`fe c\[ k_ifl^_ _`jkfi`Z j`k\j jlZ_ Xj Fo]fi[ :Xjkc\ Xe[ 9fee JhlXi\# n`k_ cfZXc j_fgg\ij Z_\\i`e^ k_\ dXiZ_ fe% K_\ gXikp Xkdfjg_\i\ Zfek`el\[ Xk k_\ dX`e \m\ek n`k_ ]XYlcflj c`m\ g\i]fidXeZ\j fe k_\ Le`jfe JkX^\ `eZcl[`e^ 8e^`\ 9ifne Xe[ B\ccp N`c[\% Fi^Xe`j\ij f] k_\ \m\ek Xi\ m\ip _Xggp n`k_ k_\ klieflk% È@k n\ek ]XekXjk`ZXccp#É jXpj ]\jk`mXc [`i\Zkfi DXqq% È<m\ipfe\ n_f ZXd\ flk ]fi k_\ [Xp _X[ X ]XekXjk`Z k`d\# Xe[ n\Ëm\ _X[ jfd\ ^i\Xk ]\\[YXZb% N\Ëi\ Xci\X[p gcXee`e^ ]fi e\ok p\Xij \m\ek# n_`Z_ n`cc kXb\ gcXZ\ `e Ale\ )'('%É nnn%fo]fi[gi`[\%fi^%lb

G_fkfj ]ifd Fo]fi[ Gi`[\ )''0 nnn%DXqq@dX^\%Zfd

Thames Valley 8PC<J9LIP K_\ JXiXZ\ej s , I`Zb]fi[j ?`cc s '()0- +)(,)/ s nnn%k_\$jXiXZ\ej%Zf%lb

D@CKFE B<PE<J G`eb Glek\ij s ) NXkc`e^ Jki\\k# 9c\kZ_c\p s '(0'/ *..+++ s nnn%g`ebglek\ij%Zfd

EFIK?8DGKFE K_\ 9fjkfe :c`gg\i s :fcc\^\ Jki\\k s '(-'+ -'++'+ s nnn%k_\YfjkfeZc`gg\i%Zf%lb Iflk\ -0 s ( >Xj Jki\\k s '(-'+ )*0*(/ s nnn%iflk\-0%Zf%lb

FO=FI; 9i\n\ip >Xpk\ s , Jk% K_fdXj Jki\\k s '(/-, ),'')' s nnn%Yi\n\ip^Xpk\%Zfd :Xjkc\ KXm\ie s )+ GXiX[`j\ Jki\\k s '(/-, .0*.,0 s nnn%ZXjkc\kXm\iefo]fi[%Zfd Afccp =Xid\ij s )' GXiX[`j\ Jki\\k s '(/-, .0*.,0 s nnn%afccp]Xid\ijfo]fi[%Zfd :fm\e fe =i`[Xpj s Fog\ej IfX[ FO( (IO s '(/-, )+)..'

JN@E;FE K_\ G`eb Iffdj s *"+ M`Zkfi`X IfX[ s JE( *8A s nnn%k_\g`ebiffdj%Zf%lb K_\ DX`c:fXZ_ s ,0 =c\\k Jki\\k s '(.0* ,*/)+- s nnn%dX`cZfXZ_jn`e[fe%Zf%lb

I<8;@E> K_\ >iXeYp s ()' Cfe[fe IfX[ s '((/ 0*, ),*. s nnn%k_\^iXeYp%Zf%lb Npe]fi[ 8idj s ((' B`e^j IfX[ s '((/ 0,/ 0/(+ s nnn%npe]fi[Xidj%Zfd K_\ DXck_flj\ s ,* >i\p]i`Xij IfX[ s '((/ 0,0 .(). s nnn%dXck_flj\glY%Zfd

Northampton Milton Keynes Aylesbury Cheltenham Swindon


Bristol Mare


Oxford Reading






85-87 Thames.indd 85


Guildford Farnham Winchester Crawley Southampton H Eastbour

26/6/09 14:15:42

85-87 Thames.indd 86

26/6/09 14:16:14

Thames ValleyjZ\e\ 87 >>>C@:<EJ<; ÊK@C ;8NE

G_fkfj ]ifd k_\ DXck_flj\

K?< D8CK?FLJ<# <M<IP N<<B<E; K_\i\Ëj XcnXpj jfd\k_`e^ ^f`e^ fe Xk K_\ DXck_flj\# dXb`e^ `k fe\ f] k_\ gi`dXip ^Xp [\jk`eXk`fej `e k_\ K_Xd\j MXcc\p Xi\X% N\[e\j[Xpj Xi\ ;M/# \ekip `j + Xe[ Xcc [i`ebj Xi\ aljk (%,' K_lij[Xp e`^_kj Xi\ bXiXfb\ n`k_ i\j`[\ek Zfdg\i\ Jf]Xe[X :fo1 k_\i\ Xi\ gi`q\j fe f]]\i Xe[ fm\i )'#''' jfe^j kf Z_ffj\ ]ifd jf ef \oZlj\j efk kf j`e^ <m\ip n\\b\e[ k_\ gXikp b`Zbj f]] n`k_ kfg ZcXjj ZXYXi\k \m\ip =i`[Xp Xe[ ;Aj fe Yfk_ =i`[Xpj Xe[ JXkli[Xpj n`k_ ]i\\ \ekip Y\]fi\ ('gd% K_\ DXck_flj\ `j aljk X j_fik nXcb XnXp ]ifd I\X[`e^ IX`cnXp JkXk`fe# Xe[ c`Z\ej\[ i`^_k k_ifl^_ Êk`c -Xd# aljk `e k`d\ ]fi k_\ ]`ijk kiX`e _fd\ nnn%dXck_flj\glY%Zfd

>>>KFG :FD<;P 8:KJ @E FO=FI; K?< 9I<N<IP >8K<# K?LIJ 0 ALCP

K_\ 9i\n\ip >Xk\

Fe\ f] Fo]fi[Ëj C>9K glYj n`cc n\cZfd\ X kfg Zfd\[p XZk k_`j Alcp Xk k_\ 9i\n\ip >Xk\Ëj ]`ijk Zfd\[p e`^_k% @jp Jlkk`\# Y\jk befne ]fi _\i Xgg\Xi$ XeZ\ Xj ;fYYp `e :_Xee\c =fliËj G\\g J_fn# `j X i\^lcXi fe k_\ eXk`feXc Zfd\[p Z`iZl`k# Xe[ _Xj Y\\e c`b\e\[ kf X il[\i M`Zkfi`X Nff[% ?\i g\i]fid$ XeZ\j ]\Xkli\ jfe^j Xe[ jkXe[ lg Z_XiXZk\ij# `eZcl[`e^ AXqq j`e^\i D`jj D`jj`jj`gg`% ;ffij fg\e .gd# \ekip `j +% nnn%dpjgXZ\%Zfd&`jpjlkk`\

