TAKING THE GUESSWORK OUT OF BEING HEALTHY The Natural Health & Lifestyle Journal April 2013 Issue 3
Mother Nature’s Magazine Flavour Enhancers and Your Food What Should You Know? When Eating is Unhealthy Paulette Millis Men and Wellness The Gender Gap Where Are the Dead Bodies? Spring into Cycles With Food Diabetic Disaster for Canadians
Cover Photo Courtesy of Rhonda Young-Pilon PHOTOGRAPHY
Mother Nature’s Recipes
Preventing Postpartum Depression
Winnipeg & Fluoride
Seasonal Foods
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Mother Nature's Magazine
Table of Contents When Eating is Unhealthy
Feeding Your Hungry Brain
Diabetic Disaster for Canadians
Soy – Did You Know?
Butter and Coconut Oil are Better
Seeds & What You Need to Know
Our Doc Talks! Where Are the Dead Bodies???
Preventing Postpartum Depression
Flavour Enhancers - Essential Information
Winnipeg Weighs In on Fluoride in Their Water! 19 Men and Wellness - The Gender Gap
The Raw Milk Challenge Heats Up!
Spring into Cycles With Food
Sea Buckthorn - Mother Nature’s Herb Store in a Berry! Mother Nature’s Recipes
Calcium and Magnesium. How much are you absorbing from your supplement? 34 Diabetes - What are the Symptoms?
Stressed Out? Now You Can Do Something About It!
Introducing Mother Nature’s Magazine
Feature Green Business - The Carbon Farmers. 37 All About Tea
Mother Nature’s Perfect Cup of Tea
Mother Nature’s Greener Home Hints 46
Special Thanks to Rhonda Young-Pilon Photography for contributing our Cover Photograph “Sweet Siblings”. If you’re interested in seeing more of Rhonda’s work she can be reached by email at: daizyrhonda@gmail.com and by telephone at: 306-596-5487
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Page 4
Mother Natures Magazine ‐ Who Are We? Mother Nature's Magazine informs our readers on matters of health and nutrition as well as alternative medicine and to provide commentary, news and exchange of ideas on all aspects of health. Mother Nature's Magazine hopes to encourage individuals to investigate all methods of healing and to be aware of the hazards of chemicals, GMO's and other lifestyle issues in our foods and environment that may not be in the interest of good health. For optimum health there must be a mental, physical and spiritual balance. Mother Nature's Magazine is published by Health Press Publishing under the direction of Editor Dr. Heather Fox PhD DNM. Mother Nature's Magazine appreciates the contributions of local writers who also donate their efforts to support both the magazine and the general public who benefits from reading the articles. Our advertisers are also important to the magazine and while we reserve the right to refuse any advertising we actively welcome and encourage both writers and advertisers to contribute. Articles and advertisements in this publication are not intended as medical advice for serious health disorders which should be attended by your health care
Editor’s Message Although we aren’t seeing tulips yet, and the lilacs are nowhere near bursting forth in a riot of colour and spring perfume, spring is finally here. The flush of green that carpets the land is just around the corner. The April Issue of Mother Nature’s Magazine is bursting at the seams with information. Paulette Millis, Dr. Gifford Jones, Rose Stevens, Bertie Thickwood, Chris Schafer, Trevor Adams and Helen Hill all contribute Canadian content that will keep you up to date and informed. Paulette Millis talks about what happens when healthy eating is actually unhealthy in her article on Orthorexia. Well known syndicated columnist Dr. Gifford Jones ask Where are the Dead Bodies? His hard hitting critique of regulation of natural health remedies challenges the claims to protecting the public as more and more products disappear off the shelves of health food stores and become increasingly more difficult for the public to access. Similar concerns are expressed over the legal efforts to prohibit the sale of raw milk at the farm gate – again under the guise of protecting the public. While efforts to protect the public from
