Memoria FIFYA - 2019/EN

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MEMORY 2019 Fe y Alegría International Federation


Fe y Alegria 65 years

Fe y Alegría International Federation Fr. Carlos Fritzen, S.J. General Coordinator Fr. Marco Tulio Gómez, S.J. Executive Secretary Board of Directors 2019 - 2020 Carlos Vargas - Ecuador Fernando Anderlic – Argentina Fr. Daniel Villanueva, S.J. – España Fr. Miquel Cortés, S.J. - Guatemala Backup: Miguel Molina - Honduras Axes Coordinating Team Gehiomara Cedeño - Popular Education Axis Fr. Carlos Fritzen, S.J. - New Frontiers Axis Gabriel Vélez - Sustainability Axisd Gerardo Lombardi - Public Action Axis Head of the publication Communication and Support Team Gerardo Lombardi María Paula Arango José Ignacio Peraza Robby Ospina Design and diagrams Natalia Hernández Sánchez Fe y Alegría International Federation Carrera 5 # 34 - 39, Barrio La Merced, Bogotá, Colombia Telephone: +57 1 7712362 Web: Facebook: Federación Internacional de Fe y Alegría Youtube: Federación Internacional de Fe y Alegría Twitter: feyalegriafi Instagram: feyalegriafi Digital publication in Bogotá, Colombia February 2020 Photographic archives Fe y Alegría International Federation Fe y Alegría in the countries

Fe y Alegría International Federation





Our work and the Universal Apostolic Preferences of the Society of Jesus


Fe y Alegría in the world: contributions to the Universal Right to Quality Education





Fe y Alegría on the move

The Synod for the Amazon in Fe y Alegría


Pope Francis message to Fe y Alegría

- How many of u - Where are we

- Alliances for the Mission - How we are organized - Soundness and transparency


- Fe y Alegría Directory 3

Presentation of the Report 2019 Message from the General Coordinator Fr. Carlos Fritzen, S.J. FYAIF General Coordinator

Remembering is always a privileged moment to look at the path taken, to make balances and discern the direction of the new times. This year we have many things to share with everyone. In the first place, in this Report you will be able to read the rich and varied experiences of the twenty-two countries where Fe y Alegría works to guarantee the Universal Right to Quality Education. You will be able to see some work actions chosen from many, which demonstrate our specific contribution within the framework of Sustainable Development Goal Number 4 (SDG4), to which we commit as an organisation in the sense of “guaranteeing inclusive, equitable and quality education and promoting lifelong learning opportunities for all”. Fe y Alegría worked for ODS4 in 2019. In other sections, we also want to tell you what we have done to express our countries, our commitment to network management through the experiences of collective work that specify the Federation’s 4 Priority Axes. Popular


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Education, New Frontiers, Sustainability and Public Action and Advocacy become a reality in the animation of 17 thematic initiatives reflected in the perspective of the Universal Apostolic Preferences (UAP) of the Society of Jesus. In other words, we share how the UAPs come to life in Fe y Alegría, we reflect “with them” and at the same time how they inspire us and challenge us always to “look for more”. Fe y Alegría is inspired by the UAP in 2019. Since its inception, Fe y Alegría has had two great traits that form its identity and mission: popular education and social promotion. The transformation of societies to make them juster, more fraternal and human is part of our vocation. “We transform people to change the world” is more than a slogan; it is an ethical, political, pedagogical and epistemological commitment to popular education. That is why we were present at the 50th Anniversary of the Social Justice and Ecology Secretariat of the Society of Jesus. The celebration took place in Rome and was an opportunity to reaffirm the grace received through this ministry, to reflect and together to discern the challenges of the future and make an act of commitment to this dimension of our work among ourselves and with others. Fe y Alegría is also a social work in 2019. In 2019, an unprecedented event occurred in the Universal Catholic Church, the Amazon Synod. Our presence in the Amazon has covered decades through schools, training centres, radio stations for distance education, among other works and services. We participated in several Pre-Synod events, we covered it communicationally, several Jesuits related to Fe y Alegría were Synodal Fathers and María Luisa Berzosa, , Daughter of Jesus, and one of our dear companions in Europe, was a consultant to the General Secretariat. She shares her experiences and reflections with us in this Report. But the fact that marks us and commits us the most is the direct allusion to Fe y Alegría in point 62 of the Final Synod Document, with an invitation to look for “new paths for cultural

Fe y Alegría International Federation

conversion” through the creation of a school network of bilingual education that expresses educational proposals for the region. Fe y Alegría in 2019 is committed to the Amazon. An experience that marked us deeply was the audience with Pope Francis. Feeling him close, in harmony with our mission and we with his ministry, was very comforting. He called us out of our comforts and achievements in a “dynamic tension”, to go further, placing young people at the centre of our mission. We thank the Pope, who prays for us and we pledged to pray for him. Fe y Alegría in 2019 is Church, service community. A very large qualitative leap that we took this year was the revision and approval of the Gender Policy at the XXXIV General Assembly in Montevideo. We are satisfied by the document reconstruction process and committed to its implementation with concrete, visible and measurable actions. Fe y Alegría in 2019

has a Gender Policy and is committed to promoting equality and equity. At the end of this Report, you will find a list of the institutions that currently accompany us on this mission, because cannot do it alone. The final pages also show how we organises ourselves, how many of us there are and where we are and a scheme of our financial dynamics and their respective audit reports. Fe y Alegría in 2019 is transparency in management. I bring this presentation to a close by encouraging you to face the challenges of our realities with joy, but above all to open your heart and mind so that the seeds of change find a fertile place to grow and flourish in us. In 2020, let’s continue to walk together to continue making Fe y Alegría a Global Educational Network! #WeAreFeyAlegria in the World


Mission Fe y Alegría is an International Movement of Popular Education and Social Promotion that promotes comprehensive, inclusive and quality educational processes through and for the communities in which it works, committing to the transformation of people to build fair and democratic social systems.

Vision Fe y Alegría is a benchmark of comprehensive, inclusive and quality popular education that works on the borders of greater exclusion, influences national and international policies, is sustainable and, together with the communities, develops proposals that contribute to the construction of equitable, supportive societies free of violence and respectful of diversity, where people live with dignity.


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Fe y Alegría International Federation




Our project is born out of Faith

Our project stems from the experiences of Faith in Jesus of Nazareth and his invitation to build the Kingdom of God and His Justice, especially in the realities of poverty and exclusion, respecting and talking with other religious and cultural expressions. These experiences of Faith also lead us to believe in the ability of all people, without discrimination, to transform reality and build a better world.



With joy as an attitude

Our joy is strengthened in our encounter with the impoverished and excluded and in our commitment to the personal and social transformation that arises from the liberating experience of Faith in Jesus. Our Movement is not born from a doctrine or an ideology but precisely from these experiences of Fe y Alegría. We therefore adopt a joyful and liberating pedagogy.

In Perpetual Movement

Fe y Alegría conveys the pressing need for society to work together to eradicate the poverty, inequality, injustice and suffering of the excluded and impoverished people. It is this sense of urgency that fills us with audacity and creativity, which continuously leads us to reread the context and our own identity, leading us beyond limits and borders. To promote entrepreneurship and creativity, Fe y Alegría values and enhances the functional autonomy of countries and educational centres, thus triggering the initiative of the people.


We educate


All our socio-educational actions promote the formation of new people, aware of their potential and the reality around them, open to transcendence, agents of change, leaders of their own development and promoters of respectful relationships with others, with communities and with creation. Through them we believe in education as a right for everyone throughout life and we promote a popular, inclusive and quality education to build a more equitable, fairer and more sustainable society.

We are Popular Education

Somos Educación Popular, ante todo, porque promovemos una propuesta ética, We are Popular Education, first and foremost, because we promote an ethical, political, pedagogical and epistemological proposal for social transformation. We constantly seek to know the local, national and global reality with a critical look, building and improving our practices. We value and revitalise popular cultures and experiences in all our work.


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Fe y Alegría International Federation

We are Social Promotion

We believe in the dignity of people and communities. We participate together with educators, students, families and other community actors in the life, problems and solutions of the community. We promote a harmonious and sustainable relationship of the community with its natural environment. We therefore work with, from and for the community, developing its capacities and looking for alternative development models to generate processes of social transformation.



We commit

Our commitment is an option born from experiences of Faith in Jesus of Nazareth that lead us to love, to work for justice, to defend human rights and to commit decisively to social transformation and for the construction of the Kingdom of God. We care about the permanent motivation and training of each and every member of Fe y Alegría because we require the presence and action of committed, passionate and service-minded people.

We opt for the Excluded Sectors

We make a clear choice for the sectors of society that suffer poverty and greater exclusion. We work to empower all those who are denied the exercise of their rights. This option is inalienable. They will always be the centre of our actions.



We work for Justice and Peace

We reflect on the causes of situations of injustice. We communicate with society and raise its awareness, influencing national and international authorities from the conviction that everyone is responsible for the creation of new structures that enable a more humanised world in which the inequality gap is reduced. Our fight for justice begins with the defence of the right to quality education as a public good and by promoting the universalisation of free and public education as a duty of all States. We also promote the dignification of the educators’ vocation.

We build a Fraternal and Democratic Society

We work in alliances with social movements, governments, institutions, religious congregations, companies and other social organisations. We create synergies to defend education as a universal right and as a public good with a horizon of social transformation that enables a dignified life. We build a new society woven from relationships of fraternity, free from all violence, at peace with nature and democratic.


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Fe y Alegría International Federation

Fe y Alegría on the move


y Alegría has always considered education a human and social right that everyone must enjoy under equal conditions, since the fulfilment of this right will enable the enjoyment of the other essential rights. Education is the fundamental strategy to fully incorporate all people into the work of contemporary public life. Democratic societies need all their citizens and democratic life requires well-educated subjects. If this is missing, societies are led to fail.

Fe y Alegría, 65 years promoting the Universal Right to Quality Education for everyone in the world

Antonio Pérez Esclarín Popular Education

Since its creation in 1955, Fe y Alegría has opted for education because it was considered the most suitable means to combat poverty and make people worthy, productive and supportive subjects. Education is the means to develop the person’s full human, social, creative and spiritual potential... Throughout its history and in all the countries and places where it has been sown, Fe

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Fe y Alegría has always understood that for education to be a means of overcoming and dignifying, it must be quality. “The education of the poor cannot be a poor or superficial education”; “We seek the best education for those who are in a worse condition”, are slogans which, from the beginning, enlightened the efforts and searches of Fe y Alegría. If education is not quality for everyone, instead of being a means to democratise society, it becomes a mechanism to increase the differences. At the time, (even today!) achieving quality in contexts of marginality was only possible if the school compensated for original social inequalities and offered students the necessary means to guarantee their learning. Hence, in the first Fe y Alegría schools, and despite not having any State support, school dining rooms and medical rooms began to operate, and the doors opened to all members of the community. During the day, the classes were for children and young people, and at night and weekends for adults, with whom courses were started to enhance literacy, cooperativism, job training, hygiene and health, family economics, and care for children. The service vocation and the search for quality has always led Fe y Alegría to explore different educational, formal and non-formal modalities that respond to different contexts and cultures; to use radio and new technologies as an educational and communication strategy;

Fe y Alegría International Federation

to invent proposals to bring back those who left the educational system; to innovate permanently in the field of education for work, production and entrepreneurship; to enter firmly into higher education and to promote the on-going education of all educators, and not only those of Fe y Alegría, considering that they are the most important subjects to guarantee everyone a genuine integral, quality education. Regarding the quality, although it can be conceived in a variety of ways, for Fe y Alegría, education is quality if it responds to the realities of people and contributes to the development of free subjects, with capacities to improve their quality of life and transform their social environment. Education that helps each one to know and love each other and to take the path of their own realisation with others, not against others. Education that forms true citizens and productive and supportive citizens, with the ability to be actively inserted into the world of work and production, truly committed to the common good. Education that arouses the pleasure to learn, to overcome, that fosters creativity, freedom and love. Education for living and coexisting, for defending life, and giving life so that everyone can live with dignity. Because Fe y Alegría has always opted everywhere for a quality education for everyone, and especially for the most vulnerable populations, defending and working for quality public education. Therefore, Fe y Alegría opposes the exclusive educational policies that consider education a commodity and not a universal right, and works insistently to foster a pact between government, political parties, civil society, churches, parents and communities, companies, sectors, unions and media, that guarantees quality education for everyone. If education is a right, it is also everyone’s duty.


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Fe y Alegría International Federation

The Universal Apostolic Preferences (UAP) of the Society of Jesus and the proposal of popular education of Fe y Alegría Carlos Vargas National Director of Fe y Alegría Ecuador

The greatest richness of the Universal Apostolic Preferences (UAP) is that they are the synthesis of an experience of community discernment that had the active participation of the lay as true companions in the mission. They have allowed a movement of the Spirit that Fe y Alegría has brought as a Popular Education Organisation, a strong insistence to continue looking at reality; the source from where the questioning that requires us to renew comes out. The guidelines offered by the UAPs require us, as a Movement, to redirect several of our actions and strengthen others, for example, the network perspective (greater apostolic body) that leads us to be more effective and more prophetic in our practice; in other words a process of action/reflection - an action with which we assume the hope and today ever more demanding commitment to influence our peoples in their social transformation. In this way, our praxis will embody the compassion, reconciliation, justice and care expressed in the Universal Apostolic Preferences.

We feel that in many ways the UAPs are already in dialogue with the work of Fe y Alegría; however, these Preferences have come to refresh and endorse the option of our Movement. I invite you to enter into an exercise of reflection, in which we try to discern the way in which the UAPs today express themselves in our work; this is my discernment: - Fe y Alegría addresses the first preference from the diversity of charisma’s, stressing spirituality as a liberating project of personal and social transformation, not only from the Spiritual Exercises, but taking from them the accompaniment that makes it possible to walk from empathy, trust and testimony. - The second preference is the reason for being of Fe y Alegría: walking with the poor, those discarded by the world. It is not a simple service of “salvation”, it is a vital compassion, to risk life without expecting a reward. - We work on the third preference, which involves young people, from the Generation 21+ Network, which encompasses many youth movements from several countries from which they are invited and accompanied in the process of leading their own stories and villages; this empowerment to share their realities generates dreams that call the organisation to make them come true. - The fourth preference, regarding the care of the common house, is already part of our federative action with the Panamazonian Initiative; from here, it contributes to rethinking part of our pedagogical proposal in the perspective of defending tropical forests in dialogue with indigenous peoples. As stated at the beginning, the Universal Apostolic Preferences (UAP) of the Society of Jesus have generated a true dialectic with Fe y Alegría that for about four years has been working, reflecting and encouraging a new type of leadership and a new way to proceed in these times.


