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2013 Annual Report
Programme Area 1: Capacity-building of Educators in EIU 1.1. Asia-Pacific Training Workshop on EIU 1.2. Asia-Pacific Leadership Academy for School Principals 1.3. Sub-regional Workshop on EIU 1.4. Country-Based Capacity-Building Workshops 1.5. UNESCO/ROK Co-sponsored Fellowships Programme
Programme Area 2: EIU Research and Policy Development 2.1. EIU Programme Monitoring Project 2.2. EIU Policy Meeting 2.3. EIU Storytelling Project 2.4. EIU Material Development on World Heritage 2.5. SEAMEO-APCEIU Multimedia Educational Material Development for Cultural Understanding 2.6. Global Educational Cooperation Manual Development for Provincial Offices of Education 2.7. Development of International Organizations’ Series
Programme Area 3: Dissemination of Information on EIU 3.1. Management of Multimedia Centre 3.2. Publication of SangSaeng 3.3. EIU Best Practices 3.4. EIU Photo Class 3.5. China∙Japan∙Korea Children's Story Exchange Programme
Programme Area 4: International Teacher Exchange Programme 4.1. Asia-Pacific Teacher Exchange for Global Education 4.2. Teaching Abroad for Global Competency
Programme Area 5: Strengthening Institutional Capacities of APCEIU& Enhancing EIU Network 5.1. Governing Board 5.2. Exchange & Cooperation with Relevant Organizations 5.3. Networking for UNESCO Education Sector Category 2 Centres 5.4. Technical Consultation on Global Citizenship Education 5.5. Preliminary Feasibility Study on Building an EIU Training Centre
Asia-Pacific Centre of Education for International Understanding
2013 Annual Report
I. FOREWORD In 2013, the Asia-Pacific Centre of Education for International Understanding (APCEIU) was more visible and active than ever before, especially as the Centre was expected to effectively address the recent development of the global education agenda. Global Citizenship Education was one of the keywords that received the most attention not only from APCEIU but also in the global education discourse in 2013. The term was revisited when the Global Education First Initiative, launched by the UN SecretaryGeneral Ban Ki-moon in 2012, put forward “fostering global citizenship” as one of its three priorities. Taking a lead on the initiative, in September 2013, APCEIU proudly hosted the ‘Technical Consultation on Global Citizenship Education,’ jointly with the Government of the Republic of Korea and UNESCO. All other accomplishments of APCEIU are well-summarized by UNESCO Director-General, Mme Irina Bokova. In her reply on the occasion of the plenary session of the 191st Executive Board (April 2013), Mme Bokova referred the Asia-Pacific Centre of Education for International Understanding (APCEIU) as a “dynamic Category 2 Centre,” which “has strong expertise in fostering a culture of peace through training and exchange programmes for teachers.” I have to stress that such achievement and recognition were only possible by the hard work and dedication of my colleagues. Lastly, I would like to extend my appreciation to our partners in Asia-Pacific and beyond for their continuing support to APCEIU’s activities. I am confident that, in the year 2014, APCEIU will make another leap forward in promoting “peace in mind, action for peace, and peace for all.”
CHUNG Utak Director
Fostering Global Citizenship Towards a Culture of Peace
MISSION To promote and develop Education for International Understanding within the framework of a culture of Peace in the Asia-Pacific region
S trengthen regional and sub-regional capacities in planning and implementing a broad range of practices in EIU E ncourage and facilitate collaborative links between Asia-Pacific initiatives and other regional, international and global efforts in education I mplement research and development related to the philosophy, teaching methods and curricula in the field of EIU O rganize
training workshops and seminars on EIU
P roduce and disseminate teaching/learning materials and other publications on EIU
The Asia-Pacific Centre of Education for International Understanding (APCEIU) under the auspices of UNESCO was established in 2000, the International Year of a Culture of Peace, to promote Education for International Understanding (EIU) towards a Culture of Peace in the Asia-Pacific region, according to the agreement between UNESCO and the Government of the Republic of Korea. As a UNESCO Category 2 Centre, APCEIU makes a valuable contribution to the implementation of UNESCO’s strategic programme objectives. To fulfil its mandate, the Centre works in collaboration with UNESCO, National Commissions for UNESCO, governments, academia and civil society in the UNESCO Member State of the region.
What is EIU?
265 in-service and pre-service teachers from 7 countries participated in APCEIU’s International
243 educators from 41 countries participated in APCEIU’s capacity-building training workshops on EIU
Education for International Understnading (EIU) is a holistic and multidimensional education initiative to promote a Culture of Peace. EIU is anchored in the concept of genuine peace which aims to transcend the notion of peace as merely the absence of war. It advocates participatory democracy, human rights and dignity, social and economic equity, ecological sustainability, and peaceful reconciliation of conflicts. Thus, EIU is interchangeably referred to as many different terms including global education, international education, peace education or global citizenship education, depending on the context.
Teacher Exchange Programmes
APCEIU published and disseminated
18 different teaching and learning materials
on EIU
In 2013, the 2nd Governing Board started its 3-year term, with 11 members
APCEIU collected about
35,000 photos capturing
Programme Assistants, Interns and APCEIU
Supporters from 5 countries (Cambodia, China, Mongolia, Republic of Korea and USA) worked with APCEIU in efforts to promote a Culture of Peace.
historical, cultural and natural heritages of Tonga and Indonesia through EIU Photo Class.
+ Launch of the EIU Multimedia Centre at Icheon, Gyeonggido (province), Republic of Korea
+ UNESCO’s feasibility study on the proposal
2000 + Inauguration of Mr. LEE Samuel, the first Director of APCEIU
2005 + Renewal of the Agreement between the Government of the Republic of Korea and UNESCO on the establishment of APCEIU
+ 10th Anniversary Celebration of APCEIU + Exchange of notes for the extension of the Agreement between the Government of the Republic of Korea and UNESCO on the establishment of APCEIU + Relocation of APCEIU from Myeongdong to Guro District in Seoul, Republic of Korea + Inauguration of the 1st Governing Board
+ Inauguration of Mr. CHUNG Utak, the fourth Director of APCEIU + Promulgation of partially amended Act on UNESCO Activities (Act No. 11217): Chapter 4. APCEIU was newly inserted
2002 1999
+ Adoption of the resolution on the establishment of APCEIU at the 30th UNESCO General Conference (30/C Resolution 17)
+ Proposal of the Government of the Republic of Korea for the establishment of APCEIU at the 29th UNESCO General Conference
6 + 2013 Annual Report
+ The 1st Advisory Committee Meeting
2008 + Inauguration of Mr. LEE Seunghwan, the third Director of APCEIU
2004 + Inauguration of Mr. KANG Dai-Geun, the second Director of APCEIU
+ Inauguration of the 2nd Governing Board
+ Designation as International Teacher Exchange Centre by the Ministry of Education, Science and Technology, Republic of Korea + Renewal of the Agreement between the Government of the Republic of Korea and UNESCO on the establishment of APCEIU
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Asia-Pacific Centre of Education for International Understanding
2013 Annual Report
Programme Area 1
III. 2013 ACTIVITIES Programme Area 1 Programme Area 2 Programme Area 3 Programme Area 4 Programme Area 5
Capacity-building of Educators in EIU
10 + 2013 Annual Report
Programme Area 1
Capacity-building of Educators in EIU
In 2013, APCEIU’s capacity-building programmes (a) further developed and strengthened the segments of their curricula for action plans and follow-up activities, (b) systematically encouraged the sustaining follow-up activities of the participants by linking alumni to other APCEIU programmes and strengthening monitoring and networking, and (c) aligned themselves with global citizenship education promoted under the UN Secretary General’s Global Education First Initiative (2012).
<2013 EIU Training Programmes by APCEIU> Geographical Scope
Programme Title
Target Groups
Thematic Focus for 2012
Participants of 2012 Programme
Special Features
13th AsiaPacific Training Workshop on EIU
Teacher educators and curriculum developers
EIU and Global Citizenship Education
30 teacher trainers and curriculum developers from 25 Asia-Pacific countries
Training of Trainers (TOT)
4th AsiaPacific Leadership Academy for School Principals
School principals
Promoting EIU through Asia-Pacific school exchanges
31 school principals and 1 observer from 19 Asia-Pacific countries
Platform for school networking and schoolbased EIU activities
Sub-regional Workshop on EIU
Teacher education professionals
Teacher preparation for Global Citizenship Education in Southeast Asia
28 participants including teacher education professionals from 6 Southeast Asian countries
Held at a different subregion designated for each year in collaboration with UNESCO Field Offices / Co-organized by APCEIU and UNESCO Bangkok in 2013
Regional Programme
Sub-regional Programme
Capacity-building of Educators in EIU
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Programme Area 1
acilitating the capacity-building of educators in EIU towards a Culture of Peace is one of the core missions of APCEIU. To fulfil this mission, APCEIU has been providing key educators in the region with training workshops and professional development opportunities since its first activity year in 2001. Especially over the past few years, the Centre has successfully developed and implemented a range of diversified capacity-building programmes for focused target groups, ranging from teacher educators to school principals.
Countrybased / Local Level Programme
Inter-regional Programme
13th Training Workshop for Korean Educators
School teachers
EIU through Experiential Learning (in special reference to the Philippines)
19 teachers from primary and secondary schools in the Republic of Korea
Advanced course with first-hand field experiences in different countries (Held in Korea and the Philippines in 2013)
APCEIUBIE Teacher Training Workshop
School teachers
Promoting EIU in the local/national context of Shenzhen, China
110 teachers from primary and secondary schools in Shenzhen, China
Held this year by the special invitation and sponsorship from the Futian Local Government and in cooperation with Beijing Institute of Education (BIE)
2013 UNESCO/ROK Co-Sponsored Fellowships Programme
Education administrators, teacher trainers and teachers
Capacitybuilding for basic education (EFA) and EIU
30 education administrators, teacher trainers and teachers from 17 countries in Africa and the Asia-Pacific region
Two-month residency programme by the MOU between UNESCO and Korea International Cooperation Agency (KOICA)
1.1 Asia-Pacific Training Workshop on EIU The world has experienced political, economic, social and cultural changes in various forms in recent decades, which has created or intensified tensions and challenges not only within, but also across national borders. As a response to the increasing demands from UNESCO Member States in the Asia-Pacific region, APCEIU has provided training workshops on EIU for key educators in the region since its establishment in 2001. Since launched in 2001, the centre’s flagship programme, Asia-Pacific Training Workshop on EIU (APTW), has been held annually as training of trainers to enhance the competency of professionals of teacher education in the region. To signify APCEIU’s commitment to contribute to Global Education First Initiatives (GEFI), this year’s workshop focused on the intersection between EIU and Global Citizenship Education (GCE), under the theme “EIU, Fostering Global Citizenship”. With the goal of broadening the participants’ perspectives towards EIU and enhancing their knowledge in Global Citizenship Education (GCE) through EIU, the APTW encompasses a wide range of programme segments, from lectures on key EIU themes to on-site workshops. Through the workshop, the participants’ motivation, confidence, and competences were amplified through practical and participatory approaches while developing practical action plans. By doing so, it enabled workshop contents to be implemented in order to cultivate global citizens who are equipped with understanding, skills, and values that are crucial in building more peaceful and sustainable communities.
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To signify APCEIU’s commitment to contribute to Global Education First Initiatives (GEFI), this year’s workshop focused on the intersection between EIU and Global Citizenship Education (GCE), under the theme “EIU, Fostering Global Citizenship”.
Programme Area 1
1) Experts Meeting on the Development of 13th APTW Programmes • Dates: 6 – 7 July 2013 (2 days) • Participants: 4 EIU experts & training facilitators and APCEIU staff • Main Contents - Review and evaluate existing EIU training curriculum - Discuss programme contents for the 13th APTW 2) 13th Asia-Pacific Training Workshop on EIU • Dates: 8 – 17 July 2013 (10 days) • Venues: Seoul & Inje, Republic of Korea • Participants: 30 teacher trainers and curriculum developers from 25 Asia-Pacific countries • Main Contents - Lectures, seminars, and hands-on activities on conceptual frameworks and pedagogies of EIU - School visits and field trips for the exploration of EIU implemented in the Korean context as well as for participants to practice EIU lessons to have interactive dialogues with Korean students - Exercises on designing training workshops in local settings - Introduction to various EIU pedagogical skills, resources, and materials
Achievements - Strengthened participants’ commitment to promote EIU in their local settings - Enhanced capacity and participants’ practical skills to design and carry out their own trainings on EIU
Capacity-building of Educators in EIU
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- Developed feasible action plans by 30 educators from 25 countries in the Asia-Pacific - Enhanced networks of teacher educators and teacher training institutes committed to the promotion of EIU in the Asia-Pacific
1.2 Asia-Pacific Leadership Academy for School Principals The effectiveness and potential reach of education rely heavily upon the nature of the school administration, environment, and curricula. Therefore, school leadership truly assumes an indispensable role in turning schools into educational settings conducive to mutual respect, constructive dialogue across diversity, and a culture of peace and sustainability. Acting upon this conviction, APCEIU has been holding the Asia-Pacific Leadership Academy for School Principals (APLASP) since 2010 to promote EIU in schools through EIU leadership of school principals. The APLASP is designed particularly to provide participating school principals with first-hand experience of diversity as well as a platform for school-to-school exchange and networking. The 4th APLASP aimed to provide school principals from the Asia-Pacific region with opportunities to internalize the values underpinning EIU through interactive workshops and cultural exchanges, as well as those that will help foster their international school networks through the school fair and school visits. Throughout the programme, the school leaders became motivated in creating school networks, intensifying the channels of mutual understanding across different societies, and ultimately facilitating the growth of a Culture of Peace in the Asia-Pacific region.
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2) 4th Asia-Pacific Leadership Academy for School Principals • Dates: 15 – 23 October 2013 (9 days) • Venue: Seoul, Republic of Korea • Sponsor: Seoul Metropolitan Office of Education (SMOE) • Participants: 31 schools principals and 1 observer from 19 Asia-Pacific countries • Main Contents: - Seminars and interactive workshops on innovative schools and educational leadership for effective EIU implementation in local school contexts - Presentations and discussions on good cases of EIU school programmes and
Capacity-building of Educators in EIU
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Programme Area 1
1) Participation in the 4th International Conference on Best Practice for School Leadership Development • Dates: 9 – 15 June 2013 (7 days) • Venue: Jogjakarta, Indonesia • Participants: 4 Korean School Principals(APLASP alumni) and 1 APCEIU staff • Organizing Institutions: Board of Education Human Resources Development and Culture and Education Quality Assurance, Ministry of Education and Culture of the Republic of Indonesia Development, and Southeast Asia School Principals Forum (SEASPF) • Cooperating Partner: Southeast Asia School Principals Forum (SEASPF) Secretariat • Main Contents: - Presentation of good practices in school exchange programmes and school leadership for character education required in the globalizing era - Information sharing for school-to-school exchanges and visits to schools in Jogjakarta, Indonesia - Consultative meetings for establishing sister-school networks between Seoul and Southeast Asian countries
school-to-school exchanges - School fair and school visits for future school-to-school international exchanges and field activities for intercultural understanding - Drafting and presentation of action plans for sister-school activities among participating schools
Achievements - Enhanced capacities of participants to assume a crucial role in promoting EIU in their own schools, organizations and communities - Expanded networks of schools and school administrators in the region to strengthen educational programmes related to EIU - Established a platform for sister-school activities among participating schools in the region
1.3 Sub-regional Workshop on EIU In consolidated efforts to promote the values of EIU, APCEIU has been organizing the sub-regional workshops under the active collaboration with UNESCO Field Offices and National Commissions for UNESCO in the region. This year, the Subregional Workshop on EIU was held under the theme “Teacher Preparation for Global Citizenship Education (GCE) in Southeast Asia: Key Issues, Challenges and Possibilities” from 5 to 7 December in Bangkok, Thailand. Co-organized by APCEIU and UNESCO Bangkok, the Workshop was the first initiative at the subregional level that aligned itself clearly with the UNESCO initiatives on GCE. The workshop aimed to concretize conceptual frameworks and strategies in the promotion of GCE by sharing experiences and effective strategies for advocacy and implementation GCE in their local context. This sub-regional workshop provided a platform through which Southeast Asian educators with substantial experiences on EIU, EFA and ESD were able to identify key challenges and contextualized strategies for the implementation of GCE. The workshop proposed three priority areas for action, namely “Feasibility Study”, “Curriculum Mapping”, and “Directory of Existing Resources and Networks”, along with concrete suggestions for sub-regional collaborations on GCE.
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Achievements - Identified and compiled key aspects of the current situations of teacher education systems and curriculum in the participants’ countries and local contexts through country report presentations - Shared ideas and insights on the challenges and possibilities of the practical integration of GCE in their countries - Proposed three priority areas for collaborative actions to promote GCE: “Feasibility Study”, “Curriculum Mapping”, and “Directory of Existing Resources and Networks”
Capacity-building of Educators in EIU
+ 17
Programme Area 1
1) Dates: 5 – 7 December 2013 (3 days) 2) Venue: Bangkok, Thailand 3) Partner Organization: UNESCO Bangkok (APPEAL) 4) Participants: 22 experts in teacher education, teacher education policy and GCErelated fields from 6 Southeast Asian countries (Cambodia, Malaysia, Myanmar, Philippines, Thailand, Vietnam) and 1 South Asian country (Bhutan) programme specialist from UNESCEO and APCEIU 5) Main Contents • Presentation and compilation of the country reports on the current challenges and possibilities of teacher education, curriculum and social/political climate with particular reference to global citizenship education • Presentations of good practices and innovative strategies for GCE • Round table discussions to identify possibilities and strategies for GCE and develop ideas for priority areas for collaborative action plans
1.4 Country-Based Capacity-Building Workshops To fulfill the mandate of the centre to enhance competencies of EIU in the UNESCO Members States of the Asia-Pacific region, APCEIU has been providing country-based capacity-building workshops designed in accordance to the target country’s educational context, priorities and capacities. The 13th Training Workshop for Korean Educators on EIU, APCEIU’s main training course on EIU for Korean teachers, was carried out for the first time in two countries: Republic of Korea and the Philippines. Through field-based activities and joint workshops with local educators in Manila, the workshop provided a venue to the participants through which they can effectively think through EIU both in terms of theory and practice. Invited and sponsored by Futian District in Shenzhen, APCEIU also led a teacher training workshop in China in cooperation with the Beijing Institute of Education (BIE). APCEIU provided lectures and workshops on EIU to enhance the capacity of primary and secondary teachers in Shenzhen to apply EIU concepts into teaching practices in their classrooms. 1) 13th Training Workshop for Korean Educators on EIU • Dates: 13 - 21 August 2013 (9 days) • Venue: Seoul, Republic of Korea (13 - 14 August) & Manila, Philippines (15 - 21 August) • Participants: 19 teachers from primary and secondary schools in the Republic of Korea • Main Contents: - Pre-departure Workshop: Lectures on EIU concepts and Filipino society / culture - Workshop in the Philippines . Experiential workshops and EIU-related site visits for intercultural understanding . Joint workshops with the Filipino teachers . Study tours of the Philippines’ primary and secondary schools . Homestays and cultural exchange activities 2) APCEIU-BIE Teacher Training Workshop • Dates: 17 - 19 June 2013 (3 days) • Venue: Shenzhen, China • Sponsor: Futian District Education and Research Center • Participants: 110 teachers from primary and secondary schools in Shenzhen, China • Main Contents: - Lectures on EIU philosophy and key themes - Workshop on EIU pedagogy and activities
18 + 2013 Annual Report
- Workshop on EIU lesson planning in primary and secondary school classrooms
Programme Area 1
Achievements - Strengthened capacities and level of confidence of participants in teaching EIU in their classrooms - Enhanced enthusiasm and motivation of participants to implement EIU in their specific educational settings - Expanded and reinforced networks between APCEIU and partner institutions in China and the Philippines
1.5 UNESCO/ROK Co-sponsored Fellowships Programme As the key inter-regional programme of APCEIU, the UNESCO/ROK Co-Sponsored Fellowships Programme is a two-month residency-type training programme. Benefitting educators from the least developed countries (LDCs) in the AsiaPacific region and Africa, this programme has been centered on the themes of EIU, basic education, and teacher training. Launched in 2007 by the Memorandum of Understanding between UNESCO and the Government of the Republic of Korea, the programme has successfully accomplished the mission of
Capacity-building of Educators in EIU
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the centre to promote mutual understanding and cooperation between the AsiaPacific and other regions. In 2013, 30 educators from 17 countries in the Asia-Pacific and Africa successfully completed the programme. The participants explored ways to develop basic education and overcome local challenges by participating in various segments of the programme, ranging from lectures/workshops on key themes, such as EIU, basic education and teacher education, to workshops on action plan development that focused on identifying the educational issues in the participants’ countries and finding solutions to them. Especially, the EIU resource development workshop held this year, enabled participants to expand their understanding on EIU and to strengthen their capacities in developing educational resources so that they would implement the skills learned in their own educational settings. The books published out of this workshop are to be used as EIU learning resources in the Asia-Pacific and Africa.