>>>;<:8;<E:< I<KLIEJ KF JN@E;FE K_\ DX`cZfXZ_

K?< D8@C:F8:?# =I@ (' ALCP 8]k\i X ]XekXjk`Z cXleZ_ gXikp `e DXp# ;\ZX[\eZ\ i\kliej kf k_\ DX`cZfXZ_ fe =i` (' Alcp# Zfdgc\k\ n`k_ _fjk DX[Xd DXp_\d Xe[ i\j`[\ek ;Aj% @] pfl ]XeZp jfd\k_`e^ [`]]\i\ek# kip k_`j \m\ek# Xj ;\ZX[\eZ\ k_ifn gXik`\j Xcc XZifjj k_\ LB% ;Aj 8ek E`Z_fcj Xe[ GXlc N\Yjk\i n`cc Y\ gldg`e^ flk kliYf _flj\ n`k_ Xkk`kl[\% ;ffij fg\e ('gd Æ +Xd% Kf ^\k X ]\\c`e^ ]fi k_\ \m\ek# [fnecfX[ gf[ZXjkj ]ifd k_\ n\Yj`k\% nnn%ZclY`e[\ZX[\eZ\%Zfd & nnn%dX`cZfXZ_jn`e[fe%Zf%lb G_fkf ]ifd K_\ DX`cZfXZ_

>>>I<8;@E> :898I<K K?< NPE=FI; 8IDJ K_\i\ `j jfd\ ^i\Xk ZXYXi\k fe f]]\i Xk K_\ Npe]fi[ 8idj k_`j dfek_% CfZXc cX[p N`cdX =`e^X[ff Xgg\Xij fe Kl\j (+ Alcp Xe[ DXe[p >Xg `j fe Kl\j )/ Alcp% :ffb`\Ëj bXiXfb\ kXb\j gcXZ\ fe Kl\j[Xpj . Xe[ )( Alcp# Xe[ k_\ gXikp _\Xkj lg Xk k_\ n\\b\e[j n`k_ c`m\ ;Aj gcXp`e^ `ekf k_\ \Xicp _flij% <m\ip K_lij[Xp `j =cXj_YXZb# n`k_ jfd\ f] k_\ Y\jk _`kj ]ifd k_\ .'j# /'j Xe[ 0'j% nnn%npe]fi[Xidj%Zfd

85-87 Thames.indd 87

26/6/09 14:16:50

88-95 Bristol.indd 88

26/6/09 14:20:28

BristoljZ\e\ 89 >>>JKI<<K G8IKP JL::<JJ 9I@JKFCËJ G@EB G8IKP N@K? *J@OKP# J8K - ALE< >f 9i`jkfc K_\ XcnXpj$]le G`e\Xggc\ GlY `e 9i`jkfc _fjk\[ k_\ G`eb GXikp Xk k_\ Y\^`ee`e^ f] Ale\# YfXjk`e^ X j\c\Zk`fe f] [iX^ ^c`kk\iXk`# ]ifd cfZXc c\^\e[ KiXp cX KiXj_ kf k_\ cljZ`flj CfcX CXjX^e\ Xe[ [`mX :cXl[`X GXki`Z\% ;\jg`k\ k_\ jle [\Z`[$ `e^ kf _`[\ XnXp ]fi k_\ [Xp# Xcdfjk \m\ipfe\ Y\Xd\[ n`k_ jd`c\j Xj k_\ dlj`Z gldg\[ Xe[ k_\ _ldfli ]cfn\[% *J@OKP nXj k_\i\ n`k_ X Y\Xlk`]lccp gi\j\ek\[ jkXcc# f]]\i`e^ ]i\\ n`e\ Xe[ `e]fidXk`fe kf k_\ ^Xk_\i\[ Zifn[j% N\cc [fe\ kf k_\ G`e\Xggc\ Xe[ \m\ipfe\ `emfcm\[ ]fi X ^i\Xk gXikp


Bristol K_\ N\jk Jki`g ) C\m\c Fe\ s +( :fcjkfe Jki\\k s 9J( , ) K_\ GXib s *. Ki`Xe^c\ N\jk s '((. 0+' -('( * K_\ G`e\Xggc\ s *. Jk >\fi^\Ëj IfX[ s '((. 0,+ +.0+ s nnn%g`e\Xggc\Yi`jkfc%Zfd + Hl\\ej_`cc`e^ s 0 =if^dfi\ Jki\\k s'((. 0*' '/++ s nnn%hl\\ej_`cc`e^%Zfd , E`Z\ ÊEË EXl^_kp s +, :fcjkfe Jki\\k s '((. 0)0 .--- s '( ',




88-95 Bristol.indd 89

26/6/09 14:22:32

90 BristoljZ\e\ >>>9I8E; E<N C@E<$LG =FI ALCP C<M<C ( =FID<ICP K?< >I@==@E

G_fkfj ]ifd C\m\c (

K_`e^j# k_\p Xi\ X Z_Xe^`e^# Xj fe\ f] 9i`jkfcËj e\n\jk ^Xp m\el\j Z_fgj Xe[ Z_Xe^\j k_\ n\\bcp c`e\ lg f] e`^_kj% Dfe[Xpj Xi\ efn D`ek1 lgjkX`ij `j 9\kkp 9ffj K\X 9Xi kiXej e`^_k # n`k_ 9XZb kf k_\ /'j [fnejkX`ij% Kl\j[Xpj Xi\ BiXqp BXiXfb\ n`k_ IXZ_\c [fnejkX`ij ]ifd /gd% N\[e\j[Xpj Xi\ >fjj`g# X Z_`ccflk YXi kf ZXkZ_ lg n`k_ ]i`\e[j% K_lij[Xpj Xi\ hl`q e`^_k# _fjk\[ Yp 8[Xd% =i`[Xpj Xi\ E`Z\ ÊeË EXl^_kp# n`k_ ^`icj fecp [fnejkX`ij# Xe[ 9lYYc\jËj JXlZp :fZbkX`c 9Xi lgjkX`ij% JXkli[Xpj Xi\ :Xdg Xj K`kj n`k_ ;fccp K`kjlg Xe[ _\i kfg kle\j% Fe Jle[Xpj af`e KiXp CX KiXj_ ]ifd .gd2 gi\j\ek`e^ jfd\ f] k_\ Y\jk ZXYXi\k XZkj `e k_\ LB K_\e `kËj f]] kf K_\ G`e\Xggc\ ]fi dfi\ ZXYXi\k%

88-95 Bristol.indd 90

26/6/09 14:28:33

BristoljZ\e\ 91 >>>N@E :8J? 8K K?< G@E<8GGC< K?< G@E<8GGC<# <M<IP K?LIJ;8P K_lij[Xpj Xi\ Z_Xe^`e^ Xk k_\ G`e\Xggc\% <XZ_ n\\b pfl ZXe ^iXY X j_X^ kX^ k`Zb\k ]fi k_\ Hl\\ej_`cc`e^ k_\ `[\Xc nXp kf g`Zb lg X Zlk\ Yfp fi ^`ic cXk\i `e k_\ e`^_k Xe[ ^\k XccfZXk\[ X le`hl\ eldY\i Xk k_\ jXd\ k`d\% K_\ Yfpj ]ifd k_\ G`e\Xggc\ n`cc Z_ffj\ fggfikle\ k`d\j kf g`Zb flk eldY\ij# Xe[ `] pfli eldY\i `j g`Zb\[ pfl Zflc[ n`e X ]i\\ [i`eb K_\e# Xk k_\ \e[ f] k_\ e`^_k# fe\ clZbp g\ijfe n`cc Y\ j\c\Zk\[ kf n`e )' kf jg\e[ Xk k_\ Hl\\ej_`cc`e^% K_XkËj nfik_ jk`Zb`e^ Xifle[ ]fi%

G_fkfj ]ifd K_\ G`e\Xggc\


88-95 Bristol.indd 91

26/6/09 14:37:18

92 BristoljZ\e\ >>>><K K?< G8IKP JK8IK<; FE 8 J8KLI;8P E@>?K

G_fkfj ]ifd k_\ Hl\\ej_`cc`e^ ]fXd gXikp

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88-95 Bristol.indd 92

26/6/09 14:32:36

BristoljZ\e\ 93

88-95 Bristol.indd 93

26/6/09 14:33:05

94 BristoljZ\e\ >>>N@E ™('' :8J? GI@Q< K?< G8C8:<# <M<IP K?LIJ;8P With 2 chances to WIN CASH every Monday in our Lounge quiz £1 pp 9pm & FREE Jukebox Monday - Wednesday.

