Missouri Autism Report

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Autism Report Missouri

April 2012

Legislative Update Center Insert Light It Up Blue for Autism Awareness! page 5

Realities of the Insurance Mandate

April 14 Weird Beard the Aspergers Pirate Forest Institute

page 6

Autism Awareness Rally, April 18, 2012 Cover: Graphic Design by R. Brannon Estes

Letter from the Editor..... Welcome to the Missouri Autism Report, Autism Awareness and Legislative Update issue! We have an issue that is packed full of information and events; so much that we couldn’t fit everything in, so if you miss seeing an event from your area, contact the local organizations and support groups listed on our events pages, for updates. Many of you will remember our commitment not to go into debt with the MAR. With that in mind, copies will be limited this month, with several going to the Autism Rally, which may make them a little scarce in other areas. Now is a good time to help us by becoming a subscriber! ! This month we begins our Subscribe 200 Challenge; we have discounted our price for the first 200 MAR subscribers! Details are on page 4. ! And in the spirit of fun (we are always having fun around here), we are starting a BLOOPERS contest. The first reader to identify our worst, or funniest blooper in this issue (did we misspell Autism AGAIN??) gets a free subscription to the MAR. Send your “find” to MoAutismReport@yahoo.com. ! In answer to those who THOUGHT we goofed last month on the cover, announcing “Autism Chef, Paul Cimins”, that was not a typo. In fact, Paul Cimins, professional chef and radio personality, treated us to a lovely sample meal made in the test kitchen at the new Springfield HyVee store. His organic, protein-rich dishes were a delight to all who attended. Thanks, Chef Paul!

~Dayna Busch, Editor/Publisher

Missouri Autism Report DAYNA BUSCH EDITOR / PUBLISHER Journalist and Autism mom, Dayna Busch is Editor and Publisher of the Missouri Autism Report FREE online subscription: MoAutismReport@yahoo.com More information: www.MoAutismReport.com Contact: (417)209-0103



Dayton Ault, holds a BA in economics and an MS in Health Administration. Presently he works with medical insurance and is the editorial writer and treasurer for the Missouri Autism Report.


Inside 1. Cover: Light It Up Blue Legislative Issue 3. Leer from MAR Editor/Table of contents / MAR contact info 4. MAR Distribution/Subscribe 200 Challenge 5. Light It Up Blue in Missouri 6. Realities of the Insurance Mandate 7. TouchPoint-Lifeskills Merger/Youth Leadership Applicants Sought 8. Understanding ABA by Brian Sims 9. Chiropractic for Babies and Children, Dr. Sonia 10. Light It Up Blue and Autism Rally 2012 CENTERFOLD: AUTISM LEGISLATIVE UPDATE 11. DESE Seeks SEAP Applicants / A Playful Approach by Dr. Grant 12. Springfield, Branson area Events 13. Jefferson City/Columbia Events 14. Kansas City and Joplin area Events 15-17. St. Louis Area Events 18. Autism Gossip 19. Classified 20. Weird Beard the Aspergers Pirate

Our Sponsors 1. Graphic Design by R. Brannon Estes 2. Fair Grove Autism Dayz: MAR Fundraiser 5. Ozark Center for Autism, Dr. Robert Jason Grant Ed.D, LPC, RPT-S 6. Pamela Cooper: Mary Kay Cosmetics 7. Dunham’s Martial Arts, Lacknothing Remodeling 8. Vision Enhancement Clinic 9. Mosaic Hair Design / Health Quest Physicians Group 10. Autism Rally 2012 CENTERFOLD: AUTISM COALITION AND SPONSORS 11. Counterpoint Autism Services 15. Rivendale Institute of Learning 18. Burrell Autism Center 19. Classified sponsors, Judevine Center for Autism and Take the Lead Dance Studio 20. Forest Institute: Spectrum Theatre

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MAR Printing, Distribution, and Subscription Information Springfield Developmental Center of the Ozarks 1545 E Pythian Burrell Autism Center 1300 Bradford Pkwy Greene County Library: all locations! Rivendale 1613 W. Elfindale Lighthouse Lanes 350 S. Glenstone Redeemed Book and Music 4140 S. National Ave. The Garden Cafe 4315 S. National

Other Areas CC Counseling 380 E Hwy CC, Suite A105 Nixa Skaggs Medical Center Branson Developmental Connections 1533 E. State Hwy 76 Branson Behavior Intervention Services 10176 Corporate Square. Dr., Suite 220 Creve Coeur Health Quest Physicians 3349 American Ave Jeff City

TouchPoint Autism Services 107 Waugh St. Columbia, MO. Kirksville Regional Office 1702 E LaHarpe Kirksville Ozark Center for Autism 3230 S. Wisconsin Ave. Joplin SCAN of Lebanon (Terry Faust) 417-718-7081 St. Louis Arc 1177 N Warson Rd Touchpoint Autism Services 1101 Olivette Executive Parkway St. Louis

Now taking subscriptions! Don’t miss the Subscribe 200 Challenge!

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Light It Up Blue in Missouri for Autism Awareness by Dayton Ault Autism touches the lives of people in every corner of the world. April, was instituted as N a t i o n a l A u t i s m Aw a r e n e s s Month, by the Autism Society, in the 1970’s. Autism Awareness Day was officially inaugurated by a United Nations resolution on December 18, 2007, largely through the vision and efforts of Suzanne Write, co-founder of Autism Speaks. The first year of its celebration, Autism Awareness Day was recognized on April 2, 2008 in 20 participating countries. A number of events and activities are scheduled each year to increase autism awareness, but one of the most encompassing is the “Light It Up Blue” campaign sponsored by Autism Speaks. The event focuses on April 2, but many choose to decorate their homes and businesses with blue lighting for the entire month of April. A visit to Autism Speak’s website, www.lightitupblue.org, will show what a truly global event this has become. Pictured are well-known landmarks throughout the world, such as The Empire State Building in the U.S., The Canton Tower in China, Christ the Redeemer in Brazil, the Great Buddha in Japan and the Al Faisaliyah Center in Saudi Arabia, all bathed in blue for autism awareness. Autism Speaks encourages everyone to “Light It Up Blue” whether its your front porch, your business, your school or your city hall. While blue lights may be found among the Christmas decorations stored in your attic, Home Depot has partnered with Autism Speaks to make blue autism lights


available in their stores by March 28. Additionally, blue autism lanterns, which are currently sold-

out online, are scheduled to arrive in stores on April 1. Light It Up Blue Con’t on pg 10