1) 2) 3) 4) 5)
Dates: 8 Oct – 9 Dec 2013 (2 months) Venue: Seoul & Chungwon, Republic of Korea Co-sponsors: UNESCO and KOICA Participants: 30 educators from 17 countries in Asia-Pacific region and Africa Main Contents • Lectures, workshops, consultations and seminars on key themes (EIU, basic education and teacher education) • Study visits to key educational institutes and organizations • EIU learning resource development through workshops and discussions • Action plan development through individual study, small group discussions and consultations
20 + 2013 Annual Report
Achievements - Enhanced participantsâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; capacity in the field of basic education and EIU - Published EIU learning material books titled Understanding through Dialogue, which were distributed to the participating countries in the Asia-Pacific and Africa - Compiled individual and group action plans - Expanded network among the Asia-Pacific region and Africa
Programme Area 1
Capacity-building of Educators in EIU
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22 + 2013 Annual Report
ⓒ KANG Jae-Hoon
Programme Area 2
EIU Research and Policy Development
imed at expanding perspectives on EIU and putting them into experiments, APCEIU in 2013 explored new areas of research from history dialogue to international organizations. For this, diverse groups of policymakers and experts were brought together to share ideas and experiences on concerned subjects and seek possible ways to implement them in local-specific contexts.
Also notable is that APCEIU brought together regional stakeholders in history and culture to explore the idea of ‘shared histories’ that connect Southeast Asian countries beyond geographical borders. Country representatives and regional organizations invited to the UNESCO International Expert Meeting on the Shared History of Southeast Asia presented and discussed case studies on textbook contents related to the shared histories of the region. Moreover, the richness and diversity of the cultures we encounter in the Asia-Pacific region continued to spur APCEIU to expand a pool of cultural resources and diversify its delivery methods. To put it concretely, APCEIU collected creative and traditional stories imbued with many aspects of EIU, discovered genre paintings that depict traditional festivals and practices, and captured Myanmar’s Bagan Archaeological Area and Monuments with 3D image technology. Besides, APCEIU decided to develop the international organizations’ series through systematic research on international organizations, which are at the forefront of advancing common values of humanity. As part of the three-year project, in 2013, APCEIU focused on history, status and the future of international organizations.
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EIU Research and Policy Development
Programme Area 2
First of all, Network for Schools and Teachers (NEST) was launched, to operate existing network channels more comprehensively and systematically. NEST is expected to play a pivotal role in providing information necessary for school-to-school twinning and an online platform for open communication between the participating teachers of international teacher exchange programmes at APCEIU. Additionally, in order to lay the groundwork for future in-depth study, APCEIU published a summary report on the current situation, pending issues and challenges of Global Citizenship Education, an emerging educational agenda at an international level.
2.1 EIU Programme Monitoring Project In response to the increasing demand for establishing an integrated operating system for online exchanges and cooperation, APCEIU launched the NEST (Network for Schools and Teachers), combining the separately existing APSEN (APCEIU School Exchange Network) and the website for the International Teacher Exchange Programme. Once registered as members, primary and secondary school teachers in the Asia-Pacific region can share information necessary for school-to-school or classroom-to-classroom twining, while having the benefit of facilitated communication with APCEIU and fellow teachers. In addition, APCEIU published a research and trends report on the newly emerging priority of education, Global Citizenship Education (GCE), following the Technical Consultation on Global Citizenship Education held in Seoul on 9-10 September 2013. Examining the current status of GCE with particular emphasis on the key issues and challenges in the implementation process, this report is expected to serve as a catalyst for further systematic and in-depth study on GCE 1) Restructuring of the NEST Website • Dates: 25 April – 26 September 2013 • Language: English • Main Contents - Establishment of an integrated web platform for promoting and supporting collaborative activities among primary and secondary schools in the AsiaPacific region - Modification and supplementation of a community for participating and cooperating teachers of the International Teacher Exchange Programme - Uploading teaching plans and related educational materials
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Achievements - Strengthened reciprocal cooperation through diverse information exchanges among primary and secondary schools in the region - Enhanced visibility of GCE both locally and globally and laid groundwork for further in-depth research on it
2.2 EIU Policy Meeting APCEIU in cooperation with the UNESCO Office in Bangkok has built the foundation for exploring the shared histories of Southeast Asia beyond national borders with an aim to foster a sense of community in the region by developing a common history textbook. In this regard, APCEIU organized an international expert meeting, inviting 30 experts in history and culture from the Republic of Korea and Southeast Asia. Additionally, an EIU training curriculum booklet was published this year, providing guidelines for teacher trainers and educators who wish to implement EIU training workshops in their own local settings. Also, case studies on the challenges and prospects of the development of EIU in the era of Post-MDGs have been presented and a special workshop on EIU in the comparative context of the Republic of Korea, Japan and China was held during the Annual Conference on EIU. 1) UNESCO International Expert Meeting on the Shared History of Southeast Asia • Theme: Promoting Intercultural Dialogue and a Culture of Peace in Southeast Asia through Shared Histories • Dates: 16 -17 September 2013 (2 days)
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EIU Research and Policy Development
Programme Area 2
2) Research on the Current Status of Global Citizenship Education and Report Publication • Title: Global Citizenship Education: Goals and Challenges in the New Millennium • Duration: 5 September – 8 November 2013 (Report published in December 2013) • Format/Quantity: A5/ 200 copies • Language: English • Main Contents - Review of the conceptual and operational framework of Global Citizenship Education - Summary of the current status of Global Citizenship Education and its importance in the Asia-Pacific region • Distribution: Educational organizations and research centres in Asia- Pacific
• • • •
Venue: UNESCO Bangkok, Thailand Co-organizers: APCEIU and UNESCO Bangkok Sponsor: National Research Foundation of Korea Participants: 30 experts in history, culture and EIU from the Republic of Korea and 9 from Southeast Asian countries • Main Contents - Discussions on the concept of exploring the shared histories of Southeast Asia Presentation of case studies of each participating country on the development of textbooks on the shared histories - Development of a recommendation concerning the need to develop a textbook on the shared histories and establishment of the mid to long term project plans
2) EIU Training Curriculum Development • Research & Survey: Evaluation of the existing EIU training curriculum, research and analysis of other institution’s training workshop curriculum • Expert Consultation: Development of tailored EIU training curriculum for various target groups, themes, regions etc. based on the research outcome (May & July) • Pilot Implementation: Pilot implementation in APCEIU’s Asia-Pacific Training Workshop on EIU (8 - 17 July) • Evaluation and Supplementation: Revision and supplementation of the curriculum through expert evaluation and feedback • Publication of ‘A Guide for EIU Training’ - Publication Date: 23 December 2013 - Format/Quantity: A4/200 copies - Language: English
26 + 2013 Annual Report
Achievements - Strengthened cooperative research network and established mid/long term project plans for developing a textbook on the shared histories of Southeast Asia - Identified the key Issues related to Post-MDGs and EIU through the 14th Annual Conference on EIU - Provided EIU training implementation guide through the production of an EIU training curriculum booklet
2.3 EIU Storytelling Project APCEIU has recognized “storytelling” as one of the most effective methods of content delivery in education and applied this method in an ongoing effort to develop more learner-friendly educational resources. To further utilize the storytelling approach, “EIU Story Collection Project” has been carried out to discover a variety of captivating and interesting short stories related to EIU since 2011. During the last three years, APCEIU led the EIU Story Collection Project to search for creative stories as well as stories based on traditions and real-life experiences in the Asia-Pacific and beyond, and successfully incorporated the collection in its various materials and publications. As APCEIU decided to wrap up the three years’ mission of EIU Story Collection Project in 2013, APCEIU selected the stories, especially from Asia, that had not been awarded but effectively promote EIU, and published them into a storybook along with the prize-winning stories. Through the publication, APCEIU hopes to
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EIU Research and Policy Development
Programme Area 2
3) The 14th Annual Conference on EIU • Theme: Post-MDGs and EIU • Dates: 9 - 10 November 2013 (2 days) • Venue: Chonbuk National University, Republic of Korea • Co-organizers: APCEIU and Korean Society of Education for International Understanding (KOSEIU) • Sponsor: Chonbuk National University • Participants: 150 persons including teachers, EIU experts, members of KOSEIU and Japan Association for International Education (JAIE) from the Republic of Korea, Japan and China • Main Contents - Discussions on the challenges to EIU in the era of Post-MDGs in the Asia-Pacific region - Presentations on research outcomes and cases on various sub-themes of EIU - Comparative workshop on Ecultural diversity in relation to the culture of rice in East Asia
continually share quality EIU stories with larger audience and provide teaching / learning resources that can be utilized in diverse educational settings. 1) EIU Story Collection Project: Story Collection • Collection Duration : 9 April – 31 May 2013 • Applicants: Educators (including APCEIU alumni), activists, students, and UNESCO related organizations • Number of Stories Submitted: 149 stories from 22 countries • Selected Stories - Ab Hara’s Dream (by Mariyam Nihaz, Maldives) - The Green Hope (by Arul vadivelan Ponnusamy, Malaysia) - The Song of the City (by Borzou Saryazdi, Iran) • Main Contents - Collection of well-constructed, interesting and creative short stories that correspond with the aim of EIU and can be utilized in APCEIU’s various educational resources - Extension of a database of EIU stories 2) Publication of EIU Story Collection Book: Journey around Asia • Title: Journey around Asia • Language: English • Quantity: 2,000 copies • Publication Date: December 2013 • Main Contents - Twelve stories selected among all the stories collected in the past three years - Visualization of the EIU stories through illustrations with an introductory article that guides readers how to use the stories in the classroom • Distribution: UNESCO HQ, UNESCO Field Offices, National Commissions for UNESCO, APCEIU alumni, other related organizations and personnel and the press
Achievements - Concretized the concept of EIU and increased the accessibility to EIU through captivating and interesting stories - Increased awareness of EIU and created an international network of EIU activists through organizing a worldwide collection project - Developed a learner-friendly material for the promotion of cultural diversity and understanding of EIU
2.4 EIU Material Development on World Heritage In 2013, APCEIU published a new multimedia educational material entitled “Bagan/Pagan - The Historic Site of Myanmar,” in response to the outcome of
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UNESCO Regional Meeting on the Second Cycle of Periodic Reporting on the Implementation of the World Heritage Convention for Asia (2011), which identified the Republic of the Union of Myanmar as one of the countries having the highest training needs in the world heritage education.
1) Local Research and Data Collection of the Bagan Archaeological Area and Monuments, Republic of the Union of Myanmar • Dates: 18 – 25 September 2013 • Venue: Bagan, Myanmar • Participants: 2 experts on Myanmar's world heritage • Main Contents - Research on the cultural and historical references related to the Bagan Archaeological Area and Monuments - Photographs and video recordings of the site - Data collection for the development of lesson plans on the world heritage 2) Publication of “Bagan/Pagan: The Historic Site of Myanmar” • Publication Date: December 2013 • Language: English • Format/Quantity: CD/1,000 Copies • Main Contents - Introduction of the Bagan Archaeological Area and Monuments through interactive 3D images and pictures - Artistic, religious and historical implications of the Bagan Archaeological Area and Monuments - Sample lesson plans for teachers (mainly for the secondary school level) • Distribution: UNESCO HQ, UNESCO Field Offices, National Commissions for UNESCO, SEAMEO, schools and other related organizations
Achievements - Produced an innovative multimedia material with advanced graphic technology for quality teaching and learning of the world heritage - Distributed the teaching/learning material to schools in Southeast Asia and the SEAMEO Regional Centre for Quality Improvement of Teachers and Education
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In this regard, APCEIU drew attention to the Bagan Archaeological Area and Monuments as a representative world heritage of the Asia-Pacific region, since the site contains more than 2,500 Buddhist monuments built from the 10th to the 14th centuries AD and demonstrates various historical, artistic implications. As an- outcome of the project, a multimedia educational material was developed, targeting secondary school teachers and students of the region in particular to foster changes in their knowledge, attitude and behavior towards conservation of the world heritage, by highlighting historical and cultural value of the heritage.
Personnel (QITEP) in Science, which made an effective use of the publication - Established a cooperative network with the Korean Association of Southeast Asian Studies
2.5 SEAMEO-APCEIU Multimedia Educational Material Development for Cultural Understanding Over the course of last three years, APCEIU, in partnership with SEAMEO, had developed educational materials on the topic of folktales in many different forms including a teachers’ guide, DVD and picture card. Subsequently in 2013, a new three-year project with the SEAMEO Secretariat and SEAMEO SPAFA was launched, shedding light on genre paintings in particular. As its initial step, APCEIU published a comprehensive book which compiled representative genre paintings of Cambodia, Indonesia, Myanmar, Philippines, Republic of Korea, Thailand and Vietnam, depicting local festivals and practices. Readers are expected to come in contact with stories of various topics, such as historical and social background found in the genre paintings, and discover cultural as well as aesthetic significance embedded in them. 1) SEAMEO SPAFA-APCEIU Regional Forum on Cultural Understanding through Paintings of Southeast Asia and Korea • Dates: 12 - 13 September 2013 (2 days) • Venue: SEAMEO SPAFA in Bangkok, Thailand • Participants: Staff of APCEIU, SEAMEO Secretariat and SEAMEO SPAFA, and 10 experts and resource persons on genre paintings from Southeast Asia(Myanmar, Vietnam, Cambodia, Thailand, Philippines and Indonesia) and the Republic of Korea
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• Main Contents - Sharing and selection of representative genre paintings of the participating countries - Concretization of the content, length and style of the manuscripts
Programme Area 2
2) Publication of Cultural Understanding through Paintings of Southeast Asia and Korea • Language: English • Format/Quantity : 225mmx250mm/1,000 copies • Main Contents - Highlights on the historical and cultural significance behind genre paintings depicting traditional festivals of Southeast Asia and the Republic of Korea - Inclusion of viewpoints and perspectives of cultural diversity through original genre paintings and user-friendly commentaries • Distribution: SEAMEO Secretariat and its affiliated centres, Ministries of Education, secondary schools, and other related organizations in Southeast Asia and the Republic of Korea
Achievements - Enriched a source of cultural knowledge and understanding by introducing a relatively less-explored type of the heritage - Expanded possible areas of educational exchanges and cooperation between Southeast Asia and the Republic of Korea
2.6 Global Educational Cooperation Manual Development for Provincial Offices of Education Designed to promote global education cooperation of the provincial offices of education, the Global Educational Cooperation Manual Development project was launched in September 2012 as a follow-up measure to APCEIU’s previous research,
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“Development of Model and Strategy for Educational Development Cooperation of Provincial Offices of Education” conducted in 2011. Through additional researcher and expert group meetings and benchmarking relevant educational institutions engaged in international cooperation and exchanges, a practical guide for successful and sustained global educational cooperation was completed in May 2013. The Manual is expected to help users pursue global educational cooperation step by step and assist effective management of various international programmes, and ultimately contribute to vitalizing educational cooperation across the world. 1) Visit to Coordinating Institutions in the Field of Global Educational Cooperation • Date - Australia: 23 February - 2 March 2013 (8 days) - Singapore: 24 - 28 March 2013 (5 days) • Venue - Australia: Department of Education and Early Childhood Development (DEECD), Government of Victoria, Department of Education and Child Development (DECD), Government of South Australia, Asia Education Foundation and 4 schools - Singapore: National Institute of Education, Asia Europe Foundation and 3 schools • Participants: About 30 persons including researchers, APCEIU staff, education administrators and teachers from Australia and Singapore • Main Contents - Programme policy advice from global education cooperation experts - Implications for manual development by benchmarking advanced support system and operation method - Quotations from the institutions’ accumulated knowhow and reference materials 2) Publication of the Global Educational Cooperation Manual Development for Provincial Offices of Education • Publication Date: May 2013 • Language/Quantity: Korean/100 copies • Main Contents - Introduction of the rationale, background, purpose and methods of the manual development - Overview of the general trends in global educational cooperation and ODA in the education sector - Analysis of the global educational cooperation support system and trends - User-based and activity-based manual development and website model - Manual utilization roadmap and distribution plan of updated versions • Distribution: MOE, KEDI, Korean provincial offices of education, etc.
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Achievements - Established a roadmap to implementing effective and sustainable global educational cooperation for provincial offices of education and schools - Provided a useful aid for strengthening the global competency and talents of the provincial offices of education and individual schools
2.7 Development of International Organizations’ Series
In 2013, APCEIU published two books, which includes the introductory book on the history, current status and the future of international organizations, and the second piece on United Nations, the archetype of international organizations , and world peace. 1) International Organizations’ Series Workshop • Dates: 25-26 May 2013 • Venue: Jeju, Republic of Korea • Participants: A total of 19 persons including the researchers of International Organizations’ Series, APCEIU staffs • Main Contents - Mid-term presentation of research paper and review on research topic - Discussing and sharing problems during research and writing - Deriving implications for the future progress of the series 2) International Organizations’ Series Symposium • Dates - 1st symposium: 25 May 2013 - 2nd symposium: 14 June 2013 - 3rd symposium: 9 December 2013 • Venue: Seoul, Republic of Korea • Participants: Around 30 persons including the researchers of the International Organizations’ Series, international and domestic experts of international organizations, and APCEIU staffs
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International organizations play a pivotal role in formulating and implementing various policies for common global values, such as peace, human rights, globalization, sustainable development and cultural diversity. EIU, with its holistic approach on these common global values, can be found in the basis of the international organizations’ activities. Thus, the International Organizations’ Series Project initiated in 2013 as a three-year project is expected to strengthen the foundation of EIU. Publication of the series is expected to provide a systematic study on international organizations and contribute to promoting global order as well as Global Citizenship Education and Peace Education delivered through international organizations, such as the United Nations.
