PAROLED by Anthony Ehlers

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PAROLED Written by Anthony Ehlers 2/25/20







SCENE: (A man in a prison cell. He has a bunk, a toilet and sink, a desk and a stool. On the stool is a coffee cup and scattered papers. There should be indications of bars on either side of his cell, to indicate the presence of other cells. Occasionally he will talk to one of his neighbors, a voice offstage can answer. Two people will walk by his cell and speak with him. Otherwise it is essentially a solo performance. The lighting should be somewhat dim, especially on either side of him. Only his cell is lit.) (A woman walks to his bars with a clipboard.) WOMAN Are you Anthony Moon B-216173? MOON Yeah what’s up? WOMAN The state of Illinois has decided that you have paid your debt to society. You’re being paroled. I need you to fill this form out immediately. We need an address for you to parole to. MOON Wait, what? WOMAN You’re being paroled. MOON



When? No one said anything to me! WOMAN I’m saying something to you now. MOON Who did this? Why didn’t I know anything about it? WOMAN I don’t know, that’s above my pay grade. What I need for you to do is fill out the form and have it ready for me when I come back. (She begins to walk away.) MOON Wait! Miss, hold on! WOMAN What?! MOON I didn’t ask to be paroled, how can they do this? WOMAN I told you, I don’t know. I just need that information from you. I’ll be back for the form. (She walks away.) MOON (Calling after her.) Wait, miss, I need to talk to you! (She doesn’t come back.) VOICE (JOE) (Offstage.) Moon, what’s going on? MOON Man, they said I’m paroling. This paper says I leave next week. JOE Man, that’s good shit bro! MOON (Still looking at the paper.) Yeah, I guess.



JOE What do you mean you guess? You get the hell out of this place! MOON Yeah, but, I didn’t even ask for parole. I don’t know how they can do this to me. JOE “Do this to you?” You act like they did something bad! They’re letting you go bro! That’s fucking awesome! MOON You think so? Asshole. JOE You get to get out, eat some real food, not this dog food they serve us. Find a girl, hangout, get drunk. You get to love! MOON (Anxiously pacing back and forth.) They can’t just spring this on me, it’s not right! JOE What the fuck is wrong with you? We talk about getting out all the time! MOON Yeah, but that’s just talk, this is real shit. JOE Damn right it’s real shit! Everything we talked about you can do, you better not forget about me! I want some pictures, send a money order now and then. MOON Bro, I don’t have anywhere to go. JOE (Pause.) What? Are you serious? MOON It’s been 26 years, all my friends are gone. Most of my family is dead, the ones that are alive are scattered. I don’t know them. They sure as hell wouldn’t want some



tattooed convict showing up at their front door. Everyone I know and love is in this place. JOE That’s fucked up. MOON (Pause.) 26 years is a long time, people got their own lives. They want to forget, they don’t want to be drug down by you. Their life keeps moving while we’re standing still. They leave you behind bro. I don’t have anyone out there. JOE Maybe they’ll put you in a halfway house? MOON I don’t want to be in a halfway house. Bro, do you realize how much the world has changed since I got locked up? JOE What do you mean? MOON Bro, I’ve never held a cellphone. I’ve never been on a computer. Hell, the Internet didn’t even exist when I got locked up! JOE Jesus man, how old are you? MOON 47. I’ve spent more time in prison than I did free. JOE What did you do? MOON It doesn’t matter. They’ve had me in this place for 26 years, now they just want to throw me out. I don’t know anything about the outside world. My world is in here. JOE Don’t say shit like that bro. You sound institutionalized. MOON (Ripping a sheet off his bed.)



