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THRILLER - THE MUSICAL What pop star or group is complete without their own musical these days? They’re all doing it. This time, it’s Michael ‘King of Pop’ Jackson’s turn, in the form of Thriller, The Musical – a brand new show written by British Jackson fan club founder Adrian Grant. ‘The audience are taken on a fictional journey through utopian Neverland to the dark depths of Hollywood as Zombies take over the world. Only squeaky-clean Jackson has the power to heal the world’. Crumbs. If Heal The World is the finale song, we’re leaving. Lyric Theatre, Shaftesbury Avenue, London. Runs Friday 2 January – Sunday 12 April. www.thrillerlive.co.uk
DICK WHITTINGTON - ANOTHER DICK IN CITY HALL It’s King Rat, but not as you’ve seen him before: as a closeted, hypocrite politician, corrupt landlord - and single-handedly bringing down an island’s economy. ‘From the creative team behind two of 2008’s gay comedy successes, Dick Whittington – Another Dick in City Hall is a pantomime for our times’, they say. The story follows a young gay lad from the country who leaves home for the bright lights of the capital. There, he must face evil King Rat in an electoral battle to become Mayor of London. But not before a stormy trip overseas to gay holiday mecca, Gran Canaria, where the entire economy has been brought to its knees by King Rat’s corrupt money-lending operation… www.kingsheadtheatre.org
It was only a matter of time before sex-obsessed Irish funnyman Graham Norton donned drag, but, to his credit, he’s doing it in style, and joining The Menier Chocolate Factory’s record-breaking production of La Cage aux Folles, stepping into the sequined shoes of La Cage star Albin. Albin’s idyllic existence with partner Georges is threatened when Georges’ son announces his engagement to the daughter of a right-wing politician who wants to close down the local nightlife – and their Saint Tropez drag nightclub! Graham Norton joins the cast on 19 January. Playhouse Theatre, London. www.lacagelondon.com
CABARET Wilkommen to the cabaret ladies and gentlemen. Dancer Wayne Sleep stars as Emcee in this ‘sensational’ production of the famous Cabaret, so expect show-stopping choreography, dazzling costumes and some of the most iconic songs in musical theatre including Mein Herr, Maybe This Time and of course Cabaret. Also starring, from the BBC’s I’d Do Anything, Samantha Barks as Sally Bowles.
Theatre Royal, Brighton, 12 Jan - 17 Jan, 08700 606 650; Sunderland Empire, 26 Jan - 31 Jan, 0844 847 2499; Theatre Royal, Plymouth, 2 Feb - 7 Feb, 01752 267222; Mayflower Theatre, Southampton, 9 Feb 14 Feb, 02380 711811; Playhouse Theatre, Edinburgh, 23 Mar - 28 Mar, 0870 606 3424; New Theatre, Cardiff, 27 Apr - 02 May, 029 2087 8889. www.cabaret-the-musical.com
WAITING FOR GODOT Ian McKellen isn’t really most well-known for playing Gandalf in The Lord of the Rings trilogy, you know, he’s a renowned Shakespearean actor, darling. Now, he’s performing alongside Star Trek actor Patrick Stewart in Samuel Beckett’s Waiting for Godot, a play that shocked as many people as it delighted when it exploded on to the London stage 50 years ago. Two tramps clowning around, joking and arguing, repeating themselves, as they go through one day and then another, waiting for the mysterious Godot. Brighton Theatre Royal, 23 - 28 March, www.theambassadors.com/theatreroyal; Bath Theatre Royal, 30 March - 4 April, www.theatreroyal.org.uk; Newcastle Theatre Royal, 20 - 25 April, www.theatreroyal.co.uk; From 30 April, London Theatre Royal Haymarket, www.trh.co.uk.
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Imagine the scene: four poofs, lugging an innocent musical instrument carved beautifully out of wood and (fake) ivory up and down the country, taking a message of innuendo and harmonies to the masses. Isn’t it heartwarming? 4 Poofs And A Piano, best known as the house band on Friday Night With Jonathan Ross are on a nationwide tour. Entitled ‘More Hairdresser than Barber Shop,’ the boys are promising an eclectic mix of song and dance, from jaunty re-workings of classic covers to their own comic observations of life in the noughties. Camberley Theatre, 16 January, 01276 707600; Gloucester Guildhall, 17 January, 01452 503050; Tivoli, Wimborne, 23 January; Brewhouse, Taunton, 30 January, 01823 283244; Hazlitt Arts Centre, Maidstone, 31 January, 01622 758 611; Grand Theatre, Swansea, 4 February, 01792 475715; Weston-Super-Mare Playhouse, 7 February, 01934 645 544; Theatre Royal, Brighton, 08700 606 650.
A KICK IN THE BAUBLES Chestnuts aren’t... roasting round an open fire, although a silent night would be welcome. All is not calm and all is not bright, and no, Frank does not wish it could be Christmas every day. Jean’s hit the Bucks Fizz, Frank’s doing the turkey and with the posh Betty and Albert due any minute they are having difficulty getting rid of the neighbour. Another peaceful, chocolate box Christmas in the Bailey household that is destined to send you scurrying for the Alka Seltzer. Hull Truck Theatre Hull, until 10 January 2009 www. hulltruck.co.uk
GRACE JONES Back with a back-on-form new album, Hurricane, but still as fabulously bonkers as ever, ace androgynous singer Grace Jones is live this spring. You’ll be a slave to her rhythm. Mon 19 Jan, Symphony Hall, Birmingham. Thu 22 Jan, SECC & Clyde Auditorium (The Armadillo), Glasgow, Sat 24 Jan Manchester Apollo, Sun 25 Jan, Colston Hall, Bristol, Tue 27 Jan, Roundhouse Theatre, London, Wed 28 Jan, Roundhouse Theatre, London. www. ents24.com (search: Grace Jones)
LOOT The events in this blackest of comedies take place on the day of a murdered woman’s funeral. The coffin dominates the stage, but where is the body? And where is the stolen loot from the recent bank robbery? What is the secret history of the much married nurse? Just how close is the friendship between Dennis and Hal? And why does the man from the water board seem to be conducting a murder inquiry? A modern classic. Tricycle Theatre London, until 31 January www.tricycle.co.uk, Newcastle Theatre Royal, 2-7 February, www. joeorton.org
BOEING BOEING Bernard, a successful architect living in Paris, thought he could cope with his three air hostess fiancées. It was all a question of timetables and a reliable, long-suffering housekeeper who reluctantly has the role of romantic air-traffic controller. When old school chum Robert arrives, Bernard relishes the chance to show his wide-eyed friend his first-class operation at work. Unfortunately, schedules change, flights are delayed and a new turbo-charged Boeing aircraft is introduced: chaos ensues in this hysterical whirl of mayhem and matchmaking. Boeing Boeing is on tour after a stint in London’s West End. Liverpool Playhouse (Studio), until17 January 2009, New Wimbledon Theatre, Mon 16 - Sat 21 Feb, Milton Keynes Theatre, Mon 6 - Sat 11 April, Theatre Royal, Brighton, Mon 13 - Sat 18 April. www.boeingboeing.co.uk
BRITNEY SPEARS Perhaps the fact that 2008 was another PR disaster for dear Britters is the reason that she’s decided to call her album and tour Circus? Global superstar she may be, but let’s face it, the stories of kids being snatched from her by worried authorities, her alleged dalliances with bodyguard after bodyguard and her miming efforts on shows such as X Factor are much more interesting than repetitive single releases such as Womaniser, right? The shows, which will be a mammoth run in London, aren’t until June, but best get tickets now, eh? Wed, 3 Jun, Thu, 4 Jun, Sat, 6 Jun, Sun, 7 Jun, Wed, 10 Jun, Thu, 11 Jun, Sat, 13 Jun, Sun, 14 Jun at O2 Arena, London. www. britneyspears.com
JOSEPH AND THE AMAZING TECHNICLOUR DREAMCOAT The still delectable Gareth Gates will make his West End stage debut starring as ‘Joseph’ in Joseph and the Amazing Technicolour Dreamcoat. It looks like, after four number one singles and the ability to shift 3.5 million records, theatre is the future for Mr Gates – he’s currently in Cinderella at the Wimbledon Theatre, you see. “I have a lot to thank Joseph and the Amazing Technicolour Dreamcoat for as it is the reason I first started singing, after being chosen to play the lead in a school production when I was eight years old,” gushed Gareth. “Ever since then it’s been a dream of mine to appear in a West End musical. I am really honoured to be appearing at the Adelphi, stepping into that famous coat and really can’t wait to get stuck in!” Aww. From 9 February 2009, Adelphi Theatre, London. www.josephthemusical.com
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PUSSYCAT DOLLS With this latest picture (above) appearing in the press this month, we’re still not sure whether the ‘Dolls are looking less tranny-tastic than before or not. Hmmm. Anyway, the girls, billed as ‘the biggest girlband in the world’ (we still prefer Girls Aloud of course) are traipsing around the nation this spring. The tour is called, wait for it, the Doll Domination tour. Like their album, then. Ne-Yo is on the support. AECC, Aberdeen, 18 January; SECC, Glasgow, 19 January; Newcastle Arena, 21 January; NIA Birmingham, 22 January; Bournemouth, BIC, 25 January; O2 Arena, London, 27 January; MEN Arena, Manchester, 29 January; Cardiff Arena, 30 January; Liverpool Arena, 6 January; www.ticketmaster.co.uk
SAME DIFFERENCE Questionable sibling duo Sean and Sarah, the evergreen smiling combo from last year’s X Factor are touring with their new album, Pop, which, we hate to admit, isn’t that bad. Watch out for their undeniable chemistry on stage as they sing songs of love into each others’ eyes. Ooh! Thu 12 Mar, Portsmouth Guildhall, Fri 13 Mar, Plymouth Pavilions, Sat 14 Mar, Colston Hall, Bristol, Tue 17 Mar, Brighton Centre, Wed 18 Mar Symphony Hall, Birmingham, Fri 20 Mar, Newcastle City Hall, Sat 21 Mar Manchester Apollo, Wed 25 Mar, Liverpool Empire Theatre, Thu 26 Mar, New Theatre, Oxford, Fri 27 Mar, St David’s Hall, Cardiff, Mon 30 Mar, Concert Hall, Glasgow, Sat 4 Apr, Hammersmith Apollo, London, Wed 8 Apr, Southampton Guildhall. www.samedifferenceworld.co.uk
NOËL AT NOËL To celebrate Noel Coward’s birthday (December 16, born 1899), John Michael Swinbank and long time piano accompanist, Tim Cunniffe are performing a selection of his best-loved songs. The ditties, which are laced with witty anecdotes, will be at the New End Theatre, Hampstead. It was in Hampstead 84 years ago that Coward shot to fame with his contentious play, The Vortex, which recently enjoyed a huge success in the West End starring Felicity Kendall. Until 25 January at the New End Theatre, London. www.newendtheatre.co.uk
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Celebrating the 100th anniversary of the birth of Quentin Crisp (immortalised on TV by John Hurt in The Naked Civil Servant), Bette Bourne returns to the London stage with his acclaimed, multi award-winning performance in the 10th anniversary production of Tim Fountain’s Resident Alien. Based on Quentin Crisp’s life and writings, Resident Alien is set in his legendary one-room filthy New York apartment. While waiting for the arrival of yet more visitors to his East Village home, 91-year-old Crisp reflects on life, the century he has lived through and subjects as diverse as Princess Diana, Oprah Winfrey and oral sex. New End Theatre, London, Wed 28 Jan - Sun 5 April. www.newendtheatre.co.uk
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No more idle excuses. The new smart fortwo micro hybrid drive (mhd). Switching you on to saving fuel. And off again. Meet the new smart fortwo mhd, now available. $/, <508<, 4/+ ;,*/5636.@ :;67: (5+ :;(9;: @6<9 ,5.05, >/,5 @6< >6<3+ 6;/,9>0:, ), 0+305. - @6< +967 ),36> 47/ (773@ ;/, )9(2, 7,+(3 (5+ ;/, ,5.05, 0: :>0;*/,+ 6-- ",3,(:, ;/, 7,+(3 (5+ ;/, ,5.05, ;<95: 65 (.(05 #(=,: -<,3 )@ <7 ;6 (5+ ,40::065: 6- <7 ;6 . 24
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NEWYEAR DOWNUNDER et’s face it: once Christmas is over, winter is just boring. It’s still cold outside, you’ve put on ten pounds and you can’t take back that jumper with the embroidered robin on it because your gran lost the receipt. You’re seriously considering taking that mini-screwdriver set you won in a cracker and poking your eyes out just to pass the time. But there is a disco light at the end of the tunnel. Burning brightly is the prospect of the greatest night of the holiday: New Year’s Eve. A brilliant New Year’s night is the pay-off for spending Christmas with your family. You’ve been looking forward to it for weeks: a brand new year when we can all look forward to the summer, to long evenings in the pub garden, to everybody wearing less. How you choose to celebrate is crucial. Will it be the classic house party? The all-you-can-drink club night? The disco laid on in the local with one free drink and all the vol-auvents you can eat? These are tough choices but thankfully I don’t have to make them this year: I live in Australia and as everyone knows, we own New Year’s Eve. Big Ben has its chimes and Paris has a giant floodlit phallus, but Sydney Harbour at midnight sticks two fingers up to all of that, downs a Tequila and drinks Europe under the table before you have even woken up. Which is just as well, because Australia does not own Christmas. The season for giving Down Under is as festive
as a freshly fixed bulldog in felt antlers. It’s all to do with the weather, you see. The natural advantage Sydney has for making an awesome New Year turns Christmas into a parody of itself. Cards have snowflakes on the front and David Jones has an elaborate winter window but it’s the height of summer on the streets. The last thing you want is an evergreen in your living room when it’s thirtyfour degrees outside, and only a madman would mull their wine. Christmas in Australia has been neutered. Fortunately Australians have not, and they still fill out their trunks on the beach so all is not lost, but it’s not the Christmas we all know and love. Enter New Year’s Eve. Sydneysiders spend Christmas week visiting their families rather than going to the beach (only backpacking soap-dodgers go to Bondi on Christmas Day) so by the time the New Year rolls around, quite frankly, we deserve a good time. The City of Sydney spends millions making New Year’s Eve the biggest party in the world and we the people are more than happy to oblige. But it’s not simply a case of rolling up and having a party. If you want a successful New Year’s Eve here you have to be prepared. While you are still deciding whether £10 for a strobe light and a plate of mini-quiches in The Lamb and Lion is value for money, we have already loaded our eskies, packed our towels and plastered on the factor 30. I’m not a native but I was a cub scout so I am ready to party: a day on the beach followed by
Speedo heaven © Ann-Marie Calilhanna. Photos courtesy Sydney Lesbian & Gay Mardi Gras. The 2009 event runs from 14 February - 7 March. For full line-up details visit www.mardigras.org.au
If the northern hemisphere owns Christmas, then the southern hemisphere, and specifically Sydney, Australia, owns New Year’s Eve, writes Paul Owen.