• Main Contents - Mid-term and final presentation of research paper - Revision of the research outcome for publishing - Discussions on the direction to promote the international organizations study
3) Publication and Distribution of the International Organizations’ Series • Titles: International Organizations: Past, Present and Future and United Nations and World Peace (2 books) • Publication Date: 29 November 2013 • Language: Korean • Format/Quantity: A5/ 1000 copies for each book • Main Contents: Analysis of the history, current status and future of international organizations and their roles and activities in relation to world peace • Distribution: Internationalorganizations, academic institutions related to international studies and political science, etc.
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Achievements - Expanded academic exchange and mutual understanding not only among scholars but also between scholars and field workers - Developed systematic study on international organizations to strengthen the research foundation of the area - Identified the contributions of international organizations to the development of Global Citizenship Educations and Peace Education
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ⓒ APCEIU/ Park Hoo Jung
Programme Area 3
In 2013, APCEIU provided the public with an easier access to information regarding EIU and APCEIU activities through a wider use of SNS. Moreover, APCEIU launched the “APCEIU Supporters,” a group of the youth committed to the promotion of EIU. They discovered and exchanged their ideas on EIU and helped disseminating the related news and information. In addition, APCEIU’s programmes and activities were broadly publicized through e-Newsletters and media reports, which further heightened APCEIU’s profile in the world. APCEIU’s tri-annual English magazine, SangSaeng introduces various social issues in the AsiaPacific region and to shed light on endeavors toward the common good from an EIU perspective. By utilizing the website and the mobile platform, SangSaeng made continuing efforts to provide its readers with easier access to global issues and encouraged them to be active supporters of EIU, and eventually contributed to a Culture of Peace. In 2013, SangSaeng reformed its article sections to give deeper insights into each edition’s different themes. The EIU Best Practices Project has not only served as useful educational materials for teachers in the region, but also played a part in optimizing the customized education in various countries in the Asia-Pacific region. Five cases from Bhutan, China, India, Malaysia and Uzbekistan were awarded this year as the best cases and distributed throughout the region, drawing more schools and educators’ attention to EIU and inspiring them to develop their own practices. Finally, APCEIU continued to respond to the increasing demand for programmes targeting the youth and children in the region through a number of programmes. Two EIU Photo Classes were held in the Kingdom of Tonga and Indonesia to expand the photo database and other nonverbal media for promoting international understanding and cultural diversity. In addition, the Korea·Japan·China Children's Story Exchange Programme took place in Japan; the participants made collaborative storybooks based on various interactions and activities under the theme of “dreams.” These diverse experiences helped students to carry out active discussions beyond the language barrier and enhanced their learning to live together.
Dissemination of Information on EIU
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he launch of UN’s Global Education First Initiative emphasizes the fundamentality of education in solving global issues. In order for educators around the world to effectively propagate the importance of education for peace, human rights as well as cultural diversity in today’s globalized world, the convergence of ICT and education is essential. Furthermore, quality teaching and learning materials should be provided to teachers, along with ongoing capacity development and proper training. In this context, APCEIU has been disseminating, on a wide-scale, up-to-date materials and information on EIU by building a reliable information infrastructure, as well as promoting field programmes for regional understanding, especially in a school setting.
3.1 Management of the Multimedia Centre In order to effectively disseminate EIU information and resources, APCEIU continued to upgrade its management of the Multimedia Centre through expanding and strengthening the online resource providing system. In 2013, APCEIU enabled a wider audience to access information on EIU by promoting APCEIU’s activities and educational materials through the social networking sites and the Centre’s newly launched blog. Additionally, the first batch of APCEIU Supporters contributed significantly to the fortified PR initiative in 2013. 1) Management of Multimedia Centre • Main Contents - Management of the Contents Provide System - Management of APCEIU’s website - Operation, management and maintenance of multimedia centre’s information technology equipment and system - Operation of information resource room 2) Distribution of the e-Newsletter • Distribution Dates: 14 June / 17 June / 19 June / 21 June / 3 September / 16 September / 1 October / 18 October / 31 October / 8 November / 6 December / 13 December / 16 December / 18 December / 20 December 2013 (15 times) • Language: English and Korean • Main Contents: Up-to-date information on EIU, APCEIU News, etc. • Distribution: UNESCO HQ, UNESCO Regional offices, National Commissions for UNESCO, EIU experts and heads of related institutions, domestic and overseas teachers, etc. 3) Launch of the APCEIU Supporters • Participants: 6 undergraduate/graduate school students • Period of Activity: August – December 2013 (5 months) • Main Activities: Participation in APCEIU’s on/offline PR activities and assistance in EIU PR contents development
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Achievements - Established a stable information delivery and networking system - Achieved more frequent dissemination of information on EIU and APCEIU’s activities
SangSaeng offers a platform for sharing the latest information and trends on EIU among teachers, educators and scholars in the Asia-Pacific region. Since the APCEIU’s establishment, SangSaeng has been continuing to play a crucial role in APCEIU’s mission to promote and develop EIU towards a Culture of Peace in the Asia-Pacific through introducing good practices and inspirational ideas in the fields. In 2013, SangSaeng reformed its sections to provide more in-depth feature articles on each issue’s specific themes and further improve the quality of its contents. Three issues were published with 39 articles from around the world with a special emphasis on the Asia-Pacific region. SangSaeng has disseminated valuable information on the current situations related to EIU in response to the growing needs and attention of its global readers and continuously contributed to spreading a Culture of Peace.
Dissemination of Information on EIU
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3.2 Publication of SangSaeng
1) Titles • Issue No. 36: Ancient Wisdom in Asian Traditional Houses • Issue No. 37: How to Foster Global Citizenship? • Issue No. 38: Maps for Mutual Understanding 2) Published Dates: May, September and December 2013 3) Language: English 4) Quantity: 4,000 printed copies and e-book version for each issue 5) Distribution: UNESCO HQ, UNESCO Field Offices, National Commissions for UNESCO around the world, teachers, scholars and experts on EIU, governmental and non-governmental organizations, related institutions
Achievements - Published three editions of SangSaeng including useful and inspiring stories from 24 countries (16 countries from Asia-Pacific, eight from the other regions) and eight IGOs (UNESCO HQ, UNESCO Category 2 Centres) and NGOs - Led to translation of several articles on global citizenship education published in the issue no. 37 translated into Thai by ASEAN University Network to be promoted among the Thai language youth and university students - Enhanced APCEIU’s global profile by sustaining its leading role in the field of EIU and expanding its worldwide network through inviting contributors from the outer Asia-Pacific region
3.3 EIU Best Practices Since its first launch in 2006, the EIU Best Practices Project has served as the venue for educators in the Asia-Pacific region to widely share their best practices and encouraged effective integration of EIU in their local education settings. The EIU Best Practices covers a wide range of topics related to EIU such as peace education, education for sustainable development, human rights education, and education for gender equity. Over the last seven years, APCEIU published 30 monographs of selected EIU practices and distributed them widely throughout the region with the continuous support from the UNESCO Field Offices and the National Commissions for UNESCO of the Member States. This year, EIU Best Practices continued to identify revolutionary practices of EIU and were disseminated in the region. The five selected cases were monitored and consulted by APCEIU to produce informative reports, which were published into monographs respectively. In 2013, the project was designed to be closely connected with APCEIU training programmes to encourage the participants to share the conceptual approaches and practical implementation of EIU in integrating EIU in their local environment.
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2) Publication of the EIU Best Practices Series • Titles - Series No. 31: A Step Towards Change: Incorporating EIU in Classrooms and Beyond (Ms. Kusum Latha SHARMA, Senior Teacher, Yangchenphug Higher Secondary School, Bhutan) - Series No. 32: Teacher Training and Whole School Approach for Improving Teacher EIU Competences (Ms. CHEN Hong, Associate Professor, Beijing Institute of Education, China) - Series No. 33: Shaping an Action-Oriented Learning Community for Sustainable Development (Ms. Charu KAPOOR, Principal, Ganga International School, India) - Series No. 34: 2Bs Program: ‘I’m a Buddy, not a Bully’ (Mr. Jamaisafri Saibon, Mr. Abdul Jalil Ali, Mr. Syed Mohamad Syed Abdullah, Ms. Rabiatual-Adawiah Ahmad Rashid, Senior Lecturers, Univeristi Sains Malaysia (USM), Malaysia) - Series No. 35: Nurturing Global Citizens Through Experiential Learning (Mr. Ildar YUSUPOV, teacher and Ms. Feruza AHMEDOVA, Former Deputy Director, Sirdarya Regional Foreign Languages Boarding School, Uzbekistan) • Publication Date: 23 December 2013 • Language: English • Quantity: 1,500 copies (300 copies per each case), total 5 cases • Distribution: UNESO HQ, UNESCO Field Offices, National Commissions for UNESCO, and EIU-related institutions
Achievements - Identified various approaches and integration of EIU initiatives in the region - Published five best practices in monographs to widely share the practices in the region
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1) EIU Best Practice Collection and Selection • Duration: 23 February – 19 April 2013 • Number of submission: 28 cases from 15 countries in the Asia-Pacific region • Selected cases: 5 Best Practices (Bhutan, China, India, Malaysia and Uzbekistan)
- Strengthened local EIU initiatives by awarding and publicizing best practices
3.4 EIU Photo Class The EIU Photo Class is APCEIUâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s youth-targeted programme. The programme aims to provide EIU exposure to the youth in the Asia-Pacific through the art of photography that portrays a wide variety of cultures and subjects. Throughout the programme, participants learn basic photography skills, take field trips to take photographs, and engage in cultural exchange activities. The programme allows participants to observe and rediscover the various aspects of their everyday lives and express their own interpretations through photography. It also culminates with a photo exhibition, where students exhibit and share their work with their community. In 2013, two EIU Photo Classes were carried out in the Kingdom of Tonga and Indonesia, respectively.
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10th EIU Photo Class
11th EIU Photo Class
Living in Harmony with Nature
Cultural Heritage in Everyday Life
27 May – 1 June 2013
23 – 28 November 2013
Nuku’alofa, Tonga
Jakarta, Indonesia
Partner Organizations
Tonga Ministry of Education and Training, Tonga National Commission for UNESCO
Ministry of Education and Culture of the Republic of Indonesia, South East Asia School Principals Forum (SEASPF), Indonesian National Commission for UNESCO
Intel and Universitas Siswa Bangsa Internasional (USBI)
20 Tongan and 3 Korean high school students, 3 Korean and 1 Tonga-based professional photographers, and 4 Tongan teachers
20 Indonesian and 5 Korean secondary school students, 5 Indonesian and Korean professional photographers, and 10 Indonesian teachers
Main Contents
- Lecture on basic photography skills - Photo-taking field trips to historical, natural, and cultural heritage sites - EIU Photography Workshop and cultural exchanges - Photo exhibition
Achievements - Provided 48 secondary school students from Indonesia, Republic of Korea, and Tonga with EIU and cultural exchange opportunities through photography - Acquired approximately 35,000 photographs capturing the diverse scenes of Indonesian and Tongan culture - Enhanced partnerships with partner organizations and sponsors
3.5 China∙Japan∙Korea Children’s Story Exchange Programme The China∙Japan∙Korea Children’s Story Exchange Programme intends to provide the children of China, Japan and the Republic of Korea (Grade 4-6) with a meaningful learning experience of understanding each other’s culture through collaborative and experiential learning. Since the programme started on a Japanese initiative in 2002, the programme has evolved in several ways. The three participating countries now annually host the programme in rotation, and the OB (Old Boys) Exchange, the alumni reunion programme, is also being held simultaneously with the children’s programme. Throughout the 7 days of the programme this year, the participants engaged in collaborative storybook making, based on various interactions and activities under the theme of “dreams.” These diverse experiences helped students to
Dissemination of Information on EIU
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carry out active discussions beyond the language barrier and let their imaginations loose, thereby jointly coming up with creative and original stories. Meanwhile, participants of the OB exchange programme collaboratively discussed and contemplated the ways in which the three East Asian countries could strengthen their exchange network and presented these ideas in groups.
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1) Preliminary Workshop • Dates: 12 July 2013 • Venue: APCEIU Conference Hall, Seoul, Republic of Korea • Partner Organizations: Seoul Metropolitan Office of Education • Participants: 170 Korean participants and their guardians, teachers, OBs (2004 Programme participants) • Main Contents - Programme Introduction and guide for programme preparation - Lecture on intercultural understanding
3) Follow-up Workshop • Dates: 18 October 2013 • Venue: APCEIU Conference Hall, Seoul, Republic of Korea • Partner Organizations: Seoul Metropolitan Office of Education • Participants: 70 Korean participants and their guardians, teachers, OBs from the Republic of Korea • Main Contents - Programme assessment and discussion for the future enhancement of the programme - EIU Workshop - A guide to available EIU programmes provided by relevant organizations 4) Development of EIU Material • Title: EIU in the Classroom • Publication Date: December 2013 • Format/Length/Quantity: 4*6/240 pages/6,000 copies • Language: Korean
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2) 2013 China∙Japan∙Korea Children’s Story Exchange Programme and the 2nd OB Exchange Programme • Dates: 17 – 23 August 2013 (7 days) • Venue: Tokyo and Aichi, Japan • Partner Organizations: Seoul Metropolitan Office of Education, Executive Committee for Japan-China-Korea Children’s Story Exchange Program, China National Committee for the Wellbeing of the Youth • Participants: 100 primary school students, 31 OBs (2004 Programme participants), 100 teachers, group leaders, storybook writers, and interpreters from China, Japan, and the Republic of Korea • Main Contents - Group storybook making and presentation - Reading of similar folktales of China, Japan, and the Republic of Korea and discussion on the similarities and differences - Hands-on cultural activities and exchanges - Future exchange workshop (OB participants)
• Main Contents: Development of EIU resource covering the themes of cultural diversity, globalization, human rights, sustainable development, and peace for primary and secondary school teachers to be used in EIU classes • Distribution: Primary and secondary schools, metropolitan and provincial offices of education, related institutions, experts of EIU 5) Development of China∙Japan∙Korea Children’s Story Exchange Programme Website • Launch Date: December 2013 • Language: Korean • Main Contents: Programme introduction, photo and children’s storybook gallery, and community board for sharing information before and after the programme to strengthen the network (http://storybook.unescoapceiu. org/)
Achievements - Provided EIU and cultural exchange opportunities to 100 children and 28 youth from China, Japan, and the Republic of Korea - Developed ten collaborative storybooks by the children of China, Japan, and the Republic of Korea - Produced three “Dream Maps” containing ideas on ways to promote exchange and cooperation among China, Japan, and the Republic of Korea, by the 2004 alumni of the programme
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Programme Area 4
International Teacher Exchange Programme
The APCEIU’s International Teacher Exchange Programme consisted of Asia-Pacific Teacher Exchange for Global Education and Teaching Abroad for Global Competency. The Asia-Pacific Teacher Exchange for Global Education was implemented as a bilateral teacher exchange programme between the Republic of Korea and the countries closely related to the “multicultural phenomenon” in Korea. With the financial support from the Korean Ministry of Education, this programme was initiated in 2012 with Mongolia and the Philippines. Building upon the positive outcomes, it has broadened its scope by including Indonesia as the third partner country in 2013. By participating in this teacher exchange programme, teachers will engage in various educational activities such as developing EIU curricula and teaching/learning materials, and thus strengthen their inter-cultural communication skills and teaching abilities. Beyond exchanges within the Asia-Pacific region, the Teaching Abroad for Global Competency has developed into an inter-regional teacher exchange programme, connecting Asia-Pacific region to other continents. In 2013, short-term and long-term teaching abroad programmes were provided to primary and secondary school teachers from the Republic of Korea, United Kingdom, USA and Russia, respectively.
International Teacher Exchange Programme
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steep increase in the exchange of goods and people has brought about unforeseen changes in educational environments around the world. In dealing with the challenges of globalization and the increasingly multicultural classroom, the role of teachers has become more critical than ever. Hence, APCEIU’s International Teacher Exchange Programme has trained teachers to be equipped with global educational capacity to foster global communication skills of teachers and connected classrooms of different countries to share common values and diverse cultures. Particularly, teacher’s capacity of teaching Education for International Understanding needs to be enhanced in teacher exchange programme to nurture global citizens who have international perspectives on globally shared social issues and participate in finding solutions.
