Integrated Pest Manangement

Page 1

Mating disruption

Agronomic practices


Virus Cpgv

Physical control

Biological control




o m p o a i ne d y


I n t e g r at e d P e s t M a n a g e M e n t

steinernema carpocapsae

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| Working with nature

Pl. XI

I n t e g r at e d P e s t M a n a g e M e n t

Bacillus Thuringiensis

Mass trapping

Trichogramma achaea

b s a olu a t t u a T


Physical control

Biological control


Agronomic practices

nesid iocoris tenuis

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Mating disruption

| Working with nature

Pl. II



botra a i s be


I n t e g r at e d P e s t M a n a g e M e n t

Bacillus thuringiensis

Mating disruption


Physical control

Biological control

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Agronomic practices


decision support system

| Working with nature

Pl. V V


y m r e ild d w e


I n t e g r at e d P e s t M a n a g e M e n t


disease forecasting models

Resistant variety


Physical control

Biological control

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Agronomic practices


Ampelomyces quisqualis

Pl. I

Biological control


Agronomic practices such as

Agronomic practices

natural control


crop rotation, resistant varieties,


warning systems

undersowing, intercropping, protection and

Physical control

enhancement of beneďŹ cials

Biological control


Mechanical, physical,

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I n t e g r at e d P e s t M a n a g e M e n t

| Working with nature

Chemical control

| Working with nature

Pl. IX

d iabr o

gifera r i v a v c it

ifera irg

I n t e g r at e d P e s t M a n a g e M e n t

Crop rotation


Physical control

Biological control

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Agronomic practices


Heterorhabditis bacteriophora


n ov e M b r e



céréalIers et


P o ly c u lt e u r s e l e v e u r s

Photo © Catherine Voisin

Photo prise à Bézu la foret, proche de Etrepagny Bordure du plateau du Vexin Normand


de réductIon de l’usage de ProduIts

P h y t o s a n I ta I r e s e s t P o s s I b l e P o u r c e s c é r é a l I e r s e t P o ly c u lt e u r s é l e v e u r s


reductIon of Plant ProtectIon Products

use Is PossIble for these cereal Producers

Agronomic practices


Physical control

Biological control


a n d M I x e d c ro P s a n d l I v e s to c k fa r M e r s

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I n t e g r at e d P e s t M a n a g e M e n t

| Working with nature

Pl. IV



21 o ctober 2009


P r I n c I P l e s o f I n t e g r at e d P e s t M a n a g e M e n t

1. The prevention and/or suppression of harmful organisms should be achieved or supported among other options especially by:

— —

— protection and enhancement of important beneficial organisms, e.g. by adequate plant protection measures or the utilisation of ecological infrastructures inside and outside production sites.

Agronomic practices

4. Sustainable biological, physical and 8. Based on the records on the use of other non-chemical methods must pesticides and on the monitoring of be preferred to chemical methods if harmful organisms the professional they provide satisfactory pest control. user should check the success of the applied plant protection measures. 5. The pesticides applied shall be as specific as possible for the target and shall have the least side effects on human health, non-target organisms and the environment.


Physical control

Biological control


2. Harmful organisms must be 6. The professional user should keep monitored by adequate methods and the use of pesticides and other forms tools, where available. Such adequate of intervention to levels that are tools should include observations necessary, e.g. by reduced doses, in the field as well as scientifically reduced application frequency or crop rotation, sound warning, forecasting and early partial applications, considering diagnosis systems, where feasible, that the level of risk in vegetation is use of adequate cultivation as well as the use of advice from acceptable and they do not increase techniques (e.g. stale seedbed professionally qualified advisors. the risk for development of resistance technique, sowing dates and in populations of harmful organisms. densities, under-sowing, conservation 3. Based on the results of the tillage, pruning and direct sowing), monitoring the professional user has 7. Where the risk of resistance use, where appropriate, of resistant/ to decide whether and when to apply against a plant protection measure tolerant cultivars and standard/ plant protection measures. Robust is known and where the level of certified seed and planting material, and scientifically sound threshold harmful organisms requires repeated values are essential components application of pesticides to the use of balanced fertilisation, liming for decision making. For harmful crops, available anti-resistance and irrigation/drainage practices, organisms threshold levels defined strategies should be applied to preventing the spreading of harmful for the region, specific areas, crops maintain the effectiveness of the organisms by hygiene measures and particular climatic conditions products. This may include the (e.g. by regular cleansing of must be taken into account before use of multiple pesticides with machinery and equipment), treatments, where feasible. different modes of action.