a night of drinks and fireworks. There are some key things to consider when picking the spot for the day. All the best venues fill up early and the central ones are ticket-only, alcohol-free zones. I’m a drinker and a cheapskate so I’m heading further out for a free night where I can BYO everything. I have been researching bus routes and train times, and working out the maximum weight I can carry in beer without causing spinal damage. Now that I’ve finished the plans, there are a few simple rules to follow and my night is complete. First, stock up on drinks early: the entire city will be in the bottle-o so get in there while they still have the Freixenet on special. Second, always take some ice in your esky (ice-packs don’t fit in normal glasses and it’s bad form to drink wine straight from the bottle), and finally, but most importantly, only pack your Speedo if you are sure you can get away with it. No one wants to start the year seeing a fat man in a budgie-smuggler getting pissed. Of course the fireworks aren’t the only show in town and I’m told the novelty wears off after a few years, but there is plenty more going on all over the city. From the uber-pricey private island party on Fort Denison to Paris Hilton’s webcast party in Kings Cross (you can watch it online if you are desperate), there is something for everyone, and every budget. The only thing we don’t have is an excuse to stay in. Happy 2009!
Harbour Jump © Pong
*J@OKP s )(
bank Saturday 10th January Drag - Thunder Pussy Stripper - Devon Saturday 17th January Drag - Cookie Stripper - Danny Valentino Saturday 24th January Gay Vocalist - Jamie Watson Stripper - College Boy Saturday 31st January Drag - Lizzy Drap Stripper - Outlaw
6 Miles from Junction 3 - M25/A20 London Bound
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Aiden Shaw, wears Ben di Lisi Š Dimitris Theocharis
w has a growing repuute to come out of Britain, Aiden Sha stit pro e mal and star n por gay ous Arguably the most fam h two of his earliest books autobiography, fiction and poetry. Wit est hon gly isin rom omp unc of er tation as a writ wanted to know more. revised and reissued, Peter Burton tion. Yet I have to know about something to write about it. Some people write about cats. I can write about drugs. “With Wasted I’ve changed the plot completely. But it’s easier to write a new book rather than rewrite an old one. The new book I’ve been working on – Sordid Truth – I’ve really enjoyed. It’s based on a diary I wrote in 1989 and I really can’t believe the stuff I got up to then.” That suggests that maybe he’s a reformed character? Aiden Shaw pauses for a moment of reflection. “Age reforms you in many ways,” he points out, “but I wouldn’t say reformed – deformed, maybe.” He chuckles. “There has been a change, but I don’t know if it’s for the good or not…” Does he miss working in porn? “I don’t miss it at all,” he says, emphatic. “I miss many things about my youth, but I don’t miss porn. I met some great people and I have no regrets about doing porn, but I
a homeboy. He’s keen to cement relationships, consolidate friendships and work at his writing. To that end, he’s been studying hard and now has his Masters Degree in Creative Writing. He is currently working towards his PhD. Shaw’s first novel, Brutal – about the drug-fuelled life of a male prostitute Paul – was published in 1996, Boundaries and Wasted rapidly followed. If Language at the Same Time Shapes and Distorts Our Ideas and Emotions, How Do We Communicate Love? – an elegantly presented volume of poetry (the cover photograph was by Pierre et Gilles) – also appeared in 1996. A copy was recently offered in the catalogue of an American antiquarian book dealer at $250. The autobiography My Undoing was published by a mainstream American publisher in 2006 and Shaw is currently working on his new novel Sordid Truth, to be published in
Aiden Shaw © James and James
iden Shaw is big, and that’s not only in the area made famous by his appearances in more than fifty man-on-man action movies. He’s tall and possessed of a brooding presence. But he’s deceptive. He’s quietly spoken. His speech is carefully modulated. Responses to questions or comments are thoughtfully considered before being articulated. He’s now in his early forties and rather more distinguished in appearance than a man who has lived a life of extreme excess has any right to be. He admits he’s no longer quite the wild child he wrote about in his autobiography My Undoing: Love in the Thick of Sex, Drugs, Pornography and Prostitution and who has been named-checked in a variety of places, including in the television series Sex and the City (Carrie’s boyfriend Aiden was apparently named after Shaw) and in Tony Warren’s nautical novel Full Steam Ahead. Once upon a time Shaw spent a considerable part of his life in America, starring in the sexually explicit movies that gained him an international following. Now, he’s more of
writing done.” And what does Aiden Shaw – vagabond writer in the tradition of Rimbaud, Genet and John Rechy – want to write? “I’d like to write something brilliant,” he says, forcefully. “Something great.”
late 2009. In the meantime he has been busy revising and rewriting both Brutal and Wasted. Brutal Uncut is already in the shops; Wasted will follow in early summer. Brutal Uncut is not so much a new book, rather a new take on the previous version; characters’ names have been changed, venues now appear under their real names. What was it like going back to Brutal? “My new publisher said to me ‘Take a couple of weeks. Re-read the book. See if you want to make any changes.’ I read the book again...” Shaw pauses, “…and spent two months rewriting it. “I didn’t have a clue about what I was doing when I first started writing it all those years ago. I think it’s more a traditional novel now. I feel like I’ve really nailed it down. I’ve used lots of tricks I’ve learned from college while studying for my Masters… “When I first wrote Brutal I wasn’t sure how real to make it. For instance, I didn’t know then what was legal to write about drugs, so I held back. This time I’ve been able to be as frank as I wanted.” Even when writing fiction, there is something intensely autobiographical about Shaw’s work. How much of Brutal Uncut is true?
don’t miss it at all. “If you asked me about drugs, I’d wish there weren’t so many around,” he says, slightly rueful. “It’s so hard to avoid them.” Is he happy to spend so much more of his time at home in Britain? “Again, it’s about getting older,” he explains. “Travelling is a bore. I hate sitting on planes. So I spend most of my time here. Before I went to college, I decided I had to grow some roots. I’m trying to spend more time with friends. “It’s important to spend time with people. To put out, as they say. Writing is a very solitary thing. When I’m working on a book, I spend ten hours a day by myself. Trapped in a room. Between books I have to spend time with people. It’s about the balance between living and getting some
“Yeah,” he acknowledges, “it’s based on stuff I know about, I’ve experienced. There’s a lot in Brutal Uncut that really happened… But when I’m writing there are still times I have to hold back because some things that happen to me don’t sound believable. “Unlike Brutal Uncut, Wasted is – in one sense – all fic-
*J@OKP s )(
Federation is a six year old clubbing brand with a huge fan base in the North and equally big aspirations to conquer the rest of the UK. With the National Motherfunker Tour now well underway, Jonny M caught up with Promotions Manager Gareth Chapman to find out how Federation has become such a commanding force in clubland. n its six year history Federation has taken the northern club scene by storm. Organisers host regular monthly nights in Leeds, the brand’s spiritual home, and have put on parties in Ibiza, Gran Canaria, London, Liverpool, Birmingham, Manchester, and Newcastle. As of 2009, however, Gareth has extended his sights and now it would seem that nowhere is safe. “I started out being a DJ’s friend and a bit of a groupie, travelling around clubs and meeting promoters all over the country,” says Gareth. “I remember thinking, ‘I could do this’, so I launched my own little night in Manchester, and from that I became promotions manager for Paradise Factory. I was then asked by Shaun Wilson, one of the directors of Federation, if I could come and do all the promotions work he used to do, and give him a life back. Federation back then was just monthly in Leeds. Since then I’ve spread the brand around, run nights in all the different places we’ve been to, and turned the brand into what it is today.”
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Like many of the best dance music brands in the UK, inspiration comes from the White Isle. “The original idea was based on big Ibiza-style parties, and bringing that over to the UK,” says Gareth. “We always want to take things to the next step. It can be hard to keep coming up with fresh ideas, but we always manage. We’ve had everything from 9ft robots and dwarfs dancing on stage, to live string quartets performing.” Trying to make each event bigger and better that the last has to be daunting. But somehow Gareth and his team maintain the high standards. It may be down to the unique way that Federation parties are planned and operated. “When we’re planning parties, we try not to use ‘proper clubs’, instead we build it all up ourselves,” says Gareth. “For example, in Leeds the venue we use is a warehouse, so we bring in all the sound and lighting every month. That way, we can make it different every single time. That’s what we’re renowned for: the brand has been built on high production values.” It’s these high production values that have kept the brand head-and-shoulders above much of the competition over the last six and a half years. “It’s out there, on it’s own, because of the things we do. It’s not just about the music, its not DJ led, although our DJs are world class. But it’s about the whole package.” And he’s got every reason to be proud of the Federation DJs. The line-up of residents represents true DJ pedigree including Toolbox House head
Gareth Chapman (centre) honcho Nik Denton, Gaydar Radio’s Gary H, Gregg Holden and Gareth’s partner Jason Guy. “I’m heavily influenced by music,” says Gareth. “My partner is a DJ so I’m always listening to music, whether I like it or not. It really inspires me.” The music policy is another key component of the night and part of what gives Federation its identity. Gareth lists three different styles found at Federation: Full Charged Fed, Retro Fed and Electro Fed. “The charging house sound found in the main room is Federation’s main sound. Then in second
room we have a kind of classic style, with the big anthems from the last two decades of house. We had experimented with a third sound, at the time when electro was really taking hold. Now it seems that electro is not as popular anymore, and people are moving back to our main room sound. Its important to be able to adapt.” Federation is also unique in its ability to adapt to fit different audiences. In Leeds, for example, the night is not billed as gay, whereas in Manchester the roadblock events are 90% gay. “In Leeds, everyone just parties together,” says Gareth. “It’s the only
place that I know of in the whole of the UK that has such a mixed atmosphere, which has come from nights like Speed Queen and Federation. It’s just a very polysexual market. There are some places which are seen as cool to everyone, gay straight or anywhere in between. We’re happy to be open to everyone really. It’s not about whether you’re gay or straight, it’s about whether you’ve got the right attitude.” As of 2009 a lot more people will be able to experience Federation’s unique style of clubbing as The Motherfunker Tour gets underway. So what’s it all about? “We get asked by lots of different clubs to bring Federation over to them. Sometimes the clubs themselves aren’t really suitable for the full Federation production so I toyed with the idea of something a bit smaller, which is not so stage based, more about the DJs and the music, something we could take round to the places that want to use it. I want to really target places we’ve not actually been able to get to, like heading down south. I know we have a good fan base in places like Brighton, people who already travel up to Manchester to go to the nights.” For Gareth, its all about the love, and I’ve no doubt that his avoidance of petty scene politics will help in Federation’s conquest of the country. “At the end of the day, everybody’s running a business and looking out for their own interests.
But personally, I’ve always been interested in working with everybody rather than against them. I love doing collaborations and doing events with other people, really mixing things up. I’m inspired by other people, both through working with them and through actually going out to other people’s nights. I still enjoy going out, even though going out means working. It’s important to see what other people are doing, so you can stay true to what you’re aiming for yourself.” Wise words indeed.
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SCREENBURN josh winningâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s hot pics from the ďŹ&#x201A;icks
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As the film Milk – about the San Francisco politician gunned down in 1978 – opens nationwide, Peter Burton reflects on Milk’s final message and the different political climates of Britain and America.