4.1 Asia-Pacific Teacher Exchange for Global Education The Asia-Pacific Teacher Exchange for Global Education was designed to enhance global education competence of participating teachers and schools through teacher exchange programmes. The programme was embarked in 2012 with the two partner countries: Mongolia and the Philippines. It was expanded when Indonesia was invited as the third partner country in 2013 as a follow-up measure of the 5th APEC Education Ministerial Meeting. In consequence, total of 62 teachers from Mongolia, the Philippines and Indonesia and 58 teachers of Korea participated in the 2013 programme. Not only did its scale increase, but also the programme’s internal stability was ensured by enriching orientations with classes more focused on local adjustment and educational activities, by publishing books and DVDs as EIU teaching/learning materials. 1) ROK-Mogolia Teacher Exchange Programme Korean Teachers to Mongolia
Mogolian Teachers to Korea
1 September – 21 December 2013 (4 months)
11 May – 8 August 2013 (3 months)
24 Korean teachers
25 Mongolian teachers
Host Schools
13 schools in Ulaanbaatar and Tuv, Khentii, Dornogovi, Uvurkhangai, Arkhangai, Orkhon Provinces, Mongolia
13 schools in Seoul, Gyeonggi-do, Gangwon-do, and Chungcheongnamdo, Republic of Korea
2) ROK-Philippines Teacher Exchange Programme Korean Teachers to the Philippines
Host Schools
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Filipino Teachers to Korea
11 September 2013 – 6 January 2014 (4 months)
7 October – 19 December 2013 (3 months)
24 Korean teachers
24 Filipino teachers
24 schools in Region III, Philippines
17 schools in Seoul, Incheon, Ulsan, Gyeonggi-do, Gangwon-do, Jeollanamdo, and Gyeongsangbuk-do, Republic of Korea
3) ROK-Indonesia Teacher Exchange Programme Korean Teachers to Indonesia
Indonesian Teachers to Korea
27 September 2013 – 18 January 2014 (4 months)
7 October – 27 December 2013 (3 months)
10 Korean teachers
13 Indonesian teachers
Host Schools
7 schools in Jakarta, Indonesia
7 schools in Seoul and Gyeonggi-do, Republic of Korea
Main Contents
Programme Area 4
- Pre-departure workshop for local adjustment and basic training on EIU - Cultural activities and visits to local educational institutions - Introduction of one’s own culture to local students - Leading and management of formal, after-school and/or extracurricular classes - Designing of co-teaching plans and individual projects on EIU - Submission of bi-weekly reports about school activities
< 2013 ROK-Mongolia Teacher Exchange Programme >
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< 2013 ROK-Philippines Teacher Exchange Programme >
< 2013 ROK-Indonesia Teacher Exchange Programme >
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4) Other Exchange Programmes Dispatch of Korean pre-service teachers to China
- 2013 first-half dispatch: February – December 2013
September 2012 – July 2013
Programme Area 4
Dispatch of Korean language teachertrainers to Sri Lanka
- 2013 second-half dispatch: September 2013 – August 2014
Heilongjiang and Shandong Provinces, China
National Institute of Education, Maharagama, Sri Lanka
15 Korean pre-service teachers
Total 4 Korean language teacher-trainers
Partner Organization
National Institute for International Education, Republic of Korea
National Institute of Education, Sri Lanka
Te a c h i n g i n t r o d u c t o r y K o r e a n , conversational skills to Chinese undergraduate students
Training Sri Lankan in-service teachers, developing Korean language teaching materials and curriculum for teacher training
5) Development of EIU Teaching/learning Materials and Lesson Plans Five Color Stories of Mongolia Five Color Stories of the Philippines
Singing Asia to Live Together
A set of a book, a supplementary booklet and a CD
Book and DVD
English and Korean
Participating teachers of the Teacher Exchange Programme and EIU experts
National Commissions for UNESCO in the participating countries and selected experts on children’s songs and EIU
Main Contents
Exposition of culture, history and daily life of Mongolia and the Philippines, based on experiences of the Korean participating teachers
Introduction of popular children’s songs in Indonesia, Malaysia, Mongolia, Philippines, Republic of Korea, Sri Lanka and Uzbekistan
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Achievements - Enhanced both the knowledge and capacity of participating teachers in global education and cross-cultural communication through hands-on experiences - Promoted mutual understanding among people in the participating countries - Developed a platform for exchange network among teachers in the participating countries - Enriched education of the participating countries by improving the capacity of the participating teachers in designing and implementing EIU
4.2 Teaching Abroad for Global Competency In 2013, the Teaching Abroad for Global Competency Programme continued to expand, almost doubling the number of participating teachers from the previous year. Moreover, in order to further improve the quality of the programme through contribution of reliable local institutions, APCEIU called for a proposal for the local programme implementation and selected the competent partner organizations in UK, USA and Russia. Lastly, APCEIU changed the format of the pre-departure workshops and initiated the co-teaching projects, as innovative approaches to building the capacity of teachers in EIU. In response to the increasing demand for the programme from the Asia-Pacific region, APCEIU began consultation with the Governments of Australia and Singapore to expand it in 2014.
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Short-term Teaching Abroad Programme
Long-term Teaching Abroad Programme for Pre-service Teachers
• Dispatch of Korean teachers to UK/ USA/Russia - UK/USA: 9 January – 6 February 2013 - Russia: 13 – 27 February 2013 Dates
• Invitation of UK/USA/Russian Teachers to Korea - Russia: 21 January – 3 February 2013 - UK: 28 June – 19 July 2013 - USA: 28 June – 25 July 2013
August 2013 – May 2014
• UK: 11 schools in the New Castle region • USA: 8 schools in the New York State Venue
• Russia: 4 schools in Moscow
New Jersey, New York and Maryland in USA
• Korea: 34 schools in Seoul, Incheon, Busan, Daegu, etc.
Partner Organizations
37 Korean, 15 UK, 17 USA and 4 Russian Teachers
20 Korean pre-service teachers
Creativity, Culture & Education (UK), Korean American Heritage Foundation (USA) and Korean Embassy in Moscow (Russia)
Bloomfield College, New Jersey, USA
• Recruiting and training in-service teachers in collaboration with Korean provincial education offices and partner institutes of participating countries Main Contents
• In-service teachers’ participation in Class observation, co-teaching, study visits, and joint workshop with educators from countries in Asia and the Pacific • Developing activity plan and monitoring activities in collaboration with partner institutes and local schools
Programme Area 4
• Recruiting and training of pre-service Math and Science teachers • Participation in math and science teaching and intercultural lesson teaching programme in USA schools • Developing activity plan and monitoring activities in collaboration with partner institutes
Achievements - Enhanced the capacity of teachers in teaching math and science with global education perspectives - Provided pre-service teachers with career development opportunities - Developed partnership with educational organizations and schools
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â&#x201C;&#x2019; Nehemia Budi Setiawan
Programme Area 5
In this context, the Global Education First Initiative (GEFI) led by UN Secretary-General opened a venue for APCEIU to take a lead on a relatively new but familiar area – Global Citizenship Education. Pointed out as one of the three priorities of GEFI, Global Citizenship Education has become an integral part of global education agenda. APCEIU, with 13 years of history and expertise in the field, headed the relevant initiatives, such as Technical Consultation on Global Citizenship Education and UNESCO Forum on Global Citizenship Education. In addition, serving as a stabilizing force of the Centre, the Governing Board continued to ensure the transparency and consistency in the operational process of the Centre. In 2013, the 2nd Governing Board of APCEIU started its 3-year term and will continue to decide on and supervise all the programmes and budget that conform to the APCEIU’s mandate and UNESCO’s strategic objectives.
Strengthening Institutional Capacities of APCEIU & Enhancing EIU Network
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Programme Area 5
ecognized as a leading educational institution dedicated to promoting a Culture of Peace through EIU, APCEIU has been making increasing efforts to meet the demands of the UNESCO and other partners for sharing its expertise and resources. In particular, as the target years of Education for All (EFA), Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) and UN Decade of Education for Sustainable Development fast approach, the discussions on the post-2015 educational development agenda have been more vibrant than ever. APCEIU was invited to take active part in the related endeavors including a series of expert meetings organized by UNESCO.
5.1 Governing Board Pursuant to the Integrated Comprehensive Strategy for UNESCO Category 2 Institutes and Centres (35C/22), the Governing Board, consisting of eleven members, including the representatives from the Korean Government, UNESCO, Member States and EIU Experts was established in 2010. The Board determines the general policies and the directions of APCEIU’s activities in accordance with UNESCO’s goals and objectives, decides on the programme and budget, and ensures the implementation of all activities. The 2nd Governing Board members were appointed in May 2013 for a three-year term, and in the same year, two Governing Board sessions – one each in written consultation and roundtable meeting format - were held. In addition, a Steering Committee meeting was convened in October to review and decide on the matters entrusted by the Board and related to the implementation of the Board resolutions. 1) 8th Session of APCEIU’s Governing Board (Written Consultation) • Dates: 11 ~ 18 April 2013 • Participants: 10 Governing Board Members and 1 Auditor • Main Agendas - Report on the Minutes of the 7th Session of the Governing Board - Audit Report for 2012 - Consideration and Approval of the Recommendation of the 2nd Governing Board Members and Appointment of the 2nd Auditor - Consideration and Approval of the Performance and Settlement of Accounts for 2012 - Consideration and Approval of the Amendments to the Constitution of APCEIU 2) 9th Session of APCEIU’s Governing Board (Roundtable Meeting)
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Dates: 16 December 2013 Venue: APCEIU Conference Hall, Seoul, Republic of Korea Participants: 9 Governing Board Members (out of 11 members) Main Agendas - Report on the Minutes of the 8th Session of the Governing Board - Consideration and approval of the Draft Programme and Budget 2014
Achievements - Reinforced APCEIU’s programme alignment with UNESCO’s strategic programme objectives - Enhanced the visibility of APCEIU in the UNESCO network and participation of the Member States - Developed strategies to facilitate programme implementation and sharpen institutional capacity as the foremost EIU expert organization
5.2 Exchange & Cooperation with Relevant Organizations In 2013, APCEIU continued to strengthen and expand its vital network of institutions and individuals working in the field of EIU. Particularly during the Executive Board Meetings and General Conference of UNESCO, APCEIU’s performance and contributions have been highly noted; in one of her responses to the 191st Executive Board, UNESCO Director-General Irina Bokova acknowledged APCEIU as a model Category 2 Centre that works in accordance with the mission of UNESCO. Furthermore, as the process of drawing up the post-2015 development agenda has accelerated, APCEIU was invited to the relevant events for discussions by UNESCO and other educational partners, where the Centre leveraged these occasions to further promote EIU and GCE and to strengthen the capacity of APCEIU staff. 1) Participation in the UNESCO Executive Board Meetings and General Conference (1) 191st and 192nd Sessions of Executive Board
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3) 5th Steering Committee Meeting • Date: 31 October 2013 • Venue: APCEIU Meeting Room, Seoul, Republic of Korea • Participants: 5 Steering Committee Members (out of 7 members) and 1 Auditor • Main Agendas - Report on the Minutes of the 4th Session of the Steering Committee - Consideration and Approval of the Draft First Revised Supplementary Budget for 2013 - Consideration and Approval of the Draft Amendments to the Operational Regulation of APCEIU
• • • •
Dates: 15 – 19 April 2013 (191st)/ 4 – 9 October 2013 (192nd) Venue: Paris, France Organizer: UNESCO HQ Main Contents - Courtesy visit to UNESCO Director-General and report on APCEIU’s activities - Attendance in the 2013 World Teachers Day (4 October 2913, organized by UNESCO HQ) and discussions with UNESCO on ASPnet and teacher exchange programmes
(2) 37th General Conference • Dates: 4 – 12 November 2013 • Venue: Paris, France • Organizer: UNESCO HQ • Main Contents - Attendance in the sessions related to the UNESCO Category 2 Institutes/Centres, Post-2015 development agenda, etc. - Discussions with UNESCO HQ and Member States on collaborative projects including international teacher exchange and teacher training 2) Participation in UNESCO and UNESCO Institutes/Centres Meetings (1) Asia-Pacific Regional Consultation on an ESD Post-2014 Programme Framework • Dates: 16-17 May 2013 • Venue: Bangkok, Thailand • Organizer: UNESCO Bangkok • Main Contents - Discussions on programmes following the end of the UN Decade of ESD in 2014 - Introduction of APCEIU’s ESD-related programmes and activities (2) 2013 ESD Country Report Meeting and Green School Asia Regional Workshop • Dates: 26 – 28 June 2013 • Venue: Jakarta, Indonesia • Organizer: UNESCO Jakarta
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Programme Area 5
• Main Contents - Introduction of APCEIU and its programmes on ESD - Understanding of the current trend towards ESD in Asia-Pacific and its implication on the future activities of APCEIU - Official visits to UNESCO Jakarta Office, UNESCO Indonesian National commission, Ministry of Education and Culture of the Government of the Republic of Indonesia, ASEAN Secretariat and Koran Mission to ASEAN 2013 Asia-Europe Forum on School Ethics Education • Dates: 13 – 15 July 2013 • Venue: Beijing, China • Co-organizers: World Federation of UNESCO Clubs, Centres and Associations (WFUCA), International Bureau of Education (IBE), European Federation of UNESCO Clubs Centres and Associations (EFUCA), AsiaPacific Federation of UNESCO Clubs, Centres and Associations (AFUCA), Chinese National Commission for UNESCO and Chinese National Federation of UNESCO Clubs and Associations (CNFUCA) • Main Contents - Presentation titled “School Ethics Education and Global Citizenship Education” - Introduction of APCEIU and discussions on the development of EIU programmes Regional High-Level Expert Meeting Beyond 2015: Transforming Teacher and Learning in the Asia-Pacific Region • Dates: 16 – 19 October 2013 • Venue: Bangkok, Thailand • Organizer: UNESCO Bangkok • Main Contents - Country reports on the practices of the Asia-Pacific Member States in improving the quality of teaching and learning - Discussions on the post-2015 educational development agenda 2013 ERI-Net Annual Meeting on Transition to a Better and Higher Learning • Dates: 17 – 19 October 2013 • Venue: Bangkok, Thailand • Organizer: UNESCO Bangkok • Main Contents - Discussions on the significance of policy development for non-cognitive/ transversal skills - Network formation among UNESCO, Asia-Pacific Member States, academia and civil society Consultative Meeting for APEID Programmes (2014-2017) • Dates: 19 – 20 November 2013 • Venue: Bangkok, Thailand • Organizer: UNESCO Bangkok • Main Contents
- Consultation on teacher training programmes as part of 2014-2017 APEID Programmes - Discussions on cooperative projects with UNESCO Bangkok 3) Cooperation with Other Partners (1) Participation in the Conference on “Aging in Asia-Pacific: Balancing the State and the Family” • Dates: 4 – 6 April 2013 • Venue: Cebu, Philippines • Co-organizers: Philippine Social Science Council (PSSC) and Association of Asian Social Science Research Council (AASSREC) • Main Contents - Search for implications of aging issue in the region and measures to strengthen the social integration - Strengthening of the network with the Filipino partners for the cooperation in APCEIU’s activities in the country (2) Participation in the SEAMEO Centre Directors Meeting • Dates: 1 - 2 July 2013 • Venue: Bangkok, Thailand • Organizer: Southeast Asian Ministers of Education Organization (SEAMEO) • Main Contents - Introduction of APCEIU and its programmes and activities - Networking with SEAMEO and other relevant institutions (3) Signing of MOU with Beijing Institute of Education • Date: 12 July 2013 • Venue: Beijing, China • Main Contents - Promotion of EIU and GCE in the region through training of educators, research and material development - Sharing of expertise and resources related to EIU
Achievements - Heightened APCEIU’s international profile, especially among educational stakeholders who influence the global education agenda - Expanded the pool of a wide range of educational institutions and individuals that can be mobilized in APCEIU’s programmes and activities on EIU
5.3 Networking for UNESCO Education Sector Category 2 Centres At its 37th session in November 2013, UNESCO’s General Conference amended the Integrated Comprehensive Strategy for Category 2 Institutes and Centres, reiterating that the UNESCO Category 2 Centres are critical part of the Organization in achieving its strategic programme objectives. In addition, with the establishment of 17 new Category 2 Centres was approved by the General Conference, the visibility of the Category 2 Centres was further enhanced.
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Prior to the General Conference, the 3rd Meeting of UNESCO Category 2 Centres in Education was held by the Regional Centre for Educational Planning (RCEP) in Dubai, United Arab Emirates. During this biennial meeting, the UNESCO Category 2 Centres in Education discussed UNESCO’s policy direction and strategy with regard to the Centres and reaffirmed their collective commitment to the realization as UNESCO’s mandate to build lasting peace. This meeting also marked the end of the two-year term as the sector focal point by APCEIU and RCEP's succession of the role for the 2013-2015 period.