Social promotion and Fe y Alegría within the framework of the 50 years of the Social Justice and Ecology Secretariat of the Society of Jesus Fr. Carlos Fritzen S.J. General Coordinator

Participating as Fe y Alegría in the 50 years of the Social Justice and Ecology Secretariat has been a great gift from God, the fact of being able to celebrate with many the thankful memory so well received from God and so much service given by the Secretariat of the Society of Jesus for the Jesuit social works. Personally, I was very impressed to see Jesuits and the laity united in that spirit of gratitude and at the same time of attentive listening to discern the new “signs of the times” in contexts that have changed. Likewise, I feel called to stress that the way in which the Society has been organised into the successive Secretariats, was a wise way that helped to unite and project the common efforts and social actions where an apostolic presence was made (and is still made in some cases); all amidst so much cultural, religious and economic diversity. The global apostolic body dimension of the Society began to be reflected in the origins and missions of the guests themselves: on the one hand, the presence of Fr. General Arturo

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Sosa S.J., of his advisers and assistants; other members of the Curia, the Presidents of the Conferences of Provincial Sections and their Delegates for social matters also participated; Fr. José Alberto Mesa S.J., the Secretariat for Pre-secondary and Secondary Education was present, as well as the leaders of the Global Networks of the S.J.: Fe y Alegría and the SJR; we share, in turn, with other referents of the social apostolate of the Provinces, with the directors of Social Centres and, of course, with Fr. Xavier Jeyaraj S.J., who, together with his team, coordinated the week’s methodology. I reiterate that this cultural and geographical diversity, thinking in common, meeting, sharing, discerning and dreaming of the future, for me expresses the apostolic body of the Society of Jesus. On the other hand, it was a good time to gather experiences, and also to reflect and pray about them. We reflect and pray in questions about the future. Where and in what way does God invite and send us to be present with the discarded? How can we walk together with the youth? On this, we have the Universal Apostolic Preferences (UAP) that guide us towards the fulfilment of our dreams, based on the lessons learned and a constant thinking about the times that are coming. United, through networks that enhance the common mission, is how we recognise the way to overcome apostolic fragmentation and become a more visible body. Fe y Alegría is social promotion, so I highlight the deep harmony and connection with everything that is being done in the Jesuit social works. Of course, we agree and work together in many of the most peripheral contexts. There is collaboration and there is a desire to advance in more articulations and collaborative, complementary works, for example, between the popular education proposed by Fe y Alegría and the social centres of the Company or with the Jesuit Migrant Service and the Je-

Fe y Alegría International Federation

suit Refugee Service, among others. Therefore, we feel deeply committed to updating and projecting from the UAP, both in the way of proceeding and in the commitment to walk with the youth, to accompany the discarded from their contexts and always consistent with the care of the common house. Finally, the meeting with Pope Francis, one of the most emotional and inspiring moments of our time in Rome, confirmed and encouraged us to continue in our mission. The Pope underlined the commitment of the Society of Jesus to social promotion and transformation, and encouraged us to continue dreaming and recreating the social apostolate from the most excluded people. My gratitude to everyone for sharing that week together. May these 50 years of justice and reconciliation continue to feed a happy and blessed social mission on all four sides of the world! A.M.D.G.


Fe y Alegría promotes the gender approach as a transversal axis of education

Lucila Cerrillo Leader of Initiative 11 - Gender Mayra Aguilar Gender Officer Fe y Alegría International Federation Jesús Castellón Head Masculinities Fe y Alegría International Federation

In the educational field it is important to talk about the gender approach, because the right to education implies the right to gender equality and this is not an “extra”, but an ethical option; it thus permeates all pedagogical actions that start from the principle of equality-equity, which recognises and acts on the needs, interests, disadvantages, inequalities and discrimination of the women’s group while questioning the expressions of hegemonic masculinity. The gender key allows us to build the dream society where women and men make full use of their rights and which begins with equal education for girls and boys. In that sense, Fe y Alegría from its origins opened its doors for children in vulnerable areas, by guaranteeing resources to educate them. However, working for gender equality implies new understandings and new decisions to address this issue from the level of institution, management, curriculum proposals, the levels of the teaching-learning process and relationships in all areas of the school.

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In recent years, our Movement has taken qualitative steps, but progress is gradual and contextual: while in some places more investment is required for girls’ access to school, in others it is necessary to invest in curricular proposals that make visible and dignify women’s contribution in science. From this logic, our gender equality-equity policy was built in 2011, which provided a framework for action for all Fe y Alegría. After eight years of implementation, we decided to ratify and update it so that it might continue to guide our actions and horizon of personal and social transformation. This updating consisted of two substantive aspects: 1] the creation of a gender-based violence prevention policy, which includes the problematisation of hegemonic masculinity and 2] the rescue of the ethical, political and legal value of the concept of equality. Furthermore, it is important to address the issue of masculinities, given that working with men is essential for the achievement of equality and equity; therefore, it is necessary to work with students, parents, teachers and other men involved in the work of the school, while seeking to break down prejudices and learn to respect differences. Such work should also allow men to realise that there are other ways of being men, in which privileges and the power of dominion are renounced, that it is possible to express feelings, to be involved in the care and raising of sons and daughters. Making gender policy a reality is a permanent challenge, it implies that the problems of discrimination, inequality and violence are increasingly recognised by the educational community. At the curricular level, for example, it is a challenge to advance in the deconstruction of the explicit and hidden gender curriculum; also, and at the institutional level, it is imperative to strengthen the strategic decisions that are made in the National Fe y Alegría Directorates, and to have trained and

Fe y Alegría International Federation

sensitive work teams that boost compliance with our policy and which thus contribute to building gender equality-equity. Events and/or developments in 2019: - The culmination of the Transformative Education in Key of Equality and Peace editorial collection that complements and enriches with the other previous initiatives - The strengthening of the RedAcción Network of Teachers in terms of equality and peace - The continuation of the Light of Girls Campaign, which aims to “shine its light so girls might have the right to a childhood with equal opportunities, free from fears, threats and aggressions and that education might defend, protect and transform them their lives” - The strengthening of coeducation in educational centres and entrepreneurship as a form of economic empowerment - The Infinite Care Campaign in the Dominican Republic - The Youth Gender Equality Meeting in Argentina and Guatemala We are convinced that all these activities are steps that lead us towards equality and equity!


The Synod for the Amazon in Fe y Alegría Robby Ospina Assistant for General Coordination / Planning

The Universal Church is in the effort to protect the “lung of the world.” Pope Francis called on us to continue working for the dignity and life of the people who inhabit the Amazon, especially those who have been and continue to be the most vulnerable: indigenous, Afro-descendants, women, girls and boys. Also, the Holy Father has encouraged us from the Laudate si, to assume the commitment for the defence of all kinds of life on earth... to take care of our common house. The Universal Apostolic Pre-

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ferences of the Society of Jesus (UAP) also call us to make that effort. In these calls, Fe y Alegría finds a reaffirmation of its mission and vision; it also assumes the invitation to continue moving and to reaffirm its path with others in and through the Amazon. In our hearts there is the pain of the indigenous brothers, the clamour of the earth that bleeds from the excessive extraction of natural resources; also, the strength and the seeds of change expressed by their cultures... Today we are as a Movement in the Amazon and will continue to be as an Educational Network that promotes justice and equity; that is our job and that is why Pope Francis mentioned us in the Final Document of the Synod (point 62); we must continue to correspond to his faith and joy in us and in our actions. Little by little, with discernment, we will understand more what this mention that the Holy Father made of Fe y Alegría means; the reflections of María Luisa and Irma are first, valuable steps on that path towards understanding and correspondence.

Fe y Alegría International Federation


disappears, suffocated by the ashes of fears and the concern of defending the status quo.

Echoes of the Synod of the Amazon María Luisa Berzosa F.I. Congregation of the Daughters of Jesus

I arrived in Rome a few days before the beginning of the Synod, days in which Amazon airs were already beginning to be breathed. I must say that listening to testimonies coming from afar, left me pleasantly surprised because it was a very different reality; although, of course, the preparatory document had already (and was still) readying my heart for the reception, because there you can read data that gave me an idea of ​​the magnitude of that place, the lung of the world. However, the impact was yet stronger when listening to the nuns: pain and hope, realism and resistance; difficulties and challenges; shortcomings and creativity; struggle and joy, the invisibility of women and generous devotion... And on the Sunday, the Pope reminded us in the homily of the opening Mass: To be faithful to our call, to our mission, St. Paul reminds us that the gift is rekindled. The verb he uses is fascinating: literally rekindling, in the original, it is to “give life to fire”. The gift we have received is a fire, it is a burning love for God and the brothers. The fire does not feed itself, it dies if it is not kept alive, it goes out if the ashes cover it. If everything remains as it is, if our days are marked by the “it has always been done that way,” the gift

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And the next day we were summoned to the Altar of the Confession of St. Peter’s Basilica. When I arrived, I found a crowd singing and dancing to the rhythm of the songs that, as a mantra, we have been repeating since the preparatory vigil; the image I still retain is this: in the centre, of an immense circle of Synod Fathers and people of the common house (the initiative of the International Union of Superiors General), a large net, photos of martyrs, a canoe, oars, instruments musicals unknown in this part of the world but that sound very good... all united in a dance with songs that add up diversities in the same polyphony: “Everything is interrelated, we are One”, “move towards deeper waters and cast the nets to fish”… “the sons of the jungle, the daughters of the jungle, with the sun, the trees, the seas, we praise the Lord”. Pope Francis arrived and after a brief initial prayer, we sang the Invocation to the Holy Spirit and we prepared to walk to the Paul VI Classroom, still dancing and singing. The great basilica flooded with light was surprised by other lights, colours, voices, objects, unusual in its celebrations, but which indicated that the Amazon had entered its house through the main door. We begin the synod tasks themselves... and I sense that today the Amazon, being immensely large and complex, is a paradigm of the Church and of humanity and cannot consider itself in a closed way. And in the background continue the words of Pope Francis in the opening: “Synod is to walk together under the guidance of the Holy Spirit, He is the main actor, let’s not throw him out of the room.” And he later continued: “May the Holy Spirit express itself among us, with us, through us and despite our natural resistances.” There are voices about the Amazon that, from

Fe y Alegría International Federation

its immensity and richness, speak of the socio-political and economic problems of this region that encompasses nine countries, but the pastoral dimension is also strongly heard, because so many people cannot be left without spiritual accompaniment in the absence of priests. The Spirit is sure to elicit other forms of response! And on this point, the role of women in the Church is strongly present, and their scarce recognition when they deal with so many fields as an active part of it. This Synod translates the Laudato si very well as a Synod that is not thematic but rather territorial, this Encyclical explained very well. The Special Synod for the Amazon will mark a before and after in the Universal Church. The Spirit has been heard from reality, from the natives, from the entire Synod Hall.


Fe y Alegría in the Amazon: sowing tangible signs of hope Irma Mariño Líder Iniciativa 17 – Panamazonía

In his message on the occasion of the 3rd World Day of the Poor (2019), Pope Francis began by remembering: “The hope of the poor will never be frustrated (Psalm 9,19) return the hope lost through the injustice, suffering and precariousness of life.” And he added: “The condition placed on the disciples of the Lord Jesus, to be coherent evangelisers, is to sow tangible signs of hope.” Tangible signs of hope are what we propose to offer from this journey and our commitment to an education for life. For the Fe y Alegría International Federation, the most important thing in the Amazon Biome is its people, the discernment to walk with the poor and achieve their dignity, to accompany the youth and collaborate in the care of the common house. With our local, inter-institutional and international coordination, this Panamazonian Network, which for now groups Brazil, Bolivia, Colombia, Ecuador, Venezuela, Guyana and Peru, aims to be a concrete sign of that hope that requires us to unite our minds and hearts.

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This year, special emphasis has been placed on the Amazon, since the visit of the Holy Father Francisco to Peru, and his encounter with the indigenous peoples traced the route for the subsequent call to a universal space that addressed the clamorous situation of the indigenous communities of the region; in other words, in Puerto Maldonado began the route towards the subsequent convening of the Synod for the Amazon. For the Bishops and experts from all over the world, gathered in Rome, a symptom of the complex reality of the Amazon is the fragility of education, which though a human right, is of recognised very poor quality. From Fe y Alegría we aim to continue contributing with new pedagogical and community proposals that arise from “knowing how to listen, letting ourselves be questioned and to learn to enrich our action” (1st Fe y Alegría Educational Seminar: What rural Peru offers us, p. 121). In the Amazon region, Fe y Alegría offers a multi sectoral educational service that takes shape in training processes, in accompaniment, in the way knowledge is created, in the recognition of ancestral knowledge and practices... In the incidence to position the Amazonian reality in general public opinion, in the effort to have friendly communication strategies that make known the hope that arises from the Amazon; in educational projects that seek the care of the common house, inter cultural dialogue, inter cultural, bilingual and socio-environmental pedagogical practices expressed in the context of this tropical forest; in the production of written materials in the mother tongue, in the use of pedagogical resources that incorporate elements of each language and culture. We must not forget that, in the hands of civil society, the State and international cooperation, Fe y Alegría will continue to make tangible the signs of hope that flourish daily in the hearts of the poor of the Amazon!

Fe y Alegría International Federation


Pope Francis’ message to Fe y Alegría

On June 17, 2019, the Holy Father received a Delegation of Fe y Alegría, composed of: Father Arturo Sosa S.J., General of the Society of Jesus; his Assistant for Northern Latin America, Father Jesús Miguel Zaglul Criado S.J.; our General Coordinator, Father Carlos Fritzen S.J; the Executive Vice President of Entreculturas, Fr. Daniel Villanueva S.J; the Executive Secretary of FYAIF, Fr. Marco Tulio Gómez S.J.; and María Luisa Berzosa F.I., sister of the Daughters of Jesus Congregation. It was a fraternal meeting that filled us with hope and in which Pope Francis told us that he prays for Fe y Alegría, just as we prayed for him. We invite you to read and continue to be inspired by the words of the Holy Father for Fe y Alegría: “Good morning. I was talking about Fe y Alegría, with those in charge, I don’t like the word, because everyone is responsible in Fe y Alegría. Come on!, with those who help Fe y Alegría a little bit to walk with some orderly disorder. This warmed my heart, because it made me realize how important it is... The organizers are not the main protagonists, the main protagonists in Fe y Alegría are not the ones in charge of each place. All of you are the protagonists and, like the majority of young people, the youth; the protagonists of Fe y Alegría are the young men and women: the protagonists of the future, not only of Fe y Alegría, but of humanity, are you. Either you carry it through, or the future is over. You are the future,

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but you are also the present; you have to take things today and carry them forward with that illusion, with that youth, with that capacity to include. Today’s culture is rather exclusive, in order to preserve a certain order, things that create disorder are excluded: so many children are excluded, that is why there is no education, the elderly are excluded, because they disturb, they do not produce; the sick are excluded. What is excluded is that which does not serve economic, financial and technological development; today it is excluded. What does not serve an economic, financial, technological development is excluded today. Fe y Alegría is the opposite proposal, here everything is included, the useless one?, also the useless one, everyone. Who is the useless one?, does any of you offer yourselves? Let him say it! There are no useless people in Fe y Alegría, everyone is included, everything is included. It is a bit of the mystique of inclusion so that there is more, so that there are more young people with education, so that there is more future, so that there is more horizon of preservation of the Common House, of the planet, of taking care of this atmosphere. The day Fe y Alegría begins to make statistics and to put limits on this capacity to multiply and to receive more, that day we will pray and answer... because Fe y Alegría is over. It’s not that you have to put things in order, it’s that there’s an order that kills. The mystique of Fe y Alegría is a certain healthy disorder, because it helps a lot to grow. Don’t slacken off on these things, look at horizons! The horizon is wide, there is room for everyone; embrace the horizon with your heart, with your head, with your hands and be faithful to that inclusion. Fe y Alegría cannot be governed as an industry is governed in an orderly way, Fe y Alegría must be led to the most; lead all that strength that comes from a thousand places and that you bring with you. Thank you for what you are doing, go ahead, pray for me which I also need. Goodbye”.

