Halloween 16 - 18 Holiday Events | Markets 20 - 25 Family Days Out 26 - 27 Special Events .............................................................................28 - 32 Around Britain ..............................................................................34 - 37 London | The Capital ....................................................................38 - 40 Theatre ........................................................................................41 - 44 Adults Only ..................................................................................46 - 48 Outdoor Recreation (ODR) ODR Terms & Conditions and Information 50 - 51 Hike of the Month 52 - 53 Day Trips......................................................................................54 - 56 Seasonal 57 - 58 ODR Parties 59 Overnight Trips.............................................................................60 - 61 Attraction Tickets ........................................................................ 4 - 5 Travel Calendars 6 - 11 Information, Tickets & Travel (ITT) ITT Terms & Conditions and Information ....................................14 - 15 52° North is a biannual guide prepared by the 48th Force Support Squadron’s Marketing & Publicity Department. For advertising or sponsorship inquiries call 01638 521719, mail 48 FSS/FSK Attn: Marketing & Publicity Unit 5187 APO, AE 09461-5187 or email 48fssmarketing@gmail.com This guide is prepared by the 48th Force Support Squadron’s Marketing & Publicity Department and is an unofficial publication for the RAF Lakenheath community. Contents are not necessarily the official views of, nor endorsed by, the U.S. government, the Department of Defense, the U.S. European Command, the 48th Fighter Wing or the 48th Force Support Squadron. Information is current at the time of publication. Activities, prices and events are subject to change. Contact for Bookings Information, Tickets, & Travel • 01638 52 2979 | DSN: 226 - 2979 Outdoor Recreation • 01638 52 2146 | DSN: 226 - 2146 PAID ADVErTISEMENT(S). FEDERAL ENDORSEMENT OF ADVERTISERS NOT INTENDED. 48th Force SupportVisualSquadronInformationSpecialists: • Jesse Lopez • Kelley Wheeler • Sarah Olszak • Marlee Morales Commercial Sponsorship Coordinator: • Kimberly Porath-Oxley 48 FSS Commander Lt Col Mary E. Hossier 48 FSS Deputy Mr. Mark Lowry Interim DirectorMarketing Jake Lancaster Paid ad. No federal endorsement of advertiser is intended. The Department of the Navy does not endorse any company, sponsor or their products or services. MCCS Sponsor. No Federal or DoD endorsement implied. Neither the Coast Guard nor any other part of the federal government officially endorses any company, sponsor or their products or services. Membership eligibility and product restrictions apply and are subject to change. USAA means United Services Automobile Association and its affiliates. © 2019 USAA. 266280-1019 MADE LAKENHEATHRAFFOR USAA.COM/JOIN or call 0800-289-192 mmT:278 T:198 mm 52 ° 52North ° North

All tickets are subject to change without notice. All Ticket sales are FINAL, non-refundable and nonexchangeable, no exceptions. Prices effective October 2022 @RAFLakenheathITT Fees & Charges Theatre Booking* .................................................. £2 Airline Ticket* $25 Leisure Travel* £15/$10 *Price per ticket, booking or coach. @raflakenheathitt 52 ° 52North ° North 52 north4 52 North 5

SUN MON TUE WED THU FRI SAT Stratford-Upon-Avon&KenilworthCastle Page 36 Blenheim Palace Page 34 Dover Castle Page 36 Boom Battle Bar Page 48 16 Birmingham Frankfurt Christmas Market Page 18 Seal Watching at Horsey Gap Hike Page 52 York's St. ChristmasNicholasFair Page 18 Winter Wonderland Page 20 London DYO Page 38 City of Bath Page 37 Indoor Go-Karting Page 55 Hogwarts in the Snow Page 22 2-Day Fossil Hunt along the CoastJurassic Page 61 Windsor Castle Page 37 Lord Mayor's Show Parade & Fireworks Page 18 London DYO Page 38 Quad Bike Page 56 Jack the Ripper & Late Night London Page 46 MedievalAx-Throwing,Archery,Crossbowing Page 54 Stonehenge & City of BathMarketChristmas Page 22 Wicked Page 41 Family Day OCTOBER 2022 NOVEMBER 2022 SUN MON TUE WED THU FRI SAT City of York Page 37 OktoberfestCambridge Page 47 eBike Vineyard Tour Page 54 London Marathon Page 28 London DYO Page 38 Halloween Arundel Castle Page 34 Harry Potter Dark Arts tour Page 17 Back to the Future Page 42 Battle of Hastings Page 35 Walmer Castle Page 36 Cadbury SpooktakularWorld Page 16 Leeds Castle Page 34 Thorpe Park (Fright Nights) Page 16 London DYO Page 38 Tower of London Page 39 North Sea Fishing Page 56 3-DayCoasteeringSurfCornwalland Page 61 Stonehenge & City of Bath Page 36 Robin Hood Beer Fest Page 47 Prime-Evil Page 57 Liverpool DYO Page 34 London DYO Page 38 Shrek's Adventure London Sealife Aquarium London Eye London Dungeon Page 38-40 Batsford Arboretum Hike Page 52 LEGOLAND Brick or Treat Page 16 MCM Comic Com Page 32 Dark Skies Festival Page 59 Norwich Beer Fest Page 47 Laser Tag Page 57 HauntedWarwickCastle Page 17 Battle Abbey Page 57 Information, Tickets & Travel (ITT) calendar key Outdoor Recreation ColumbusDay ThanksgivingDay Family Day 11 02 03 04 05 07 08 09 10 0612 15 17 18 1319 21 22 23 30 25 2026 28 2729 0101 03 04 05 06 07 0208 10 11 12 13 14 0915 17 18 19 20 21 1622 24 25 26 27 28 2329 30 31 24 Veteran'sDay 14 52 ° 52North ° North 52 north6 52 North 7

Walmer Castle Page 36 Cotswolds Way Hike Page 53 Winter Wonderland Page 20 London New Year Parade Page 24 London DYO Page 38 Elf Page 44 London DYO Page 38 Shrek's LondonLondonAdventureSealifeAquariumDungeonLondonEye Pages 38 - 40 London DYO Page 38 Tower of London Page 39 Dog Sledding Page 58 Wandsworth Gravity Page 27 City of York Page 37 London DYO Page 38 City of Bath Page 37 Bicester Village Page 35 Hogwarts in the Snow Page 22 4-Day Skiing Snowboarding&InScotland Page 60 Iceland 5-Day Page 31 Dover Castle Page 36 Jack the Ripper & Late Night London Page 46 Indoor Go-Karting Page 55 Leeds ChristmasCastle,attheCastle Page 20 Dog Sledding Page 55 Winter Wonderland Page20 Hogwarts in the Snow Page 22 London DYO Page 38 Cadbury World Christmas Celebration Page23 Winter Wonderland Page 20 London DYO Page 38 Disney on Ice Page 43 New Years Eve in the Capital City Page 25 Windsor at Christmas Page 21 LincolnMarketChristmas Page 20 Winter Wonderland Page 20 London DYO Page 38 Legoland Christmasat Page 24 Winter Wonderland Page 20 London DYO Page 38 ThursfordSpectacularChristmas Page 42 StonehengeSolsticeWinter Page 52 Hogwarts in the Snow Page 22 Inflatable Party Page 57 The Nutcracker Ballet Page 43 FrankfurtBirmingham'sChristmasMarket Page 18 Bear GryllsCenterActivity Page 54 Stratford-Upon-AvonChristmasMarket Page 20 Santa'sJourneyMagical Page 23 Try Scuba Page 56 City of ChristmasBathMarket Page 24 Christmas Eve At Warwick Castle Page 21 ChristmasEveFamily Day FamilyDay New YearsEve New YearsDay USObservedHoliday LutherMartinKingJr.Day DECEMBER 2022 SUN MON TUE WED THU FRI SAT SUN MON TUE WED THU FRI SAT JANUARY 2023 Information, Tickets & Travel (ITT) calendar key Outdoor Recreation ChristmasDay ObservedHolidayUS 30 Family Day 05 06 07 09 10 03 11 0814 0101 02 03 05 06 07 09 0410 13 14 15 16 1117 08 13 04 16 17 18 19 1521 23 24 25 27 2228 30 2931 19 22 24 31 18 27 2528 20 26 21 23 29 20 26 02 12 12 52 ° 52North ° North 52 north8 52 North 9