Clockwise from left: Sean Penn as Havey Milk in the film, Milk. Supervisor Harvey Milk, photographed on 7 March 1978 © Daniel Nicoletta. Gay News reports on Harvey Milk’s assassination, 14 December 1978
hortly after he had been elected to the position of a City Supervisor (the American equivalent to a British town councillor) on the San Francisco Board of Supervisors, Harvey Milk recorded a message that he wanted to be broadcast in the event of his assassination. On a superficial level, this may seem like a very melodramatic gesture. But Milk had good reasons to make the recording. He was one of the first openly gay politicians in America to be elected to office and he was also possessed of one of the highest profiles as an activist for gay rights. After threats made against him during his campaign, the possibility of violent death had become a distinct possibility. Harvey Milk was being prescient rather than pessimistic. “I know that when a person is assassinated after they have achieved a victory, there are several tendencies,” he declared. “One is to have some people go crazy in the streets, angry and frustrated, and the other is to have a big show and splash, a great service. Naturally, I want neither.” It is an indication of just how different the American political climate is to that of the British that a newly elected politician can anticipate their violent demise and make some kind of preparation for it. The security surrounding American President-Elect Barack Obama reminds us that things haven’t changed since Milk’s assassination on 27 November 1978. If anything, they have probably become worse. “I cannot prevent anybody from getting angry, or mad or frustrated,” Milk continued. “I can only hope they’ll turn
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that anger and frustration and madness into something positive, so that hundreds will step forward, so that gay doctors come out, the gay lawyers, gay judges, gay bankers, gay architects.” We do things differently here. It is impossible to imagine that kind of political violence directed against a gay politician in this country. However unpopular they may be, it is impossible to imagine anyone shooting down, say, Peter Tatchell or Simon Hughes, Chris Smith or Lord Ali. We are perhaps too politically apathetic. Maybe we simply don’t care enough to take any kind of action. Perhaps we believe in giving people a chance, with the proviso that given enough rope… “I hope that every professional gay would just say ‘Enough’, come forward and tell everybody, wear a sign, let the world know. Maybe that will help,” Milk optimistically opined. Harvey Milk wasn’t the only victim of that slaying thirty years ago in San Francisco. Before Milk was killed, Mayor George Moscone, a strong supporter of gay rights, had been gunned down by the same assassin, And who was that assassin? Dan White has been characterised as ‘a wholesome, conservative, All-American boy’. He had been a policeman, then a fireman. He, too, had served on the San Francisco Board of Supervisors. But, always an opponent of the liberal mayor, he had resigned. It is shocking – though not surprising – that several months after the
double killing, White received a conviction for manslaughter and a relatively modest prison sentence. Released from prison in 1984, White committed suicide in 1985. To reiterate… “I hope that every professional gay would just say ‘Enough’, come forward and tell everybody, wear a sign, let the world know. Maybe that will help.” But that hasn’t happened. Bigotry thrives. “These are my strong requests,” Harvey Milk concluded, “knowing that it could happen, hoping that it doesn’t… and if it doesn’t, I think I’ve already achieved something. I think it’s been worth it…” Ironically, Milk did have his ‘big show’ – 30,000 people marched in a candle-lit procession to San Francisco’s City Hall to mourn on the day of the killings. People also went ‘crazy in the street’ – rioting after the news of White’s conviction and feeble sentence. And what of Milk? “Milk was a gay leader who talked about hope, struggled for his political successes against all odds and won,” Randy Shilts wrote in The Mayor of Castro Street: The Life and Times of Harvey Milk. “That Harvey Milk’s killer should be an All-American boy and ex-cop added poetic embellishment to this tale, for the thousands who have come to revere Harvey Milk as a martyr knew all too well that hating homosexuals is a solid part of the All-American ethos.”
Sean Penn as Harvey Milk in the film, MILK
“Milk was a gay leader who talked about hope, struggled for his political successes against all odds and won” Director GUS VAN SANT on the set of MILK
Dan White (JOSH BROLIN) and Harvey Milk (SEAN PENN) in Gus Van Sant’s MILK
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Anne Kronenberg (ALISON PILL) and Cleve Jones (EMILE HIRSCH) in MILK
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Diversity - itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s in our nature The environment surrounds us all. And as protectors of the environment, our urgent work takes us everywhere. From rivers to coastlines, from farmland to parks, from waste dumps to water treatment plants â&#x20AC;&#x201C; we are there, working to create a better place. We are committed to making sure that our people are as diverse as our environment. Whether ofďŹ ce based or out in the ďŹ eld, technical specialists or administrators, those who tell the world about what we do or those who get on and do it â&#x20AC;&#x201C; we aim to reďŹ&#x201A;ect the people of this country at every level. We have an action plan to ensure that diversity and inclusion is just the way we do business. We have an active LGBT network, fully supported by national and regional management teams. We have an extensive programme of community engagement across the region, attending melaâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s from Maidstone to Southampton, joining in the Vaisakhi celebrations in Gravesend (which has one of the largest Sikh populations in the South East) and co-sponsoring an Islamic exhibition in the Medway towns. We have had a presence at Pride for the last three years and our network members march in the parade and have a stand.
Itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s not just the high proďŹ le public stuff either, our HR team spent their environmental leave day restoring an allotment for a sheltered housing association in Chichester. Our belief is that to achieve our corporate strategy and do more for the environment we need to recruit and retain the best possible people, whoever they are and whatever their beliefs and lifestyle. So, wherever you are from, whatever your background or beliefs, you can help make England and Wales better places to live. Weâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ve got work to do together. For more information, please visit www.environment-agency.gov.uk
,ONDON .EVER GOES OUT OF STYLEĂ&#x153; 0ARK 0LAZA #OUNTY (ALL ,ONDON REDEkNES LUXURY LIVINGĂ&#x153; Opened on the 1st of February 2008, Park Plaza County Hall is in the prime location on Londonâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s South Bank, directly opposite Westminster and within walking distance to Londonâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s shopping and nightlife. County Hall boasts 398 individually designed bedrooms, Spectrum Bar & CafĂŠ as well as state of the art business and leisure facilities, all built around a stunning 14 storey atrium. Park Plaza County Hall offers a haven of tranquility only feet away from some of Londonâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s premier attractions and business connections. With our international reputation for award winning service and now with TAG approvalâ&#x20AC;Ś we will add to an unforgettable experience in the heart of London.
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With so many advances in gay rights legislation and breakthroughs in HIV treatments, one may be forgiven for thinking that the many battles gay men face have been won. What is the future for equality, and what are we still fighting for? To find out, 3SIXTY asked six organisations working to advance equality and healthcare for gay men what their key campaigns are for 2009.
ijed[mWbb Xo 8[d Ikcc[hia_bb ‘HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO STONEWALL’ 009 is a big year for Stonewall. It’s our 20th anniversary so we’ll be celebrating how far we’ve come in achieving lesbian and gay equality. But also, more importantly, highlighting how far there is left to go. A good example of both huge strides forward and room for improvement is Stonewall’s Education for All campaign, which tackles homophobic bullying in Britain’s schools. Stonewall first grew out of the gay community in protest against Section 28, a demeaning and homophobic law which made it illegal for teachers to ‘promote’ homosexuality in schools. It’s tragic that, 20 years on, our work with schools, young people and local authorities is all aimed at undoing the harm this law caused. Homophobic bullying festered under the shadow of Section 28. Teachers were too afraid or too confused to challenge it, so the law effectively legitimised bullying, homophobia and hate. Stonewall successfully lobbied for the law to be changed in 2003, when Section 28 was repealed after a long, hard-fought campaign. Since then, we’ve been able to be much more proactive in our education work. FIT, our cutting edge play for schools, has just finished its second tour around Britain’s schools. It uses hip hop music and humour to communicate with pupils about their attitudes towards lesbian and gay people. The play was written for us by Rikki Beadle-Blair who runs workshops after each performance where many pupils report an altogether more positive attitude than they had at the start. So far, 20,000 school pupils have seen FIT. One of our big goals for 2009 is to put FIT onto DVD and send it to every single school in the country. Stonewall’s The School Report found that 65 per cent of young gay pupils have experienced direct bullying. Alarmingly, 97 per cent of pupils hear insulting homophobic remarks such as ‘poof’, ‘dyke’, and ‘queer’ at school almost every day. FIT helps pupils explore the effect of their language. You can help with our FIT DVD campaign by joining one of our 20th anniversary fundraising events to help us achieve
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ith a recession looming and the current economic unbalance, charitable giving may dramatically decrease in 2009. While the UK faces an ongoing phase of financial turmoil, millions of people affected by HIV and AIDS worldwide will continue to experience lifelong suffering as a result of extreme levels of poverty, even after the crisis is over. For HIV and AIDS charity Crusaid, the new year starts with a refreshed focus on raising funds to provide direct relief to people living in poverty in the UK and internationally. “2009 is going to be a crucial year. With the deepening recession there is even more demand on the Crusaid Hardship Fund and our focus for 2009 has to be to ensure that we are able to meet the demand being made for our services. This is not going to be easy as we have finite funds. But with the support of our donors and friends, we hope to provide support to those most in need,” says Jordan Hay, Head of Fundraising, Marketing and Communications at Crusaid. Renowned for its work with people affected by HIV and AIDS, Crusaid was formed in 1986 as a direct response to the worsening levels of poverty and stigma attached to HIV and AIDS. Since 1986, the Crusaid Hardship Fund has helped one third of all the people in the UK living with HIV and AIDS. Raising crucial funds, building on projects such as Point of Lights and UK-based research into Black and Minority Ethnic communities (one of the Hardship Fund’s main client groups) and Hardship fund service development are high on the agenda for 2009. In 07/08, Crusaid has particularly focused on South Africa and Lesotho, where 10 per cent and 23 per cent of all people are living with HIV. Crusaid’s Point of Lights project has benefited thousands, from children orphaned by AIDS and living on the streets to adults coping with their newly diagnosed positive status. Mirroring the growth of 2008, 2009 will see two new Point of Lights projects open with funding from the M.A.C AIDS Fund in Namibia, as well as the first Point of Light project in Zambia, which will focus on child welfare. 9EDJ ED )*
the funding we need to make it happen. Check www.stonewall. org.uk/events for details. Another way to support our Education for All campaign is by buying our popular T-shirts with the campaign’s slogan: ‘Some people are gay. Get over it!’ The slogan was designed by school pupils and we worked hard throughout 2008 to promote this zero-tolerance stance on homophobia. As well as sending the slogan out to schools on posters and stickers, we made it into a national billboard campaign and a London underground campaign on tube train carriages. T-shirts are just £10 plus postage and every penny goes back into Stonewall’s campaign to tackle homophobic bullying in schools. To order now, visit www. stonewall.org.uk/tshirt. Throughout 2009, we’ll run a series of events promoting Stonewall’s key priorities. So we’ll continue to promote fair treatment at work by further growing our Diversity Champions Programme. We’ll work with the government and public services to ensure they promote equality. We’ll focus on specific areas where equality for gay people can be improved, such as asylum, sport and the NHS. And we’ll promote fair coverage of lesbian and gay people in the media, so gay people are visible, portrayed realistically and discussed sensitively. Keep checking our www.stonewall.org.uk for exciting new developments around our birthday throughout 2009. So wish us a happy birthday and perhaps even give us a little birthday present by donating online to help us continue making Britain a better place to live for all of us: www.stonewall. org.uk/support_us
“Stonewall is committed to promoting fair coverage of gay people in the media”
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YhkiW_Z Yedj$ “In Africa we are very proud of the work that our Point of Light Programme is delivering. These grassroots projects act as catalysts for long term solutions for communities affected by HIV and poverty. To date we have set up four Point of Lights centres and we are in the process of setting up another three. We will continue this vital work with communities in 2009 to provide them with support to fight HIV and AIDS epidemic in their own country,” added Hay. Crusaid’s Walk for Life
BUILDING ON PAST SUCCESSES 2008’s success stories for the charity included The Wig party, Crusaid’s Walk for Life (Europe’s largest sponsored walk for HIV and AIDS) to awareness campaigns such as the theatre themed Christmas campaign fronted by the winner of the BBC’s I’d Do Anything, Jodie Prenger and the awareness raising World AIDS Day Think! Talk! Act! Give! campaign. Money is an issue. Supporting Crusaid is simple. If you would like to find out the ways in which you can help Crusaid raise funds to support people living in poverty affected by HIV and AIDS please email info@ crusaid.org.uk or visit www.crusaid.org.uk
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ew Year is the traditional time for reflecting on the past year and making plans for the next. In the HIV sector the end of the 2008 brought some depressing statistics. The highest number of HIV diagnoses ever among gay men were reported – the Health Protection Agency says more than 3,000 were diagnosed in 2007 compared to 2,700 in 2006. There are now over 32,000 gay and bisexual men living with HIV. But there was also good news: more gay men are getting tested for HIV. Finally, some of the messages about the importance of having HIV tests are getting through. Testing in sexual health clinics has increased and we are seeing a slight fall in the percentage of gay men whose HIV is undiagnosed – though with more than 1 in 4 undiagnosed we still have a long way to go. Young gay men in particular are getting better at coming forward for HIV tests. Young gay men (under 25) are more likely to accept a HIV test compared
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sexual health information for gay men of any website in ometimes I hear peo- the world. The website covers everything from condom ple say that gay men use to how to give a brilliant blowjob. We’ve also got a are no longer afraid comprehensive information site specifically for HIV posiof HIV. I’m not so sure tive gay men, which was written by HIV positive gay men, that this is the case. The evi- so the information is really clear and honest. dence suggests that most gay We’ve got some booklets coming out. One of them is men who haven’t been diag- going to give tips for good, horny and safe sex. Another nosed HIV positive consider booklet, for men who’ve had a negative HIV test result, HIV to be very serious and are provides a step-by-step guide to ensure that they can scared that they may become infected. However, this stay that way. We’ll also be producing our sex and health fear doesn’t always translate into the necessary actions magazine FS, which is now distributed across the UK, providing health information in a fun and accessible that can prevent more men becoming infected. High numbers of HIV negative men expect HIV positive way. As well as making sure that gay men are well informed, men to disclose their status before sex but only about one in three HIV positive men discuss their status with it’s also vital that we are supported in having safe sex, all of their sexual partners. And so it is not that HIV and feel in control of the sex that we have. GMFA will negative gay men are blasé about HIV, but instead that be running at least two more courses across England too often they consider their own behaviour to be safe, this year in partnership with other local agencies. The Confident Cruising course, in January and February, will even when it isn’t. This is naïve risk-taking; when men assume that they not only help gay men to pick up, but also gives men the have the same HIV status when in fact they don’t, is the confidence to ask for the sex that they want, so that they major driving force behind new infections of HIV. A lot of don’t feel pressured or out of control. Then in March and April we will be running our Getting a the work that GMFA is planning over Boyfriend course, which looks at those the next year is intended to address “Our website covers this. We believe that it’s really impor- everything from condom precarious early stages of a relationship and helps gay men turn those hot dates tant that gay men can make valid use to how to give a into long term partnerships. We hope judgements about their sexual safety, brilliant blowjob” that we’ll be able to run more courses and for this to be possible it means that gay men need to know what their HIV status really is. throughout the year but we’re waiting to find out whether About a third of HIV positive people in the UK have never there will be funds available. Two of the most important groups to work with in been diagnosed, and so it’s important that gay men test HIV prevention are HIV positive gay men and black gay – and test regularly. It’s also vital that people are able to have honest con- men, who experience higher rates of HIV than any other versations about HIV. The high levels of stigma that are group in this country. I’m particularly proud that GMFA still attached to a positive diagnosis, even within the gay does specific work with these groups and of the high community, make it difficult for people with HIV to talk numbers of Black and HIV positive volunteers we have about it, and this stigma also does nothing to encourage working with us. GMFA is a volunteer led organisation and we depend men to test. We believe that it’s vital that gay men are well informed on the knowledge, experience and skills of our volunabout HIV and sexual health, and can access frank and teers to keep our work fresh, effective and real. If you reliable information when they need it. We’re pretty support our work and would like to get involved, get in proud of our website at www.gmfa.org.uk and we’ve touch by calling us on 020 7738 6872 or by emailing been told by not a few people that they have the best newvol@gmfa.org.uk.
