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Ting ying,Chen

: about

Ting ying, Chen 2014 Tamkang University Architectural Department

At first glance, the buildings or spaces surrounding our daily life seems to be not moving.But what the interesting thing is the architecture looks like the transformer to change lots of ways to use when people or animals inside to create the history.I think the most attractive of the architecture is diversification by the time passed away and by people used. Architecture is not the architecture for me, it’s more like a toy for me.I can create it and reform it, just like to put a new dress on it.Everyone has a different view of a space, perhaps rational or emotional.And I expect to use my unique perspective on the architecture and let him wear a unique dress.

: proj ect

Notation lab 6-37 Automonument 38-55 Co-op housing market hall 56-63 Backpack inn 64-71 Housing ukiyo-e 72-79


EA 4

No ta t i o n la b

a utumn Pro fess o r : Hi dek i Hi ra ha ra


Harmony of Conf liction

-urban -transform -timeliness

In the last summer vacation,I traveled in Hong Kong.Only two word in my mind may describe the experience in Hong Kong,one is "modern" and the other one is "crowded".It's a really different elevation in the modern area.When I stood on the corridor of the new building,I found the elevation and pressed the shuttle.The feeling was really complicated in my mind at the moment.It's really harmony but it's not high quality in the real life. \Hong Kong


h a r m o ny of conf l i cti o n িಥత࿨ᨢ


F o r ea c h pro gra m s, th ere i s a sy stem behind of the installation. There are six equipment combined to be a installation.After a period of time,only one equipment will be rotated to change the pro gra m . Al s o t h e pe o p l e i n t h e s ur r oundi ng ar ea wi ll be di ffer ent.

SUMMER CAMP This is the special program for children when th ey h a v e t h e s u m m e r v a c a t i o n . I t ' s w i l l be t h e joyful playground,inclusive of the swimming pool,the tree house.Hope every children have a w o n d er f u l m e m o ry h e re .


7/1 AM

BAR This is the program for adults.They could co m e to th e b a r t o re l a x a f t e r t h e y w o rk h a rd a l l d a y. I t o n l y o p e n a t n i g h t , s o t h e r e i s n o activity in the daytime.Let's have fun to our h ea r t' s co n te n t !

8/31 PM







Programs There are fifteen different programs for the site in a year.As the times goes,the program will be changed,either.The interesting things is the time for people to use and the activity in the surrounding area are changed by the programs.The feeling of the site will change certainly. 12

child playground

mobile library

summer camp

public kitchen

1/10 AM

4/7 AM

7/1 AM

11/17 AM

food exhibition

swimming pool



2/12 AM

4/30 AM

8/31 PM

12/5 AM

basketball stadium



pets gym

2/26 AM

5/27 AM

9/23 PM

12/25 PM

artist residency

3/15 PM



movie theater


child playground


AM 13

Small but Complete

-system -efficient -timeliness

Cheng Du,a inland city in China,is a city with long history in the wold. Certainly,there are a lot of ancient buildings remained there.In this area,all of the building were built for each family with five people lived,but they looked enjoyful their life.Even each house is not so big,but they could do everything there and also all the appliances are complete.I had a deep impression on Cheng Du. \Cheng Du,China

How to make the space more efficient "Small But Complete" in this design is not like the big transformer in a space.It can change it's function for people to use.The key point is to make the space more and more flexible to achieve the demand of different period of time.Also the important thing in this design is about the way of our life in the future of a city.Unfortunately,in the big city of every countries have the common problem is that the space could not enough for the population of the city.Maybe the regeneration of a city is a new trend in our world.

System of the design On the site,people could put each module by their own mind.If the module is too old to use,people also could buy the new one to change.Even they don't live on the ground, they also could design their house to be a wonderful B&B to rent to the traveler.


s m a l l bu t com pl ete ຑ ੃ ᦒ খ ɼ‫ ޒ‬ᢒ 㖣 શ


bedroom 3m×2m There are three different functions of windows for the bedroom. One of the window can be rotated when people lied on the bed to be easy to take something from the outside .

study room 2m×2m A small window in the study room. People may concentrate on reading there,so it may combine with the bedrooms or the garden.

kitchen 2m×2m There is a window on the corner.People could have a chat with other peaple by the window,so it may combine with the livingroom or the garden.

bedroom 4m×1.5m There are two windows which are as the doors on the both sides of the bedroom.It may be beside the livingroom or the garden.Specially,if it is arranged to be beside the other bedroom,it would be a big room.


