Celina FFA 2020-2021 OFFICERS Our 2020-21 president, senior Kayla Lawson, is serving her second year as an officer and has been in FFA for three years. Kayla is a member of the team showing the new 24-foot entry gate for the ag shop, participated on the Knowledge Quiz Team, and she also participates in CHS theater. Vice President, Hunter DeArkos, a junior, has been in FFA for 3 years. He also is excited about his projects in agriculture mechanics, and is especially proud of his family smoker that he will be exhibiting at county fair and open shows this year. Hunter is also active in his family’s ranch where he works with his cattle and wildlife in the area. Sophomore, VieVie Blanchard is the chapter secretary this year, and in her second year of FFA. She was on the Knowledge Quiz team this year, and is looking forward to participating in Horse Judging. VieVie is also active with the Texas High School Rodeo Association in barrel racing, and was the Texas Jr. High Rodeo Queen in 2019. Our treasurer this year is sophomore, Michael Kraemer, who also has been in FFA for two years. Another agriculture mechanics student, we are looking forward to having him on our Livestock Judging team as his family raises horses, donkeys, and cattle. Junior, Tanner Petway, holds the position of Reporter and this is his second year in FFA. He is most enthusiastic about his agriculture mechanics projects because this will be his first year entering in both the county fair and open shows. When he’s not in the ag shop, Tanner is at home restoring his 1984 GMC pickup. Greyson Blanchard rounds out the 2020-21 officer team as the sentinel. Greyson is a junior and a serious varsity athlete at CHS participating in football, track and powerlifting. He also was a member of our Knowledge Quiz team and we look forward to having him on other teams in the coming spring. While covid restrictions have depleted chapter enrollment and activities (as many students are entirely virtual) both advisors, Mr. Schares and Ms. Riback, are impressed by students stepping up and participating virtually in LDEs and look forward to even more member participation in CDEs as well as county fair, San Antonio, Houston, and other spring FFA contests. For more information about Celina FFA, please contact the advisors at Celina High School.
OurCelina.com | January 2021