Blennheim Palace Page 34 Stonehenge Inner Circle & Windsor Page 37 London DYO Page 38 London Shard Page 38 Cadbury World Page 26 Boom Battle Bar Page 48 The Making of Harry Potter Page 26 Windsor Castle Page 37 Leeds Castle Page 34 Bear GryllsCenterActivity Page 54 Warwick Castle Page 35 London DYO Page 38 Quad Bike Page 56 Budapest 4-day Page 32 Stonehenge & City of Bath Page 36 StargazingValentinesfor Page 58 Liverpool DYO Page 34 Surry Furry Photo Hike Page 53 Bolsover Castle Page 36 Stonehenge Inner Circle & Windsor Page 37 London DYO Page 38 Tower Of London Page 39 3 Dover Castle Page 36 London DYO Page 38 Thorpe Park Page 26 Wandsworth Gravity Page 27 Laser Tag Page 60 Chessington World of Adventure Page 27 LEGOLAND Page 27 Warwick Castle Page 35 Lion King Page 41 Inflatable Party Page 59 Travel Fair • Eagles' Landing 10am-2pm Page 12 Stratford-Upon-Avon&KenilworthCastle Page 36 Try Scuba Page 56 City of York Page 37 Beefeater Gin Tour Page 47 Horseback Trek (WomenWeekend)Only Page 55 The Making of Harry Potter Page 26 Jack the Ripper & Late Night London Page 46 Medieval Archery, AxeCrossbowingThrowing, Page 54 Family Day President'sDay GroundhogDay Valentine'sDay Spring BreakSpring BreakSpringFamilyBreak,Day Spring Break Spring Break St. Patrick'sDay Family Day FEBRUARY 2023 SUN MON TUE WED THU FRI SAT SUN MON TUE WED THU FRI SAT MARCH 2023 Information, Tickets & Travel (ITT) calendar key Outdoor Recreation 2-Day St. Patrick's Day Pint & Hike Page 53 02 03 04 06 07 08 10 0511 13 14 15 16 1218 21 22 23 24 1925 27 2628 01 09 17 20 01 02 03 04 07 08 09 10 11 13 14 15 16 18 20 21 22 23 24 25 05 12 19 26 29 30 31 06 27 28 17 52 ° 52North ° North 52 north10 52 North 11

Discount Every 1st & 3rd Friday when purchasing 2 or more tickets. 10% OffMOVIENIGHTOUT PAID ADVErTISEMENT(S). FEDERAL ENDORSEMENT OF ADVERTISERS NOT INTENDED. LONDON PARIS AMSTERDAM ITT DiscountedoffersRates!AdultChild Medium Popcorn and soda comboCineworldvoucherUnlimited Card only £176!£9£6£7.50 Come have fun and plan your next adventure while entering for your chance to win great prizes! SATURDAY, MARCH 4 10AM-2PM | EAGLES' LANDING | FREE

b. Emergency Leave. The ITT Office must be notified prior to tour departure.
Follow Us EXCLUSIVE ACCESS TO LAST MINUTE DEALS AND OFFERS! @RAFLakenheathITT@raflakenheathitt TICKETSINFORMATION&TRAVEL 01638 522979 or DSN 226-2979 • ittlakenheath@gmail.com www.ittlakenheath.com INFORMATION, TICKETS & TRAVEL DSN: Commercial:226-297901638 522979 BX OFFICE Located
• Book all-inclusive holiday packages for Spain, Croatia, Greece and many other destinations.
You can make easy payment plans when booking a cruise, continental tours or any of our organized overnight group tours. Visit or call ITT for details!
3. Day trips use contracted coaches to provide a service for the ITT Office. Prices of these trips include transportation and admission unless otherwise stated. Admission fees that are not included will be paid directly to the admission gate or the tour escort on the day of departure if group discount rates apply. All admissions are payable in pounds sterling.
c. An ITT Office cancellation of a trip.
Stop by today and let us help you with yourplans!travel
• Travel Insurance.
• Discounted Cineworld tickets. inside the RAF Lakenheath BX Monday-Friday • 10am-5pm Saturday • USGoal/Family10am-1pmDays•10am-1pmHolidays•CLOSED
8. It is common practice in the UK to tip coach drivers. Gratuities are at the discretion of the passenger and should reflect their level of satisfaction.
9. The 52° North Travel Guide is published by the 48th Force Support Squadron Marketing Department. While every effort has been made to ensure that the information contained in the travel guide is correct at the time of printing, changes in opening hours, admission charges, etc. may occur. ITT is unable to accept any responsibility for inaccuracies in the information supplied, nor for any inconvenience that may arise.
• Ferry Crossings, Eurostar, Rail or Eurotunnel crossings from the UK to Europe.
10. Payment Accepted: ITT accepts VISA, American Express and MasterCard. Sorry, ITT cannot accept cash or cheques. ITT Day Tours can be purchased in the office or on www.ittlakenheath.com. Layaway Plans are also available on certain tours, please ask for details.
1. Day trips require a 30-person minimum to run. Please book by the Monday prior to the trip unless otherwise stated. Bookings are accepted later if space permits. While every effort will be made to ensure that a tour goes out as scheduled in a 49-passenger coach, ITT reserves the right to substitute the tour with a smaller coach/ people carrier van if the minimum is not met.
6. Eligibility: The ITT program is available to all active duty military, DoD civilians, retired military, their dependents and bona fide guests. Persons must be 18 years of age or over. Children under the age of 18 CANNOT travel without a parent or guardian.
• Book air travel worldwide. WHAT ITT CAN DO FOR YOU!
5. Drinking alcoholic beverages and smoking on the coach is strictly prohibited. Food on coaches is not permitted.
• Make hotel arrangements within the UK and worldwide.

a. Unexpected work commitment for military members, verified in writing by their Squadron Commander. The ITT office must be notified prior to tour departure.
52 ° 52North ° North Information, Tickets & Travel14 Information, Tickets & Travel 15
ITT strives to give you as much information as possible at the time of booking to prepare for your trip with us. However, it is always a good idea to look online at the destination/attraction you will be visiting for useful information to better enhance your visit. Please be advised ITT cannot be held responsible for unforeseen changes in the weather and it is recommended to always bring an umbrella or waterproof outerwear and shoes.
7. For pricing purposes, children aged 3-14 years are for transportation only. All others vary depending on the admission ages set by the attraction. All children, including infants, must be in a seat with their seat belts on. All children 5 and under are required a car seat on the coach.
• Attraction tickets for numerous European destinations.

• West End theatre tickets.
• Reserve escorted coaches or flight packages with SunFun & Newmarket Holidays.

• Arrange a cruise with Royal Caribbean, Norwegian and others.
2. Trips may be canceled if the minimum of 30 people is not reached. If canceled, the ITT Office will notify customers registered for the trip at least one day prior to departure. The ITT office is NOT responsible if any customer cannot be contacted on their duty phone or home phone provided on the booking form. Customers should contact the ITT office at DSN 226-2979, commercial 01638 522979 or via the www.ittlakenheath.com website at least one day prior to departure to check for changes in case ITT had difficulty contacting the patron.
4. Refund Policies: A complete refund (excluding: pre-paid admissions, theatre/concert tickets and sporting events) will be made under the following circumstances

some darker features of the film series. Spot Death Eaters in the shadows of Diagon Alley and admire artifacts from Borgin and Burkes, the sinister antique shop in Knockturn Alley. See the iconic Great Hall dressed with long tables laden with red apples, pumpkins, and cauldrons of lollipops.
Includes: Transportation and LEGOLAND® entry.
Saturday • Oct 29
Adult £70 | Child (5-15) £60 | Infant £15
Plenty of hocus-pocus will be cast at Cadbury World during their yearly Halloween Spooktacular. Enjoy eerie entertainment and creepy competitions for the best fancy dress.

