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15 venues frankmusik scott mills aled jones alex baker jodie harsh 10 live bands

radio 1 radio 1

gaydar radio


including: doll & the kicks alex and the ligers kenelis Andrea Kenny & The Cavalry dear britch psycho fag stuart flynn ‘n’ the dirty cakes jacob’s stories


part of brighton winter pride

part of brighton winter pride


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Kanye just be gay friendly?

American Hip Hop star Kanye West has said that he used to be “scared� of gay people. In an interview with music station MTV, the singer said that he was afraid of even talking to a gay person, preferring to stay at least ten feet away from anyone he presumed to be homosexual. The comments came during a talk about the culture of homophobia in Hip Hop. Kanye West says that after travelling the world, his eyes have been opened and he is keen to promote gay rights.

Gay Nigerians? Don’t be silly! A leading Nigerian politician is being ridiculed after publicly claiming that there are no gay people in his country. The Nigerian Minister of Foreign Affairs, Ojo Madueke, told a UN panel that there is no need to look into gay rights in his country as no LGBT citizens exist. The claim is even more farcical considering Mr Madueke’s government’s plans to introduce laws that will criminalise homosexual acts in Nigeria.

Backwards step for Burundi Human rights activists are urging politicians in the small African country of Burundi not to introduce laws that will make gay sex illegal. Campaigners say that the proposed legal changes, currently being reviewed by the Burundi government, would violate basic human rights. Gay acts have always been legal in Burundi.


Not going on a Russian holiday Campaigners in Moscow are calling on the Russian government to overturn a law that bans HIV-positive people from staying in the country for more than three months. The Russian government currently asks the HIV status of anyone requesting a visa. The law is seen by activists as an intrusion into private life and therefore against human rights.

The ‘myth’ of discrimination A man hoping to become the next President of Macedonia has said that discrimination against gay people is a myth. Leading politician Georgi Ivanov told a leading newspaper in his country that, “Homosexuals stigmatise themselves and think they are in an underprivileged position.� Opponents are criticising Mr Ivanov’s remarks, highlighting the fact that that legal protections for gay people in Macedonia are “weak�.

Just close friends Australian Olympic swimmer Ian Thorpe has been forced to issue a press statement amid persistent speculation over his sexuality. The move comes after many newspapers ran gossip stories about a month-long holiday Mr Thorpe took with his close friend, Daniel Mendes. “Daniel is a good friend whom I have known for many years,� said Mr Thorpe. “I find this kind of inaccurate speculation tiresome and I am annoyed by the hurt it has caused those closest to me.�

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Gay lessons for Spanish schools Spanish schoolchildren must learn about gay rights and cannot opt out of classes, a court has ruled. Some parents, backed by the Roman Catholic Church, objected to the new curriculum, which will educate kids on the struggles for gay equality and gay culture.




Cross-dressing Bahrani man jailed A male driving instructor who walked through a Bahrain market wearing women’s clothing has been jailed for one month. The 39-year-old man, who hasn’t been named, was reportedly dressed in a long black robe and scarf, and carried a small purse. Authorities in the Gulf State warned last year that they intended to crack down on “homosexual” behaviour, which they say is rife.

Civil partnership paradise Civil Partnerships are on their way to becoming legal in Hawaii. The new law, that would allow gay and lesbian couples to form an officially recognised civil union, has been approved by the state House of Representatives. Gay marriage is only currently legal in Massachusetts and Connecticut, while civil unions are legal in New Jersey, Vermont and New Hampshire.

Ban on Cambodian adoptions Gay people will be banned from adopting children from Cambodia if new rules are put into place. The move comes after Cambodian officials expressed concern about the “potential psychological effects” for children if adopted by gay couples.

Gaydon’t.com for Bahrain Bahrain’s government has blocked access to all gay-related websites as part of a clampdown on gay behaviour in the country. The move means that gay people who live in Bahrain will no longer be able to access sites such as gaydar.com, or any internet pornography. The government says the blocks are due to a “rise in homosexual activity”, which it wants to stop.

The luck of the Irish Gay people in Ireland may be able to enter into civil unions if a new law is passed. The Irish government has announced that a Civil Partnership Bill is among legislation being listed for the spring session of Parliament.

Iceland’s lesbian PM Gay activists are celebrating after Iceland made history by being the first country to have an openly gay Prime Minister. Johanna Sigurdardottir will head a coalition of socialists and Greens until a general election in May. The previous government was toppled by Iceland’s financial crisis.

Ethiopia pressured to ban gay acts Churches in Ethiopia are calling on the government to introduce a constitutional ban on homosexuality. The Roman Catholic, Ethiopian Orthodox and Protestant churches have joined forces to urge ministers to take action against gay people, who they say “need to be taught a lesson.”

“Historic” gay group formed A group of gay people in Russia have registered an LGBT organisation with the government without a struggle for the first time. Coming Out of St Petersburg has attained legal status without officials trying to stand in their way. Gay activists are calling the events “historic”.

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BAT FOR LASHES Bat for Lashes sound a bit like they rummaged through a yard sale and bought themselves anything that resembled a musical instrument before bashing it all together and creating a musical experience quite unique in the sonic world. Lead Singer Natasha Khan is pretty pretty, too. Look out for the Lashes’ new album, Two Suns, out on Mon 6 April. www.batforlashes.com/live

SHOWGIRLS From Marlene Dietrich to more modern day showgirls Kylie and Madonna, Showgirls is an evening of discussion and celebration of the feathers, sequins and flamboyance that have entertained generations. Monday 2 March, Blue Room, Spirit Level, Southbank Centre, London www. southbankcentre.co.uk


What is being billed as ‘Europe’s largest ever gay and lesbian music festival’ is taking place this May Bank Holiday Weekend. More than 70 concerts involving over 60 choirs and cabaret stars are scheduled in at the festival, which is being organised in conjunction with the Southbank Centre. Highlights include an opening Ceremony hosted by Sandi Toksvig, with hundreds of singers performing outside the Festival Hall and across Hungerford Bridge. The Big Gay Sing: hosted by the glorious Timberlina and Lorraine Bowen, this glamorous sing-a-long is your chance to belt out Bette, Barbra and Bassey with the Various Voices singers. Plus much, much more. Visit www.variousvoiceslondon.org. uk for more info and to buy tickets. Friday 1 to Monday 4 May, Southbank Centre, London.

NEW BOY Ooh, there’s a new boy at school. We all loved it when we were in class and the teacher informed us that we were to welcome some new blood into the fold; a new piece of meat for you to glare at and think naughty things about. Will he be cute? Will he be gay? Might he fancy little old me? Original adapter/director Russell Labey revisits the simple story of a school boy crush… ‘Mark starts the sixth form knowing that this is his last chance to impress – to be more popular, more obnoxious, the best informed about gynaecology. The mesmerizingly good looking new boy Barry, seems to be having trouble making friends. Everyone is afraid of him. He could be the perfect ally in Mark’s mission to enhance his social status and finally get a shag…’ The brilliant Nicholas Hoult - Tony in E4’s Skins – stars and makes his West End debut. Tuesday 17 March - Saturday 11 April, Trafalgar Studio 2, 14 Whitehall, London, 0870 060 6632

LOOK BACK IN ANGER Newcastle Playhouse is reviving John Osborne’s 1956 drama, Look Back in Anger, with Coronation Street’s villainous Charlie Stubbs (Bill Ward) as Jimmy Porter. Also in the cast is Laura Howard - better known to many as Inspector Barnaby’s daughter, Cully, from Midsommer Murders. Friday 6 to Sat 21 March. www.northernstage.co.uk

QUEER LEAR Edward Lear - epileptic, queer, lonely and beset by illness (but not yet recognised as a writer of nonsense verse) - is working in his studio when in walks a boy with a parcel to deliver Such is the opening of King Pelican a new play specially written for Plymouth’s Drum Studio Theatre by Chris Goode. Runs Thur 5 Mar - Sat 21 Mar. www.theatreroyal.com

MARILYN MONROE’S WEST END MUSICAL Empire film magazine recently crowned Marilyn Monroe the ‘Sexiest Female Movie Star of all Time’, Playboy hailed her the ‘Number One Sex Star of the 20th Century’, while People magazine voted her the ‘Sexiest Woman of the Century’. So, it’s safe to say that most of the western world is turned on by the idea of Miss Marilyn Monroe. And, it was safe to assume that Marilyn: The Musical would appear at some point. And here it is! Featuring music from Marilyn’s movies and performances, such as Happy Birthday, Mr President and My Heart Belongs to Daddy, a cast of 15 dancers and singers brings the story of Marilyn Monroe’s troubled and all-too-brief life to the West End. Wednesday 3 to Saturday 13 June, Apollo Theatre, Shaftesbury Avenue, London www.nimaxtheatres.com/marilyn

THE KILLERS ON TOUR Now on their third album, The Killers seem to have finally managed to hit on the right formula to make them superstars here in the UK. Which is great news, only tinged by the fact that the once-cute lead singer Brandon Flowers is now much less so. But if the video for Spaceman, the band’s latest single, is anything to go by, it’s definitely going to be worth checking the boys as they tour the north of England and Scotland this month. March Mon 2, Sheffield Arena, 0114 256 5656; Tues 3 Nottingham Arena, 0844 412 4624; Thurs 5, Aberdeen AECC Arena, 0844 4999 990; Friday 6 Glasgow SECC, 0844 4999 990; Saturday 7 Newcastle Arena, 0844 493 6666; Monday 9 Manchester MEN Arena, 0844 847 8000. The Studio, 1991, Silver gelatin print 75 x 50 cm © Francis Giacobetti

LILY ALLEN Back with her ‘difficult’ second album, which has already spurned The Fear, a number one single and a piece of music widely regarded as her best yet, Lily Allen is on fire. Cheeky, sassy, looking hotter than ever, see her before she doesn’t play the ‘little’ towns anymore and just does a threeweek stint at London’s O2 Arena. www.lilyallenmusic. com; Sun 15 Mar Manchester University; Wed 18 Mar O2 Academy Bristol; Thu 19 Mar Southampton Guildhall; Fri 20 Mar Brighton Dome; Mon 23 Mar O2 Academy Birmingham; Thu 26 & Fri 27 & Sat 28 Mar O2 Shepherds Bush Empire, London.

FRANCIS BACON BY FRANCIS GIACOBETTI French photographer Francis Giacobetti, it appears, had unrivalled access to his friend, the noted artist Francis Bacon, and the result is this series of portraits. Bacon was known for his uncooperativeness, but for reasons unknown allowed Giacobetti into his world; at least when he was in Paris (in London Bacon was far more reclusive, rarely going out or socialising). Dark, dangerous and sometimes disturbing, the portraits make for an interesting homage. Francis Bacon by Francis Giacobetti 27 March – 15 May 2009 Kings Place Gallery, Kings Place, York Waym London. www.kingsplace.co.uk

© Jenny Wicks, Root Ginger at Idea Generation Gallery www.ideageneration.co.uk

© 2050Sports.com



Artist Lee Jones’s Beyond Human exhibition is actually a collaboration between a group of Olympic athletes, sports stars and Mr Jones himself, but the real eye-catcher in this show is Jones’s colourful painting of Girls Aloud’s Cheryl Cole as the Angel of the North. The already-iconic image surfaced at the end of last year, in the run up to the X Factor finals, when the red tops picked up on it, giving Cheryl even more column inches and branding her ‘an artists’ muse’. From Friday 3 to Tuesday 7 April 2009 at

SUSPENSION Catherine Johnson’s first play, Ragdoll, was originally staged by the Bristol Old Vic twenty years ago now, after hitting the very big time with her scripting of Mamma Mia, Bristol’s troubled Theatre Royal is premiering her latest drama, Suspension, which is set in the city. Runs until 28 March. wwwbristololdvic.org.uk

SISTER ACT It’s slightly sad that Sister Act is replacing The Sound of Music at the Palladium, but there’s still plenty to be excited about: the marvellous Sheila Hancock has been cast in the Mother Superior role, and after a year-long search, newcomer Patina Miller is cast as Deloris. From 7 May 2009 www.sisteractthemusical.com

About time! Ginger people are so underrepresented when it comes to art, culture and, specifically, photography, with snappers preferring to capture blondes and brunettes any day of the week. But not Jenny Wicks. She enjoys people with red hair (sometimes referred to as ‘gingers’) so much that she has bravely dedicated an entire exhibition to it. “Red hair conjures up a plethora of images, from the fiery red head to the pre-Raphaelite muse, the pasty, freckled man to the angry Scot. Red hair provokes a range of reactions from people,” says Wicks. “The photographs explore the social aspect of having red hair and how society views and treats a minority group. For many it is considered the last bastion of political incorrectness.” Boilerplate – A selection of images from the book Root Ginger: A Study of Red Hair by photographer Jenny Wicks will be exhibited at Idea Generation Gallery 17th February – 8th March 2009. Proceeds go to Cystic Fibrosis Trust www.ideageneration.co.uk

A STAGE KINDLY MARY POPPINS IN TO WALES Wales Millennium Centre is about to hit a major milestone by staging its 30th musical – Disney and Cameron Mackintosh’s Mary Poppins. The production moves to Wales following a three-year run in the West End. Wed 11 March - Sat 18 April, Millennium Centre, Cardiff. www.wmc.org.uk