Fe y Alegría International Federation


Our work and the Universal Apostolic Preferences of the Society of Jesus Fr. Carlos Fritzen S.J. General Coordinator

The Fe y Alegría International Federation continues its path in the perspective of strengthening itself as a Global Educational Network... We currently have 17 Federative Initiatives and 4 Priority Axes (around which these initiatives are organised) that drive our federative actions. In 2020, we will continue to build a common vision as a Global Movement to continue responding to the call made by the Universal Apostolic Preferences of the Society: embodied spirituality, walking together with the discarded of the world, listening and accompanying the youth and the defence of our common house… Immediately the balance of 2019, in the voice of our Axis Coordinators and Initiative Leaders.

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Axis 1 Popular Education: balance of 2019 Gehiomara Cedeño Coordinator of Axis 1 - Popular Education

Our goal from Axis 1 is that the transformative intent of popular education might become that horizon that will allow us to open paths for each educational centre to be a space to recognise what dignifies the human person and what promotes citizenship. But this is not easy, you have to know the contexts and develop proposals that put knowledge and experiences in dialogue, because as Freire taught us: we all have something to teach and therefore to learn. And let’s not forget that we learn in community; this implies everyone’s participation, the foundation from which the citizenship and the construction of fairer societies is strengthened. In line with the above, in 2019 the Federative Initiatives associated with Axis 1 of Popular Education achieved the following:


tinue the actions of the proposal “Entrepreneurship and Innovation with Purpose”. - The actions programmed in social and solidarity economy strategies in agricultural training centres continue to be monitored.

Initiative 3 Reflection on Popular Education

- In the “Bridging the Digital Divide” programme, virtual courses are being developed through the Raspberry team in training centres with poor internet connectivity or without connectivity; among the countries using this technology are Bolivia, Ecuador, Paraguay, Peru and Argentina.

- The Initiative Commission was consolidated. - Periodic meetings were held. - A series of interviews were conducted with external people knowledgeable of popular education. - The work plan was prepared. - Part of the Federative Workshop was boosted in San Salvador, Salvador; an activity in which National Directors and Initiative Leaders participated.

Initiative 9 Educational Innovation - The implementation of the leadership for change and social transformation modules. - Articulation meetings held with the Training Initiative

Initiative 8 Training for Work - Accompaniment and follow-up actions developed in the participating countries to con-

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- Face-to-face exchange meetings held in January 2019 in Spain and Ecuador (Madrid and Barcelona: two weeks; April - May 2019 in Ecuador, Quito: ten days), in order to share innovative experiences between EDUCSI and Fe y Alegría Guatemala, Colombia and Ecuador centres. - Educational Innovation Congress held in Ecuador in which several Fe y Alegría participated: Peru, Colombia, Guatemala, Paraguay.

Fe y Alegría International Federation

with the links of the eight participating countries; therefore, it can be said that participation in general terms was good and allowed the articulation for the collective construction of some actions

Initiative 10 Educational Quality Improvement System - Spaces were opened for collective reflection that allowed us to raise clear questions about what we understand as educational quality in Fe y Alegría; this reflection took into account what was discussed in the last international congresses that addressed the issue .

- During the first semester of the same year, the functioning of the Leadership and Co-leadership of the Gender Initiative was ensured - The Gender Equality Policy of the Fe y Alegría International Federation was updated; an update that was approved by the 34th General Assembly of the Movement held in Montevideo, Uruguay (April). The official document was published in October 2019.

- The team leading the initiative also managed to establish the “why and wherefore” of the implementation of the Quality Improvement System, which meant overcoming the instrumentalisation of this proposal . - Around shared reflections on particular and common needs and difficulties, solutions and suggestions were given between countries to address specific issues, such as the technical sustainability of the Quality Improvement System.

Initiative 16 Teacher Training and Accompaniment - Virtual courses were offered in partnership with AIREA over specialised and inclusive education. - Face-to-face pedagogical support to Fe y Alegría Chad and Fe y Alegría Ecuador.

Initiative 11 Gender - Within the framework of this initiative, in 2019 it was possible to establish coordination

The balance is that the initiatives deployed their action in the countries and the fruits of this work are already beginning to become visible. Finally, I want to recall that all the initiatives move inspired by the principles of popular education and try to ensure, as far as possible, that the transforming intentionality of the Movement is present in the lives of the people and communities we accompany.


Training for work: educational quality for social transformation Initiative 8 of the Fe y Alegría International Federation

Adela Colque Fe y Alegría Bolivia Leader of Initiative 8

Reflection on Popular Education Initiative 3 The central axis of what to do in Fe y Alegría is Popular Education. However, over time discerning about popular education becomes a clear need to move forward and influence as a movement. In 2019, and taking into account the Universal Apostolic Preferences of the Society of Jesus, we highlight the reflection on the updating of Popular Education carried out by the international commission, which strengthened the mission and vision of Fe y Alegría and that align with the four UAP through a path travelled and a new path to strengthen through Popular Education, in today’s contexts changing from their epistemological dimensions. The most relevant activity of 2019 was the consensus of the progress of this initiative at the meeting of National Directors and Leaders in October 2019 in El Salvador.

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In 2019, and within the framework of the Training for Work Initiative, different lines of action were promoted that allowed us to increase the employability of our beneficiaries in sixteen countries, to strengthen the organisational and management capacities of the training centres and to influence the improvement of employment opportunities related to formal employment and entrepreneurship, thus boosting social, labour and educational transformation. We also worked to strengthen the training of educators, since we consider these the fundamental piece to achieve a quality education that benefits our students. In these trainings, work was done on topics such as the importance of employability, general and digital skills for the current working world. In turn, the institutional principles that seek to transform the realities of the students through the integral development of the person were addressed; we therefore accompanied them in the process of increasing their chances to access job opportunities or technical and/or vocational training. The role of the educators, their motivation and updating, is undoubtedly crucial in the educational task and it should not be forgotten that they are those who directly reach the students.

Fe y Alegría International Federation

Renewal is a permanent task in job training; therefore, during this management, we have incorporated new training in skills that allow us to give greater and better response to the training needs of the students. During the current management we have implemented digital technical content, such as Digital World, Your companion the smart phone, Surf the net safely, Sign up for social networks, etc.; which is all knowledge that is very important for the current labour market and for life itself. We also consider it essential to promote entrepreneurial spirit in the educational community, so we have strongly promoted the proposal of “Entrepreneurship and innovation with purpose”; thus promoting the generation of business models that develop economic, social and environmental well-being. Furthermore, to strengthen personal skills, students were trained in the area of ​​team management, effective interaction and innovation. It is valuable that all this action has been achieved with the support of a regional team of entrepreneurs who work in networks. Similarly, efforts to reduce the digital divide continued by incorporating, in more training centres, alternative technologies to develop virtual training without an internet connection. Gender equality also continued to be promoted. This is how we have advanced; however, we still have a lot to do, for example,

to consolidate social and solidarity economy strategies in agricultural training centres. As a Federative Initiative we are currently present in twenty-one countries in Latin America, Europe and Africa. Of course, we have desires and are looking for alternatives and strategies to reach more countries, as is the case in Mexico through the Pedro Arrupe Baccalaureate. In fact, through this institution, inter-institutional agreements are being managed with other organisations that also work for the benefit of youth at working age, thus allowing us to extend our services to more disadvantaged sectors. Based on all this learning, the Training for Work Initiative team, in coordination with experts and the Country Initiative Managers (RIP), began the construction of policies, strategies and lines of action that will be the routes to follow for all countries that develop actions related to job training in the coming years. We enthusiastically assume the great challenge that lies ahead and we will not give up on our work to promote and develop proposals that allow our beneficiaries to critically and creatively face the challenges of life, including access to decent work. Our commitment is for a more just, inclusive society with equal opportunities.


Educational innovation from the perspective of social transformation Initiative 9 of the Fe y Alegría International Federation

Marlene Villegas Fe y Alegría Ecuador Leader of Initiative 9

The Educational Innovation Initiative arises with the objective of improving the Movement’s response to the current challenges of educational work that seeks social transformation; also, one of its aims is to strengthen the processes of educational innovation in a coordinated way and in an international network. In search of achieving the above, the initiative encourages training, reflection and the exchange of experiences for and among the people who are leading these processes in each of the countries. We can thus describe this initiative as a training proposal aimed at management and teaching teams of EDUCSI and Fe y Alegría, which stimulates reflection and pedagogical practice related to educational innovation within the institutions, centres and classrooms that form part of both networks. The ultimate goal is to improve our missionary practice of forming conscious, competent, compassionate, committed and creative men and women. It is a networked training proposal that allowed (in 2019) twenty-three educators from four countries to exchange experiences, generate links and alliances between them, thus seeking to strengthen their aware-

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ness that they share a universal common mission (to work for an education that contributes to the construction of a fairer society) that is being carried out day by day through their educational practice. This year the training took place in three lines. The first was addressed at the management teams and focused on the management processes that promote the emergence of leadership for institutional change; the other two addressed the topic teaching-learning and contributed to the training of educators in the perspective of generating proposals for the transformation of school and classroom practice; also in the exploration of concrete experiences of innovation that contribute to feeding their own initiatives. Each of the organisations and educational centres that participated in this process have rich and successful experiences to share; this wealth favoured mutual and horizontal learning; in other words, an exchange of knowledge that enriched everyone and encouraged networking. Some of the topics addressed (both face-to-face and virtual) were: - The overview of the school and its leadership. - People and their roles in an innovative school. - The organisation of teaching-learning processes in innovative schools. - Global leadership. - Innovation proposals in the educational institution. Finally, it is worth remembering that these training spaces allowed participants to strengthen their personal, professional growth and the development of new skills.

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The Fe y Alegría Educational Quality Improvement System Initiative 10 of the Fe y Alegría International Federation

Wendy Pérez Fe y Alegría Guatemala Leader of Initiative 10

Fe y Alegría is committed to guaranteeing the Universal Right to Quality Education. In that sense, and from a view of justice that is born from the values ​​of the Gospel, we make a choice for the poor and discarded of the world as manifested by the second apostolic preference of the Society of Jesus that calls all the people whose dignity has been violated to walk together. Thus, as Fr. José María Vélaz S.J. said, “We cannot offer a poor education to the poor, we must offer a quality education.” That is our inspiration and conviction, and so Fe y Alegría implements the Educational Quality Improvement System (EQIS), which has the purpose of promoting quality education in our centres by installing a culture of permanent improvement of the management, teaching-learning, coexistence, citizenship and school-community relationship processes. Part of the system is that, from a fairly comprehensive evaluation, people who participate in the life of the centre reflect pedagogical practices, planning and implementing innovative lines of action that promote the transformation of the centre itself, from its context and the subjects who participate in the educational action; this, in turn, generates the construction of new knowledge.

Therefore, the commitment to the right to quality education for all was achieved during 2019 in the Federative Initiative of the System for the Improvement of Educational Quality, in which three virtual learning communities were formed with the support of the thirteen federated countries participating in the proposal. These communities aim to reflect on the implementation, challenges and learning of the EQIS. Furthermore, virtual meetings were held from January to May, where countries presented advances and concerns about various technical aspects. Participants were thus able to enrich their experience and share, strengthened by the knowledge of other teachers and technicians, strategies of technical and financial sustainability in various national work networks, in order to guarantee the continuous improvement of quality in the educational communities that Fe y Alegría serves. As a result of the exchange of experiences, the Fe y Alegría of Central America established the working route for the implementation of the EQIS, which began to be implemented in September 2019. This route is intended to ensure that the educational service that Fe y Alegría provides in various contexts, is based on a process of continuous reflection that leads to assertive decisions and aims to respond to the challenges presented by reality.


Walking together in Fe y Alegría: the pedagogical formation Initiative 16 of the Fe y Alegría International Federation

Beatriz Borjas Fe y Alegría Venezuela Lideresa de la Iniciativa 16 The second universal apostolic preference of the Society of Jesus invites us to “walk with vulnerable people and communities.” This walk for Fe y Alegría has meant building educational spaces in a multitude of places that are encouraged and strengthened by educators aware of their commitment to the formation of future generations. Before the incorporation of new countries in the Movement, the need is seen to train in the educational principles that support us, so in 2019, from the Initiative of Pedagogical training and accompaniment to educational centres, together with the Fe y Alegría Chad pedagogical team, we have prepared a “Training guide on identity and pedagogy of Fe y Alegría” in French, aimed at educators of edu-

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cational centres in recognition of the cultural diversity that today exists in Fe y Alegría “open to dialogue with other religions and other cultures”. On the other hand, our challenge is to reveal the efforts that have been made from the educational centres to achieve inclusive education. An opportunity for this was the joint preparation, between this Initiative and the Basque organisation AIREA, of the Virtual Congress, held from 7 to 9 May 2019. In this event, led by and in collaboration with the Basque Government and the University of the Basque Country, nine professionals from the centres of Bolivia, Ecuador, Venezuela, Peru and Guatemala participated as speakers, both in the main conferences, in round tables, and in the section “Share your experiences of inclusion”. As attendees from the network of Fe y Alegría centres, more than two hundred people registered for the congress, many of whom had already participated in on-line courses offered from this project. In this accompanying of the work of educators, this Federative Initiative, in Co-Leadership with Ecuador and Peru, collaborated with other initiatives to make these tools available for the systematisation of innovative experiences that have been brewing in some countries, as well as strategies to get closer and closer to community reality in order to contribute to the generation of alternative social models that promote greater social justice.

Fe y Alegría International Federation

and compare the actions of the Axis from the expertise of each one, and to search and discuss thematic matters and/or issues related to geographical contexts .

Axis 2

Here is a general balance regarding each one of the Initiatives that give life and dynamism to the Axis:

New Frontiers: balance of the year 2019 Carlos Fritzen S.J. Coordinator Axis 2 - New Frontiers General Coordinator

These are some of the main activities developed under Axis 2: - Incorporation of new African countries into the Fe y Alegría Movement. - Networking has been consolidated and boosted among the Federal Initiatives organised around the Axis. - The internal leadership process in Fe y Alegría Cambodia (Asia) has been strengthened. - The National Directors of Fe y Alegría were proposed a process by which new borders will be identified within the respective countries. - Consolidation of the Axis 2 Commission, with the purpose of having people to listen

Initiative 2 Africa and Madagascar In 2019, significant steps were taken in the planning of the Africa Madagascar Commission, as the Commission decided to focus its work efforts on six Federal Initiatives. The signs show that the Fe y Alegría Movement was consolidated in several countries of the African continent, such as Chad, Madagascar, the Democratic Republic of the Congo and many things suggest that it will continue to expand to more parts of Africa, thanks to the new leaderships that have been assigned by the Provincial Fathers of the Society of Jesus, who increasingly participate with more dynamism and strength in matters related to Fe y Alegría, assigning new Jesuit Fathers to our Movement. Another piece of good news is that in Axis 2 an important change occurred in November 2019, because after a process of consultation and dialogue it was decided that the Africa - Madagascar Commission would be enriched with more and new leaderships that will provide expertise in relation to the geographical and thematic borders. In this way, the Commission is currently formed


by: Fr. Alfred Kiteso S.J., (Africa Madagascar); Carmiña de la Cruz (Inclusion, Bolivia); Irma Mariño (Panamazonian, Peru); Cristina Manzanero (Migrants, Entreculturas); Pablo Funes (Entreculturas) and Daniel Villanueva (Entreculturas).