Chillout with FREE WIFI & great drink 3URPRV 'RXEOH XS RQ VSLULWV IRU MXVW Â… %X\ :.' RU . ÂśV for ÂŁ5 Plus Shooters from ÂŁ1 & real ale just ÂŁ2 pint.

K_\ GXcXZ\ _fjkj X ]XYlcflj ^Xd\j e`^_k \m\ip K_lij[Xp e`^_k# _fjk\[ Yp D`jj B`kkp C`kk\i% @k Zflc[ Y\ GcXp Pfli :Xi[j I`^_k# fi `k Zflc[ Y\ K_\ Gi`Z\ @j I`^_k# Ylk fe\ k_`e^ `j Z\ikX`e1 `] pfl n`e k_\ ^Xd\# pfl Zflc[ nXcb XnXp n`k_ ™('' `e ZXj_ Jle[Xpj Xi\ ZXYXi\k e`^_k# n`k_ B`kkp C`kk\i _fjk`e^# Xe[ X ^l\jk [iX^ hl\\e \XZ_ n\\b% K_\ GXcXZ\Ëj _`$ZXdg Xkdfjg_\i\ Xe[ fglc\ek [\Zfi _Xm\ dX[\ `k X ]`id ]Xmfli`k\ fe k_\ 9i`jkfc ^Xp jZ\e\% G_fkfj ]ifd K_\ 9i`jkfc 9\Xi 9Xi

A wide range of selected drinks Just ÂŁ2. Pints, Bottles & Spirits. When you show your NUS card & Buy 5 shots get one FREE.

The famous Karaoke with Baz-T is back !!! With over 5000 songs we are sure to have what you want, starts 8pm. [coming soon]

Join us for fun & laughter with Cabaret last Friday of every PRQWK ZLWK WRS QDWLRQDO DFWV HYHU\ ZHHN ZLWK GULQNV SURPRÂśV Plus pub to club offers.

The Weekend is here!! Playing all the club classics taking you back to the old days and bring back the Memories, plus you choose the music on the jukebox with over 40,000 songs. With 3 chances to WIN CASH & FREE drinks with our Lounge Bingo play from just ÂŁ4, 8pm-9pm.

88-95 Bristol.indd 94

26/6/09 14:35:09

BristoljZ\e\ 95 >>>9@> 9@IK?;8P 98J? K?< CFLE><# J8K ), ALCP

K_\ Cfle^\

K_\ Yfpj Xk K_\ Cfle^\ Xi\ `e k_\ dff[ kf Z\c\YiXk\ Xj CXe[cfi[ 9XqËj 9`ik_[Xp YXj_ kXb\j gcXZ\ fe JXk ), Alcp% B`Zb`e^ f] [li`e^ k_\ [Xp# k_\ gXikp n`cc jki\kZ_ i`^_k k_ifl^_ `ekf k_\ e`^_k# n`k_ jg\Z`Xc [i`ebj gifdfj Xe[ jligi`j\ Y`ik_[Xp \ek\ikX`ed\ek ]ifd 0gd% ?Xggp Y`ik_[Xp 9Xq

:fd\ Kf ;X[[p Xk :clY =

Bristol Fc[ DXib\k ( ) * + , - . / 0

9i`jkfc 9\Xi 9Xi s )$* N\jk Jki\\k s '((. 0,, (0-. s nnn%Yi`jkfcY\XiYXi%Zf%lb =cXd`e^fj s )*$), N\jk Jki\\k# Fc[ DXib\k s '((. 0,, 0)-0 s nnn%]cXd`e^fjYi`jkfc%Zfd K_\ M`ccX^\ JXleX s (0$)( N\jk Jki\\ks '((. 0'* '-)) s nnn%ZfkkX^\jXleX%Zfd K_\ Cfle^\ s ,* Fc[ DXib\k Jki\\k s '((. 0)) ())+ Fc[ :Xjkc\ >i\\e s +- >cflZ\jk\i CXe\ s '((. **' 0(+' s nnn%fc[ZXjkc\^i\\e%Zfd K_\ Fc[ DXib\k KXm\ie s )0$*' Fc[ DXib\k s '((. 0)) -()* s nnn%k_\fc[dXib\kkXm\ie%Zf%lb I\ki\Xk s (- N\jk Jki\\k s Fc[ DXib\k s nnn%i\ki\XkYi`jkfc%Zfd K_\ GXcXZ\ s ( N\jk Jki\\k s Fc[ DXib\k s nnn%Yi`jkfcY\XiYXi%Zf%lb K_\ JkX^ Xe[ ?fle[j s .+ Fc[ DXib\k Jki\\k s '((. 0)0 (+'.


'* '(


88-95 Bristol.indd 95





26/6/09 14:38:17

:fienXcc Gi`[\ )''/ `e Kilif# :fienXcc

96 The

WestjZ\e\ >>>:FD< KF ;8;;P ?<8;J N<JK


KFDËJ :IL@J< 98I# B<P N<JK I<JFIK# J8K (/ ALCP :fd\ Kf ;X[[p `j X m\ip n\cc befne ZclY YiXe[ ]fi Y\Xij Xe[ Ylicp d\e% K_\ k\Xd ]ifd Cfe[fe# 9i`jkfc Xe[ :Xi[`]] ZclYj n`cc Y\ kXb`e^ fm\i KfdËj :il`j\ 9Xi Xk k_\ B\p N\jk I\jfik kf j_fn k_\ N\jk :flekip _fn k_\p ZXe k_ifn X gXikp >l\jk ;A GXlc :fXcj D\^Xnff]# Kfeb\i# >ifnc n`cc jlggcp k_\ kle\j% nnn%b\pn\jkkfihlXp%Zf%lb

Celebrating diversity and the stunning natural environment of Torbay, UK’s premiere seaside resort.