Following their sell-out debut in the autumn, A Stage Kindly features music from more than twenty musicals from around the world, including Lady Jane, Murder At The Savoy, Spilt Milk and bucketloads more. The revue tours several venues throughout London and also in Brighton this March. General admission costs just £10, and tickets can be reserved through SMS or by phone call to 07762 773 628, and can be booked in advance online at www.astagekindly.com

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ALEDJONES This March, BBC Radio 1’s Aled Jones is stepping up to debate about gay rights and politics at National Student Pride 2009. He’s also best mates with Chris Moyles, the ‘saviour of Radio 1’ and the man vilified in the press for his alleged homophobia. How does that work? Torsten Højer moves in for a chin wag.


led Haydn Jones has the job that every the BBC have sent out a message that they were wrong to connect the word ‘gay’ with ‘crap’. media studies student would kill for: pro“I grew up in Aberystwyth, Wales, where there were no gay bars, I didn’t know anyone who ducer of the The Chris Moyles Show on was gay, and the only role model I had was Julian Clary. I felt I didn’t identify with any gay people BBC Radio 1 (the UK’s most listened to and couldn’t talk to anyone,” says Aled. “I remember that one week before I came out, [the ITV radio breakfast show with more than 7.2 drama] The Bill did an episode where the police raided a gay bar, and the dialogue was about how they all felt very uncomfortable, as obviously they were going to be shagged by all of the million listeners) and presenter of The Surgery (Radio 1’s Sunday night music and advice gay boys in the bar. It was not at all helpful. show, where 32-year-old Aled has the enviable task “But now, kids will be waking up listening to the biggest show on UK radio with a gay guy of helping listeners with the problems life is currently talking about his same-sex partner of four years in the same context as all the other people on chucking at them). In addition to this, he’s the roaming the Chris Moyles team talking about their opposite-sex partners. I’m really proud that kids will reporter on The Chris Moyles Show, the guy who gets grow up listening to the show and thinking ‘that’s no big deal, that’s normal’. This is what The to travel the country (and, often, the world) performing Chris Moyles Show is doing. I just hope that people recognise that.” A week after we speak, it’s announced on the breakfast show that Aled has split from ridiculous dares and playing games face-to-face with the public. He’s also probably the most his long-term boyfriend, Emile. listened to gay man on radio It’s clear the team, including in the UK. the host Chris Moyles, has dis“I’d never thought of it like cussed how the show is going that,” he smiles. “I’m very lucky, to deal with the subject, which I know that. I get to do a job that becomes the most talked about involves me having fun. Working issue of that morning’s broadon The Chris Moyles Show is a hilariously good time; it’s not cast. Chris Moyles makes light scripted, we just go for it. It’s of the situation, playing Celine an exciting format, one that few Dion’s single-girl epic All By Myself at regular intervals, mixed shows can follow successfully.” into Another One Bites The Dust Chris Moyles and Aled are, after by Queen. Aled receives more eight years of working together, than 7,000 text messages of firm friends. They socialise, they support from Radio 1 listeners in dine, they drink, they support less than an hour. each other; to celebrate Aled’s On Sunday 8 March, Aled thirty-second birthday, the pair will be appearing at National headed for dinner at Balans resStudent Pride 2009, an event taurant on Soho’s Old Compton taking place in Brighton offering Street before drinking the night live music, clubbing, and political away at the nearby G-A-Y Bar. debate to LGBT students from all They talk about Aled’s relationaround the UK. ship with his boyfriend of four “I know for a fact Chris Moyles isn’t anti-gay. I’ve been “It’s Pride, and it’s students, years. They talk about gay issues. drinking with him at London’s G-A-Y bar for god’s sake.” so it doesn’t get much better,” They even talk about Girls Aloud. he laughs. “I’m really looking But hang on, in the words of the forward to it. Students are a large part of our audience, they’re the people that we talk to. I’m man himself, that’s all ‘a bit gay’, isn’t it? After all, Chris Moyles is the man vilified in the press for doing The Surgery show on Radio 1 at the moment and we’re looking at taking the show on encouraging anti-gay feeling; the man nominated for ‘Bigot of the Year 2008’ by the gay equality the road, doing debates on issues, and working with students, so Student Pride is kind of the organisation, Stonewall. What are Aled’s views on Chris’s alleged homophobia? first opportunity to try that idea out. “I get very angry when people accuse Chris of being anti-gay,” he retorts. “If he’s so homopho“And aside from the drinking and dancing, I’m excited about being on the Student Pride bic, then why does he surround himself with gay people? I’m his producer, I’m his friend and I Question Time panel – there’s nothing like a good debate. One of the reasons I’m allowed to ad work closely with him on a daily basis. To me, the whole thing is sensationalised in the press. Chris lib on the radio is that I have strong views on lots of issues, including those that involve students has the biggest audience on radio, so he’s the target. Editors need to sell papers, and they know and gay people. In fact, I understand that Stonewall has a representative on the panel this year, writing about Chris Moyles, rather than Terry Wogan, for example, will get the paper noticed.” so I’ll be interested to have a debate with them!” But, at a time when Stonewall and anti-bullying charities were working on initiatives to eradicate homophobic abuse amongst schoolchildren, Chris Moyles – a man with huge influence over Aled Haydn Jones will be debating and speaking schoolkids – was using the word ‘gay’ in a derogatory manner to describe a mobile phone ringtone at National Student Pride 2009, this year held in he thought was crap. Brighton, on Sunday 8 March. Visit “I know for a fact that Chris didn’t mean to offend,” he insists. “The whole thing was blown www.studentpride.co.uk to book tickets. Aled presents The Surgery on BBC Radio 1, Sundays out of all proportion, mainly because the BBC didn’t move to condemn Chris immediately, which 10pm - midnight, and supports Chris Moyles on the encouraged the press to condemn him instead.” Breakfast Show on Radio 1, Weekdays 6:30am Chris Moyles has, we’re assured, ‘chosen’ not to use that word to describe things in a negative 10pm. manner on air again. So, perhaps something good has come out of the incident: Chris Moyles and

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QUEER CINEMA: THE 22ND LONDON LESBIAN AND GAY FILM FESTIVAL This March, the 22nd London Lesbian and Gay Film Festival will screen the best of British, American and international gay film, allowing more great gay movies than ever the exposure they deserve. But, in a post-Milk and Brokeback Mountain world, how is queer cinema changing? Josh Winning dives in.

much easier for there to be gay elements in a Hollywood film today than it was in the past,” mused Laurence Mark, the producer of gay-com The Object of My Affection, back in 1998. “It’s begun to be a bit ho-hum, in fact. But as for a totally gay-themed film, that’s as difficult as ever.” In the intervening 11 years there’s no question that films foraging into gay issues have become easier to find. Whereas the ‘90s arguably produced only one high profile American gay flick that significantly cut into the mainstream (Tom Hanks AIDS drama Philadelphia), the Noughties have seen Brokeback Mountain and Milk both troubling the Academy for recognition. So, with the stratospheric success of these pack leaders, has Hollywood finally gone gay? Well... for a start, what is a gay film? If it’s simply a film that appeals to a homosexual audience, then anything from Legally Blonde to hunkilicious The Fast and The Furious could be considered poof-flicks. Ditto Westerns with their nifty cowboy fashion and science fiction with its themes of alienation. To that end, any film enjoyed by a group of fags could be considered ‘gay’. Most, though, agree that a gay film generally features a gay character (lead or otherwise) and contains over-riding themes and issues that speak specifically to a gay audience. Said issues typically include the tackling of homophobia, same sex romance and coming out of the closet. Such heavy material inevitably yields films of high drama, with the aforementioned triumvirate of Philadelphia, Brokeback and Milk all taking their sexuality very seriously. But, whereas those films were hugely successful both commercially and critically, other gay films have gone largely unnoticed. Denied cinematic releases and extravagant marketing campaigns, high quality flicks like Shelter, Latter Days and Edge of Seventeen have gained a quiet, gradual cult status that never bothers the mainstream market. The inherent problem with gay movies across the pond is that Hollywood is an industry unhealthily fixated on figures and revenue. If a movie doesn’t make money it is considered a disaster – even a project that makes back its budget and nothing else is considered an embarrassment by the fat cats. The fact is that gay films generally do not make a lot of money. But why? Ask anybody from Kylie to Bel Ami’s George Duroy and they’ll rave about the value of the pink pound. If gays like something, they’ll fork out. With gay films, though, the market is a little shady. Just as it is sometimes difficult to classify what makes a gay film, the movies that are aimed directly at a gay market often suffer a bad rap as being low budget and low


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film, niche distribution companies now issue quality DVDs, ensuring that the likes of Another Gay Movie and Urbania reach the audience who want them. Television has also been a particularly accommodating environment for gay storylines. Where soaps paved the way, prime time television has followed suit, with Will & Grace, Ugly Betty, Buffy the Vampire Slayer, The L Word and Queer as Folk all transmitting their positive, considered portrayals of homosexual characters around the globe. Where to from now? “It continues to get easier to have films with gay characters or that deal with gay material,” says Bruce Cohen, who worked as producer on Milk. “People barely bat an eye today when they see scripts that contain gay references.” But the market, especially in these uncertain times, remains unlikely to take many risks. “As far as a gay love story is concerned,” Cohen adds, “chances for doing one are few and far between. I think that will remain pretty constant for some time to come.”


quality. The successes of the bigger gay flicks rested largely on the talent involved – Hanks, Ledger and Penn all drew the crowds. So, while we should all be grateful to the big name actors who get their films the recognition they deserve, the smaller films do not have that liberty. In Hollywood, big stars equal guaranteed big entertainment. Everything else can rot. Adversity, though, breeds creativity. In the absence of an easy mainstream route, gay films – and gay characters – have made a comfortable home for themselves on DVD and TV. Shunning the adage that direct-to-DVD equals a dud

With the BFI kicking off the 22nd London Lesbian and Gay Film Festival on 25 March, more great gay films than ever are getting the exposure they deserve. With an extensive programme that covers everything from transsexuals (Gay... So What?), growing pangs (Water Lilies) and gay shorts (Days Like These) there’s something for absolutely everyone. Don’t miss Gus Van Sant’s stunning feature debut Mala Noche, which tells the story of a young man who falls in love with a Mexican immigrant. La Leon is an unsettling exploration of masculinity, and 3 Women features a young Sissy Spacek and Shelley Duvall in Robert Altman’s devastating exploration of female desire. Check out www.bfi.org.uk/llgff for more information.

Clockwise from top: America Ferrera in Ugly Betty; The L Word girls; Trevor Wright and Brad Rowe in Shelter; The Edge of Seventeen; Another Gay Movie.

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Quiffs, Lycra Scooby Doo


...the questionable sexuality of our favourite cartoon characters

With more film, TV and pop stars striding confidently out of the closet, it seems our favourite cartoon characters are feeling a bit left out. But was their sexuality that hidden after all? If you think about it, all the clues were there all along, argues Paul Wild.


uting can be so cruel. Recently Matthew Parris dragged Tintin out of the closet kicking and screaming into the pages of The Times. It wasn’t exactly a big secret though; I mean, look at that quiff. Still, you would have hoped an eightyyear old would be past that kind of indignity by now. What’s the point? No one’s going to message him on Gaydar once they see his date of birth. And what’s the big deal anyway? There have been gay cartoon characters since the dawn of children’s entertainment. Pantomime is riddled with cross-dressers and innuendo and the kids love it. Mr Benn had way too much fun in the fancy dress shop and the Pink Panther did more for gay detectives than any rinky-dink protest march. So Tintin bites pillows: who cares? It’s the others you need to watch out for. There has always been something hinky about the best cartoon characters. You may not be able to put your finger on it as a child, but it’s there. One day you will start talking about cartoons in the pub and you will realise that (a) the golden days of your youth are behind you and (b)

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you watched shows with the kind of messages that would land you in jail today. Every kind of perversion is there: you just have to look for it. I say we let elderly Belgians stay in the closet and focus on the real perverts in the cartoon world, corrupting our childhoods and turning us all into the sexual deviants we are today. Let’s start with the lighter stuff; the soft-core, if you will. Dick Dastardly had extravagant taste in hats, Teddy Ruxpin worked a tank-top like nobody can, and who knew what was going on in Scooby Doo? Not only was Shaggy a stoner, but everyone had their eye on Hank and Daphne: those pesky kids were up to something and no matter how hard you tried, you just couldn’t catch them in the act. What were they doing driving around the country in a psychedelic bait bus? You can probably find it on Xtube, along with Bert and Ernie’s home movie collection. Then there’s the almost-nudity, and I’m not just talking about Winnie the Pooh

“Geoffrey, a middle-aged bachelor, shared his house with a giant bear, a living gimp mask and a pink hippo with eyelashes sponsored by Max Factor. And we lapped it up!”