the alleged dangers of natural health products seem excessive, some Winnipeg citizens are determined to stop the addition of fluoride in drinking water and wonder why similar protections aren’t in place there. While our government assures us that our best interests are being safeguarded, the article on Flavour Enhancement sheds a light on frightening practices in the manipulation of our foods that the average Canadian is sure to be unaware of. This issue gives helpful information to women concerned with preventing postpartum depression naturally, and we look at men’s health in Canada and trends that mean men could do more to be attentive to their own health. One of those alarming trends is the epidemic rise in diabetes in Canada. While you settle into an enjoyable moment reading this issue be sure to read the article about the benefits of tea, complete with recipes. Browse through the Table of Contents and hopefully you will be so absorbed by what you learn you will read from cover to cover! May you enjoy the best of health,
Mother Nature's Magazine
When Eating is Unhealthy By Paulette Millis unadulterated foods, admittedly sometimes very difficult to find in our processed and fast food focused society. They may begin by cutting out pesticides, preservatives, then all processed foods, then all animal products by becoming vegan, and sometimes all cooked foods. In the process they may cut out whole food groups, such as fats, and/or proteins, macronutrients that build brain, muscle, and contribute to well-being. The more they restrict their diet, Paulette Millis the higher the possibility of nutriORTHOREXIA is the new term ent deficiencies, sometimes leadfor someone who eats too many ing to severe malnutrition, and the healthy foods! This behaviour pat- possibility of death. tern manifests with obsessive readIn my practice I have seen a ing of ingredient labels, huge number of clients who present with amounts of time spent thinking, this obsession to “eat right”: sourcing the perfect food, food healthy looking, well-adjusted 17 preparation, and avoiding eating out, possibly including family get year old twin girls, both of them having lost their menses due to togethers. lack of nutrients; a 50 year old The term Orthorexia was coined woman who has struggled with by Dr. Steven Bratman. “Orthos” weight loss, finally achieving her meaning correct or right, and goal of a 100 pound loss, and now “orexia” meaning appetite (loan fearful of all food; several clients words from Greek). Anorexia who have recovered from disease then means without appetite. Un- and now have lost their quality of like anorexia, orthorexics are not life due to the obsession to keep focused on weight loss, or mainanything they deem ‘unhealthy’ taining what they see as the perfect from their bodies. weight, but on feeling pure, What Causes Orthorexia? healthy, and natural. It is an obsessive fixation on healthy eating, a desire to keep their heart healthy, to do nothing that would lead to illness, and to keep their body systems all in perfect order. An orthorexics diet is very very difficult to maintain. They become obsessed with reading, research and shopping for pure, April 2013
There are several situations that may gradually seduce an individual: from negative media about food, trends in society, body image - particularly for teens, a recent illness, a recovery from illness. The anxiety component is very real. It can become an obsessive compulsive behaviour, and has a lot to do with control. While many areas of our lives may seem out of control, and lacking in choices and freedoms, food is an area we can be totally free to make choices about what we put in our bodies. Be Aware of Orthorexia Individuals may look healthy on the surface, as they are the ones in any social situation who are ‘eating their quota of fresh fruits and veggies.” They are often resistant to any suggestions about dietary changes as they believe THEY KNOW what a healthy diet is, and that THEIR DIET is healthy.
Look for worrying and stressing over food choices, phobia of food, constant reading of labels, social isolation, ritualistic behaviours, perfectionism and high expectations of self, weight loss, low selfesteem, signs of malnourishment, unbalanced emotions and fatigue. People are generally becoming more and more worried about what Watch for signs of anemia, bone is in their food. We are bombard- loss, or other negative test results that show up on physical checked with pressures to eat healthy. Many males, boys in particular, are ups. interested in body building, and Two questions I ask to determine having athletic prowess, leading balance are : (1) does your diet them to become obsessive with isolate your socially?, and (2) is food choices. your DAILY diet a balance of macronutrients – carbohydrates, proPage 6
once considered off limits – a milkshake, or real hot micronutrients – vitamins chocolate not made from a mix. I am far healthier now, as I have the ideal diet at home, and the best I can do when away from home, always with proteins, complex carbs, and fats, key to nutrient balance.