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Realities of the Autism Insurance Mandate Compiled by staff The Missouri Department of Insurance, Financial Institutions & Professional Registration (DIFP) issued a report showing that autism benefits enacted by the Missouri Legislature in 2011, cost group and individual insurance plans, 0.1% of total claims; that is one-tenth of one percent. Actual benefit payments are much lower than previous forecasts, predicting autism treatment could increase total health care costs by 3% to 7%. Experience with autism insurance reform in other states would indicate that first year costs of the mandate are in-line with reasonable expectations and that costs should rise to about 0.24% of total claims cost in 2012 as the autism benefit stabilizes, and more eligibles gain access to service. As stated by John Huff, Director of the Missouri Department of Insurance, the report, “shows the autism mandate should have minimal impact on health care costs and insurance premiums.” Unfortunately, cumulative data doesn’t tell the entire story. One must consider how insurance coverage works in each market segment. Self Insured Gap Group insurance falls into two broad camps: “Fully Insured” companies which contract with an insurance company, regulated in Missouri by DIFP, to provide health care benefits to its plan members and “Self Insured” companies, theoretically large enough to assume the risk for their own health care claims. In reality, insurance companies often administer benefits and “reinsure” most of the potential claim losses for “self insured” groups, too small to actually bear risk of catastrophic claims. This allows groups as small as 25 employees to call themselves “self insured” and escape statewide insurance regulation; including the autism mandate. To their credit, some self insured groups operating in Missouri, such as Sisters of Mercy Health Systems, Deloitte, Home Depot, Cerner, Kraft Foods, Enterprise Car Rental, Eli Lilly and Capital One, have chosen to voluntarily include coverage of autism benefits. In addition, self-insured state employees, school districts, municipalities and other public entities


are required to provide autism coverage by state law. According to footnote #6 of the DIFP Annual Report, “Prior estimates by the DIFP suggest that self-insureds represent as much as 2/3 of the group market. Also, excluded from these figures are all forms of public coverage.” This creates a significant gap in the effective application of the autism mandate in the group market. The Impact of Insurance Benefit Design The DIFP analysis shows that those who seek autism services incur $143 in cost per month for all autism related services and $35 per month for ABA treatment. This does not, however, reflect the actual “cost of service”. These numbers represent “insurance benefit payments” for such treatment. Benefits may be subject to a substantial annual deductible and member cost-sharing (coinsurance) of as much as 50%. That is how most insurance benefit plans are structured and it is one of the primary reasons insurance benefits for specific autism treatments are so much lower than the actual cost of each service. The same benefit design applies to most services. The Impact of Underwriting and Pricing Those with autism are impacted to a much greater degree by underwriting and pricing practices applied in the individual market. Here, some companies’ underwriting and pricing practices have virtually eliminated coverage of autism treatment. Fortunately, some insurers provide individual coverage through “associations.” Such groupings of insureds have been deemed by DIFP to be subject, in mass, to the autism mandate. As a result, autism benefits have been added to about 32% of the individual market. The DIFP report clearly shows that the cost of autism treatment, in this part of the individual market (.11% of total healthcare cost) is very similar to small groups (.11%) and large groups (.09%) Other insurers in the remaining 68% of the individual market have taken steps to aggressively exclude those with autism from individual coverage by “offering” what has proven

to be a grossly overpriced “autism rider” to children under age 19. As a result, only 182 children are covered under an autism rider. Most of these 182 children are probably covered under a $150 autism rider offered by Mercy Health Plan prior to its merger with Coventry. That rate is no longer available. Now, the largest insurers in the remaining 68% of the individual market “offer” autism riders that cost $500 and $3,750 per child. Obviously, such high rates are based on fears proven to be unfounded by actual experience generated in the 32% of the individual market where autism benefits are included in all policies.. Since data is now available related to the cost of autism treatment in the individual market, it raises an interesting question for the legislature to consider. Does a charge of $500 to $3,750 a month, for a benefit proven to contribute 0.1% to total health care cost, constitute a legitimate “offer” of insurance to Missouri children with autism? Based on the actual data, perhaps the legislature and governor who supported fair treatment of children with autism, can help bring reality back into the equation.

Pamela Cooper, consultant Ozark, MO 65721 Ph: 417-595-7153 http://www.marykay.com/ pamelacooper

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TouchPoint - Life Skills Merger Effective in July by staff writer

ST. LOUIS (March 2, 2012) – Life S k i l l s a n d To u c h P o i n t A u t i s m Services announced today a merger of the organizations, effective July 1, 2012. TouchPoint Autism Services, the oldest and largest provider of autism services in Missouri, has been providing services for more than 40 years. The organization operates

seven offices across the state, annually serving more than 3,000 individuals in 96 counties. Life Skills has nearly 50 years experience assisting persons with developmental disabilities with jobs and housing. By combining their areas of expertise, they will be able to provide more services across the state of Missouri. “Given the 5-10 fold increase in autism diagnoses over the past decade, an expected “tidal wave” of children with autism will enter adulthood over the next 15 years,” says Wendy Sullivan, Life Skills President. The merger will enable them to assist with life planning, transition planning, and navigating autism services and resources at all stages of life. The new organization will be known as Life Skills, but will

continue to use the TouchPoint Autism Services name and brand to identify their line of autism-related services. In the newly combined organization, Ron Ekstrand, the current CEO of TouchPoint, will serve as the new President and Chief Operations Officer, while Wendy Sullivan, President of Life Skills will be the Chief Executive Officer. “We applaud LifeSkills and TouchPoint Autism Services, both valued United Way agencies, for their bold and insightful vision,” said Gary Dollar, President and CEO of United Way of Greater St. Louis. “The merger of these two organizations will enable them to leverage their strengths and offer enhanced services to their clients and our community.” For more information on these organizations, please visit www.lifeskillsstl.org or www.touchpointautism.org

Youth Leadership Applicants Sought The Governor’s Council on Disability along with their partner, Services for Independent Living, are seeking youth with disabilities to apply for the Missouri Youth Leadership Forum 2012 which is held at University of Missouri in Columbia on July 22-25, 2012. The youth forum is the only state wide cross disability leadership and career development training for youth with disabilities between the ages of 16-21. The application and information is online at www.mo.gov/disability/gcd.ylf.htm. Deadline is April 17, 2012. For questions , please contact GCD at 800-877-8249 or email : linda.baker@oa.mo.gov.

Carpentry done right!