Saturday • Oct 8
Sunday • Oct 23
Where better to discover a ghost story than a real medieval castle with over 1,100 years of history? Join the ghouls, witches and ghosts while they take over the castle Halloween.this °

Bring your little monsters to LEGOLAND® for the most spooktacular event of the year. Lord Vampyre is throwing the most spook-tacular Halloween party with many fang-tastic activities – plus the rides, live shows and attractions make for a great day out for all the family!

Adult/Child £57 | Infant £15
Adult/Child £58 | Infant £15
Includes: Transportation and Harry Potter Studios
*Not recommended for children under the age of 13.
52North ° North Halloween16 Halloween 17
Sunday • Oct 30
FRIGHT NIGHT returns for another horrifying season! Prepare to be scared senseless at one of the UK’s premiere Halloween events. You can ride Europe’s most thrilling coasters in the dead of night before taking on the award winning live action scare mazes and experiences.

Monday • Oct 10 (Columbus Day)
Includes: Transportation and Cadbury World Entry
Includes: Transportation andCastleWarwickEntry
Includes: Transportation and Thorpe Park Entry
Adult £45 | Child (4-15) £39 | Infant £15
Adult /Child £48 | Infant £15
Includes: Transportation only
Includes: Transportation Only
WE'RE HIRING! JOIN THE FSS TEAM! #48KNIGHTLIFE S C A N T O A P P L Y 52 ° North Holiday Events • Markets18

Sunday • Nov 20
At the largest authentic German market outside of Germany and Austria you can explore over 120 stalls selling gifts, jewelry, decorations, handmade toys, delicious German fare and, of course, delicious German mulled wine! Adjacent to the Frankfurt Christmas Market, the Christmas Craft Fair extends into Chamberlain Square, where Birmingham’s traders offer their own selection of handcrafted items. Together, these events bring a fabulous atmosphere to the city!
Includes: Transportation Only
The Lord Mayor’s show dates back to 1215 when King John allowed citizens of London to elect their own mayor. These days, the parade is filled with vibrant samba dancing, military marching bands, fireworks, and more. The show offers a host of entertainment as the parade winds its way through London, celebrating the new Lord Mayor of the City of London.


Saturday • Nov 12
Sunday • Nov 27
Adult £38 | Child (3-14) £36 | Infant £15
York’s Christmas Fair is back and bigger than ever this year! Soak up the atmosphere and aromas of mulled wine and explore the spectacular Christmas stalls selling locallymade handcrafted gifts, stocking filler ideas and so much more

Adult £34 | Child (3-14) £32 | Infant £15
Adult £29 | Child (3-14) £27 | Infant £15
Saturday • Dec 17
Monday • Dec 26 (Observed US Holiday)
Sundays • Nov 27, Dec 11, & Jan 1 (New Years Day)
Includes: Transportation and Warwick Castle entry.
Winter Wonderland is a spectacular festive destination. Experience rides and Santa Land, browse Christmas markets and enjoy festive fare and a cheerful atmosphere. Advance booking is recommended for ice skating, the Magical Kingdom, Zippos Circus, and the Giant Wheel.

Go to Stratford and enjoy the Victorian themed Christmas market with the stall holders dressed in Victorian costumes. There will be a traditional fun fair to include a carousel and entertainment throughout the town.

Includes: Transportation and Windsor Castle entry.
Saturday • Dec 10
Friday • Dec 30 (Family Day)
Includes: Transportation and Leeds Castle Stepentry.into Christmas at Leeds Castle, where you can enjoy wintery woodland walks and quality time spent with nearest and dearest in the crisp air.

Saturday • Dec 3 Tuesday • Dec 20
Adult £46 | Child (4-15) £40 | Infant £15
A warm winter welcome awaits you at Britain’s ultimate castle. Feast your eyes on festive decorations, a 20-foot Christmas tree and a roaring fire, all set within the magnificent surroundings of the Great Hall. Warwick Castle will be decorated in all its festive glory and visitors might even have the chance to meet Santa Claus, his reindeer and his mischievous elves.
Includes: Transportation Only
Includes: Transportation Only
Adult £27 | Child (3-14) £25 | Infant £15
Adult £29 | Child (3-14) £27 | Infant £15
Sunday • Dec 4
Saturday • Dec 24 (Christmas Eve)
Adult /Child £48 | Infant £15
Adult £51 | Child (5-17) £38 | Infant £15
This winter experience a fairytale Christmas at Windsor Castle. The festive display includes a magnificent centerpiece, the 6 meter (20-foot) high tree in St George's Hall, taken from Windsor Great Park and dressed with hundreds of twinkling lights and ornaments. °

Includes: Transportation only
Adult £31 | Child (3-14) £29 | Infant £15
Saturday • Dec 3
Lincoln is a contemporary cathedral city with over 2,000 years of history. The medieval square between the beautiful Norman castle and magnificent cathedral is the perfect backdrop for the Christmas market. Visitors are welcome to stroll amongst the many stalls while enjoying a cultural and festive environment.
52North ° North Holiday Events • Markets20 Holiday Events • Markets 21

Includes: Transportation and Harry Potter Studios entry.
52 ° 52North ° North Holiday Events • Markets22 Holiday Events • Markets 23

Sunday • Dec 11
Adult £49 | Child (4-15) £42 | Infant £15
Friday • Nov 25 (Family Day)
Adult £70 | Child (5-15) £60 | Infant £15
Saturday • Nov 26
Includes: Transportation, Stonehenge entry, and time to explore the Bath Christmas Market.

Discover the many mysteries of Britain’s most remarkable monument and World Heritage Site. Afterward, travel to the Bath Christmas Market, which lines the streets surrounding the Roman Baths and Bath Abbey and features 170+ chalets packed full of gorgeous Christmas gifts.
Thursday • Dec 22
Adult £32 | Child £38 | Infant (Under 1) £15
Friday • Jan 13 (Family Day)
Sunday • Dec 18
The Studio’s most popular festive feature returns this Winter! Warner Bros. Studios will be dressed and ready for Christmas, with Christmas trees lining the Great Hall, the Gryffindor common room dressed for the season, and a blanket of artificial snow covering the majestic Hogwarts castle model.

*Gifts are included in the child's price only. Please provide name, age, and gender.

Includes: Transportation and Cadbury World
Saturday • Dec 10
Includes: Transportation, Santa's Magical Journey experience and a gift from Santa. Remember the excitement of your first visit to see Father Christmas? Give your children and/ or grandchildren a day they’ll never forget!
Come and visit Father Christmas in the magical setting of Thursford. Your journey takes you from penguins and polar bears to giant sized teddy bears ready to load Santa’s sleigh and then past the busy elves hard at work in the toy factory with the wonderful wrapping machine. You’ll meet lots of fantasy characters including the snowman’s family but watch out for the snowballs!
Adult £58 | Child (5-17) £52 | Infant £15
Thisentry.Christmas we’re off to Cadbury World which has been transformed into a winter wonderland and packed with seasonal activities including jolly children’s entertainers, festive food, and the opportunity to watch their very own enchanting pantomime show. This year Santa will also be starring in his very own stage show, and there's a gift for every child!
you'll see the train lit up by thousands of tiny lights. The Norfolk Lights Express departs from Sheringham and steams its way up the line of the North Norfolk Railway to Holt. Along the way, you'll see beautiful lineside displays that tell a tale, and the on-train lighting will shine on to the stunning North Norfolk countryside. The train will switch ends and return you back down the line once more to see the beautiful light displays.

Adult Only £40


Monday • Dec 19
Includes: Transportation and Norfolk Lights


Includes: Transportation only
Bring in 2023 with a bang!! Watch London come alive with NYE celebrations, fireworks, and parties around every corner of the capital. The massively popular fireworks display has been a ticketed event since 2014, to ensure the event stays safe and fun for all. Book your fireworks tickets online.