(Continued from page 6) teins and fats – and and minerals? Repairing Orthorexia
There is NOTHING wrong in wanting to eat healthy, only if it becomes an obsession. It is okay to be FIRM in your resolve to eat only healthy foods. It is okay to be MOTIVATED, at all times, to find the healthiest food you can. It is okay to be DISCIPLINED in your approach to your food choices. It is also HEALTHY to choose less than ideal foods when confronted with the choice between NO food, and a product that is not organic, unadulterated, and whole. My suggestion is to eat the best food you can find 90% of the time, and relax your food choices 10% of the time, to the degree necessary at the time. For myself, having recovered from several diseases, I allow myself food that is not organic when I am in a social situation, but I still choose ALL whole foods, such as potatoes over white rice, vegetable salads over pasta salads (always white flour), wild fish over farmed fish. As well, for special occasions, I will treat myself to something I
Find resources that educate and support about food and lifestyle that are not faddish, such as my latest book “Eat Away Illness”, available on-line at www.healingwithnutrition.ca. Find a Registered Holistic Nutrition Consultant or Naturopath in your area. Get help from a trusted counsellor about issues of control and freedom in your life. Relax, enjoy your food. You CAN be very healthy without eating PERFECTLY all of the time. Being healthy, finding and preparing good food can be fun! References: Wikipedia, Webster's Dictionary; Marie Savard, M.D. Yahoo News Canada.
Paulette Millis, Counsellor Registered Holistic Nutrition Consultant Author (306)244-8890 eatingforhealth@sasktel.net www.healingwithnutrition.ca blog: www.eatawayillnessbulletins@wordpress.com
Mother Nature's Magazine
Diabetic Disaster for Canadians By Dr. Heather Fox
In 1920, the first hormone ever discovered was Insulin roids used for the treatment of pain and inflammation, by Banting and Best. Insulin – considered an ‘usher’ to other nutrients, opens the door on a number of cells, including muscle, red blood cells, and fat cells. Insulin delivers glucose for metabolic energy to these cells. Once inside the cell, glucose is either used for immediately for energy or stored for future use in the form of glycogen in liver and muscle cells. However, glucose is not the only nutrient delivered to cells by insulin! Essential minerals, vitamins and proteins are also escorted into the cells by insulin and in fact, with an excess of glucose present in the blood these important nutrients may rank second in importance if insulin is overwhelmed by responding to the sugar! There are three types of diabetes. The first one – Type I may be hereditary although some research has found a connection between certain immunizations linked to it. In addition, a link has been suspected between groups of viruses and Type I diabetes and a new British study found strong evidence of a clear link. The body's own immune system can attack healthy beta cells in the pancreas in what would be considered an autoimmune condition.
some psychiatric drugs and others may be contributors. The consumption of alcohol can aggravate and inflame the pancreas and so can certain other medical conditions. Of particular concern is the consumption of aspartame by many people who believe it is a good choice in sweeteners for the diabetic. Aspartame is an excito/neurotoxin that was approved for human consumption despite an abundance of research establishing safety concerns linked to this potentially cancer causing substance. Research documenting the worsening of diabetic complications and high numbers of reports of adverse reactions due to aspartame consumption has been presented to health authorities. This includes the concerns that patients consuming aspartame “developed serious metabolic, neurologic and other complications that could be specifically attributed to using aspartame products. This was evidenced by the loss of diabetic control, the intensification of hypoglycemia, the occurrence of presumed 'insulin reactions' (including convulsions) that proved to be aspartame reactions, and the precipitation, aggravation or simulation of diabetic complications (especially impaired vision and neuropathy) while using these products ... Dramatic improvement of such features after avoiding aspartame, and the prompt predictable recurrence of these problems when the patient resumed aspartame products, knowingly or inadvertently."
