Information bulletin on Zaamin
Inspiring nature
About Zaamin Content 1. Guest houses of Zaamin 2. Cultural and entertainment programmes 3. Natural and archaeological monuments 4.Тourist routes 5. Logistics and contacts 6. Cafe and restaurants 7. Map of Zaamin 8. Zaamin's logo, souvenirs
Zaamin district is located in the mountain area of Djizak region of Uzbekistan at an altitude of 2500 meters above the sea level. Its ancient history is witnessed by ruins of fortresses and legends survived from time immemorial by word of mouth. This land, above all, is valued for its unique nature: coniferous forests, medical air, etc. On the basis of the recreational resources available here one can develop many types of tourism, including ecological, speleological, historical, rural tourism, mountain-skiing, as well as tracking and mountain bike. Zaamin has original ethnographic features reflected in clothes, customs and traditions, which had been highly influenced by historical, demographic and geographical factors. One of the main tourist attractions and sights is the cave “Peshogor”. The objects found there are of historical value and draw the interest of many archeologists. The territory of the National Park is a natural health resort and a favorite recreation zone of people. The Park has a profound capacity for creation of all conditions and facilities for the relaxation and entertainment of tourists. The Park is a home for over 800 types of various plants and 150 species of rare wild animals and birds. There are many natural relics and monuments in the territory of the Park, including the amazing waterfall, 700 year-old ancient Greek walnut tree (Júglans régia) with a height of 20 meters, width of the crown – 28 meters, stem diameter - 2,7 meters, etc. The relaxation and tourist services in the recreational zone are provided by “Zaamin” sanatorium, neighboring guest houses, vacation houses and children's camps. Visitors can move on the routes in the various vegetation and altitude zones. The length of one-way routes varies from 5 to 13 km, and they are designed for 1-2-day trips with average difficulties. Overnight stays will be organized in the tent village in case of days-long routes.
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GUEST HOUSES IN ZAAMIN With a view to promote the tourist potential of Zaamin, United Nations Development Programme “Local Governance Support: Participation and Partnership� Project, implemented in partnership with the Cabinet of Ministers of Uzbekistan and Djizak Provincial Khokimiyat (Regional Administration), is improving the recreational resources management system of Zaamin. To ensure the effective collective management of guest houses in Zaamin, UNDP Project has taken certain measures to establish a business entity, comprised of guest houses owners, who act as cofounders. Moreover, a work is underway to build the capacities of guest houses through special training on hospitality, improving accommodation and food services in guest houses, developing tour-routes, entertainment and leisure programmes, as well as training tour-guides. Development of tourism in the district will serve to preserve the natural and cultural heritage, create new jobs and generate additional income, and improve the well-being of populations.
GUEST HOUSES IN ZAAMIN “Grand Zaamin” guest house is located in Uriklisoy village and serves up to 30 tourists. There are two cottages and a 6-room minihotel. All rooms and cottages are designed with modern equipment and comfortable furniture. A satellite TV and a big garden with trestle beds and arbors along the mountain river are available. Contact phone: +99890 189 71 51. “Kurbonoy” guest house is located in Togterak village and serves up to 10 tourists. There is a big garden with fruit trees and trestle beds in the yard of the guest house. For cultural and leisure programme guests can enjoy a theatrical show of national custom "Kelin-salom". Contact phone: +99891 5984767. “Tulkin-aka” guest house is located in Usmonisoy village. Capacity - up to 12 tourists. Rooms are furnished and decorated in a traditional style. A satellite TV and a big garden with trestle beds and arbors are available. For a cultural and leisure programme guests can enjoy a concert of national folklore. Contact phone: +99891 5984767. “Abdullah-aka” guest house is located in Hulkar village and serves up to 10 tourists. It has a big garden with trestle beds. For a cultural and leisure programme, a «Honey holiday» can be arranged, where guests can taste various sorts of honey and learn about their history. Moreover a mini-zoo can be organized in the yard of the guest-house. Contact phone: +99895 5040785. “Barno- оpа” guest house is located in Togterak village and serves up to 6 tourists. There is a small and accurate garden in the house. For a cultural and leisure programme, guests can familiarize with the art of national costume tailoring and embroidery of national patterns (Suzana). Contact phone: +99895 5039793, +99891 1955745. “Mukhabbat-opa” guest house is located in Peshagar village and serves up to 10 tourists. Rooms are designed in national style and walls are decorated with national clothes. There are orchard, trestle beds and a pool in the yard. For a cultural and leisure programme, guests can enjoy theatrical demonstration of a custom of laying an infant into the cradle. Contact phone: +99895 5040785.