Check with ITT for pricing and further info.
The annual St. Patrick’s Day Parade involves marching bands, floats, street theatre, and more! All 32 Irish counties are represented, dressed in their traditional county colors. The parade begins around noon in central London and proceeds to Trafalgar Square, where you can enjoy the St. Patrick’s Day festival. Please check back with ITT for final dates.
Celebrate the Chinese Year of the Rabbit! Here you will be able to enjoy the largest celebration of Chinese New Year outside of Asia.

Includes: Transportation Only
Jan 2023
Adult £38 | Child (3-14) £36 | Infant £15
Adult £29 | Child (3-14) £27 | Infant £15
Includes: Transportation Only
Thisentry.Christmas join us at LEGOLAND® to make memories that will last forever, celebrate the most special time of the year the LEGO® way! LEGOLAND® at Christmas sees the Park transformed into a winter wonderland complete with twinkling lights, snow dusted trees, and of course....a sprinkling of LEGO® magic!
Includes: Transportation Only
Saturday • Dec 31 (New Year's Eve)
Thursday • Dec 8
Includes: Transportation only.
December 2022
Adult £29 | Child (3-14) £27 | Infant £15
52 ° 52North ° North Holiday Events • Markets24 Holiday Events • Markets 25
Mar 2023
Each year the center of Bath is transformed into a magical Christmas shopper’s Paradise, as 170 chalets packed full of gorgeous Christmas gifts line the streets. Soak up the sights, smells and sounds as you wander the market. Don't forget that Bath has plenty to offer outside the market, including stunning architecture and the Roman Baths.
Sunday • Jan 1 (New Year's Day)
Includes: Transportation and LEGOLAND®
Adult £29 | Child (3-14) £27 | Infant £15
Adult / Child £57 | Infant £15
Celebrate 2023 with a New Year’s Day Parade in London. Dancers, cheerleaders, marching bands, acrobats, historic vehicles, and more assemble for a colorful celebration, with huge balloons, music, and confetti filling the air.
Journey behind the scenes to see first-hand how this film series became one of the most popular, and highestgrossing franchises in the world and history. See costumes, animatronics, drawings, and props up close as you walk through the production warehouses where filming occurred. Walk along Diagon Alley and see Burgin and Burkes, Weasleys' Wizard Wheezes, and Ollivanders. Also visit where it all began, Number Four Privet Drive, while sipping a freshly draught Butterbeer!
Monday • Mar 27
Monday • Feb 20 (President's Day)
Includes: Transportation and Thorpe Park
Adult £72 | Child (5-15) £61 | Infant £15
Sunday • Feb 19
Includes: Transportation and Cadbury World
Includes: Transportation and LEGOLAND entry. For an awesome family day out this year visit LEGOLAND® Windsor Resort and experience the ultimate world of LEGO adventure! A whole LEGO world of greatness awaits, with over 2 million LEGO bricks installed in the Resort's world-famous Miniland attraction and LEGO Reef.

With 10 lands and more than 40 rides and attractions, Chessington is definitely Britain's Wildest Adventure! Not to forget the zoo, SEA LIFE Center and daily shows. °

Adult £29 | Child (3-14) £27 | Infant £15

Includes: Transportation and CWOA entry.

Includes: Transportation and Harry Potter Studio entry.

Withentry.over 30 thrilling rides, attractions and live events, Thorpe Park Resort is an island like no other. Enjoy world-class rides such as the UK’s only winged rollercoaster, The Swarm, or Stealth, one of Europe’s fastest and tallest rollercoasters. For extra thrills and fun, try the super-soaking Tidal Wave, Storm Surge, and Rumba Rapids.
Sunday • Mar 26

Saturday • Mar 25
Adult/Child £TBC | Infant £15
Saturday • Jan 29
Break!Spring Break!Spring Break!Spring 52
52North ° North Family Days Out26 Family Days Out 27
Includes: Transportation only Gravity Wandsworth, London's first active entertainment venue. The 100,000 square feet unit over four floors hosts a fully themed leisure and food experience. Highlights include a Japanese E-karting area with a dedicated street bar and noodle kitchen, a New York-themed restaurant, 14 full-length bowling lanes coupled with the latest SPARK technology, urban street golf, e-sports, and Fun Box arcade.
Tuesday • Mar 28
Adult/Child £TBC | Infant £15
Friday • Mar 31
Adult / Child £TBC | Infant £15
Adult £45 | Child (4-15) £39 | Infant £15

experience of sights, sounds, and most importantly, taste! The perfect day for all the chocolate lovers out there. Watch as chocolate is produced by hand. You'll also get a chance to buy your own candies at the end.

Save with our competitive rates and low annual deductibles
Adult £40 | Child (3-14) £38 | Infant £15
You Worldwide
Calling all sci-fi fans, gamers, comic collectors, movie buffs, and anime enthusiasts! MCM Comic Con returns to London this October for more fun-filled celebrations of geeky goodness. Meet special guests from the world of film and TV, voice actors and more, while exploring the Comic Village packed with artists, writers, and graphic novels.
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Adult £29 | Child (3-14) £27 | Infant £15
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February 2023
Adult/Child £54 | Under 10 £15
Includes: Transportation & Priority MCMConComicticket
Includes: Transportation only 2023 sees the return of Europe’s biggest Viking Festival for a city-wide celebration of York’s rich Norse heritage. Vikings from across the globe will descend on York for the 37th Jorvik Viking Festival. Experience over a hundred events exploring different features of Norse culture; expect living history encampments, walks, talks, and lectures together with dramatic combat performances. Covers
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Paid Ad. No Federal endorsement of advertiser intended. All benefits are subject to the definitions, limitations, and exclusions set forth in the Foreign Service Benefit Plan’s Federal brochure (RI 72-001).
52 ° North Special Events28

FEHB High Option Plan open to eligible Federal Civilian mental health programs designed to help ease life’s stressors
Saturday • Oct 29
Join us for one of London's biggest events. We will take you into central London where you can make your way to view the marathon. There will also be time to explore London at your own leisure.

Sunday • Oct 2
Theafspa.org/fsbpHealthPlan that
Includes: Transportation only
Break!Spring MLKDayJr. DayJr.MLK•TourDay5 Thursday, January 12 - Monday, January 16 Adult £550 | Child (2-12) £475 | Infant in lap (under 2) £110 Includes: Round trip airfare, 5-star hotel accommodation, Reykjavik Airport transfers, half day Reykjavik city tour and an experienced tour leader. *Prices are based on two adults sharing accommodation. *£210 Single Supplement *Layaway option is available with a deposit of £155 upon booking (non-refundable, non-exchangeable). Final payment due by Thursday, Dec 1. *Additional transportation and luggage not included. Travel insurance is highly recommended.ICELANDTourDay5•BreakSpring Sunday, March 26 - Thursday March 30 Check with ITT for prices. Includes: Roundtrip airfare, Rome airport transfers, four night bed & breakfast accommodation, guided walking tour of Rome, and experienced tour leader. Check with ITT for further details about this exciting, 5-day tour!ROME 52 ° 52North ° North Special Events30 Special Events 31

payment due by Thursday, April 25. *Tour not recommended for young children. NORMANDY Pegasus Bridge Utah MuseumTheArromanchesCemeteryAmericanPointeBeachduHocAirborne 52 ° 52North ° North Special Events32 Special Events 33
option is available with a deposit of £60 per person upon booking (non-refundable, non-exchangeable).
Friday • May 26 - Monday • May 29 £470 per Includes:personAlladmission fees, three nights in a 3-star hotel, continental breakfast, return luxury coach to Normandy, channel crossing and an experienced tour manager. *£120 Single Supplement

D-Day Landings
DayPresident's•TourDay4 Friday • February 17 - Monday • February 20 Adult Includes:£370Round-trip airfare, Budapest Airport transfers, 3 nights Bed and Breakfast at a 4-star hotel, guided walking tour of Budapest and an experienced tour leader. *Prices are based on two adults sharing a room. *£105 Single Supplement *Layaway option available with a deposit of £195 per person upon booking (nonrefundable, non-exchangeable). Full payment is due by Friday, January 6. *Additional transportation and luggage not included. Travel insurance is highly recommended. BUDAPEST President'sDay BreakDay4


Sunday • Oct 9
Oneentry.of the largest inhabited and complete castles in England, Arundel Castle is situated in magnificent grounds overlooking the River Arun in West Sussex. This towering stately home and the fortified castle have been the seat of the Dukes of Norfolk and their ancestors since 1067. The castle boasts a collection of furniture, paintings, clocks, tapestries, armor, and personal possessions of Mary Queen of Scots.
Enjoy a visit to the breathtaking Leeds Castle. You can feed the swans, explore the historic castle or get lost in the hedge maze. Leeds Castle is surrounded by 500 acres of rolling parkland and beautiful gardens. This makes a great family day out.