• handicap-accessible remodels room additions • • weatherization • insulating • doors or windows installed • HVAC • property management www.MoAutismReport.com

jonathan@lacknothing.com Page 7

Understanding ABA Helps Parents and Educators Teach Children with Autism by Brian Sims,MSED June 10, 2010, Governor Nixon signed HB1311 into law, requiring “private insurance companies operating in Missouri to provide coverage under group health insurance policies for Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) therapy to children who have been diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder” http:// insurance.mo.gov/consumer/ a u t i s m FA Q / . T h i s l a w acknowledges what has been known by autism educators for some time; ABA is the most effective method of educating students with autism. While several theories exist to explain the behavior of students, ABA is based on the following beliefs (Alberto & Troutman, 2009): • All behavior is learned • All behavior must be measurable and observable • Environmental conditions affect the rate of occurrence of specific behaviors. This theory is practical and suggests that educators and parents can influence a child’s behaviors. ABA looks at the behavior, the antecedent, and the consequence of that behavior in an attempt to determine a functional relationship (what is causing the behavior to occur or be maintained). As relating to behavioral difficulties, ABA implies that behaviors occur or continue to occur, for specific reasons. While there are different opinions of these functions of behavior, four are commonly cited: (a) to gain attention, (b) to escape or avoid

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something, (c) to gain sensory input, and (d) to gain a tangible. To determine the function of a behavior, a Functional Behavioral Analysis or Assessment (FBA) is conducted. An FBA might include

both direct data collection (observations) and indirect data collection (parent and teacher questionnaires), to determine what is causing the behavior. Once the function of the behavior is known, an effective behavior plan can be developed. This plan will look at many things, but should include consideration of the antecedent and consequence of the behavior. A system of reinforcement should then be designed to modify the behavior into a more desirable form. A practical, simple example, follows: A student continually yells out inappropriate comments in class (behavior = yelling-out). Prior to the behavior everyone was working quietly at their desks (antecedent = quiet environment). After yelling-out, the students in the class laugh and the teacher

verbally reprimands the student (consequence = positive attention from students and negative attention from teacher). The hypothesized function of the behavior is attention. It actually matters very little whether a student gets positive or negative attention; either could reinforce the behavior of yelling-out. The job of educators in this scenario would be to develop a behavior plan that provides an appropriate way to gain attention. Although ABA is not a new technique, it is gaining in notoriety among individuals who work with students with disabilities. As a parent acquires a basic understanding of ABA, they can more effectively work with educators to their child exhibit appropriate behaviors at home and at school. References: Alberto, P. A., & Troutman, A. C. (2009). Applied Behavior Analysis for Teachers. Merrill: Prentice Hall: Upper Saddle River, New Jersey.

Brian Sims holds a BSED and a MSED in Special Education from Missouri State University, and is currently completing his doctorate in Educational Leadership and Policy Analysis from the University of Missouri. He has 13 years in education, serving as a special education teacher, general education teacher, and Special Education Director. In his spare time, he is a per-course instructor in the Department of Counseling, Leadership, and Special Education at Missouri State University.


Think Chiropractic for Healthy Babies and Kids by Dr. Sonia O’Donnell-McGowin, D.C. People are often surprised that I treat babies and children in my practice. Why would a parent take their child to a chiropractor? Chiropractic’s main focus is maintaining proper spinal alignment. The nervous system is the master controller of our bodies. When the spine is in its proper position, it allows the nervous system to function correctly, allowing the body to maintain optimal health. How do children develop spinal misalignment? During birth, babies often experience trauma to the head and neck. Some babies are delivered with the assistance of forceps or vacuum extractions. All of these things can cause misalignment. On average, by the age of 7, a child will fall down 2,500 times! Nearly half of babies will fall on their heads during their first year. As they reach school age, they start carrying heavy backpacks, and begin playing sports. Excessive time on the

computer can also affect a child’s spinal alignment. What do children get treated for? Some of the most common things parents bring their babies in for, include colic, difficulty breastfeeding and difficulty sleeping. Although I’m not treating those complaints directly, we find that by correcting the issues in the spine, those complaints often resolve. I also see many children who have chronic ear infections. Often, by adjusting the spine, adjusting the ears and adding a supplement or two, we are able to stop the cycle of recurring ear infections and subsequent antibiotics. Our clinic also has good success in helping resolve a variety of chronic issues. Night-time bed-wetting is a serious issue for some older children. It can have a huge impact on their self esteem and ability to participate in social events with their peers. By correcting misalignments in the low back, most cases will resolve quickly. There are many children who have

chronic immune system issues. They are kids who seem to catch every bug, who always have a cough or runny nose. Research shows that adjustments not only correct spinal misalignment, but also boost the immune system. With regular adjustments, these concerns typically improve or resolve. Treating children with autism I also see many children with autism, ADD/HD, OCD and a variety of other diagnoses. I’ve found that by addressing any underlying health issues (such as gut dysfunction or nutritional deficiencies) and giving them regular chiropractic adjustments, their behaviors improve significantly. In some cases, I’ve seen improvements in language skills, toileting and sleeping. Chiropractic is a gentle, safe and effective treatment for children. I would encourage all parents to find a chiropractor in their area who has experience treating kids with disabilities. It may be the missing piece to your puzzle! Dr. Sonia O'Donnell-McGowin, D.C., is a chiropractor currently specializing in treating children and adults with autism and other disabilities. She is a DAN! / ARI (Defeat Autism Now! / Autism Research Institute) trained doctor, offering biomedical treatment at Health Quest Physicians Group in Jefferson City. She has worked in the field of autism since 1988, many years for the Judevine Center for Autism. She lives in Jefferson City with her husband, son and daughter.


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Light It Up Blue in Missouri con’t from pg 5

The lanterns are batteryoperated and can be placed in windows or on tables in homes, businesses and schools, can be easily carried, and are great for camping. Proceeds go to support the many autism campaigns and services of Autism Speaks. Several Missouri groups and organizations are acting locally for autism awareness, including schools in Ozark, Nixa and Fair Grove. During this month you may find blue cupcakes for sale, blue hair feathers or local businesses lighting their windows in blue. Autism Speaks has prepared kits for individuals and businesses, which include yard signs, window clings, magnets and more. To find out about these kits and to see more ideas for showing your support, go to lightitupblue.com. Light It Up Blue pictures can be posted on the site, by participants. Anyone participating is encouraged to register with the campaign on-line. Whether working individually or in a group, everyone is encouraged to “Light It Up Blue” and find other ways to support Autism Awareness.

Missouri Autism Awareness Rally 2012

JOIN US ... Wednesday April18, 2012 11:00 am Advocate Briefing 2:00 pm Rally in Rotunda State Capitol Building Jefferson City

2012 Theme:

“AUTISM: Planning Ahead” Activities include: All Day: Autism Awareness Displays All Day: Family “Rest-Stop” Area- 3rd Floor Rotunda 10:00 am House & Senate sessions open (Introductions on floor for those present) 11:00 Family Advocate Briefing followed by Family visits with Legislators 2:00 Autism Awareness Rally in First Floor Rotunda Highlights include First Responder awareness, Partnership for Hope waivers, and other topics to help families in PLANNING AHEAD.