:fd\ kf ;X[[p

Bathm\el\j K_\ 9Xk_ KXg s (0$)' Jk AXd\j GXiX[\ s '()), +'+ *++ DXe[Xcpej s (* =flekX`e 9l`c[`e^j s CXej[fne IfX[ s '()), +), +'* s nnn%dXe[Xcpej%Zf%lb

Exeterm\el\j 16th-19th July 2009 Beach Picnic Boat Trip Themed Club Nights Pool Party Live Musical Entertainment Community Stalls

9fo\j fe Kl\j[Xpj s :fdd\iZ`Xc IfX[ s K_\ HlXp s '.0.0 .,*,.( <jZXg\ 7 K_\ >i\\e Iffd s =fi\ Jki\\k s nnn%\jZXg\e`^_k%Zf%lb K_\ MXlckj s / >Xe[p Jki\\k s nnn%mXlckj\o\k\i%Zf%lb M`mf s ())X =fi\ Jki\\k

Plymouthm\el\j Q\ifj s )+ CfZbp\i Jki\\k s '(.,) --) *+- ?Xnb`ej D\\k`e^ GcXZ\ s 9lZbn\cc Jki\\k s '(.,) ))**+( s nnn%_Xnb`ejdg%Zf%lb K_\ :cXi\eZ\ s *( :cXi\eZ\ GcXZ\ s Jkfe\_flj\ s nnn%ZcXi\eZ\gcpdflk_%Zf%lb K_\ JnXccfn s ,0$-( 9i\kfe J`[\ s '(.,) ),(.-'

Torquaym\el\j @Y`qX s *$+ M`Zkfi`X GXiX[\ s '(/'* )(+ **+ :Xe[p]cfjj ]fid\icp IfZbpËj s IfZb IfX[ s '(/'* )0)).0 K_\ D\X[]ffk @ee s . D\X[]ffk CXe\ s '(/'* )0.(() I<D@O 7 9f_\d`X s *0$+( Kfinff[ Jk s KH( (;Q s '(/'* )0)'.0 s nnn%ZclY$i\d`o%Zf%lb <emp s K_\ Fc[ Kfne ?Xcc# 8YY\p IfX[ nnn%\empkfihlXp%Zf%lb B\p N\jk 9Xi s D\X[]ffk J\X IfX[ s KH( )CH s '(/'* )'''-* s nnn%b\pn\jkkfihlXp%Zfd Jk\Xd\i HlXp s IfZb IfX[ s KH) ,JG s '(/'* )'( +'( s nnn%jk\Xd\ihlXp%Zfd KfdËj :il`j\ 9Xi s B\p N\jk 9Xj\d\ek s D\X[]ffk J\X IfX[

Trurom\el\j ?fk\c :`dfe s /) 8YY\p IfX[ s '(/'* )0++,+ 9Xi H[fj s (* E\n 9i`[^\ Jki\\k s '(/.) ))) /// s nnn%YXih[fj%Zf%lb

Bristol Weston-Super-Mare

Open-air Cinema Screenings


Cabaret Street Party www.pridetorbay.org

96-97 West.indd 96

Exeter Truro




Wincheste Sout



26/6/09 14:40:37


WestjZ\e\ 97

>>>>I<<E =FI >F 8K :8E;P=CFJJ# KFIHL8P KI8==@: C@>?K G8IKP# =I@ (. ALCP ?fiep6 <oZ`k\[ XYflk Gi`[\ KfiYXp6 :Xe[p]cfjj `j _\i\ kf _\cg =i`[Xp e`^_k `j X kiX]]`Z c`^_kj gXikp1 n\Xi ^i\\e `] pflËi\ XmX`cXYc\ Xe[ cffb`e^ kf _ffb lg# i\[ `] pflËi\ `e X i\cXk`fej_`g# fi XdY\i `] pflËi\ `e X i\cXk`fej_`g Xe[# n\cc# X Y`k jclkkp% K_i\\ ]cffij n`cc Y\ fg\e# n`k_ k_i\\ jkpc\j f] dlj`Z# Xe[ k_Xk Xcc$`dgfikXek c`^_k lg [`jZf [XeZ\ ]cffi# jf pfl ZXe _Xm\ X JXkli[Xp E`^_k =\m\i dfd\ek% nnn%ZXe[p]cfjj$ZclY$kfihlXp%Zf%lb

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Men’s Sexual Health exists to inform men of all ages within Bath, North East Somerset, Swindon and Wiltshire about good sexual and general health, mental health and well-being. • )UHH DQG FRQÀGHQWLDO LQIRUPDWLRQ and advice about sex and other health matters • Free condoms and lube • Comprehensive ZHEVLWH with Q&A interactive service • 6XSSRUW DGYLFH DQG JXLGDQFH whatever your sexual orientation • &RXQVHOOLQJ E\ DSSRLQWPHQW available countywide • )DFH WR IDFH PHHWLQJV

• $GYRFDF\ (working with others on your behalf) • Sexual health FOLQLF DFFRPSDQLPHQW service • A 'URS LQ FHQWUH in Devizes • 2BME, an LGBT (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender) \RXWK group which meets monthly in Devizes

>>>K?LIJ;8P E@>?KJ 8I< JKL;<EK E@>?KJ Q<IFËJ E@>?K:CL9# GCPDFLK? @] pfl nXek Z_\Xg [i`ebj# Z_\\jp dlj`Z Xe[ _\[fe`jk`Z jkl[\ekj# Q\ifËj fe X K_lij[Xp e`^_k gifd`j\j Xcc k_Xk% K_\i\ Xi\ cfX[j f] ^i\Xk [i`ebj gifdfj fe f]]\i# Xe[ \ekip `j ]i\\ ]fi Xcc% ;A ;Xife jlggc`\j X d`o f] gXikp kiXZbj Xe[ ZXdg Xek_\dj% @k dXp Y\ k_\ jldd\i _fc`[Xpj# Ylk n`k_ jlZ_ ^i\Xk f]]\ij fe n\ k_`eb k_\i\ j_flc[ jk`cc Y\ gc\ekp f] jkl[\ekj Xifle[%

Bath 01225 581951 • Devizes 01380 801951 Salisbury 01722 421951 • Swindon 01793 250951 BATH & NORTH EAST SOMERSET info@banesmsh.org.uk www.banesmsh.org.uk

WILTSHIRE & SWINDON info@wsmsh.org.uk www.wsmsh.org.uk


96-97 West.indd 97

26/6/09 14:41:47

98 WalesjZ\e\ >>>?LJ? :CL9 @E I8D I8@; @E:@;<EK

G_fkfj ]ifd ?lj_ 9Xi Xe[ :clY D`Z_X\c ?fe\p nnn%f[p\jjpg_fkfj%Zf%lb

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G_fkfj ]ifd :clY ) K\e D`Z_X\c ?fe\p

Swanseam\el\j :_Xdg\ij s )(' ?`^_ Jki\\k s '(.0) -,,-)) ?lj_ :X] 9Xi :clY s )** ?`^_ Jki\\k s '(.0) +.*'**

98-99 Wales.indd 98

26/6/09 14:43:21

WalesjZ\e\ 99 >>>:CL9 @E ;<:8;<E:<

G_fkfj ]ifd <o`k :clY Kfep GXiip nnn%f[p\jjpg_fkfj%Zf%lb

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>>>CFE;FE ;AJ @E N8C<J :CL9 O# :8I;@==

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Cardiffm\el\j '( K_\ >fc[\e :ifjj s )/* ?Xp\j 9i`[^\ I[ s ')0 )'*+ *()0 ') B`e^j :ifjj s ), :Xifc`e\ Jki\\k s ')0 )'-+ 0/0' '* Glcj\ s :_liZ_`cc NXp s ')0 )'-+ ('(' '+ <o`k s +/ :_Xic\j Jki\\k s ')0 )'-+ '(') ', :clY O s *,$*. :_Xic\j Jki\\k s ')0 )'+' '/.'- D`ejbpËj J_fnYXi s ,* :Xk_\[iXc NXcb# Jk ;Xm`[Ëj :\eki\ s ')0 )')* *()/ '. 9Xi @Zfe s -' :_Xic\j Jki\\k s ')0 )'-- -,',