Type II will be discussed further in this article but as mentioned above, there is no deficiency in the production of insulin as there is with Type I diabetes. In fact there is an excess production of insulin but very poor What Does Diabetes Cost Us? sensitivity to or uptake of insulin by the receptor cells. • 6th Leading Cause of Death in Canada • Kidney Disease Thirdly, there is Gestational diabetes. This is often • Amputations detected in pregnant women who are above their normal body weight before pregnancy and often these • Heart Disease women will have a family history of. The risk for • Obesity gestational diabetes increases for women over 25 years • Diabetic Neuropathy of age and may be more significant in certain racial or • Increased Infection ethnic groups. • Depression • High Blood Pressure Other special risk factors may contribute to the devel• High LDL cholesterol opment of diabetes. For instance, certain medications • Digestive Problems (Continued on page 9) including some high blood pressure medications, steApril 2013
Page 8
(Continued from page 8) In 2002 the Cost of Treatment was estimated at 13.2 – 16.9 billion annually (variance based on several population and treatment factor). In 2005 the 3 Western Provinces spent 1.5 billion for doctor services alone! The average cost in drugs is $5000 a year and drug costs are projected to rise by another 74% by 2016. The Canadian Diabetic Association is now calling for a “Catastrophic Drug Plan” expected to be announced by the federal government in June of 2007. According to the CDCM, the number of Canadians living with diabetes has grown to a projected 3.7 million people by 2020
ers such as magnesium, Vitamin C, essential amino acids (proteins), essential fatty acids and more. The starting point to supporting the process of insulin metabolism begins with the decision to not overwhelm the body with carbohydrate. Contrary to the position taken by many practitioners today, eating your pie and ice cream while you make use of drugs that act on insulin receptors may NOT be in the best interest of your health!
The most important first steps to management are to bring insulin levels down to a normal range, stop the pattern of insulin spiking, and increase the ability of Diabetics and others with Insulin Resistance have insulin to deliver nutrients to cells. higher LDL cholesterol and Triglyceride levels. High levels of Insulin trigger excessive production of LDL Once diet has been brought under control with a rather cholesterol. Increasingly, people are taking statin strict approach to limiting carbohydrate intake and drugs to ‘treat’ high cholesterol without ever consider- assuring carbohydrates are complex, high in fibre such ing the insulin connection. Trans fatty acid molecules as what we see in leafy green vegetables and some are especially fond of hormones and the molecules berries, supplemental support can be extremely benefibond with insulin in particular. Insulin then looses its cial and in fact therapeutic. ability to act efficiently as the key to open cell receptors to usher in glucose and other nutrients. Chromium and Vanadium Chromium and vanadium are both essential trace minThis means insulin stays circulating in the blood even erals. Both work with insulin, to metabolize carbohywhen it’s no longer needed to metabolize glucose (and drates, fats and proteins. Chromium is needed for any trans fatty acids attached on a molecular level to proper insulin function. the insulin). If cells are unable to properly gauge the Zinc insulin that is already present, insulin will continue to Zinc is also necessary for the normal production of be produced even when there is still an abundant level insulin. Be sure there is a minimum of 300 mcg. of present. The long-term effect is a metabolic drive to copper added to your zinc supplement to assure a overeat (often carbohydrate) and an to generate growth proper balance. hormone (which is only released in the absence of Magnesium insulin). Without growth hormone, less muscle is cre- People with diabetes are often insufficient in magneated, so there is less of an opportunity to burn the fat. sium, which is depleted both by medications and by the disease process. Insulin resistance occurs when the normal amount of Vitamin C insulin secreted by the pancreas is not able to unlock Diabetics are at higher risk of infection and poor healthe door to cells. To maintain normal blood glucose, ing tendencies. Vitamin C is a critical supplement for the pancreas secretes additional insulin. Almost all the diabetic and should be taken at maximum tolerance individuals with type 2 diabetes mellitus and many levels. with hypertension, cardiovascular disease, and obesity Protein and Amino Acids are insulin resistant. 20-25% of the ‘healthy’ popula- Amino acids such as L-arginine and Citrulline can tion may in fact be insulin resistant and this condition contribute enormously to diabetic health by supporting often leads to Type II diabetes. Normal insulin levels cardiovascular and digestive systems through the proare 31 units per day - Type II diabetics produce as duction of nitric acid. A full amino acid supplement much as 114 units can assure that insulin has full access to delivering When insulin receptors have an impaired ability to these important nutrients. ‘pick up’ insulin this translates to an impaired ability Cinnamon Bark to pick up those other important nutrients insulin deliv- One of the most important and simplest things you can do to improve insulin me- (Continued on page 35)
Mother Nature's Magazine
Our Doc Talks! Where Are the Dead Bodies??? By Dr. Gifford Jones bleeding, there is no antidote to stop it, yet Health Canada has done nothing to remove Pradax from the market. However, it has removed a competitor, the soy-derived enzyme Nattokinase, a safe, effective, natural blood thinner that has not harmed anyone and has been used for centuries in Japan.