2) Publication of the UNESCO Category 2 Centres in Education Newsletter • Publication Date: March 2013 • Format: E-Newsletter • Main Contents - Introduction of various activities organized by the UNESCO Category 2 Centres in Education - Announcement of upcoming programmes and activities by the Centres in 2013
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Programme Area 5
1) Participation in the 3rd Meeting of UNESCO Category 2 Centres in Education • Dates: 5-7 March 2013 • Venue: Dubai, United Arab Emirates • Co-organizers: UNESCO HQ and Regional Centre for Educational Planning (RCEP) • Main Contents - Reports on the activities and achievements of the UNESCO Category 2 Centres in Education in 2011-2013 - Discussions on the measures to align the programmes and priorities of the Centres with those of the 2014-2015 UNESCO Draft Programme and Budget (37C/5) - Search for collaborative projects and discussion on measures to strengthen global and regional cooperation - Suggestion of the future directions for the network of the Category 2 Centres in Education
Achievements - Enhanced the visibility and influence of the Category 2 Centres in Education within the UNESCO network - Identified collective action plans for a greater contribution to UNESCO’s mandate and strategic programme objectives
5.4 Technical Consultation on Global Citizenship Education As fostering global citizenship as highlighted by the Global Education First Initiative (GEFI) is closely aligned with promoting EIU, APCEIU has proactively contributed to the expansion of Global Citizenship Education (GCE). In specific, APCEIU jointly organized the Technical Consultation on Global Citizenship Education with UNESCO, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Korea in 2013. Prominent GCE experts from all over the world participated in the meeting to review the main issues of GCE and advance the discussion on GCE. The resulting document, ‘GCE: An Emerging Perspective’ is available online. To accelerate and sustain the efforts made through the consultation, APCEIU also co-organized the UNESCO Forum on Global Citizenship Education with the UNESCO HQ, UNESCO Bangkok and the Mahatma Gandhi Institute of Education for Peace and Sustainable Development (MGIEP). The forum provided a venue for the participants from the areas of policy-making, research and practice to share various opinions as well as recent trends and innovations on GCE. APCEIU’s endeavours to foster GCE have played a pivotal role in supporting the realization of GEFI and mapping the post-2015 educational agendas. 1) Technical Consultation on Global Citizenship Education • Dates: 9 – 10 September 2013 (2 days) • Venue: APCEIU Conference Hall, Seoul, Republic of Korea • Co-organizers: UNESCO Headquarters, Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Ministry of Education of the Republic of Korea, APCEIU • Participants: 70 persons including GCE experts, officials from UNESCO, officials from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Korea and APCEIU, observers • Main Contents - Review of key issues and
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trends related to GCE in each region - Presentations and debates on conceptual, definitional and measurement issues of GCE - Discussion towards the devel-opment of the operational framework of GCE
Programme Area 5
2) UNESCO Forum on Global Citizenship Education • Theme: Preparing Learners for the Challenge of the 21st Century • Dates: 2 – 4 December 2013 (3 days) • Venue: Bangkok, Thailand • Participants: 120 persons including GCE experts, educational practitioners, civil society organizations, young people, media, governmental and public sector, research institutions and universities, private sector, UN agencies, other development partners and GEFI secretariat • Co-organizers: UNESCO Headquarters, UNESCO Office in Bangkok, Mahatma Gandhi Institute of Education for Peace and Sustainable Development (MGIEP), APCEIU • Main Contents - Sharing of experiences and innovations of policies, research and practice relating to GCE - Presentations and debates on good quality, conceptual thinking, content, definitional and measurement issues of GCE - Crystallization of concrete international cooperation and support for promotion of GCE
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Achievements - Consolidated APCEIU’s initiative on GCE, an emerging post-2015 education agenda - Contributed to GEFI and UNESCO’s effort for GCE by establishing a platform for cooperation and development on GCE
5.5. Preliminary Feasibility Study on Building an EIU Training Centre The lack of independent facilities including a training centre and accommodation has rendered APCEIU’s programme operation cumbersome and inefficient, impeding the enhancement of programme quality. Additionally, as the continued growth in programme scope and the rise in rent cost and utilization of outside facilities exert greater financial strain on the Centre, the need to build a multi-purpose EIU centre is being more acutely felt. The ownership of an EIU training centre will facilitate programme implementation and strengthen institutional capacity by providing critical leverage in the long term, to expand the breadth and depth of EIU programmes to meet the evolving educational needs and priorities of the region. As the first step towards securing an EIU training centre, APCEIU undertook a prefeasibility study in 2013 that includes a cost-benefit analysis and a draft building plan, to lend support and momentum to launching the initiative of building a training centre and to securing the necessary budget. 1) 2) 3) 4) 5)
Research Method: Outsourced research service Research Institution: Korea Institute for International Economic Policy (KIEP) Research Period: August – October 2013 Language/Quantity: Korean/ 50 copies Main Contents • Basic research on APCEIU’s programmes including the accommodation and facility utilization status • Outline and description of the EIU Training Centre that includes accommodation and enables experiential learning • Review of the building schedule and cost disbursement plan • Conclusion on the economic feasibility of the building plan through a cost-
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benefit analysis â&#x20AC;˘ Preliminary plan proposal for establishing an optimal training centre and its utilization method
Achievements - Established a strong rationale for building a training centre and furnished relevant support material - Paved the foundation to further reinforce Institutional capacity by providing top-quality EIU and Global Citizenship Education
Programme Area 5
Strengthening Institutional Capacities of APCEIU & Enhancing EIU Network
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â&#x201C;&#x2019; Lose 'Akau'ola
Asia-Pacific Centre of Education for International Understanding
2013 Annual Report
â&#x201C;&#x2019; KANG Jae-Hoon
annex 1. Organizational Chart 2. List of Governing Board members 3. List of Meetings/Workshops Organized by APCEIU 4. List of Events with APCEIU Participation 5. List of Participants in Each Programme Activity 6. List of Publications
1. Organizational Chart
Governing Board
Office of Planning and Administration
Programme Division
• Planning and Support Team
• Research and Development Team
• External Relations Team
• Education and Training Team
• International Teacher Exchange Team1
• International Teacher Exchange Team2
• Publication and Public Relations Team
68 + 2013 Annual Report
2. List of Governing Board Members Representation
Name Ms. KANG Youngsoon Director-General of International Cooperation Bureau Ministry of Education
Representatives of the Government of the Republic of Korea
Mr. HAHN Choong-hee Director-General of Cultural Affairs Bureau Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Representative of UNESCO
Mr. NA Jongmin Director-General of Culture Policy Bureau Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism
Mr. KIM Gwang-Jo Director of UNESCO Bangkok Office
Ms. 'Ana Maui TAUFEâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ULUNGAKI Minister of Education and Training, Tonga President of Tonga National Commission for UNESCO Representatives of the UNESCO Member States
Representative of KNCU
Ms. Virginia A. MIRALAO Secretary-General of UNESCO National Commission of the Philippines
Mr. MIN Dong-seok Secretary-General of Korean National Commission for UNESCO
Mr. BAE Kidong (CHAIRPERSON) Professor of Hanyang University
Experts in the Field of EIU
Mr. PAK Soon-Yong Professor of Yonsei University
Mr. TOH Swee-Hin Professor of University for Peace
Director of APCEIU
Mr. CHUNG Utak Director of APCEIU
Mr. KIM Sung Ho Certified Public Accountants, KIM & Partners
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3. List of Meetings/ Workshops Organized by APCEIU TITLE
8th Session of APCEIU's Governing Board
11-18 April
Written Consultation
1st International Organizations’ Series Symposium
25 May
Seoul, Republic of Korea
10th EIU Photo Class
27 May 1 June
Nuku’alofa, Tonga
2nd International Organizations’ Series Symposium
14 June
Seoul, Republic of Korea
APCEIU-BIE Teacher Training Workshop
17-19 June
Shenzhen, China
13th Asia-Pacific Training Workshop on EIU
8-17 July
Seoul & Inje, Republic of Korea
13-21 August
Seoul, Republic of Korea & Manila, Philippines
13th Training Workshop for Korean Educators
Tonga Ministry of Education and Training, Tonga National Commission for UNESCO
Futian District Education and Research Center
China∙Japan∙Korea Children’s Story Exchange Programme 2013
17-23 August
Tokyo and Aichi, Japan
SMOE, Executive Committee for Japan∙China∙Korea Children’s Story Exchange Program, China National Committee for the Wellbeing of the Youth
Technical Consultation on Global Citizenship Education
9-10 September
Seoul, Republic of Korea
UNESCO HQ, Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Ministry of Education of the Republic of Korea
SEAMEO SPAFA-APCEIU Regional Forum on Cultural Understanding through Paintings of Southeast Asia and Korea
12-13 September
Bangkok, Thailand
70 + 2013 Annual Report
16-17 September
Bangkok, Thailand
2013 UNESCO/ROK Co-sponsored Fellowships Programme
8 October – 9 December
4th Asia-Pacific Leadership Academy for School Principals
15-23 October
National Research Foundation of Korea/UNESCO Bangkok,
Seoul & Chungwon, Republic of Korea
Seoul, Republic of Korea
Intel, Universitas Siswa Bangsa Internasional (USBI)/Ministry of Education and Culture of the Republic of Indonesia, South East Asia School Principals Forum (SEASPF), Indonesian National Commission for UNESCO
Chonbuk National University/ KOSEIU
23-28 November
Jakarta, Indonesia
14th Annual Conference on EIU
9-10 November
Chonbuk National University, North Jeolla Province, Republic of Korea
UNESCO Forum on Global Citizenship Education
2-4 December
Bangkok, Thailand
UNESCO HQ, UNESCO Bangkok, Mahatma Gandhi Institute of Education for Peace and Sustainable Development (MGIEP)
Sub-regional Workshop on EIU 2013
5-7 December
Bangkok, Thailand
3rd International Organizations’ Series Symposium
9 December
Seoul, Republic of Korea
9th Session of APCEIU's Governing Board
16 December
Seoul, Republic of Korea
11th EIU Photo Class
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UNESCO International Expert Meeting on the Shared History of Southeast Asia
4. List of Events with APCEIU Participation TITLE
3rd Meeting of UNESCO Category 2 Centres in Education
5-7 March
Dubai, UAE
UNESCO HQ and Regional Centre for Educational Planning (RCEP)
Conference on “Aging in AsiaPacific: Balancing the State and the Family”
4-6 April
Cebu, Philippines
Philippine Social Science Council (PSSC) and Association of Asian Social Science Research Council (AASSREC)
World Human Rights Cities Forum 2013
15-18 May
Gwangju, Republic of Korea
Gwangju Metropolitan City
Asia-Pacific Regional Consultation on an ESD Post-2014 Programme Framework
16-17 May
Bangkok, Thailand
UNESCO Bangkok
4th International Conference on Best Practice for School Leadership Development
9-15 June
Jakarta, Indonesia
Southeast Asia School Principals Forum (SEASPF)
2013 ESD Country Report Meeting and Green School Asia Regional Workshop
26-28 June
Jakarta, Indonesia
UNESCO Jakarta
SEAMEO Centre Directors Meeting
1-2 July
Bangkok, Thailand
Southeast Asian Ministers of Education Organization (SEAMEO)
2013 Asia-Europe Forum on School Ethics Education
13-15 July
Beijing, China
World Federation of UNESCO Clubs, Centres and Associations (WFUCA), International Bureau of Education (IBE), European Federation of UNESCO Clubs Centres and Associations (EFUCA), Asia-Pacific Federation of UNESCO Clubs, Centres and Associations (AFUCA), Chinese National Commission for UNESCO and Chinese National Federation of UNESCO Clubs and Associations (CNFUCA)
2013 ERI-Net Annual Meeting on Transition to a Better and Higher Learning
17-19 October
Bangkok, Thailand
UNESCO Bangkok
Regional High-Level Expert Meeting Beyond 2015: Transforming Teacher and Learning in the AsiaPacific Region
16-19 October
Bangkok, Thailand
UNESCO Bangkok
Consultative Meeting for APEID Programmes (2014-2017)
19-20 November
Bangkok, Thailand
UNESCO Bangkok
72 + 2013 Annual Report
5. List of Participants in APCEIU Programmes Researcher and Expert Group Meetings for Manual Development (2, 23, 25, 29 January, 15 February, 19, 22, 25, 28 March, 1, 16, 27 April, 3 May / Seoul, Republic of Korea) Country
Title and Organization
Participants Mr. Yongju Kim
Professor, Gyeongsang National University(Education)
Republic of Korea
Ms. Dawon Kim
Professor, Catholic University of Korea(Geography Education)
Republic of Korea
Mr. Hee-Kwon Sohn
Professor, Myongji University(Education)
Republic of Korea
Mr. Kyung-Gu Han
Professor, Seoul National University(Cultural Anthropology)
Republic of Korea
Mr. Cheol Yu
Officer, Chungcheongbuk-do Office of Education
Republic of Korea
Mr. Seungjin Jang
Officer, Gangwon Provincial Office of Education
Republic of Korea
Ms. Youngsil Koh
Officer, Jeju Special Self-Governing Provincial Office of Education
Republic of Korea
Mr. Jaehak Lee
Officer, Daegu Metropolitan Office of Education
Republic of Korea
Ms. Myoungsun Jang
Officer, Kyeongsangbukdo Office of Education
Republic of Korea
Ms. Kyunghwa Choi
Officer, Jeollanamdo Office of Education
Republic of Korea
Ms. Hongran Ha
Officer, Kyeongsangnamdo Office of Education
Republic of Korea
Ms. Hyewon Jeong
Researcher, Korea Institute for International Economic Policy
Republic of Korea
Ms. Hyunjung Oh
Staff, British Council
Republic of Korea
Ms. Seungmi Lee
Researcher, Korea Institute for Curriculum and Evaluation
Republic of Korea
Ms. Sooha Lee
Teacher, Gyeonggi Pangyo Middle School (English)
Republic of Korea
Mr. Byungnam Kwak
Teacher, Chungbuk YangSan Elementary School (Science)
Mr. Aaron O’Shannesy
BRIDGE Program Manager, Asia Education Foundation
Republic of Korea
ROK-UK/USA/Russia Teacher Exchange Programme (January – July / ROK-US, UK) (January – February / ROK-Russia) Country
Title and Organization
Participants Republic of Korea
Ms. Eun-Ja Choi
Teacher, Seonyoo High School
Republic of Korea
Ms. Cho-Hee Choi
Teacher, Wongok High School
Republic of Korea
Mr. Dae-Gyu Choi
Teacher, Ministry of Education
Republic of Korea
Ms. Hae-Jyung Choi
Teacher, Yongmoon High School
Republic of Korea
Mr. Won-Bok Choi
Teacher, Ilsan High School
Republic of Korea
Ms. Myung-Jin Ha
Teacher, Yeongnam Middle School
Republic of Korea
Ms. Nam-Kyung Heo
Teacher, Goyang Global High School
Republic of Korea
Ms. Mi-Young Hwang
Teacher, Bongeun Middle School
Republic of Korea
Mr. Hyung-Woo Jeon
Teacher, Kwangyeong Middle School
Republic of Korea
Mr. Jung-Ku Jin
Teacher, Kyungbok High School
Republic of Korea
Ms. Keum-Ju Joa
Teacher, Jangjeon Middle School
Republic of Korea
Ms. Su-Ryun Jo
Teacher, Hyoyang High School
Republic of Korea
Ms. Shin-Young Ju
Teacher, Busan Jung Ang Girls' High School
Republic of Korea
Mr. Ha-Kyung Jung
Teacher, Daedeok Middle School Jeungsan Branch School
Republic of Korea
Mr. Kwang-Jo Jung
Teacher, Hangang Middle School
Republic of Korea
Mr. Yong-Min Jung
Teacher, Konkuk University High School
Republic of Korea
Ms. Eun-A Kang
Teacher, Kumho High School
Republic of Korea
Mr. Hae-Ju Kang
Teacher, Boseong Girls' Middle School
Republic of Korea
Mr. Chun-Keun Kim
Teacher, Masan High School
Republic of Korea
Ms. Hyang-Jeon Kim
Teacher, Chimsan Middle School
Republic of Korea
Ms. Jung-Im Kim
Teacher, Samhyeon Girls' Middle School
Republic of Korea
Mr. Min-Cheol Kim
Teacher, Gyeonggi Science High School
Republic of Korea
Ms. Nae-Ri Kim
Teacher, Daegu Bomyung School
+ 73
Republic of Korea
Mr. Sae-Bae Kim
Teacher, Hwaseong Donghwa Middle School
Republic of Korea
Mr. Dong-Yup Kwak
Teacher, Chilseong High School
Republic of Korea
Ms. Ho-Sung Lee
Teacher, Jeongbuk Foreign Language High School
Republic of Korea
Mr. Kyung-Jin Lee
Teacher, Korea Biological Science High School
Republic of Korea
Ms. Su-Jin Oh
Teacher, Suncheon Palma Middle School
Republic of Korea
Ms. Keum-Hong Park
Teacher, Bongseo Middle School
Republic of Korea
Ms. Su-Jung Park
Teacher, Sungnam Middle School
Republic of Korea
Ms. Hyun-Jung Shin
Teacher, Sawoo High School
Republic of Korea
Ms. Sun-A Yoon
Teacher, Unnam Middle School
Republic of Korea
Ms. Sun-Mi Yoon
Teacher, Guwol Girls' Middle School
Republic of Korea
Ms. Hyun Sook Kim
Teacher, Suri High School
Republic of Korea
Mr. Sung Woo Park
Teacher, Sungui Middle School
Republic of Korea
Ms. Nae-Ri Lee
Teacher, Incheon Arts High School
Republic of Korea
Mr. Jeong Sub Lee
Teacher, Incheon Arts High School
United Kingdom
Mr. Tom Prytherch
Teacher, Marden High School
United Kingdom
Mr. Anthony Blake
Teacher, Sandhill View Community Arts School
United Kingdom
Mr. Eddie Hunter
Teacher, Longbenton Community College
United Kingdom
Mr. Simon Campbell
Teacher, Heaton Manor School
United Kingdom
Ms. Katie Brown
Teacher, St Anthony's Girls' Catholic Academy