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98-99 Wales.indd 99

26/6/09 14:43:57

100 MidlandsjZ\e\ >>>JG8:< @9@Q8 ?<8;J KF 9@ID@E>?8D

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100-101 Midlands.indd 100

26/6/09 14:52:18

MidlandsjZ\e\ 101 >>>?@JKFI@: KLIEFLK =FI GI@;< )''0

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9@ID@E>?8D GI@;< ?8@C<; 8 D8JJ@M< JL::<JJ K_`j p\XiËj 9`id`e^_Xd Gi`[\ gXiX[\ Xe[ ]\jk`mXc _Xj Y\\e _X`c\[ Xj X ^i\Xk jlZ$ Z\jj Yp fi^Xe`j\ij# Xj k\ej f] k_fljXe[j f] gXikp^f\ij klie\[ lg kf \eafp k_\ \m\ek% Gfc`Z\ \jk`dXk\ Xifle[ 0'#''' g\fgc\ gXik`Z`gXk\[# dXb`e^ `k k_\ Y\jk$ Xkk\e[\[ 9`id`e^_Xd Gi`[\ jf ]Xi `e `kj _`jkfip% È@k nXj XYjfclk\cp XdXq`e^ kf j\\ jf dXep g\fgc\ flk fe k_\ jki\\kj Z\c\YiXk$ `e^ k_\ C>9K Zfddle`kpÉ# jXpj =\jk`mXc ;`i\Zkfi CXni\eZ\ 9Xikfe% ÈK_\ gXiX[\ dX[\ X ]XekXjk`Z cXleZ_ ]fi k_\ \m\ek# k_\ Xkdfjg_\i\ nXj \c\Zki`Z% N\ nflc[ c`b\ kf k_Xeb \m\ipYf[p n_f kffb gXik Xe[ ^fk `emfcm\[%É K_\ dX`e jkX^\ XZkj# `eZcl[`e^ J :clY d`elj j\m\iXc f] k_\ fi`^`eXc d\dY\ij jf ef cfe^\i J :clY . # 9ffkp Clm Xe[ 9cXq`eË JhlX[ Xcc n\ek [fne X ki\Xk# n`k_ fm\i /' jdXcc\i Zfddle`kp Xe[ dXib\k jkXccj ]fid`e^ X d`ZifZfjd f] ^Xp Ylj`$ e\jj Xifle[ k_\ Z`kp% GcXej Xi\ Xci\X[p X]ffk ]fi 9`id`e^_Xd Gi`[\ )'('# kf kXb\ gcXZ\ fe k_\ j\Zfe[ YXeb _fc`[Xp `e DXp% nnn%Y`id`e^_Xdgi`[\%Zfd

100-101 Midlands.indd 101

26/6/09 14:53:18

102 LiverpooljZ\e\

>>>N?@KE<PËJ J:<E< >L@;< ALCP )''0 ?\ccf ;Xic`e^j# Alcp cffbj j\k kf Y\ X Yljp dfek_ n`k_ cfX[j f] e\n e`^_kj Xe[ jligi`j\j c`^_k$ `e^ lg n_Xk n`cc _fg\]lccp Y\ X jZfiZ_`e^ dfek_% =`ijk d\ek`fe _Xj kf ^f kf K_\ EXmp# nfi[ fe k_\ jZ\e\ Xk k_\ dfd\ek `j k_Xk k_`j YXi&ZclY `j fe ]fid% 8epfe\ k_\i\ fe k_\ cXjk YXeb _fc`[Xp n`cc _Xm\ n`k$ e\jj\[ X ZXi\\i Y\jk j\k ]ifd 8e[p DXZ% @e ]XZk# Jle[Xpj Xi\ XcnXpj _\Xm`e^ n`k_ ZcXjj`Z _flj\ Xe[ gc\ekp f] ^Xp Yfpj Xe[ ^`icj% @k j\\dj kf Y\ ^\k Y\kk\i Xe[ Y\kk\i \m\ip n\\b K_\ lejkfggXYc\ ;\jk`eXk`fe \dg`i\ Zfek`el\j kf ^ifn n`k_ k_\`i cXk\jk m\ekli\1 X e\n ^pd X`d\[ Xk ^Xp d\e ZXcc\[ =`kCX[j7;\jk`eXk`feË# n`k_ ZXi[`f# n\`^_k kiX`e`e^ \hl`gd\ek# jle Y\[j Xe[ jXleX ]XZ`c`k`\j% @] pflËi\ cffb`e^ kf ^\k ]`k `e X jX]\# ]Xd`c`Xi \em`ifed\ek$ k_`j Zflc[ Y\ k_\ ^pd ]fi pfl% K_\ ]XYlcflj jkX]] Xi\ fecp kff _Xggp kf j_fn pfl ifle[# Xe[ `kËj fg\e )+ _flij X [Xp Xk n\\b\e[j K_\ \m\i$i\c`XYc\ C`jYfe Xe[ DXjhl\iX[\ Xi\ fg\e j\m\e [Xpj X n\\b Xe[ i\dX`e k_\ jkXcnXikj f] k_\ jZ\e\% :fe^i\^Xk\ n`k_ pfli dXk\j Xe[ \eafp ^i\Xk dlj`Z# Xe[ ^i\Xk [i`ebj gifdfk`fej% G\i]\Zk kf nXid lg pfli Y`^ e`^_k flk% ?\Xm\e _Xj jkXik\[ X e\n bXiXfb\ e`^_k fe X N\[e\j[Xp $ n_`Z_ @ Xkk\e[\[ cXjk n\\b Xe[# [\jg`k\ jfle[`e^ c`b\ M`Zkfi`X 9\Zb_Xd n`k_ kfej`cc`k`j# @ Y\ck\[ flk X ]\n efk\j% K_\i\ nXj X ^i\Xk Xkdfjg_\i\ Xcc k_\ nXp Êk`c +Xd jf ^`m\ `k X ^f% 8 cfk _Xj Y\\e _Xgg\e`e^ Xk > 9Xi jf c\kj [`jg\c jfd\ ildlfij Y\]fi\ k_\p jkXik% P\j# C`m\igffc c\^\e[ Di% Af_e :fkkfe _Xj i\j`^e\[ ]ifd _`j i\j`[\eZp n_`Z_ `j m\ip jX[ e\nj# Ylk k_\ [\gXikli\ `j Zfdgc\k\cp Xd`ZXYc\ Xe[ _\ _Xj efk ilc\[ flk i\klie`e^ fZZXj`feXccp ]fi ZcXjj`Zj&i\le`fe&jg\Z`Xc ^l\jk e`^_kj% N\ n`j_ _`d n\cc Xe[ k_Xeb _`d ]fi k_\ p\Xij f] dlj`Z _\Ëj jlggc`\[% > 9Xi _Xj gcXej Xe[ jligi`j\j lg `kj jc\\m\# `eZcl[`e^ n\cZfd`e^ i\efne\[ ZclY gifdfk\i Xe[ GI _fjk :_i`j >i`]] kf k_\ k\Xd n_f _Xj jfd\ ]XekXjk`Z `[\Xj lg _`j jc\\m\j% K_XkËj Xcc ]ifd d\# \eafp k_\ n\Xk_\i _fg\]lccp Xe[ j\\ pfl `e 8l^ljk%