Initiative 13 Inclusion / Special Education In 2019, each participating country was made to boost processes linked to the initiative. In this way, awareness on the importance of reflecting and acting around the issue of inclusion was strengthened in several national Fe y Alegría. The work focus since 2018 has been to build inclusive pedagogical models aimed at the disabled, which implies having a broad framework of understanding about diversity. This model building has been achieved especially in Bolivia and Ecuador, but there are also advances in Argentina, Guatemala and the Dominican Republic. On the other hand, and beyond the actions in the countries that participate directly in the Inclusion/Special Education Network, in 2019 the other Federative Initiatives were informed of what has been done since Initiative 13. This, without a doubt, is an important step in identifying synergies inside and outside of Axis 2, so we are advancing in the construction of the Fe y Alegría Network.

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Initiative 17 Panamazon One of the most relevant events had to do with the assumption of Fe y Alegría Peru as the Initiative Leader, specifically in the person of Irma Mariño, in the place of Fe y Alegría Bolivia. It is also significant that Fe y Alegría Bolivia is still very vigorous in its Co-Leadership role, which has allowed the initiative to be further promoted. As challenges for the future, we envisage a process of action-reflection on the results of the Synod for the Amazon held in October 2019 in Rome, Italy. In short, there was a lot of dynamism of Fe y Alegría in Panamazon and the pace of the work is even expected to increase in 2020.

Initiative 2 Africa and Madagascar The geographical expansion of Fe y Alegría has been based on the premise of our founder Fr. José Maria Vélaz S.J.: “Fe y Alegría begins where the asphalt ends.” Through 65 years of life and movement, Fe y Alegría has adapted to new contexts and needs in order to guarantee the fundamental right to education. Today we accompany thousands of people in three countries in Africa, where in different but problematic social scenarios similar to those of Latin America we walk alongside the poor and violated Africans in a mission of reconciliation and justice. Eliminating the barriers they face in their access to quality education because of their gender, age, race, ethnicity, religion, culture or disability.

Fe y Alegría International Federation

that inclusive education “is the gateway to human formation, necessary today when we live in a much more explicit plurality and diversity.”

The path to inclusive education: advances and challenges Initiative 13 of the Fe y Alegría International Federation

Carmiña de la Cruz Fe y Alegría Bolivia Leader of Initiative 13

The 64th Fe y Alegría Congress held in 2007 addressed the issue of inclusive education and its challenges. It was concluded, at that time, that inclusive education is a right of all people and that it is directly related to our identity and rationale, because inclusion is intrinsic to the origin and mission of Fe y Alegría and its work in popular education and social transformation; in other words, its intention to work with and for the excluded sectors from the different contexts where we are present and in which we witness multiple forms of exclusion suffered by our peoples. Fe y Alegría works with a border spirit and, therefore, defends the importance of inclusive education and social promotion. Consequently, it stimulates projects that involve the migrant population, young people at risk and people with disabilities. We are convinced

We are in a new stage, a time when the Fe y Alegría International Federation decided to take on the challenge of doing what we do in more geographical and human contexts. We cannot forget that Fe y Alegría is not activism, but tries to “do good and do it well”… Today, part of the meaning of that phrase indicates collaborative and networked work. Therefore, from this initiative we try to strengthen our articulation with the Federative Axes and the other Initiatives promoted by the Federation. Initiative 13 (Inclusive Education), which was born out of the experience of special education centres, began to be implemented in Bolivia and Ecuador; however, and with the passing of time, more Fe y Alegría have been added and Argentina, Guatemala, Dominican Republic and Peru participated in 2019. The sum of more countries, for us means that every day we make more progress in the recognition and identification of the many barriers faced by children and young people with disabilities to accessing, remaining in and finishing their education, whether in the same special education centres or in regular or professional technical education. For this reason, our commitment is still to accompany them to finish their basic studies and enter professional or technical training, and we also seek and work for their employment. Regarding these objectives and desires, as an Initiative we find that there is a favourable regulatory framework to promote inclusive education. However, the challenges are related to strengthening pedagogical experiences and the need to build educational models that can be systematised and enrich the developed practices. We believe that overcoming these challenges will allow us to promote real changes within the educational systems; transformations that will lead us to that inclusion we dream of.


In the Amazon region, educational quality is built among all Initiative 17 of the Fe y Alegría International Federation

ted by mining, deforestation, human trafficking, murder and threats to local leaders and defenders of nature, situations that affect the life and full and dignified development of the people in this part of the world. In the course of 2019, the six Fe y Alegría with educational centres within the Amazon Biome (Bolivia, Ecuador, Peru, Brazil, Venezuela and Guyana) agreed to build a network. They therefore defined a route with common lines and fields of action, visits and accompaniment for the country teams in their territories, and also began to communicate more regularly. All of the above allowed the work in each region to be strengthened and helped the national Fe y Alegría to feel part of a great network.

Irma Mariño Fe y Alegría Perú Leader of Initiative 17

The presence and educational action of the country teams in the Amazonian territories starts from the ability to listen, to respect, to a self-critical and reflective look. These teams promote and build bridges, alliances and synergies between the various players present in the area for advocacy and transformative action. The school is the right place to promote Amazonian leadership.

From this Initiative we assume the ethical, political and pedagogical challenge of “defending, promoting life and a sustainable environment in the Amazon, in solidarity with the poorest, excluded and in particular with indigenous peoples.” This, framed in the right of the peoples to a quality education that promotes learning for life, coexistence, good living, respect and care for the common house.

Comprehensive training processes were also developed in 2019; proposals and pedagogical practices with teachers, students and communities that incorporate the inter cultural, bilingual and socio-environmental approach. Along with this, studies were conducted and educational material was produced. We made campaigns, mobilisations and actions of advocacy with various players in the territory for the care of the common house.

Talking about quality education requires an integral view of the territory, its processes and the players behind them; an education that must start from the fact that we are countries with high social inequality, since statistics reveal situations of poverty, exclusion and limited access to basic services, such as health, housing, water and electricity, among others. These problems are, of course, present in the Amazon region; a territory also affec-

This year’s progress was made possible by the reception and the dedicated work of the Panamazonian Strategic Committee, the Country Initiative Managers and the respective National Directors. The clarity in the construction of the Amazonian Network of Fe y Alegría is woven to the extent that we are able to listen, see and feel the different realities and, above all, if we are willing to create and propose collectively.

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Axis 3 Sustainability: balance of the year 2019 Gabriel Vélez Coordinator Axis 3 – Sustainability

tiatives and the 4 Axes that express them. Coordination continued to increase with the new management policy and communication strategy in Fe y Alegría, strengthening the work team. In the last part of the year, an exercise of reflection was made around the implementation of the 2016-2020 Federal Priorities Plan, in discussion with the National Directors and the Initiative Leaders. This exercise gave rise to a series of reflections and recommendations regarding matters of management, leadership, articulation and networking that will be taken into account in 2020 to improve the strategic development of the Federal Priorities Plan.

The following is the 2019 balance of the Federative Initiatives articulated around Axis 3:

Initiative 5 Medición de Impacto e Measurement of Impact and Educational Investigation Initiative 1 Implementation of the Federal Priorities Plan In 2019, we continued trying to strengthen our institutional and economic sustainability, paying special attention to making an effort for a more efficient management. Progress was made in deepening the new federative way of proceeding that seeks to be based on network management, better communication both internally and externally, new more participatory leadership and innovation, all structured around the Priority Ini-

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This initiative continued to coordinate the work of the team of the Institute of Social Studies of the Erasmus University of The Hague, in the Netherlands, linked to the process of assessing the impact of the formal education action of Fe y Alegría. In 2019, the evaluation was completed in the six planned countries: Bolivia, Colombia, Peru, Venezuela, Guatemala and the Dominican Republic. We are currently in the process of preparing the final reports of all of them, and making a comprehensive general report. These will be delivered in June 2020. This process is intended to generate empiri-

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cal evidence, accompanied by a robust qualitative analysis, to validate and support the Fe y Alegría model, in order to demonstrate to what extent the formal education model (early childhood, primary and secondary education) of Fe y Alegría is successful in relation to the parameters of educational quality, equity/access and participation. Likewise, a complementary evaluation will be made in Uruguay, Paraguay, Ecuador, Argentina and Spain, by the University of Warwick (United Kingdom), which will complement the results of the impact assessment. We want to learn from good practices, generate knowledge and strengthen our work; to be capable of preparing proposals for national public educational systems and the educational community in general, from the point of view of public action and advocacy. In addition to continuing to position Fe y Alegría by improving accountability, institutional transparency and ensuring that this contributes to increasing our funds and establishing and strengthening alliances. This process will help to install capacities and to establish a methodology of agreed measurement and evaluation for all national Fe y Alegría. We have also made progress in designing a micro website to socialise the evaluation process, as well as the results that will be obtained in each of the countries.

Initiative 12 Sostenibilidad In the area of ​​economic sustainability and fund-raising, the development of the diversi-

fication strategy and access to new sources of financing has continued, both in Europe and in the United States. In this regard, efforts have been made to strengthen the new links established in the past year with Catholic agencies and fund-raising institutions in Germany, obtaining support for new projects at the national and regional levels. In the United States, a new alliance with IBM was established to support vocational training in our technical high schools, with the intention of favouring the employability of our students. We are still pending being able to develop a federative strategy for Latin America, based on the experience and contacts of national Fe y Alegría. Likewise, one task for next year is to define a common framework for institutional sustainability in Fe y Alegría, which also considers the realisation of integrated financial information and that continues to allow us good accountability at the federative level.

Initiative 14 Fe y Alegría in the United States This Initiative, which began as “Friends of Fe y Alegría” in the United States, has been consolidated under the institutional framework of Magis Americas, an organisation founded by the Conferences of Jesuit Provincial Sections of the United States - Canada and the Conferences of Jesuit Provincial Sections of Latin America and the Caribbean. Magis Americas is a non-profit non-governmental organisation legally constituted in the United


States to support the apostolic works of the Society of Jesus in Latin America, with particular dedication to Fe y Alegría. Although all the countries where Fe y Alegría is present are part of the Magis Americas work agenda, within the framework of the current strategic plan special attention is given to Venezuela, Haiti and Central America. Thanks to the collection activities that have been promoted from Magis Americas, the increase in resources generated for Fe y Alegría continued in 2019. In relation to the work with the Latino communities, relations were established with the Hispanic Ignatian Spirituality office, and the “I’m a Global Citizen” Campaign was developed within the framework of the global citizenship education line of work.

About of the implementation of the Federal Priorities Plan (FPP) 2016 - 2020 Initiative 1 of the Fe y Alegría International Federation Fr. Carlos Fritzen S.J. General Coordinator FYAIF In this 2019 Report, everything that has meant implementing our FPP 2016 - 2020 is included. That is to say, we find information about the Federal Initiatives and the Priority Axes, we know first-hand the experience and the testimony of the countries, we have news about how much it has cost and who has been involved, etc. I can only say that the implementation of the FPP has involved a profound process of reflection and action that has led me to conclude that by 2019 our FPP has much more life ahead of it!

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Measuring our impact Initiative 5 of the Fe y Alegría International Federation

Lucia Rodríguez Fe y Alegría España / Entreculturas Leader of Initiative 5

One of the important steps to consolidate ourselves as a global movement is to be able to show the impact we have had in the 65 years as a movement. The diversity of actions we carry out today as Fe y Alegría has allowed us to sow in diverse communities. Measuring this impact is vital to learn, improve and continue to grow in the plurality of the new contexts. In 2019, the evaluation was completed and a complementary process began that aims to generate empirical evidence to validate and support our model. This action is related to the second universal apostolic preference, where quality education provided by Fe y Alegría aims to walk alongside the poor, the vulnerable and those whose dignity has been violated, in a mission of reconciliation and justice for this fundamental right.


Towards financial, institutional and social sustainability Initiative 12 of the Fe y Alegría International Federation

Gabriel Vélez Fe y Alegría International Federatio Leader of Initiative 12

The sustainability initiative aims to develop efficient resource management mechanisms, and their transparent management, at the service of the institutional, social and economic sustainability of our movement. In relation to apostolic priorities, this past year we tried to guarantee support for the accompaniment and promotion of work with young people, which constitutes a priority area for Fe y Alegría. In this sense, economic and institutional support was managed within three projects to strengthen the capacities and opportunities for youth participation: a Transformative Education project with the participation of seven countries; a project to build a Culture of Peace from the Gospel in which nine countries participate; and a project of Socio-political Formation, Organised Youth Protagonism and Development of Citizen Capabilities with the participation of six countries. With all this, we have continued to strengthen the youth processes internally in the national Fe y Alegría and a network structure has been created based on shared mobilisation and advocacy actions giving visibility to the youth movement of Fe y Alegría (Generation 21+ Network), increasing the advocacy profile of young people in international spaces and promoting the exchange of experiences.

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Fe y Alegría USA Initiative 14 of the Fe y Alegría International Federation

Nate Radomski Fe y Alegría International Federation Leader of Initiative 14 In order to work for Universal Apostolic Preferences and continue to realise the actions led by Fe y Alegría, we need to promote and invite more people to join in this goal of transforming the world through education. Fe y Alegría United States is an initiative that seeks to raise awareness and gain support for the work of our movement in Latin America, the Caribbean and Africa. Supporting the most vulnerable people, promoting the care of the common house and accompanying the young to build a different future are, among others, the actions supported with the resources brought in through Friends of Fe y Alegría, actions that contribute to the work and the thematic lines raised by the UAP.

Fe y Alegría International Federation

Initiative 4 Communication Recomposition of the federative leadership team and the referents of the countries to manage the networking.

Axis 4 Public Action and Advocacy: balance of 2019

Creation of work commissions to carry out the communication policy and strategy on topics such as: the definition of a digital communication plan, prioritising the web and social networks; accompanying the countries to increase their communicative competences; communication of the experiences of the #DespliegueFederativo; and finally, the preparation and performance of joint communication and advocacy campaigns. Finally, we have progressed in the execution of a collective and systematic work dynamic of “network management” to guarantee not only communication products but also to guarantee the strategic communication process.

Gerardo Lombardi Coordinator Axis 4 – Public Action and Impact

In Fe y Alegría we want to influence public policies and promote political exercise in defence of the right to education as a public good, through public actions and broader initiatives with other players. At the same time, we want to promote spaces and strategies of communication to build new identities, promote cultural changes and draw up narratives that contribute to social transformation. These are the two intentions of Axis 4 that we promote from the Federation through political-institutional management and the deployment of four Initiatives that in 2019 advanced as follows.

Initiative 6 International Youth Network Design and implementation of the teaching unit for work with the young. (Post-Congress Commitment 2018). Design of the Indignant Youth Glocal Campaign (training route, analysis of reality and positioning of youth advocacy). Positioning of youth voices on issues related


to the thematic foci of the Generation 21+ Network: inclusion of the migration situation in the dialogues and reflections (forced mobilisation); participation in the defence of the right to education; participation in global unemployment due to climate change.

Initiative 15 International Organisations Relationship - Progress in the repositioning of Fe y Alegría in the different instances of the Society of Jesus (General Curia, Provincial Conferences, Networks).