United Kingdom
Ms. Emma Roberts
Teacher, Whitburn Church of England Academy
United Kingdom
Ms. Rachel Storey
Teacher, Excelsior Academy
United Kingdom
Mr. Dave Fudge
Teacher, Barbara Priestman Academy
United Kingdom
Ms. Djamila Hassani
Teacher, Thomas Bewick School
United Kingdom
Mr. Leigh Underhay
Teacher, Heaton Manor School
United Kingdom
Mr. Paul Sturtivant
Teacher, Nottingham Academy
United Kingdom
Ms. Katey Man
Teacher, Nottingham Academy
United Kingdom
Ms. Gemma Bilsong
Teacher, Nottingham Academy
United Kingdom
Ms. Katie Beldham
Teacher, Nottingham Academy
United Kingdom
Ms. Ashwiny Kistnareddy
Teacher, Nottingham Academy
United States
Mr. Christopher Andrew
Teacher, Bronx Science of Health Careers
United States
Ms. Sophia D. Blaine
Teacher, PS 111X
United States
Ms. Vhannia Alix Boncy
Teacher, High School of World Cultures
United States
Ms. Gina Conrad
Teacher, Pennington Middle School
United States
Mr. Nicholas Deming
Teacher, Columbus High School
United States
Mr. Seth Guinals-Kupperman
Teacher, Brooklyn Tech High School
United States
Ms. Meredith Jaffess
Teacher, Mt. Vernon High School
United States
Mr. Anderson Jones
Teacher, Mt. Vernon High School
United States
Ms. Kyoung Moon Lee
Teacher, Brooklyn Tech High School
United States
Ms. Marcia Lluberes
Teacher, Bronxdale High School
United States
Ms. Laura Louis
Teacher, PS 111X
United States
Mr. Demetrios J. Mihailidis
Teacher, Mt. Vernon High School
United States
Ms. Luthy Nuesi
Teacher, Bronx Science of Health Careers
United States
Ms. Erin Ratz
Teacher, Brooklyn Tech High School
United States
Ms. Joyce Roberts
Teacher, PS 111X
United States
Ms. Lisa Duggan Santomero
Teacher, Pennington Middle School
United States
Ms. Anna C. Scretching
Teacher, PS 111X
Mr. Shamsimukhametov Marat
Teacher, State School of General Education No. 34 Atlantic International School
Ms. Belousova Svetlana Vladimirovna
Teacher, State School of General Education No. 35 Atlantic International School
Ms. Irina Krasotina
Teacher, Academic Music College of the Moscow State P.I. Tchaikovsky Conservatory
Ms. Tatiana Balshova
Teacher, Academic Music College of the Moscow State P.I. Tchaikovsky Conservatory
74 + 2013 Annual Report
Dispatch of Korean Pre-service Teachers to China (January – July / Heilongjiang and Shandong Provinces, China) Country
Title and Organization
Participants Ms. Doyoon Sun
Pre-service Teacher
Republic of Korea
Ms. Chorong Noh
Pre-service Teacher
Republic of Korea
Mr. Hyosik Lee
Pre-service Teacher
Republic of Korea
Ms. Sejin Jeong
Pre-service Teacher
Republic of Korea
Ms. Eunae Park
Pre-service Teacher
Republic of Korea
Ms. Jisuk Kim
Pre-service Teacher
Republic of Korea
Ms. Yehseul Lee
Pre-service Teacher
Republic of Korea
Ms. Eunseon Kim
Pre-service Teacher
Republic of Korea
Ms. Unjoo Noh
Pre-service Teacher
Republic of Korea
Mr. Jeongho Yun
Pre-service Teacher
Republic of Korea
Ms. Jiyoung Choi
Pre-service Teacher
Republic of Korea
Ms. Yeonhee Gim
Pre-service Teacher
Republic of Korea
Ms. Kyunghee Lee
Pre-service Teacher
Republic of Korea
Mr. Song Kim
Pre-service Teacher
Republic of Korea
Mr. Seunghoon Kwak
Pre-service Teacher
Republic of Korea
Dispatch of Korean Language Teacher Trainers to Sri Lanka (January – December /Sri Lanka) Country
Title and Organization
Participants Republic of Korea
Ms. Hyun Sook Myong
Korean Language Teacher, Kyung Hee University
Republic of Korea
Ms. Yang Kum Lee
Korean Language Teacher, University of Ulsan
Republic of Korea
Ms. Yun Nam Seo
Korean Language Teacher, Kyung Hee University
Republic of Korea
Ms. Eun Ju Lee
Korean Language Teacher, Ewha Womans University
ROK-Mongolia Teacher Exchange Programme – Mongolian Teachers (11 May – 8 August / Republic of Korea) Country
Title and Organization
Participants Mongolia
Ms. Ariunzaya Ojoovor
Teacher, Bayan-Undur Complex School, Orkhon Province
Ms. Ayush Baatar
Teacher, School #93, Bayangol Dist., Ulaanbaatar
Ms. Bayanzul Shiinen
Teacher, Muruudliin Khorkhon Kindergarten, Bayanzurkh Dist. Ulaanbaatar
Ms. Bayarsaikhan Ulzii
Teacher, School of Bayandalai Soum, Umnugovi Province
Ms. Delgermaa Songorov
Teacher, School #1, Bulgan Province
Ms. Dolgor Sanjaa
Teacher, Erdmiin Urguu Complex School, Bayangol Dist., Ulaanbaatar
Ms. Dulamsuren Otgonbileg
Teacher, Chandman Erdene Complex School, Uliastai Soum, Zavkhan Province
Ms. Enkhjargal Davaadorj
Teacher, Erdenemandal High School, Bayankhongor Province
Ms. Enkhzul Erdenechuluun
School Manager, School #25 (for the intellectual disabled), Sukhbaatar Dist., Ulaanbaatar
Ms. Erdenetsetseg Tsend
Teacher, School #4, Dundgovi Province
Ms. Erdentuya Buuvei
Teacher, School #1, Uvs Province
Ms. Ganchimeg Jambal
Teacher, School #31, Sukhbaatar Dist., Ulaanbaatar
Ms. Gantsetseg Munkh-Ochir
Teacher, School #5, Dornogovi Province
Ms. Khaliuna Bazarragchaa
Teacher, School #116 (for the visually impaired), Sukhbaatar Dist. Ulaanbaatar
Ms. Khishigjargal Sukhee
Teacher, School #105, Songino Khairkhan Dist., Ulaanbaatar
Mr. Khurelbaatar Nergui
Teacher, School #1, Baruun-Urt Soum, Sukhbaatar Province
Ms. Nemekhbayar Shagdarsuren
Teacher, School #35, Sukhbaatar Dist., Ulaanbaatar
Ms. Nyamsuren Natsagdorj
Teacher, Arvaikheer #2 School, Uvurkhangai Province
Ms. Oyunsaikhan Batmunkh
Teacher, Khumuun High School, Tuv Province
Mr. Ravjikh Jambalsuren
Teacher, School #1, Khentii Province
Ms. Sergelen Batsukh
Teacher, School #12, Sukhbaatar Dist., Ulaanbaatar
Mr. Sovyetkhan Khasikhan
Teacher, School #3, Bayan-Ulgii province
+ 75
Ms. Tserenbaljid Tserendondov
Teacher, School #1, Arkhangai Province
Ms. Tsogzolmaa Laagan
Director, Altankhuur Kindergarten, Bayangol Dist., Ulaanbaatar
Ms. Urantsetseg Orgodol
Teacher, School #63 (School for intellectual disabled), Khan-Uul Dist., Ulaanbaatar
1st International Organizationsâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; Series Symposium (25-26 May / Seoul, Republic of Korea) Country
Title and Organization
Participants Republic of Korea
Mr. Dongju Choi
Professor, School of Global Service, Sookmyung Women's University
Republic of Korea
Mr. Dong-Joon Cho
Associate Professor, International Relations Majors, Department of Political Science and International Relations, Seoul National University
Republic of Korea
Ms. Kuyoun Chung
Research Professor, Institute for Euro-African Studies, Hanyang University
Republic of Korea
Ms. JungIn Jo
Professor, School of Global Service, Sookmyung Women's University
Republic of Korea
Ms. Hyeyoung Chang
Senior Researcher, Institute of National Interest, Chung-Ang University
Republic of Korea
Mr. Hyun-seok Yu
Professor, College of Politics and Economy, Department of Political Science, Kyung Hee University
Republic of Korea
Mr. HeungSoon Park
Professor, Department of International Relations, Sunmoon University
Republic of Korea
Mr. Jae-Young Park
Professor, Department of Political Science, Gyeongsang National University
Republic of Korea
Ms. Shin-wha Lee
Professor, Department of Political Science and International Relations, Korea University
Republic of Korea
Mr. Young-Dahl Oh
Associate Professor, Department of Political Science and International Relations, Chungnam National University
Republic of Korea
Mr. HanSeung Cho
Associate Professor, Department of Political Science, Dankook University
Republic of Korea
Mr. Seo Hang Lee
Visiting Professor, The Wooseok Institute of Korean Territory Studies, Dankook University
Republic of Korea
Mr. Seong-Woo Yi
Research Fellow, Jeju Peace Institue
Republic of Korea
Mr. Jong Heon Byeon
Professor, Ethics Education, Jeju National University
Republic of Korea
Mr. Utak Chung
Director, APCEIU
10th EIU Photo Class (27 May - 1 June / Nuku'alofa, Tonga) Country
Title and Organization
Participants Republic of Korea
Yeonu Lee
Student, Mokpo Deogin High School
Republic of Korea
Sol Oh
Student, Seoul National University High School
Republic of Korea
Yooseok Won
Student, Goyang Global High School
Sina Lutua
Student, Tonga High School
Marika Moala
Student, Tonga High School
Nikisini Lea'aemanu
Student, Tonga High School
Mosese Taumoefolau
Student, Tonga High School
Pelenatita Toli
Student, Tonga High School
Lutimila Fatai
Student, Tonga High School
Patrick Mahu'inga
Student, Tonga High School
Sioeli Lolohea
Student, Tonga High School
Shullamay Tafa
Student, Tonga High School
'Amelia Finau
Student, Tonga High School
Lu'isa Paea
Student, St. Andrew's High School
Mele Ta'e'iloa
Student, St. Andrew's High School
Sosefina Hausia
Student, St. Andrew's High School
Tafoki Kaulave
Student, St. Andrew's High School
Tautalatasi Ma'afu
Student, St. Andrew's High School
Penieli 'Ilolahia
Student, St. Andrew's High School
Silivenusi Talia'uli
Student, St. Andrew's High School
Lose 'Akau'ola
Student, St. Andrew's High School
76 + 2013 Annual Report
Sione Faiva'ilo
Student, St. Andrew's High School
Halahingano Fusitu'a
Student, St. Andrew's High School
Mr. Kolomitoni Ma'u
Teacher, Tonga High School
Ms. Keasi Prescott
Teacher, Tonga High School
Ms. Liuola Halapua
Teacher, St. Andrew's High School
Mr. Manase Foukimoana
Teacher, St. Andrew's High School
Republic of Korea
Mr. Jae Hoon Kang
Photo Journalist, Hangyore Daily
Republic of Korea
Mr. Han Koo Lee
Mr. Phillip Faulkner
Resource Persons
2nd International Organizationsâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; Series Symposium (14 June / Seoul, Republic of Korea) Country
Title and Organization
Participants Mr. Dongju Choi
Professor, School of Global Service, Sookmyung Women's University
Republic of Korea
Mr. Dong-Joon Cho
Associate Professor, International Relations Majors, Department of Political Science and International Relations, Seoul National University
Republic of Korea
Ms. Kuyoun Chung
Research Professor, Institute for Euro-African Studies, Hanyang University
Republic of Korea
Ms. JungIn Jo
Professor, School of Global Service, Sookmyung Women's University
Republic of Korea
Ms. Hyeyoung Chang
Senior Researcher, Institute of National Interest, Chung-Ang University
Republic of Korea
Mr. Hyun-seok Yu
Professor, College of Politics and Economy, Department of Political Science, Kyung Hee University
Republic of Korea
Mr. HeungSoon Park
Professor, Department of International Relations, Sunmoon University
Republic of Korea
Mr. Jae-Young Park
Professor, Department of Political Science, Gyeongsang National University
Republic of Korea
Ms. Shin-wha Lee
Professor, Department of Political Science and International Relations, Korea University
Republic of Korea
Mr. Young-Dahl Oh
Associate Professor, Department of Political Science and International Relations, Chungnam National University
Republic of Korea
Mr. HanSeung Cho
Associate Professor, Department of Political Science, Dankook University
Republic of Korea
Mr. Seo Hang Lee
Visiting Professor, The Wooseok Institute of Korean Territory Studies, Dankook University
Republic of Korea
Mr. Young Hoon Song
Senior Researcher, Institute for Peace and Unification Studies, Seoul National University
Republic of Korea
Mr. Seong-Woo Yi
Research Fellow, Jeju Peace Institue
Republic of Korea
Mr. Hyun-Mook Lim
Assistant Secretary-General, Division of International Relations and Cooperation, Korean National Commission for UNESCO
Republic of Korea
Mr. Kyu Dok Hong
Professor, Department of Political Science and International Relations, Sookmyung Women's University
Republic of Korea
Mr. Wooseon Choi
Assistant Professor, Institute of Foreign Affairs and National Security, Korea National Diplomatic Academy
Republic of Korea
Mr. Jihwan Hwang
Associate Professor, Department of International Relations, University of Seoul
Republic of Korea
Mr. Utak Chung
Director, APCEIU
13th Asia-Pacific Training Workshop on EIU (APTW) (8-17 July / Seoul Women's Plaza and DMZ Peace-Life Valley, Republic of Korea) Country
Title and Organization
Participants Afghanistan
Mr. Abdul Qadeer Rahimi
In-service Program Officer & Deputy Director of Academic Affairs,General Teacher Education Department, Ministry of Education
Mr. Philip Stewart
Head of Round Square, Westminster School
Mr. A.K.M Monirul Islam
Assistant Director, National Academy for Educational Management
Mr. Leki Tshering
Principal, Khaling Lower Secondary School
+ 77
Republic of Korea
Mr. Hay Pich
Technical Staff, Teacher Training Department
Ms. Jie Yan
Section Chief, Office of Academic Affairs, Beijing Institute of Education
Ms. Shujuan Wang
Teacher, Beijing Institute of Education
Ms. Ledua Waqailiti
Lecturer in Education, University of the South Pacific
Mr. Abdul Rizal Adompo
Ms. Maiko Okuda
Teacher, Jakarta Japanese School
Mr. Tatsuki Kawaguchi
Associate Professor & Manager of Center for Strategy of International Programs, University of Aizu
Mr. Yegor Antoshin
Teacher & UNESCO School Coordinator, Associated School of UNESCO BEST
Republic of Korea
Ms. Choonhee Lee
Vice Principal, Kangsin Elementary School
Kyrgyz Republic
Ms. Vera Tsoi
Teacher, Educational Complex "Ilim"
Mr. Thongdam Philavanh
Teacher, Department of Teacher Education, Ministry of Education and Sports
Ms. Nur Jahan Ahmad
Research and Development Specialist, SEAMEO-RECSAM
Mr. Ismail Masroof
Principal, Hiriya School
Ms. Ankhzaya Namsraijav
Rector, Otgontenger University
Ms. Munkhdelger Urnaa
Programme Specialist for Education, Mongolian National Commission for UNESCO
Mr. Suresh Kumar Niraula
Under Secretary, Nepal National Commission for UNESCO
New Zealand
Ms. Ros Sullivan
Senior Lecturer, University of Auckland
Ms. Vaiaso Finau-Paulo
Principal Education Officer, School Operations Division, Ministry of Education, Sports and Culture
Sri Lanka
Ms. Wimalka Wasanthi Gamage Udalamaththa Gamage
Assistant Lecturer, National Institute of Education
Mr. Kriangsak Srisombut
Lecturer, Roi Et Rajabhat University
Ms. Sornnate Areesophonpichet
Lecturer/Associate Dean in Academic Affairs, Higher Education Division, Chulalongkorn University
Mr. Augusto Salsinha
Teacher Trainer, Timor-Leste National Commission for UNESCO
Ms. Sisilia Takavaha Tu'ipulotu
Senior Assistant Teacher, Tonga Institute of Education
Ms. Shokhista Kushboeva
Teacher, Secondary School No. 20
Ms. Thi Ha Xuyen Le
ESD Trainer, Center for Research & Promotion of ESD, Hanoi National University of Education
Ms. Thi My Dung Truong
Program Officer, Division of Education, SEAMEO-RETRAC
Philippines & Japan
Mr. Jefferson Ronan Plantilla
Chief Researcher, HURIGHTS OSAKA
Republic of Korea
Mr. Francis Daehoon Lee
Lecturer, Peace Studies, SungKongHoe University
Ms. Lea Espallardo
Progammme Director, Philippine Educational Theater Association (PETA)
United States
Ms. Preeti Shroff-Mehta
Dean, SIT Graduate Institute
Researcher and Expert Group Meetings for Manual Development (7 September, 21 September, 12 October, 24 October, 9 November / Seoul, Republic of Korea) Country
Title and Organization
Participants Republic of Korea
Mr. Bohyun Jung
Student, Sungkyunkwan University
ARepublic of Korea
Ms. Hyelee Yu
Student, Sookmyung Womenâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s University
Republic of Korea
Ms. Jinyoung Woo
Student, Yonsei University
Republic of Korea
Ms. Jiwon Yoon
Student, Seoul National University
Republic of Korea
Ms. Sujin Kim
Student, Sungkyunkwan University
Ms. Undral Erdenetsogt
Student, Graduate School of International Studies, Seoul National University
13th Training Workshop for Korean Educators on EIU (13-21 August / Seoul, Republic of Korea & Manila, Philippines) Country
Title and Organization
Participants Republic of Korea
Ms. Okryeon Baik
Sunae Middle School
Republic of Korea
Ms. Chilju Kim
Sukjun Middle School
78 + 2013 Annual Report
Republic of Korea
Mr. Jin Tae Lee
Ansan Design Culture High School
Republic of Korea
Ms. Wonhee Lim
Gocheok Elementary School
Republic of Korea
Ms. Aekyoung Na
Yangsan Gaeun Middle School
Republic of Korea
Ms. Youngsook Eum
Bongilchun Middle School
Republic of Korea
Ms. Jayoung Kim
Sindong Elementary School
Republic of Korea
Ms. Eun Kyeong Cho
Jeonju Keunyoung Middle School
Republic of Korea
Mr. Taegeum Baek
Gwangyangbaekun High School
Republic of Korea
Ms. Mun Ja An
Kwangcheon Jeil High School
Republic of Korea
Mr. Keunho Seok
Dohwa Elementary School
Republic of Korea
Mr. Kyung Seok Seo
Gyeongsan Elementary School
Republic of Korea
Ms. Soonki Shim
Jungheung High School
Republic of Korea
Ms. Geum Sook Park
Chongryang Elementary School
Republic of Korea
Ms. Minyoung Joo
Bandong Elementary School
Republic of Korea
Ms. Aekyoung Jeong
Seoul Global High School
Republic of Korea
Ms. Kyounghee Choi
Moonsan Elementary School
Republic of Korea
Mr. Yong Min Chung
Konkuk University High School
Republic of Korea
Mr. Choun Kuk Park
Yeongju Seobu Elementary School
2013 China∙Japan∙Korea Children’s Story Exchange Programme and the 2nd OB Exchange Programme (17-23 August / Tokyo & Aichi, Japan) Country
Title and Organization
Participants Republic of Korea
Mr. Donghoon Park
Delegation Representative
Republic of Korea
Ms. Bok Young Chung
Delegation Representative
Republic of Korea
Ms. Youngsim Yang
Delegation Representative
Republic of Korea
Ms. Eunsuk Lee
Delegation Representative
Republic of Korea
Geunhee Kim
Republic of Korea
Jiwon Suk
Republic of Korea
Hyunbin Choi
Republic of Korea
Kyuyeon Cho
Republic of Korea
Hyungwoo Kim
Republic of Korea
Soo Jin Jung
Republic of Korea
Minyoung Yu
Republic of Korea
Sihyun Baek
Republic of Korea
Chaewon Kim
Republic of Korea
Doyun Kim
Republic of Korea
Songwon Kang
Republic of Korea
Hyunwoo Park
Republic of Korea
Joonhee Lee
Republic of Korea
Bomin Kim
Republic of Korea
Jisu Kang
Republic of Korea
Sangwoo Kang
Republic of Korea
Gunung Park
Republic of Korea
Gumin Kim
Republic of Korea
World Seong
Republic of Korea
Seoyeon Kim
Republic of Korea
Jiyeon Park
Republic of Korea
Dooyeol Baik
Republic of Korea
Chanseop Kim
Republic of Korea
Ha-Rin Lee
Republic of Korea
Daye Yang
Republic of Korea
Seungmin Na
Republic of Korea
Dawon Yang
Republic of Korea
Sanghyuk Park
Republic of Korea
Soobin Lee
Republic of Korea
Soyoun Park
Republic of Korea
Huiseung Hwang
+ 79
Republic of Korea
Yoonsang Cho
Republic of Korea