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>>>JKI<<K ;8E:< :C8JJ<J 8K ;<JK@E8K@FE :CL9 ;<JK@E8K@FE# <M<IP KL<J;8P 8E; N<;E<J;8P 8]k\i cXleZ_`e^ =`kcX[j7;\jk`eXk`fe cXjk dfek_# k_\ ;\jk`eXk`fe k\Xd `j ^f`e^ k_\ \okiX d`c\ Xe[ f]]\i`e^ jki\\k [XeZ\j ZcXjj\j kn`Z\ X n\\b% Gifdfk\i C\\ I`c\p _Xj Y\\e kiX`e`e^ j`eZ\ k_\ X^\ f] \`^_k# Xe[ n`cc j_Xi\ _`j kXc\ekj n`k_ pfl ]fi +# fi ) ]fi d\dY\ij% Jf `] pfl c`b\ b\\g`e^ ]`k# Xe[ nXek kf c\Xie _fn kf k_ifn j_Xg\j fe k_\ [XeZ\]cffi c`b\ X gif# Z_\Zb k_\j\ ZcXjj\j flk% nnn%ZclY$[\jk`eXk`fe%Zf%lb

>>>9<;C8D :FEK@EL<J @EKF @KJ K?@I; P<8I >8IC8E;J# <M<IP J8KLI;8P N`k_ k_\ k_`i[ Y`ik_[Xp Z\c\YiXk`fej le[\inXp Xk k_\ k`d\ f] ^f`e^ kf gi\jj# 9\[cXd _Xj Z\d\ek\[ `kj gcXZ\ Xk k_\ _\Xik f] dXep ZclYY\ij e`^_k flk% K_i\\ p\Xij `ekf `kj _`jkfip Xe[ 9\[cXd _Xj n\cZfd\[ k_\ dXjj`m\ ÊN\ Cfm\¿Ë YiXe[ ]ifd @Y`qX# Xj n\cc Xj jfd\ m\ip _`^_ gif]`c\ ;Aj `ekf k_\ ZclY% K_\ dlj`Z `j Xcc XYflk \og\i`d\ekXc k\Z_ef Xe[ \c\Zkif1 k_\j\ ^lpj Xi\ Z\ikX`ecp efk Zfe]fid$ `e^ kf k_\ dlj`ZXc ^\ei\j Zfddfecp _\Xi[ fe k_\ ^Xp jZ\e\% 9\[cXd `j n\\bcp# JXkli[Xp e`^_k X]k\i_flij ]ifd )Xd Æ .Xd Xk >XicXe[j% nnn%^XicXe[je`^_kZclY%Zfd

102-103 Liverpool.indd 102

26/6/09 14:54:25

LiverpooljZ\e\ 103 >>>JLG<IJK8I ;AJ 8K > 98I > 98I K?LIJ;8PJ I<$C8LE:? 8E; =<;<I8K@FE I<KLIEJ K_\ > 9Xi gifdfk`fej k\Xd _Xj glcc\[ kf^\k_\i Xefk_\i ]XekXjk`Z j\c\Zk`fe f] e`^_kj ]fi C`m\igffc ZclYY\ij k_ifl^_ Alcp% K_\ n\\bcp K_lij[Xp X]k\i_flij gXik`\j _Xm\ i\$cXleZ_\[# efn n`k_ k_\ Xn\jfd\ kXc\ek f] N_\cXe ;` JZXcX n_f Xi\ i\jgfej`Yc\ ]fi ^Xp Xek_\dj jlZ_ Xj i\d`o\j f] Jlej\k kf Jlei`j\ Xe[ K\Xi[ifgj fe YfXi[% 8cjf kf cffb flk ]fi# Efik_\ie jlg\iZclY =\[\iXk`fe Zfe$ k`el\j `kj f]]`Z`Xc ZclY kfli# jkfgg`e^ f]] Xk k_\ > 9Xi fe JXk (( Alcp% =\[\iXk`fe ;Aj JklXik IfY`ejfe Xe[ >i\^^ ?fc[\e n`cc Y\ fe _Xe[ n`k_ dljZc\ ^f$^fj Xe[ X ]lcc ZclY dXb\fm\i% nnn%^$YXi%Zfd

Liverpool m\el\j '( 9Xi ;l =Xp s ), JkXec\p Jki\\k s '(,( )*- (-)* s nnn%dpjgXZ\%Zfd&YXi[l]Xp ') 9cl\j[Xp s M`Zkfi`X Jki\\k s '(,( )*- ))'' '* MXi[Xi MXi[Xi 7 8e[\ijfeËj 9Xi s <oZ_Xe^\ Jk <Xjk s nnn%mXi[XmXi[X%Zfd '+ :X]\ KXYXZ s ()- 9fc[ Jki\\k s '(,( .'0 *.*, ', Klkk` =il`kk` s =il`k <oZ_Xe^\ 9l`c[`e^# M`Zkfi`X Jk s nnn%klkk`]il`kk`c`m\igffc%Zfd '. ;fcg_`e JXleX s ()0 Dflek IfX[ s nnn%[fcg_`ejXleX%Zf%lb '- :liqfe :clY s K\dgc\ CXe\ s '(,( )*- ,(-' s nnn%Zliqfec`m\igffc%Zf%lb '/ G`eb s +$- M`Zkfi`X Jki\\k s '(,( ),, ',') '0 >XicXe[j s /$(' <Y\ic\ Jki\\k s '(,( .'0 0,/(' > 9Xi s <Y\ic\ Jki\\k s '(,( ),/ ()*' s nnn%^$YXi%Zfd (( Alg`k\ij s ?XZb`ej ?\p f]] ;Xc\ Jki\\k s '(,( )). ,)-, (* K_\ C`jYfe s *, M`Zkfi`X Jki\\k s '(,( )*( -/*( (+ K_\ DXjhl\iX[\ s (' :ldY\icXe[ Jki\\k s '(,( )*- ../(- EXmp 9Xi s ).$)0 JkXec\p Jki\\k s '(,( )*( (+,(. GXjj`fe s *(&** ;Xc\ Jk s '(,( )*- -,0( s nnn%Z_i`jYXcd\i%Zf%lb&gXjj`fe (/ Gfjk\ ?flj\ s )* :ldY\icXe[ Jki\\k (0 :clY Jf s -+ ;lb\ Jki\\k s '(,( ),/ ()*' s nnn%ZclYjf%Zf%lb )' Jlg\ijkXi 9fl[f`i s ).$)0 JkXec\p Jki\\k s '(,( )*( (+,)( :clY ;\jk`eXk`fe s )( K\dgc\ Jk s nnn%ZclY$[\jk`eXk`fe%Zf%lb


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102-103 Liverpool.indd 103


26/6/09 14:55:50

104 ManchesterjZ\e\ :ilq ('(

>>>K?< N?@K< G8IKP N<<B<E; :ILQ ('(# K?LIJ *' ALCP Æ JLE ) 8L> @kËj k`d\ kf jkfZb lg fe nXj_`e^ gfn[\i Xj :ilq ('( n`cc _fjk Xe \ek`i\ n\\b\e[ f] N_`k\ GXikp \m\ekj k_`j Alcp% Jf pflËcc e\\[ efk fe\# efk knf# efk k_i\\# Ylk ]fli n_`k\ flk]`kj i\X[p `] pfl nXek kf j_`e\ fe k_\ :ilq [XeZ\]cffi ]fi Xcc k_\ \m\ekj k_\p _Xm\ gcXee\[ :ilq ]\Xkli\j knf ]cffij# n`k_ gfg Xe[ gXikp kle\j fe k_\ lgjkX`ij c\m$ \cj Xe[ _flj\ Xe[ [XeZ\ fe k_\ [fnejkX`ij c\m\cj# Xe[ jfd\ f] k_\ Y\jk ;Aj Xifle[ k_\ DXeZ_\jk\i ^Xp m`ccX^\% <og\Zk [i`ebj gifdfk`fej# [iX^ hl\\ej Xe[ gc\ekp f] ]le Xe[ ^Xd\j% Dfi\ `e]f `j XmX`cXYc\ ]ifd k_\ n\Yj`k\% nnn%Zilq('(%Zfd