Every different spaces in our house will be a module separatly in our life.People may do the arrangement by their own mind to make the site more and more efficient.

living room 2m×2m There are a floor to ceiling window and the other window for the living room.Only a television and two chairs in the space.It may combine with the kitchen ,the bedroom or the garden.

garden 1.5m×1m The small garden may offer the other way of the gap on the site.People can also drink coffee or do some activity there.

bathroom 2m×1m Only the bathroom can not be moved in all of the module because of the pipeline of the building. But all of the equipments,inclusive of bathtub,wash basin and toilet are already there.


Void between the modules Each module could be arranged together or there is a void between the two modules.They are different experience for the spaces.Also the opening of each space may decidethe arrangement of each module.


brothers and sisters 1959

classmate 1966

white-collar worker 1974

living room


study room





artist 1979

nuclear family 1987

dink 1982

elderly couple 2002

rental apartment 2012



-urban -experience -human scale





Each city has their unique style.Specially,only in Tokyo,when you walk on the street,each moment the experiences of views you feel are totally different because of the topography of Tokyo and the different styles of the buildings in Tokyo.The feeling of Tokyo is no one can substitute.It looks really chaotic and diverse,but it also has some reason behind of the status. \Tokyo,Japan

The street of the city in Japan No matter which cities is,all of them,inclusive of Hakodate,Yokohama,Kyoto,or Fukuoya,has the similar style of building on the street.Even if the road is complicated,the views are similar. In Tokyo,both the road and the style of building are diverse,so when you go down the street,you will found the interesting thing at every moment.


chaotic ࠞစ


What is behind "Chaotic" In tokyo,the houses will be replaced for every twenty years.Because of the population is too many to buy the land in Tokyo,every site will be segmented to many parts for different people to build their ideal and unique house.The other thing is that all of the streets come from the main roads.Finally, these two points may be the system behind "Chaotic".


Stand on the ramp and the space is pretty private. Anyone could see the people in that space when the people stand there,instead of sitting on the ramp.

Stand on the second platform and the space only has the low wall on the two side.The view is broad and people will feel like staying outside.

When people change different postures in the small box,they will experience different feelings and the view they see also change.


Put a city in a building How the feeling when you take a walk in a building just like a whole city is.I put the two different type of models together,one is as the ground,the other one is as the ceiling,so the experiences which people feel will change by the different postures.




-urban -light -experience

On the old street,there are special buildings for business and housing from 1850s. The first part was a space for people to manage business and the rest of two part were spaces for people to live.When you go down vertical to St. Di Hua,you will find some pretty exciting space.Some spaces are blcked by the walls and some spaces are full of sunshine.It's impressive for me to go through the corridor. \Taipei,Taiwan


penetration ἥಁ


Penetration In the design,I think there are three important keys to develop the corridor.One is the distance between the two walls,the other one is the opening on the wall,another one is the sunshine spilled into the space.I designed the models by the three rules to be the four different theme of penetration. 28


p en et ra t io n o f in def in it e It's the enter for the path.The feeling make people pace up and down to think of the way where to go.

p en et ra t io n o f s ilen t There are many small and private spaces to let people to meditation.It might be a silent atmosphere.

p en et ra t io n o f co m p lica t io n When you stand on the ground to looking up inside of the box,you can't distinguish the places.

p en et ra t io n o f brea t h e After feeling a series of dizzy spaces,there is a wide space for people to take a rest.

p en et ra t io n o f ex t en s io n It's a space let people be easy to get together,or have a break. Also the view is extending here.

p en et ra t io n o f lively Because of the material of the wall,there are more variability in this part for people to play.

p en et ra t io n o f p u blic It's just like a transition between the two parts.Different kinds of people are easy to meet here.

p en et ra t io n o f co n n ect io n The space is closed to the outside area.People may changed their mood here.