Saturday • Feb 4
Includes: Transportation and Leeds Castle entry.
and only Battle of Hastings re-enactment returns for 2022. Taking place on the very spot where King Harold and Duke William fought in 1066, don’t miss over 500 reenactors recreate the drama and intensity of this legendary conflict. Adventure into the encampments of the armies on either side of the historic battlefield, and come up close and personal with Saxon and Norman soldiers. Experience first-hand the intricacies of their weapons and the weight of their armor. Meet falconers and their majestic birds of prey, or take a wander down the market and rummage through historical delights for a very special souvenir. There’s lots for kids to enjoy, from storytelling and have a go at archery, to becoming a Norman or Saxon soldier in our sword schools.
Blenheim Palace is the birthplace of Winston Chur chill and one of Britain’s finest stately homes. Built in the 1700’s the palace is a World Heritage Site. A tour of the palace includes access to the State Rooms and an exhibit dedicated to Winston Churchill. Deep in the gardens you will find the Malborough Maze, a 2 mile long maze for hours of fun! Blenheim Palace was even featured in a James bond Movie.
Includes: Transportation and entry to the Palace, park, and gardens.

Spend a relaxing day in northwest England where the Irish Sea meets with the River Mersey known as Liverpool. While in Liverpool you can explore the hometown of the Beatles and recreate iconic pictures. Don’t miss out on the “Three Graces” that includes the Cunard Building, Port of Liverpool Building, and Royal Liver Building.

yourself in more than 1,100 years of jaw-dropping history! Full to the turrets with dazzling shows and attractions, spellbinding storytelling, and fun experiences year-round, Warwick Castle is an action-packed and an unforgettable day out for everyone.

Adult £53 | Child (5-16) £40 | Infant £15
Includes: Transportation and Warwick Castle Immerseentry.
Sunday • Oct 23
Break!Spring 52 ° 52North ° North Around Britain34 Around Britain 35
Includes: Transportation only Bicester Village is a luxury destination and home to more than 160 boutiques of world-famous brands, each offering exceptional value make over 60% of savings on the recommended retail prices.


Saturday • Jan 14
Adult £26 | Child (3-14) £24 | Infant £15
Includes: Transportation & Battle of Hastings
Sundays • Nov 13 & Feb 5
Adult £53 | Child (5-16) £40 | Infant £15
Adult/Child £49 | Infant £15
Sunday • Oct 16
Thursday • Mar 30
Saturdays • Oct 22 & Feb 25
Saturday • Feb 18
Includes: Transportation Only
Adult £46 | Child (4-15) £40 | Infant £15
Adult £50 | Child (3-14) £48 | Infant £15
Includes: Transportation and Arundel Castle
Adult £54 | Child (5-17) £45 | Infant £15
Includes: Transportation, Stonehenge entry and free time to explore the City of Bath.

Saturday • Nov 19
Visit Stonehenge and enjoy the visitor’s center, which features permanent and temporary exhibitions, as well as an external exhibition featuring a cluster of Neolithic houses. Visitors may walk the circumference of the stones to discover the many mysteries of this incredible site. From there, we venture to the City of Bath, home of the Roman thermal bathhouse. Here you will have time to explore the city at your leisure.
Adult £45 | Child (5-17) £38 | Infant £15
Includes: Transportation and Dover Castle entry.
With spectacular views over Derbyshire, the fairy-tale Stuart mansion, Bolsover Castle, was designed to entertain and impress. Its reputation for revelry lives on as we now entertain you and your family. Wander the lavish rooms of the Little Castle, explore the romantic ruined terrace range, and delight in the views from the wall walk.
English Heritage members: Ask ITT about discounted prices!

Adult £40 | Child (5-17) £38 | Infant £15
Sundays • Oct 16 & Jan 8
Includes: Transportation Only Walk along the Roman city walls, the longest city walls in England. Learn about the York Minster and lose yourself in the quirky shops and architecture of the Shambles, the street that is believed to have inspired Diagon Alley. Don’t miss the views from Clifford’s Tower and step back in time at the York Castle Museum.
Adult £48 | Child (5-17) £43 | Infant £15
All Includes:£80 Transportation, Stonehenge Inner Circle entry, and a stop in Windsor.
Includes: Transportation and Windsor Castle Windsorentry.
Adult £48 | Child (5-17) £39 | Infant £15
Castle is an official residence of the Queen and the largest occupied castle in the world. The site was chosen with great care, high above the river Thames on the edge of the Saxon hunting grounds. Among its many attractions are the magnificent state apartments, which are furnished with some of the finest treasures from the Royal Collection, Queen Mary’s dollhouse and St. George’s Chapel.
Includes: Transportation and Walmer Castle entry.
Sunday • Mar 5
Sundays • Feb 5 & Mar 12

Includes: Transportation , Kenilworth Castle Entry, and free time to explore Stratford Upon Avon Kenilworth Castle is a sight to be seen. With red sandstone towers, the keep and walls glow brightly in the morning and late evening sun. Learn about its links with Henry V and explore the lovely Tudor gardens. From there, visit the literary capitol of England. Enjoy this charming market town where William Shakespeare was born.
Saturdays • Oct 1, Jan 7, & Mar 11
Explore over eight acres of award-winning gardens, situated in the grounds of a picturesque coastal castle with a fascinating history. Walmer Castle was once a Tudor artillery fortress that became a stateley-home for the Lords Warden of the Cinque Ports, including the Iron Duke of Wellington.

Visit Britain’s most remarkable and intriguing prehistoric monument and World Heritage Site. As old as the great temples and pyramids of Egypt, Stonehenge exerts a mysterious fascination. This rare opportunity allows you to get up close to the stones and includes a stop in Windsor.

Includes: Transportation and Bolsover Castle entry.

* Contact ITT for additional trip information. ** Does not include Windsor Castle entry.
Sunday • Nov 6 Saturday • Mar 18
Adult £40 | Child (3-14) £38 | Infant £15
Enjoy the history of Bath, a UNESCO World Heritage Site. Explore the Roman thermal bathhouse and learn about Bath’s renaissance under royal patronage in the 18th century. There will also be plenty of time to explore the city at your leisure.
Adult £51 | Child (5-16) £38 | Infant £15
Includes: Transportation Only
Adult £58 | Child (5-17) £52 | Infant £15
52 ° 52North ° North Around Britain36 Around Britain 37
Sunday • February 26
Adult £40 | Child (3-14) £38 | Infant £15
Sundays • Nov 13 & Mar 19 | Saturday • Jan 28
Saturdays • Oct 15, Nov 26, & Feb 11
Saturdays • Nov 5 & Jan 21
Situated above the White Cliffs of Dover, this magnificent castle has guarded the shores from invasion for 10 centuries. Explore the darkly atmospheric Secret Wartime Tunnels, now with a vivid recreation of the Dunkirk evacuation, complete with dramatic projections of swooping Spitfires and real film footage.