More info at : www.missouriautismcoalition.com

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Missouri Autism Legislative Edition Autism policy discussions by the autism community

2012 Legislation to watch ... *SB 595 (Sen. Kraus) Revises Missouri’s “Due Process Hearing” in special education to be more fair and impartial (See pg. 2)

*HB 1518

(Rep. Grisamore)

In the next 15 years, an estimated 500,000 children with autism will graduate out of school systems in the U.S. Current community systems are struggling to prepare for the rapidly maturing autism community. Families are starting earlier to seek out options for their loved ones needing lifetime supports.

Impending policy issues include: • Vocational training / Employment supports • Adult Day Programs

*HB 1049

• Resources for Supported Living

Regarding bullying in schools

• Training for First Responders and Emergency Personnel

Join us in Jefferson City!


Changes the licensure requirements for behavior analysts to include provisional licensure ALSO filed by: HB 1522 (Rep. Meadows) SB 803 (Sen. Rupp) (Rep. Allen)

*HB 1597 (Rep. Lampe)

Terms & acronyms ABA: Applied Behavior Analysis

BCBA: Board Certified

April 18

Behavior Analyst

Networking with the Autism Community around the state!

provides for special education services IEP: Individualized Education Plan, for students being served under IDEA

www.missouriautism.com Info on Virtual Rally online!

IDEA: Federal law that


SPRING 2012 SERVING FAMILIES IN THE COMMUNITY SINCE 1991 ... MISSOURI AUTISM PROJECTS Missouri had a plan over twenty years ago to address the needs of families struggling with autism. The Missouri Autism Projects were first developed to serve rural areas, and are now in place in all regions of the state. Winner of the national Innovations in State Government award in 1993, the Projects now provide supports for nearly 2500 families a year. The five Regional Autism Projects provide family supports for maintaining and enhancing caregiving that enables individuals with autism to reside within their family homes and be integrated within their community. Missouri’s Department of Mental Health Developmental Disabilities Division coordinates and funds the Projects, with the input of regional parent advisory committees, which function as local oversight to recommend programs, providers, and services.


The Missouri Autism Projects were put into statute in 2009, and are in Chapter 633.220 of the Missouri State Statutes.

The purpose of the bill was to restrict school district employees from serving as a hearing panel member, which are to be impartial

CURRENT SYSTEM Would change / eliminate the threemember hearing panels, only two states still use such a system

OPTIONS: Use Missouri’s Administrative Hearing Commission to hear Special Education Due Process cases

Find SB 595 bill text at: www.senate.mo.gov & at Missouri Autism Coalition website Page 2

Eligibility is determined by the Regional Offices who receive referrals from service coordinators of DMH/DD services. There are no age limits, but many clients later move into a more comprehensive service model, such as waiver services, based on their need. When a client begins using waiver services, they then discontinue Autism Project supports.

PUZZLE PIECES have been chosen as a symbol of AUTISM because of the many unanswered questions that surround the disorder. PAGE 2



TEAM 2012 members make this special legislative edition possible, along with other Coalition projects. Visit MISSOURI AUTISM COALITION online for more info! Dayton Ault Tom & Carol Backus Lee Bascom Rebecca Blackwell Yvonne Buhlinger John & Heather Cleek Daniel and Rachel Fogey Jean Haase Robert & Linda Hunter Roger & Vivian King Nikki Kircher Ross Dennis & Ginger Luetkemeyer Tom & Tammy Maasen Melani Soli Maysenhalder Sharon Moeller Bobbi & Christina Moseley Chris & Shara Paterson Tom & Nikki Straw Jeff & Renee West Tom & Jenny Whitty

Missouri Autism Report MO-FEAT Autism Speaks Burrell Autism Center Ella’s Hope Foundation Judevine Center Rivendale Learning Institute Southwest Autism Network of Missouri Springfield SEPTA St. Louis Arc Touchpoint Autism Services Touchpoint Central Touchpoint Southeast Touchpoint Southwest The Autism Project Parent Advisory Councils: • East Missouri PAC • Central Missouri PAC • Southeast Missouri PAC • Southwest Missouri PAC • Northwest PAC

MISSOURI’S “PARTNERSHIP FOR HOPE” WAIVER Missouri’s “Partnership for Hope” Waiver for all ages became active September 2010. This program is a true partnership with county developmental disability boards (SB 40 boards) and Missouri DMH, as they share the cost. It allows MOHealthnet-eligible clients with developmental disabilities to apply for enrollment, and if they receive a slot, they could use up to $12, 000 of services a year. This collaborative waiver is has been very successful in removing clients from the DD wait list for services. Contact your county SB 40 board or service coordinator for more information about available slots.

MISSOURI COMMUNITIES COMING TOGETHER IN APRIL In April, whether wearing the “Autism Ribbon” or an autism puzzle piece, attending Autism Game Day at the baseball park, decorating in blue lights, organizing a walk team, or trekking across the country to raise money, families are busy are making a difference for Autism Awareness Month. Private fundraising and local community efforts provide invaluable resources to families and are the lifeblood of the autism community. Take time this month to PARTICIPATE in some of the great events planned through out the state. Here’s to all the volunteers and donors THANK YOU! Page PAGE 33


A Day in the Life of Autism friendbook




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Autism will not defeat us tomorrow ... Attach:


Join TEAM 2012 today!

Grocery store trip aborted: head-banging in aisle 5 brought stares galore. No one gets it !!! Information Just a regular family ... affected by autism

Off to speech therapy & OT - sensory overload today ALSO .. Anyone have experience with seizures? Or know of a doc with experience with autism ???

April 18 rally in Jefferson City!

School called - Meltdown in progress ... again. Friends GROUP: Autism Parents

Just finished marathon IEP meeting at school Four #@$% hours ! (So draining ...) Don’t miss Parents’ Group - Topics: “Dealing with chronic constipation and other gut issues” We’re on the special GF/ CF diet ... Where can you find gluten-free / dairy-free pasta in town ???

Now in print and online !

Our nonverbal son wandered off from his adult day program this morning ... Thank heaven for officer who knew him on sight! Likes Warrior MOMS Autism Today Spectrum News

Page 4

New provider filing insurance claims, wish us luck!

Autism will not defeat us today ...