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I n t e g r at e d P e s t M a n a g e M e n t

| Working with nature

dIrectIve 2009/128/ec of the euroPean ParlIaMent and of the councIl e s ta b l I s h I n g a f r a M e Wo r k f o r c o M M u n I t y ac t I o n to ac h I e v e t h e s u s ta I n a b l e u s e o f P e s t I c I d e s

MS can encourage reductions of pesticide use e.g. by suppor ting v oluntary integ rated f arming methods (incl. voluntary elements of Integrated Crop Management) through agri-environment-climate schemes.


MS must implement ecological focus areas and the crop div ersification scheme and promote good f arming practices for pesticides reduction. it remains to be seen how Ms will implement the greening and if they will promote the non use of pesticide in the eFAs. MUS T

greeni ng of direct Payments


Rural development



some Ms are al ready doi ng so, i t remai ns to be seen how the introduction of the general principles of iPM will influence baseline of such schemes. CA N

Fruit & Vegetable Regulation


insurance linked to yield


Farm Advisory systems MS must offer f armers advises on rules under Cross Compliance b ut also on the SUDP and the WFD in particular aiming at reducing pesticide usage and informing about IPM.

it remains to be seen, what kind of advice, including on iPM, will be off ered.

Member states: Ms


Pesticide Action network

Agronomic practices

dynamic approaches, increasing the iPM baseline Mandatory crop rotation in the CAP

Cross compliance MS must link the Regulation on Pesticides to CAP payments through Cross Compliance. The GAEC provide also a tool for a better use of pesticides (buffer strips, etc.). In the future cer tain aspects of the SUDP and WFD will become part of Cross Compliance after all MS have defined the obligations directly applicable to farmers.

it remai ns to be seen when and wha t kind of measures, including iPM.

eFAs : ecological Focus Areas g AeC: good envi ronmental and Agricultural Practice iCM: integrated Crop Management



Physical control

iP: integrated Production iPM: integrated Pest Management sUdP : directive on sustainable Use of Pesticides wFd: w ater Framework directive

Biological control


some Ms are al ready doing so, i t remai ns to be seen how the introduction of the general principles of iPM wi ll i nfluence baseline of such schemes

MS can encourage reductions of pesticide usage, e.g. under the so-called Integrated Production as par t of the environmental actions of the opera tional programmes.

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I n t e g r at e d P e s t M a n a g e M e n t

| Working with nature

Pl. X

Pl. VI




delia radicum

Hover flies


wi ld bees pollinisation

Parasitic wasps


Lacy phacelia

Pieris spp

Yellow ha m m er © C live Tim m o n s | Bir d Life Eu r o pe

Lady bugs

Perennial cornflower

Agronomic practices


Physical control

Biological control


F U R T H E R I N F O R M AT I O N AT W W W . E C O S TA C . C O . U K

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I n t e g r at e d P e s t M a n a g e M e n t

| Working with nature






sitobion avenae

Hover flies


wi ld bees pollinisation


Lacy phacelia

Rhopalosiphum padi

Parasitic wasps

Yellow ha m m er © C live Tim m o n s | Bir d Life Eu r o pe

Lady bugs

Perennial cornflower

Agronomic practices


Physical control

Biological control


F U R T H E R I N F O R M AT I O N AT W W W . E C O S TA C . C O . U K

design : www

I n t e g r at e d P e s t M a n a g e M e n t

| Working with nature


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