CULTURAL AND ENTERTAINMENT PROGRAMMES Zaamin, along with its unique nature and healthy air, is famous for its rich culture, traditions and ancient history. Since the ancient time various nationalities (Uzbeks, Kirghiz, Kazakhs, Tajiks) lived here in peace and tranquility, and this fact speaks for itself that there are not only a variety of national traditions and cultures represented in Zaamin, but also a tolerance of indigenous people. The guest houses in Zaamin provide an opportunity for visitors to live in and feel the rural life of local people, learn their ancient history, culture and customs, as well as participate in cooking national cuisines. Theatrical presentation of national custom «KELIN SALOM» Venue - the house of parents of the groom (guest house). Characters –bride, relatives and friends of the family, neighbors, girlfriends of the bride, and close relatives of the groom. Audience – tourists and guests. Next day after the wedding, the groom leaves home before dawn. This day he spends with his friends, who will treat the groom with national dish Pilav. The groom returns home in the evening. In the meantime, early in the morning, groom's relatives and neighbors come to the house and start the ceremony “Kelin salom” – welcoming a new member of the family. Groom's parents, relatives and friends take a seat around the tables and wait the beginning of the event. In a special room, decorated with the bride's dowry, she meets visitors. She is dressed from head to foot in the national costumes embroidered by gold and covered with sparkling, weightless oriental cover. Everybody by turn approaches the bride, presents gifts and give best wishes and blessings. She should welcome everyone with a bow low to a belt. First, she bows to the parents of the husband. Father-in-law presents her a carpet, and then the bride welcomes everyone in the house. All this time, one of the relatives sings improvised couplets about each guest personally. The bride receives blessing and gifts for each bow and, in turn, gives some presents back given their age and status: a scarf, a beautiful towel, prayer rug and so on. These gifts bring happiness to those who have daughters or granddaughters in marriage age. In our case: tourists take a seat around the trestle beds in a yard. The guide or the host tells about the custom “Kelin Salom”. Female members of the family perform the national song and the bride dressed in national clothes with the embroidered thin scarf on her head comes out in surrounding of women – family members of the guest house. Having approached closer to guests, the bride and surrounding women stop and the main part of the ceremony begins. Women sing and welcome each guest by name, and at this time the bride bows to each guest individually. After bowing, the bride distributes small gifts to tourists: handkerchiefs embroidered in national style, national clay souvenirs, and small embroidered purses or handbags and scarves. Then the bride bows to all guests again and goes away. (Presentation price for a group is subject to negotiation).