Atentry.150 yards, the London Eye is one of the world’s tallest observation wheels, providing up to 25 miles of panoramic views on a clear day. Ticket includes access to the London Eye 4D Experience, a groundbreaking 3D film with in-theatre effects such as wind, mist and bubbles. There will also be plenty of time to explore London at your own leisure.
Sundays • Jan 22 & Mar 12


Monday • Dec 26 (Observed US Holiday)
Tuesday • Dec 20
52 ° 52North ° North London • The Capital38 London • The Capital 39
Sunday • Jan 15
Created to be an architecturally striking vertical city, the Shard stands tall above London offering beautiful views of the city and the River Thames. Equipped with retail, offices, hotel, apartments, restaurants, and a public viewing gallery, the Shard is a masterpiece for thousands of people to enjoy. There will also be plenty of time to explore London at your own leisure.
Sunday • Feb 12
Includes: Transportation and Tower of London
Adult £52 | Child (5-15) £39 | Infant £15
Adult £45 | Child (3-15) £43 | Infant £15
Sundays • Oct 2 | Nov 27 | Dec 11 | Jan 1 (New Year's Day), 15 & 22 | Feb 12 | Mar 12 & 19
Saturdays • Oct 8 & 22 | Nov 12 | Dec 3 | Jan 7 | Feb 18
palace, fortress, prison, place of execution, royal mint, and jewel house, the Tower has witnessed many great events in British history. Enter its gates and you’ll soon see why the Tower is such an important part of London. Admission includes the ‘Beefeater’ tour, the Crown Jewels, the Crowns and Diamond Exhibition, the White Tower, Medieval Palace, and more. There will also be plenty of time to explore London at your own leisure.

Adult/Child £55 | Infant £15
Includes: Transportation and Shrek's Adventure
Saturday • Oct 8
Sunday • Jan 15
Saturday • October 2
Saturday • Oct 22
Adult £29 | Child (3-14) £27 | Infant £15
Includes: Transportation only Fancy seeing London and taking in some of the sights? Then this is the tour for you.

Adult £44 | Child (3-15) £39 | Infant £15
We’ll get you to London where you can explore all there is to see on your own, then pick you up at the designated area to get you safely back home. Never been before? Why not purchase a discounted ticket at ITT for the Tower of London, Big Bus, London Eye, London Dungeon, London Shrek’s Adventure or the SEA LIFE Aquarium.
and exciting walk and ride attraction for the whole family! Amazing DreamWorks animation, captivating story-telling, and a good dose of Donkey’s cheekiness awaits. Includes: 4-D DreamWorks Tours bus, 10 live fairy-tale themed shows, meet and greet Shrek’s dream team and much more. You'll have ample time to explore London at your own leisure.
Includes: Transportation and entry to the Shard.
Includes: Transportation and London Eye

Wednesday • March 29 (Spring Break)
Check with ITT for prices.
Thanksgiving Day
Based on the novel by Gregory Maguire that re-imagined the famous Wizard of Oz, Wicked tells the story of the unlikely friendship between two girls who first met at sorcery school.

Drama, Music, & Dance!
Includes: Transportation and Aquarium entry.
Pictures for display only. Actors subject to change.
Adult £45 | Child (3-15) £43 | Infant £15
Home to one of Europe’s largest collections of global marine life, the aquarium experience takes visitors on an immersive and interactive journey. Stars of the show include green turtles, seahorses, octopi and the ever-popular duo: the clownfish and the blue tang. There will also be plenty of time to explore London at your own leisure.

Spring Break
Saturday • Oct 22 • Jan 15
Are you brave enough to face 90 minutes of London’s goriest past? Delve into the ancient capital’s bloody history with live actors, thrilling rides and special effects. There's something for the whole family: Traitors Gate underground boat ride; Vengeance, the UK’s first 5D laser ride; and the ever-popular Extremis Drop Ride. Also, enjoy time to explore London at yourleisure.own
Includes: Transportation and London
Includes: Transportation and theatre ticket. Adapted from the much-loved Disney film and set against the majesty of the Serengeti Plains and the rhythms of Africa, this spectacular production explodes with glorious colors, stunning effects and enchanting music to tell the timeless story of Simba and his epic journey to fulfill his destiny as King of the Pride Lands.


Thursday • Nov 24 (Thanksgiving Day) Includes:£66
Saturday • Oct 22 • Jan
Transportation and theatre ticket
Adult £45 | Child (3-15) £41 | Infant £15
7+ 3+ 52 ° North Theatre 41 52 ° North London • The Capital40
All £89
Transportation and theatre
Includes: Transportation and theatre ticket.
Monday • Oct 10 (Columbus Day)
magical surroundings of mechanical organs and fairground carousels, with a cast of 130 professional singers, dancers and musicians, the three-hour performance delivers an extravaganza of non-stop singing, dancing, music, humor and variety. It’s a fast-moving celebration with famous and much-loved chart toppers being sung alongside traditional carols.
Monday • Dec 26 (Observed US Holiday)
All £90
Columbus Day
Transportation and theatre
Friday • Dec 23 (Family Day)
Family Day
All Includes:£87

On a sparkling Christmas Eve, Clara and her enchanted Nutcracker discover a magical world, where she battles with the Mouse King and meets interesting strangers.
52North ° North Theatre42 Theatre 43
Includes: Transportation and theatre ticket.
All Includes:£72
3+ 5+ 8+
Miguel aspires to be a musician and journey’s through the Land of the Dead to unlock his family’s history. Moana and Maui bravely restore the stolen heart of Te Fiti, Anna and Elsa save a kingdom and the Disney Princesses inspire with stories of strength, determination and kindness. Share every magical moment filled with breathtaking ice skating and beloved Disney songs and stories that give everyone a reason to believe.
electrifying ride back in time with DOC Brown and Marty McFly in this groundbreaking new musical production. Featuring all the characters and songs you love with a brand new score and a few added surprises.

Pictures for display only. Actors subject to change.
Observed US Holiday °
Wednesday • Dec 21
This magical Christmas ballet is brought to life with over 100 dancers and musicians.

Transportation and theatre ticket.
ELF Monday • Jan 2 (Observe US Holiday) All Includes:£89

Based on the beloved 2003 New Line Cinema hit staring Will Farrell, Elf is the hilarious tale of Buddy, a young orphan who mistakenly crawls into Santa’s bag of gifts and is transported back to the North Pole. Unaware that he is actually human, Buddy’s poor toy making abilities and huge size cause him to face the truth. With Santa’s permission, Buddy embarks on a journey to New York City to find his birth father, discover his true identity and help New York remember the true meaning of Christmas.

Coming Soon Contact ITT for pricing and further information. 3+5+ Paid Advertisement. No federal endorsement intended.52
Adults Only £12
52 ° 52North
Adults Only £47

Come experience everything that makes a real Oktoberfest. There will be live music and full Oktoberfest decorations. A giant tent for 2,000 people, expoerince the feeling of being in an authentic Oktoberfest tent in the middle Cambridge.of
° North Adults ONly46 Adults ONly 47
Follow Jack the Ripper’s bloodstained trail of horror down the crooked cobbled alleyways of Whitechapel. Then, off to Leicester Square where you will have free time to enjoy a meal and explore atleisureyour

Adults Only £15
Includes: Transportation only Organized by the Norwich and Norfolk branch of the Campaign for Real Ale, this festival features 200+ cask-conditioned real ales from Britain’s independent brewers along with draught and bottled beers from continental Europe. There will also be a large range of traditional ciders and perries, with more than 40 varieties from East Anglia, the West Country and elsewhere.
Saturday • Oct 15
Saturday • Mar 11
Includes: Transportation and Beefeater Tour
Includes: Transportation, a two-hour Jack the Ripper walking tour, and free time explore.to
Saturdays • Jan 28 & Mar 25
Includes: Transportation only
Friday • Nov 11 (Veteran's Day)
Saturday • Oct 1
Adults Only £21
Friday • Oct 28
Includes: Transportation only
Nottingham CAMRA’s annual Robin Hood Beer and Cider Festival is returning to Trent Bridge, home of the Notts County Cricket Club with even more bars and barrels for 2022.