DESE Seeks SEAP Applicants March 13, 2012 - The Department of Elementary and Secondary Education (DESE) is seeking nominations for "Parents of Children with Disabilities" and "Individuals with Disabilities" to serve on the Special Education Advisory Panel (SEAP). Parents must have children between the ages of 3-26 and the child must have/had an Individualized Education Program (IEP). Recent graduates with disabilities, parents of children with disabilities, or adults with disabilities who have an interest in state level special education services for children ages 3-21 are all potential candidates for these positions. The Commissioner of Education of the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education is responsible for making appointments to the Special Education Advisory Panel. Several factors are considered for appointment, including geographic area and disability representation. At this

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time, the panel is in need of representation from northern and southern areas of the state, but all applicants will be given consideration. Persons interested in being considered for appointment or of suggesting others for consideration, are asked to complete a nomination form located at http://dese.mo.gov/se/ seap/ (one form per nominee). Individuals may self nominate for membership. For additional information about the Advisory Panel, go to the link listed above. Completed nomination form may be sent to: Lina Browner Executive Assistant Office of Special Education Department of Elementary and Secondary Education P. O. Box 480 Jefferson City, MO 65102 fax 573-526-4404 phone 573-751-5739 email lina.browner@dese.mo.gov

A Playful Approach by Dr. Robert Jason Grant Ed.D, LPC, RPT-S

I am always surprised when I hear someone tell me that children with autism disorders cannot play. In my work with children with autism, which is predominantly play-based treatment approaches, I see children play all the time in all kinds of ways. Some children with autism may not play in traditional or conventional ways but they do play. I a m reminded of a young boy with autism who came into my office and always wanted to go to a specific play therapy room, mainly because it had a storage closet in it and he wanted to play with the vacuum cleaner. He rarely played with, or noticed, any of the toys in the play therapy room, but he played with the vacuum cleaner regularly. He played all kinds of games with the vacuum and through his vacuum play; we worked on skill development and had great success. Play is a child’s natural language and children with autism are still children and they are children first! Let us never forget that a label does not define or dictate what our children can do.


Events for Springfield, Branson and surrounding area... SWAN Invitation Southwest Autism Network, (SWAN) is a place for your child to socialize while you meet and learn from other parents of children with ASD. Children are supervised by trained, caring respite staff with structured activities. Sibs are welcome. Respite is FREE! Meetings on the second Saturday of each month. Contact: Annee Brandenburg 3burgers2go@opexonline.com

(417)655-2235 swautismnetworkmo.weebly.com

Thursday, April 5

Families4Families meeting (1st Thurs.) at 6:30 pm, Tom Watkins Nbhd. Bldg., 2100 W. High St. Contact billiespall_1@yahoo.com or Lynn (417) 987-0811.

Saturdays, April 7-28 SWAN Tae kwon do classes for Elementary Social Group, (Saturdays), 10-11am at the Living Room Studio at Mama Jeans, 1727 S. Campbell for only $5 per child! Space is limited. Please RSVP at 3burgers2go@opexonline.com o r h t t p : / / w w w. f a c e b o o k . c o m / SWMOAutism

the 2012-13 school year, followed by a presentation on iPad apps by Dan McCool, Ozark Therapy and Candice Williams, autism Mom on the cover of the January 2012 MAR. FREE and open to the public! SEPTA’s assistive technology fundraiser with 3eLove is now underway. For details, go to SEPTA’s facebook or call Lisa Slattery, 417-501-1436.

Thursday, April 12 To u c h P o i n t S i b - S h o p , f r o m 5:30-6:30pm for consumers’ siblings age 6-10. Sibs age 11-15 meet from 6:30-7:30pm. Please RSVP by Tues., April 10 at (800)420-7410 or jackie.mace@tpamail.org

Saturday, April 14

People First of Springfield monthly meeting (2nd Sat.) 11am - 12:30pm. At Wesley United Methodist church, 922 W. Republic Rd., Spfd. For more information contact Marisa Clary at (417)886-7180 or marclary@aol.com. SWAN (Southwest Autism Network) meeting (2nd Sat.) Will be attending the Weird Beard theatre production at Forest Institute at 2:30pm. SWAN members may reserve their spot by contacting Annette(417)833-9359 3burgers2go@opexonline.com

Weird Beard the Asperger’s Pirate playing LIVE at Forest Institute, 2885 W. Troop 2 meetings for Boy Scouts of Battlefield, Springfield. Two showings: America, every Tues. at 7-8:30 pm at 10:30am and 2:30pm. Don’t miss this Arc of the Ozarks. Contact Teddy one-of-a-kind experience brought to us Heaton, ( 4 1 7 ) 8 8 3 - 6 6 8 0 by the Spectrum Theatre, Columbia, MO. For tickets, go to forest.edu/ teddy.heaton@wfadvisors.com abaperformance or call (800)424-7793. www.ozarktroop2.com

Tuesday, April 10 Tuesday, April 17 Enabled Service at Central Assembly of God Fusion Center (3rd Tues). Contact Ethel Campbell at (417) 343-9027 or info@enabled2serve.org

Thursday, April 19 S S E P TA G e n e r a l M e m b e r s h i p Meeting 6:30-8pm at Penny’s Place TouchPoint Game Night for Adult (SCIL) 2864 S Nettleton Avenue; Consumers, from 6-7pm. Please RSVP Springfield. Will be voting on officers for Page 12

Saturday, April 21 SCIL Renovations and Modifications Projects (RAMPS) assists low income persons with disabilities, complete home modifications so they can live independently. Volunteers needed for event. To help, call Shelby (417) 886-1188

Sunday, April 22 Autism Speaks Cardinals Night at the Ball Park! 2:00 pm. World Series Trophy will be on display and it’s “kids run the bases” day! Tickets just $9. To purchase, contact Kaia at (417) 379-3938.

Monday, April 23 SCAN of Lebanon support meeting (4th Mon) at Hilcrest Baptist Church, 399 Hoover St., Lebanon, 6:30-8pm. Childcare provided at Stringbeans Childcare, 511 Harrison St., 6:20-8:10. Please bring a food item from the list posted on our notes page, for our Child to Child program. All Donations go to Shepard’s Backpack program. RSVP on Facebook or Contact Terry Faust(417) 718-7081 scan4kids@yahoo.com

Tuesday, April 24

Burrell Autism 4th Annual Autism Sensory Night at Jump Mania, (4th Awareness Fair 10am-1pm at Burrell Tues) from 7-8:30pm. 2745 S. Kansas Behavioral Health. Learn more about Expressway, (417)881-5867 resources in Springfield and surrounding Friday, April 27 area. Also still accepting vendors. For Through the Roof worship services info call 417-761-5333. for individuals with disabilities and their

Tuesdays, April 3-24

Parents Encouraging Parents (PEP) meetings (2nd Tues.) for families new to the area or newly diagnosed with ASD. Locations announced on SWAN website each month: http:// swautismnetworkmo.weebly.com/

by Tues., April 17 at (800)420-7410 or jackie.mace@tpamail.org

families (LAST Friday) location TBA. For more info, watch website ttrspringfield@gmail.com or call (417) 894-7844

Champion Athletes of the Ozarks Soccer

Begins Wednesday, April 4 through Wednesday, May 9 6:30-8 pm Lake Country Soccer To register an athlete or for more information please call (417)890-1599 or email sqmiles@championathletes.org


Jefferson City /Columbia area Events . . . . . . Fridays, April 6-27

Friday-Saturday, April 20-21

Adapted Gymnastics at Tiger Performance Complex, Champions Drive on MU campus, Columbia. 3-9yo. meet 6:30-7:30pm. 10-18yo meet 7:30-8:30pm. We still have openings in these classes! Contact Jeff Krug for more info (573)882-3561 krugi@health.missouri.edu

Capital City Cook-Off at Jeff City Fairgrounds. Friday night is one price, all you can eat, drinks and music. Proceeds go to support Special Learning Center. For more info call (573)634-3070 or go to www.speciallearningcenter.com.