Do you know every day, 290 North American citizens are killed by prescription drugs? To kill the same number of people, a jumbo jet would have to crash every day. So why are natural remedies being removed from health-food stores while drugs that kill remain available? "Health Canada has been raiding health-food stores, terrorizing proprietors and confiscating natural food supplements," Dr. Zoltan Rona, an expert on natural remedies, recently told me.
While researching this column, I interviewed several other authorities who were concerned other natural remedies are no longer available. I also discovered a most disturbing fact: In Germany, a doctor's prescription is now required to obtain vitamin C! A red light flashed as I've recently reported that Medi-C Plus, a powder that contains a high concentration of vitamin C and lysine, can prevent and reverse coronary heart disease. Germans now pay $45 for 90 tablets of 500 milligrams of vitamin C. Since I take several thousand milligrams of Medi-C Plus daily, this asinine ruling would cost me $3,600 annually for vitamin C.
sisting of citrus and palm-fruit extract that decreases the body's total cholesterol level, bad cholesterol and triglycerides and increases good cholesterol. For the moment, it's still available and there's no scientific reason it should be removed, but if it happens, patients will be forced to switch to cholesterol-lowering drugs whose safety record leaves much to be desired. Alan Cassels, a drug policy researcher at the University of Victoria, says, "Cholesterol-lowering drugs are not worth the risk and history will regard CLDs as an unmitigated scandal in medicine." Readers know I share this view, but hell will freeze over before Health Canada raises an alarm and closes the door on these risky multibillion-dollar products. Money and high-paid lobbyists have won the day in Ottawa and Washington.
Other North Americans are taking products such as BioSil to prevent This shows how far governments go to control natural remedies. It's osteoporosis (fragile bones). This sheer, unadulterated madness since natural silicon product safely dethere is no known toxic amount of posits calcium and phosphate into bone. It's even more effective if vitamin C. For instance, it's been used along with vitamin D3, which proven safe to give intravenous "Could you help to stop it?" he injections of several hundred thou- helps absorb calcium from the asked. sand milligrams of vitamin C intra- bowel, and vitamin K2 that deposits calcium and phosphate into Rona related a New York Times venously day after day to fight bone where they belong, rather infection. report that the government's primathan into arteries where they cause ry suspect in 542 deaths was Today, many people are also taktrouble. Pradax, a blood-thinning agent. ing Sytrinol, a natural remedy con(Continued on page 13) Moreover, when this drug causes
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SPECIAL OFFER Free Cooking DVD with the Purchase of One “Eat Away Illness” book Paulette Millis - Registered Nutritional Consultant and Author eatingforhealth@sasktel.net
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saskatoonchelation@shaw.ca Dr. Ed Nykiforuk N.D.
Did you Know? Tea is the most commonly consumed beverage in the world after water. Black, green and red teas derive their leaves from a warm-weather evergreen tree known as Camellia sinensis. Whether it is black, green or red (oolong) tea, they all contain polyphenols which give tea its antioxidant properties. Tea ranks as high as or higher than many fruits and vegetables with antioxidant potential. Numerous studies have demonstrated the anti-cancer properties of polyphenols. Some studies indeed suggested that tea's polyphenols may reduce risk of gastric, esophageal and skin cancers if one consumes 4 to 6 cups daily. Other laboratory studies have found that polyphenols help prevent blood clotting and lower cholesterol levels. According to one study just 2 cups of tea may lower the risk of ovarian cancer by 46 percent in women. The more processing tea leaves undergo, the darker they will turn. Green tea is the least processed tea. They are simply steamed quickly. Black and red teas are partially dried, crushed and fermented.
(Continued from page 10) Will these people be forced to take drugs such as Fosamax and Actonel that have been associated with unusual fractures and degeneration of the jaw bone?