Juyeon Kang
Ms. Tian Chen
Delegation Representative
Ms. Hui Luo
Delegation Representative
Ms. Ping Zhang
Delegation Representative
Ms. Xiaoping Xie
Delegation Representative
Yingling Li
Farong Wu
Liang Xue
Huiying He
Fuyuan Li
Yutong Wang
Yuanhang Gao
Jingting Wang
Zhuo Diao
Shunhang Dai
Jingjing Zhou
Chunlin Chen
Yadong Meng
Haoxuan Ding
Ziyue Hu
Zhongjie Wang
Xiaorui Xu
Zichao Tong
Zijian Li
Xintao Wang
Jiujiu Jin
Jiaqi Liu
Jingxuan Zhang
Lei Wang
Wenjie Li
Yuepeng Li
Yangyang Su
Yunjian Mou
Yijun Jiang
Maoyuan Li
Jiajia Yuan
Ning Tang
Xiaofu Lang
Mr. Yoshimichi Higashiyama
Delegation Representative
Ms. Yasuko Doi
Delegation Representative
Ms. Makie Yamada
Delegation Representative
Mr. Yoshiaki Takato
Delegation Representative
Yuka Uemura
Ryo Hayashimoto
Oshida Kodai
Futa Yamazaki
Aoi Kondo
Takumi Moue
Shugo Tasaki
Haruna Tsuchiya
Saki Kajiyama
Mizuki Takahashi
Wataru Hasegawa
Kensuke Sato
Kaho Matsui
Yuuho Maki
80 + 2013 Annual Report
Yui Watanabe
Kie Osuga
Reoto Nishio
Kosuke Jinnai
Tatsuo Hokii
Shimpei Kiyonaga
Sodai Tajika
Haruno Hasegawa
Sota Kosaka
Hiromu Obara
Hana Okada
Riku Tsumuro
Yurie Miura
Manami Goda
Yuuna Okamura
Nanako Akamatsu
Honami Yamana
Ririko Miyazaki
Rei Makigusa
Ikumi Yoshiyuki
Participants of the OB Exchange Programme Republic of Korea
Ms. Chami Yoo
Republic of Korea
Ms. Bomi Kim
Republic of Korea
Ms. Sunah Noh
Republic of Korea
Ms. Eun Bee Ahn
Republic of Korea
Ms. Aram Kim
Republic of Korea
Ms. Jiyou Lee
Republic of Korea
Mr. Kichong Kang
Republic of Korea
Ms. Sooyeon Lee
Republic of Korea
Mr. Hyun Chang Cho
Mr. Hanlin Wang
Ms. Yuchen Lin
Mr. Fanqi Zhang
Ms. Binan Zhang
Mr. Siyu Huang
Mr. Ryota Shimaoka
Ms. Moeka Sasaki
Mr. Kosuke Onodera
Ms. Yu Kashiwabara
Ms. Ayumi Kato
Mr. Yuji Inoue
Mr. Kotaro Nagata
Mr. Kento Konishi
Ms. Akane Yoshino
Mr. Takahiro Furuya
Mr. Kazuhiro Sumitomo
Mr. Takuya Nemoto
Teaching Abroad for Global Competency (19 August 2013 â&#x20AC;&#x201C; 31 May 2014 / US ) Country
Title and Organization
Participants Republic of Korea
Ms. Su Jin Park
Student, Dongguk University
Republic of Korea
Ms. Gyeong Nan Gwon
Student, Silla University
Republic of Korea
Ms. Yu Mi Park
Student, Chungnam University
+ 81
Republic of Korea
Ms. Mi na Gong
Student, Gongju University
Republic of Korea
Ms. Su jin Lee
Student, Chungbuk University
Republic of Korea
Ms. Hae In Noh
Student, Hanyang University
Republic of Korea
Ms. Kyung Ah Suh
Student, Gongju University
Republic of Korea
Ms. Eun Sun An
Student, Sukmyeong Womans University
Republic of Korea
Mr. Ju Young Lee
Student, Sungkyunkwan University
Republic of Korea
Ms. Hye Ryun Koo
Student, Dankuk University
Republic of Korea
Ms. Yun Won Chung
Student, Hongik University
Republic of Korea
Mr. Yo Han Jeong
Student, Donga University
Republic of Korea
Ms. Jae Geyoung Heo
Student, Sungshin Womans University
Republic of Korea
Ms. Won Kim
Student, Gunsan University
Republic of Korea
Ms. Ji Yeon Kim
Student, Korea National University of Education
Republic of Korea
Ms. Hyun jeong Song
Student, Ewha Womans University
Republic of Korea
Ms. Hyun Jin Kim
Student, Ewha Womans University
Republic of Korea
Ms. Hee jin Jeon
Student, Sungkyunkwan University
Republic of Korea
Ms. Sook Hyang Kim
Student, Dongguk University
Republic of Korea
Ms. Seong Eun Ahn
Student, Kangwon University
ROK-Mongolia Teacher Exchange Programme – Korean Teachers (1 September – 21 December / Mongolia) Name
Title and Organization
Participants Republic of Korea
Ms. Buok Kim
Teacher, Gwangyang High School, Seoul
Republic of Korea
Ms. Eun Jeong Lee
Pre-service Teacher
Republic of Korea
Ms. Eun Jung Kim
Teacher, Gangwon Myeongjin School for the Blind, Gangwon Province
Republic of Korea
Ms. Eojin Lee
Teacher, Yangseong Elementary School, Gyeonggi Province
Republic of Korea
Mr. Chulo Kang
Teacher, Milseong Middle School, South Gyeongsang Province
Republic of Korea
Ms. Hana Rim
Pre-service Teacher
Republic of Korea
Ms. Hayool Jung
Pre-service Teacher
Republic of Korea
Mr. Hyeonjin Kim
Teacher, Solgae Elementary School, Gyeonggi Province
Republic of Korea
Mr. Hyonwoo Kim
Pre-service Teacher
Republic of Korea
Mr. Jeongki Kim
Teacher, Yang Young Digital High School, Gyeonggi Province
Republic of Korea
Ms. Ju-Yeong Jeong
Pre-service Teacher
Republic of Korea
Ms. Jiheun Back
Pre-service Teacher
Republic of Korea
Ms. Jihyun Park
Pre-service Teacher
Republic of Korea
Ms. Jinju Song
Pre-service Teacher
Republic of Korea
Mr. Kwangmin Kim
Pre-service Teacher
Republic of Korea
Ms. Kyungmin Im
Pre-service Teacher
Republic of Korea
Ms. Seon Hee Lee
Pre-service Teacher
Republic of Korea
Ms. Soyeon Lee
Pre-service Teacher
Republic of Korea
Ms. Sukhui Jeong
Teacher, Yangkock Elementary School, South Gyeongsang Province
Republic of Korea
Ms. Suyoung Youn
Pre-service Teacher
Republic of Korea
Ms. Woe Won Lee
Teacher, Kyungbock High School, Seoul
Republic of Korea
Ms. Yeojin Choi
Pre-service Teacher
Republic of Korea
Ms. Yeong Mun
Pre-service Teacher
Republic of Korea
Ms. Youngsun Park
Pre-service Teacher
Technical Consultation on Global Citizenship Education (9-10 September / Seoul, Republic of Korea) Name
Title and Organization
Participants Oman
Mr. Badar Al Kharusi
Assistance Director General, National Career Guidance Centre, Ministry of Education
Mr. Shem Bodo
Specialist, Association for the Development of Education in Africa (ADEA), Peace Education
Mr. Jean-Bosco Butera
Director, Africa Programme, University for Peace Ethiopia
82 + 2013 Annual Report
Ms. Alicia Cabezudo
Professor, University of Rosario
Mr. Ralph Carstens
Director, International Civic and Citizenship Education Study (ICCS), International Association for the Evaluation of Educational Achievement (IEA), Data Processing and Research Center
Mr. Guntars Catlaks
Senior Coordinator, Research Unit, Education International Belgium
Mr. Muhammad Faour
Non-Resident Senior Associate, Carnegie Middle East Center
Ms. Nantana Gajaseni
Executive Director, Office of the AUN Secretariat, ASEAN University Network (AUN)
Mr. Heribert Hinzen
Regional Director, South- and Southeast Asia dvv international
Ms. Maysa Jalbout
Non-resident Fellow, Centre for Universal Education, Brookings Institution
Republic of Korea
Mr. Dae-Hoon Jho
Professor, Department of Social Studies Education College of Education, Sungshin Women’s University
Ms. Romina Giselle Kasman
Coordinator, Inter-American program on education for democratic values and practices, Office of Education and Culture, Organization of American States
Mr. Kabiru Kinyanjui
Chairperson, Nairobi Peace Initiative-Africa
United Kingdom
Ms. Dina Kiwan
Associate Professor, Department of Sociology, Anthropology and Media Studies, American University of Beirut
South Africa
Ms. Injairu Kulundu
Practitioner, Activate! Leadership and Public Innovation
United Kingdom
Mr. Mark Levy
Head, English and Schools, British Council
United States
Mr. Fernando M. Reimers
Professor, Ford Foundation & Director, International Education Policy Program, Harvard Graduate School of Education
Republic of Korea
Mr. Soon-Yong Pak
Associate Professor, Department of Education, Yonsei University
Ms. Michaela Potancokova
Research Scholar, World Population Program, International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis
El Salvador
Ms. Bárbara Romero Rodriguez
Director, Ciudad Mujer Colón
Ms. Kristina Samudio
Political scientist, Fundación Casa de la Paz
Ms. Ameira Sikand
Associate Coordinator, Blending Spectrum, Life Skills, Education and Health for Children, The YP Foundation
Mr. Klaus Starl
Director, European Training and Research Centre for Human Rights and Democracy (ETC Graz)
Mr. Miguel Carvalho Da Silva
Programme Manager, Global Education, North-South Centre of the Council of Europe, European Centre for Global Interdependence and Solidarity
Ms. Esi Sutherland–Addy
Professor, University of Ghana
Mr. Chuanbao Tan
Professor, Faculty of Education & Director, Centre for Citizenship and Moral Education, Beijing Normal University
Canada & Australia
Mr. Swee-Hin Toh
Distinguished Professor, University for Peace Costa Rica
United States
Mr. Carlos Alberto Torres
Professor & Director, Paulo Freire Institute at the UCLA Graduate School of Education
Republic of Korea
Mr. Dong-ik Shin
Deputy Minister for Multilateral and Global Affairs, Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Republic of Korea
Mr. Young Sam Ma
Ambassador for Public Diplomacy, Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Republic of Korea
Mr. Choong-hee Hahn
Director-General, Cultural Affairs Bureau, Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Republic of Korea
Mr. Jin-wook Hong
Director, Public Diplomacy Policy Division, Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Republic of Korea
Ms. Seon-mi Jeong
Second Secretary, Public Diplomacy Policy Division, Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Republic of Korea
Mr. Sam-jae Sung
Assistant Minister, Office of Planning and Coordination, Ministry of Education
Republic of Korea
Ms. Youngsoon Kang
Director-General, International Cooperation Bureau, Ministry of Education
Republic of Korea
Ms. Hyea Sook Ryoo
Director, International Education Cooperation Division, Ministry of Education
Republic of Korea
Ms. Hyemin Kim
Deputy Director, International Education Cooperation Division, Ministry of Education
Mr. Utak Chung
Director, APCEIU
Mr. Jong-Hun Kim
Ms. Jeong-Min Eom
Chief, Education and Training Team, APCEIU
Ms. Anna Chung
Chief, External Relations Team, APCEIU
Ms. Hyo-Jeong Kim
Assistant Programme Specialist, Research and Development Team, APCEIU
+ 83
Ms. Sun-Mi Ji
Assistant Programme Specialist, Research and Development Team, APCEIU
Mr. Qian Tang
Assistant Director-General, Education Sector, UNESCO
Mr. Gwang-Jo Kim
Director, UNESCO Bangkok
Ms. Soo-Hyang Choi
Director, Division of Education for Peace and Sustainable Development, Education Sector, UNESCO
Mr. Kabir Shaikh
Interim Director, Mahatma Gandhi Institute of Education for Peace and Sustainable Development
Mr. Alexander Leicht
Chief, Section of Education for Sustainable Development, UNESCO
Ms. Justine Sass
Chief, HIV Prevention and Health Promotion Unit, UNESCO Bangkok
Ms. Jun Morohashi
Programme Specialist, Section of Education for Peace and Human Rights
2013 ROK-Philippines Teacher Exchange Programme – Korean Teachers (11 September 2013 – 6 January 2014 / Region III, Philippines) Name
Title and Organization
Participants Republic of Korea
Ms. Ah Rum Boo
Pre-service Teacher
Republic of Korea
Ms. Og Choi
Teacher, Shinil Business High School, Gyeonggi Province
Republic of Korea
Ms. Gayeong Gee
Pre-Service Teacher (Teacher’s license holder)
Republic of Korea
Ms. Hui Jeong Ha
Teacher, Samjung Elementary School, Gyeonggi Province
Republic of Korea
Ms. Sungeun Ju
Teacher, Suncheon Seonhye Special School, South Jeolla Province
Republic of Korea
Ms. So Hyun Jun
Pre-service Teacher (Teacher’s license holder)
Republic of Korea
Mr. Changgyun Kim
Pre-service Teacher (Teacher’s license holder, waiting for school placement)
Republic of Korea
Mr. Doohyung Kim
Pre-service Teacher
Republic of Korea
Mr. Horin Kim
Teacher, Mandae Elementary School, Gangwon Province
Republic of Korea
Mr. Jungkyun Kim
Teacher, Janggi Middle School, Gyeonggi Province
Republic of Korea
Ms. Kaeun Kim
Pre-service Teacher
Republic of Korea
Ms. Minji Kim
Pre-service Teacher (Teacher’s license holder)
Republic of Korea
Ms. So Jung Kim
Pre-service Teacher
Republic of Korea
Mr. Ileok Kwon
Pre-service Teacher (Teacher’s license holder)
Republic of Korea
Ms. Jungsook Kwon
Teacher, Yaum Elementary School, Ulsan Province
Republic of Korea
Mr. Changwook Lee
Teacher, Hyoja Middle School, Gyeonggi Province
Republic of Korea
Ms. Soonhee Lee
Teacher, Masongjungang Elementary School, Gyeonggi Province
Republic of Korea
Mr. Kwangrae Oh
Teacher, Munsan Middle School, South Gyeongsang Province
Republic of Korea
Mr. Soonchul Park
Teacher, Incheon Songrim Elementary School, Gyeonggi Province
Republic of Korea
Ms. Youngsook Seo
Teacher, Guryjunang Elementary School, South Jeolla Province
Republic of Korea
Mr. Heerak Son
Pre-service Teacher
Republic of Korea
Ms. Kyeongah Son
Pre-service Teacher
Republic of Korea
Ms. Dayoung Song
Pre-service Teacher (Teacher’s license holder, waiting for school placement)
Republic of Korea
Mr. Kyu Pyeong Yeo
Teacher, Kyeongin High School, Seoul
SEAMEO SPAFA-APCEIU Regional Forum on Cultural Understanding through Paintings of Southeast Asia and Korea (12-13 September / Bangkok, Thailand) Country
Title and Organization
Participants Myanmar
Mr. U Myint Oo
Lecturer, National University of Arts and Culture
Ms. Vuong Le My Hoc
Vietnam Museum of Fine Arts
Mr. San Phalla
Buddist Mural Researcher, Ministry of Culture and Fine Arts
Ms. Kanokwalee Suriyatham
Head, Roi-Et National Museum
Ms. Corazon Alvina
Trustee and Curatorial Consultant, Metropolitan Museum of Manila
Republic of Korea
Mr. Dongsoo Moon
Associate Curator, National Museum of Korea
Ms. Somporn Rodboon
Associate Professor, Chiang Mai University
Mr. Arsenio Nicolas
Lecturer, University of the Philippines
84 + 2013 Annual Report
UNESCO International Expert Meeting on the Shared History of Southeast Asia (16-17 September / Bangkok, Thailand) Country
Title and Organization
Participants Ms. Montira Unakul
National Programme Officer
Ms. Elaissa Marina E. Mendoza
Ms. Nantana Gajaseni
Executive Director, ASEAN University Network
Mr. Charnvit Kasetsiri
Dean, Liberal Arts, Thammasat University
Mr. Yukti Mukdawijitra
Assistant Professor, Thammasat University
Mr. Eckhardt Fuchs
Deputy Director, Georg-Eckert-Institute for International Textbook Research (GEI)
Ms. Lim Mui Ling, Ivy Maria
Assistant Professor, National Institute of Education
Mr. Nguyen Van Chinh
Associate Professor, Vietnam National University
Mr. Sotheara Vong
Professor, Royal University of Phnom Penh
Mr. Bambang Purwanto
Professor, Gadjah Mada University
Mr. Danny Wong Tze Ken
Professor, University of Malaya
Mr. Souneth Phothisane
Professor, Faculty of Fine and Applied Arts, Khon Kaen University
Mr. Myint Thein
Professor, Yangon University
Mr. Filomeno V Aguilar
Professor, Ateneo de Manila University
2013 ROK-Indonesia Teacher Exchange Programme – Korean Teachers (27 September 2013 – 18 January 2014 / Jakarta, Indonesia) Country
Title and Organization
Participants Republic of Korea
Ms. Nam Soon Cho
In-service Teacher, Gurye buk Elementary School, South Jeolla Province
Republic of Korea
Mr. Hyun Sang Choi
Pre-service Teacher
Republic of Korea
Ms. You Kyoung Chung
Pre-service Teacher
Republic of Korea
Ms. Ye Weon Jeong
Pre-service Teacher (Teacher’s license holder)
Republic of Korea
Ms. So Young Kwag
Pre-service Teacher (Teacher’s license holder, waiting for school placement)
Republic of Korea
Ms. Hye Young Kim
In-service Teacher, Ssangbong Elementary School, South Jeolla Province
Republic of Korea
Ms. Yeong Eun Kim
Pre-service Teacher (Teacher’s license holder)
Republic of Korea
Ms. Hui Eun Moon
Pre-service Teacher
Republic of Korea
Ms. Keun Ah Park
Pre-service Teacher (Teacher’s license holder, waiting for school placement)
Republic of Korea
Ms. Ha Neui Won
Pre-service Teacher (Teacher’s license holder)
ROK-Indonesia Teacher Exchange Programme – Indonesian Teachers (7 October - 26 December / Republic of Korea) Country
Title and Organization
Participants Indonesia
Ms. Sabariyah Abdullah
Teacher, SMP Negeri 111, Jakarta Barat
Ms. Zakiyah Ahmad Baidlowi
Teacher, SMA Negeri 47, Jakarta Selatan
Ms. Farida Ariyani Arief
Teacher, SD Negeri Citra Alam, Jakarta Selatan
Ms. Zulfina Devita Sari
Teacher, SMA Negeri 33, Jakarta Barat
Ms. Dedeh Handayani
Teacher, SMK Negeri 57, Jakarta Selatan
Mr. Jumadi
Teacher, SD Negeri Menteng 01 Pagi, Jakarta Pusat
Mr. Indra Amadirajo
Teacher, SMK Negeri 51, Jakarta Timur
Ms. Verda Sitohang
Teacher, SMP Negeri 115, Jakarta Selatan
Ms. Asnawati Salmiah
Teacher, SMK Negeri 23, Jakarta Utara
Mr. Suparno
Teacher, SMP Negeri 49, Jakarta Timur
Mr. Resiyandhi Timosia
Teacher, SMA Negeri 81, Jakarta Timur
Mr. Rudy Trisno
Teacher, SD Negeri Kebon Jeruk 11, Jakarta Barat
Ms. Rajaleni Murzaini Zein
Teacher, SMA Negeri 13, Jakarta Utara
+ 85
ROK-Philippines Teacher Exchange Programme – Filipino Teachers (7 October – 19 December / Republic of Korea) Name
Title and Organization
Participants Philippines
Ms. Josephine Amat Almadin
Teacher, Liceo de Los Banos, Laguna
Ms. Maricon Roan Amada
Teacher, Philippine High School for the Arts, National Arts Center, Los Banos, Laguna
Mr. Allan Bernard R. Aman
Teacher, Ramon Pascual Insititute, Paranaque City
Ms. Rina Alayon Angeles
Teacher, Arellano University, Plaridel Campus, Mandaluyong City
Ms. Kristalyn Perez Aquino
Teacher, Luis Aguado National High School, Trece Martires, Cavite
Mr. Lemuel B. Barol
Teacher, Cogon High School, Tagbilaran City
Ms. Jackielyn P. Beray
Teacher, International Christian Academy, Paranaque City
Ms. Carmela M. Buhain
Teacher, Philippine Normal University, Manila
Ms. Jenelyn E. Calvo
Teacher, Imus National High School, Metro Manila
Ms. Jessica Calayo Cariazo
Teacher, Arellano University – Juan Sumulong Campus, Manila
Mr. Mark Airon Poblete Creus
Teacher, Lalaan Central School, Silang, Cavite
Ms. Ma. Amabella Rosanna Manigbas Cuasay
Teacher, City College of Calapan, Calapan City
Mr. Rene T. Estomo
Teacher, PAREF – Westbridge School, Inc., Oton, Iloilo
Ms. Krista Rivamonte Fetalvero
Teacher, St. Paul University, Surigao
Mr. Rederick Nino Macalinao Garcia
Teacher, International Christian Academy, Paranaque City
Mr. Alvin Claor Gonzales
Teacher, Ramon Pascual Institute, Paranaque City
Ms. Maria Myra M. La Rosa
Teacher, Talon Elementary School, Cavite City
Ms. April Veronica G. Lansangan
Teacher, Claret School of Quezon City, Quezon City
Ms. Fritzie Gay Sunico Lusica
Teacher, Tubod National High School, Tubod, Surigao del Norte
Ms. Lucina Valdoria Montero
Teacher, Sariaya East Central Main Elementary School, Sariaya, Quezon
Ms. Rosemarie Valdoria Oblefias
Teacher, Canda National High School, Lucban, Quezon