never wearing trousers. The Thundercats leapt around in skin-tight lycra and the only woman, Cheetara, ran about in a swimsuit. Her weapo n ? A staff that grew when she touched it. If I were to walk into a playground in bondage gear and furry pants there’d be a Facebook group demanding my castration by sundown, so how did HeMan get away with it all those years? If the scantily clad Muscle Mary of the Universe didn’t ring any bells, shouldn’t his friends, Ram-Man and Fisto? Apparently not. So while we’re on the subject, lets move on the hardcore freaks, shall we? Case in point: Batman and Robin. A reclusive billionaire lives with his younger charge and enjoys taking him into the basement where they both dress up in wipe-clean costumes every night. The only person who knows about this is the

aged butler who feigns disapproval but really lives vicariously through their adventures. The only woman to excite any kind of hetero-tension is herself a leather-clad pussylover. Seriously, what about this did people think was suitable for children to watch? We never stood a chance. And let’s not even start on the Smurfs. Belgium has a lot to answer for. All of these are trumped by the ultimate in LSD-viewing: Rainbow. What didn’t make it into that show? Thames Television could single-handedly put Active Duty out of business. Geoffrey, a middle-aged bachelor, shared his house with a giant bear, a living gimp mask and a pink hippo with eyelashes sponsored by Max Factor. And we lapped it up! Bungle, Zippy and George remain national heroes. Not so heroic, partner-swapping threesome Rod, Jane and Freddy have never made it to the heady heights the puppets achieved, which just goes to show: everyone loves a three-way but you can’t bring two dates to a party. (Rod and Jane were married and divorced during Rainbow’s run. Jane didn’t look too far afield and hooked up with Freddy shortly after he joined the trio. Truth really is stranger than fiction.) I grew up in the eighties when there were still a few freaks who didn’t own a television and perhaps they escaped the worst, but even when my mother turned the box off and threw us out to play there was no escape from it. This month Jerry Oppenheimer reveals just how bad it gets when he releases his new book, Toy Monster: The

Big Bad World of Mattel. Oh yes, all those jokes about Barbie were true. According to Oppenheimer, Jack Ryan, creator of Barbie and Ken was a “full-blown seventies-style swinger” with “a manic need for sexual gratification.” No stranger to hookers and hook-ups, Barbie is indeed the ultimate whore. What Freud would have to say about Ken – a man with no genitals – is anyone’s guess, but it certainly upset Ken Handler, after whom the doll was named. The progeny of the Mattel founders was, Oppenheimer says, a closeted gay and remained so his whole life, fathering three children and eventually being diagnosed with AIDS in 1990. He died in 1994. If the sad case of Ken is anything to go by, then perhaps our parents knew what they were doing all along. Not all the cartoon examples were bad ones: Long Distance Clara was the first female trucker ever drawn and The Wuzzles were perfectly happy living half-and-half and turning their freakiness into an advantage. We look back now and wonder what the fuck was going on, but perhaps our mums and dads were standing in the kitchen, knowing we were going to grow into and showing us, through cuddly creatures and crazy capers, that it’s ok to give just be ourselves. Or maybe we’re all just fucked up from too much telly. I’m going with the latter.

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BOOKWORM New books, reviewed by Peter Burton THE GREAT LOVER


by Jill Dawson (Sceptre, £12.99) K_\ >i\Xk Cfm\i `j X Zlee`e^cp Zfeki`m\[ efm\c

Fe k_\ \m\e f] glYc`ZXk`fe f] _`j _`jkfi`ZXc efm\c# :Xjk Efk k_\ ;Xp# GXlc NXk\ij k\ccj G\k\i 9likfe XYflk `e]cl\eZ\j Xe[ `ejg`iXk`fej%

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THE JUGGLER by Sebastian Beaumont (Myrmidon, £13.99 h/b, £9.99 p/b) DXib `j X i\XjfeXYcp XkkiXZk`m\ kn\ekp$e`e\ p\Xi fc[% ?`j dXii`X^\ _Xj jfli\[ k_fl^_ _\ cfm\j _`j j\m\e$dfek_$fc[ jfe Xe[ _`j nfib `e X\if$ [peXd`Zj j\\dj gf`ekc\jj% Fe X jfc`kXip e`^_k Xk X Zfd\[p ZclY# k_\ XZk n_f Xgg\Xij kf befn X ^i\Xk [\Xc XYflk _`d jl^^\jkj `kËj k`d\ _\ ^fk XnXp% N_\e X jkiXe^\i k_iljkj `ekf _`j Xidj X _fc[Xcc ZfekX`e`e^ ]fikp k_fljXe[ gfle[j# _\ i\Xc`j\j _\ _Xj Yfk_ k_\ d\Xej Xe[ k_\ dfk`m\% 8]k\i jg\e[`e^ k_\ e`^_k `e X cfZXc _fk\c# _\ j\kj f]] Yp kiX`e XZifjj k_\ Zflekip kf X ]Xj_`feXYc\ Ylk le$eXd\[ j\Xj`[\ kfne k_Xk jfle[j X c`kkc\ c`b\ ?Xjk`e^j% @e`k`Xccp _\ cf[^\j `e X j_Xi\[ _flj\ ile Yp k_\ Zfd\[`Xe n_f _X[ ^`m\e _`d k_\ `dg\klj kf XYXe[fe _`j gi\m`flj c`]\ Ylk X j\i`\j f] Z`iZldjkXeZ\j ]l\cc\[ Yp _`j fne gXiXef`X gifg\c _`d XnXp ]ifd _`j e\n ]i`\e[j Xe[ `ekf X c`]\ Xk ]`ijk fe k_\ ile Xe[ k_\e `e _`[`e^% J\YXjk`Xe 9\XldfekËj j`ok_ efm\c k_\i\ `j Xcjf X Zfcc\Zk`fe f] eflm\cc\j# Knf# Xe[ Xe `ek\ej\cp _fdf\ifk`Z ^fk_`Z ifdXeZ\# K_\ JXZi`]`Z\# Zf$ni`kk\e n`k_ _`j gXike\i J`dfe CfmXk le[\i k_\ eXd\ >fi[fe C`ekfe `j X [\\gcp [`jkliY`e^ Yffb k_Xk _Xj XYflk `k \c\$ d\ekj f] ef`i# [i\Xd# e`^_kdXi\ Xe[ k_\ jlg\ieXkliXc k_`e^j _Xgg\e ]fi ef iXk`feXc i\Xjfe# n`k_flk iXk`feXc \ogcXeXk`fe % K_\ Al^^c\i `j X efm\c k_Xk ZXe Y\ i\X[ fe mXi`flj c\m\cj# dfjk fYm`fljcp Xj X [Xibcp Xkdfjg_\i`Z Xe[ [`jkliY`e^ k_i`cc\i% 9lk `k `j Xcjf X Zfdg\cc`e^ eXiiXk`m\ XYflk Zi`d\ Xe[ gle`j_d\ek# ]Xcc Xe[ i\[\dgk`fe XkkX`e\[ k_ifl^_ [\jgX`i# m`fc\eZ\ Xe[ jXZi`]`Z\% @k `j X Yffb kf gifmfb\ k_fl^_k# X Yffb kf jXmfli% )/ s *J@OKP

Efm\c`jk GXlc NXk\ij _Xj Xci\X[p XkkiXZk\[ k_\ Xkk\ek`fe f] X[d`i\ij f] k_fj\ _`jkfi`ZXc efm\cj j\k `e k_\ XeZ`\ek nfic[ Xe[ jf \og\ikcp _fe\[ Yp jlZ_ ni`k\ij Xj Ifj\dXip JlkZc`]] Xe[ DXip I\eXlck% ?`j ]`ijk efm\c# F] D\iZ_Xekj Xe[ ?\if\j# glYc`j_\[ cXjk p\Xi# XZklXccp \eZifXZ_\[ X c`kkc\ fe k_\ c`k\iXip k\i$ i`kfip I\eXlck dX[\ _\i fne Æ ZcXjj`ZXc >i\\Z\% ÈDXip I\eXlck _Xj Y\\e X ^i\Xk `e]cl\eZ\#É NXk\ij X[d`kj% ÈJ_\ _Xj X gif]fle[ le[\ijkXe[`e^ f] k_\ ZcXjj`ZXc gi\$:_i`jk`Xe flkcffb fe k_\ nfic[# Xe[ j_\ `j X ]Xi ^i\Xk\i GcXkfe`jk k_Xe j_\ `j \m\i ^`m\e Zi\[`k ]fi% 8cjf `k nXj j_\ n_f ]`ijk \eZfliX^\[ d\ kf ni`k\# Xe[ @ [f ]\\c @ fn\ _\i jfd\k_`e^ f] X [\Yk ]fi k_Xk%É NXk\ij gXlj\j ]fi X dfd\ek f] i\]c\Zk`fe# È8cjf# DXip I\eXlck `j X ]`ijk$iXk\ jkfipk\cc\i%É =fi k_fj\ efk Xci\X[p ]Xd`c`Xi n`k_ I\eXlckËj ]`Zk`fe# _\i efm\cj f] XeZ`\ek >i\\Z\ `eZcl[`e^ K_\ CXjk f] k_\ N`e\# K_\ B`e^ Dljk ;`\ Xe[ _\i ki`cf^p XYflk 8c\oXe[\i k_\ >i\Xk Æ =`i\ =ifd ?\Xm\e# K_\ G\ij`Xe 9fp Xe[ =le\iXc >Xd\j Xi\ n\cc nfik_ j\\b`e^ flk% F] D\iZ_Xekj Xe[ ?\if\j nXj j\k `e XeZ`\ek >i\\Z\ Xe[ ]fZlj\[ fe k_\ Zfd`e^ f] X^\ f] X pflk_ Yp nXp f] cfjj _`j ]Xk_\i# b`cc\[ Yp g`iXk\j # kiX`e`e^ `e Zfdd\iZ\ Xk k_\ _Xe[j f] _`j leZc\ # ]`ijk cfm\ n`k_ Xe Xi`jkfZiXk f] _`j fne X^\ Xe[ nXi fe$^f`e^ % :Xjk Efk k_\ ;Xp `j j\k `e k_\ [p`e^ [Xpj f] k_\ N\jk\ie IfdXe <dg`i\ Xe[# _\i\# kff# k_\ ]fZlj `j fe X pfle^ dXe Æ ;iljlj Æ Zfd`e^ kf dXkli`kp `e k_\ ]XZ\ f] _fjk`c`kp ]ifd i\cXk`m\j fe n_fd _\ `j gXib\[ X]k\i k_\ [\Xk_ f] _`j ]Xk_\i X jg`k\]lc Xlek# Xe `e\]]\Zk`m\ leZc\# X Ylccp`e^ Zflj`e % Nfij\# k_`j ]Xd`cp lgfe n_fd _\ _Xj Y\\e `dgfj\[ Xi\ :_i`jk`Xe Xe[ Xe[ \ek`i\cp _fjk`c\ kf ;iljljËj GX^Xe Y\c`\]j% K_\`i ]X`k_ `j le]fi^`m`e^ Xe[ NXk\ij dXb\j `k Zc\Xi k_Xk k_\ i`j\ f] :_i`jk`Xe`kp _X[ X ^i\Xk [\Xc kf [f n`k_ k_\ [\Zc`e\ Xe[ ]Xcc f] k_\ IfdXe <dg`i\% ;f\j k_\ j_X[fn f] <[nXi[ >`YYfe Æ Xlk_fi f] K_\ ;\Zc`e\ Xe[ =Xcc f] k_\ IfdXe <dg`i\ Xe[ nXjg`j_cp Xek`$:_i`jk`Xe Æ cffd fm\i :Xjk Efk k_\ ;Xp6 È@e Xejn\i# c\k d\ jXp k_Xk p\j# @ nXj `e]cl\eZ\[ kf X Z\ikX`e \ok\ek Yp >`YYfe# k_fl^_ @ Xcjf jg\ek X cfk f] k`d\ i\X[`e^ k_\ gi`dXip jfliZ\j Yfk_ gif$:_i`jk`Xe Xe[ Xek`$:_i`jk`Xe n_`Z_ ^Xm\ d\ X ]\\c ]fi k_\ Zfekifm\ij`\j f] k_\ k`d\% @ k_`eb k_Xk >`YYfe _X[ `k XYflk i`^_k% ÈK_\ :_i`jk`Xe :_liZ_ f] k_\ =flik_ :\eklip 8; nXj ]Xi dfi\ fggfj\[ kf c\Xie`e^ Æ ]Xi dfi\ fYjZliXek`jk Æ k_Xe k_\ cXk\i :_liZ_ `\ k_\ :_liZ_ X]k\i 8l^ljk`e\ Xe[ k_\e K_fdXj 8hl`eXj n_`Z_ Xjj`d`cXk\[ ZcXjj`ZXc g_`cfjfg_`ZXc `[\Xj ]ifd GcXkf Xe[ 8i`jkfkc\% K_Xk `j jfd\k_`e^ @Ëm\ ki`\[ kf [\dfejkiXk\ `e dp e\n efm\c% =lik_\idfi\ Xe[ _\i\ @ X^i\\ n`k_ >`YYfe k_\ \Xicp :_liZ_ nXj Xj dlZ_ X gfc`k`ZXc gifa\Zk Xj X jg`i`klXc fe\# Xe[ k_`j jl`k\[ Yfk_ k_\ \dg\ifi Xe[ k_\ gi\cXk\j% È8cjf# @ _Xm\ ki`\[ kf `ccljkiXk\ k_\ Z_Xe^\ `e dXeËj jg`i`klXc le`m\ij\ k_Xk :_i`jk`Xe dfefk_\`jd Yifl^_k XYflk% :_i`jk`Xe`kp lj_\i\[ `e X iX[`ZXccp [`]]\i\ek nXp f] cffb`e^ Xk k_\ nfic[% K_\ ZcXjj`ZXc nfic[ Æ >i\\Z\# k_\e Ifd\ Æ nXj# @ Zfek\e[# X gif[lZk f] k_\ GX^Xe fi ?\cc\e`Z flkcffb% @k `j X hl\jk`fe Æ XcY\`k Xe fg\e hl\jk`fe Æ n_\k_\i X :_i`jk`Xe dfefk_\`jd nfic[ Zflc[ _Xm\ Yifl^_k XYflk k_\ jXd\ i\jlckj% È:\ikX`ecp k_\ ^i\Xk ]cfn\i`e^ f] c\Xie`e^ Xe[ jZ`\eZ\ nflc[ _Xm\ Y\\e `dgfjj`Yc\ le[\i k_\ `ekfc\iXek \Xicp :_liZ_% 8e[ `k nXj X :_i`jk`Xe \dg\ifi n_f ]`eXccp Zcfj\[ [fne k_\ le`m\ij`kp Xk 8k_\ej% K_\i\ nXj ef e\\[ ]fi c\Xie`e^% K_\ hl\jk`fej _X[ Xci\X[p Y\\e Xejn\i\[# Xe[ k_\ Xejn\ij cXp n`k_ k_\ :_liZ_% ÈDfi\ ^\e\iXccp# @ _Xm\ ki`\[ kf X[[i\jj `e dp efm\c k_\ g\i\ee`Xc m`Z\j f] _pgfZi`jp# ]XeXk`Z`jd# cXZb f] df[\iXk`fe# Xe[ j\c]$[\clj`fe% 8e[# f] Zflij\# @ _Xm\ ki`\[ kf k\cc X _ldXe jkfip%É 8e[ Z\ikX`ecp :Xjk Efk k_\ ;Xp k\ccj Xe Xcc$kff$_ldXe Æ Xe[ Xcc$kff$]Xd`c`Xi Æ jkfip% =fi k_\ _pgfZi`jp# ]XeXk`Z`jd# cXZb f] df[\iXk`fe Xe[ j\c]$[\clj`fe n_`Z_ NXk\ij jf Zlee`e^cp [\gcfpj `e _`j efm\c Xe[ aljk Xj i\Zf^e`jXYcp kiX`kj f] k_\ df[\ie nfic[% @k `j# g\i_Xgj# k_\ ]`eXc `ifep f] k_\ Yffb k_Xk `k `j lck`dXk\cp ;iljlj n_f j_fnj k_\ dfjk kfc\iXk`fe Xe[ k_\ :_i`jk`Xej n_f j_fn k_\dj\cm\j k_\ dfjk Y`^fk\[%