In addition to ridding yourself of cookware with Teflon type coatings there are other simple steps you can take to avoid common toxic substances in your foods and protect your health: • Store your food in glass containers whenever possible. It is the safest container you can use and also recyclable • Use natural cleaning products in your home. Most health food stores will have these available. • Buy and eat organic foods whenever possible. Get to know your organic grocer. • Avoid processed foods and potential toxicity problems with packaging
If government bureaucrats are honestly interested in the welfare of medical consumers, the best way for them to make an assessment is to examine records of the dead bodies. Data collected from 57 poison control centres in the U.S. found in 2010 there were no deaths from the use of vitamin and herbal supplements -- this in spite of the fact during this year there were 60-billion doses of nutritional supplements taken. So where will these amateur forensic bureaucrats find the dead bodies? It doesn't require a long tedious search. The Journal of the American Medical Association says there are 60,000 deaths from drug use in the U.S. and 10,000 in Canada every year and is now the fourth leading cause of death after cancer, heart disease, and stroke. The point is prescription drugs can kill, natural remedies never. It's time Health Canada learned this message. To read more about natural remedies, see the website www.docgiff.com. Comments to info@docgiff.com Republished with permission. Dr. Ken Walker (Gifford-Jones) is a graduate of the University of Toronto and The Harvard Medical School. He trained in general surgery at the Strong Memorial Hospital, University of Rochester, Montreal General Hospital, McGill University and in Gynecology at Harvard. He has also been a general practitioner, ship’s surgeon and hotel doctor. His weekly medical column is published by 70 Canadian newspapers, 30 in the U.S and an international newspaper, The Epoch Times. The readership is six million. His advice contains a solid dose of common sense and he never sits on the fence with controversial issues. He is the author of seven books including , “The Healthy Barmaid” and his autobiography “You’re Going To Do What?” Many years ago he was successful in a fight to legalize heroin to help ease the pain of terminal cancer patients. His Foundation at that time donated $500,000 to establish the Gifford-Jones Professorship in Pain Control and Palliative Care at the University of Toronto Medical School.
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Mother Nature's Magazine
Preventing Postpartum Depression By Dr. Heather Fox Postpartum depression or anxiety affects approximately 15% of all childbearing women and mild to moderate cases are sometimes unrecognized by women themselves. Many women feel ashamed if they are not coping and may conceal their difficulties.
• feeling isolated and alone • History of previous depression • History of sexual abuse • Infant problems/colic • Single parent Treatment Options for Postpartum Depression & Anxiety Rest
During the first week after the birth up to 80% of mothers will experience the "baby blues." This can be a time of extra sensitivity and symptoms include tearfulness, irritability, anxiety, and mood changes, which tend to peak between three to five days after childbirth. This is normally a result of the sudden decline of estrogen, progesterone and cortisol after birth. The symptoms usually disappear within two weeks without requiring specific treatment apart from the usual understanding and support we would expect a woman to receive. A later onset of postpartum depression can appear several weeks after the birth include: • Mother’s inability to sleep even when baby sleeps • Significant changes in a mother’s appetite or ability to eat • Frequent sadness or crying • Euphoric or "excited" mood which will not allow a mother to relax • Intense fatigue • Emotional numbness or apathy toward baby and family • Irritability or tendency toward excessive anger • Feelings of helplessness or hopelessness • Guilt or shame • Difficulty concentrating or excessive indecisiveness • Suicidal thoughts, plans or self-harming behaviour There are a variety of stressors that may contribute to the onset of postpartum depression, anxiety many of which have been identified by women themselves are: • changing hormones April 2013
Optimal Nutritious meals Help from family and friends w/household and daily chores Physical Activity New mother support groups Herbal and Homeopathic Remedies Acupuncture Nutritional Supplementation Postpartum doula services Talk/Journaling Therapy Light therapy Guided Imagery • Low socioeconomic status • Former childbirth issues A holistic view of treatment begins with recognizing that these conditions can be serious with significant impact on the wellbeing of the mother, her baby and her entire family. Consultation with an expert should occur with any condition that lasts beyond two weeks or where there is any indication of suicidal thought or you believe there is potential for self harm or harm to others. One basic step a woman can take to optimize her overall health and to prevent problems associated with nutritional deficiency (Continued on page 15) Page 14