Tuesday, April 10

Thursday, April 26

APSE-MO Professional Development Day in Jeff City from 9:30-4pm in the Governor’s Office Building, room 450, 200 Madison St. For more information, go to http:// www.apsemo.org/

Cole County Autism Support Group, (last Thurs.) 6:30 pm at 1908 Boggs Creek Rd., Jefferson City. For info, call (573)634-4555

Wednesday, April 18

Ella’s Hope Mid-MO Walk for Autism, 10am at Cosmo Pk, Columbia, MO. Info at www.ellashope.org.

Don’t miss the Annual Autism Rally at the State Capitol, go to www.missouriautismcoalition.com for schedule.

Saturday, April 28

Columbia Proclaims Week of Positive Discipline Columbia, MO - Mayor, Bob McDavid will proclaim April 2-6, 2012 as the Week of Positive Discipline = Great Kids!”. The week’s events will kick off on April 2, from 9:30-10:30 with a press conference, proclamation and ribbon cutting at the Early Childhood Discovery Center, 901 Rainforest Parkway, Columbia. All media partners are invited to participate. Authors, educators and national positive behavior support experts, Dr. Tim Lewis and Dr. Becky Beckner will be speaking at workshops for families and professionals during this week.

Tim Lewis, PhD and director of the University of Missouri Center for School-side Positive Behavior support and is Co-Director of the national OSEP Center for Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports. Becky Beckner, PhD is an early childhood behavior consultant with the Columbia Public Schools and is a


national trainer of Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports. In conjunction with Dr. Melissa Stormont and Dr. Nanci Johnson, also from the University of Missouri, they have coauthored the book Implementing Positive Behavior Support Systems in Early Childhood and Elementary Settings. A variety of learning opportunities will be made available during the week, including the workshop, “Positive Discipline”, April 5 from 6:30-8:30 pm at Hickman High School. The first 200 participants arriving will receive a free copy of Beckner and Lewis’s book on P o s i t i v e Behavior. Other events, TBA during the week. For more info, visit Columbia Cares for Kids on Facebook or contact Bryon White at (573)443-8706, ext. 1057 or via email at bryon-white@showmeaction.org. (funded by the Children’s Fund of Missouri ctf4kids.org)

2012 Power Up Assistive Technology Conference and Expo April 2-3 Holiday Inn Executive Ctr Columbia, MO www.at.mo.gov/powerup/ index.heml or call Brenda at (816)655-6706

2012 Autism Intervention Conference Friday, April 20 and Saturday, April 21 Holiday Inn Executive Center 2200 Interstate 70 Drive, SW Columbia, MO. sponsored by Thompson Center. For info on speakers and registration, go to http://muconf.missouri.edu/ AIC2012/Index.html

SAVE the DATES: Saturday, May 5 is Bowling for Autism. Families welcome to participate in tournament, Columbia, MO. For info contact Touchpoint Columbia at (573)874-3777

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Kansas City Area ASD Events. . . . . . . Monday, April 2

LEE'S SUMMIT - MOAFAA meeting(Missouri Advocates for Families Affected by Autism) (1st Mon) 7pm at Legacy Christian Church of Lee's Summit, 2150 East Langsford, Lee's Summit, MO Phone: (816)554-3017

Tuesday, April 10 Cass ASD Support Group (2nd Tues) 6-8pm, Casco Area Workshop, 1800 Vine, Harrisonville, MO. Autism Society-The Heartland Blue Springs/Lee’s summit Support Group (2nd Tues) 6:30-8pm at Blue Springs Christian Church, 7920 S. 7 Hwy, Blue Springs, MO 64014. Enter at east side of building and meet in Rm A224. Info: Jenny at radioturtle@hotmail.com or www.asaheartland.org

Thursday, April 12

North Kansas City Support Group, (2nd Thurs) 7-9pm at N. KC Hospital, 2790 Clay Edwards Dr., in the Antioch

Rm in Health Services Pavillion on first floor. Info: Jenny at radioturtle@hotmail.com or www.asaheartland.org

Saturday, April 21

Caffeine Addicted Moms of Kids with ASD meeting, (3rd Sat)11am-1pm at Cupini’s, 1809 Westport Rd., Kansas C i t y. I n f o : J e n n y at radioturtle@hotmail.com or www.asaheartland.org

Thursday, April 26

Northwest Autism Spectrum Family Support Group (last Thurs) 7-8pm at Christ Episcopal Church, 207 N 7th St., St. Joseph, MO. Contact Jamie at (816) 390-8545 or Robin at (816) 792-2823. Autism Society Support Group Meeting, (4th Thurs) 7-9pm at Legacy Christian Church, 10150 Antioch Rd., Overland Park, KS. Info: Jenny at radioturtle@hotmail.com or www.asaheartland.org

MPACT Trainings Tuesday, April 10 - Special Education Law at the Kansas City Regional Office, 821 E Admiral from 10am-12pm. Tuesday, April 10 - Disagreement Resolution Processes at the Kansas City Regional Office, 821 E Admiral, 1-4 pm. Wednesday, April 11 - Understanding the IEP Process at the Epilepsy Foundation, 6400 Prospect, Suite 300, Kansas City, from 4-7pm. Saturday, April 7 - Special Education Law in Union at the St. Paul Lutheran Church, 208 W Springfield from 1-4pm. Saturday, April 21 - Positive Behavior Interventions in Kirksville at the PACT Activity Center, 1107 Country Club Dr from 1-4pm. Monday, April 16 - Writing Post Secondary Goals for Students with ASD in St. Louis at the Special School District, 12110 Clayton Rd from 6-9pm. In lower level training rooms. Tuesday, April 17 - How to Write Measurable Goals in Kennett at the BAILS located at 710 Teaco Rd from 8:30am-12:30pm. Tuesday, April 17 - Is Your Child a Target of Bullying will be held in Kennett at the BAILS located at 710 Teaco Rd from 12:30-3:30pm. Monday, April 30 - Special Education Law in St. Louis at the Special School District, 12110 Clayton Rd from 6-9pm. In lower level training rooms.