:Xjk Efk k_\ ;Xp Yp GXlc NXk\ij `j glYc`j_\[ Yp DXZd`ccXe Xk (-%00

ELEGANTLY ENGLISH TAILORING Mr Classic, Jeremy Hackett is published by Thames & Hudson at £19.95 Admirers of the quintessentially English tailoring of Jeremy Hackett will revel in his Mr Classic (Thames & Hudson, £19.95). This study volume is in part a style manual and in part an idiosyncratic memoir. It is generously illustrated with full page black and white and colour photographs by Garda Tang, which display Hackett’s clothes on classically good looking young men posed against backgrounds – Brighton beach, a country railway station, a bus shelter at a village green – which are nostalgically evocative. And, of course, the striking models include rugby player Jonny Wilkinson whose ‘look’ has become synonymous with this elegantly retro style.

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The leader of the Conservative Party, David Cameron, is publicly courting the gay vote this month via an interview with Total Politics magazine. In it, he talks about progression within his party and pledges his support for gay equality. Is this really the future of the Tories?


he Conservative Party is changing. Under the leadership of David Cameron, the party has turned its back on its old values – which so often discriminated against gay people – and is looking forward to a future of equality for all citizens. Well, that’s what Mr Cameron has just claimed, anyway, in an interview with Total Politics magazine. There is a general election looming. When it will happen, no few know. But the fact that the season of vote-courting is in their midst means that politicians are keen to appeal to all sections of society. “I totally agree that on some of these issues [gay rights] the Conservative party had some work to do,” says David Cameron in an interview with journalist Iain Dale in the March issue of Total Politics. “I am not saying it is done but big progress has been made.” And, let’s face it, there was – and is – a lot of work to do if the Tories are to ever gain the political support of the wider LGBT community. Section 28, the law introduced in 1988 by the then leader of the Conservative Party, Margaret Thatcher, to make it illegal for any school to ‘promote’ homosexuality, still hangs over the Tories like a stinking black smog in the eyes of most gay people. It was a hateful act; one that sent out a strong message that the government regarded gay people as abnormal, second-class citizens. And, looking back at the last twenty years, it doesn’t seem like the Conservatives have, on the whole, done much to reverse that idea. During his ten years as Prime Minister, Tony Blair’s Labour Party introduced a whirlwind of gay rights legislation, equalising the age of consent, protecting gay people from discrimination when accessing goods and services and, of course, the jewel in Tony

Blair’s crown – civil partnerships. Blair said that he “skipped a little” when he saw the first gay couples getting hitched, expressing his “joy” at the introduction of civil partnership legislation. Words that, perhaps, have inspired David Cameron to tell Iain Dale that: “I stood up in front of a Conservative conference [in 2006], my first one as leader, and said that marriage was important, and as far as I was concerned it didn’t matter whether it was between a man and a woman, a man and a man or a woman and a woman. No other Conservative leader has ever done that.” Someone who believes the Conservative Party is committed to gay rights is Margot James, a fifty-year-old businesswoman who happens to be a lesbian and who also happens to be the Conservative Party’s Vice-Chairman. “David Cameron has been a great comfort to our cause… there has been huge change,” Ms James told a Stonewall fringe meeting at the party conference in Birmingham back in October 2008. “There is so much wrong with this government’s policy, gay people should not just vote Conservative, they have a duty to vote Conservative.” Speaking later to 3SIXTY, Ms James added, “The Conservative Party is in favour of equal treatment of gay people and is opposed to discrimination. Sadly, this has not always been the case, but this is the main change, which will manifest in the support of the party’s leadership for pro-gay legislation like civil partnerships. We have between 10 and 20 gay parliamentary candidates selected for winnable seats at the next election and two members of the Shadow Cabinet are openly gay; this is quite a change from ten years ago. “David Cameron has indicated in many speeches that he believes in a tolerant, fair and just society and has given as an example of this the rights of gay people to be treated equally and with respect.” A man who echoes Margot James’s views is Nick

Nick Herbert MP

Margot James MP

Herbert MP, the Conservative Shadow Secretary of State for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs. “I think that Margot was being amusing and provocative [when she said gay people have a duty to vote Tory] but of course her point was that many of the key values of modern Conservativism, not least a commitment to liberty, should be of great appeal to gay people,” Mr Herbert, who married his long term boyfriend in January 2009, told 3SIXTY. “Respect for gay people is one of the hallmarks of David Cameron’s Conservatives. He publicly backed civil partnerships when he talked about marriage in one of his Party Conference speeches, he supported the new offence of incitement to gay hatred, we have two out gay men in the Shadow Cabinet, and we have a number of talented out gay candidates who will hopefully be elected next time. The Conservative Party is changing and we’re not going back.” So, would you vote Conservative? Ben Summerksill, Chief Executive of Stonewall, has this to say: “We will never tell people how to vote. We would far rather that hundreds of thousands of gay people were contacting their own member of parliament and testing them on these issues because that’s how those candidates will realise how many lesbian and gay voters there are.”

If you would like to ask your local MP about gay issues, you can call the House of Commons switchboard on 020 7219 3000. To read David Cameron’s interview in full, visit www.totalpolitics.com

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The fight to introduce civil partnership legislation in the UK was undoubtedly a milestone in the struggle for equality. But 2005 wasn’t the first time same-sex marriages were performed in this country – men and men and women and women were forming unions well before Christianity took hold of the western world, as Barry Duke, editor of The Freethinker, reveals.


here was understandable outrage among the gay community in the US in January when President Obama invited evangelist Rick Warren, a vociferous opponent of gay marriage, to deliver an address at his inauguration. Warren – a key supporter of Proposition 8, which last year changed the Californian state constitution to restrict the definition of marriage to opposite-sex couples, and eliminated same-sex couples’ right to marry – is on record as saying: “For 5,000 years, every culture and every religion – not just Christianity – has defined marriage as a contract between men and women. There is no reason to change the universal, historical definition of marriage to appease two percent of our population.� This quote suggests that Warren is either extremely ignorant, or that he had willfully chosen to ignore the fact that same-sex unions have been with us since the dawn of civilisation. Gay bonding ceremonies over the centuries are very well documented, but it’s the word “marriage�, of course, that sends Christian fundamentalists into paroxysms of fury. They insist that it can be used only to describe the union of one man and one woman – or one man and up to four women if you happen to be a Muslim! But history shows without doubt that same-sex marriages have been joyfully celebrated in a variety of cultures for millennia. These ranged from informal relationships to highly ritualised bonding ceremonies. For example, in the southern Chinese province of Fujian, through the Ming dynasty period, females would bind themselves in contracts to younger females in elaborate ceremonies. Males entered similar arrangements. In Japan, Shudo, the Japanese tradition of agestructured homosexuality, was prevalent in Samurai society from the medieval period until the end of the 19th century. During the time of the Roman Empire, Suetonius recorded that Nero married both a slave boy and a male friend. Then came Christianity, with its blinding array of sexu-

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al taboos. In 342CE, Christian co-emperors Constantius and Constans outlawed same-sex unions – and in so doing laid the foundations of a virulent brand of homophobia which is still with us today. You have to look no further than Pope Benedict XVI for evidence of how enduring and dangerous their legacy has been. Among many native American tribes, homosexuality was not merely tolerated, but celebrated. Gay tribe members were perjoratively called “berdache� by French and English fur trappers, but the “berdache� (the Arabic word for male prostitute) were considered a

blessing by their tribes – until the poison of Christianity seeped into their cultures. Today, Christianised native Americans try hard to distance themselves from their gay-friendly past. In England in the 1700s, despite the fact that sodomy carried the death sentence, there were around 40 gay pubs or coffee outlets known as “molly houses�. Many of these had a “marrying room� or chapel, and the one at the White Swan in Vere Street had a pukka Baptist clergyman, the Rev John Church, who officiated as chaplain. Rev Church also presided at gay funerals – one being that of Richard Oakden, who was hanged for sodomy

on November 15, 1809. *Church himself was sent to prison for two years in 1817 after he was convicted of “attempted sodomy� with Adam Foreman, a 19-yearold apprentice potter. Issues of stereotyping aside, one must accept that gay people are predisposed to partying and dressing up in a far more flamboyant manner than their heterosexual counterparts. Indeed, the modern white wedding dress might well have been based on the robe donned by the male transvestite worshipper of the “Mother Goddess� who officiated in pre-Christian marriage ceremonies. If one looks back on gay social trends of just the last 50 years or so, you will see that many of these – from music to fashion and clubbing – were enthusiastically seized upon and adapted by heterosexuals for their own pleasure. So it is by no means far-fetched to suggest that gays may well have established a pattern for contemporary heterosexual marriage. Rictor Norton, in A History of Gay Marriage, could well be right when he says that “there is no hard and fast evidence that gay marriages are ‘imitations’ of heterosexual marriages. The truth of the matter may be quite different: heterosexual marriage is very likely an imitation of what is essentially a homosexual mating pattern�. He expands by pointing out that modern psychologists “are increasingly recognising that the most lasting and genuine emotional attachments are not between heterosexual husbands and wives, but between men and their menfriends, and women and their womenfriends�. But whatever the origins of marriage, or who pilfered what customs (or costumes) from whom, respect and equality are the only things that should ultimately concern us. Stable, loving relationships are important to individuals and to society at large, and we cannot allow opponents to distort or diminish their value with specious arguments that gay unions are less valid than any other sort.

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HITCHED The idea of two men getting ‘hitched’ is still difficult to swallow for some. For others, it’s now the most normal thing since, well, a man and a woman entering into marriage. As we enter into the fourth full year of civil partnerships being legal in the UK, Gary Nunn, Communications Officer at Stonewall, recalls the fight for marriage equality. Stonewall lobbied tirelessly for civil partnerships. Having won some hard-fought battles towards equality for lesbian and gay people – such as equalising of the age of consent – we knew it was time for legislation to fully reflect the reality of twenty first century life in Britain. Many Stonewall supporters had contacted us over the years to tell us that they’d been in relationships for twenty, thirty and even forty years without legal protection as partners. It was about time they enjoyed the same full legal rights that straight couples benefited from. The Civil Partnership Act finally became a law on 5 December 2005. This was a huge step forward for lesbian and gay equality. After 10 years of Stonewall campaigning, same-sex partners were at last able to enjoy equal protection under the law. Between 2005 - 2006 the number of couples entering a civil partnership far exceeded government estimates, surpassing in one year alone the number of partnerships that were estimated would have taken place by 2010. Today, around 30,000 couples are now in civil partnerships. Stonewall’s focus was always on securing each and every one of the rights available to married couples. Civil partnerships ensure that equality of legal protection is now available to same-sex couples. So we have a ‘civil partnership ceremony’ instead of a wedding and a ‘dissolution’ instead of a divorce. But all the legal protections and rights within the civil partnership are exactly the same as marriage. The terms to describe them are simply different.

the road to getting



How do you feel about the introduction of civil partnerships in the UK and what impact has this had on the acceptance of gay and lesbian people?

