september 2022 |

Photo by: Renee Marler
OURGUNTER september 2022 | Gunter GIFT Save the Date Gunter GunterFridayandGunterGunterLocalCityGunterTouch-A-TruckVolleyballInformationParksFoundationofGunterInformationWriter,RennyGehmanBackToSchoolPhotosISD,HOCO,PepRallyThemeDayInformationNightLightsRecapPublicLibrary14-1510-1145678912 Gunter Parks Foundation • Touch-A-Truck Event6
Published By

Renee Renee@4cMediaGroup.comMarler James@4cMediaGroup.comMarler Marler ISD
Contributing Art & Photography 4CMEDIAGROUP
to Advertising Information Contact us at 214.592.7512 or email us at All material published by 4CMEDIAGROUP, LLC © 2017 (either in the magazine and/or the website), including advertisements, editorials, articles and all other content is subject to our terms and conditions. All material published by 4CMEDIAGROUP, LLC (either in the magazine and/or the website), including advertisements, editorials, articles and all other content is published in good faith. However 4CMEDIAGROUP, LLC accepts no liability for any errors or omissions. 4CMEDIAGROUP, LLC does not accept responsibility for the accuracy of claims made by advertisers. Distribution area may vary at the discretion of 4CMEDIAGROUP, LLC. No part of the magazine or this website may be reproduced without the prior written consent of 4CMEDIAGROUP, LLC. OurGunter 306 W. Main Street, Gunter TX 75058 214.592.7512 | A 4CMEDIAGROUP, LLC Publication Visit our website at If you are interested in freelance writ ing or photography for OurGunter, we would encourage you to reach out to us! We are open to contributions from students, teachers, parents and community members!
Please send editorial considerations
september 2022
Contributing Writers Renee
Renee Marler Camden Caldwell-Marler Bracewell
4CMEDIAGROUP, LLC Editorial & Design

| Gunter
Production Jimmy
| Laci
Editorial Submissions
2022 Gunter Tiger Football

Charcoal, Pellets, Rubs, Seasonings, Grills and Construction

september 2022 | 5

6 september 2022 |

The Master Plan has two phases: Phase I includes an event pavilion, multiple sport court, walking trails, disc golf practice baskets, picnic tables, bleachers, shelter, improved parking and landscaping. Phase II includes three new multi-use fields, batting cages, additional bleachers and horseshoe pits.
Please visit and "Like" the Gunter Parks Foundation Facebook page at: to become a Friend of the Park or for more information on donating or sponsoring a component such as picnic tables, disc golf baskets, covered shelter or wildflowers.

The Gunter Parks and Recreation Board, works in conjunction with GPF and assists our city council in making decisions concerning parkland, both present and fu ture. The board also helps develop recreational opportunities in the city. They have recently developed a Master Plan (attached) for our existing park.

You Can Help Build the Future of Gunter Parks!

Chief Gibson, Lt. Jones, and Chaplain Jonas represent the Gunter Police Department at the 9/11 remembrance ceremony on the steps of the Grayson County WeCourthouse.willnever forget!

The GPF has begun fundraising for Phase I with portions of the plan being imple mented as funds become available. You can help us implement the components of the Master Plan by becoming a Friend of the Park Member , sponsoring a com ponent of the plan, and/or becoming a Gold, Silver or Bronze Sponsor.
Gunter Parks Foundation

The GPF selected a city playground as it's first endeavor. The board raised $215,000 ad coordinated and organized a community-wide volunteer effort to build the playground. A group of 75 volunteers from our community came together in an impressive fashion to build the existing playground in five days..

The Gunter Parks Foundation (GPF) is a 501 (c)3 non-profit corporatoin committed to preserving, enhancing and promoting our city park. Its purpose is to acquire financial resources though contributions to make park improvements that provide the community an opportunity to play, gather, celebrate and learn.
september 2022 | 7
GPF Board Members
Nancy Nevil, President Linda McConnell, Treasurer Denise Piaschyk, Secretary Casey Gann Rosa Hubert
Jessica Burkholder
For more information on Chicken Soup for the Soul, please visit their facebook page at
8 september 2022 |
Gehman has had articles published in Chicken Soup for the Soul: Age is Just a Number, Chicken Soup for the Soul: Too Funny, Bird Watcher’s Digest, Today’s Christian Woman, and The North Texas Review as well as Guideposts’ “Angels on Earth”. She currently posts regularly on her Facebook page,
Renny (prounounced like Penny with an r) Gehman graduated magna cum laude from the University of North Texas in Creative Writing Non-Fiction at the age of 67. As a matter of fact, her first published Chicken Soup for the Soul story is about just that. "College at 62?" is a witty tale written by Gehman about her experiences attending University published in the Chicken Soup for the Soul: Age is Just a Number book in 2020.
The most recent book, Chicken Soup for the Soul: Miracles and the Unexplainable will be released September 13, 2022. Gehman's story is a fascinating and inspiring true account titled "God's Dollar Bill" reliving one of God's miracles in her life. You can order the book here: .