Manchester m\el\j '( 8ck\i <^f s (',$('. Gi`eZ\jj Jki\\k s '(-( )*- 0)-- s nnn%ZclYXck\i\^f%Zf%lb ') :ileZ_) s (' :XeXc Jki\\k s '.'(. +)) )). s nnn%ZileZ_)%Zf%lb '* 9XX$9Xi s JXZbm`cc\ Jki\\k s '(-( )+. .00. s nnn%YXXYXi%Zf%lb '+ 9Xi 9\cfn s *+ :XeXc Jki\\k s '(-( )*- ,.,. ', :_liZ_`ccj s *. :_fickfe Jki\\k s '(-( )*- ,,)0 s nnn%Z_liZ_`ccjdXeZ_\jk\i%Zfd '- :fdgXep 9Xi s )/ I`Z_dfe[ Jki\\k s '(-( )*. 0*)0 '. :fpfk\j s (+ :_fickfe Jki\\k s '(-( )*- +''. s nnn%Zfpfk\jYXi%Zf%lb '/ :ilq ('( s ('( Gi`eZ\jj Jki\\k s '(-( 0,' '('( s nnn%Zilq('(%Zfd '0 <jj\ek`Xc s / D`ej_lcc Jki\\k s '(-( /*, (*'' s nnn%\jj\ek`XcdXeZ_\jk\i%Zfd (' :X]\ CX 9\cc s ('' 9cffd Jki\\k s '(-( ))/ (--- s nnn%_fccpnff[j_fnYXi%Zf%lb (( C\^\e[j s +$- N_`knfik_ Jki\\k s '(-( )*- ,+'' s nnn%c\^\e[jdXeZ_\jk\i%Zfd () DXe_XkkXe J_fnYXi s ,+ Gi`eZ\jj Jki\\k s '..0* +/ )) +/ (+ D`ek Cfle^\ s +-$,' Fc[_Xd Jki\\k s '(-( ))/ (+0, (, EXgfc\fej s *, 9cffd Jki\\k s '(-( )*- //'' s nnn%eXgfc\fej%Zf%lb (- E\n Pfib E\n Pfib s 0+ 9cffd Jki\\k s '(-( )*- -,,(. GX[[pËj >ffj\ s )0 9cffd Jki\\k s '(-( )*- ()+(/ Hl\\i s + :XeXc Jki\\k s '(-( ))/ (*-/ s nnn%hl\\i$dXeZ_\jk\i%Zfd (0 I\kif 9Xi s ./ JXZbm`cc\ Jki\\k s '(-( ).+ +/0) )' Jg`i`k s -* I`Z_dfe[ Jki\\k s '(-( )*. 0.), )( KXlilj s ( :XeXc Jki\\k s '(-( )*- +,0* s nnn%kXlilj$YXi%Zf%lb )) K_\ E\n Le`fe s ((( Gi`eZ\jj Jki\\k s '(-( ))/ (+0) s nnn%e\nle`fe_fk\c%Zfd )* K_\ Flkgfjk s +$- N_`knfik_ Jki\\k s '(-( )*- ,+'' )+ K_\ I\dYiXe[k s ** JXZbm`cc\ Jki\\k s '(-( )*- (*(( s nnn%k_\$i\d%Zfd ), K_fdgjfej 8idj s ()* JXZbm`cc\ Jki\\k s '(-( )*. ,0(0 )- MXe`ccX s *0$+( I`Z_dfe[ Jki\\k s '(-( ))/ ).). s nnn%mXe`ccX^`icj%Zf%lb ). M\cm\k s ) :XeXc Jki\\k s '(-( )*- 0''* )/ M`X s )/$*' :XeXc Jki\\k s '(-( )*- -,)* )0 M`\n s +' :XeXc Jki\\k s '(-( )*- 0'**

>>>G8:B PFLI 98>J 8E; F== KF JLDD<I :8DG FI>8E@:# 8CK<I <>F# J8K ), ALCP 8=K<I?FLIJ Fe\ f] DXeZ_\jk\iËj c\X[`e^ X]k\i_flij gXik`\j `j gXZb`e^ `kj ]cfiXc be`kk\[ YX^j# Xe[ _\X[`e^ f]] kf k_\ lck`dXk\ jldd\i [\jk`eXk`fe1 k_\ Fi^Xe`Z Jldd\i :Xdg Fi^Xe`Z i\j`[\ek ;Aj n`cc Y\ fe _Xe[ jlggcp`e^ hlXc`kp ]lebp Xe[ k\Z_ _flj\ kf X d`o\[# ]i`\e[cp Zifn[ `e iffd fe\# n`k_ ;feb \p i`[\j YfleZ\ Xe[ _Xi[ _flj\ ZcXjj`Zj `e iffd knf% ?fjk\[ Yp k_\`i j\op dljZc\ Yfp i\[ZfXkj# *J@OKP _Xj Y\\e gifd`j\[ k_`j `j fe\ jXlZp gXikp k_Xk n`cc ^\k dfi\ k_Xe X c`kkc\ eXl^_kp% Ff_ dXkife nnn%fi^Xe`ZdXeZ_\jk\i%Zfd G_fkfj ]ifd Fi^Xe`Z


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104-105 Manchester.indd 104

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ManchesterjZ\e\ 105 ALCP )''0

>>><JJ<EK@8C :<C<9I8K<J 0 P<8IJ F= G8IK@<J

>>>E\n Le`fe ?fk\c

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>>>D8E:?<JK<I J:<E< =F:LJ :XeXc Jki\\kËj E\n Le`fe ?fk\c ]\Xkli\j ZXYXi\k \m\ip N\[e\j[Xp Xe[ JXkli[Xp# bXiXfb\ \m\ip Kl\j[Xp Xe[ K_lij[Xp# Xe[ JXkli[Xpj Xi\ k_\ Y`^ gXikp e`^_kj n`k_ Z_\\j\p kle\j# gXikp kiXZbj Xe[ cfX[j f] ]le Xe[ ^Xd\j% nnn%e\nle`fe_fk\c%Zfd

>>>DleZ_ Xk :ileZ_)

>>>DXekf 9Xi B`Zb`e^ lg X jkfid \XZ_ n\\b\e[ Xk DXekf Xi\ knf e\n ZclYe`^_kj `e k_\ lgjkX`ij *i[ =cffi Cfle^\% =i`[Xpj Xi\ <X^\i 9\Xm\i# fe\ f] k_\ ]\n ^Xp m\el\j `e n_`Z_ pfl ZXe _\Xi Êi\XcË ifZb# `e[`\# g`eb Xe[ jbX% ;fnejkX`ij DXik`e Klie\i gcXpj ZcXj$ j`Z ]lebp _flj\# fc[ jbffc# [XeZ\ Xe[ Z_Xik% JXkli[Xpj `e k_\ *i[ =cffi Cfle^\ Xi\ =c`ik mj% :Xlk`fe# knf ^i\Xk e`^_kj af`e ]fiZ\j n`k_ ;Aj 9XYp AXe\ Xe[ 9XYp ;% ;fnejkX`ij `j ]lebp _flj\ n`k_ K`e K`e% nnn%dXekfYXi%Zfd