S. Jacques, 25, Bristol I feel it is a step towards creating a society that is accepting and inclusive of all.

Brian, 61, Brighton It should have happened years ago. The impact can only be positive.

David Haters, 21, Brighton I think that it is a great addition to today’s modern society and I hope it would help people to be more tolerant.

Henry Hall, 20, Norwich It’s a good thing – my cousin had one and is finally free and happy. Why can’t people be happy with someone of the same sex? It doesn’t take much to understand and accept it.

During February 2006, Stonewall and Barclays embarked on a ‘Get Hitched’ road show to inform lesbian and gay people about what civil partnership meant for them. Following the road show, Stonewall produced ‘Get Hitched’, a guide to civil partnership in 11 different languages. It’s available on Stonewall’s website to answer questions about the new law. You can also call Stonewall’s freephone info line to find out more about your legal rights around partnerships – 08000 50 20 20.

If you’re having a civil partnership and would like to make a gift list donation to Stonewall - the charity that made it all possible - please contact monte. fields@stonewall.org.uk or call 020 7593 1876.

Shereen Haylock, 31, Hove It’s a free world and I think it’s absolutely fabulous and should be perfectly acceptable and encouraged!

Jonathan le Roux, 30, Brighton It’s a good idea. Everyone should have the right to love and cherish someone in their lives. It should be a right. South Africa has done it – what’s wrong with the leaders of this country?

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Homoerotic art has existed for as long as men have wished to be titillated by images of other men in sexual situations. Peter Burton takes a look back at the porn that aroused generations of bygone eras.

Clockwise from left: Tom of Finland; Wilhelm von Gloeden (c.1901); Spartacus (1968); International Males Advertiser (two photographs) (1967); Wilhelm von Gloeden (c.1901); Spartacus (1968); International Males Advertiser (three photographs) (1967); Die Infel magazine (1932); International Males Advertiser (1967).

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omoerotic art has existed for as long as men have wished to be titillated by images of other men in sexual situations. Perhaps the most famous of historical homoerotica came from ancient Greece and Rome. There are thousands of items of pottery from Classical Greece which depict men enjoying the sexual favours of other men or youths and some of the Roman decorations still extant at Pompeii were deemed so outrageous that they were only available for the delectation of a select few and at the right price. But homoerotica really took off with the invention of the camera. For millennia, sexually stimulating artworks (paintings, sculptures) had been available only to the wealthy – photography put pornography within the reach of the common man. And, like the green bay tree, it flourished. The seductive lure of the Mediterranean provided a fertile ground for photographers from all over Europe, but none were more prolific than the Germans Wilhelm von Gloeden (1856 1931) and Guglielmo Plüschow (1852–1930). The photographs of Italian youths (usually draped in barely concealing classical robes) created by these (and others) had a wide circulation (Oscar Wilde at the end of the nineteenth century is known to have owned prints by von Gloeden as is the painter Duncan Grant at the beginning of the twentieth). Remarkably, the homoerotic photographs of von Gloeden and Plüschow are still in circulation today and what would have originally been sold for the stimulating content are now sold as art photographs. Barely a year goes by without a new album of von Gloeden or Plüschow’s homoerotic photographs being published. Homoerotica (all erotica, in fact) has astonishing powers of survival. For instance, photographs published in the early German gay magazine Die Infel (c 1923-2932), recently resurfaced in James Gardiner’s Who’s A Pretty Boy Then? (1998). A gay rights movement flourished in Germany throughout the early years of the last century and Berlin became a mecca for gay tourists such as W H Auden and Christopher Isherwood (the latter of whom’s experiences eventually became the basis for the musical Cabaret) and publications such as Die Infel were eagerly snapped up taken home to Britain – one of the reasons that copies have survived to the present day. All that was swept away when the Nazis came to power in 1933. British homoerotica didn’t really begin to flourish until after World War II (1939-1945) and even then it appeared covertly (homosexual acts between consenting males were only partially decriminalised by the 1967 Sexual Offences Act). Magazines such as Films and Filming (founded in the 1950 by critic and novelist Peter Baker) were built around movie stills which focused on scantily-clad actors and columns of contact ads whilst the catalogues put out by Bill Green (clothier ‘Vince’ utilised hunky models including a young Sean Connery) to model leisure wear that was based upon the flatteringly tailored American military clothing. Vince clothing was specifically aimed at young gay men. Little need be said about the iconic drawings by the Finnish artist Tom – born in Finland and an admirer of his country’s Nazi occupiers during World War II, he eventually moved to California and produced artwork which helped to create a gay archetype, the clone, which eventually percolated through into popular culture by way of acts such as the Village People. The 1967 Sexual Offences Act allowed British gay porn to move – albeit slowly – into a more prominent position by way of such publications as John D Stamford’s pioneering International Males Advertiser which first appeared in the immediate wake of the Act and which soon became the more commercially named Spartacus. Stamford’s photographs seem curiously innocent today – genitals discreetly disguised by tightly revealing posing pouches. But it was a beginning… Today, little more than a hundred years since Oscar Wilde was exciting himself with von Gloeden’s photographs of Italian youths, homoerotica has entered – colonised – the mainstream. The intense erotic appeal of the barely clad male has almost become a cliché…

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New scenes, new routines 2008 brought new, increasingly worrying evidence of the seriousness of the climate challenge. Arctic sea ice is declining much more rapidly than previously thought; many scientists now believe that may completely disappear in the summer months by 2030, or even earlier. The potential rise in sea level could be up to 1.5 metres by 2100. Global greenhouse gas emissions have been rising at 3% on average per year since 2000. The good news is that more and more people are getting stuck in - governments are acting, householders are following advice on saving energy and reducing CO2 and businesses are adopting all sorts of initiatives to reduce their environmental impact. Everyone’s talking about the need to reduce our carbon footprint. That’s great news for the health of our planet, and there’s lots of things people can do , often just by making small changes to daily routines. Turn off that running tap, switch to low energy light bulbs, walk or cycle. Ask you favourite club or pub how green their business practices are . Whatever your scene, enjoy it but think green. 7R À QG RXW PRUH DERXW RXU ZRUN WR SURWHFW WKH HQYLURQPHQW RU WR ORRN IRU D MRE ZLWK XV YLVLW WKH (QYLURQPHQW $JHQF\ ZHEVLWH DW ZZZ HQYLURQPHQW DJHQF\ JRY XN ZHG

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WINTER PRIDE 2009 In 2003, Brighton and Hove launched its second annual pride festival, Brighton Winter Pride, with the aim of creating a ‘back to its roots’ community event and also, crucially, to raise cash to help fund Brighton’s hugely successful summer Pride. Six years on, it’s bigger than ever, as Torsten Højer discovered.

very August, the City of Brighton and Hove holds the UK’s largest and most successful free LGBT pride event. It all started with a very modest party back in 1992, when a small crowd gathered to celebrate gay life on The Level, an area of parkland in central Brighton. Legend has it that drag artiste Dave Lynn, who must have been very young back in 1992, performed to a cheering crowd on the back of a lorry which had reversed into the park in order to create a makeshift stage. Fast-forward to 2008, and 160,000 people, gay and straight, from across the country (and abroad) descend on the city to have a laugh and witness the biggest free gay pride event this country can offer. Brighton Pride has become a monster; an event the city can be proud of and the benchmark for what a well-organised, diverse and free event can be. Now, Dave Lynn (who still looks remarkably youthful) plays to thousands upon thousands in the cabaret tent at Brighton Pride. It’s a world away from the humble beginnings of this festival. But, not content with being the host city of the incredible summer event, Brighton now has two annual pride festivals. Greedy? Maybe. Perhaps the city just can’t get enough of a good thing. And a ‘good thing’ is what Brighton’s Winter Pride festival is all about. Whereas the summer event is predominantly about the big day: the parade, the park, and the after parties, Winter Pride focuses on the city’s LGBT community. Many of the participants of the summer event in Brighton are local (estimated at around 40,000 people), but many come from the wider community. At Winter Pride, almost all of those taking part are Brighton and Hove based. “Winter Pride is about putting on something for Brighton and Hove’s LGBT community,” says Judith Manson, Fundraising and Communications Manager at Brighton Pride. “One of the real strengths of Winter Pride is that it gives us the opportunity to create a platform for voluntary groups to put on their own events – whether we fund them or they do it themselves – and through this, to become more visible to the community and to fundraise.” This year, Brighton Winter Pride has moved from its usual February slot to a new mid-March timetable, intended to give businesses breathing space after the Christmas and New Year celebrations to organise events and get involved. It’s worked: there are now more than 90 official events taking place as part of Winter Pride 2009 (last year, around 80 events took place). “Every year I think that WP is going to be smaller than the year before, but every year it grows!” laughs Manson.


It’s clear talking to the Brighton Pride staff that organising the city’s pride festivals is an all-year-round effort. To keep Brighton Pride free, an enormous amount of fundraising is necessary. The summer event is selffunding, in so far as it raises sponsorships and receives donations from individuals and businesses. “The winter months are when we have the least amount of money coming in,” says Manson. “Therefore, our Winter Pride event is crucial to our fundraising efforts, and works as a week that refocuses the Brighton and Hove community after the Christmas break.” One of the main additions to both the summer and winter events in Brighton over the last few years has been the inclusion of events and opportunities for those who are marginalised within the LGBT community. “We want both summer and winter pride festivals to be as inclusive as possible – after all, acceptance is something people in Brighton are very proud of,” says Manson. “In 2006, a trans tent was introduced to the Park at Brighton’s summer Pride, in conjunction with The Gender Trust and The Clare Project, which was a huge success. Through those relationships, we’ve been able to introduce a lots of bi and trans-focused events to Winter Pride.” This year, The Clare Project – a transgender support group – is organising an event for every single day of the Winter Pride week, encompassing everything from a sports day competition to a nude swim at Brighton’s nudist beach. Brighton’s annual BiFest, which provides a social and workshops for bi people and their friends, takes place on Saturday 7 March. Also planned are poetry nights, art exhibitions, film nights, fashion shows, pub quizzes, courses in a variety of subjects, beauty nights, karaoke, food festivals – too much to mention here (for a full list visit www.brightonpride.org or pick up a brochure at bars in Brighton and Hove). And, a lot of the events will be beach themed. “We’re really excited about this year’s theme – Pride Beside The Seaside,” says Manson. “It has really captured people’s imagination.” She’s not wrong: The Bulldog pub is hosting a beachwear party, The Queen’s Arms is decking its interior in beach-related stuff, there’s the aforementioned nude swim, the sports day is also beachwear only. Primark had better stock up on bikinis. “There really is something for everyone,” says Manson. “We’d love to see you there, so come and take part!”

“With a nude swim, a beachwear sports day and a gay bowling contest, diversity and inclusivity is certainly evident at Winter Pride!”

For a full list of events at this year’s Winter Pride, visit www.brightonpride.org Brighton Winter Pride runs from 7th – 15th March 2009.

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dusty During her lifetime, Dusty Springfield was haunted by rumours about her lesbianism, problems with self-harming, drugs and alcohol. Yet, since her death ten years ago this month from breast cancer, the reputation of this iconic singer has steadily grown. With publication of two new books about the woman dubbed the ‘White Queen of Soul’, Peter Burton examines what it was that made her so special.


any years ago, when she was based on America’s West Coast and her career appeared to be in terminal decline, the British singer Dusty Springfield, dubbed by some the ‘White Queen of Soul’ and by Cliff Richard as the ‘White Negress’ (!), her then girlfriend (clad entirely in combat gear), her sometime publicist Mike Gill (subsequently Executive Producer of most of the remixed reissues of classic Dusty albums and Executive Producer and co-compiler of the definitive Simply… Dusty CD boxed set) and myself went off to a club called Oil Can Harry’s in the suburbs of Los Angeles to see the superb ‘Male Actress’ Charles Pierce. The evening’s performance was drag at its best and included a riotous pastiche of the movie Whatever Happened to Baby Jane? in which Pierce took on both the Bette Davis and Joan Crawford roles. Quickly aware of the celebrity in his audience, the performer made several passing but witty remarks about Dusty, which she – and the rest of the audience – found uproarious. Later that night, on our way back to LA, we decided to stop for something to eat. The diner we’d chosen was mostly populated by the kind of American teenagers familiar with shows such as Grease and Happy Days and they were just as amiable. Word quickly went around the eaterie that there was someone famous in their midst. They decided, in the friendliest possible way, to send up Dusty. “Hey, Pet,” one of them called across in our direction, “how about a blast of ‘downtown’.” And until they grew tired of their game, the various youths at the tables around us continued to address their remarks to Dusty, knowing full well who she was, as if they believed she were Petula Clark, then enjoying international success with Tony Hatch’s song ‘Downtown’. Dusty played along with them with the greatest good humour. The diva about whom so much had been written was entirely absent. That image is for me far more potent than that foisted off on the world by Dusty’s manager Vicki Wickham and journalist Penny Valentine (herself shortly to die from cancer) in their tawdry biography Dancing With Demons: The Authorised Biography of Dusty Springfield, sloppily written and published within a year of the singer’s death and described by one American fan in Annie J Randall’s

Dusty! Queen of the Postmods* as ‘one of those books rushed to print to make money before the corpse is cold.’ Curiously, Dancing With Demons (and other sensationalist accounts which nailed Dusty as tortured lesbian who was brutalised by some of her lovers and compulsively self-harmed) seems to have done the singer’s reputation no harm - probably because it is widely recognised that the one really important thing about her is her work.