For more info, go to www.ptimpact.org or contact: (636)349-3212 / (877)349-3212 astackle@ptimpact.org

JOPLIN AREA EVENTS . . Tuesday, April 3

Ozark Center for Autism Support Group, Joplin (1st Tues.) 6-8pm, 3230 S. Wisconsin. Free and open to the public. For info, contact Heather (417)347-7850. To u c h P o i n t N e w Ye a r ’s Resolutions for Adult Consumers, 1-3pm at Joplin office. Please RSVP by Mon., April 2 at (800)420-7410 or jackie.mace@tpamail.org

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Monday, April 9

TouchPoint Visual Strategies Workshop, 10am-noon at Joplin office, 1211 S. Illinois. Discussing visual supports for living and coping. Free and open to the Public. RSVP by Friday, April 6 at (800)420-7410 or jackie.mace@tpamail.org.

Thursday, April 19 TouchPoint Adult Picnic, 11-3:30. Meet at office and travel to George Washington Carverr Park. Bring sack lunch and drink. RSVP by Tuesday,

April 17 at (800)420-7410 or jackie.mace@tpamail.org.

Saturday, April 21 Ozark Center 5th Annual Walk for Autism Awareness, One-mile walk begins 8am at JCPenney Court at Northpark Mall, Joplin. Walk will benefit scholarship assistance program at Ozark Center for Autism. Teams forming now. Corporate sponsorships available. For more info, call Heather at (417)347-7697


Events for St Louis and surrounding area Tuesday, April 3 Dad’s Support Group, 5:30-7:30pm. Informal to discuss raising child with a disability. Location varies. Contact Mark Keeley at (314)817-2269 or mkeeley@slarc.org.

Thursday, April 5 Tr a ns ition Fa m ilie s Suppor t: Network with other families of transition age students, ages 14-21 and learn about resources. 6:30-8pm at the St. Louis Arc Family Center, 1177 N. Warson, St. Louis. Go to www.slarc.org to register. Event is FREE. More info call Sharon at (314) 852-8229. or sspurlock@slarc.org

Saturday, April 7 ICAA Monthly Autism Support Meeting (1st Sat.) at 6pm NEW LOCATION TBA, St. Louis. Families welcome. Refreshments served. For more info, go to www.icaaonline.org or info@icaaonline.org. Dad’s Disability Support Group, from 5:30-7:30pm. Location TBA. For more info, go to www.slarc.org or call (314)817-2211

Wednesday, April 11 Sibshops/Teen Sibshops, 6-8pm (2nd Wed.) Recreational support programs for sibs ages 6-11, Teen sibs ages 12-18. For info, contact amangelsdorf@slarc.org or (314) 817-2275.

Friday, April 13 Kid’s Meet-Up Group (2nd Friday) for boys and girls 5-12 on the spectrum and their friends or sibs. Meet at St. Louis Arc, 1177 N.


Warson, St. Louis. Go to www.slarc.org to register. Event is FREE. More info call Sharon at (314) 852-8229. or sspurlock@slarc.org Families with Young Children Support 9:30-11am. Coffee and networking group for caregivers of children 8 and younger. Kids can play in fully equipped playroom, supervised. Call to register at (314) 817-2285 or Iramirezpresberg@slarc.org.

Saturday, April 14 Asperger Mom’s Group, 9-11am for moms with child with aspergers. (2nd Sat) Meets 2nd floor of Kaldi’s Coffee at Schnucks - Des Peres, 12332 Manchester Rd., Saint Louis, MO. Contact (314)817-2222 or sspurlock@slarc.org Great Circle Parent Education Group Training on Saturday, from 10am-4pm at the Edgewood Children’s Center Campus, 330 N. Gore, Webster Groves, MO. Space limited to 20 parents. A family education group for children with autism and sibs from 6-19, held concurrently. Follow-up group on Wed., May 2, from 6-9pm. RSVP to Angela Bratcher, (314)-256-4920 or angela.bratcher@great-circle.org.

Sunday, April 15 Youth and Family Volunteer Fair 1-3:30pm at Magic House, St. Louis Children’s Museum, Kirkwood, MO. Learn how teens can get involved in the community. Admission cost: nonperishable food item for food bank. For more info go to www.stlouisvolunteen.com or contact

simone@stlouisvolunten.com or (314) 503-5853

April 19-23 Spring Break at Camp Warson St. Louis Arc Centene Family Center, 1177 N. Warson, MO. 9am-3pm Cost: $200.00 for the week Extended day available, ages 13-up More info:(314)817-2235 llmiller@slarc.org

Friday, April 20 Maryville University OT Students provide last of four sessions on education and support for parents with children diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder or sensory processing difficulties. This session: “Parent’s Night Out” from 6-9pm at Buder Family Student Commons. Questions or RSVP to (217)663-3680 or shiggs@live.maryville.edu

Wednesday, April 25 Monthly ASD Support Group (4th Wed.), from 7-8:30pm at Gateway Center for the Arts, 204 Elm St., Washington, MO. Contact Kim (636) 239-8939.

Friday, April 27 Teens with Aspergers, (last Fri) at 6-8:30pm at Masonry Centre, 1429 S. Big Bend Boulevard, Richmond Heights. For more info, go to sspurlock@slarc.org or call (314) 817-2222 Caregivers of Adults 40 & over: Meet caregivers who are supporting a person with a disability who is 40 or over. Learn resources and strategies. Contact Sharon at (314)852-8229. or sspurlock@slarc.org

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Events for St Louis and surrounding area SSD Parent Workshops, St. Louis area Sexuality Education for Children with Disabilities Tuesday, April 3, 7-9 p.m. Presenter: Joann Noll SSD Central Office, Room 57 Supporting Your Child with Emotional Disabilities Wednesday, April 4, 6:30-9 p.m. SSD Central Office, Room 60 Presenters: Scott Schaeffer, Ph.D., Adam Krenski Orientation for Parents to Special Education & the IEP Process Monday, April 9, 9-11 a.m. Presenter: Joann Noll SSD Central Office, Room 57 Sexuality Education for Children with Disabilities Tuesday, April 10, 9-11 a.m. Presenter: Joann Noll

SSD Central Office, Room 61 Understanding Aspergers Syndrome – 2-part class Tuesdays, April 10 & 17, 6:30-9 p.m. Presenter: Colleen O’Leary Card SSD Central Office, Room 61I Planning for the Future: Dealing with My Greatest Fears – 3-part workshop Thursdays, April 12, 19, 26, 6:30-9 p.m. SSD Central Office, Room 60/61 • Session 1: April 12 - SSI, Estate Planning & Guardianship • Session 2: April 19 - What Happens After Graduation • Session 3: April 26 - Supports for Recreation, Community Participation & Community Living

All-Stars for Autism! Saturday April 28th Busch Stadium Game Time: 12:05 p.m. St. Louis Cardinals vs. Milwaukee Brewers

Package and individual tickets available. For info, go to www.touchpointautism.org/allstars or call Deirdre Schaneman (314)432-6200 ext. 242.