Since 1993, Chicken Soup for the Soul sharing stories with the intent on making the world a better place.
According to their website, Chicken Soup for the Soul recieves thousands of submissions for their books every year. Through those submissions, the publisher and Editor-in-Chief Amy Newmark and her team put out about a dozen books each year, bringing the total collection to around 250 to date.
Within those thousands of submissions, one local writer has made a name for herself, with her stories being published in three Chicken Soup for the Soul publications.
Gunter Writer Serves Up Third Helping of Chicken Soup for the Soul in New Publication
Originally from New York City, she now lives right here in Gunter, Texas, with her husband of 50+ years. She has two married daughters and six grandchildren. In addition to writing, Gehman enjoys birdwatching, gardening, biblical studies, volunteering and works as an Office Manager for a local landscaping company.
Gunter, TX Back To School

• 2022
purchase your tickets in advance! Tickets
10 september 2022 | September 30th, 6-8pm $18 for Adults & Students 10+ $10 for Kids 2-10 years old (Children under 2 attend for free)
Using a single, statewide reporting system ensures that tips from different parts of the community are all integrated in order to link critical data. The iWatchTexas initiative is part of the DPS Intelligence and Counterterrorism Division (ICT), which serves as the central clearinghouse for the collection, management, analysis and dissemination of law enforcement and homeland security intelligence in Texas.

Disney characters. We hope to see you there!
"Tickets are limited! Be sure to at the will $20 $15 for
kids." Purchase tickets online:,faculty,andschools

requires everyone’s support. iWatch Texas encourages students, administrators, parents, and concerned individuals to report anything that may trouble you: no concern is too small. By alerting the prop er authorities to incidents that concern you, we can take steps toward preventing rather than reacting to school violence.
For more information, download the brochure here:
for adults and
Depending on the nature of the report, referrals will be made to appropriate author ities which could include school officials, district officials and local law enforcement.
an Italian buffet style meal with a coffee/dessert bar at intermission along with photo ops with
Come and enjoy favorite

The GHS Homecoming Dance will follow the football game on Friday night from 10 PM - Midnight. Tickets will be available soon. The dress is casual. will have days.

Thursday, October 13th - "Country vs Country Club" - Part ner up and be Opposites!

10th (School Holiday, dress how you like! Tuesday,lol...)
Pep Rallies on the following

1st 8:05-8:46 2nd 8:50 9:31 Pep Rally 9:31 10:06 3rd 10:10-11:00 4th 11:04 11:50 5th 11:54 1:15 HS/6th Grade A Lunch 11:54 12:24 HS/ 7th and 8th B Lunch 12:45 1:15 6th Period 1:19 2:05 7th Period 2:09 2:55 8th Period 2:59-3:45
september 2022 | 11
* More information will be available soon, but we wanted to let you "early birds" know the daily themes so that you can begin Monday,preparing!October
October 11th - "Home on the Range" - Wear your Wednesday,PJ's
Friday, October 14th - "Blue & White and Boots & Bling"Country Flare Spirit Wear!
October 12th - "Under the Light of the Neon Moon" - Wear your brightest NEON colors
"Saddle Up and Ride for the Tigers"


september 2022 | 13
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14 september 2022 | 9843668
Reanna Kiiru, Gunter High School Sophomore, joined the Gunter Library in 2021 as a student volunteer. We thank her for the generous gift that she has given us in working with the children of Gunter over the past two years. Reanna’s faithful volunteer service makes such a difference for the children that visit the library each week. The kids all look up to her and love all the time and energy she has put into helping them with their Summer Reading Program crafts and other special li brary events these past two years.
This summer Reanna also started training as a staff as sistant. In this volunteer role she staffs the library front desk to help members check in and out books, catalog and spine, shelve and pull books and add new book cov ers. Member families tell us that Reanna helps the kids be more confident and excited about trips to the Gunter Library. She makes it look easy and we’re so happy to have Reanna be a student member of our library team.
G ood Hands 5621
Gunter ISD and Gunter Athletics! David
Proudly ke eping Gunter in Te xoma Parkway TX 75090
Gunter HS Library Volunteer Spotlight

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Living in Gunter can be expensive, but I’m here to help you find ways to save. help you find the right amount of coverage specific to your needs to keep more of your hard-earned money your wallet. Give me a call today. to support Vogel The Vogel 903-892-0380Agency

Moyes paints an engrossing picture of life in rural America, and it's easy to root for the enterprising librari

24 110 S Hwy 289, Suite 4 | Gunter, TX 75058 | 903-771-3066 Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday 4 11 18 25 5 12 19 26 6 13 20 27 7 14 21 28 1 8 15 22 29 2 9 16 23 30 3 10 17 September 2022 Closedfor Labor Day weekend Board Meeting 7pm Storytime every Tueaday at 11am BookClub7pm 10amnoonWeekdaysHOURS-4pmSaturday-1pm KSaturdayidzKrafts11am G U N T E R L I B R A R Y S T O R Y T I M E S E P T E M B E R 2 0 2 2 ClubBookAdult
•ers.Charlie Arther • Layla Courtney • Rowan Crites • Ella’s O’Brien • Morgan CongratulationsRowe

such a great program this Sum mer and saw so many families at our June Kick-Off Party. We awarded 24 weekly SRP Activity Game prizes. Our Grand Prize winner of a 8” Amazon Fire Kids Tablet was Jack Arther as he read the most books during SRP this sum mer. Runner up prize bags and gifts were awarded to the other top 5 read
to every child that par ticipated this Summer. We had such fun seeing you at the Library and making fun ocean themed crafts with each of you. Keep Reading!!!

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