Adults Only £60
A Brand Home Host will escort you to the heart of the distillery to explain the hand-crafted production process and to help you experience a sensory understanding of the ingredients that make all expressions of Beefeater Gin. You will also be hosted to a tutored comparative tasting of some of Beefeater Gins. The tour will end with a complimentary Beefeater Gin & Tonic. Then, off to Leicester Square where you will have free time to enjoy a meal and explore your leisure.
PAID ADVErTISEMENT(S). FEDERAL ENDORSEMENT OF ADVERTISERS NOT INTENDED. That’s a Good Thing We make it easy to ride Apply with just a PSC address Great rates and flexible terms Get pre-approved and shop like a cash buyer The Keesler Federal loan advantage: Whether you’ve got your heart set on a new car or a used British-spec vehicle, we’ll get you in the driver’s seat with exceptional rates and our easy loan application. Ask about our Active Duty Military Loan Discount Apply online, by mobile, phone or in-branch: kfcu.org | 0-800-585-766 Membership and credit eligibility required Paid ad, no federal endorsement of advertisement intended. RAF Alconbury | RAF Lakenheath | RAF Mildenhall For all military and dependent ID card holders REC*ON supports Active Duty and Air Reserve Component personnel and their families through FSS Outdoor Recreation. deployedaffected For families affected by deployment Eligible upon receiving official orders, during the span of deployment and up to one year after the service member returns. For Single Airmen of all ranks Active Duty or Air Reserve Component officer or enlisted members without a spouse are eligible. RECHARGE FOR RESILIENCY Discounted trips, classes & specials! Just look for the logo. Book through the facility directly. DO YOU QUALIFY? PAID ADVErTISEMENT(S). FEDERAL ENDORSEMENT OF ADVERTISERS NOT INTENDED. BOOM BATTLE BAR Monday • Nov 14 (Family Day) Sunday • Feb 19 Adults Only £23 Includes: Transportation and your choice of three activities. This venue features a range of Electric Darts, Shuffleboard, Crazier Golf, Beer Pong, Skee Ball, Pool and much more – not to mention fancy cocktails, snacks and their very own BOOM: BATTLE BAR. NORTH NORFOLK GIN TRAIN Contact ITT for Pricing and further information. Includes: Transportation and Gin Train Duringexperience.thedouble return journey, a freshly poured gin will be served at each station, starting at Sheringham prior to departure, finishing the experience with a Parravani’s exclusive Bullards Strawberry and Black Pepper Gin Sorbet. There will be a total of 5 specially selected gin served during your train journey along with some nibbles. 52 ° North Adults ONly48

Most trips are given an exertion rating to help you plan your participation level with that activity. Some trips are designed so you can choose to participate at various levels of exertion.

6. Food and Drink: Drinking alcoholic beverages and smoking on the coaches is strictly prohibited. Food on coaches is not permitted.
7. This is a guide only. Please contact ODR with any specific questions or concerns.
5. Trip Fees: Covers only the costs and items listed in the includes section throughout the brochure. The patron will be responsible for any other expenses which may include; food, hire of equipment, admission fees or any optional additional activities.
• Closed Family
• High: Participant should be fit with no current injuries in order to participate.
Follow Us
Monday-Friday 10am-5pm
a. Unexpected work commitment for military members verified in writing by their squadron commander. The ODR Office must be notified prior to tour departure. b. Emergency Leave. The ODR Office must be notified prior to tour departure. c. An ODR office cancellation of a trip.
01638 522146 or DSN 226-2146 lakenheathfss.com/outdoor-recreation
Monday-Friday 10am-5pm Sunday & Federal Holidays & Goal Days 10am-1pm
• Low: Appropriate for most fitness levels.
8. Our trips have a pre-trip briefing. This will be emailed or conducted in-person (mandatory if scheduled) to provide a checklist of things for you to bring and what Outdoor Recreation will provide.

4. Itinerary: Times of departure are firm. Refunds will not be given for late arrivals or missed departures AT ANY point during the trip. Return times are tentative based upon estimates, but may be flexible based upon traffic or weather. The trip leader may make changes to the trip if deemed necessary for safety or in the best interest of the group as a whole.
RAF Lakenheath Outdoor Recreation encourages and supports the participation of all individuals in our programs, including individuals with disabilities. We provide assistance and support to all participants as needed when possible. If you require assistance or an accommodation, please contact ODR for more information.
3. Cancellations & Refunds: ODR will notify participants of cancellations and a full refund will be given for trips canceled by ODR. ODR is not responsible if patrons cannot be contacted with the details provided at registration. A complete refund (excluding pre-paid admissions and overnight tours) will be made under the following circumstances
2. Eligibility: Active Duty, DoD Civilians, Retirees, Dependents, DoDDs and escorted guests. Participants must be 18 years or older unless accompanied by their parent or authorized guardian. Car seats must be provided by the patron. Age restrictions may limit the participation based upon the nature of the activity.
• Moderate: Will require ability to manoeuvre over rough or uneven terrain or require activity for several hours.
Saturday, Family & Goal Days 10am-1pm & Federal Holidays
9. Deadlines are used to make decisions about canceling trips due to lack of participation. ODR will still accept sign ups until full, if the trip is not canceled.
1. Registration: All trips require a minimum number of participants and have a registration date deadline, if the minimum number is not met trip maybe cancelled. Trip registration requires full payment, unless stated otherwise. Registration can be done in person at ODR (Bldg. 1109) or on our website (listed above). ODR accepts VISA, American Express and MasterCard. Sorry, ODR cannot accept cash or cheques.
10. We also offer private customized trips, tours and activities for groups, families and squadrons. Please ask for a quote based on your itinerary and/or our suggestions.
• Closed *Times are subject to change. Please see lakenheathfss.comforupdates. @RAFLakenheathODR 52 ° 52North ° North Outdoor Recreation50 OUtdoor Recreation 51
Includes: Transportation only
**Ask about availability 52 ° 52North ° North
All Exertion£35
*note: transportation not included, dogs must remain on leash and be well socialized with other dogs*
Sunday • Jan 7 All Exertion£49
Outdoor Recreation52 OUtdoor Recreation 53
*see p. 49 for details
Includes: Candid private and group photos with your Bringfur-babiesthewhole family out for a walk through the beautiful Polesden Lacey to Denbies Hillside ramble with our own pet photographer! We will stop at various points throughout for photos of you and your four legged friends.
Level: LOW
Sunday • Nov 20
Saturday • Feb 25 All Exertion£36
Exertion Level: MODERATE
Spend St Patrick’s day weekend the way you were meant to… with a hike and pint on the Emerald Island. After a full morning and afternoon of hiking around the beautiful rolling green hills and dramatic cliffs, we finish our evening with a pint of Irish beer (or whiskey). We will depart the following morning back to England.
All Exertion£57
Exertion Level: LOW
Saturday • Oct 22
Now introducing our hike of the month series, all season long!
Keep an eye out for a new hike every month led by your very own ODR team. Together we will explore forests and mountains, travel back in time to prehistoric Britain, and experience the wildlife and culture of this beautifulisland.
No better way to start your fitness New Years Resolution than starting the famous Cotswold Way! Join us as we take on the first leg of this 100 mile trail and finish the rest on your own throughout the year.

Includes: Transportation Only
Adult £68 | Child £64
Includes: Transportation Only
Check with ODR for prices.
Wednesday • Dec 21
Every winter, the beaches of Norfolk host some of the largest seal colonies in the world! During this time, hundreds of pups are born and thousands of seals can be seen sunbathing along the miles of beach front. It’s just a short drive away so we can drive you there and back in a day.
Level: LOW
Includes: Transportation and one-night stay near Croagh Patrick in Galway
Includes: Transportation, admission and guided tour. We kick off our Autumn/Winter HotM Series with a beautiful walk through the gorgeous Batsford Arboretum. Come join us for a hike through history and the cornucopia of colorful leaves across acres of one of the most important plant collections in the world.
Friday • Mar 17 - Saturday • Mar 18
The unmistakable structure of Stonehenge was built by the druids of ancient Britain to align with several astronomical occurrences, chiefly, the solstice. Come hike the hills of Salisbury on this special day and witness the sunrise over one of Britain's most famous monuments.
Hike of the Month
DayTrips ° 52North
Saturday • Oct 1
Wine and biking! How could it get any better? What if I told you the bikes basically pedal themselves? Enjoy an easy ride through the beautiful villages of Kent with an award-winning vineyard tour to follow.