with older gay men, 92% of under 25s accepted a test in a sexual health clinic compared to 84% of older gay men. In 2009 we need to spread this testing culture among young men new on the scene, to older gay men who are most at risk from HIV. We also need to look at our prevention messages. If we are ever going to start to reduce new infections we need to keep messages about HIV relevant to today. HIV is the not death sentence it once was, since treatment the reality of living with HIV has changed. There is a great challenge about how we communicate what it is like to live with HIV – the reality of HIV medication, the challenge of telling others, discrimination – but at the same time overcoming the stigma that people with HIV face. It is a difficult balancing act but an important one for 2009. But our work doesn’t just focus on preventing HIV – more and more our work is about working for the rights of people living with HIV. HIV is a long-term condition, so like everyone else day-to-day life issues such as work, housing and educa-
tion are important for people living with HIV. Unfortunately HIV-related discrimination still affects many of these areas. In 2009 we will be looking at HIV and employment. We have been surveying HIV-positive gay men across the UK – asking what is it like to work with HIV? What are the barriers and what makes it easier for them to do well at work? We hope the results will help educate employers and we’ll be able to give advice to people with HIV about how they can get the most out of being in work. Our vision remains a world in which people living with HIV are treated as equal citizens with respect, dignity and justice, are diagnosed early and receive the highest standards of care, and in which everyone knows how and is able to protect themselves from HIV infection. In 2009 there is still a lot left on the ‘to-do’ list. 3SIXTY readers should also be making new year’s resolutions: one to add to the list is book in a date for a HIV test, and do it every year. You can find out more about our plans for 2009 and get involved in our work at www.nat.org.uk
ekjhW][ Xo F[j[h JWjY^[bb ‘GIVE HOMOPHOBIA THE RED CARD’ port is one the last great bastions of homophobia, and football (together with boxing) is the least gay-friendly of all sports. That is why OutRage! plans to make challenging homophobia in football one of its main priorities for 2009. We have been lobbying the Football Association (FA) for the last 10 years, urging them to take action against homophobia. We believe it is time to “Give homophobia the red card.” Our pressure, together with lobbying by the Gay Football Supporters Network, has resulted in the creation of the FA’s Tackling Homophobia Cristiano Ronaldo Wo r k i n g Group. Through this group, we are pressing the FA for a highprofile campaign against homophobia in football, modelled on the FAbacked ‘Kick It Out’ campaign against racism. In the last couple of years, the FA has begun to tackle homophobia, but progress is painfully slow. The FA’s paper policies are now quite good. But where’s the real action against homophobia? Most of its work is behind the scenes, addressing club officials - not managers, coaches, players and fans. The appointment of Phil Scolari to manage Chelsea should have been vetoed by the FA. He had previously said he would refuse to have a gay player in his team. The FA should have not allowed him to take up his post until he renounced this discrimination and gave an undertaking to abide by the FA’s gay equality policies. The shameful anti-gay taunts against players like Cristiano Ronaldo (pictured), Sol Campbell and Ashley Cole have merited very little public rebuke by top FA officials. That’s got to change. OutRage! believes the FA should be giving a stronger, more public lead. It makes the right
noises, but does little that is really effective. We’ve come up with some concrete proposals that we’ll be pushing in 2009. For a start, the FA should be imposing big fines and match suspensions on players and managers who use anti-gay insults. Stewards should be required to identify fans who shout homophobic abuse and the FA should secure the agreement of the police to arrest and charge them – in the same way that they arrest and charge racist fans. Education against homophobia is even more important, in order to make the game welcoming and safe for gay players and spectators. The FA needs to secure the agreement of all clubs to feature anti-homophobia messages in their match programmes, on tickets and on billboards inside and outside football grounds. OutRage! has been pressing the FA to organise ten top footballers to make a MTV-style video against homophobia. We want this video to feature big name stars like David Beckham, Rio Ferdinand, David James and Cristiano Ronaldo. We feel this would help to challenge bigoted attitudes among football fans, some of whom are very homophobic. Our suggestion is to get this video broadcast on TV and at matches on the giant stadium screens. We also want the FA to distribute copies to every school in the country. I am delighted to say that the FA has agreed, at last, to fund and produce this video. We think it will have a huge, positive impact on young football fans. Our aim? To kick homophobia off the football pitch and out of the terraces. Can we do it? Yes, we can. But we want your help. Ask your MP to question the chair or chief executive of your local football club about what they are doing to tackle homophobia. Send any replies to the editor of this magazine, so we can publish the responses. Go for it. You can help us “Give homophobia the red card.” Thank you. • For more information about Peter Tatchell’s campaigns: www.petertatchell.net • To make a donation: www.tatchellrightsfund.org • To get involved, sign up to Peter Tatchell’s Facebook group. Go to www.facebook.com Type into the search option: ‘Peter Tatchell human rights campaign’.
j[hh[dY[ ^_]]_di jhkij Xo M_bb DkjbWdZ ‘THIVK’ ust fifteen years ago there seemed few good reasons to test for HIV; the treatments were new, side effects many and the medicines seemingly blunt-tools compared with the treatment developments today. It’s therefore a sad irony that many people with undiagnosed HIV will never get to benefit from the HIV treatment developments of the last decade. There are around 20,000 people in the UK who have HIV who haven’t had it diagnosed and many of those people will find out they have HIV when it’s too late to benefit from the treatments. Research shows that someone testing late for HIV (when their CD4 count is below 200) is 14 times more likely to die within a year of diagnosis than someone who finds out they have HIV earlier on after infection. Being unaware that you have HIV at early stage of infection – one of the times when you are most infectious – can mean that HIV is more easily passed on to sexual partners. The reasons for not having HIV diagnosed are many. Some groups of people – especially black Africans – fear that they will be deported from the UK if they receive a positive HIV test; some people don’t know about HIV or where to test for it; and some people fear that they will be discriminated against if they find out they have HIV. Among gay men a key issue seems to be that many men just do not conceivably believe that they could have HIV. In a recent research study of gay men surveyed in gay bars and clubs in England and Scotland, around 40% of gay men with HIV did not know they had it. Over two-thirds of those men told the researchers that they were pretty sure that they were HIV negative. So, there are a large number of gay men in the UK – more than 8,000 according to the Health Protection Agency – who have HIV and who haven’t had it diagnosed. Over the next 18 months, Terrence Higgins Trust will be tackling this issue head on. A brand new campaign, called THIVK, asks gay men to consider if they are certain that they don’t have HIV and highlights the large numbers of men with undiagnosed HIV. Outreach workers from THT and their partners in the national CHAPS programme will be out talking to gay men in bars, clubs and saunas, helping men to consider their HIV status and pointing men in the direction of places that can offer assistance and support. Later in 2009, THT will be raising awareness of issues around HIV testing – what’s involved, where to go for a test and what men need to consider about HIV testing. As with THT’s recent PEP work – that saw the number of men who knew about PEP doubling in a year – THT calls on gay men to support each other around this issue. The best source of information and support around sexual health is often other gay men. More information about THIVK can be found at www.tht.org.uk
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BOOKWORM New books, reviewed by Peter Burton SOMEBODY: THE RECKLESS LIFE AND REMARKABLE CAREER OF MARLON BRANDO by Stefan Kanfer (Faber & Faber, £20) K_\ \jj\ek`Xc gi\d`j\ f] Jk\]Xe BXe]\iËj jlYjkXek`Xc Y`f^iXg_p f] DXicfe 9iXe[f `j k_Xk k_\ XZkfi _X[ Y\\e kiXldXk`j\[ Yp Xe[ e\m\i i\Zfm\i\[ ]ifd X Z_`c[_ff[ Yc`^_k\[ Yp _`j nfdXe`j`e^ dXik`e\k ]Xk_\i Xe[ _`j XcZf_fc`Z dfk_\i n_fd _\ ]i\hl\ekcp _X[ kf i\jZl\ X]k\i k_\ gfc`Z\ _X[ kXb\e _\i `e Z_Xi^\% I\j\ek]lc f] _`j ]Xk_\i Xe[# jlYj\hl\ekcp# Xcc fk_\i Xlk_fi`kp# 9iXe[f nXj X [`jilgk`m\ Xe[ cXqp jkl[\ek n_f [ifgg\[ flk f] jZ_ffc n`k_flk hlXc`]`ZXk`fej Xe[ nXj m`iklXccp le\dgcfpXYc\% ?fn\m\i# _\Ë[ `e_\i`k\[ ]ifd _`j dfk_\i X [\j`i\ kf XZk Xe[ kffb f]] kf E\n Pfib kf glijl\ _`j [i\Xd% 9iXe[fËj ljlXc cXq`e\jj gi\mX`c\[ Xe[ _\ jg\ek dfi\ k`d\ ]lZb`e^ k_Xe _\ [`[ jkl[p`e^ Xe[ `k nXj clZb iXk_\i k_Xe XdY`k`fe fi [\k\id`eXk`fe k_Xk cXe[\[ _`d k_\ ifc\ f] JkXec\p BfnXcjb` `e k_\ gi\d`\i\ f] K\ee\jj\\ N`cc`XdjË efn ZcXjj`Z gcXp 8 Jki\\kZXi EXd\[ ;\j`i\ fe 9ifX[nXp `e (0+.% ?`j g\i]fidXeZ\ ZXlj\[ X j\ejXk`fe Xe[ n_\e `k nXj kiXej]\ii\[ kf ]`cd `e (0,( dX[\ _`d Xe len`cc`e^ `ek\ieXk`feXc Z\c\Y$ i`kp Xe[ X gfk\ek j\o jpdYfc k_Xk Xgg\Xc\[ kf Yfk_ d\e Xe[ nfd\e% 9iXe[fËj jkpc\ ]fi\m\i Z_Xe^\[ k_\ nXp XZkfij nfib\[ fe jZi\\e Xe[ _`j `e]cl$ \eZ\ `j jk`cc \m`[\ek kf[Xp% 9lk _`j g\ijfeXc c`]\ nXj lkk\icp j_XdYfc`Z Xe[ _`j ]`cd ifc\j n\i\ le[\ikXb\e dfi\ ]fi k_\ \efidflj ]\\j k_Xe Y\ZXlj\ k_\p gi\j\ek\[ Xep b`e[ f] Z_Xcc\e^\% N_\e _\ [`\[ X^\[ \`^_kp `e )''+# _\ _X[ ]fi X cfe^ k`d\ Y\\e Xe `jfcXk\[ Xe[ i\Zclj`m\ \ZZ\eki`Z% Jk\]Xe BXe]\iËj Y`f^iXg_p `j _`^_cp i\X[XYc\# k_fl^_ `k _fm\ij leZfd]fikXYcp jfd\n_\i\ Y\kn\\e X j\i`flj jkl[p f] X dXafi ]`cd XZkfi Xe[ X dlZb$iXb`e^ \ogfj\ f] Xe f[[YXcc Xe[ [`jkliY\[ dfm`\ jkXi%