Initiative 7 Citizenship

- Participation on the Board of Directors of the Latin American Campaign for the Right to Education (CLADE).

- Identification of the lines of work of Initiative 7 at the federative level:

- Participation in International Forums of the United Nations System and the Global Campaign for Education with the banner of Sustainable Development Goal Number 4.

- Training proposal for the development of citizen capacities. - Management of knowledge in the perspective of networking. - Development of a mapping of experiences and/or proposals that contribute to the construction of citizen capacity development in favour of building a culture of peace. - Design and implementation of the Citizen Network “ConVivimos y VivimosCon”. - Design and implementation of a virtual diploma for the development of citizen capacities (linked to the Youth Socio-Political FormAcción project - Alboan). - Update of the training proposal of FormAcción for Participation, in synergy with Initiative 6 and in coordination with the transformative education project (Inditex) and Youth Socio-Political FormAcción (Alboan).

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- Establishment of new institutional relationships to increase our fund-raising.

Fe y Alegría International Federation

Communication and advocacy Initiative: new communication for a new management model Initiative 4 of the Fe y Alegría International Federation

Gerardo Lombardi Fe y Alegría International Federation Leader of Initiative 4 In 2019, the new network management model and the new positioning of the Federation in the world were launched. To accompany these purposes, we implemented a new communication policy and strategy through the Strategic Communication Plan. We prioritised federative digital communication as a platform for our social networks @feyalegriafi. The agendas that move on the networks are linked to who we are, what we do and how we think at the federative level, which aims to strengthen the dissemination of our identity and our mission.

network of communication references in each country and in each Federative Initiative. On the other hand, the Universal Apostolic Preferences (UAP) of the Society of Jesus have been present on the federal and country agendas, as demonstrated in the development of the campaigns of: - Gender: The Patricias and the Light of the Girls. - Young: Indignant Youth. - Ecology: 20 September (Climate) and Panamazonian Synod. The federative events were informatively covered; the audience with Pope Francis, the 50 years of the Social Justice and Ecology Secretariat and, in coordination with ALER and its associates, we gave joint coverage to the Amazonian Synod, among others. We participated in the #JesWebCom2019 in Madrid to establish alliances with the communications area of ​​the Society of Jesus in Europe. One of the perspectives for next year is to relaunch Fe y Alegría internationally not only as a source of information, but as a producer of content and as a medium, further strengthening our digital communication. Also, to increase our communicational presence of, with and from Africa and Madagascar.

We focus on new narratives and ways of explaining and meaning of what is federative. The approaches of this communication are given by five words that surround our communication space: MOVEMENT - EDUCATION - POPULAR - NETWORK - GLOBAL. The novelty also lay in the network communication management, in the way of producing the contents about the common agreements in a “centralised” and “decentralised” way in the performance from the countries and the Federative Initiatives. This management was developed with a calendar of virtual meetings, field workshops and direct advice, all led by a


The youth of Fe y Alegría... on the move: a youth that does not accept the unacceptable and proposes alternatives for social transformation Initiative 6 of the Fe y Alegría International Federation

Juan Pablo Rayo Fe y Alegría Colombia Leader of Initiative 6

In 2019, the youth of the Generation 21+ Network (International Youth Network of the Fe y Alegría International Federation) managed to implement their work plan that implied the definition of a global framework for action. In the document they state: “From the culture of peace and popular education, the Generation 21+ Network seeks to influence the following global situations: gender equity, social inequalities, care for the environment and the right to education.” Doing this exercise called them to think about a form of work that will help them put their proposals into action, so based on this they defined the need to generate spaces for collective dialogue in order to address the thematic focuses of interest of the Network. We also decided to define what would be those actions to which we would join as a Global Network, of which we highlight:

- Global Week for Education - Mobilisation Against Climate Change - Campaign visibility I am H Likewise, the young people set out to generate a work guide that would allow them to continue reflecting on the need to work in a network, on the possibility of reading the reality of each of the territories where the youth are located and, in addition to this, the call to think, design and implement advocacy actions that seek to transform those situations that outrage them... hence the GloCal1 Campaign of the Indignant Youth took shape. This is how the GloCal Campaign of the Indignant Youth2 arose, where the youth of the different youth processes linked to the Generation 21+ Network, organised to collectively influence those situations that outrage them during a period of three months (August to October). This year, greater emphasis was placed on gender inequality, but the youth groups spoke about other situations that outraged them. The experience of the Generation 21+ Network ends up being a good practice of transformative education, since it is the youth, from their possibilities and inspired by popular education, who put their knowledge and feelings in dialogue about the reality that surrounds them and creatively and committedly propose alternatives for approaching the social transformation of their territories.

1 The word glocal refers to the way in which youth have organised around their advocacy actions from more local areas (in their territories) in connection with global situations that affect us all. 2 Indignant Youth: Proposal originally inspired by the National Youth Network of Fe y Alegría Colombia and which was later assumed as a global commitment of the Fe y Alegría Youth under the name of Red Generación 21+; in an experience that seeks to mobilise the youth to be managers of their own development processes and to commit as citizens to making the world a place where we can all live in fullness

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Fe y Alegría International Federation

We are walkers, builders of a culture of peace: development of citizen capacities Initiative 7 of the Fe y Alegría International Federation

Juan Pablo Rayo Fe y Alegría Colombia Leader of Initiative 7 During 2019, Initiative 7 has set itself the goal of focusing its actions on contributing to the collective construction of knowledge through the development of citizen capacities for the construction of a culture of peace with a gender perspective. Among the most relevant milestones to be shared are the following: - Design of the Diploma in Social and Political Education of Youth for the Construction of Peace. Within the framework of the ParticiPaz project, financed by ALBOAN, this diploma was designed to deepen the understanding of youth citizenship and diversify the possibilities for the advocacy of youth at local, national, regional and global levels. More than 90 people will participate in this space, including men/women, young people and educators from the following countries: Colombia, Nicaragua, Honduras, El Salvador, Guatemala and the Dominican Republic. It is projected that the development of this space will begin in February 2020 through the Platform of School World of the International Federation of Fe y Alegría.

- Approach to global citizenship, reflections on where the asphalt ends. To speak of global citizenship in Fe y Alegría is to take up again the question of the understanding of citizenship and this is the key to being able to share an approach to what has been built from and with the educational centres, and, on the other hand, from the work with the youth of Fe y Alegría in the world. For Fe y Alegría “building citizenship is linked to the process of being people, of constituting ourselves as full and integrated human beings, not in an individual way but in relation and connection with other people. The construction of citizenship must be understood as the process of constituting equality between people, of a sense of belonging to the same political community, beyond ‘legality or illegality, where there must be institutions that guarantee the rights of citizens and public spaces where these rights can be exercised. (Carrasco, 2008, pp. 190 and 380). As for the construction that has been generated with youth, it is important to mention that it has been inspired in the first instance by the methodological proposal of “FormAcción for the participation” and together with it by the processes and youth groups that have been woven over the past fifteen years. - Article on global citizenship - Parents and Teachers Magazine of the University of Comillas. Entreculturas supported the writing of this article, which was developed within the framework of a call to the various countries participating in the Initiative; so that they could identify one young person per country who could tell us about their process of transformation and the way in which they understand global citizenship. It is worth noting that more than ten papers were received and finally four of them were published, which gave shape to the aforementioned article. In order to read it, we invite you to look for it with the following name: Protagonists of a global citizenship that changes the world or in spanish: Protagonistas de una ciudadanía global que cambia el mundo.


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Fe y Alegría International Federation

An increasingly global and advocating Fe y Alegría Initiative 15 of the Fe y Alegría International Federation

Fr. Carlos Fritzen S.J. - Gerardo Lombardi Leaders of Initiative 15 We are becoming increasingly aware of being a Global Movement, of being global actors in the field of the Universal Right to Quality Education. We have directed efforts in two directions. Firstly, in repositioning Fe y Alegría within the Society of Jesus as an education network with presence on the borders of exclusion, which works with the people discarded from the socio-economic model, so that together we can expand our common mission now inspired by Universal Apostolic Preferences (UAP). And secondly, we position ourselves in international organisations to influence and manage our sustainability with related organisations through strategic alliances. Meetings were held of varying intensities, with the Jesuit Provincial Section Conferences. Dialogues and coordination agendas were maintained with the presidents of the Africa-Madagascar, Asia and Europe Conferences. In the same way, greater depth was achieved in the presence and coordination with the International Association of Jesuit Universities (IAJU), the Jesuit Refugee and Migrant Service (SJR and SJM) and the leadership we have in the Global Ignatian Advocacy Network (GIAN - Education) in the name of the CPAL to articulate a greater position on education and promote greater incidence worldwide with other Conferences and continents. In Latin America and the Caribbean, we are

strengthening the space of coordination with FLASCI and AUSJAL (EduRed), in the face of a common agenda that highlights the campaign for the Universal Right to Quality Education (URQE); in addition to our participation in the CPAL social sector to gain synergies and in the Let Yourself be Embraced Campaign in conjunction with the Panamazonian Initiative, to mention only three concrete actions. These actions cannot be taken in isolation, but rather with other actors, in relationships of work and coordination with international organisations and in strategic alliances with civil society networks. We have advanced in these labour relations at the national, regional and international level; these are some advances in that regard: - We participated in ECOSOC together with the Jesuit Refugee Service and Entreculturas, we went to the 63rd Session of the Commission on the Status of Women that was held from 11 to 22 March 2019 in New York (UN), where we presented a document with proposals. - Together with CLADE and some works of the Society of Jesus, and led by the Social Justice and Ecology Secretariat, we participated in UNESCO (9-13 July) in the High Level Political Forum in New York within the framework of the assessment of SDG 4. - We were present at the 9th CCONG World Education Meeting 2030 in Hammamet, Tunisia, from 2 to 4 December. - Together with CELAM and several ecumenical organisations, we participated in the Footsteps of Tenderness Walk. Although there are many actions and a very high level of relationships, we have in perspective the culmination of a map of existing, potential and desirable relationships at the level of each country and at the global level to more strategically determine where to go, why and with whom To federatively design a more proactive and relevant relationship strategy.


Fe y Alegría in the world: contributions to the Universal Right to Quality Education

Fe y Alegría Argentina

The night of the homeless

Every year that passes in Fe y Alegría Argentina we witness expanding life; the new life that emerges from our graduates, from our communities and from the new frontiers that we are encouraged to cross, driven by the conviction that the potential of our mission is immense and its need is urgent. Educating to transform. Educating where it is most needed, with quality and in community. Educate to combat exclusion, poverty and violence in

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which so many families, boys, girls, men and women have been born and die, perhaps for generations. From all that we see grow each year, we choose to share the following experience, which was deeply moving for our team: the night of the homeless. School no. 8176 “Fe y Alegría Jesús”, located in Embarcación, Salta, is surrounded by the most disadvantaged neighbourhood of the city, alongside National Highway 34. Simple houses, dirt streets, the dump and pig farms are some of its postcards, along with the growing violence and drug trafficking. From the beginning, the route was a marked line of division: on the one hand, citizens with opportunities; on the other, the people of Mataderos neighbourhood, a “brave” neighbourhood. Kids to be suspicious of and to look at

Fe y Alegría International Federation

king for anyone: the people were expecting their weekly meeting. Over time, the need for hygiene encouraged improvement in the proposal: while the families waited for dinner, they began to offer haircuts, clothes, the chance of a bath; for the children, a playground, a fundamental tool in childhood and a nest of so many beautiful things. And so it grew... On nights of extreme cold, a hot meal and a neat table with tablecloth was always ready to calm the hunger, and surely, that deepest desire to meet, to share a conversation, a kind look. They received up to seventy people per night. differently just because they come from there. But the community, especially the youth through the group and the steps of the Organised Youth Protagonism, managed to put words to this look on them and about them, they recognised their indignation and their desire for something different; to discover the power within to transform. They did this by giving an example of the values ​​that truly identify them: generosity, social sensitivity and commitment. In 2017, when hunger and helplessness left families in the street, the young men and women did not look away or excuse themselves in their own shortcomings from doing something. They were encouraged to act in the face of urgent pain and, full of love, led an initiative to respond: the dinner of the homeless.

The supportive gesture attracted new volunteers. Young people and teachers from other schools in Embarcación, including retired teachers, joined in and made what was initially one night a week an offer from Monday to Friday. To date, about thirty young people from Fe y Alegría have experienced the proposal and another hundred from other institutions in Embarcación. The initiative still continues and is expanding through more remote neighbourhoods in greater need. We are proud and excited to see it grow. It is, for us, a true fruit of the transformative education to which we are summoned. One that involves training to transform and give ourselves to others, to build a world with greater opportunities, always from us.

The action took place in a covered patio of San Roque Parish, in the centre of the city. The young people, those “behind the road”, were the ones who organised to get food, cut and peel onions, potatoes and vegetables for the meal and spread the invitation to all those who needed it. At first they went out to look for about fifteen men living in the street, and the dinner was held on Thursdays. In 2018 women and children were included. As the proposal grew, there was no need to go loo-


Fe y Alegría Bolivia

Young people on a course: a commitment to inclusive education

The Young People on a Course Project has been implemented by Fe y Alegría Bolivia and is funded by the Granada Provincial Council; 2019 was its third year in the municipality of Oruro. With a coverage of five primary and secondary education units, this initiative benefits a total of two hundred and fifty-five

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working children, adolescents (NNATs) between 8 and 15 years of age; one hundred and thirty-three are male and one hundred and twenty-four are female. One of the main objectives is to prevent them from dropping out of school. At the baseline of the project, it was identified that many of the participating students live alone, belong to disintegrated families, some are gang members, others have already begun to consume alcoholic beverages... and many are in need of work to survive. As part of the project strategy, different alternative training spaces were developed that were agreed upon with the participants themselves, who expressed their areas of interest: the forum theatre, the puppet theatre, the mandala painting and the music. The idea

Fe y Alegría International Federation

was that the schedule of these artistic spaces would not interfere with school programming and they were conceived as an opportunity to strengthen growth and personal self-assessment; also, with the intention of advancing in prevention in the face of the risk factors to which these children and adolescents are constantly exposed. In the educational units, it was possible to change the teaching method of teachers, who affirm that learning does not only take place in the classrooms, thus promoting the citizen participation and community leadership of the participants. Simultaneously, technical training workshops were developed in two specialities: silverware and electricity. Main achievements: - The participants were part of the election process of the Municipal Committee of Children and Adolescents of Oruro. - A student was elected Vice-President of the Board headed by a Councillor of the Municipality. The Municipal Authorities highlighted the support and recognition of institutions such as Fe y Alegría, for their contribution to the construction of youth leadership and participatory citizenship from a diverse and inclusive perspective. - One hundred and eighty adolescents and young people developed personal strategies to prevent risk situations and avoid school drop-out. - Sixty adolescents and young people developed their social-work life project. - Seventy-two young people graduated at the technical level in silver work and electricity at the Technical University of Oruro.


Fe y Alegría Brazil

Educational quality, the premise of Fe y Alegría Brazil

Access to education in Brazil has expanded considerably in recent years. However, the quality of the service offered by the public sector must be improved: the country has one of the twenty worst results in basic education, according to the PISA ranking (Programme of International Student Assessment).