Quite simply, Dusty Springfield was a superlative interpretive singer, admired by her peers and her public. ‘There was never a voice in pop music like Dusty Springfield’s,’ Bette Midler has written. ‘It was haunting, husky, full of secrets and promises, and once you’d heard her on a ballad, you were never the same. Her songs were like little scenes, and she never sang a false note. I remember singing along with her and trying to capture the essence of that wonderful vibrato. ‘Bless you, Dusty – and thanks for the inspiration.’ It is fitting, therefore, that on the tenth anniversary of her death, Randall should have written a study of Dusty (like Dietrich or Garbo, Judy or Liza, Dusty is instantly

recognisable from that single name) that concentrates on that enduring body of work rather than on the tumultuous private life that clearly informed it. Sharon Davis’s recently published A Girl Called Dusty: An Intimate portrait of Dusty Springfield** is warm and affectionate (it also focuses on the career rather than the scandals) and restores to its subject the dignity that other had so thoughtlessly removed. ‘One thing I’ve noticed since Dusty’s death is how regularly her music is featured on television programmes,’ Davis writes. ‘One-off dramas, sitcoms and soaps like Coronation Street and Emmerdale, and in particular Eastenders play her music on a regular basis.’ It is also worth remarking that virtually any radio station that plays pop music will spin at least one disc by Dusty Springfield on any given day. Dusty Springfield’s music has become part of the fabric of popular culture. She was an icon in the Sixties – tiny (five foot two inches), with a dyed blonde beehive (frequently a wig) and panda eye makeup – who turned intensely emotional ballads into what Randall terms ‘pop arias’ and was a huge influence on the way women in that charismatic decade looked. And she endured. Of course, there were ups and downs. But as she herself said when she battled cancer: “I am a survivor.” She was adored by a legion of fans, genuinely an icon to gay men and lesbians, particularly, though certainly not exclusively. And this generation stemmed – surely – from recognition of her complete inability to professionally compromise. From her first solo album (A Girl Called Dusty, one of the style statements of 1964) through the classic Dusty in Memphis (which confirmed her position as Britain’s premier soul singer but which she thought “a rather overrated classic”) to the more recent Reputation (masterminded by the Pet Shop Boys), her recordings were characterised by quality of material and imaginative, deeply felt and (most of all) immaculateness of delivery. The number of recordings made by Dusty Springfield which can send shivers down the spine of the listener are too numerous to count (I Just Don’t Know What To Do With Myself, I Close My Eyes and Count to Ten, Son of a Preacher Man and You Don’t Have to Say You Love Me, are but four). She was a uniquely individual performer and remains an icon to cherish.

*Dusty! Queen of the Postmods by Annie J Randall is published by Oxford University Press at £12.99 ** A Girl Called Dusty: An Intimate Portrait of Dusty Springfield by Sharon David is published by Andre Deutsch at £18.99. *J@OKP s +(

3SIXTY’s travel correspondent Scott Brown turns 31 this month. And so does Sydney Mardi Gras. But one is looking fresher and more exciting than ever. Which is it?

y joints ache sometimes – especially in the cold. The eyesight isn’t what it used to be either. I’m beginning to grey a little too. And as for the balding, oh we don’t talk about the balding. Do I want sex less often than I used to? Maybe...but then I always advocate that there is absolutely nothing wrong with having a quick cuddle and then snuggling down with a good novel. Don’t judge me though - isn’t all of this just symptomatic of being 31 next birthday? Isn’t that what happens to those taking tentative steps into their second trimester? It would seem not - at least not if you apply the concept of age to a parade. Like the old Queen Mother, who was as old as the year, I am as old as the Sydney Mardi Gras - which means we both turn 31 in March. It had always been my theory that as we get older we need to ease off a bit. Rein things in and tone them down. But not this Sydney, not this Mardi Gras and not this year. Hot on the heels of its big 3-0 in March ’08, the parade’s 31st bash promises to be bigger and better than ever. If this aspiration is achieved then this will be a gay day unlike any other - and I’m tempted you know, just one last time. One last time, but then that’s what I say every year. Sydney is an amazing city at any time of the year. Is it perfect? In my eyes yes, and I’m a patriotic Brit, but this beautiful city is my second home; a simple and manageable place that puts pleasure before work and play ahead of rest - Sydney, more than anywhere else in world, has got it right; any city where a

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good percentage of the population is gay and where anywhere is 15 minutes away from a beach really can’t be all bad, can it? As a city, Sydney’s attractions speak for themselves. Who could fail to identify the pristine sails of the Opera House or the curvatious arch of the Harbour Bridge; attractions which draw millions of tourists every year and attractions which add glamour to this naturally beautiful place. But beauty is in the eye of the beholder and glamour is forever caste and broken with the sweeping changes of fashion and taste. Isn’t Sydney missing something…? Ah yes, glitz. But fear not, that glitz will be provided by the 2009 Mardi Gras Festival. And oh what glitz it promises to be. Sydney Mardi Gras is not ‘Sydney Pride’, it is measurably different and markedly better. It is not about pride or being proud - being proud in Sydney is a given – Mardi Gras is more a celebration of inclusion, conveyed by way of the two week festival being something the whole city embraces and the one day parade being something the whole city attends. The Mardi Gras itself a showcase of everything gay, from dykes on bikes through to the most beautiful and flamboyant of drag queens on God’s own earth. A time when the lid to the gay world is lifted a little and for a while the whole city takes a peek inside. This year’s festival will be held between the 14th February and the 7th of March, with the parade itself being the jewel in the crown on the afternoon of the 7th. Festivities over the two week period are wide and varied, and are as ever, as fantastic as they are flamboyant. Parties abound in the city at this time

of year; the best parties on this planet, and all are too good to be missed. Oh it’s so difficult to be fabulous. The city fills up from the week before the parade, just in time for the spectacular Harbour Party on Sunday 1st March – which is a massive outdoor open air dance party at Mrs Macquaries Point in the Royal Botanic Gardens, overlooking the Opera House and the Bridge, a stunning backdrop for what is one of the most underrated open air gay parties the world has to offer. Harbour Party aside, Mardi Gras activities are aplenty in the weeks before the parade, and with the gay world spilling in to the city by the bucket load and the gay bars bursting at their seems, it really is the perfect time to sit in the sun and embrace gay life in all of its guises. The Parade on the 7th cuts the city in half as it snakes through the main arteries of Sydney, closing the streets to regular life, seeing traffic policemen replaced by scantily clad boys in hotpants and lycra (are they one and the same?) whilst all of Sydney - gay, straight and indifferent line the route to wave and cheer this wonderful spectacle as it wends its way through the city centre. The convoy climaxes on Oxford Street, where the gay parade passes through the gay hub of the city, oh the joy! A great vantage point is Taylor Square, a wide space in which to set up camp and watch the spectacle as it heads towards the Fox Studios and off to its bed. But not you. The after party, or Mardi Gras Party, to give it its proper name, starts at 10pm and runs through to 8am and will eclipse everything that has preceded it, proving to be the perfect way to end a hedonistic couple of weeks. Paul Oakenfold headlines this years event alongside the Freemasons, and both will surely put on a show to draw events to a close in spectacular fashion.

With each passing year the Sydney Mardi Gras continues to grow in energy and stature - as a humble (near) 31 year old, I can barely keep pace anymore‌with each passing year Mardi Gras gets better and stronger, unlike me who grows weaker and increasingly tired. Oh to age like the Mardi Gras; wouldn’t that be the dream. The people, the place, the atmosphere, and the parade make this one of the most worthwhile things to do in 2009. In fact, you should add this to your New Years resolutions. If there were ‘101 Gay Things to do Before You Die’ this would be included, and high up on that list. And if there were a gay religion (and I don’t mean Catholicism) then this would be the gay equivalent of the Muslim Haj. So I ask you, whist snow and wind batter England in early March, think about just how much you would prefer to be sat on the beach dreaming about that outfit, the one which will blow everyone’s mind away when you slip it on for the parade. I urge you to book a flight, call the Kirkerton Hotel and reserve a room and start to plan post jet lag days drinking scooners in the Columbian and Stonewall on Oxford Street. Dream of that cocktail in Will and Toby’s and of long afternoons on the terrace at the Oxford. And the sand. Oh think of the sand. And of the sun. How good would it feel? Do it. Treat yourself. You deserve it. Sod the credit crunch‌you only live once, and the Sydney Mardi Gras is really living.

For more information, visit www.mardigras.org.au Photos clockwise from top: Speedos sum up the Aussie Surfer Male; Party boys enjoy the warm weather, presuably checking for racing pulses; Parading with inspiration from Priscilla; The after party rocks out; Pink party boys try to keep some clothes on. Š www.mardigras.org.au

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Bristol m\el\j '( Hl\\ej_`cc`e^ s 0 =if^dfi\ Jki\\k s '((. 0)- +*+) s nnn%hl\\ej_`cc`e^%Zfd ') K_\ G`e\Xggc\ s *. Jk >\fi^\Ëj IfX[ s '((. 0,+ +.0+ s nnn%g`e\Xggc\Yi`jkfc%Zfd '* 9i`jkfc 9\Xi 9Xi s )$* N\jk Jki\\k s '((. 0,, (0-. s nnn%Yi`jkfcY\XiYXi%Zf%lb '+ =cXd`e^fj s )*$), N\jk Jki\\k# Fc[ DXib\k s '((. 0,, 0)-0 s nnn%]cXd`e^fjYi`jkfc%Zfd ', :clY :Xjkif s .)$.* Fc[ DXib\k Jki\\k s'((. 0))' ..+ '- K_\ Cfle^\ s ,* Fc[ DXib\k Jki\\k s '((. 0)) ())+ '. K_\ :fkkX^\ JXleX s (0$)( N\jk Jki\\k# Fc[ DXib\k s '((. 0'* '-)) s nnn%ZfkkX^\jXleX%Zfd '/ :clY >L C\jY`Xe ZclY e`^_k s K_\ ?XkZ_\k# ). =if^dfi\ Jki\\k s nnn%ZclY^l%Zf%lb '0 K_\ GXib s *. Ki`Xe^c\ N\jk s'((. 0+' -('( (' K_\ >i`]]`e s +( :fcjkfe Jki\\k s '((.0 '/- .*( (( Fc[ :Xjkc\ >i\\e s +- >cflZ\jk\i CXe\ s '((. **' 0(+' s nnn%fc[ZXjkc\^i\\e%Zfd () K_\ Fc[ DXib\k KXm\ie s )0$*' Fc[ DXib\k s '((. 0)) -()* s nnn%k_\fc[dXib\kkXm\ie%Zf%lb

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64 WalesjZ\e\ >>>J<K PFLI GLCJ< I8:@E>

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Swanseam\el\j :_Xdg\ij s )(' ?`^_ Jki\\k s '(.0) -,,-)) ?lj_ :X] 9Xi :clY s )** ?`^_ Jki\\k s '(.0) +.*'**

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The Art Of Hospitality Perfectly situated on fashionable Baker Street, the design-led 119 guest room Park Plaza Sherlock Holmes London flawlessly combines tradition with contemporary style in an unrivalled location. The newly re-opened Wembley Stadium is a short journey from Baker Street station, and combined with the hotel’s fully-fitted gymnasium, Aurora beauty and massage treatment room and AA Rosette Sherlock’s Grill, the hotel provides a perfect base for a concert, sporting or leisurely London weekend.

For the best available rates guaranteed, please visit our website. 108 Baker Street London, W1U 6L United Kingdom T: + 44 (0) 20 7486 6161 F: + 44 (0) 20 7958 5211


WestjZ\e\ -.