CULTURAL AND ENTERTAINMENT PROGRAMMES Theatrical presentation of national custom «Beshik-Tuy» Venue -guest house. Characters – family members, neighbors. Audience – tourists and guests. Such an important event in the life of young families, as a birth of a baby, is accompanied by the ritual ceremony "Beshik-Tuy" - "The holiday of cradle". It is one of the most ancient and widespread ceremonies in Uzbekistan. At the fortieth day from the birth of the child, relatives of a young mother bring beshik (Uzbek national wooden cradle), all necessaries for the newborn, bread and sweets wrapped in a tablecloth, and toys. By tradition, in a nursery elderly women carry out a ceremony of the first swaddling of the newborn and laying to a cradle, while guests have fun and regale themselves around the festive table. The ceremony comes to an end with the presentation of the child, when the visitors present gifts to him and throw navat and parvarda (national Uzbek sweets) on the cradle wishing him safe and joyful life. After the ceremony and guests go home. In our case: tourists take a seat around the tables for lunch or dinner. The guide or owner of the guest house tells about the custom «Beshik tuy» so that tourists get familiarized with this ceremony. Then a group of people, representing the relatives of young mother, who brought the cradle and all necessaries for the newborn, come out. They put the cradle on the table, nearby the trestle bed. At this time the young mother comes out with the newborn baby on hands and the main part of the theatrical demonstration begins - putting the baby to the cradle, the process are observed by tourists and guests. During the ceremony women perform the rituals and relatives present gifts and sweets to the baby. Hereon the ceremony comes to an end and the sweets are put on the table for tea party. (Presentation price for a group is subject to negotiation)
CULTURAL AND ENTERTAINMENT PROGRAMMES Joint preparation of national dish «Kozon Patir»
Venue - guest house. Characters – family members, neighbors. Audience – tourists and guests. One of the most popular national dishes of Zaamin is «Kozon Patir». It is unusual bowl-shaped bread, baked in a metal pot on the family hearth. Prior to demonstrate the baking process, the host or guide tells about this dish. Then the hostess starts the process of baking before tourists' and guests' eyes. First comes dough kneading, then using the prepared dough patir is shaped, which is then put in to the metal pot and then on the hearth for baking. When patir is ready, the hostess takes it from the pot. Homemade salty butter is cut into small pieces and put in the patir, when is hot. Hot bread and butter are served up. The host shows guests and tourists how to eat the bread: tears off bread slices, dips it into melted butter and eats. The ceremony comes to an end with a tea party with national sweets. (Presentation price for a group is subject to negotiation, price per patir – $5)
CULTURAL AND ENTERTAINMENT PROGRAMMES Presentation of national bread baking process: starting from wheat grinding into flour to baking in tandir (cylindrical clay oven).
Venue - guest house. Characters – family members, neighbors. Audience – tourists and guests. There is an ancient watermill in a national guest house "Kizlargul opa". Tourists and guests are invited to the guest house for demonstration of baking national bread in tandir. First the guide or host briefs about the process of baking national bread, then the demonstration starts. The hostess grinds wheat in a watermill, and then out of the flour she kneads dough. After that, the dough is rolled out into small breads, what are then stuck on the inner surface of the heated tandir. While the bread is baked, guests and tourists are invited to trestle beds set for tea drinking. Various national sweets are on the table, including Zaamin's mountain honey. The host tells about sorts of Zaamin honey and gives guests to taste it. After a while the bread is ready and the hostess serves hot bread on the table. For cultural programme one can also offer cooking national dishes such as pilau, kazonkabob (roast meat), beshbarmak (meat with dough cut into pieces), kurt-davo, bodom-atala (almond milk), and preparation of koumiss (horse milk). A concert of folklore songs and dances with demonstration of national customs, traditions, games, national clothes, can also be organized. The presentation comes to an end with tea drinking. (Presentation price for a group is subject to negotiation, price per bread – $1).
CULTURAL AND ENTERTAINMENT PROGRAMMES Presentation of national clothes tailoring and embroidery of national patterns (Suzana) Venue - “Barno оpа” guest house Characters -hostess of the house and family members. Audience – tourists and guests. The hostess of “Barno opa” guest house, located in Duoba village, has profound skills of tailoring national clothes and embroidery of national patterns (suzane). The guests and tourists are invited in a special room decorated with national clothes and embroidered scarves hanged on the wall. Then the visitors take a seat around a table and the hostess shows the art of tailoring national clothes and embroidery. The guide or host tells about the embroidering features. In the end, the hostess presents her products (suzane, national scarves, purses or embroideries) to the guests and tourists as a gift. (Presentation price for a group is subject to negotiation, the price of a finished product – from $5 to $50).
“Peshogor” cave
“Boboyongok” ancient walnut
The cave is located in close proximity to Peshogor village. The objects found in the cave are of archaeological value and great interest to scientists. They testify that primitive communities used it as a habitation.
The ancient walnut tree is 700 years old. Height of 20 meters, width of the crown – 28 meters, stem diameter 2,7 meters.
“Sherbulok” spring
“Khujai Serob ota” memorial
A grotto-shape spring with stone ladders and arches. The icy water stream flows from the bas-relief of lion's head and it is for that reason the spring was named after lion (“Sher” in Uzbek means lion). The spring water has a sweet taste of cooled milk, since it contains much calcium.