Writing Post Secondary Transition Goals for Students with Autism Spectrum Disorders Monday, April 16, 6-9 p.m. Presenter: MPACT staff SSD Central Office, Room 60 Special Education Law Monday, April 30, 6-9 p.m. Presenter: MPACT staff SSD Central Office, Room 61

To register for parent workshops, call (314)989-7807 or 711 (Deaf/HOH), or register online at www.solutionwhere.com/ ssd (call the registration number for assistance with setting up an account). Please be sure to register for workshops as they are sometimes canceled due to low enrollment or inclement weather – we need to be able to contact you!

Family Workshop Series from St. Louis ARC Tuesday, April 3 - 6:30-8:30pm Guardianship vs. Power of Attorney for caregivers of older teens and adults. Tuesday, April 10 - 6:30-8:30pm Assistive Technology, A Resource to Independence Thursday, April 12 - 6-8pm Beyond Picky Eating Saturday, April 14 - 10am-12pm Yesterday, Today & Tomorrow: Workshop for Adult Siblings Wednesday, April 18 - 6:30-8:30pm Special Needs Trusts Wednesday, May 2 - 6:30-8:30pm State and Federal Benefits: What Are They and Who is Eligible? Workshops are free and take place at the St. Louis Arc Family Center at 1177 N. Warson Rd., St. Louis, MO 63132. For more info or to register, go to www.slarc.org or email amangelsdorf@slarc.org or call 314-817-2275. ADVANCE REGISTRATION IS REQUIRED. Please arrive at least 15 minutes before the workshop starts to sign-in.

SLLS MERIDIAN ACADEMY SUMMER PROGRAMS 2012: Speech Language Learning Systems, Inc. is offering summer programs through the SLLS Meridian Academy that target strategy instruction to enhance vocabulary, reading, writing, and social thinking success. For more information contact Dana Gooden-Schroeder or Mary Beth Nilsen at: (636)537-1576 or slls@sllsgooden.org

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Announcements for St Louis and surrounding area.... Applicants are being sought for participation in the 2012 class of the Fred Saigh Parent Leadership Institute (PLI). Three Saturdays in the Fall give parents access to nationally known speakers and visionaries in selfdetermination for students with disabilities (Kathie Snow and Derrick Dufresne). Parents develop a vision for their child’s future, gain knowledge that helps them participate in their child’s education, practice leadership skills to improve the educational climate for all children, and gain

access to new resources, new friends and experts to help them on their journey. Parents describe this program as “life-changing”. We now have graduates from 20 of 22 school districts and three of the SSD schools. Our new administrator in the Parent Education program, LaTrisa Morgan (Hazelwood), is a graduate of the Parent Leadership Institute and served as a North County Mentor. All parents of children with disabilities who live in St. Louis County are welcome to apply. Parents

S u m m e r S o c i a l i z at i o n Vo u ch e r Program is available to North St. Louis County residents with developmental disabilities, ages 13-15, who need to access support provider to transport them to attend activities or programs in the community. Funding assists with a portion of the cost of summer services. Families are eligible for up to 305 hours of services, reimbursed at $8.00 per hour. Program runs from June 15 to August 15. Families participating are responsible for securing their own provider. If interested you may call The Recreation Council of Greater St. Louis to obtain a Summer Socialization Voucher Application.

of children receiving early childhood services, including First Steps and those with children in kindergarten through third grade will be given preference. Transportation and respite care will not be provided, but referrals to resources are available. More information and a link to the application may be found on our wiki site: https://iwiki.ssdmo.org/groups/ parentprogram/wiki/4a96f/ Parent_Leadership_Institute.html

UCP Heartland After Care Program provides after-school care and support for special needs students, ages 10-21. Program provides trained professional staff, Monday through Friday from 2-6 pm. Provides social and educational activities, homework assistance, administration of medications and personal care assistance. For more info, contact Clair at (636)779-2272.

Recreation Council of Greater St. Louis Phone: (314)726-6044 Margaret@recreationcouncil.org www.recreationcouncil.org


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Autism Gossip.....Autism Gossip......Autism Gossip...... Finding Kansas: Living and Decoding A s p e r g e r ’ s Syndrome, by Aaron Likens, will be rereleased by Penguin Books on April 3, 2012. To pre-order, go to amazon.com Missouri chapter of AAIDD 2012 People Planning Ahead Conference April 18-19 Hilton Garden Inn 19677 E. Jackson Dr. Independence,MO 64057 www.moaaidd.org

Rising Abilities Camp NOW ENROLLING CAMPERS at www.RisingAbilities.org Registration costs $55 (non-refundable). Payment plan options are available. Summer camps are week-long groups, and two camps are run each month all summer. For more details, visit www.RisingAbilities.org or contact Rising Abilities, Inc., 20589 Memphis Dr., Lebanon, MO 65536.

New Frontiers in Pediatric Mental Health Springfield/Branson, MO May 9-11, 2012 For health workers, doctors, corrections, therapists and counselors. For more info go to www.burrellcenter.com/newfrontier.

Website Serves College Students with Disabilities: The We connect Website connects and integrates college students with disabilities as a virtual community with a voice on important issues. Website has been serving college students since April of 2008. To participate, go to http://weconnectnow.wordpress.com//

Donate Prom Dresses & Make Dreams come true! SCIL is accepting prom dress donations for their Evening of Enchantment for Yo u t h with Disabilities. New or gently used formal and prom dresses in all sizes needed. Donations benefit young ladies with disabilities attending area proms. All donations qualify for a tax deduction. Drop off at SCIL, 2864 S. Nettleton, Mon-Fri, 1 - 5 p m . nzormski@swcil.org

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Classified Classified Services


Professional disability advocacy for special education and disability service systems.

Computers at cost; Desktops and Laptops. All come with Windows 7 , O f f i c e S t a r t e r, DVDRW. Processors, ram and hard drives will vary. Prices start at $200.

Georgia Mueller, MS Visioneers 4 Access 913-963-8349 www.VisioneersKC.com info@visioneerskc.com The Drury University Center for Music Therapy and Wellness offers small group therapy classes, performance groups and individual weekly music therapy sessions.For more info, call: Julie C a s s i t y, D i r e c t o r , 417-861-7345

417.886.6143 hph417@gmail.com for more information.

Your Announcement Here! To inquire about putting your announcement in the Classified section, contact(417)209-0103. MoAutismReport@ya hoo.com Prices starting at $20

Fundraiser for the Duffey Family, a local autism family, facing a severe medical need. Our goal is to sell 100 Mary Kay Pedicure sets at $25.55 each. 40% of all products sold will go to help the family. Deadline: April 20, 2012 Cash, Checks or Money Orders accepted. Call Patricia Brand, 496-9494. View online at www.Marykay.com www.MoAutismReport.com

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