I never wanted to be, but, I think I am. I go to chow almost the same time every day, I go to yard when they tell me. I get up in the morning when they tell me. How will I know what to do when I get out there? How will I know the schedule? (Continues ripping.) JOE You make your own schedule bro. MOON What if I don’t know how? (Ripping sheets.) JOE What the hell are you doing? MOON Making a line. JOE Bro, I know this shit isn’t easy, but, there’s no such thing as an easy life. There’s just life. It is what you make of it. The same way you made a life in here, you make one out there. MOON I don’t know if I can. My friends and family are in here. I don’t have anybody else. There’s nobody out there for me. (M starts braiding the strips of sheet together.) I don’t even think I know how to talk to people. JOE What do you mean? You talk to people all the time! MOON Yeah, in this place! Bro, this isn’t the real world. This is the fucking island of misfit toys. It’s super aggressive and antisocial. You know what I mean? JOE Yeah, I guess.



MOON I don’t want to be all aggressive and scare people, or too quiet and freak people out. I don’t know how to communicate. This is bullshit! JOE What’s bullshit? MOON (Still braiding the sheet.) They don’t teach you any of this shit. They don’t teach you how to talk and communicate with people. They don’t teach you shit! They let you rot in a cage, and then one day they want to throw you back out there. JOE It’s fucked up. MOON Does society think it makes them safer? I didn’t learn anything in this shithole except how to be a better criminal, how to harbor my anger, how to plot revenge. I don’t have any skills, no therapy or schooling. And this is what they throw back into society? I did my time, but now what? I’m worse than when I came in. JOE No you’re not! (Pause.) MOON I’m just saying...they just throw these guys back out into society, then wonder why most of them come back. Society wants to punish us, “Don’t do shit for them, Don’t give them shit.” But it’s like they forget, these are the same guys coming back out into society! They come out worse, society is not safer. You would think society would want guys in here to be better since they’re coming back out of this place, but no one gives a shit! JOE You’re not like that though, you got your shit together.



MOON Yeah, but I had to do it on my own, and I still don’t know if I can handle this shit! JOE None of what’s happening in this place is right bro. But you have to keep going bro, you have to face this shit like you’ve faced everything else. MOON This is the second time I’m being torn away from my family. (He finally braids the pieces of sheet together to reveal a rope. He begins to tie it.) JOE Bro, you have to go out there and make new friends and family, the same way you did in here. MOON You make it sound so easy. JOE It’s not, but you can do it. MOON Bro, it took me 26 years to do it in this place. (Beat.) Where will I work? I’ve never had a real job in my life. What can I do, flip burgers? How am I supposed to survive off of that? And will those burger places even want to hire a tattooed ex-con?! I don’t know how to do any of that shit. I don’t even have a G.E.D.! JOE What? You don’t have a G.E.D.? Why not? MOON Because when I came in, I had a boatload of time, and they said I wasn’t a high priority. A guy like me wasn’t likely to get out, so why give me an education? JOE That’s fucked up, I didn’t know they did that. MOON You don’t have a ton of time. I got to the point where I was tired of putting in for school and classes. They never



put me in anything. Now they just want to throw me out there. Bro, who is gonna help me? The state is only interested in giving me piss tests, making sure I don’t drink or smoke a joint! (Beat.) Maybe I should just get out and get shitfaced so they send me right back. JOE Come on man, don’t think like that. It’s gonna be tough, I know, but, you can do this bro. I know you can. (It’s finally revealed that what Moon is making is a noose.) MOON I don’t think I can bro. I don’t know if I even want to try! JOE What does that mean? (Pause.) Wait, what are you talking about? MOON I’m not doing it bro. (Moon stands up, fixes the noose to a hook high on the wall.) I’m not gonna let them send me out of here. At least not like this! I love you bro. JOE Hold on bro, what are you doing? MOON Give the guys my love. (As Joe shouts at him, Moon climbs up on the desk, puts the noose over his head.) JOE Moon, Moon, what are you doing? What are you doing? What are you doing? Wait!



(Curtain comes down, we hear Joe frantically yell for the guard.) Guard! Guard! Help! Help! (Beat.) Help! End of Play

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