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To support this work, for almost forty years, the Fe y Alegría Brazil Foundation has worked in vulnerable territories in social promotion and popular education, in order to guarantee the rights of children and adolescents. In 2017, Fe y Alegría started the project “Improving the quality of education” with the support of INDITEX, Entreculturas and ANEAS (Association of Education and Social Assistance of Nóbrega) and the participation of the units of Aracoiaba (CE), Ilhéus (BA), Manaus (AM) and Tocantínia (TO). The initiative was carried out innovatively, linking social centres and public schools to combat school drop-out. In practice, the project aims to recreate the

Fe y Alegría International Federation

environment of state schools, making them more democratic and focusing on aspects such as physical and structural improvements of space, until the development of the critical sense by the students. The viability of this work depends on the support of the community, a fundamental player in this process. In this context, some six hundred twenty students were attended in 2019. The improvement of education quality aims beyond the physical limits of educational institutions to involve those participating in promotional actions, encouraging debate and the application of public policies related to education. The promoted actions were: - Establishment of dialogue and active collaboration between the directors of public schools and the educational community.

- Adoption of more interactive teaching methodologies. - Creation of active and strengthened student committees with participatory management Strengthening of the performance of school boards. The project carried out by the Social Centre of Fe y Alegría Vazantes together with the João Alves Moreira State School (EJAM), both of Aracoiacaba (CE), was one of the forty semi-finalists of the Itaú-UNICEF award, in the category of “association in action”. Among the outstanding actions that promoted the participation of young people were the revitalisation of the city square, the revival of the Capitan Antônio Joaquim school library and the creation of the Municipal Youth Council in the region.


Fe y Alegría Chad

Steps of Fe and Alegría Chad in 2019

Established since 2007 in the province of Guéra, in Fe y Alegría we support the State of Chad in the field of education. Through our mission and vision, we work together with the most disadvantaged in the province of Guéra, intervening in thirty-five primary schools, thirty-five preschools, three community colleges in La Guéra and a technical and vocational training centre in Ndjamena. In 2019, Fe y Alegría Chad carried out several activities:

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First, awareness actions with the organisation of thirty-eight awareness campaigns on the importance of education, reaching more than ten thousand seven hundred sixty six people, including six thousand five hundred twenty two women. Similarly, seven weekends were devoted to actions in favour of schooling, strengthening the message so that the girls do not leave school early. With these activities Fe y Alegría Chad reached more than eleven thousand thirty two people, including five thousand nine hundred eighty girls. Parallel training was conducted for one hundred fifty girls and sixty mothers of students who benefited from three sessions on hygiene and health. All the trained girls received hygiene kits.

Fe y Alegría International Federation

In addition, fourteen training sessions were held for eighty-eight primary school teachers; four sessions for twenty high school teachers and ten sessions for thirty-eight preschool instructors in order to increase their skills and offer quality education to students. For the students, ten reading-writing camps were made in order to improve the level of nine hundred and fifty students and three summer courses for more than one hundred fifty students. Support activities were also developed to support the school; among which were the granting of credits and support to the AME (Associations of Mothers of Students, for its acronym in french) and for the development of income-generating activities. In addition, improved seeds and agricultural materials were distributed to the associations of fathers and

mothers of students of Fe y Alegría in order to strengthen community crops so that they can continue to support their schools. Furthermore, infrastructure improvements were made with the construction of three latrines with six compartments in the village of Tchelati; a building with two classrooms and an office for the preparation of models in the village of Baiwangé; two water wells in Bogrom and in the house of Mongo; and the construction of the technical and professional training centre in N’djamena. Finally, equipment was delivered such as educational toys for preschoolers; teaching and learning materials for students and teachers of schools where we are present.


Fe y Alegría Chile

Fe y Alegría Chile and educational quality: “doing good and doing it well”

Our network is currently made up of thirteen educational institutions: vocational training colleges, basic schools, high schools, re-entry schools and a kindergarten. In this diverse scenario we aim to advance in educational quality, not only looking for good results in

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the curriculum, but motivating an ecumenical, wide pedagogy that accompanies and promotes the growth of people in all their dimensions. In achieving this, we want to highlight some experiences we had in 2019: - Pedagogical Innovation: Several of our schools have been implementing pedagogical innovation in their classrooms for some years. In most, teachers have had training in the subject (Nazareth Global Education and others), and have met their peers in the Ignatian Educational Network to share lessons and experiences. In relation to the above, this year, many teachers worked on a series of strategies in their classrooms, including teaching for understanding, routines of thought, cooperative learning and problem-based lear-

Fe y Alegría International Federation

ning / learning / service. We also held a meeting on the subject of project-based learning, in which participants deepened in their experience, and the strengths and weaknesses of this methodology. - Re-entry schools: we have five re-entry schools supported by the Súmate Educational Foundation belonging to our network. This organisation works to ensure the educational trajectory of girls, boys and young people in situations of poverty, vulnerability and exclusion through programmes of retention, re-entry, reintegration and projection of their studies, transforming their quality of life and contributing to their social inclusion. In 2019, the Súmate Foundation carried out an advocacy campaign that collected ten thousand signatures of support so that the National Council of Education might approve the Law that creates the re-entry form of education. It thus seeks to ensure the financing of

the re-entry projects that are currently being implemented and it is also hoped to achieve one school of this type per region. - Business Week: this is the name of the prework practice carried out by third-year students in companies related to the technical speciality they are studying. Its main objective is that each student should assess their potential in the field and discover from practice the challenges that the labour world demands. The novelty in 2019 is that, in addition to the companies that traditionally participate in the programme, two schools in our network that received three practitioners were added. This makes a lot of sense to us, since the collaboration between Networks of the Society of Jesus (Fe y Alegría and the Association of Ignatian Colleges) is promoted and that is something that we want to promote deeply as the Ignatian Network.


Fe y Alegría Colombia

Universal Right to Quality Education for a more just, equitable, dignified and peaceful society

In Colombia about one hundred fifty thousand people are part of our popular educational and social promotion work, which is articulated through three mission services to contribute to the management of quality public education and building of capacity peace.

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The Quality Improvement System is our proposal to build a quality culture that focuses its action on people, their context and the ways in which they develop their capacities in schools. Here we have also built a strategic role to strengthen the educational quality that allows us to influence the discussion of state policy on urban and rural education and to advance in the construction of public and private alliances, through the implementation of national educational strengthening projects. “Educational innovation for social transformation” has been designed and implemented in our schools to influence politically in the transformation of classroom practices and in the traditional school organisation in a framework of understanding, development and expansion of capacities that guarantees educational quality in vulnerable contexts, through

Fe y Alegría International Federation

environments that allow us to qualify knowledge, enhance talent and interests, implement research projects with community impact and build citizen capacities for coexistence, reconciliation and peace. Around this work, we have also built a comprehensive proposal for family training and articulation with leaders and social groups that recognises the school as a key player in the life and development of communities and in the care of the common house. According to Fr. Pedro Arrupe S.J. and Fr. José María Vélaz S.J., the school is not enough and it is necessary to open other educational spaces for people who have historically been excluded, so FormAcción para la ParticipAcción is our commitment to build empowerment and community development initiatives from just

outrage, which allow citizen capacities to be strengthened for political advocacy and social transformation of communities. Through art, culture and sports, we assume that the quality of education implies an exercise of school-community articulation that allows the emergence of social processes that dismantle violent cultures and commit to building peace. In this way, Fe y Alegría Colombia has organised strategically to respond to the ethical and political commitment to quality education as a public good and fundamental right of the people, in which the construction of capacities for life in fullness expands its possibilities for promote a more just, equitable, dignified and peaceful society.


Fe y Alegría Ecuador

What is the way forward in educational inclusion? In 2018, in partnership with the Organisation of Ibero-American States and the Ministry of Education, the models of Specialised Education Management and Bicultural Bilingual Modality for the Deaf were finalised as significant contributions to strengthen education that addresses diversity in Ecuador. The challenge for the future is to identify and implement the best strategies to strengthen the Guide for Educational Attention to Diversity, in particular Stage VI, which corresponds to the phase of the Transition to Adult and Working Life. In this sense, some pre-labour workshops have been designed to carry out adequate labour intermediation, especially with the students of the Special Education Unit of Santo Domingo. The steps are challenging, but the conviction of Fe y Alegría Ecuador is to ensure that the right to education of people with functional diversity can be specified and strengthened with the participation of these priority attention groups.

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Fe y Alegría International Federation


Fe y Alegría El Salvador

The right to quality education: a fundamental and universal right

The right to education is a fundamental right of all human beings that allows them to acquire knowledge and thus achieve a full social life. This right is vital for the economic, social and cultural development of all societies, contributing to social and professional integration.

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The Constitution of the Republic of El Salvador in its Article 53 promulgates that the right to education and culture is inherent in the human person; consequently, it is the obligation and primary purpose of the State to preserve, promote and disseminate it. However, thousands of children, adults and young people remain deprived of educational opportunities, in many cases due to social, cultural and economic factors. Because of its enabling right, education is a powerful instrument that allows the population that is socially and economically marginalised to rise out of poverty and participate fully in the life of the community. For this, there must be equal opportunities and access in El Salvador. In the period from 2014 to 2019, with the government-driven programme called Literate El Salvador “Is Possible,” the country lowered

Fe y Alegría International Federation

the illiteracy rate from 18% to 7%, leaving four departments (of its fourteen) and one hundred and sixty-five municipalities illiteracy-free. With the change of government in the month of June 2019, the national educational plan in El Salvador was renewed and the Institutional Strategic Education Plan for the period 2019 2024 was launched in December 2019. The plan is aimed at guaranteeing the population significant and quality learning throughout the life cycle, with relevant and inclusive pedagogy and curriculum that includes its revision and updating. The evaluation of student learning by educational cycle, articulating the levels of initial, kindergarten, basic and secondary education is also planned. It is also intended to promote, in the parallel learning of the English language as a second language in the country, contributing to the integral formation of the student and their job placement.

Currently, according to official data from the Ministry of Education, four out of every ten children who enter school in the first-grade reach high school; and only half of these will go to university. That is, less than 10% of Salvadorans studying today will be able to obtain a university degree. That is why the strategic objectives of Fe y Alegría El Salvador aim to generate a continuous educational process that rescues the principles of popular education and serves as a bridge for educational permanence. In Fe y Alegría in El Salvador, we promote the right to an inclusive quality education that favours everyone. Throughout history we have directed our action at the impoverished and excluded sectors of the country, to enhance their personal development and social participation. Fe y Alegría now has a national presence in twenty three offices located in urban and rural marginalised areas.


Fe y Alegría Spain

In defence of the Universal Right to Quality Education

Entreculturas defends the quality education of all people as a human right and as a way to reach a fair and sustainable world. This commitment is specified in cooperation and humanitarian aid projects with Fe y Alegría and the Jesuit Refugee Service, in addition to socio-educational interventions and actions

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of social awareness and political advocacy in Spain or international volunteer programmes. Talking about the right to quality education in the 21st century necessarily implies innovating pedagogical practices. In 2019, the 1st Edition of the Educational Innovation Course for Learning and Social Transformation was held, an initiative that Entreculturas promotes together with EDUCSI, the International Federation of Fe y Alegría and Alboan. It is given in Spain and Ecuador and aims to build an innovation model through the exchange of experiences and collaborative work. Entreculturas held the 8th edition of the solidarity race Run for a Cause. The funds raised will go to the right to an education that makes

Fe y Alegría International Federation

twelve thousand seven hundred girls from twelve countries around Africa, Latin America and the Caribbean feel safe and participate in the The Light of Girls programme. With the objective of demanding this right for girls, Entreculturas represented Fe y Alegría in the Session of the Commission on the Status of Women of the Economic and Social Council of the United Nations Organisation. Here we denounced the high vulnerability of girls to the numerous situations of violence to which they are exposed and that have a great impact on their right to education. For more than sixteen years, Entreculturas has been part of the World Campaign for Education, whose annual central event is the Week of World Action for Education. This year, students and young people from more

than two hundred educational centres took to the streets to demand that politicians comply with their obligation to guarantee an education that contributes to the sustainability of the planet. The number of migrants, displaced persons and refugees, as well as other types of humanitarian crises is constantly increasing. Offering quality education within the framework of humanitarian action implies, among other things, guaranteeing students’ food security, psychological attention and offering safe and attack-free environments. In line with the above, and with funds from the European Agency for Humanitarian Aid - ECHO, in 2019, we launched a food security program in Fe y Alegría Venezuela that will meet the needs of children in twelve educational centres.


Fe y Alegría Guatemala

Education for everyone in Guatemala

The right to quality education is still limited for most children and young in Guatemala. In this sense, Fe y Alegría reaffirms its commitment to realise its mission towards the most vulnerable populations, seeking the transformation of the people and communities where it is present.

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Youth with opportunities There is a large number of young people who do not study or work, so it has become one of the most important lines of action for Fe y Alegría, in order to offer study alternatives for these young people by adapting modalities, contents and methodologies that facilitate school reintegration. The distance education programme in 2019 allowed the reintegration of sixty-eight young people (thirty-five men and thirty-three women) from the rural area of ​​Totonicapán, thanks to the alliance with the Guatemalan Institute of Radiophonic Education (IGER) and the volunteer work of thirty-one teachers from Fe y Alegría who participated to give the accompaniment. This form is done through the

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radio programme “The teacher at home” so that young people have access to the content and once a week they meet to answer questions and learn from the experience of other students, in addition to the students feedback on what they have learned, sharing of common goals and generation of a space of belonging to the group. The adaptation made by Fe y Alegría begins with the integration of volunteer teachers from the elementary schools of the multi grade model with some level of recognition at the local level, who adapt didactic strategies to motivate greater participation and involvement of young people in their studies. In addition, a module with elements of the Training Programme in Values ​​and Citizenship for Youth Empowerment, typical of secondary school students of Fe y Alegría educational centres, is integrated into the basic contents of traditional radio education. Eventually, the study circles have become something beyond an individual learning space; they are more like clubs and peer support groups, in which the sense of community is reinforced. In this way, three study circles have been formed in which young people between 15 and 25 years of age participate. They all study and work. It has been especially difficult to achieve the enrolment of young women, since despite having found a large number who wish to continue studying, in many cases their families do not allow them to enrol. Hence the importance of encouraging teachers to be local references, since it has been through their advocacy that families have accessed and at least in this first cohort there are thirty-three young people, of which two are already mothers. Quality education for indigenous children The New Renewed Multi grade is a pedagogical model adapted to the indigenous rural context that has been developed in twenty

four multi grade schools in order to provide educators with the necessary skills to use a renewed and updated methodology with a focus on gender, interculturality and participation. This process and result would lead students to an integral learning environment that is reflected in the improvement of skills, abilities and, therefore, school performance. What’s more, during the process that approached the structural factors of school dropout and learning, it was necessary to integrate community and family participation in school management, especially that of women. Adult literacy activities and awareness workshops on gender issues and on the importance of educating and actively participating in the education of children were carried out, with the participation of a total of one thousand three hundred forty seven people (seven hundred eighty mothers and five hundred sixty seven fathers).