“Khujai Serob ota” (stream head owner) memorial occupies 2 hectares territory and is located in close proximity to Peshogor village. There are a mosque and mausoleum not far from the memorial. A prominent scholar Mavlono Mahomed Pishogoriy (born in 1321) was buried here. He was a famous theologian and follower of “Naqshbandia” Sufi religious trend. He was engaged in viniculture and gardening, as well as taught local school children.
“Kuk-tunli-ota” memorial
“Kuk tunli ota” (old man with a blue robe on) memorial occupies 2,4 hectares territory and is located 5 km away from Zaamin's regional center on the side of ZaaminBakhmal road. According to local beliefs, “If one plants a young tree or a seed in this soil with true faith, it is for sure it will grow”. On the surface of memorial stone the name of “Vazir Sokhib Zabonboy” (died in 1209) was engraved. This burial was discovered in 2006 by an archeologist Tura Ergashev.
It used to be one of the numerous caravanserais (stopping points for caravans and travelers), passing from Samarkand through Zaamin to Tashkent. During the archaeological excavations in the second half of 1990s, entrance gates into the caravanserai were discovered. The 2,5 meter-wide walls round the gates were constructed from sun-dried brick in the style of arch. There were apartments and storages inside the caravanserais. The historical objects found during archeological excavations belong to the reign of Samanids (X century) and Karakhanids (ХI-ХII centuries).
“Mik” fortress
According to legends, a powerful shah, who constructed a fortress in a beautiful place between juniper tree forests, lived here. The fortress consists of 3 constructions – ancient settlement, fortress and citadel. It is assumed that it belongs to the VI-XI centuries. In the middle Ages the blacksmithing prospered here. The inhabitants extracted iron ore, processed it and produced semi-finished metal products. Out of the first part of iron they made military tools and accessories. The other parts were exported to Fergana and other regions. Today ancient coins and ornaments are found here.
Remnants of an ancient fortress settlement, which belonged to the Middle Ages. Stone walls, fundament, hearths, fragments of ceramics and bones of animals testify that this place used to be a settlement.
TOURIST ROUTES “Silver pathway journey”
Route: Tashkent - Zaamin –Duoba village - National park – Tashkent. Description: Travel from Tashkent to Zaamin and National park (a valley of Urikli river, the spring and mountain pass) – by car and bus. Traveling on foot and horse in the National Park. Outdoor relaxation and dinner in an open-air fire. Duration: 1 day. The best time for tour: May – October Journey outfit: a backpack; a raincoat; mountain boots or shoes; a mountain stick; a thermos; a windbreaker; sunglasses, cream and a hat; a battery-operated portable light, warm clothes. Medicines: private first-aid kit Documents: passport or ID card Escort: 1-2 guides for a group of up to 12 people Cost: subject to negotiation
Route programme Silver pathway journey (Day 1)
07:00-09:00 arrival by bus in Zaamin regional center 09:00-10:00 breakfast 10:00-11:30 visit to Zaamin historical museum 11:30-13:00 departure by bus for Duoba village 13:00-14:30 dinner at “Kurbonoy” guest house 14:30-17:00 bus tour and pedestrian tour in Zaamin National Park. Visit to waterfall, “Zamin” sanatorium and other places of attraction 17:30-18:30 a folklore programme «a singing wise man» and dinner at “Kurbonoy” guest house 18:30-20:30 departure for Tashkent
TOURIST ROUTES “A mysterious cave”
Route: Tashkent – Djizak - Peshagor village - Zaamin - Tashkent. Description: Travel from Tashkent to Djizak, Peshagor and Zaamin – by car and bus. Traveling on foot and horse to the cave. Outdoor relaxation and dinner in an open-air fire. Duration: 1-2 days. The best time for a tour: April – October Journey outfit: a backpack; a raincoat; mountain boots or shoes; a mountain stick; a thermos; a windbreaker; sunglasses, cream and a hat; a battery-operated portable light, warm clothes. Medicines: private first-aid kit. Documents: passport or ID card. Escort: 1-2 guides for a group of up to 12 persons. Cost: subject to negotiation
“A mysterious cave” route program (Day 1, Djizak-Peshagor) 10:00-11:30 meeting in Djizak – bus sightseeing tour (Djizak historical museum, Administration building, Djizak teacher's training institute, monuments of SharafRashidov, the House of craftsmen in madrasah) 11:30-13:00 departure for Peshagor village. 13:00-14:00 dinner at “Mukhabbat opa” guest house. 14:00-16:30 departure by bus for “Kizlargul opa” guest house, presentation of bread baking process. 16:30-17:00 returning to “Mukhabbat opa” guest house. 17:30-20:00 dinner “Osh-show”, joint preparation of a national dishi “Pilau”. 20:00-22:00 recreation at an open-air fire, presentation of a folklore group.