en tr a




penetration of indefinite


penetration of darkness



penetration of opening


PENTRATION OF BOX penetration of silent penetration of complication OPJTZaDPODFOUSBUJPO entrance

penetration of breathe TJNQMFaDMPTFE

penetration of extension


penetration of lively






penetration of public



The city hostel





r nt


penetration of connection


For this project the progrm is a hostel in a city.Anyone can enter the corridor ramdomly.Every parts of the guestrooms enclosure the penetration path.People also can enter the corridor from the enter of the guestrooms.There are four different program for each modellobby,space for meditation,playground and bar and four theme for the path,platform,box,material and angle. People may have diversed experience when they go through the corridor.Let's have fun in the city hostel!



-public -reform -living room

Guang Zhou,the third largest city in China.This is a residential area in Guang Zhou,which places reflected out the life of residents there.Because of the form of the housing,some spaces they need is added on the public spaces,inclusive of the streets.Their private space dissolved to the public space gragually.The more interesting thing is they also used the original material which used on the housing to create the new space. \Guang Zhou,China

Hope people in every age can get together in the "Big Living Room".St. Chih Feng is the earlier development area in Taipei.Maybe the oringinal industries such as car parts shops and metal shops and the new industries like clothes shops and hair salon may dissolve some special activities here for everyone to enjoy.


di s s ol v ed ༹ղ



Site\St. Chih Feng St.Chih Feng is enclosured by the two parks,which are Jian Cheng park and Chung Shan linear park.The residents who live there did not use the empty space on the St. Chih Feng efficienly,so I want to create a "BIG LIVINGROOM" there for everyone to enjoy the space.


Big Living Room The height of every spaces are different for people to do activities,such as reading,playing,chatting or having a date. All of the platforms are dicided by the balconies of the housing on the site to dissoved the spaces from the way of life in St. Chih Feng.It will be a space for residents or travelers to communicate with each other.


dissolved for nap

dissolved for plant

dissolved for date

dissolved for read

dissolved for chat

dissolved for meditation

dissolved for exercise



EA 4

Auto m o n um en t

s p r i ng Pro fess o r : Yi ng Cha ng, Yu


Instantaneous Flow

-flow -speed -sport stadium

Everything in the daily life is moving to change its original appearance. Whether it is the operation of the planet in the universe or the operation of a railway train or the energy transfer of tiny particles, different states are produced at different times. In the design, the concept of the development will be described by the railway transportation system, from the external aesthetics to the moving speed to the interaction between the human and the railway to the interconnection of sounds to describe the speed perception.

Art Theory -Steampunk metal,repeatability,layers -Move and Speed linear,directionality,afterimage -Resonance of Wave Doppler effect,echo,experience



Steampunk The rise of the railway originated from the industrial revolution, and therefore the aesthetics of the railway was closely related to the steam punk. During this period, because the technology of the factory was getting more and more advanced, the rapid mass reproduction of many components and the repeated arrangement of spaces formed the aesthetic view at that time. I used many different repeating elements and components to express the image of the vapor punk, and also portrayed the linear direction at that time.



Move and Speed Everything has its own frequency and speed, which produces a speed difference in different situations,and thus produces a visual afterimage. I use a lot of different thickness lines to express the speed difference, and also use different plates to create the spatiality of speed.



Resonance of Wave Under the different speed, we can feel different sound reverberations, just like the Doppler effect. The farther we are from the vocalization point, the lower frequency we feel, when we leave the vocalization point,the higher frequency we feel, which translates into a visual representation, which is suddenly and near, suddenly and small, and is depicted in the ear and in front of the eyes.



To r re n t

Sp o rt Stadium Hsin Zhuang


tennis walking


riding bike




sport stadium





combination In the design, I chose to use the "Move and Speed" and "Resonance of Wave" as the basis of the automonument,and then the steam punk as the structural support of the whole building.


It can be seen in different sections that the space of each other shuttles, and the interior and the exterior alternate.



table tennis


swimming pool

_2.0 m

+0.0 m

ground floor plan

rock climbing



volley ball



play ground

second floor plan

third floor plan cafe'


running track


The internal and externalities of the space are created by the intertwining between the plates and the plates, and the sounds of the near and far are visually displayed in the windows with different angles. The steel structure is used to hang the wall above the window, and the lines of the skylight system are used to create a sense of line.