ANYTHING GOES by Lucy Moore (Atlantic Books, £19.99) ClZp Dffi\Ëj Y`f^iXg_p f] k_\ IfXi`e^ Kn\ek`\j fg\ej n`k_ Gif_`Y`k`fe k_\ YXee`e^ f] XcZf_fc nXj Yifl^_k `e `e (0(0 Xe[ ZfeZcl[\j n`k_ k_\ NXcc Jki\\k :iXj_ (0)0 Æ kXb`e^ `e Xcfe^ k_\ nXp X j\i`\j f] jkfi`\j JZfkk Xe[ Q\c[X =`kq^\iXc[# ?Xiip Xe[ :Xi\jj\ :ifjYp# AXZb ;\dgj\p# =Xkkp 8iYlZbc\# :_Xic`\ :_Xgc`e# :_Xic\j C`e[Y\i^_ Xe[ fk_\ij n_`Z_ \eZfdgXjj \efidflj jlZZ\jj Ylk n_`Z_ kff f]k\e \e[ `e dX[e\jj# ]`eXeZ`Xc ZfccXgj\ Xe[ [\Xk_% K_fl^_ k_\ \m\ekj Dj Dffi\ jf Yi`jbcp p\k Zf^\ekcp i\k\ccj Xi\ dfjkcp ]Xd`c`Xi# k_\p Xcjf _Xm\ X gXik`ZlcXi g\ik`e\eZ\ kf[Xp Xe[ j_fn k_Xk n\ [f efk c\Xie ]ifd fli d`jkXb\j Xe[ k_Xk _`jkfip n`cc ]fi\m\i i\g\Xk `kj\c]% =l\cc\[ Yp XcZf_fc# [il^j# j\o f] Xcc [\jZi`gk`fej Xe[ dfe\p Yp k_\ YlZb\kcfX[# k_\ IfXi`e^ Kn\ek`\j _Xm\ jlim`m\[ `e fli Zfcc\Zk`m\ ZfejZ`flje\jj Xj X k`d\ f] ^i\Xk _\[fe`jd k_Xk c\[ kf k`d\j f] ^i\Xk _Xi[j_`g fecp i\[\\d\[ Yp k_\ X[m\ek f] Nfic[ NXi @@% <XZ_ f] k_\ ]flik\\e Z_Xgk\ij ZXe Y\ i\X[ Xj X j\c]$ZfekX`e\[ n_fc\ n_`Z_ Yi`^_kcp k\ccj k_\ jkfip f] X gXik`ZlcXi ^iflg fi Z_XiXZk\i# Ylk \XZ_ c\X[j e\Xkcp kf k_\ e\ok lek`c k_Xk dfd\ek `e (0)0 n_\e k_\ \ek`i\ _flj\ f] ZXi[j ZfccXgj\j# X]]\Zk`e^ efk aljk 8d\i`ZX Ylk k_\ i\jk f] k_\ nfic[% @kËj Xcc _fii`Ycp ]Xd`c`Xi% *- s *J@OKP
EDWARD CARPENTER: A LIFE OF LIBERTY AND LOVE by Sheila Rowbothan (Verso, £24.99) <[nXi[ :Xig\ek\i nXj Yfie `ekf X Zfd]fikXYcp f]] ]Xd$ `cp `e 9i`^_kfe `e (/++% ?\ ZXd\ kf m`\n _`j Y`ik_gcXZ\ n`k_ Zfek\dgk# Zfej`[\i`e^ `k jdl^cp d`[[c\$ZcXjj% ?\ [`\[ `e >l`c[]fi[ `e Jlii\p `e (0)0# Ylk ]fi dlZ_ f] _`j c`]\ _\ _X[ j_fne _`j jfc`[Xi`kp n`k_ k_\ nfib`e^$ZcXjj Yp c`m`e^ `e X j`dgc\ ZfkkX^\ `e D`cck_fig\ e\Xi C\\[j% ?fn\m\i# `k j_flc[ Y\ i\d\dY\i\[ k_Xk k_fl^_ _`j Z`iZldjkXeZ\j Xgg\Xi\[ _ldYc\# _\ XcnXpj _X[ ]Xd`cp dfe\p kf ]Xcc YXZb lgfe j_flc[ k_\ ^f`e^ ^\k kfl^_% Fi`^`eXccp [\jk`e\[ kf Y\ X Zc\i^pdXe# :Xig\ek\iËj `ek\ek`fej Z_Xe^\[ Xj _\ jcfncp ]ldYc\[ _`j nXp kfnXi[j X ^Xp Xe[ X jfZ`Xc`jk `[\ek`kp Xe[# `e dXep i\jg\Zkj# _\ nXj X Zli`fljcp df[\ie ]`^li\% N`k_ _`j b\\e `ek\i\jk `e jlZ_ k_`e^j Xj ^Xp i`^_kj `e k_\ nXb\ f] k_\ N`c[\ ki`Xcj `e (/0, # ]i\\ cfm\# i\ZpZc`e^# m\^\kXi`Xe`jd# Xe`dXc i`^_kj# kiXejZ\e$ [\ekXc`jd# el[`jd# nfd\eËj jl]]iX^\ Xe[ gi`jfe i\]fid# _\ nflc[ _Xm\ _Xgg`cp ]`kk\[ `ekf Xe ÊXck\ieXk`m\Ë Zfddle`kp `e k_\ kn\ekp$]`ijk Z\eklip% ?\ be\n X n`[\ iXe^\ f] g\fgc\ Æ ]ifd NXck N_`kdXe _\ nXj Zfej`[\i\[ k_\ <e^c`j_ N_`kdXe kf >\fi^\ 9\ieXi[ J_Xn n_fj\ m`\n f] _`d nXj [\Z`[\[cp d`o\[ # k_\ Jflk_ 8]i`ZXe ni`k\i Fc`m\i JZ_i\`e\i# k_\ CXYfli gfc`k`Z`Xe ?l^_ ;Xckfe Xe[ k_\ efm\c`jk < D =fijk\i% Jfd\ jXn _`d Xj X gifg_\k# X jX`ekcp `] iXe[p dpjk`Z2 fk_\ij k_fl^_k _`d X ^lcc`Yc\ ]ffc% 9lk# Xk k_\ k`d\# _\ nXj `e]cl\ek`Xc% =fijk\iËj jfd\n_Xk ]ffc`j_ DXli`Z\ nXj `ejg`i\[ Yp X m`j`k kf :Xig\ek\i% J_\`cX IfnYfk_XdËj <[nXi[ :Xig\ek\i1 8 C`]\ f] C`Y\ikp Xe[ Cfm\ `j X cfe^ Xe[ [\kX`c\[ XZZflek f] k_\ c`]\ Xe[ Y\c`\]j f] X dXe n_f nXj X ]`^li\ f] dlZ_ j`^e`]`ZXeZ\ `e k_\ cXk\ e`e\k\\ek_ Xe[ \Xicp kn\ek`\k_ Z\eklip Ylk n_f _Xj Y\\e cXi^\cp ]fi^fkk\e j`eZ\% @k `j X Yffb ]fi jZ_fcXij# dfi\ ^\e\iXc i\X[\ij dXp j`dgcp ]`e[ :Xig\ek\i jfd\k_`e^ f] X Yfi\%
SHORTREPORTS CARAVAGGIO’S ANGEL by Ruth Brandon (Constable, £18.99) :XiXmX^^`fËj 8e^\c `ekif[lZ\j `em\jk`^Xkfi ;i I\^^`\ I\^`e\ C\\# X ZliXkfi Xk Cfe[feËj EXk`feXc >Xcc\ip% ?\i ]`ijk ZXj\ jki\kZ_\j YXZb kf GXi`j `e k_\ cXk\ e`e\k\\e kn\e$ k`\j Xe[ X jlii\Xc`jk`Z giXeb k_Xk gifm\j kf _Xm\ i\g\iZlj$ j`fej `e k_\ gi\j\ek [Xp# \eZfdgXjj\j k_\ EXq` fZZlgXk`fe [li`e^ Nfic[ NXi @@ X i\[ _\ii`e^ Xe[ Zlcd`eXk\j `e X cfm`e^cp [iXne ;fi[f^e\ Xe[ GXi`j `e k_\ gi\j\ek [Xp Xj j_\ ki`\j kf ^Xk_\i kf^\k_\i k_i\\ m\ij`fej f] X gX`ek`e^ Yp :XiXmX^^`f k_Xk j_\ e\\[j ]fi Xe \o_`Y`k`fe `e Cfe[fe% K_\e j_\ [`jZfm\ij X ]flik_ m\ij`fe f] k_\ gX`ek`e^ Xe[ i\Xc`j\j k_Xk mXi`flj g\fgc\ `eZcl[`e^ k_\ ^Xp ^Xcc\ip [`i\Zkfi Xk k_\ Cflmi\ Xi\ [ifgg`e^ c`b\ ]c`\j% 8lk_fi 9iXe[fe m`m`[cp Zfeali\j gcXZ\ Xe[ Xe \ek\ikX`e`e^cp \ZZ\eki`Z ZXjk f] Z_XiXZk\ij ]fi X [`m\ik`e^ k_i`cc\i%
THE OPPOSITE BASTARD by Simon Packham (Macmillan New Writing, £14.99) K`dfk_p JXck `j Xe XZkfi g\idXe\ekcp Êi\jk`e^Ë n_f `j kfc[ Xk X ;?JJ I\jkXik `ek\im`\n k_Xk _\ dljk kXb\ k_\ e\ok afY _\ `j f]]\i\[ fi cfj\ Xcc _`j Y\e\]`kj% D`Z_X\c Fn\e `j hlX[i`gc\^`Z Xe[ XYflk kf kXb\ lg _`j gcXZ\ Xk Xe Fo]fi[ :fcc\^\% ?\ `j `e e\\[ f] X ]lcck`d\ ZXi\i Xe[ `e\m`kXYcp k_\ afY ]Xccj kf K`dfk_p% 8k Fo]fi[ k_\ `dgifYXYc\ knfjfd\ Zf`eZ`[\ n`k_ 8eeX A\eb`ej# X Y\Xlk`]lc m`i^`e jkl[p`e^ dlj`Z% K_\ k_i\\ ]i`\e[j jffe ]Xcc `e n`k_ G_`cc`g# Xe fggfikle`jk`Z Xe[ Xi`jkfZiXk`Z jkl[\ek [`i\Zkfi n_f Zf$ fgkj D`Z_X\c `ekf gcXp`e^ X n_\\cZ_X`i$Yfle[ Gi`eZ\ f] ;\edXib Xe[ 8eeX X ^pd$jc`gg\[ Fg_\c`X `e _`j gif[lZk`fe f] ?Xdc\k% K_\ jZ\e\ `j k_lj j\k ]fi Xe flkiX^\flj ifdg n_`Z_ jn`e^j Y\kn\\e n`c[ ]XiZ\ Xe[ kflZ_`e^ ifdXeZ\ Xe[ `e n_`Z_ Xep gi\k\ej`fej `j ^c\\$ ]lccp gleZkli\[ Yp flki`^_k Zpe`Z`jd% K_\ Fggfj`k\ 9XjkXi[ `j X k_fifl^_cp \ek\ikX`e`e^ ]`ijk efm\c n_`Z_ \eZfliX^\j _`^_ _fg\j ]fi J`dfe GXZb_XdËj ]lkli\ nfib%
Arthur Rimbaud
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Bored at work? Well, spare a thought for the people who have to have sex for money, which, let’s face it, sounds like a bloody marvellous job. Or is it? Torsten Højer meets Czech-born Alex Stevens, one of porn’s most lusted-after stars, to find out.
wning, watching and downloading porn has never been less taboo; gay men are only too keen to swap tips on hot new porn stars and hot new porn sites. The British attitude to people ‘doing it’ on screen for cash has relaxed, and we are becoming more and more desensitised to the idea of watching other people fucking. Pornography is everywhere. One is hard-pressed to find someone who doesn’t enjoy porn; in fact, most of us now actually know someone who has dropped their pants for the camera. Our porn collections are no longer hidden under our beds, but proudly displayed on our DVD shelves nestling comfortably between KylieX2008 and Queer as Folk. Our browsers’ bookmarks are populated by links to XTube.com/Pornotube. com/YouPornGay.com/etc… after all, it is widely accepted that, apart from email, the internet is mostly used to access sex. One of the internet’s most lusted after stars is Czech-born Alex Stevens, a model signed exclusively to the Eurocreme stable since 2006. At just 22-years-old, Alex Stevens has made more than fifteen pornographic films, including Bareback Frat Pack, Bareback Skate Rave, Cockpit Cum Boys, Builder Boy, Bareback Thrill Ride, World Soccer Orgy, and Boys of Summer. “I love being a porn star,” he says. At least I’m told this is what he is saying – Alex Stevens doesn’t speak very good English, so his words are being translated by his co-star and friend, Johan Volny. “There are always plenty of the most beautiful men to have the hottest, most intense sex with. I’ve always loved to perform in front of peo-
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ple. Sex is part of my life and always will be, I love having it, and I’m confident about it and my body, so it works well for me to be in this industry.” So what kind of scenes does he like to perform in the most? “I’m actually a bit of a romantic,” he smiles. “I prefer the kind of scene which starts more romantic setting, but turns into a hard fuck frenzy as it progresses. I used to prefer being passive but now I am active more of the time because my body is now bigger, and suits the role of ‘top’ more than being a passive boy!” Like most eastern European boys who star in gay porn, Alex Stevens isn’t gay. He has a girlfriend, who he says knows what he gets up to when he’s filming in the UK, and, apparently, doesn’t mind. “She’s very supportive and loves me no matter what. Plus, she gets some nice presents after a big film shoot, so every girl will be happy!” Hmmm. “My family know what I do, as well as my friends,” he continues. “They are all very supportive, actually.” So why is it that so many Czech boys go gay for cash? “It’s true that many straight boys do it for money, but I’m sure they love the sex just as much as anyone else. You can’t fake those kind of smiles! The Czech Republic really is the best place for porn; everyone knows it and would be blind not to realise. Of course, it’s also to do with the fact that the guys in the Czech Republic are the most beautiful.” Alex Stevens first saw a porn movie when he
was a “young boy”. It was straight porn, which he watched it with mates, while they all got it on together. “At that age, we were so horny we would all wank together,” he enthuses. At 14, he lost his virginity to a girl, and had his first gay sex experience a year later. By 18, he was doing it on camera. “Starring in porn just came naturally to me. My good friend and co-star Johan Volny and a friend of his introduced me to a Czech production company, and it went from there. Luckily, my first scene was with Johan. We decided it would be the best way to relax me before the first scene as we were already having a good time off stage as well. It was a really hot sex scene, which I enjoyed and it gave me an appetite for more. I prepared by just relaxing and not taking it too seriously. Filming the scene, I felt that this was meant to be, so I was fine. Now, I get to travel all over Europe and the money is good, so I couldn’t be happier. And when I go home to Prague, I bring my new films and watch them with my friends. It’s strange, a lot of porn stars say they don’t watch their own movies, which I don’t understand, because how can you improve without it? I feel good when I watch it, and if I’m with my friends, they sometimes laugh at the funny storylines, which I know everyone does… In each film, I want to improve; my ambition now is to get better at the industry I’m in. I love being a pornstar and will stay one for as long as my body looks good, and my fans continue to want to see me on camera. And by then I hope to rich enough to enjoy looking back at what I have done.”
