SICA Leader In Flame retardant
Antimony oxide
I C A is a n e ffici e n t u n i t,
constantly being improved and updated by an innovative workforce,
always looking to the future and to the service of its customer worldwide.
From standard to tailor-made products, thanks to the precise control of our process, we are able to meet all our customers’ specifications, providing them with a complete range of physical and chemical characteristics.
SICA Leader in Flame retardant
part icle s ize
distr ibuti on
in a nutshell
T h r e e
ox idatio n unit s at the same site, give us the flexibility to respond to the needs of a developing market. High-performance analysis capacities allows us to guarantee the quality and the consistency of our products.
Every form for every use, a complete range of products 80 70
u r e ffici e n t and
modern downstream
equipment, consisting of
various blenders and four double-
screw extrusion lines, enables us
to satisfy the ever more varied
and sophisticated requirements of our customers.
SICA Leader in Flame retardant
Dispersions: Sicadisp, Sicapaste & Sicastab Our concern to meet the strictest safety and hygiene standards, has placed us in the market as the leading producer of dispersions, pastes, pellets, and free flowing forms. These are now recognized as industry standards. Most of these products contain liquid additives, compatible with their targeted applications.
Masterbatches: SICAbatch & SICAmaster They consist of extruded thermoplastic granules with a very high antimony trioxide content (up to 90%), based on a full range of polymeric binders. Multicomponent masterbatches can provide complete flame retardant systems. The main advantages of masterbatches are a total absence of dust during handling and a highly efficient predispersion of antimony trioxide, which leads to a very positive technical and economical result.
Packaging We are able to satisfy any of our customers’ requests and also have in our production facilities a packaging machine allowing us to provide low melt pre-dosed sachets.
Creative solutions
e s e a r c h a n d d e v e lo p m e n t are part of our major preoccupations. The large range of formulations that we are able to propose clearly illustrates our commitment in this respect. Our will to be permanently listening to our customers in order to satisfy their requirements led us naturally to invest regularly in R&D and analysis equipment. Our laboratory is equipped to provide fast and precise readings throughout the production process, to guarantee the physical and chemical specifications of our products.
SICA Leader in Flame retardant
for every application
Quality, reliability and respect of the environment
As uic
member (Association of Chemicals Industries) and part since 1995 of “Engagement de
Progrès”, SICA is committed to conducting its operations in collaboration with qualified authorities and organisations for the development and implementation of the regulations corresponding to this aim.
“L’Engagement de Progrès” is the French application of the way chosen Our stringent quality
by the worldwide chemical industry, known as Responsible Care, to
control has resulted
implement the sustainable development concept.
in our being among the first French companies and the first in Europe in our field, to obtain ISO 9002 certification as far back as 1991. In 2003, SICA
Besides, with its active participation in the I2A organization (International Antimony Association), and the associated REACH consortium, SICA carefully assesses its activities’ impact on health, environment and safety of its staff and of its customers in order to control its effects.
obtained ISO 9001 (V-2000)
Finally the energy and zero waste policy set up by SICA enables us to
optimize the use of resources, to reduce waste production and to make sure that their disposal respects health, safety and environment.
SICA Leader in Flame retardant
Société Industrielle et Chimique de l’Aisne Head office & Factory Rue Géo Lufbéry BP 70046 02301 Chauny France TEL + 33 [0] 3 23 40 35 30 Fax + 33 [0]3 23 39 42 09
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