Fe y Alegría Haiti

Quality education for everyone

Working to offer and promote universal and quality education has always been one of the biggest challenges of Fe y Alegría in the Haitian lands since its arrival in the country in 2006. Going to the most remote places of this nation to try to offer the same opportunities to all children remains our deepest desire. We want, as far as possible, to be a living testimony of commitment in the educational area,

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while naturally respecting the educational policy lines of the Ministry of Education. This year, Fe y Alegría schools have obtained satisfactory results in the official state examinations, which means for us that our educational work is quality. This achievement motivates us yet more to remain committed to quality education in Haiti. Fe y Alegría arrived in Haiti in a context in which the country was going through a moment of political transition, with a provisional government and in preparation for the new elections. Although these circumstances were not easy at all, they did not prevent the first stones from being laid in order to build the work that today enables the education of thousands of Haitian girls, boys and young. The Bédou school in Ouanaminthe, bordering

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with the Dominican Republic, was one of the first educational centres where our work in favour of universal education began. Thirteen years later, we have the satisfaction of seeing the first cohort of young people who have finished high school and have taken the step to university. From now on, this group of young people enters the history of Fe y Alegría as the first year of graduates of our presence in Haiti. We interpret this graduation as a light that makes us believe in education as a strategic means of transformation of Haitian society. This event is an example for

the other schools in our network and for ourselves. It is another sign that if we continue working and collaborating with these people, we will respond through education to many of their needs. Every day, we work with fervour to renew our yes to an education that is available to everyone and that contemplates them in all their dimensions. Our commitment is also to encourage other organisations that work in this direction so that, with education as a tool, we can break down the borders that affect this country’s social coexistence.


Fe y Alegría Honduras

Our mission is to educate with quality to transform lives: Fe y Alegría Honduras

In 2019 we entered the heart of communities, villages, neighbourhoods and colonies of four municipalities of Honduras (Tela, El Progreso, Victoria and Tegucigalpa) to empower ourselves with men and women who are victims of exclusion, through quality popular education

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processes as the means for social transformation. And we dream together with them that we will become subjects promoting justice and inclusion in environments disadvantaged by injustice and social exclusion. This is why we have implemented educational proposals in native towns such as Tolupán in Victoria, Yoro department and Afro-descendant villages such as Garifuna in Tela, department of Atlántida, benefiting women and men, with the implementation of Bilingual Intercultural Education and strengthening the relationship of the educational centres with their respective local communities. Together we made efforts to walk paths to rescue their culture, their identity and their language through space of training and support

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for teachers, leaders and leaders and cultural exchanges between schools and communities. We also continue to train and accompany the youth of El Progreso, Yoro department, by offering training spaces for decent employment, where girls and boys from vulnerable sectors have had the chance to develop skills in various technical areas, as well as skills to entrepreneurship and for life through a proposal that included labour intermediation with companies in the sector to favour the insertion and psychological accompaniment to close fragmented life cycles resulting from disintegrated, violent and drug addiction family environments. Finally, in Fe y Alegría we articulate efforts with key players that facilitate the dream results for

the benefit of the sectors we accompany. In 2019 we continued the task of articulating with central and decentralised government entities (Vice Ministry of Education, District and Departmental Directorates of Education), in the same way as with other institutions that invest in the improvement of educational quality in Honduras such as the National Pedagogical University and The College of Pedagogues of Honduras, among others. Because we understand that access to quality education is everyone’s right, and that guaranteeing it, must be the task of the whole of society, but especially of those who have chosen and assumed this mission of educating with quality to transform lives.


Fe y Alegría Italy

Migrants also have the right to quality education

Fe y Alegría Italy’s mission is to guarantee the Universal Right to Quality Education (URQE) to the excluded population. Here in 2018 and 2019, we carried out the following projects:

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- For nineteen years we have had the High School for Adults; an initiative that we work on together with the Fe y Alegría Radio Institute (IRFEYAL) of Ecuador. This programme responds to the need for immigrants in Italy to finish their high school studies as an essential requirement to access decent work in which their rights are respected and also to continue with university or vocational training. In recent years we have started the Primary School with adult people, which offers a more contextualised alternative for this population to finish this school year, given that the State’s proposal is developed at a time when these people are usually busy in work activities. Between 2018 and 2019, one hundred and ten students

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participated in its three locations (Rome, Milan and Genoa). - We are also in charge of training the prisoners of the Rebibbia Prison with Spanish courses, who are preparing for the DELE certificate of the Cervantes Institute, in order to obtain Spanish citizenship. - We also have training projects for the world of work, from which we offer training in various professions and competences required, including the Italian course with the necessary certificates for the citizenship application, the European Computer Driving Licence course, English and others. Likewise, we carry out university and work guidance projects and collaborate with other entities in the dissemination of training opportunities that generate employment.

- We participate in global citizenship construction projects and pastoral projects of the Red Fondazione Gesuiti Educazione together with the other schools of the Society of Jesus in Italy, Malta and Albania. These initiatives offer students the possibility of opening up to new realities and experiences of relationship with Christ and with others. - Finally, we are promoting public advocacy projects in collaboration with organisations present in our territory, such as consulates, public institutions and associations. We have actively participated in public demonstrations for the defence of human rights, highlighting the importance of the right to education and the effective exercise of this right for everyone, including migrants.


Fe y Alegría Madagascar

Fe y Alegría Madagascar continues to grow

Fe y Alegría Madagascar appears in the Apostolic Plan of the Province for the next ten years. In other words, the educational work carried out by Fe y Alegría is one of the priority works of the Jesuit Province of Madagascar. The Province wants to offer a quality education,

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especially for the most vulnerable. That is why the Provincial (Fr. Pierre André Ranaivoarson S.J.) has just appointed two new Jesuits to reinforce the existing Fe y Alegría team. Fr. Hobiniaina Randimbimanamala S.J. and Brother Sedinah Rakotoarivelo. Rakotoarivelo will assume pedagogical responsibility, especially in the Ikalamavony region, and will be part of the administrative team. This is how the Fe y Alegría Madagascar office is now composed of five people, including Sister Emma of the Congregation of Jeanne de lanous. Fe y Alegría works in two areas of the south west of Madagascar, very isolated and forgotten by the State, where there is insecurity, poverty and, above all, high levels of illite-

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racy. These areas are ninety-six km from the city of Fianarantsoa, ​​and in the summer alone it takes eight hours by 4x4 car to get there. There are forty primary and two secondary schools. In total, Fe y Alegría Madagascar has about fifteen thousand five hundred students of which more than 65% are girls. Most of the Fe y Alegría Madagascar schools are still under construction. In Madagascar, Fe y Alegría works closely with Entreculturas - Fe y Alegría Spain, so in the week of 26 November to 2 December 2019 we were visited by an Entreculturas representative, Luca Fabris, in charge of the Fe y Alegría Africa department.

This visit tells us that Fe y Alegría Madagascar does not work alone. It opens its doors to all national and international collaborators. On the other hand, international partners continue to collaborate with Fe y Alegría Madagascar to transform society through quality education for all. This visit was very fruitful because it has led us to form the new team and to shape each of our roles. In short, despite the pace of the work, we continue on the right path according to the identity of its founder, Fr. José Vélaz S.J., and the considerable support of the Province.


Fe y Alegría Nicaragua

A guarantee for quality education

Fe y Alegría Nicaragua currently benefits more than fifty thousand people directly and indirectly, of which more than eleven thousand are children and adolescents in primary, secondary and technical education; all are served in a network of twenty-two educational centres nationwide.

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As an educational organisation, we also lead alternative and non-formal education programmes, as well as social promotion, community development and teacher training services that guarantee the right to quality education for a part of the Nicaraguan population. On the trajectory of Fe y Alegría in Nicaragua, Fr. Everardo Víctor S.J., National Director, affirmed: “Over forty-five years of work in Nicaragua we are pleased to recognise that Fe y Alegría has become a benchmark of quality education that, from human and Christian values, contributes to the construction of a more just, supportive and democratic Nicaraguan society”.

Fe y Alegría International Federation

Fe y Alegría develops a solid and sustainable educational project that contributes to the improvement of living conditions in our country, raising critical thinking and energising actions of change and transformation of the environment in each of our students and participants, also promoting an innovative, inclusive and gender-focused education.

This is why Fe y Alegría continues to expand borders through the promotion of technical education in areas away from the capital, such as in El Rama, a municipality in the Autonomous Region of the South Caribbean Coast, where work qualification courses are developed such as residential electricity and automotive electricity.

On the other hand, technical education for Nicaragua represents a form of socio-economic development, but also an important tool to overcome the low levels of education in the country, allowing the quality of life of thousands of young people to be improved.

Fe y Alegría has a network of international and local cooperators that make possible to carry out various social programmes; however, it also invites more organisations to join this noble work for the benefit of education in order to improve and transform the quality of life of the population with scarce economic resources in Nicaragua.

Therefore, Fe y Alegría promotes training for work as a tool for young people to have the opportunity to enter the Nicaraguan jobs market in a dignified and stable manner. We believe that in this way (ensuring that our students access decent and stable jobs) we can contribute to improving their quality of life and help them succeed in their career.

For all of the above, we can say: Fe y Alegría contributes to guaranteeing the Universal Right to Quality Education!


Fe y Alegría Panama

Actions that promote the Universal Right to Quality Education

Fe y Alegría Panama has implemented an action plan to carry out the mission of accompanying and facilitating the process of education and social transformation with and for the communities. With it, we have ratified

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our commitment to the integral training of people as subjects of change and self-management towards the construction of more equitable, fairer and more supportive societies. We have provided a quality education as an inalienable right of all the beneficiaries of this work that already has fifty-five years of experience at the national level and that has been characterised by having an educational proposal for social promotion that contributes to the strengthening of the educational management, non-formal education and inter cultural bilingual education to contribute to the process of integral development of the impoverished population. In this sense, the importance of the steps taken amid the difficulties and challenges that Fe y Alegría Panama faces daily is recog-

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nised. In this line, in 2019 we highlight the relevance of having signed an agreement with the Ministry of Education for teacher education and training, the implementation of a bilingual inter cultural education programme in schools in the Ngäbe-Bugle region that benefited more than two thousand five hundred boys and girls from three regional regions: Ñö Kribo, Nedrini and Kädriri; the training of parish leaders and technical training for work and modular basic education with young people between the ages of 15 and 18 at the Fr. Joaquín López y López S.J. educational centre in Las Mañanitas. Regarding social promotion, we have strengthened our work through the Jesuit Migrant Service - Panama; an institution that seeks to serve, accompany and defend the rights of migrants and their families in the countries of

origin, transit and destination from the service of faith and the promotion of justice, responding to the particular migratory characteristics thanks to its geographical position and historical incidents, marking its role in the transit and destination of many people and families seeking a decent life. From this reality, the Jesuit Migrant Service and Fe y Alegría have joined forces to open learning communities for young people and adults who wish to continue their studies or who seek training for entrepreneurship. To achieve this, we have a supportive team of people who see in these spaces the opportunity to support and provide their knowledge at the service of those who need it most. This is how we are contributing to the fulfilment of the Universal Right to Quality Education!


Fe y Alegría Paraguay

The School for Life Camp

During the first days of December 2019 the Camp for Life began and went on for three weeks. This educational camp received about sixty young people from the educational centres of Fe y Alegría Paraguay, in an activity was carried out in Atyra, department of Cordillera and Cambá Rembé, San Vicente of the

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department of San Pedro. The expression “preparation for life” refers to a broad set of psychosocial and interpersonal skills that can help children make informed decisions, communicate effectively and develop in their environment. By incorporating “preparation for life” into our educational systems, we are providing children with the necessary tools to face the challenges of their reality and, hopefully, make their way in the world. Our young people, and especially girls, almost continuously face challenges that threaten their health and safety and restrict their

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opportunities for learning. Teaching adolescents to make informed decisions and to make their way in a world full of difficulties, preparation for life serves to train and empower tomorrow’s leaders.

space with activities that will allow debate on topics of social interest, the integration of students from other cities or regions and which will make the educational and social purposes of Fe y Alegría better known.

The Camp for Life is designed for the first and second year students of the middle level in order to complement the academic activities developed during the year. It is intended to strengthen the contents of the school year, and especially to compensate for some consequences of socio-economic inequalities related to access to education.

These are the main objectives of the Camp:

The intensive course also seeks to enrich the teaching-learning process by proposing a plurality of knowledge, through the participation of students in workshops on agroecology, preventive health, arts (dance, painting, theatre), culture, sports, spirituality, psychosocial development and job training. It will also be a

To promote practical school for life in order to train the youth of Fe y Alegría, to prepare them and empower them as the leaders of tomorrow who will face the challenges of their environment. To propose a training programme to the students that complements what they learned in the classroom during the year. To promote the integration of Fe y Alegría students to reinforce the sense of belonging and the value of the educational proposal of our Popular Education Movement.


Fe y Alegría Perú

Walking hand in hand with others

Fe y Alegría Peru continues to direct its effort and work so that all people have access to quality education. In 2019, the experience of skills development that has allowed managers and teachers from eight educational institutions from different regions, to experience training and accompaniment processes through the reflection

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and analysis of their pedagogical and management practice was deepened. Thanks to the results obtained, this experience was shared with educational authorities and other institutions as an expression of our commitment to public education. We want free, autonomous and happy children, leaders of their own learning, so we continue implementing the specialisation Quality educational environments at the initial level in agreement with the Antonio Ruiz de Montoya University. We have eight new educational institutions that participated in this training, there are teachers from “friendly schools” with which we join efforts to improve the quality of initial education.

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Our dedication has been to weave alliances with high standard training centres to update our teachers and students. With CENTRUM Católica, teachers from higher education institutes have been trained to specialise in management and entrepreneurship and so that they can replicate the programme with students and encourage them to develop these skills. Students receive a certificate from this important study centre as part of the programme. We have encouraged and participated in various multi sectoral spaces from which a contribution is made to the policies of rural education and inter cultural bilingual education, thinking about the improvement of secondary education focusing on the Amazonian, Andean and coastal territories. In the Amazon region, we integrate the Wor-

king Group of the Marañón Basin, which has reflected and developed a participatory diagnosis that includes the voices of the students on what Amazonian secondary education we want to build. This has allowed us to recognise the potential of the region and propose actions to be implemented for next year. To contribute to the improvement of education in rural areas of the provinces of Quispicanchis - Cusco and Condorcanqui - Amazonas, we associate with La Caixa and local public and private institutions. This partnership promotes the co-creation of methods and strategies so that students, especially women, can investigate the potential of their territory and draw up business ideas within a framework of respect for their culture, their surroundings and the environment.


Fe y Alegría Democratic

Republic of Congo

Ecology and education at the Kinduku Kikwit centre

Most of these young people come from poor families, and the training they receive through the MAGIS project is for them a “second chance school” in order to allow them to improve their daily lives and their living environment, among other things, where environmental problems are complex.

The KINDUKU Literacy Centre opened in January 2019 in the city of KIKWIT, thanks to the support of the MAGIS Foundation of Italy. This literacy centre, whose name means “friendship”, welcomes illiterate young people between 16 and 20 years old.

The city of KIKWIT is threatened by erosion, which has turned it into a disfigured agglomeration. On the one hand, it is almost impossible to cross inland due to the road conditions. On the other hand, unhealthiness is in full swing, bringing many diseases around houses full of rubbish, of which children are the main victims.