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Plymouthm\el\j Q\ifj s )+ CfZbp\i Jki\\k s '(.,) --) *+- ?Xnb`ej D\\k`e^ GcXZ\ s 9lZbn\cc Jki\\k s '(.,) ))**+( s nnn%_Xnb`ejdg%Zf%lb K_\ :cXi\eZ\ s *( :cXi\eZ\ GcXZ\ s Jkfe\_flj\ s nnn%ZcXi\eZ\gcpdflk_%Zf%lb

Torquaym\el\j @Y`qX s *$+ M`Zkfi`X GXiX[\ s '(/'* )(+ **+ IfZbpËj s IfZb IfX[ s '(/'* )0)).0 K_\ D\X[]ffk @ee s . D\X[]ffk CXe\ s '(/'* )0.(()

Trurom\el\ ?fk\c :`dfe s /) 8YY\p IfX[ s '(/'* )0++,+ 9Xi H[fj s (* E\n 9i`[^\ Jki\\k s '(/.) ))) /// s nnn%YXih[fj%Zf%lb

Bristol Weston-Super-Mare Taunton Exeter Truro

Plymouth Torquay



Wincheste Sout


68 MidlandsjZ\e\ ;M/ :?I@JJP ;8IC@E>

7 March

CIRCUIT FESTIVAL PRE-PARTY Europe’s biggest gay dance event comes to Brum before the big Barcelona bash with top Spanish Circuit DJ Enrico Arghentini.

14 March

PLATNUM Hard2Beat’s massive bassline act back with a hot new single ‘Trippin’. Also performing monster club hits ‘What’s It Gonna Be’ and ‘Loveshy’.

21 March

D:REAM 90s chart topping dance act with the seminal anthems ‘Things Can Only Get Better’ & ‘U R The Best Thing’.

4 April ;fccp ;`Xdfe[

BJORN AGAIN Performing the hits of Abba to kick off the 40th Anniversary month with a 70’s themed fancy dress party.

40th Anniversary Birthday Celebrations every Saturday in April with the big birthday bash on 2 May. Full details on the website.

Buy your advance tickets online at www.nightingaleclub.co.uk Advance tickets also available from

The Nightingale Club, Kent Street, Birmingham, B5 6RD Tel: 0121 622 1718 www.myspace.com/nightingaleclub

MidlandsjZ\e\ 69 >>>98I:<CFE8 ?@KJ K?< D@;C8E;J

K_\ E`^_k`e^Xc\ :Xic Afe\j

:@I:L@K G8IKP GI<$G8IKP# K?< E@>?K@E>8C<# J8K . D8I K_\ Z`iZl`k ]\jk`mXc `j fe\ f] k_\ Y`^^\jk XeelXc ^Xp [XeZ\ \m\ekj `e <lifg\# kXb`e^ gcXZ\ `e 8l^ljk Xe[ K_\ E`^_k`e^Xc\ _Xj Y\\e j\c\Zk\[ Xj fe\ f] k_\ f]]`Z`Xc gi\$ gXikp m\el\j% Pfl ZXe \og\Zk gf[`ld [XeZ\ij# ]`i\ \Xk\ij# Xe^c\ ^i`e[\ij# jki`gg\ij Xe[ ^f$^f$Yfpj Xk k_`j \oZclj`m\ ZclYY`e^ \m\ek% K_`j gXikp n`cc ^f f]] nnn%k_\e`^_k`e^Xc\ZclY%Zf%lb

Birmingham m\el\j '( 8e^\cËj 9Xi s (),$(*( ?lijk Jki\\k s '()( -)) (0-- ') >cXdfliflj J_fnYXi s 8cYXep ?flj\# ).$*, ?lijk Jki\\k s '/.' 0+0 +,)- s nnn%^cXdfliflj$j_fnYXi%Zfd '* K_\ =fos (. Cfn\i <jj\o Jki\\k s '()( -)) *)(* s nnn%k_\]foYXi%`e]f '+ E`^_k`e^Xc\ :clY s <jj\o ?flj\# B\ek Jki\\k s '()( -)) (.(/ s nnn%e`^_k`e^Xc\ZclY%Zf%lb ', ;M/ :clY s (- Cfn\i <jj\o Jki\\k s '()( --- -*-- s nnn%ZclY[m/%Zf%lb '- JlYnXp :`kp :clY s ). NXk\i Jki\\k# Fc[ Jefn ?`cc s '()( )** '*(' s nnn%jlYnXpZ`kpZclY%dffe]il`k%Zfd '. K_\ Cf]k Cfle^\ s (+* 9ifdj^ifm\ Jki\\k s '()( -)) )+++ '/ M`ccX^\ @ee s (,) ?lijk Jki\\k s '()( -)) +.+) s nnn%m`ccX^\`eeXe[_fk\c%Zfd '0 <hlXkfi 9Xi s ()* ?lijk Jki\\k s '()( -)) ,'..

>>>:?8IK KFGG<IJ 8K K?< E@>?K@E>8C< ;1I<8D# K?< E@>?K@E>8C<# J8K )( D8I K_\ 0'j Z_Xik$kfgg`e^ j\ejXk`fe k_Xk `j ;1I\Xd n`cc g\i]fid Xk K_\ E`^_k`e^Xc\ fe JXk )( DXi% K_\ g\i]fidXeZ\ n`cc `eZcl[\ ZcXjj`Z _`kj K_`e^j :Xe Fecp >\k 9\kk\i# L I K_\ 9\jk K_`e^ Xe[ dfi\% K_`j `j k_\ cXk\jk `e X jki`e^ f] _`^_ gif]`c\ XZkj Xk k_\ ZclY# n_`Z_ _Xj `eZcl[\[ DX[feeX `dg\ijfeXkfi D\cc`jX Kfkk\e# 9ffkp Clm Xe[ :c\fgXkiX% nnn%e`^_k`e^Xc\ZclY%Zf%lb


bank BR7 6HL

Saturday 7th March Stripper - Little Devil @ Midnight Saturday 14th March Cabaret - Lady Jayne van Camp @ 11pm Stripper - Diesel @ Midnight Saturday 21st March Stripper - Fabio @ Midnight Saturday 28th March Cabaret - Miss Tammy Tampax @ 11pm Stripper - JJ Oneil @ Midnight

5 Miles from Junction 3 - M25/A20 London Bound

Thames ValleyjZ\e\ 71 >>>DLJ@: @J K?< 8EJN<I

>>>K8B@E> PFL 98:B KF (0-0

FO=FI; J:<E< ?@>?C@>?KJ

FO=FI; GI@;< K?<D< 8EEFLE:<;

Fo]fi[Ëj C>9K gfglcXk`fe Xi\ `e ]fi jfd\ ki\Xkj k_ifl^_ DXiZ_ Xj dlj`Z `j `e k_\ X`i Fe JXk (+ DXi Xk 9i\n\ip >Xpk\ `kj DXe[p ClËj Dlj`Z E`^_k# k_\e Hl\\i `j =fcb fe JXk )( DXi% :Xjkc\ KXm\ie f]]\i lg knf e`^_kj f] bXiXfb\ fe K_l () DXi Xe[ K_l )- DXi# Xe[ ;A DXiZ `j fe _Xe[ \XZ_ JXkli[Xp e`^_k% 8e[ [feËk ]fi^\k GfgkXikj# \m\ip Kl\j[Xp Xk 9Xi 9XYp# Xe[ :fm\e \m\ip =i`[Xp e`^_k% @] k_Xk nXjeËk \efl^_# fe Dfe ) DXi `kj g\i]fidXeZ\ e`^_k Xk @ejg`iXk`fe# k_\ Xik Zfcc\Zk`fe j_fnj lek`c (( DXi Xk K_\ AXd =XZkfip n`k_ Cp[`X Gi`kZ_Xi[ Xe[ :X] I\Xjfe% nnn%dXqq`dX^\%Zfd

K_`j p\XiËj Fo]fi[ Gi`[\ k_\d\ `j Ê(0-0Ë# n_`jb`e^ gXik`Z`gXekj YXZb kf k_\ Y`ik_ f] k_\ df[\ie ^Xp dfm\d\ek Xk k_\ Jkfe\nXcc i\Y\cc`fe `e E\n Pfib% K_\i\ n`cc Y\ X n\\b f] [`m\ij\ C>9K \m\ekj ]ifd =i` ). DXp c\X[`e^ lg kf k_\ gXiX[\ Xe[ gXikp n_`Z_ n`cc kXb\ gcXZ\ fe JXk - Ale% K_\ \m\ek n`cc ]\Xkli\ cfZXc g\i]fidXeZ\j# X _`ggp ^Xi[\e gXikp Xe[ cfX[j f] gifl[ gXikp g\fgc\ nnn%fo]fi[gi`[\%fi^%lb Fo]fi[ Gi`[\ )''/ nnn%dXqq`dX^\%Zfd

GfgkXikj nnn%dXqq`dX^\%Zfd

Thames Valley 8PC<J9LIP K_\ JXiXZ\ej s , I`Zb]fi[j ?`cc s '()0- +)(,)/ s nnn%k_\$jXiXZ\ej%Zf%lb

D@CKFE B<PE<J G`eb Glek\ij s ) NXkc`e^ Jki\\k# 9c\kZ_c\p s '(0'/ *..+++ s nnn%g`ebglek\ij%Zfd

EFIK?8DGKFE K_\ 9fjkfe :c`gg\i s :fcc\^\ Jki\\k s '(-'+ -'++'+ s nnn%k_\YfjkfeZc`gg\i%Zf%lb Iflk\ -0 s ( >Xj Jki\\k s '(-'+ )*0*(/ s nnn%iflk\-0%Zf%lb

FO=FI; 9i\n\ip >Xpk\ s , Jk% K_fdXj Jki\\k s '(/-, ),'')' s nnn%Yi\n\ip^Xpk\%Zfd :Xjkc\ KXm\ie s )+ GXiX[`j\ Jki\\k s '(/-, .0*.,0 s nnn%ZXjkc\kXm\iefo]fi[%Zfd Afccp =Xid\ij s )' GXiX[`j\ Jki\\k s '(/-, .0*.,0 s nnn%afccp]Xid\ijfo]fi[%Zfd :fm\e fe =i`[Xpj s Fog\ej IfX[ FO( (IO s '(/-, )+)..'

JN@E;FE K_\ G`eb Iffdj s *"+ M`Zkfi`X IfX[ s JE( *8A s nnn%k_\g`ebiffdj%Zf%lb K_\ DX`c:fXZ_ s ,0 =c\\k Jki\\k s '(.0* ,*/)+- s nnn%dX`cZfXZ_%Zf%lb

I<8;@E> K_\ >iXeYp s ()' Cfe[fe IfX[ s '((/ 0*, ),*. s nnn%k_\^iXeYp%Zf%lb Npe]fi[ 8idj s ((' B`e^j IfX[ s '((/ 0,/ 0/(+ s nnn%npe]fi[Xidj%Zfd K_\ DXck_flj\ s ,* >i\p]i`Xij IfX[ s '((/ 0,0 .(). s nnn%dXck_flj\glY%Zfd

Northampton Milton Keynes Aylesbury Cheltenham



;f pfl _Xm\ Xe \oZ`k`e^ kXc\ek pfl nflc[ c`b\ kf j_Xi\6 N\cc _\i\Ëj pfli Z_XeZ\1 \ek\i Fo]fi[ Gi`[\Ëj KXc\ek Zfdg\k`k`fe Xe[ pfl Zflc[ g\i]fid Xk k_\ Y`^ gXikp K_\i\ Xi\ k_i\\ dfek_cp _\Xkj# DXiZ_# 8gi`c Xe[ DXp# b`Zb`e^ f]] fe =i` ). DXi Xk .1*'gd% Kf \ek\i \dX`c \ek\ikX`e7fo]fi[gi`[\%fi^%lb fi g_fe\ './., -(- +00% nnn%fo]fi[gi`[\%fi^%lb

Oxford Reading Newbury


9I<N<IP >8PK<# =I@ ). D8I Mare






Guildford Farnham Crawley Southampton




H Eastbour

72 South CoastjZ\e\


Open from 3pm

EASTER SUNDAY 12th APRIL at 4PM 29 30 The Triangle ~ Bournemouth Tel: 0845 474 3019 www.2930thetriangle.com

South CoastjZ\e\ 73 >>>;@IKP J<OP J8KLI;8P E@>?KJ

)0*' K_\ Ki`Xe^c\ nnn%^XpYflie\dflk_%e\k

)0*' K?< KI@8E>C<# 9FLIE<DFLK? Fe\ f] ^Xp 9flie\dflk_Ëj _fkk\jk e\n m\el\j Zfek`el\j kf f]]\i lg hlXc`kp ^Xp ZclYY`e^ fe X i\^lcXi YXj`j% JXkli[Xpj ]\Xkli\ B\m`e 9iffbj Xe[ 8[i`Xe ;leYXi gcXp`e^ Zfdd\i$ Z`Xc gfg Xe[ ^Xp ZcXjj`Zj lgjkX`ij# n_`cjk k_\ cfn\i c\m\c `j [`ikp j\op _flj\ n`k_ :_i`j 9 Xe[ ^l\jkj% nnn%)0*'k_\ki`Xe^c\%Zfd

>>>K?< :@I:LJ @J :FD@E> KF KFNE >>>CF:8C K8C<EK J?FN:8J< 9FLIE< =I<< )''0 K?<D< 8EEFLE:<;