Different types of sports have different senses of speed, and the sports center will combine various sports spaces to show the power and beauty. I will use the concept of instantaneous flow to design a sports center, and include the surrounding residents in the sports center, so that different senses of speed are included in the same space.




EA 3

Co -o p h o us i n g m a rket h a ll

a utumn Pro fess o r : B i ng Yi , L i u


Co-op Housing Market Hall

-shared -feedback -temporary

The flower that blooms only one night does not detract from his beauty. In the same way, I don’t understand why a piece of art or human intelligence can make its beauty and extremes detract from its value because of its time constraints. Sigmund Freud



A permanent home?



Home is a private area. Slowly entering from the street. No obvious boundaries.

volunteer one-parent family

senior citizen

small family 60





Each unit has a channel to connect to the public space, creating a chance to live together. Each public space is connected to form a loop.



With the combination of different units, different usage spaces occur in various corners.Sharing food, sharing entertainment, sharing books, and sharing transportation. A new lifestyle is formed in the city, and residents who move away from the co-op housing market hall also give back to the community to form a big family. In this design, the combination of different units makes the residents in the community more and more close to each other, while on the facade, the steel waves are used to wrap all the units to create the image of the big family.



EA 3

B a ck pa ck In n

s p r i ng Pro fess o r : Mi ng Hui , C hen


Backpack Inn\ tamsui day trip

-sight -backpack -impression

Tamsui day trip\ What is it that lets visitors from Tamsui linger on? Shuttle through the path of fresh water, when Guanyin Mountain is visible, it is not seen.And the impression of Tamsui may be this.


ground floor plan 67

About the site In the design, I planned a day trip about Tamsui history. Tamsui is a small mountain city. The building is also built on the mountain. Walking on the path, you can sometimes see the Guanyin Mountain clearly. Sometimes you can see it faintly. H, but sometimes you can't see him at all. Therefore, I made a visual threshold analysis between this path and the site as a benchmark for design.


second floor plan 69

Backpack Inn When we walk in the space of the backpacker's inn, we can also see Guanyin Mountain from time to time and not see Guanyin Mountain. From the analysis of the site, we see the place seen on the path as a public space, bringing people into the public space, whether it is residents or tourists can come here to play together. The artist's resident project has also been set up in the public space, making the backpacker's inn more vibrant.




EA 2

Ho u s e U k i yo -e

a utumn Pro fess o r : D eng Gui , Ya ng


House Ukiyo-e

-ukiyo-e -ambiguous -circulation

about the family When he was young, his grandparents went to Japan to study traditional techniques of ukiyo-e, and then lived in Japan, giving birth to a man and a woman. After returning to Taiwan after retirement, due to the habit of living in Japan, the layout of his private home space also follows the traditional Japanese residence. The father was born in Japan. He lived in Japan from a young age and studied the ukiyo-e carvings. After he became a teacher, he returned to Taiwan and gave birth to a woman. His wife sent a job to New Zealand.



Qidong Street is located in the downtown area of Taipei, but the most wonderful thing to walk on Qidong Street is that you don't feel that you are in Taipei, enjoying the quiet and comfortable life. Historically, Qidong Street is an undismantled area, retaining many Japanese-style dormitories, so it is interesting to note that the building's height is different from the nearby area, and the atmosphere of the city is exuded from this central store. There are many architectural elements in Qidong Street,ex ample,fences,walls,windows, which have different penetration conditions on the line of sight.


spatial circulation

view circulated

front window

side window

side window plaza



west elevation

urban circulation

view sheld

section 77

House and Studio In the design, I separated the home and the studio, but the visitors can still see the creator's creation process, and the interior floor also uses a little height difference as part of the furniture, and the home is planned in the form of a traditional Japanese house, and each space is based on the size of the tatami. And the two buildings also use a lot of plant landscaping and walls to faintly separate the boundaries between the home and the work.


north elevation

ground floor plan

section 79



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