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In view of this disastrous environmental situation, Fe y Alegría has considered it appropriate to take special care of the ecological training of illiterate people, especially through the school and family hygiene course. The objective of the school hygiene course is to help these people to have a positive view of their living environment, of which their body is the centrepiece. It has been observed that many illiterate people from poor families have no concept of personal and environmental hygiene. At the Fe y Alegría training centre, they learn, among other things, the habit of leaving their shoes outside the classroom, ironing their uniforms and taking care of their school documents. It is clear that good perso-

nal hygiene has a positive impact on the life of the community. As for the family hygiene course, it emphasises the maintenance of the family environment. It is imperative to tell illiterate people that poor family hygiene in the environment has harmful consequences for the health of the family. Since the family is the core of society, Fe y Alegría considered it necessary to raise awareness about this ecological vision, so that they become awareness-raising agents of their, sometimes illiterate, parents. Poverty is synonymous with unhealthy living conditions, and ignorance creates defects that hinder the development of both the individual and the community.


Fe y Alegría Dominican


The Universal Right to a Quality Education

Fe y Alegría Dominican Republic serves thirty-five thousand students from vulnerable sectors through the management of sixty-three public educational centres, thanks to the agreement established with the Ministry of Education (MINERD).

- The implementation of the Curriculum Updated in Focus on Competencies. In order to transform traditional pedagogical practices, the year before (2019) a diploma for the fifteen hundred teachers of Fe y Alegría was implemented. The experience brought good results and the General Directorate of Curriculum of the MINERD and the National Institute of Teacher Training asked Fe y Alegría to give this diploma for two thousand one hundred teachers of one of the educational regions of the country that achieved the lowest results in the diagnostic assessments of the primary level. This proposal is under way and stands out as a great contribution to the improvement of educational quality in an area where this is widely needed.

Having this number of students and educational centres allows Fe y Alegría Dominican Republic to contribute to the fulfilment of the Universal Right to Quality Education, specifically in:

- Based on the Comprehensive and Quality Early Infancy Care project, which includes the improvement of teaching - learning processes, the provision of teaching and recrea-

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tion resources, psycho-pedagogical support and teacher training, the initial literacy of girls and boys of the initial level and the first cycle of primary is being improved. - The progress in the results of the learning evaluation. Fe y Alegría Dominican Republic is public education and has recorded year-byyear improvement in the results of the National Tests in different areas, such as Spanish Language, Mathematics, Social Sciences and Natural Sciences. The general average of the sixty-three centres is also above the national average of the MINERD, but, of course, we continue to work for better results. - The implementation of peace culture programmes. As an Educational Movement, we have assumed several peace culture strategies and prioritised the pedagogy of care and reconciliation to promote the change of punitive practices for those of restorative justice, from the ethics of care, emotions in context, forgiveness and reconciliation. We are convinced that if the school climate and life improves, the quality of the education will too. At the same time, the care of the school, the surroundings and the environment is promoted from the My School is Beautiful project. - The implementation of Gender Policies and the development of the Infinite Care Zero Abuse Campaign in order to prevent gender violence and promote equality and equity. This year the thirty-five thousand students raised the awareness of their communi-

ties, other centres and different public bodies on the problems associated with inequality, abuse and violence, with which they promoted care practices. These actions contributed to the leadership and empowerment of students. - The management of schools from the Fe y Alegría Quality Improvement System. With the QIS, which was designed based on the educational identity of Fe y Alegría, inclusion and attention to diversity have been favoured through collegial management and process. In addition, new accompaniment and monitoring practices have been activated for learning outcomes and for the development of contextualised improvement plans. This year saw the implementation of the Accompaniment Manual prepared after a process of collective construction with the players of the schools. - The creation of the National Youth Network for empowerment in citizenship and rights issues. In 2019, the Fe y Alegría Youth Network was consolidated with national coordination, coordination in each geographical area and in each school. From this space, work is done on the process of raising awareness and empowerment of young people regarding the thematic axes of the environment, leadership, Fe y Alegría identity, gender, culture of peace, education in values, citizenship and public advocacy. This network aims to generate a space for reflection and action towards the construction of a more just, democratic and fraternal society.


Fe y Alegría Uruguay

Some experiences to improve educational quality

Seeking to guarantee the Universal Right to Quality Education, in Fe y Alegría Uruguay in 2019 we continued working on references to improve our educational proposal. With the focus on the learning that girls and boys and adolescents achieve from their experien-

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ce in our schools, we generate frameworks by ages that allow us to optimise our resources and improve our practices. In particular, in Children’s Clubs, which are non-formal education centres attended by boys and girls between 4 and 12 years outside school hours, the following programmes have been developed: - Educational quality. Based on the experience of implementing the Quality System in School Management (QSSM) of the Latin American Federation of Colleges of the Society of Jesus (FLACSI), we carried out a methodological adaptation by recording the learning experience of working with the QSSM since 2016 in ten educational units of Fe y Alegría Uruguay. In this way, a methodologi-

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cal reference was constructed that responds more adequately to the particular characteristics of non-formal education centres. - Competency framework for Children’s Clubs. Answering the question about what we want children to learn from their experience in a Fe y Alegría Children’s Club, we build a reference framework on such skills. It details ten competencies and observable behaviours between 4 and 13 years. Each Club chooses two competences to develop throughout the year and works on them transversely throughout its proposal. - Improvement of Basic Learning and Instrumental Skills: Written Language and

Mathematics. In 2019, the MABI programme developed by the Catholic University of Uruguay, was implemented in the Children’s Clubs for the second consecutive year. It aims to address two areas considered critical for their relevance to the rest of the learning and because the evaluations reflect that a high percentage of children have extremely low levels. Each of these references, made from collaborative work between our educational centres and tailored to the context, answer specific demands of the education teams and the population that needs it most in our country. The evaluations of each of these interventions already show encouraging results.


Fe y Alegría Venezuela

A teacher for quality education for everyone

Ensuring the quality of education in Venezuela, in the midst of a complex educational emergency never before experienced, is not an easy task. It is a job that goes through primarily ensuring that everyone gets to school.

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That includes the teachers. The key to a good education is a vocationally motivated, prepared, well paid educator aware of their social value. Not all of these qualities are present in educators today, but the life experience of Escarle Castellano, Director of the Colegio Alianza de Fe y Alegría in La Vega, shows us the best of this educator who believes in education as a tool to rise out of poverty and keep saying ‘here’ in the classroom. Escarle, like many Venezuelan educators, has to leave his house at five in the morning and the first decision he must make is what public transport to use so that the money for the tickets lasts until the end of the month. He also

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has to walk a section to get to school, while remembering that along that way they killed his pedagogical coordinator in 2015. Insecurity attacks three rights: life, work and education. To respond to the needs of the students and make the school a place for personal and social transformation, Escarle says that “we teachers invented it in order not to stop attending the students. Right now, we have to make use of everything we have.” With the shortage of teachers, Escarle will also be a mathematics teacher, pastoral coordinator and administrator. He says, “I have gone to talk to the people in the presidency and the ministries, to all of them, to ask for increases... and I will continue to do so.”

As a principal, you have to interview the new staff, keep the spirits up among your colleagues for the school’s educational proposal, listen to parents and representatives who come with their own problems, try to know the students’ reality and listen to the new topics of conversation of the boys: to get a job soon and leave the country. In the afternoon, he will attend a meeting at the Fe y Alegría office. His salary does not compensate what he does, but he has much of what many lack: vocation and commitment. Without teachers, there are no schools. Without schools, the right to quality education is not guaranteed for everyone everywhere. Thank God there are many Escarles in Venezuela.


The overall figures presented and the ones of each country, correspond to the number of participants in the different programs offered. Formal education, initial education, alternative and non-formal education, social promotion, special education, adult education and school reinforcement. This information is provided by the countries.



Total number of people linked to Fe y Alegría

Argentina Bolivia Brazil Chad Chile Colombia Democratic Rep. of Congo

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6.418 384.802 9.812 12.012 3.969 154.444 10.885

Dominican Republic Ecuador El Salvador Guatemala Haiti Honduras Italy

103.267 30.402 20.335 31.688 4.940 10.165 139

Madagascar Nicaragua Panama Paraguay Perú Spain Uruguay Venezuela

4.750 55.578 2.425 11.795 132.799 4.681 2.033 341.196


EUROPE Spain Italy

AMERICA Argentina Bolivia Brazil Chile Colombia Dominican Republic Ecuador El Salvador Guatemala Haiti Honduras Nicaragua Panama Paraguay Perú Uruguay Venezuela Cuba Guayana United States

ASIA Cambodia

AFRICA Chad Madagascar Democratic Republic of Congo Guinea Conakry Liberia Nigeria Uganda Kenia Zimbabue Mozambique

CONVENTIONS Federated countries Countries where we have stared conversations “Friends of Fe y Alegría” in United States

Alliances for the Mission

JRS: Jesuit Refugee Service

JRM: Jesuit Migrant Service

Society of Jesus

CPAL: The Conference of Jesuit Provincials of Latin America and the Caribbean

Social Justice and Ecology Secretariat of the Society of Jesus secretariados-y-redes Xavier Network

FLACSI: Latin American Federation of the Society of Jesus


AUSJAL: Association of Universities Entrusted to the Society of Jesus in Latin America

Claver Network red-claver

ICAJE: International Commission on the Apostolate of Jesuit Education www.sjweb.infoeducation/icaje. cfm?LangTop=1&Publang=1 IAJU: International Association of Jesuit Colleges and Universities


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Magis Americas

Work agreements National Governments where Fe y Alegría is found International Union of Superiors General

Fe y Alegría International Federation



Organisations with purposes



INDITEX apoyo-a-la-comunidad/programas-educativos-de-entreculturas


ALER PORTICUS CME ADVENIAT CELAM Diocese of Rottenburg – Stuttgart

United Nations


Ole Comunications


How we are organized

RELATIONS Hierarchy Netarchy

106 | Memory 2019

Fe y Alegría International Federation

Soundness and transparency 6,86%


Public cooperation

Own founds

42,61% Individuals


Private cooperation


Quality Education

Fe y Alegría International Federation Funding sources 2019


Education for Work


Social promotion



Programs and Initiatives


53,09% 14,04%

Education in Values


Impact Assessment




6,30% Others


Report of the audit of the financial statements year 2019

108 | Memory 2019

Fe y Alegría International Federation

Directory 2019 Fe y Alegría International Federation

Board of Directors 2019 - 2020 Carlos Vargas - Ecuador Fernando Anderlic – Argentina Fr. Daniel Villanueva, S.J. – Spain Fr. Miquel Cortés, S.J. - Guatemala Backup: Miguel Molina - Honduras Office of the Fe y Alegría International Federationa General Coordinator: Fr. Carlos Fritzen S.J. E-mail: Executive Secretary: Fr. Marco Tulio Gómez, S.J. E-mail: Address: Carrera 5 N° 34-39 Bogotá, Colombia Telephone: (57) 314 868 4603



Director: Fernando Anderlic E-mail: Adress: Callao 542, C1022AAS CABA, Buenos Aires, Argentina Telephone: (5411) 52352281


Director: Fr. Francisco Pifarré S.J. E-mail: Adress: Av. Arce N° 2519 esquina Plaza Isabel la Católica Zona San Jorge La Paz - Bolivia Telephones: (591) 2 - 2444134 2444136 / 2444139


Director: Fr. Antonio Tabosa, S.J. E-mail: Adress: Rúa Rodrigo Lobato 141, Sumaré, Sao Paulo, SP, Brasil CEP 05030-130 Telephone: (55) 61 9944 9124


Director: Fr. Tsayem Dongmo Saturnin, S.J. E-mail: Adress: B.P. 8, Mongo, Chad Telephone: (235) 6776829


Director: María de los Ángeles Pavez E-mail: Adress: Lord Cochrane 110,Piso 3 Santiago, Chile Telephone: (56) 9 9757 2174



Director: Víctor Murillo E-mail: Adress: Carrera 5 No. 34-39 Bogotá, Colombia. Telephone: (57) 1-3209360 Ecuador

Director: Carlos Vargas E-mail: Adress: Calle Asunción OE 238 y Manuel Larrea (esquina) sector El Ejido Apartado 17-08-8623. Quito - Ecuador Telephone: (593 2) 321 44 55

El Salvador

Director: Saúl León E-mail: Adress: Calle del Mediterráneo, S/N, entre Av. Río Amazonas y Av. Antiguo Cuscatlán, Col. Jardines de Guadalupe, Antiguo Cuscatlán, La Libertad, El Salvador. Apdo. Postal 662 Telephones: (503) 22431282 / 22439738

Entreculturas - Fe y Alegría Spain

Director: Fr. Daniel Villanueva S.J. E-mail: Adress: Calle Maldonado, 1A, 28006 Madrid - España Telephone: (34) 91-5902672


Director: Fr. Miquel Cortés Bofill S.J. E-mail: Adress: 12 Avenida 2-07, Zona 1. Guatemala –Guatemala Telephone: (502) 2324-0000

110 | Memory 2019


Director: Fr. Pierre Rachelin Coicou, S.J. E-mail: Adress: Comunidad Jesuita 95, Route du Canape Vert, Port-au-Prince, Haiti, W.I Telephones: (509) 409-5623


Director: Miguel A. Molina Escalante E-mail: Adress: Zona de la Compañía, dentro del Centro Técnico Loyola Apartado postal 10 Yoro - Honduras Telephones: (504) 2647-3516 / 2647-4741


Director: Fr. Florin Silaghi, S.J. E-mail: Adress: Plaza San Fedele 4. Milán Telephone: 0286352305


Director: Fr. Emile Ranaivoarisoa, S.J. E-mail:


Director: Fr. Everardo Víctor, S.J. E-mail: Adress: Walmart 1 c. al sur 31/2 c. abajo. Reparto San Martín, No. 36. Managua, Nicaragua Telephone: (505) 2266-4994


Director: Raúl Elías Araúz E-mail: Adress: Avenida La Paz (El Ingenio). Apartado Postal 0834-02777. Panamá, República de Panama.

Fe y Alegría International Federation

Teephone: (507) 2618712 Paraguay Director: Fr. Ricardo Jacquet, S.J. E-mail: Adress: Juan E. O”Leary N° 1.847 e/ 6a y 7a Proyectadas. Asunción – Paraguay Telephones: (595) 9826 22257


Director: Fr. Manuel Jaime Aristorena S.J. Adress: Edif. Centro Valores, Piso 7 esquina Luneta, Altagracia Apartado postal: 877 Caracas 1010A – Venezuela Telephones: (58) 212–5647423 / 5631776 5645013 / 5632048. E-mail:


Director: Fr. Ernesto Cavassa S.J. E-mail: Adress: Cahuide, 884, Aptdo. 11-0277 Jesús María. Lima 11 - Perú Telephone: (51) 996 346 002

Democratic Republic of Congo

Director: Fr. Alfred Kiteso, S.J. E-mail: Adress: Communauté du Collège Boboto 7, Avenue Père Boka. B.P. 7245, Kinshasa I. République Démocratique du Congo

Dominican Republic

Director: Fr. Martín Lenk, S.J. E-mail: Adress: Calle Cayetano Rodríguez 114, Gazcue, Santo Domingo. Dto. Nacional, República Dominicana. Apartado Postal: 25310 Telephone: +1 (829) 259 8430


Director: Martín Haretche E-mail: Adress: Calle 8 de octubre No. 2738. Montevideo, Uruguay. Telephone: (598-2) 4872717 x 356


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