Product One
Product Two
Beta-Carotene (a source of Vitamin A) 2500 IU Vitamin A (Vitamin A as acetate) 1000 IU Vitamin E (dl- tocopheryl acetate) 30 IU Vitamin C (ascorbic acid) 85 mg Folic Acid (folate) 1 mg Vitamin B1 (thiamine mononitrate) 1.4 mg Vitamin B2 (riboflavin) 1.4 mg Niacin (niacinamide) 18 mg Vitamin B6 (pyridoxine hydrochloride) 1.9 mg Vitamin B12 (cyanocobalamin) 2.6 mcg Vitamin D (cholecalciferol) 400 IU Biotin 30 mcg Pantothenic Acid (calcium pantothenate) 6 mg Calcium (calcium carbonate) 250 mg Magnesium (magnesium oxide) 50 mg Iodine (potassium iodide) 220 mcg Iron (ferrous fumarate) 27 mg Copper (cupric sulfate) 1 mg Zinc (zinc oxide) 7.5 mg Chromium (chromium chloride) 30 mcg Manganese (manganese sulfate) 2 mg Molybdenum (sodium molybdate) 50 mcg Selenium (sodium selenate) 30 mcg
Vitamin A (100% as Beta-Carotene) 10,000 IU Vitamin C (as Calcium Ascorbate) 120 mg Vitamin D (as Cholecalciferol) 400 IU Vitamin E (as d-alpha Tocopheryl Succinate) 150 IU Vitamin K 80 mcg Thiamine (as Thiamine HCI) (Vitamin B-1) 5 mg Riboflavin (Vitamin B-2) 5 mg Niacin (as Niacinamide) 20 mg Vitamin B-6 (as Pyridoxine HCI) 5 mg Folic Acid 800 mcg Vitamin B-12 (as Cyanocobalamin) 20 mcg Biotin 300 mcg Pantothenic Acid (as Calcium Pantothenate) 20 mg Calcium (as Calcium Carbonate and Calcium Ascorbate) 1,200 mg Iron (As Ferrochel® Bisglycinate) 36 mg Iodine (from Kelp) 150 mcg Magnesium (as Magnesium Oxide) 500 mg Zinc (from Amino Acid Chelate) 15 mg Selenium (as L-Selenomethionine) 50 mcg Copper (from Amino Acid Chelate) 1 mg Manganese (from Amino Acid Chelate) 3.5 mg Chromium (as Chromium Picolinate) 100 mcg Molybdenum (from Amino Acid Chelate) 80 mcg Potassium (as Potassium Chloride) 50 mg Choline (as Choline Bitartrate) 20 mg Inositol 20 mg PABA 10 mg Vanadium (from Amino Acid Chelate) 25 mcg
is to take a daily prenatal vitamin and mineral supplement. However, not all prenatal supplements are equal and it is important to evaluate the value of each product by reading labels. Compare the information from two product labels above. While Product One is the more expensive of the two, often doctor recommended, and the more commercially popular there is significantly greater nutritional value in Product Two. baby alike. Even Dad may experience some postpartum depression with changes in sleep patterns, inEssential Fatty Acids creased responsibility and all of the major changes and adjustments that come with welcoming a new Omega-3 fatty acids also play a role in pregnancy and baby. Making wise choices in nutrition can offer new infant health, including optimal neurodevelopment in parents the best formula for a successful transition. the developing baby and in newborn infants. Women's stores of essential fatty acids progressively deCanadians are an increasingly aging society interested crease due to the developing baby's high demand for in health more now perhaps, than at any other point in omega-3 fatty acids and during breastfeeding. Omeour history. Our access to information and awareness ga-3 fatty acids are polyunsaturated essential fatty of healthy choices should result in higher levels in acids found optimally in fish, flax, hemp, chia and wellness in our overall population. Are we seeing a walnuts. Women provided with supplementation and trend toward improvement in men’s health care or are who suffered from Postpartum Depression improved men increasingly falling through the cracks when it by as much as 50 percent based on depression scoring comes to preventable disease? systems. The majority of health research over the years has focused predominantly on men and has established Pregnancy makes demands on a woman’s body unlike any other time and this is when optimal nutrition many baseline ‘norms’ by making use of male subis essential for the health and wellbeing of mother and jects in a vast array of studies. Yet despite the accu-
Mother Nature's Magazine
Flavour Enhancers - Essential Information By Dr. Heather Fox Senomyx is an American biotechnology company who claims to have engineered human taste receptors with tissues collected from human fetal cells. In their drive to create chemicals that will enhance flavours and smells in foods to make them more appealing to people, Senomyx’s research is based on the use of cells obtained from electively aborted human embryos, specifically Human Embryonic Kidney Cells 293 which are listed in ingredients as HEK 293.