Ms. Emilyn Tapiador Ramos
Teacher, Arellano University – Malabon Campus, Malabon City
Ms. Richallyn L. Santos
Teacher, International Christian Academy, Las Pinas City
Ms. Sheila-May Tolentino
Teacher, Jose Abad Santos Memorial School, Manila
2013 UNESCO/ROK Co-Sponsored Fellowships Programme (8 October – 9 December / Seoul & Chungwon, Republic of Korea) Name
Title and Organization
Participants Bangladesh
Mr. Abdul Mohammed Mokter Hossain Senior Assistant Chief, Ministry of Education
Ms. Salma Begum
Programme Officer, Bangladesh National Commission for UNESCO
Ms. Assiba Geneviève Kohounfo
Principal & Teacher, Zoundji / B Elementary School
Ms. Josiane Carolle Grimaud
Teacher, Sainte Rita Secondary Public School
Mr. Indra Kumar Chhetri
Teacher, Shemjong Community Primary School
Ms. Kusum Latha Sharma
Senior Teacher, Yangchenphug Higher Secondary School
Mr. Anaclet Nzeyimana
Pedagogical Adviser, Office of Basic Education Programmes
Mr. Oscar Mushengezi
Pedagogical Adviser, Office of Basic Education Programmes
Mr. Abdou Moustoifa
Teacher, Public Secondary School Lycee Moroni
Ms. Ahamed Mzé Zainaba
Headmistress, College Rural de Mbeni
Mr. Biniyam Gessese Wolderufael
In-Service Training Senior Expert, Ministry of Education
Ms. Phaysone Vilayphon
Teacher, Phanla Secondary School
Ms. Viengathit Khaopaseuth
Deputy Head of Administration Division, Lao National Commission for UNESCO
Ms. Aishath Zoona
Deputy Principal, Aminiya School
Mr. Mohamed Abdulla
Teacher Educator, National Institute of Education
Mr. Djibril Diabate
Teacher, Lycee Kouloufa II
Mr. Mahamadou Nouhou
Teacher, Lycee Ba Aminata Diallo
Mr. Ramvinay Kumar Singh
Under Secretary, District Education Office, Parsa
Ms. Sarala Poudel
Under Secretary, Curriculum Development Centre
Mr. Maiguero Abdou
English Language Adviser, Ministry of Secondary Education, DRES Maradi
86 + 2013 Annual Report
Mr. Mouhamadou Bassirou Diallo
Inspector of Education, Ministry of Education
Mr. Tamba Ngom
Teacher Trainer, Regional Training Centre for Educational Staffs in Diourbel
Sierra Leone
Mr. Mohamed Kamara
Deputy Director of Education, Ministry of Education, Science and Technology
Sierra Leone
Mr. Yusuf Abdulai Kamara
Deputy Director of Education, Ministry of Education, Science and Technology
Solomon Islands
Ms. Sherilyn Lelita Fa'abasua
Programme & Curriculum Development Officer, Literacy Association Solomon Islands
Mr. Aristarick Lekule
Assistant Lecturer, Institute of Adult Education
Ms. Fathiya Brek Mohamed
Advanced English Linguistics Teacher, Kiponda Secondary School
Mr. Aboubacarr Jallow
Registrar, Gambia College
Mr. Sankung Sanneh
Lecturer, Gambia College
Ms. Hadabia MatĂŠa Kpedji
Teacher, Lycee de be Klikame
4th Asia-Pacific Leadership Academy for School Principals (15-23 October / Seoul, Republic of Korea) Name
Title and Organization
Mr. Brian Gabb
Principal, Port Lincoln Primary School
Mr. Graeme Caudry
Principal, Croydon Hills Primary School
Mr. Hasibur Rahman
Principal, Rupnagar Model School & College
Mr. Yesh B. Ghaley
Principal, Punakha Higher Secondary School
Mr. Hongming Tian
Principal, Shenzhen Hongling Middle School
Cook Islands
Mr. Matatia Pirake Gregory Taikakara
Principal, Papaaroa Adventist School
Mr. Rajesh Krishna
Principal, Swami Vivekananda College
Mr. Istiqlal
Principal, SMKN4 Mataram
Ms. Reni Herawati
Principal, SMA Negeri 7 Yogyakarta
Ms. Razeya Kassimova
Director, School-lyceum at Petropavlovsk Humanitarian college named after M.Zhumabaev
Republic of Korea
Mr. Tae Seok Ro
Principal, Seoul Robotics High School
Republic of Korea
Mr. Ki Bong Lee
Principal, Daerim Middle School
Republic of Korea
Ms. Young Seon Kim
Principal, Seoul Choungwoon Elementary School
Republic of Korea
Mr. Hong Sig Kim
Principal, Seoul Yangwon Elementary School
Republic of Korea
Ms. Hwa Sil Kim
Principal, Dongguk University College of Education Girls Middle School
Republic of Korea
Ms. Young Sook Lee
Principal, Hongeun Middle School
Republic of Korea
Mr. Je Cheon Lew
Principal, Seoul Sinsanggye Elementary School
Republic of Korea
Mr. Ho Seong Im
Principal, Sanghyun Middle School
Republic of Korea
Ms. Hyunsook Lee
Prinicpal, Pungsung Middle School
Republic of Korea
Mr. Ji Yeon Won
Principal, Seoul Wonkwang Elementary School
Kyrgyz Republic
Ms. Gulmira Bekturganova
Director, School-lyceum No. 28
Mr. Khamsing Phetsikham
Principal, Phonsavanh Upper Secondary School
Ms. Tsengelmaa Lkhamsodnom
Principal, General Education School #2
Mr. Balkrishna Lamichhane
Principal, Shree Navajyoti Secondary School
Ms. Sidra Khurram
Principal, International Islamic University Islamabad School
Ms. Simonet Barrosa
Principal, Universidad de Sta. Isabel
Sri Lanka
Mr. Indraratna Kaluarachchi
Principal, G/Sri Devananda College
Mr. Prayong Kaenla
Director, Benchama Maharat School
Ms. Sutthatip Chaiyaratana
Director, Jirasart Witthaya School
Ms. Makhira Turdieva
Principal, Secondary School No. 51
Ms. Ngoc Minh Trang Nguyen
Principal, Tran Quoc Toan Primary School
Ms. Xiaohong Xu (Observer)
Educator, Training and Research Center, Futian District Education Bureau
11th EIU Photo Class (23-28 November / Jakarta, Indonesia) Country
Title and Organization
+ 87
Republic of Korea
Chaehun Han
Student, Kangsin Middle School
Republic of Korea
Haeseong Jeong
Student, Geochang High School
Republic of Korea
Cheolhee Kim
Student, Pungsung Middle School
Republic of Korea
Nampyo Kim
Student, Gwangyang High School
Republic of Korea
Sohee Lee
Student, Wonhwa Girlsâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; High School
Nadira Avisina
Student, Sekolah Cikal Menengah AMRI
Agalia Ardyasa
Student, Sekolah Cikal Menengah AMRI
Laura Alvita
Student, Sekolah Bogor Raya
Denia Chandra
Student, Sekolah Bogor Raya
Ardhi Surya Kartasasmita
Student, SMA Kristen Rehoboth Bandung
Student, SMA Kristen Rehoboth Bandung
Dena Putri Purnamasari
Student, SMAN 2 Krakatau Steel Cilegon
Calistra Rahmadhani
Student, SMAN 2 Krakatau Steel Cilegon
Dewangkoro Rinugroho
Student, SMAN 3 Tangerang Selatan
Bobby Kaisar H
Student, SMAN 3 Tangerang Selatan
Mochamad Fabian Redhatama
Student, SMAN 22 Bandung
M. Reza Satria C.
Student, SMAN 22 Bandung
Dhea Meirizka
Student, SMPIT Raudhatul Jannah Cilegon
Mayang Indah Pratiwi
Student, SMPIT Raudhatul Jannah Cilegon
Iqbal Muhammad S.
Student, SMAN 1 Kota Tagerang
Alfya Nandika Ramdhani
Student, SMAN 1 Kota Tagerang
M. Agung Wicaksono
Student, SMA Insan Cendekia Al Kausar
Tawfiq Salam Ikhtianto
Student, SMA Insan Cendekia Al Kausar
Khatir Robbani Darussalam
Student, Jakarta International Boys Boarding School
Toha Azzam Ahmad
Student, Jakarta International Boys Boarding School
Mr. Dian Mayori
Teacher, Sekolah Cikal Menengah AMRI
Ms. Novy Astini
Teacher, SMA Kristen Rehoboth Bandung
Ms. Erwina
Teacher, SMAN 2 Krakatau Steel Cilegon
Ms. Yuniati
Teacher, SMAN 3 Tangerang Selatan
Mr. Sofijandi
Teacher, SMAN 22 Bandung
Ms. Siti Maesyaroh
Teacher, SMPIT Raudhatul Jannah Cilegon
Mr. Andhi Ridwan
Teacher, SMAN 1 Kota Tangerang
Mr. Dadang Supratman
Teacher, SMA Insan Cendekia Al Kausar
Mr. Yohan Budiman
Teacher, Jakarta International Boys Boarding School
Mr. Buyung A.N. Sudrajat
Student Volunteer, Universitas Siswa Bangsa Internasional
Ms. Dwi Novita Sari
Student Volunteer, Universitas Siswa Bangsa Internasional
Ms. Winny Nurbayti
Student Volunteer, Universitas Siswa Bangsa Internasional
Ms. Geby Devtiana Maryono
Student Volunteer, Universitas Siswa Bangsa Internasional
Ms. Nurul Noviana
Student Volunteer, Universitas Siswa Bangsa Internasional
Mr. Ferry Woo
Republic of Korea
Mr. Sung Man Lee
Republic of Korea
Mr. Young Chel Park
Photo Journalist, Dong-A Ilbo
Mr. Nehemia Budi Setiawan
Ms. Linda Adidarma
Mr. Darussalam Cholil
Resource Persons
Sub-regional Workshop on EIU 2013 (5-7 December / Bangkok, Thailand) Name
Title and Organization
Participants Cambodia
Mr. Chap Ratana
Vice Chief of management and Planning Department, NIE, Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports
Mr. Sieng Sovanna
Director, NIE, Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports
Ms. Liyana Pillai Binti Abdullah
Senior Lecturer of School of Arts, Universiti Sains Malaysia
Ms. Rohizani Yaakub
Associate professor, School of Educational Studies, Universiti Sains Malaysia
Mr. Tin Nyo
Commissioner, Myanmar National Human Rights Commission
88 + 2013 Annual Report
Ms. Lea Espallardo
Resident Senior Artist-Teacher, Philippine Educational Theater Association (PETA)
Mr. Bert J. Tuga
Assistant Professor, National Center for Teacher Education, Phillippine Normal Unvieristy
Ms. Marcelina Carpizo
Director of Center for Peace & Development, Western Mindanao State Univeristy
Mr. Jefferson Ronan Plantilla
Chief Researcher, HURIGHTS OSAKA
Mr. Athapol Anunthavorasakul
Director & Assistant Dean for Research, Faculty of Education, Chulalongkorn University
Ms. Sornnate Areesophonpichet
Lecturer & Associate Dean in Academic Affairs, Higher Education Division, Chulalongkorn University
Ms. Jutarat Vibulphol
Instructor & Associate Dean for Office of Academic Affairs, Faculty of Education, Chulanlongkorn University
Mr. Devashish Dutta
Ms. Piyapa Su-angavatin
SEAMEO Secretariat
Ms. Nguyen Thi Hoang Yen
Vice-Director, The Vietnam National Institute of Educational Sciences (VNIES)
Ms. Quynh Pham Thi Ngoc
Lecturer, Hanoi National University of Education
Mr. Udhim Subba (Observer)
Vice Principal, Yebilaptsa Middle Secondary School
UNESCO Bangkok
Mr. Gwang-Jo Kim
Director, UNESCO Bangkok
UNESCO Bangkok
Mr. Danilo Padilla
Chief of ESD Unit, Liaison Officer, UNESCO Bangkok
UNESCO Bangkok
Mr. Min Bista
Programme Specialist for Education, APPEAL Unit, UNESCO Bangkok
UNESCO Bangkok
Ms. Kyungah Kristy Bang
Project Coordinator (Multilingual Education), APPEAL Unit, UNESCO Bangkok
UNESCO Bangkok
Ms. Ricelie Maria Gesuden
Programme Assistant, APPEAL Unit, UNESCO Bangkok
UNESCO Bangkok
Ms. Hyunjeong Lee
Intern, UNESCO Bangkok
Mr. Utak Chung
Director, APCEIU
Ms. Jeongmin Eom
Chief, Education and Training Team, APCEIU
Ms. Kyung-Hwa Chung
Chief, External Relations Team, APCEIU
Ms. Seng Mai Aung
Assistant Programme Specialist, Education and Training Team, APCEIU
Ms. Ji-Eun Kim
Assistant Programme Specialist, External Relations Team, APCEIU
3rd International Organizationsâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; Series Symposium (9 December / Seoul, Republic of Korea) Name
Title and Organization
Participants Republic of Korea
Mr. Dongju Choi
Professor, School of Global Service, Sookmyung Women's University
Republic of Korea
Mr. Dong-Joon Cho
Associate Professor, International Relations Majors, Department of Political Science and International Relations, Seoul National University
Republic of Korea
Mr. HeungSoon Park
Professor, Department of International Relations, Sunmoon University
Republic of Korea
Mr. Jae-Young Park
Professor, Department of Political Science, Gyeongsang National University
Republic of Korea
Mr. Changrok Soh
Professor, Graduate School of International Studies, Korea University
Republic of Korea
Ms. Hyunjoo Cho
Visiting Researcher, Center of Olympics Research, Loughborough University
Republic of Korea
Mr. Youngtae Cho
Associate Professor, School of Public Health, Seoul National University
Republic of Korea
Mr. HanSeung Cho
Associate Professor, Department of Political Science, Dankook University
Republic of Korea
Ms. Shin-wha Lee
Professor, Department of Political Science and International Relations, Korea University
Republic of Korea
Mr. Dongsik Kim
Research Fellow, Research Department for Equality and HRD Policies, Korean Women's Development Institute
Republic of Korea
Mr. Joon Suk Kim
Assistant Professor, Division of International Studies, The Catholic University of Korea
Republic of Korea
Ms. Wang Hwi Lee
Associate Professor, School of Political Science and Diplomacy, Ajou University
Mr. Utak Chung
Director, APCEIU
Ms. Dohee Kim
Researcher, Research and Development Team, APCEIU
+ 89
6. List of Publications SangSaeng No. 36-38 No. 36: Ancient Wisdom in Asian Traditional Houses No. 37: How to Foster Global Citizenship? No. 38: Maps for Mutual Understanding
EIU Best Practices 2013 (EIU Best Practices Series No. 31-35) Series No. 31 : A S t e p To w a rd s Change: Incorporating EIU in Classrooms and Beyond(Ms. Kusum Latha SHARMA, Senior Teacher, Yangchenphug Higher Secondary School, Bhutan) Series No. 32 : Teacher Training and Whole School Approach for Improving Teacher EIU Competences(Ms. CHEN Hong, Associate Professor, Beijing Institute of Education, China) Series No. 33 : Shaping an Action-Oriented Learning Community for Sustainable Development(Ms. Charu KAPOOR, Principal, Ganga International School, India) Series No. 34 : 2Bs Programme: ‘I’m a Buddy, not a Bully’(Mr. Jamaisafri Saibon, Mr. Abdul Jalil Ali, Mr. Syed Mohamad Syed Abdullah, Ms. Rabiatual-Adawiah Ahmad Rashid, Senior Lecturers, Univeristi Sains Malaysia (USM), Malaysia) Series No. 35 : Nurturing Global Citizens Through Experiential Learning (Mr. Ildar YUSUPOV, teacher and Ms. Feruza AHMEDOVA, Former Deputy Director, Sirdarya Regional Foreign Languages Boarding School, Uzbekistan)
Bagan/Pagan - The Historic Site of Myanmar This educational multimedia material has been developed for public, specifically targeted for middle and high school teachers and students in the Asia-Pacific region to enhance EIU by promoting knowledge and understanding on world heritage of the region. The CD contains 12 three-dimensional pictures of the major monuments in Bagan, the photo gallery that includes various photos of 20 different sites with academic references on the cultural and historical values related to heritage.
Cultural Understanding through Paintings of Southeast Asia and Korea This publication is a result of collaboration between SEAMEO and APCEIU on the development of educational material for cultural understanding. Bringing to surface genre paintings that depict local festivals, this book is expected to be utilized in secondary schools across Southeast Asia and Korea to broaden learners’ perspectives on cultural diversity and intercultural dialogue.
90 + 2013 Annual Report
Five Color Stories of Mongolia & Five Color Stories of the Philippines These two books, the Five Color Stories of Mongolia and the Five Color Stories of the Philippines, were published as a result of 2012 Asia-Pacific Teacher Exchange for Global Education programme, which aim to serve as educational materials in classrooms. Each book has two components: the main textbook, which is comprised of contents that would enhance international understanding and the understanding of each country through comparing Korea and Mongolia, Korea and the Philippines; and an auxiliary textbook (Appendix & CD), which is comprised of lesson plans and teaching materials of the programme participants. Both books are published in Korean.
Global Citizenship Education: Goals and Challenges in the New Millennium This research report examines what issues are at stake in delivering global citizenship education. Revisiting the conceptual and operational framework of global citizenship education, readers can have a broad picture on the current status of global citizenship education and a way forward towards effective implementation of it.
Journey around Asia This book is a compilation of 12 selected stories from Asia (Australia, China, Iran, Korea, Malaysia, Maldives, New Zealand, Philippines and Sri Lanka) collected through APCEIUâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s EIU Story Collection Project 2011-2013. A variety of interesting short stories in different genres are all related to the themes of EIU, such as cultural diversity, human rights and peace, sustainable development, etc. The book seeks to increase accessibility to EIU by sharing inspirational stories with more people and allowing educators to utilize them as an educational resource in classrooms.
Singing Asia to Live Together The book (with the music set in DVD) introduces 35 different songs sung by primary school students in seven countries of Asia: Indonesia, Korea, Malaysia, Mongolia, Philippines, Sri Lanka, and Uzbekistan. The lyrics of each song are presented in both national and English characters on musical notes, enabling any type of cross-cultural lessons to become practical and deepened by actually singing them in different languages. Being able to sing the songs of different cultures is not enough to explain the benefits of this publication. With the information given on the related cultural aspects such as childrenâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s games, geographical characteristics, and socio-historical contexts, the publication will make a practically enriching tool for teachers when teaching about different cultures as well as different music of Asia. This book is published in both English and Korean.
+ 91
The Study on International Organizations I & II The International Organizations Series under the titles of International Organizations: Past, Present and Future and United Nations and World Peace are the first outcome of the study on international organizations that started in 2012 under the sponsor by the National Research Foundation of Korea. The Series aims to provide academic contributions for conducting studies on international organizations as well as practical assistance to governmental and civic activities in international organizations. Published in Korean, the series will be used as a textbook in local universities across Korea, also providing guide to people interested in working at international organizations.
Understanding through Dialogue ‘Understanding through Dialogue’ series is a product of the ‘EIU Project: DIALOGUE (EIU learning resource development workshop)’, a segment of the UNESCO/ROK Co-Sponsored Fellowships Programme 2013. The series introduces stories and hopes of the 30 participants from Africa and the Asia-Pacific, presented in their own words and drawings, under the theme of ‘dialogue’.
92 + 2013 Annual Report