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CLEAR THE CLUTTER In with the old out with the new or whatever it is you’re meant to do at the start of the year. . . . January is a time for a good clear out, so after you’ve dumped your significant other New Year’s Eve - it’s time to focus on clearing up the mess you call a home. Here are some storage ideas to get you started that wont break the bank. Keep anything in these in any room, set of four wooden storage crates, just £20 from Matalan. We’re liking their work. www.matalan.co.uk
His and his or hers and hers, a nifty little key holder that won’t have you scrabbling around no more, £23 www.ezstyle.co.uk
Worried that you’re running short of plonk? Worry no more, ‘cause now you can keep a close eye on how low your wine reserves are running. ‘Menu’ wall mounted wine rack £32 Purves & Purves www.purves.co.uk
STREUTH! Keep your mags within easy reach. Modular wall mounted magazine rack, comes in five colours – well, don’t we all? £14.99, Contemporary home www.tch.net
We like black shiny things… this set of three black lacquer boxes, £20 from www.alsohome.com
Tired of jumping through hoops? Well, get ‘em screwed to the wall and keep your magazine collection in them. Ring Ring magazine rack £13.99 per ring, Contemporary home, www.tch.net
Fabulous is what springs to mind - two storage trunks only £20 for the pair. Matalan www.matalan.co.uk
Streuth! When we came across these photos of strapping lads from outback Australia wrestling with crocodiles, we knew we had to share them with you. The macho-fun is all in aid of charity, too - the crocodile wranglers from Crocodylus Park in the Northern Territory of Australia wear-in their designer jeans whilst working with some of the most dangerous creatures on the planet. The jeans will then be auctioned online as the world’s first ‘crocodileproof’ jeans with proceeds going towards wildlife conservation charities. The whole thing is organised by UK fashion website Lastseason.com
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and between gay men and lesbians, biographer, journalist In the last of her three articles on the relationship face on the 1990s — and what lesbians and gay men veteran community campaigner Rose Collis reflects together in the 21st century. y the early 1990s, many gay ROSE COLLIS AT LONDON PRIDE 1983 men and lesbians were feeling a tad weary and frayed around the edges. We were enduring the long-term effects of battling a rampantly homophobic government and media; a health crisis that was used as a political weapon with which to beat us and premature deaths all around. Frankly, for a decade and a half, there wasn’t a peep of a ruddy tunnel, let alone any sign of a light at the end of one. But change did start to come, in slow though not always steady stages, politically, socially — and personally. Lesbians and gay men working together had, for example, stopped the shutters coming down on London bookshop Gay’s the Word (which had been prosecuted under the In my day, it was ‘effeminate’ boys who would always Obscene Publications Acts in 1984 as part of Operation bear the brunt of this kind of bullying; ‘tomboys’ like me Tiger, though charges were eventually dropped); started to managed to escape it. But this is no longer the case: with stem the tide of ignorance regarding AIDS, and edged lesincreased visibility and awareness, ‘butch’ girls are being bian and gay rights on to the mainstream political agenda. targeted often and we need to work together to ensure Margaret Thatcher, ‘The Iron Lady’, turned to clay and that teachers and parents alike don’t just watch out for was toppled from her pedestal. Politicians of most parties the fledgling nelly queens in their midst. recognised that rampant homophobia wasn’t the vote“Changing legislation is easy with the right government; winner it had once been. A discreetly gay man — Peter changing attitudes is a lot harder,” says Streeting. Mandelson — gave the Labour Party a wonderfully phoOne need only look at the news pages of gay publicatogenic makeover and helped its pretty-boy leader Tony tions the past year for vindication of his words. Blair sweep to a landslide victory. In its wake came some Ex-Chelsea player Paul Elliott claims that at least a of the reforms that we’d fought so hard for (though most dozen top footballers are gay but remain in the closet. The were years still hence): Section 28 was abolished and gay Football Association has done a fine job of tackling racism couples won the right to adopt children. Civil partnerships amongst fans, but are dragging their boots over tackling were introduced, thanks to years of steady pressure the sort of homophobic abuse aimed at Sol Campbell brought about the likes of Stonewall and grassroots activby Spurs supporters earlier this year. And, with all the ists, who had clearly demonstrated that gay and lesbian Olympic successes of Team Britain in Beijing, we still have couples alike wanted, and were entitled to, equality under had no major female or male athlete who, like a Martina or the law — and the unified stance on this we presented a Greg Louganis, has felt confident enough come out. was a key to the successful campaigning. In the mid-1990s, my work had moved from journalism to writing biographies. I was fast becoming tired of the capital and, like so many gay people before me, was drawn to Brighton, where now the LGBT community has worked together to produce Britain’s most successful — and still free — annual Pride event. Even before I moved there in 1997, I’d found kindred spirits who were keen to discover, explore and preserve male and female queer histories and herstories. For example, Tom Sargant, a stalwart of the Brighton Ourstory Project and a committed excavator of buggers and bulldykes alike, was as vexed as I to discover that the museum and gallery, at the heart of a city with more than a 10% LGBT population, was coy about what it had adorning its walls and hidden up it skirts. So, for Pride 1998, in conjunction with BOP, we produced Making An Exhibition Of Ourselves, our LGBT guide to Brighton Museum & Art Gallery. That alone should remind the sceptics that, for all our gains, we still have a way to go. Wes Streeting, President of the National Union of Students, has pointed out that it’s a little too early to stack away the placards. For example, anti-gay bullying in schools is more prevalent than ever.
In Scotland, homophobic crime is on the rise, and across the water Iris Robinson MP, wife of Northern Ireland’s First Minister said homosexuality was as ‘sickening’ as child abuse and felt ‘repulsed’ by both, sparking protests in Belfast and a 15,000 signature petition delivered to Downing Street. Ultimately, it seems to me that it is religious fundamentalism — of all creeds — that remains the biggest threat to all of us non-conformists throughout the world. The Rev Peter Mullen, chaplain to the London Stock Exchange, who recently said gay men should be tattooed with the slogan ‘Sodomy can seriously damage your health’, was just the latest in a long line of clerical errors who preached bigotry and bullshit from the pulpit. Elsewhere, one of the most moderate mosques in Britain, London Central, was revealed by a Channel 4 documentary to have a regular preacher who instructed worshippers to kill LGBT people. And, lest we forget, the attitudes of many religions towards women generally highlight the double dangers and discrimination we face throughout society. The Independent columnist Johann Hari, in an article about Martina Navratilova, observed that, ‘gay women face a different prejudice to gay men and are trailing 20 years behind…[they] have had to swing from invisible to mainstream in just a century — and to do it while climbing up the sheer face of sexism’. It’s a salient point: even after 30 years, I’m still amazed to discover how much more accepted and visible gay men can be, especially around young straight women — the fag-hag stereotype is alive and well and living in a gay pub near you, and the remarkable invisibility of lesbians in everyday life. Even in the last couple of years, when my partner and I were in ‘straight’ social situations, people would always ask if we were ‘sisters’ or ‘friends’; the obvious question was never asked. It seems that even the recent emergence of high profile lesbian figures in entertainment, such as Ellen Degeneres, Rhona Cameron and Jodie Foster, hasn’t really made much of a dent on the public consciousness. It’s been a source of great encouragement to me that some of the (much) younger gay men I’m getting to know now are refreshingly keen to talk to me about the events and issues I’ve written about in this series. And others, unknown to me, have been contacting me via networking site Facebook after reading the articles. Which is why, 30 years after I first came out and marched with gay men, I’m still convinced that my choices about who I’ve worked with and why and in what context have been right for me — and for our community. And though it’s right that we have some separate social networks that provide environments in which lesbians and gay men, respectively, feel most comfortable in which to meet friends and lovers, we need to work together outside of our ‘comfort zones’ to meet the political and social challenges we all face. The history of minority oppression by bigots has taught us one thing: if they come for one of us, they come for us all. United we stand — divided we could fall.
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Jean-Paul Gaultier’s Monsieur range of make up for men
hen High School Musical burst into our consciousness back in 2006, it catapulted the then-eighteen-year-old Zac Efron to stardom and heartthrob status. Girly teen mags (and some gay ones) couldn’t get enough of him, and three years later (and three High School Musical films later) he’s still at the top of the ‘hottie’ ratings. Now 21, Zac Efron still looks like a picture of perfection, with his tousled hair, whiter than white teeth and flawless complexion. But, hey, isn’t he wearing make up? Has Zac bowed to the public’s perception of him on-screen and resorted to covering himself in foundation off-screen so that he can keep up his ‘perfect, boy-next-door’ image? The answer appears to be ‘yes’. The New York Times has picked up on Zac’s love of ‘mancake’, and gay gossip blogger Perez Hilton Zac Efron has gone so far as to dub him ‘Zacquisha’. The bottom line is that the girls still love him. And so do the gay boys. Aside from some gentle piss-taking by the tabloids, no one really cares that a 21-year-old man wears eyeliner and truckloads of foundation. And why should they? Zac appears to represent a generation of young, good-looking guys who are enhancing their god-given features with a bit of slap. And, in 2009, there’s no reason to ask a female friend to save you the embarrassment of purchasing girly make up at the till – there are more and more ranges of make up designed specifically for men appearing all the time. High street favourite H&M now stocks mascara for men; Clinique has launched M Cover, a concealer concocted especially for male skin; Jean-Paul Gaultier’s Monsieur range features bronzing powder, eyeliner, eyebrow definer and much more… Taxi Cosmetics even sells ‘manscara’ and ‘guyliner’ from its online store. But is this the way forward for men? An inevitability of the evolution of the metrosexual male? We asked Charlie, an 18 year-old guy who regularly wears foundation, fake tan and glittery eye make up on a night out to put on his slap, so we could compare. Then, we asked seven random people what they think about men wearing make up.
Ben, 21, Portsmouth DXb\ lg ZXe Y\ lj\[ kf _\`^_k\e X Z\ikX`e `dX^\% @ [feËk k_`eb k_\i\Ëj Xepk_`e^ nife^ n`k_ ^lpj n\Xi`e^ dXb\ lg n_\k_\i `k Y\ Ê^lpc`e\iË fi X ]lcc$Ycfne ]XZ\ ZXb\
Charlotte, 21, Stratford upon Avon @ k_`eb `kËj ^i\Xk ]fi ^lpj kf n\Xi dXb\ lg Æ `k [f\jeËk _Xm\ kf Y\ Xcc XYflk k_\ ^`icj% @ befn cfX[j f] jkiX`^_k ^lpj n_f cfm\ X Y`k f] ]fle[Xk`fe
Kyle, 22, Brighton @ k_`eb `kËj ]`e\ Xj cfe^ Xj pfl [feËk n\Xi kff dlZ_ K_XkËj dp fg`e`fe Ylk \m\ipfe\ _Xj k_\`i fne `[\ek`kp%
Charlie, minus make up Dani, 18, Brighton @ k_`eb p\j Y\ZXlj\ dXb\ lg `j kf \e_XeZ\ ]\Xkli\j Xe[ d\e# Xj n\cc Xj nfd\e# j_flc[ dXb\ k_\ Y\jk f] k_\`i Xgg\XiXeZ\%
Adrian, 22, Brighton @Ëm\ XcnXpj Y\c`\m\[ k_Xk Yfk_ d\e Xe[ nfd\e j_flc[ n\Xi c\jj fi ef dXb\ lg% K_\ fecp k_`e^ pfl Zfm\i `j pfli eXkliXc Y\Xlkp% @ i\Xccp fecp c`b\ dXb\ lg fe Yfpj `] k_\p i\Xccp ^f ]fi `k Xe[ Ê^\e[\i Y\e[Ë%
Lloyd, 20, Brighton @ k_`eb d\e n\Xi`e^ dXb\ lg _\cgj jdXj_ kiX[`k`feXc ^\e[\i jk\i\$ fkpg\j Xe[ ZXe ^`m\ d\e \e_XeZ\j Zfe]`[\eZ\ aljk Xj nfd\e ]\\c dXb\ lg [f\j ]fi k_\d%
Alice, 22, Brighton
Charlie, plus make up
@ [feËk k_`eb k_\i\Ëj X gifYc\d n`k_ d\e n\Xi`e^ dXb\ lg% Jkpc\ `j Zfd$ gc\k\cp `e[`m`[lXc n_\k_\i pflËi\ ^Xp fi jkiX`^_k% K_\ c`b\j f] Iljj\cc 9iXe[ Xe[ 9i`Xe Dfcbf Rj`e^\i `e GcXZ\YfT dXb\ `k cffb ]XYlcflj%
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7B;N A7H?:?I Feeling the need to look fabulous in your 40s, 50s and 60s is making men go under the knife like never before. Us blokes want to like what we see in the mirror; man boobs and saggy bits just aren’t ok anymore. 3SIXTY went for a consultation with London-based cosmetic surgeon Alex Karidis to find out more.
en are as vain as women now, definitely,” says Alex Karidis, a fully trained cosmetic and plastic surgeon born in Quebec, Canada but now living in London. “Men are more savvy and knowledgeable about procedures available to them. Before, they were much more laid back and took a back seat on investigating and knowing about this stuff – they left it to the women. Now, things have changed. Men want to look good. I think it’s a natural progression; they’re going to the gym more, watching what they eat, using skin creams. There’s been a huge increase in the beauty products available to men and this has made them realise that they want to maintain their bodies and increase their beauty. That unkempt rugby player look that men used to want to achieve has certainly fallen by the wayside.” Mr Karidis has been performing cosmetic surgery for twelve years. In that time, he says the amount of men coming to see him has increased year on year. “I love being able to create something perfect for a man,” he says. “Cosmetic surgery is great because it’s planned surgery - you’re working with someone who’s not involved in an accident, so you’ve got a more straight forward pre-operative scenario to work from, and so you can be more accurate with your post-operative results as well.” So, what are the most popular treatments for men at the moment?