Includes: Transportation, 2 hr horseback trek, equipment, and afternoon tea and champagne. There is no better way to experience the northern countryside than on horseback! Celebrate International Womens’ Day with a special ladie's outing full of trekking, vistas, tea, and champagne.

Includes: Transportation, archery, ax-throwing, and cross-bowling experience.
Jump, dive, and climb in the famous Bear Grylls activity center with a day full of action packed events! All these activities take place inside, away from the cold winter weather.

with ODR *see p. 49 for details Ask for availability 52
Saturdays • Nov 5 & Jan 28 £98
Experience the Grand Prix Heats at the venue of the United Kingdom’s fastest indoor GoKarting track. Put your skills to the test against competitors or yourself, a practice session to get a feel for the track before you go all out on the 5 competitive heats for the top 8 drivers to then compete in the grand finale! Buckle up, as you will be competing for the top 3 PRIZEpositions.WINNING
This Veterans' Day, train like the medieval warriors of old! Learn to notch and fire a bow, throw an ax, and fire a crossbow in the southern county of Hampshire. Each activity lasts approximately one hour so you will have plenty of time to see who among your friends and family is the greatest medieval warrior.

° North Outdoor Recreation54 OUtdoor Recreation 55

*note: 18+ event
Saturdays • Dec 17 & Feb 4
All Exertion£83
Includes: Transportation, eBike hire and helmet, 1.5 hour brewery tour
Saturday • March 25
Includes: Transportation and a 1.5-2.5 hour Grand Prix experience
level: HIGH

Friday • Nov 11 (Veterans Day)
Saturday • Mar 11
Exertion Level: MODERATE
Includes: Transportation, food and drinks, & three activities in the Bear Grylls Activity center.
Saturdays • Dec 10, & Mar 18
Saturday • Oct 29 £80 (per couple)
Includes: Transportation, private fishing boat charter, full day of guided fishing, all equipment, fish cleaning and prep, and warm Venturebeverages.out

Let’s get muddy this winter! Spend a day out with your friends on 400 acres of beautiful English woodlands and dirt fields. Go fast, get muddy, and then clean up and dry off with a hot drink afterwards!
SeasonalDay Trips

Saturday • Oct 8
Exertion Level: LOW
Exertion Level: LOW
Saturdays • Nov 12 & Feb 18

Includes: Transportation & guided stargazing tour, and warm beverages. Head north to one of the best stargazing locations in the world. Every October, Yorkshire Dales National Parks hosts one of the greatest gatherings of stargazing enthusiasts, and we have your tickets to a special stargazing guidedtour.
to learn to SCUBA dive? Why not learn in a warm indoor pool during the winter and be open water ready by the Spring? Take a Try Dive at a local facility and see if it is for you!

Includes: Transportation & half day of open field Quad Biking.
Includes: Transportation & tickets to the National Heritage Trust Battle Abbey. All little monsters and ghouls are welcome to haunt the trails of the Battle Abbey, site of the famous battle of Hastings by William the Conqueror. Solve riddles, hear spooky ghost stories, and get outside before the cold weather creeps in the coming months. All ages are welcome, from witches and wizards in training to 1000 year old zombies and vampires

Includes: Transportation, SCUBA equipment, & 1.5 hour introduction
Special Events

Sunday • Oct 30 £59
52 ° 52North ° North Outdoor Recreation56 OUtdoor Recreation 57
Includes: Transportation and admission to 4 walk-through scare experiences. This trail takes you through four of the scariest trails in England and is not for the faint of heart! Check-into (but never check-out of) the Mayhem Manor Hotel, escape the Crypts, run for your life around the Circus of Terror, and feel your heart race down Route 666 in an unfortgettable event…. If you survive…
Level: LOW
Exertion Level: LOW
Saturday • Oct 15 £62
into the tranquil North Sea and enjoy some of the best fishing in the world. Early October features the best blend of warm and cold water fishing, right here off the coast of Great Britain. Cast out your line for cod, skate, and bass and keep whatever you catch. While on this private outing, enjoy a warm drink and relax in a very special Outdoor Recreation tour you won't see again until next Autumn.
52North ° North Outdoor Recreation58 OUtdoor Recreation 59
Includes: Transportation, equipment, and a full day Dog Sledding experience.
$13 at the door
Jumpactivities.into winter break with an afternoon of all your favorite inflatable activities! Bounce castles, slides, zorb balls, sumo suits, and obstacle courses all available for your friends and family to enjoy.

Exertion Level: MODERATE
The North York Moors and Yorkshire Dales Dark Skies festival offers the best stargazing on the island. As a designated “Dark Skies” area, Yorkshire’s Dark Skies Festival will be an absolutely adventurous and romantic date you and your significant other will never forget! °

Exertion level: LOW
Includes: Equipment and 30 minute laser tag
$12 presale $14 at the door
Saturday • Feb 11 £220 (per couple)
Wednesday • Mar 29
Includes: Transportation, guided stargazing tour, and warm beverages.
Welcomesession.the season with a dynamic afternoon of evening of laser tag! Get out of the cold weather and battle with your friends, with our state-of-the-art laser guns and vests!

Check with ODR for prices.
Break!SpringHalloweenThemed! Break!Spring 52
Friday • Oct 28
Thursday • Dec 22
Venture into the wilderness with a team of four-legged companions. Learn about one of the most creative and efficient ways of traveling through the harsh terrain with a full day of dog sledding.

Exertion Level: LOW
Monday • Mar 27
Includes: 2-hour session of our inflatable
$10 presale
ODR Parties
Sundays • Dec 4 & Jan 22
Exertion level: LOW
Join us throughout the autumn and winter seasons as we showcase the latest and greatest of Outdoor Recreation's rental items! From bounce castles, to indoor bubble soccer, to sumo suits, to laser tag, our parties provide all the equipment and inspiration for your own events.

Friday • Jan 13 - Monday • Jan 15 (Martin Luther King Jr)
Friday • Nov 25 - Saturday • Nov 26 (Thanksgiving Day)
Includes: Coach transportation, 1 night bed & breakfast accommodation, and a guided
Exertion level: MODERATE
52North ° North Outdoor Recreation60 OUtdoor Recreation 61
Explorehike.thehistoric prehistoric coastline that boasts some of the best beachfront hikes in all of England. Walk along the beach, collect fossils, and learn about this amazing location.


Saturday • Oct 8 - Monday • Oct 10 (Columbus Day)
Includes: Coach transportation, 3 nights bed & breakfast accommodation, equipment rental, lift passes, and a weekend of
Exertion Level: HIGH
need to travel far to enjoy some of the best skiing Europe has to offer. Scotland has both beauty and adventure waiting for you and ODR is here to make your ski weekend unforgettable. °

Overnight Excursions
Exertion level: HIGH
Think surfing season is over? Not in England! In fact, October brings some of the best surf to the island, and Cornwall is the perfect place to catch it. Spend the day surfing and traversing the coast through a series of guided lessons and relax in the city of Newquay in the evening.


Check with ODR for Prices.
Check with ODR for prices.
Check with ODR for prices.
Includes: Coach transportation, 2 nights bed & breakfast accommodation, and 1.5 days of surfing and coasteering activities.
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DSN: www.lakenheathfss.com/outdoor-recreationCommercial:226-297901638522979www.ittlakenheath.comBuilding1109DSN:226-2146Commercial:01638522146www.lakenheathfss.com