Sunshine by Todd Mandoline

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SUNSHINE Written by Todd Mandoline 2/25/20


CHARACTERS: T.J. – 30 year old white male. Guilt ridden, but glad to have his mother with him on Mother’s Day. MOM – 70 years old, white. Soft-spoken and loving. Just came through a hip surgery (Mother of T.J.) DAD – 70 year old white male. Likes to talk sports and spend time with his son T.J. PLACE: The play is set at Stateville Prison in the visiting room on Mother’s Day.

PLAYWRIGHT’S NOTE: T.J. has been locked up going on 7 years and his mom and dad have been his sole and constant supporters the entire time. He is their only child.





(The Stateville Visiting Room.) T.J. (Wonders aloud to himself.) When will my parents show up? I’ve been sitting here almost 20 minutes already and it’s going on 9 o’clock. This place just plays too many games and makes our people wait longer than they need to. (As he is thinking his thoughts, visitors begin to trickle down the stairs looking to see where their loved ones are already seated.) (T.J. finally sees his mom and dad coming down the stairs. Mom uses her cane, waves to Todd with her free hand and smiles.) (As mom checks in at the desk, dad starts going through the vending machines looking for snacks and things T.J. might like.) T.J. (CONT’D) (Again says to himself.) It’s tough to see her with that cane, but I’m glad she’s moving. And why does dad always have to look so beat down? (T.J. stands up as his mother approaches the table. Gives her a long hug and kisses her on the cheek.) Mom how are you? Happy Mother’s Day. MOM Oh well thank you, I’m doing a whole bunch better. T.J. (Helps his mom sit down, then goes to sit in his seat on the other side of the table.) So what do you think dad’s getting from the vending machines?



MOM Who knows? You know your father. T.J. Yep. Well it’s good to see you. I’ve missed you mom and I know holidays like this are somewhat difficult for you. MOM Yes they are baby, but you’ve got to look at the bright side. At least I’m able to come see you and spend time with you. T.J. That’s true. But sometimes it gets tough, and I’m sorry for putting you guys through this. MOM (Begins to tear up a little bit.) I know hunny. DAD (Sits down with a breakfast sandwich, a Pepsi, and various chips, snacks, and nut mixes.) Here you go. T.J. So what, no hug? DAD I’m just beat T.J. I’ll give you one when we leave ok? T.J. Yeah, I’m just messing with you. MOM (Directed at dad.) Why don’t you ever ask T.J. what he wants before you go buy everything? (Dad prepares to respond.) T.J. No, mom, it’s ok. He’s got the basic idea of what I like anyways you know? Plus today’s all about seeing you anyway. So thanks for being able to come out here on a Sunday. Especially with us only getting a 1 hour visit. I know you guys like to show up on the weekdays.



DAD Yeah, it got too hectic on the weekends. But work’s been putting me through a lot. Plus once we get back home today, I need to cut the grass at home. T.J. Yeah you look worn out. Can you get a water or something else that’s not a pop to drink? (Dad gets up.) MOM So how’s school going? T.J. It’s alright, just trying to finish the last 4 or 5 weeks strong. MOM That’s good, I’m so proud of you. T.J. I know mom, and that’s really my main motivation why I do this. Knowing how me going to school helps you out, helps me to stay focused. DAD (Sits down.) Here, does this work? (Dad sets a bottle of V8 fruit juice on the table.) T.J. That’s perfect. Thanks dad. So mom, I heard this song on the TV the other day that made me think of you. MOM Oh yeah, what’s that? T.J. I remember you tucking me in as a kid, jumping into my bed. That always made me laugh. MOM (Reminiscing on those times.) I can’t believe you remember that.



T.J. But the song was that, “You are my sunshine” song. Whenever I think of or hear that, it automatically reminds me of you. MOM (Singing the song.) You are my sunshine, my only sunshine. You make me happy when skies are grey. You’ll never know dear, how much I love you. Please don’t take my sunshine away. T.J. I know that was probably meant for someone’s lover or something, but that’s your song to me and always will be. MOM (With a loving, affectionate smile.) I know, T.J., I know. DAD So what did you think about the games the other night? T.J. They were alright, not too exciting, but we’ll get back to that later. Today’s about mom, and I’d like her to know that she’s my sunshine. END SCENE

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