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Liposculpture (Male) Liposuction is the removal of localised unwanted lumps and bulges of fat by the use of thin straw like metal tubes, called cannulaes, which are placed into the body fat through small incisions. A vacuum is subsequently applied through a hose attached to the cannula and the fat is drawn out of the body. Rhinoplasty (Nose Job) Rhinoplasty is the operation to reduce or refine the nose (and is the most frequent facial surgery request at Alex Karidis’s surgery). The reason may be simply that the person is self conscious of a large hump or a prominent tip or it may be that this is the subject of irritating jokes. Some individuals may have sustained injuries to their nose, which have given rise to unsightly deformities.
Facelift A face-lift is a surgical procedure performed to improve the most visible signs of the ageing process, by eliminating excess fat, tightening the muscles beneath the skin of the face and neck, and remove any sagging skin.
Botox Although the toxin is the same as the one that causes a serious form of food poisoning (Botulism), the amount used in cosmetic surgery is so minute that no systemic or general reaction is likely to be seen. Botox for excessive sweating When injected locally into the skin of a problem area, Botulin toxin type A potently blocks the nerve fibres used to stimulate sweat glands, resulting in almost complete cessation of sweat production from that area. Male Chest Reduction (Gynaecomastia) The introduction of liposuction has revolutionised the treatment of gynaecomastia. Tummy Tuck (Abdominoplasty) Abdominoplasty, or ‘tummy tuck’, as it is commonly known is an operation to tighten the muscles of the abdominal wall and to remove excess skin folds and fatty tissues from the middle and lower abdominal region. As such it can dramatically reduce the appearance of a protruding abdomen and lead to a flatter, firmer, tighter stomach and a thinner waist as well.
Interestingly, despite regular tabloid ‘exclusives’ about revolutionary new treatments launching into the marketplace, the actual cosmetic surgery options available to men haven’t actually advanced that much on the past decade, but the philospohy of cosmetic surgery has. “Our views have really changed over the past ten years,” says Mr Karidis. “For instance, in the 80s, a facelift generally involved pulling the skin back so much that it was clearly visible because it looked so unnatural. Now, our views have changed and we understand the mistakes that went before. These days, we want to achieve a subtle and natural looking effect. Having said that, exciting times are ahead for cosmetic surgery. Stem cell treatments will shift the boundaries enormously. We have discovered that we can get stem cells from fat cells now, which we can harvest, isolate and manipulate to form, breasts, for example. We’re a long way off using it on a daily basis, but potentially this will revolutionise treatment options. In ten years’ time, implants may not exist at all – we can grow a new breast from the stem cells and attach it to the body, without problems of the host body rejecting it at all. Likewise, we could turn stem cells into hair follicles and therefore there will be no bald people anymore. If someone had been involved in an accident and had their nose severely damaged, we can grow them a new one. The future is very exciting.” C`gfjlZk`fe _Xj i\mfclk`fe`j\[ k_\ ki\Xkd\ek f] ÊdXe YffYjË# fi ^peX\ZfdXjk`X% @e k_\ gXjk k_\ fecp nXp kf ki\Xk k_`j Zfe[`k`fe nXj Yp Zi\Xk$ `e^ cXi^\ jli^`ZXc `eZ`j`fej \`k_\i Xifle[ e`ggc\ fi cfn\i \[^\ f] k_\ Yi\Xjk# Xe[ jZffg`e^ flk k_\ \oZ\jj k`jjl\% Efn# n`k_ c`gfjlZk`fe# k_`j ZXe \]]\Zk`m\cp Y\ [fe\ ljlXccp k_ifl^_ X j`e^c\ *$ +dd `eZ`j`fe% =fi dfi\ `e]fidXk`fe m`j`k nnn%e`geklZb%Zf%lb
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Syrup that helps you lose weight! Made famous by American diva Beyonce, who controversially lost weight rapidly on the plan, the Lemon Detox diet (Beyonce called hers the Maple Syrup Diet) is designed to help you recover from excessive use of alcohol and drugs. It’s January after all, so time to have a good clean out… Programmes vary in length and intensity, from a five to ten day fast to more relaxed versions where a meal a day or a full day’s meals a week are replaced by the Lemon Detox formula. Made up of pure water, fresh lemon juice, cayenne pepper or ground ginger and Madal Bal Natural Tree Syrup, it is this last ingredient that gives the body the essential nutrients it needs to sustain optimum performance and vitality throughout the duration of the programme. The health and grooming benefits of Lemon Detox include: Cleansed body and mind; Weight loss; Improved complexion; Thicker, shinier hair; Stronger, whiter nails; Vitality and an enhanced sense of wellbeing. Madal Bal Natural Tree Syrup is priced £39.99 for a one litre tin and is available from leading health food shops, beauty salons and spas nationwide. www.lemondetox.com.
Patches that suck toxins out of your feet!
Imagine a pill that would tackle signs of ageing as well as kill joint pain, increase your agility, improve your stamina and help your overall fitness… Pure-Col is a 100% pure collagen formula in tablet form that does exactly this, providing the ideal solution for those seeking physiological protection, maintenance and repair from exercise and a skin boost that reduces the appearance of lines on the face. The benefits of Pure-Col include: Smoothed lines and wrinkles; Smoother, tighter skin, thicker hair and strengthened nails; Increased stamina, agility, speed and performance; Reduces aches and pains; Overall physiological protection, maintenance and repair; Radiant complexion; Improves body’s joint mobility and 100% natural with no known side-effects. Pure-Col is priced £29.95 for one months’ supply. www. collagen4u.co.uk
As Britney Spears warned: you are toxic, girl. After weeks of partying, over-indulgence and burning the candle at both ends, it’s little wonder many of us start the New Year feeling like a toxic waste dump. Bodytox Green Foot Patches flush out accumlated wastes and toxins by absorbing all the nasty bits and containing it all inside the patch. Each morning, you remove the patch, which will probably be dark, wet and sticky. Yuk! But hey, it’s better than it all being in your body. Bodytox Green Foot Patches are available from Revital priced £18.99 for a box of 10 patches (to last 5 nights). www.revital.co.uk
A pill that makes you look younger!
Mints that stop your armpits smelling bad! Did you know that the average person loses approximately half a litre of sweat each day? Unless you’ve got a fetish for sweat, that’s a bit yuk. Working from the inside out, Body Mint tablets use a 100% natural derivative of chlorophyll to help prevent the build up of everyday odours, including halitosis (bad breath) and underarm, body and foot odour. Used for years by doctors to reduce odour in patients recovering from intestinal surgery, Chlorophyll actually zaps the bacteria that cause the odours rather than masking them. Body Mint’s unique formula gives it the power to freshen your breath and body naturally, helping keep you smelling sweet from your head right down to your toes. Apparently, this stuff is one of the most popular items in the famous Oscar goody bags… Price £11.95 for a month’s supply. www.revital.co.uk
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A hangover cure without caffeine! This little beauty (above) reportedly restores your energy levels and gets rid of your hangover in quick smart time. Emergen-C, tasty little sachets of goodness leave you feeling bright and breezy the morning after the night before and ready to face the day ahead. Each sachet contains: 1,000 mg of non-acidic Vitamin C to boost the immune system; 32 minerals and electrolytes to speed up the detoxification process; Vitamins B1, B2, B3, B6 and B12 for a natural energy hit and Natural fruit powders and plant extracts to restore blood sugar levels. And no caffeine! Priced from £14.99 for 36 sachets. www.revital.co.uk
Contact lenses for your teeth! Dodgy teeth? Cover them up! LUMINEERS® by Cerinate® porcelain veneers is a pain free, non-invasive cosmetic dental treatment which will transform your smile into a whiter, brighter, full-on beam and enhance your appearance. LUMINEERS are as thin as a contact lens and are bonded to the front of the teeth. This treatment is ideal for misaligned, misshapen, stained, discoloured or widely spaced teeth without the need to grind down healthy tooth structure. For more, visit: www.lumineers.com
Cream that claims to be like Botox! If, like us, you’re scared of needles, then this Deep Wrinkle Combat Gel from Manceuticals claims to be an alternative to anti-ageing injections – ouch! As this is designed especially for the boys, it’s a hard-hitting combination of revolutionary antiageing ingredients, and can be used to target deep lines on the forehead, around the eyes, lips and vertical lines between the nose & lips. Priced £92, www.manceuticals.co.uk
*J@OKP s +0
The Art Of Hospitality Perfectly situated on fashionable Baker Street, the design-led 119 guest room Park Plaza Sherlock Holmes London flawlessly combines tradition with contemporary style in an unrivalled location. The newly re-opened Wembley Stadium is a short journey from Baker Street station, and combined with the hotel’s fully-fitted gymnasium, Aurora beauty and massage treatment room and AA Rosette Sherlock’s Grill, the hotel provides a perfect base for a concert, sporting or leisurely London weekend.
For the best available rates guaranteed, please visit our website. 108 Baker Street London, W1U 6L United Kingdom T: + 44 (0) 20 7486 6161 F: + 44 (0) 20 7958 5211
Scott Brown meanders through the streets of Singapore
The glittering city skyline of Singapore’s Central Business District. © courtesy of the Singapore Tourism Board
understand how this idea could have been conceived. of the Raffles Hotel. Singapore Sling anyone? A desolate island country, which had been destroyed by the ‘But that’s what Singapore is; the real question is: what does Singapore Portuguese back in 1613, Singapore meandered through time in have?’ It’s a fair question. And the answer is all you’d expect. And a whole a state of mediocrity, settling, it seemed, for nothing more than to lot more. simply exist. Standing stagnant and idle when Sir Thomas Raffles Unquestionably, Singapore now holds the title of being the region’s boutique clambered ashore in 1819, she was soon sparked into life by the capital, with Orchid Road taking its rightful place at the centre - a place where Brits who had ambitious plans for her. It wasn’t long after Raffles’ the usual suspects of Gucci and Louis Vuitton rest, and the place where those arrival that this once swampy island at the foot of Malaysia started that can, do. But as with any Asian city, Singapore caters for all tastes, and to demand the world’s attention. caters well; antique shops abound Chinatown, whilst hawkers and hustlers Some would say the present day incarnation of this sterile island is a little nestle in side streets all across the city selling all manner of wares. soulless, but not in a bad way, just a fucked up way. The country did move relaYet it is not for shops that Singapore is known, it’s the food. Food is a tively quickly through time from being a tiny port town to a significant junction national pastime, and the nation’s obsession with culinary experiences ranges for the world’s economy, which was a hard and fast transition - civil liberties from imported Michelin starred French and Pan Asian restaurants through to were cast aside along the way and hawker street cafes serving food Singapore in turn grew a reputathat evoke a real local homeThe famous Raffles Hotel, the home of the Singapore sling cocktail © courtesy of the tion for being slightly authoritarian. made feel. Singapore Tourism Board But the truth is that the country is a All of that aside though, the real real case of ‘beast becomes beauselling point of Singapore is in its ty’. Singapore has accumulated diversity, and it really does have and retained so many wonderful it in spades. A perfect example of characteristics along its journey, this is being that despite its fame the country is a real crossroads of as a clean city full of tall buildings, the world and an honest melting Singapore is actually one of only pot of cultures. The sad truth howtwo cities in the world that retains ever, is that in possessing such a patch of primary rainforest, in treasures Singapore has had to sell the Bukit Timah Nature Reserve. a little of herself. Perhaps that’s Diverse enough? There’s more. where her soul went. For a city, Singapore really does The result of migration over the have a large number of un-city years means that Singapore is an like activities on offer to visitors. amazingly diverse country with Beach and urban affairs quickly a population drawn from across the Asian world. Not only that, but a new establish themselves as city-break alternatives and activities like shark diving, population who have brought the best traits of their cultures with them and wave boarding and rock climbing immediately make their way on to the ‘must left the worst behind. For an island once desolate, Singapore has become a do’ list. Add to this waterskiing, go-karting and the FI Grand Prix street circuit place with a real elegance to it – no ramshackle housing estates reminiscent and you see that this city is more than a city, it is in fact three things: firstly a of Kowloon and Manila here, instead we see China’s finest architecture and country, secondly an island and thirdly a city. It can be all things to all people. India’s Imperial best, and of course not forgetting the Colonial influence that Despite doing many things well, Singapore has been gaining a growing was brought by Sir Thomas Raffles himself, embodied today in the in the form reputation for excelling in one area; its nightlife. For some, Singapore does
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The Fountain of Wealth, the largest fountain in the world, is 85 tonnes of cast bronze more than 46 feet high. Its design is based on the principles of Chinese geomancy or ‘fengshui’ (wind and water). © courtesy of the Singapore Tourism Board
this better than anywhere else in Asia, with many now claiming that Singapore is the new Bangkok… I’m not convinced, but if the bars are anything to go by, this could well be true one day. It’s a fact that booze is not cheap, but it is certainly plentiful. But as with anywhere, where you go determines what you pay, so economical nights out can be had – but then so can ones that blow the bank. Usually these places are next door to each other, so be careful on bar crawls. Being gay is not illegal in Singapore but gay acts are. Hmmm. Until 2005, Singapore was progressive towards homosexuals, but the government put the breaks on, with the Prime Minister citing that Singapore wasn’t ready for ‘alternative lifestyles’. That said, gay life still thrives and gay people still exist…in fact I found they do much more than just exist. The main gay hub centres around Chinatown, with a splattering of bars located on and around the Tanjong Pagar Road. Try www.utopia-asia.com for up-to-date listings. But for starters, try places like Backstage Bar for the boys and Actors Bar for the girls as both are perfectly adequate and give you a chance to get your finger on the pulse of the city. On the whole Singapore appears to be a hybrid of all things good, the downside being that it is regulated and controlled by a government that is visibly present but not overbearing. Singapore’s liberty seems to be in rope, insomuch as they will give you enough to hang yourself but nothing more. Regardless of that, Singapore is an amazing place, a great party city and also a perfectly relaxed romantic break. As I said, it has the ability to be all things to all people, so I’m not quite sure why I’m not bigging it up more, I should be. I am. She’s worth it - whatever she is.