(Day 2, Peshagor-Djizak) 08:00-09:00 breakfast. 09:00-10:30 visit to a sacred place “Khujai Serob ota” 10:30-13:00 steering to a cave, taking a view of the cave (the depth - up to 500 meters). 13:00-13:30 return to the guest house 14:30-15:30 dinner 16:00-17:00 departure for “Kurbonoy” guest house in Duoba village 17:30-19:30 tour at the house of craftsman and waterfall 19:30-21:00 dinner, “Koumiss show”, “Beshbarmak”, “Dombra-show” (Kirghiz singer sings a song at the guest house). 21:00
departure for Tashkent.
Transport companies: 1.”Central Asia Travel Co” Tel: +99893 561 72 36, +99871 212 02 90 2.“Transavtotourism” company Tel: +99871 221 05 75,+99871 221 88 05 3.“Asia Adventures” company Tel: +99871 150 62 80,+99871 252 72 87 4. Passenger transportation firms Tel: + 99893 385 33 23
Private drivers: On Tashkent-Djizak-Zaamin-Djizak-Tashkent route: Nexia - Akram +99891 195-45-24 Mercedes - Bakhtiyor +99891 941-58-58 Nexia - Sobir +99891 940-77-50 Lasetti - Dilshod +99890 538-80-08 Nexia - Davron +99891 940-93-18 Istana – Bosim ака +99891 941-35-37
On Djizak-Zaamin-Djizak route: Nexia - Shukhrat +99893 304-65-69
In Tashkent: Mukhamedova Guli, expert on tourism, UNDP Project in Uzbekistan Tel: +99890 919 95 95 E-mail: Kvashina Olga, a representative of the Sanatorium and Resorts Management Department under the Federation of Trade Unions of Uzbekistan Tel: +99871 256 85 68 Fax: +99871 256 57 69 In Djizak: Djumabaev Olim, a representative of UNDP Project in Uzbekistan Tel: +99893 501 14 67 E-mail: Akulov Olim, a representative of UNDP Project in Uzbekistan Tel: +99893 940 07 27 E-mail:
In Zaamin: Sanayeva Lola, Director of JSC “Nature and Recreation� Tel: +99890 229 72 84 E-mail: Ergasheva Marguba, guide-translator Tel: +99891 598 47 67 E-mail: Ruzibayev Batyr, guide-translator Tel: +99890 515 23 81
Kafe “Мarxabo” Manager: Zokhidov Hamid Tel: +99890 296-67-98
Kafe “Fayz” Manager: Kosimov Sarvar Tel: +99891 565-96-50
Kafe “Мashal” Manager: Safarova Mutabar Tel: +99891 515-90-96
ZAAMIN'S LOGO AND SOUVENIRS With a view to further promote and increase the visual recognition of Zaamin, UNDP Project for the first time in Uzbekistan developed a branding and marketing strategy on strengthening the tourist potential of Zaamin’s touristic zone, designed a video clip, original logo and Zaamin's slogan, as well as created official website Branding materials and logo of Zaamin were handed over to guest houses and private business entities of Zaamin for making souvenirs.
SOUVENIR MANUFACTURER: «RED DOOR» LLC, Аddress: №1 Shayhontohur Str., Tashkent, Uzbekistan Tel: +99871 241 06 88, Fax: +99871 241 07 88