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106 ManchesterjZ\e\

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106-107 Leeds.indd 106

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26/6/09 15:02:35

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108-109 Hull.indd 108

26/6/09 15:04:25

108-109 Hull.indd 109

26/6/09 17:38:53

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110-111 Newcastle.indd 110

26/6/09 15:06:37

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110-111 Newcastle.indd 111

26/6/09 15:07:14


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cut out and keep - this saves money www.GAYHOLIDAYPLACES.com for all gay+lesbian holiday places under the sun + citybreaks now booking IBIZA - it’s hot! GRAN CANARIA for sun-sand-sea-sex+sangria

great choice + best value from the longest established gay + lesbian holiday company click / call NOW! tel (01273) 676696 (after 11am) retail agent for A.T.O.L. 2 GEORGE STREET BRIGHTON BN2 1RH

?<8CK? 9<8LKP


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26/6/09 15:37:26

*J@OKPi\Zil`kd\ek BECOME A DRIVING INSTRUCTOR *J@OKP Magazine Ltd fe\/'e\nj Ltd *J@OKP Brighton Scene Listings Guide

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equal opportunities employer!

Bournemouth has a cosmopolitan social environment which attracts over five million visitors each year.

At Bournemouth Borough Council we will ensure everyone will have equal access to our services, be socially inclusive in all our functions and activities, be transparent in all we do and value our customers and staff.

As the largest employer in Bournemouth - and as Stonewall Workplace Equality Champions we pride ourselves on valuing our staff. We appreciate their wide range of skills and abilities which helps us to deliver our services. We respect each of our residents and visitors and value the diversity of our communities. We rise to the challenges diversity brings and relish the opportunities it creates.


*J@OKP DX^Xq`e\ Ck[ s ((*

112-113 Class recruit.indd 113

26/6/09 15:37:43


WIN! A BOOTCAMP FITNESS HOLIDAY! For many watching ITV’s Bad Lads Army is more about soft porn than fitness entertainment. After all, heading to the gym by yourself is boring, right? You’d rather be surrounded by military-style discipline and hard core orders, yeh? Well, now’s your chance. Bournemouth-based Bootcamp Beach is a new initiative aimed at gay men and women who want to get fit the fun way. It comprises a residential, results-driven, fat-burning, fun-filled fitness programme - whatever your fitness level. “It’s time to get down and dirty and sweaty,” says Susan, who is running the course. “Our 5 day military inspired programmes are focussed around exercising on the beach. From jogging, hiking, beach circuit training to 5-a-side-football and team games such as stuck-in-the-mud or more accurately, stuck-in -the-sand.” One80news is teaming up with Bootcamp Beach to offer two lucky readers the chance to win a week on the course, to be taken this autumn. To be in with a chance of winning, answer this question correctly: What does BMI stand for in fitness? a) Body Mass Index b) Body Mouldy Inside c) Body Mass Incredible For more information visit www.bootcampbeach.co.uk


WEST MIDLANDS Leicester Helpline 01162 550667 North Staffordshire LGB Switchboard 01782 266998 Lesbian and Gay Switchboard West Midlands 0845 2578255

LONDON & ESSEX Berkshire Gay and Lesbian information Network 0118 959 7269 Basildon and Thurrock Friend 01268 284422 Colchester Gay Switchboard 01206 869191 London LGBT Switchboard 020 7837 7324 London Friend 020 7837 3337 Lewisham Friend 020 8690 6195

SCOTLAND Edinburgh 01315 564 620 GLASGOW 01414 870 447 Glasgow Gay & Lesbian Centre 01412 217203 Lothian Switchboard 01315 564049 Strathclyde Gay and Lesbian Switchboard 01418 470447

SOUTH EAST Brighton & Hove LGBT Switchboard 01273 204050 Isle of Wight Helpline 01983 525123 Oxford Friend 01865 726893 Surrey Helpline 01483 727667

WALES LGBT Cymru Helpline 08000 232201 Cardiff 02920 340 101 SWANSEA 01792 645 325 NORTH WEST Lesbian and Gay Foundation Manchester 08453 303030 Blackpool 01253 454 978 Manchester YouthLine 0800 052 0151

SOUTH WEST Bristol Lesbian and Gay Switchboard 01179 221328 Cornwall Lesbian Line 01736 754225 GAY-GLOS in Gloucestershire 01452 306800 Intercom Trust in SW peninsula 08456 020818 Somerset Gay Health 01823 327078

NORTH EAST Newcastle 01912 618 555 middlesbrough 01642 804 400

EAST MIDLANDS Nottingham Switchboard 01623 621515 Midlands Switchboard 08452 578255

YORKSHIRE AND HUMBERSIDE LEEDS 01132 453 588 HULL 01482 443 333


DIRECTORY NATIONAL Events Harvey Goldsmith Presents IML Concerts Pet Shop Boys Queer as Talent Theme Traders Health First Call Aesthetics GMFA Health Express Recruitment Red Driving School Retail Honda Scooters Shop 3SIXTY 2 & 3, 74, 95 Travel Gay Holiday Places Monarch Airlines Switzerland Tourism World Pride Cruises Wine Barefoot Wine Other Gaydar JDL Leather Planet Tonywood Monsta Mixa Pink Weddings Pink Sinatra Positive Line Weston’s Garden Solutions XXL

38 22 12 4&5 112 112 35 28 113 8 112 30 56 & 57 55 46 66 112 115 112 53 112 112 13 18




TO ENTER ANY OF THE COMPETITIONS IN THIS ISSUE: (1) Email your answer to readers@3sixtymagazine.com giving your name, address & daytime phone number. (2) Pop your answer on a nice postcard with a contact number and send it to: 3SIXTY Competition, 4 Steine Street, Brighton BN2 1TE The prize is non-transferable and there is no cash alternative. Usual 3SIXTY competition rules apply (available on request). Closing date for entries is Mon 20 July 2009.

114-115 Psychic Dir.indd 114

Events Brighton Pride Pam Ann Jewellers Michael Rose Jeremy Hoye Scene Aeon Events Bright‘n’Beautiful Bulldog Guest and The City Knock One Out The Brighton Sauna The New Madeira Hotel Revenge Royal Albion Hotel Salvation Sugaring for Men Vavoom

36 42 6 11 73 & 79 74 64 112 60 77 77 75 112 44 112 78

Solicitors Engleharts Other The Antique House Yes Dear!

74 13 112

BRISTOL Beauty Beautology Hotels Mercure Brigstow Bristol Scene Level 1 The Lounge The Pineapple The Queenshilling HULL Hull Pride

95 88 90 94 91 93 109

LONDON Events Clic Sargent’s Broadway to Westend 17 Scene Gay Hostel Ku Bar

112 69

MIDLANDS Scene The Nightingale


SOUTH Events Bourne Free Hotels The Bonnington Hotel The Cumberland Hotel Retail Patisserie Angelique Scene Circus The Edge The London Recruitment Bournemouth Council

48 82 116 82 83 80 81 113

THAMES VALLEY Scene The Malthouse


WEST Events Pride Torbay 96 Scene Bath and North East Somerset Men’s Sexual Health 97 Candyfloss 97 Key West 54

26/6/09 16:51:06



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26/6/09 16:55:03

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