The Chinese Gardens © courtesy of the Singapore Tourism Board
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There’s no lack of entertainment options at night; try dancing at one of Singapore’s many discos. © courtesy of the Singapore Tourism Board
3SIXTY | 53
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70 BristoljZ\e\
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72 BrightonjZ\e\ O =XZkfiËj Ilk_ n`k_ I\m\e^\ dXeX^\i 8e[p IfY\ikj
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WalesjZ\e\ 79 >>>E<N >8P M<EL< @E JN8EJ<8 CF=K CFLE>< JnXej\XËj e\n\jk ^Xp m\el\ fg\e\[ cXjk dfek_ n`k_ X ^i\Xk klie flk% K_\ m\el\ ZXe Y\ ]fle[ fggfj`k\ k_\ ;iX^fe ?fk\c# f]]\i`e^ knf [`jk`eZk ZfeZ\gkj jgc`k fm\i knf c\m\cj% K_\ lgg\i c\m\c ]\Xkli\j Zfd]p j\Xk`e^ Xe[ jf]Xj# n_`cjk k_\ cfn\i c\m\c ]\Xkli\j X [XeZ\]cffi Xe[ c`m\ ;A kf ^\k pfl `e X gXikp dff[
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Torquaym\el\j @Y`qX s *$+ M`Zkfi`X GXiX[\ s '(/'* )(+ **+ IfZbpËj s IfZb IfX[ s '(/'* )0)).0 K_\ D\X[]ffk @ee s . D\X[]ffk CXe\ s '(/'* )0.(()
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Bristol Weston-Super-Mare Taunton Exeter Truro
Plymouth Torquay
Wincheste Sout
82 MidlandsjZ\e\ ;M/ :?I@JJP ;8IC@E>
31 December
NEW YEAR’S EVE The biggest party in town with SONIA. Early bird tickets now on sale. Buy online at www.nightingaleclub.co.uk
10 January
17 January
SASH! 10th Anniversary Greatest Hits Show with massive anthems ‘ENCORE UNE FOIS’, ‘STAY’ and brand new hit ‘RAINDROPS’.
24 January
WET & WILD 2009 The wrestling firemen and women are back, plus someone will win the big cash prize in our shower strip competition.
31 January
NYE – THE RE-RUN reuniting S CLUB’s Paul, Jo & Bradley. Plus Scott from 5IVE.
Buy your advance tickets online at
www.nightingaleclub.co.uk Advance tickets available from The Nightingale Club, Kent Street, Birmingham, B5 6RD Tel: 0121 622 1718 www.myspace.com/nightingaleclub Advance tickets also available from www.ticketweb.co.uk
;fccp ;`Xdfe[
MidlandsjZ\e\ 83 >>>A8EL8IP 9CL<J6 EFK 8K K?< E@>?K@E>8C<¿
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K_\ E`^_k`e^Xc\ :Xic Afe\j
Birmingham m\el\j >>>D@EK<; FI JB@EK6 :CL9 ;M/# 9@ID@E>?8D <m\ip JXkli[Xp Xk ;M/ `j D`ek# `kËj Z_\Xg# j\op# ]le Xe[ m\ip ^Xp @e k_\ dX`e iffd `kj gfg# iËeËY Xe[ Zfdd\iZ`Xc [XeZ\% E\n ]fi k_\ j\Zfe[ iffd `j Ê9\[cXdË n`k_ ;A :_X[ C\n`j Xe[ ]i`\e[j gcXp`e^ _flj\# \c\Zkif Xe[ ZclY ZcXjj`Zj# k_\e `e k_\ YXi Xi\X `kj YXjjc`e\ _flj\ Xcc k_\ nXp nnn%[m/ZclY%Zf%lb
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K_iljk# :XdYi`[^\ Afj\g_ G`g\i
Thames ValleyjZ\e\ 85 >>>FO=FI; >8P J:<E< A8EL8IP <M<EKJ Fo]fi[ ^Xp glY K_\ 9i\n\ip >Xpk\ _Xj j\m\iXc \m\ekj gcXee\[ ]fi k_\ E\n P\Xi# `eZcl[`e^ DXe[p ClËj Dlj`Z E`^_k fe Dfe (0 AXe# kf Y\e\]`k k_\ Fo]fi[j_`i\ 8e`dXc JXeZklXip# ]\Xkli`e^ Zflekip Xe[ ]fcb j`e^\i DXe[p Nff[ n`k_ B`d N`cc`Xdj% 8cjf ]fi k_\ [`Xip# fe JXk *( AXe `kËj k_\ nfd\e fecp e`^_k n`k_ cfX[j f] \ek\ikX`ed\ek% 8cjf nXkZ_ flk ]fi K_\ :Xjkc\ KXm\ieËj bXiXfb\ `e jlggfik f] Fo]fi[ 9iffb\j Le`m\ij`kpËj C>9K JfZ`\kp fe K_lij (, AXe Xe[ K_lij )0 AXe% 8e[ [feËk ]fi^\k k_Xk k_\ :fm\e ^f\j ^Xp \m\ip =i`[Xp e`^_k# gclj GfgkXikj \m\ip Kl\j Xk 9Xi 9XYp% Cffbj c`b\ X Yljp AXelXip ]fi Fo]fi[Ëj C>9K gXikp Yfpj Xe[ ^`icj
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>>>K8B< F== N@K? K?ILJK <M<IP KL<J# K?< GC8:<# :8D9I@;><
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Thames ValleyjZ\e\ 87 >>>I8@J@E> =LE;J =FI FO=FI; GI@;< :8C<E;8I C8LE:? G8IKP 8 ZXc\e[Xi ]\Xkli`e^ jfd\ f] k_\ Zlk\jk YXi jkX]] ]ifd Fo]fi[Ëj ^Xp jZ\e\ nXj cXleZ_\[ `e jkpc\ cXjk dfek_% K_\ cXleZ_ ]\Xkli\[ Xe \o_`Y`k`fe Yp \jkXYc`j_\[ g_fkf^iXg_\i DXqq Xk ZfdY`e\[ i\jkXliXek Xe[ Xikj Z\eki\ K_\ AXd ]XZkfip% K_\ :Xc\e[Xi `j XmX`cXYc\ ]fi (' Xk nnn%fo]fi[gi`[\%fi^%lb% :fd`e^ lg `e )''0# DXqq @dX^\ gi\j\ekj È8 C`]\ `e G`Zkli\jÉ# X jg\Z`Xc [`ee\i Xe[ j_fn fe Jle + AXe# Xe[ k_\ \o_`Y`k`fe f] g_fkf^iXg_p Zfek`el\j lek`c Kl\j - AXe% :_\Zb flk k_\ n\Yj`k\ ]fi dfi\ [\kX`cj% nnn%dXqq`dX^\%Zf%lb
G`Zkli\j ]ifd Fo]fi[ Gi`[\ :Xc\e[Xi CXleZ_ nnn%dXqq`dX^\%Zf%lb
Thames Valley 8PC<J9LIP K_\ JXiXZ\ej s , I`Zb]fi[j ?`cc s '()0- +)(,)/ s nnn%k_\$jXiXZ\ej%Zf%lb
D@CKFE B<PE<J G`eb Glek\ij s ) NXkc`e^ Jki\\k# 9c\kZ_c\p s '(0'/ *..+++ s nnn%g`ebglek\ij%Zfd
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Northampton Milton Keynes Aylesbury Cheltenham Swindon
Oxford Reading Newbury
Bristol Mare
Guildford Farnham Crawley Southampton
H Eastbour
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$ ! ! $ % ! $ % ! % $ ! % $ !
South CoastjZ\e\ 89 >>> )#)'' =FI :?8I@KP
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NewcastlejZ\e\ 93 >>>GFN<I@E> @EKF K?< E<N P<8I
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GJP:?@: GEORGE MICHAEL Reading George Michael’s cards, I feel that something very revealing (again) will come out about George and Chris or Christian seems to be quite a relevant name. I pick up from George that he is actually quite spiritual and even a little psychic… A very good opportunity to redeem himself will be offered and I think he’s going to accept (“If not being a little stubborn, our George always had his own way!” a spirit voice is telling me). Some fantastic new material will be released in 2009, and I’m predicting a very brave collaboration. A tour will follow along with declining health. I feel him having to deal with yet more legal issues, and this will affect his judgement and his own mental health. Some sort of reunion is approaching which will be a lot of joy but end up quite bitter as he is not the person he once way. I do feel like he looks in the mirror sometimes and doesn’t recognise who is staring back. There is a spirit energy around him - a Mary or Maria who is trying to guide him. I think George will pull through and turn to his spirituality for guidance.
Celebrity Readings >Xm`e :ifdn\cc `j X Z\c\Yi`kp gjpZ_`Z d\[`ld n_f jg\Z`Xc$ `j\j `e m`j`k`e^ _Xlek\[ cfZXk`fej% ?\ _Xj nfib\[ Xcc fm\i k_\ LB# fe iX[`f Xe[ k\c\m`j`fe# Xe[ f]]\ij ($kf$( ZfejlckX$ k`fej# gXiXefidXc `em\jk`^Xk`fej# kXifk nfibj_fgj jg`i`klXc ^l`[XeZ\% nnn%^Xm`eZifdn\cc%Zfd
GORDON BROWN I drew some Tarot cards out for Gordon Brown and The Emperor, 6 Of Swords, and Queen of wands came up, which would sum up a very strong, knowledgeable man who is being weakened. The cards indicate that he will be kicked out by a female… let’s hope it’s not Maggie Thatcher coming back. Or is there another female Prime Minister waiting in the wings? I’m also seeing that Gordon is going to have to deal with a big disaster when it comes to some sort of transport; I do feel like there is going to be some sort of attack on a British ship...? I think he’s going to surprise us in some sense by really stepping up his game and doing the country proud. But a close personal issue is going to create a scandal for Gordon early to mid 2009. I’m seeing his ‘rock’ coming from a strong female presence in his life but I feel this person will become quite ill, which is going to cause a lot of upset for him. The medical profession is coming up for a boost in medicine too - something cancer related...
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You lucky, lucky things! 3SIXTY is giving away an amazing luxury transatlantic crossing from Manhattan! By far the biggest prize we’ve ever given away, if you’re a winner, you’ll be whisked off to fly to New York on British Airways to spend two days in the city that never sleeps, taking in the sights with a helicopter tour over Manhattan. On the second day, you’ll transfer to Brooklyn to board Queen Mary 2 bound for Southampton, spending five days taking in the fresh air of the Atlantic and the luxury of the magnificent ship. This 8 day fly cruise takes place from 17 – 25 June 2009. Worth a staggering £5,878, the prize includes flights to New York from the UK, accommodation for two at Manhattan’s Marriot Marquis, the helicopter trip and all meals, entertainment and accommodation on board Queen Mary 2. To subscribe and be automatically entered into our prize draw to win this amazing prize, cut out this advert, fill it in and send it with a cheque or postal order for £24 (payable to City Pride Publications Ltd) to ‘I Like Cruising’, 4 Steine St, Brighton, BN2 1TE. The closing date is Friday 9 January 2009. The winner will be notified before the end of January 2009. EXd\ 8[[i\jj
G. A Y
JULIAN CLARY A huge production and a lot more writing is coming up for Julian. A spirit voice related to Julian comes to me, speaking in German. I get no visual or a name for her, but she comes with a lot of pride and loves the theatrical side of Julian’s nature. I’m also sensing some sort of abuse in Julian’s past… and that he also feels very low after a holiday romance that he still thinks about to this day. Looking to the future, lots of beautiful and wonderful things are coming his way, like sailing somewhere, more travelling and spending quite a significant amount of time in another country. I sense a strong bond between him and a sister that will work very well on a project together. I do feel we will see a little bit of the old Julian back on our screens in his own show maybe, but the stage definitely beckons! I see him taking a risk or a gamble on something and it going in the right direction, bringing forward that fabulous creative streak that he has. Also an argument between him and a famous TV presenter will be reconciled…
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You lucky, lucky things! 3SIXTY is giving away an amazing luxury transatlantic crossing from Manhattan! By far the biggest prize we’ve ever given away, if you’re a winner, you’ll be whisked off to fly to New York on British Airways to spend two days in the city that never sleeps, taking in the sights with a helicopter tour over Manhattan. On the second day, you’ll transfer to Brooklyn to board Queen Mary 2 bound for Southampton, spending five days taking in the fresh air of the Atlantic and the luxury of the magnificent ship. This 8 day fly cruise takes place from 17 – 25 June 2009. Worth a staggering £5,878, the prize includes flights to New York from the UK, accommodation for two at Manhattan’s Marriot Marquis, the helicopter trip and all meals, entertainment and accommodation on board Queen Mary 2. To subscribe and be automatically entered into our prize draw to win this amazing prize, cut out this advert, fill it in and send it with a cheque or postal order for £24 (payable to City Pride Publications Ltd) to ‘I Like Cruising’, 4 Steine St, Brighton, BN2 1TE. The closing date is Friday 9 January 2009. The winner will be notified before the end of January 2009.
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