9flie\dflk_Ëj gi`[\ ]\jk`mXc# n_`Z_ kXb\j gcXZ\ ]ifd =i` (' Alc kf Jle () Alc# n`cc _Xm\ X m`YiXek ]\\c kf `k k_`j p\Xi Xj X 9`^ Kfg k_\d\ `j XeefleZ\[% <og\Zk \m\ipk_`e^ ]ifd Zcfnej Xe[ al^^c\ij kf jk`ck nXcb\ij Xe[ ]`i\$\Xk\ij Xk k_\ jki\\k gXikp Xe[ gXiX[\% @] pflË[ c`b\ kf Y\ X mfclek\\i# Y\Zfd\ X jgfejfi fi i\^`jk\i ]fi k_\ gXiX[\# m`j`k k_\ n\Yj`k\% nnn%Yflie\]i\\%Zf%lb 9flie\ =i\\ )''/ nnn%*j`okpdX^%Zf%lb

ClZ`e[X CXj_\j Xk K_\ Cfe[fe# Jflk_Xdgkfe

ClZ`e[X CXj_\j gi\$ j`[\j fm\i Xe \m\e`e^ f] YiXe[ e\n kXc\ek# `eZcl[`e^ 8[Xd ?Xcc ;iX^ B`e^ Xe[ 8YY` :ljj ;iX^ Hl\\e % K_\ pfle^ g\i]fid\ij n`cc Y\ fe jkX^\ kf [\c`^_k Xe[ \ek\ikX`e pfl 8cjf nXkZ_ flk ]fi BXiXfb\ :il`j`e^ \m\ip K_lij[Xp ]fi X c`d`k\[ k`d\# b`Zb`e^ f]] fe K_l , DXi n`k_ GXk :il`j\ _fjk`e^ X e`^_k f] jfe^j Xe[ Zfdg\k`k`fej% J\\ X[ fi fec`e\ ]fi ]lcc ZXYX$ i\k c`jk`e^j% nnn%k_\cfe[fe_fk\c% Zfd

74 South CoastjZ\e\







WEEKEND COUNT DOWN EVERY FRIDAY 9-10pm 10-11pm 11-12pm

ALL DRINKS £1.50 £2.00 £2.50











with voucher from the bar 29 30 The Triangle ~ Bournemouth Tel: 0845 474 3019 www.2930thetriangle.com

South CoastjZ\e\ 75 K_\ <[^\# Jflk_Xdgkfe

>>>FG<E 0 ÊK@C , K?< <;><# JFLK?8DGKFE# <M<IP J8KLI;8P E@>?K Fe JXkli[Xp e`^_kj K_\ <[^\ b`Zbj f]] n`k_ X dXiXk_fe \`^_k _fli gXikp \m\ip j`e^c\ n\\b 8cc k_i\\ YXij n`cc Y\ fg\e# n`k_ X d`o f] gfg Xe[ _flj\ jfle[j gldg`e^ flk Êk`c ,Xd% ;Aj `eZcl[\ cfZXc c\^\e[ C\\ ?Xii`j# cXjk X[d`jj`fe *Xd% nnn%k_\\[^\jflk_Xdgkfe%Zfd

Bournemouth '( K_\ 9Xb\ij 8idj s .. :fdd\iZ`Xc IfX[ s '()') ,,,,'- ') 9XqXXi s ('* :fdd\iZ`Xc IfX[ s '()') )+( 00/ '* )0*' K_\ Ki`Xe^c\ s )0 *' K_\ Ki`Xe^c\ s nnn%)0*'k_\ki`Xe^c\%Zfd '+ K_\ 9iXebjfd\ s :fdd\iZ`Xc IfX[ s '()') ,,),++ s nnn%k_\YiXebjfd\%Zfd ', :`iZlj 7 K_\ Fg\iX ?flj\ s ,.' :_i`jkZ_liZ_ IfX[# 9fjZfdY\ s '()') *000)) s nnn%fg\iX_flj\%Zf%lb '- Fm\i K_\ IX`eYfn s >Xp D\ej ?\Xck_ Gifa\Zk s '()') ),.+./ s nnn%iX`eYfnYflie\dflk_%Zf%lb '. IlYpq :XYXi\k I\jkXliXek s N\jk ?`cc IfX[ s nnn%ilYpq%Zf%lb '/ JXleXYXi s + 8m\el\ CXe\ s nnn%^XpjXleXYXi%Zfd '0 9Xi M\ekXeX s K_\ :ldY\icXe[# <Xjk Fm\iZc`]] ;i`m\ s nnn%YXim\ekXeX%Zf%lb (' K_\ OZ_Xe^\ s + K_\ Ki`Xe^c\ s '()') )0+*)(

South Coast <8JK9FLIE< K_\ ?Xik s /0 :Xm\e[`j_ GcXZ\ s '(*)* -+* (,( s nnn%k_\_Xik%Zf%lb

GFIKJDFLK? ?Xdgj_`i\ 9flc\mXi[ s ( ?Xdgj_`i\ K\iiXZ\ s Jflk_j\X s ')* 0))0 .,'0 K_\ Fc[ M`Z s Jk GXlcËj IfX[ s ')* 0))0 .'(* s nnn%fc[m`Zgfikjdflk_%Zf%lb DXik_XËj s )). :fdd\iZ`Xc IfX[ s ')* 0)/, )0,(

Southampton '( K_\ <[^\ s :fdgkfe NXcb s '.'0' +)* -// s nnn%\[^\$e`^_kZclY%Zfd ') K_\ <e[\Xmfli s . J`de\c Jki\\k s nnn%k_\\e[\Xmfli%Zf%lb '* ?)F s 0 Jk DXipËj IfX[ s ')* /'*/ -//' '+ @jfYXi s (''Z Jk DXipËj Jki\\k s ')* /')) )')/ snnn%`jfYXijflk_Xdgkfe%Zfd ', K_\ Cfe[fe s ) K\id`elj K\iiXZ\ s ')* /'.( '-,) s nnn%k_\$cfe[fe%Zf%lb '- K_\ G`eb 9ifX[nXp s .0&/' <Xjk Jki\\k s ')* /')* //'+ s nnn%g`eb$YifX[nXp%Zfd

76 NewcastlejZ\e\ >>>=<<C K?< GFN<I

G_fkfj ]ifd K_\ Gfn\i_flj\

=I@OFE 8K K?< GFN<I?FLJ<# J8K )/ D8I =i`ofe `j fe\ f] k_\ c\X[`e^ ^Xp _flj\ e`^_kj `e E\nZXjkc\# kXb`e^ fm\i k_\ Gfn\i_flj\ \m\ip fk_\i JXkli[Xp% Fe JXk )/ DXi ;A >i\^ Dp\ij af`ej k_\ i\j`[\ekj# n`k_ _`j le`hl\ Yc\e[ f] Z_lebp ]lebp _flj\% >i\^ i\^lcXicp gcXpj Xk =\[\iXk`fe# >XicXe[j Xe[ =lebp ;fip% K_\ Gfn\i_flj\ Xcjf _Xj X e\n X[[`k`fe `e k_\ ]fid f] X k_`i[ iffd# Gfg^Xi[\e# n`k_ ;A :_i`j ?fn\ Xe[ ^l\jkj gcXp`e^ kn`jk\[ gfg% nnn%ZclYg_%Zf%lb

Newcastle m\el\j '( 7e\ 9Xi s ( DXicYfifl^_ :i\jZ\ek s '(0( )-' */+( s nnn%Xkfe\YXi%Zf%lb ') K_\ 9Xeb s ()$(+ JZfkjnff[ IfX[ s '(0( )-( ///' s nnn%YXebYXi%Zf%lb '* :Xdg ;Xm`[ s /$(' N\jkdficXe[ IfX[ s '(0( ))) '-+- s nnn%ZXdg[Xm`[e\nZXjkc\%Zfd '+ K_\ ;f^ s , DXicYfifl^_ :i\jZ\ek s '(0( ))( '.., ', K_\ <X^c\ s +) JZfkjnff[ IfX[ s '(0( ))) (-/) '- <Zc`gj\ & 9Xi DX^`Z s +/ :cXpkfe Jki\\k N\jk s '(0( ))) '(/* '. >fjj`g s .$(0 N\jkdficXe[ IfX[ s '(0( )-( -/)+ s nnn%^fjj`gYXi%Zf%lb '/ ?\Xm\ej 8Yfm\ s ) JZfkjnff[ IfX[ s '(0( )*) )'*. '0 Gfn\i_flj\ s .$(0 N\jkdficXe[ IfX[ s '(0( )-( -/)+ s nnn%gfn\i_flj\ZclY%Zf%lb (' Jn`kZ_ & K_\ Cf]k s +$(' JZfkjnff[ IfX[ s '(0( )*' */-* s nnn%cf]kclo\ZclY%Zf%lb (( K_\ MXlck s .$(0 N\jkdficXe[ IfX[ s '(0( )-( -/)+ s nnn%mXlckYXi%Zf%lb () K_\ PXi[ s ) JZfkjnff[ IfX[ s '(0( )*) )'*.

NewcastlejZ\e\ 77 8cc g`Zj ]ifd K_\ Gfn\i_flj\ 8j_c\p NXcb\i

O =XZkfiËj ;Xe`\c Z\eki\ gfj\j n`k_ Gfn\i_flj\ [XeZ\ij

O =XZkfiËj IXZ_X\c

O =XZkfiËj ;Xe`\c fe jkX^\

i]fid`e^ XYfpj g\ K_\ M\e^






0800 288 8855 www.go-red.co.uk

31/2 year UK/EU driving licence required. Course fees apply. 6+ points may prohibit application. Ref 100

Whatever your background, our door is open to you. Terrence Higgins Trust is run by all sections of the community. And that’s what makes it such an exciting place to work a place where you can fulfil your career ambitions with the knowledge that you’re part of a charity that changes and improves lives throughout the UK.

You will need to have experience of supporting people and be a good listener. You’ll have energy and enthusiasm, a good understanding of issues relating to sexual health and HIV and a willingness to learn, along with knowledge of and sensitivity to the needs of gay men in relation to HIV and health promotion. These roles may require enhanced CRB disclosure.

Health Promotion Officers x3 Ref: EWS045

One of the four posts will involve provision of sexual health advice and support to female sex workers in addition to general outreach work. Section 7(2)(f) of the Sex Discrimination Act 1975 and Regulation 7 of the Employment Equality (Sexual Orientation) Regulations 2003 apply for this role.

Health Promotion Officer Female Sex Workers • Ref: EWS048 THT South, Brighton £6,242 pa • 12 hours per week Working in our dynamic health promotion team, you will have great interpersonal and communication skills. This is an opportunity to develop your skills and experience in sexual health promotion and HIV prevention. The job is very varied, so you’ll be out and about on the gay scene taking part in outreach events, and working with individuals from at risk communities across Brighton & Hove, giving them information and advice about reducing the risk of HIV and maximising their sexual health.

You’re welcome. Just like the difference you’ll make.


To apply online and for information on all vacancies go to www.tht.org.uk/jobs/currentvacancies/ For enquiries, please email recruitment@tht.org.uk quoting the relevant reference number. Closing date: 16 March 2009. Interview dates: 23 and 24 March 2009. We are committed to equal opportunities and particularly encourage applications from people with HIV and people from black and minority ethnic communities. (Registered charity number 288527)




GJP:?@: Celebrity Readings PINK I see a lot of very good stuff coming up for Pink, although there will also be personal as well as professional challenges in her life. I’m seeing her becoming very active when it comes to doing stunts and this makes me think of her in some kind of acting role in an action movie. I feel it’s good for her to stay single at the moment as it still feels too early after her recent break up. On another level, Pink will be spending some serious money on a new home and a new studio, which will lead to happiness, but there is a sinister side to her reading which makes me feel I should warn her about travel; I see that a motorbike could end in disaster for her if she’s not careful. I have visions also of an upcoming tour, which will create more excitement than ever before about her music and open her up to a new set of fans. But above all, I sense that Pink feels very vulnerable at the moment, and is doing anything she can to strengthen herself.

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NICOLE KIDMAN I see Nicole Kidman revelling in some well earned success from her latest movie role. I also see her craving to get back to her natural roots in Australia more than ever. I do see that a very exciting movie role that will be mentally challenging to her on the way. But I do feel some tensions when it comes to juggling her career and home life with Keith Urban. I feel that she is enjoying raising her new daughter, Sunday Rose, and wondering to herself, ‘would it be too late for another’? I do feel like there may be a few issues coming up with one of her children with Tom Cruise, which is probably going to be Conner. There are good things coming up, however, for her husband as he begins to get back on track with his career and get the respect he deserves. But the biggest sense I get for Nicole is that there will be some serious speculations about her health, which she will find very difficult to handle.

LINDSAY LOHAN Lindsay’s reading gives me the sense that tension is running high when it comes to her personal life. I feel that she is experiencing serious claustrophobia, and eager to have the freedom to do what she wants to do but is being held back… Lindsay’s mother will become more vocally opposed to her life ‘choices’ in the coming months. I also have visions that Lindsay Lohan will be coming to the UK and hanging around with a new set of celebrity friends. This will lead to further scandals and dramas, and a public feud with a well-known celebrity. I see Lindsey looking at the bigger picture as the year progresses and really craving a stable foundation in her life. The sun seems to be rising on a much more likeable Lindsay as we all side with her in a pretty tough situation that could easily push her over the edge. My advice to Lindsey is to stay strong and focus on her personal goals and not listen to negative comments.


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