paign to boycott PepsiCo products once their April of 2010, $32 million contract with Senomyx became public knowledge. In an initial announcement released by PepsiCo they disclosed the following:
"This relationship with Senomyx reflects our increasingly long-term approach to research and development as well as our belief that global food and beverage companies can play an important role in identifying new ingredients that Companies such as Campbell’s can lead to healthier products," Soup, Kraft Foods, Nestle and Pep- said Mehmood Khan, PepsiCo's siCo have entered into partnership chief scientific officer. "The real with Senomyx. challenge is to create products that not only are healthier but also taste According to the Weston A. Price great, and Senomyx has unique Foundation: technologies that will allow us to improve the nutritional profile of "Senomyx's salt taste, savory flaour products without sacrificing vor, and sweet flavors -- as well as taste. We're very optimistic that all their other flavor enhancers -this collaboration will help us are purposefully developed so that achieve our commitment to reduce they stimulate your taste buds added sugar per serving by 25% in without them actually tasting any- key brands in key markets over the thing ... Much like MSG, these fla- next decade and ultimately help vor enhancers operate on the people around the world live neurological level to produce these healthier lives." reactions ...” After more than a year of vigorous Will you find these listed on labels campaigning by special interest as a product ingredient? Not like- groups, including one of their own ly. They are technically considshareholders, PepsiCo bowed to ered enhancers and the only pressures to publicly discontinue requirement is that they be listed as their involvement with any use of artificial flavours. They are presor research related to the use of ent in minute quantities (parts per human cells and released the folmillion) and have apparently bylowing statement to Debi passed several usual processes for Vinnedge of the pro-life group regulatory safety approval. Children of God for Life, according to LifeNews. “PepsiCo’s VP Public attention was drawn to the of Global Public Policy, Paul Boyuse of HEK 203 when a group of kas stated that “Senomyx will not pro-life protestors began a camuse HEK cells or any other tissues April 2013
or cell lines derived from human embryos or fetuses for research performed on behalf of PepsiCo.” “We took the matter very seriously,” stated Mr. Boykas. “We have an official Statement on Responsible Research and we intend to live by that policy.” Fact: There are no actual aborted human embryonic or human fetal cells in any of PepsiCo’s products. Fact: Aborted human embryonic cells are used by biotech company Senomyx, in the development of artificial chemicals intended to act as flavour enhancers. Fact: PepsiCo signed a $32 million agreement in 2010 for research and development. No Pepsi products containing Senonymx flavour enhancers were expected until 2013. Fact: There is no ‘official’ statement on the PepsiCo Media page of their website under Press Releases or Fact Sheets discussing the decision to discontinue a working relationship with Senomyx. The only information a search reveals is the statement announcing the original contract and intended working relationship. (See link at end of article.) So specifically, what is Senomyx developing? Wikipedia suggests a straight forward definition: “HEK stands for Human Embryonic Kidney cells. These cells, which were cloned, originally came from healthy, electively aborted human embryos. Using information from the hu- (Continued on page 17) Page 16
support the use of human cells in any capacity, research involving the man genome sequence, Senomyx use of HEK 293 cells no doubt conhas identified hundreds of taste retinues. PepsiCo participated in its ceptors and currently owns 113 pat- own efforts to plead with the Amerients on their discoveries.” can Security and Exchange Commission (SEC) by reportedly sending a On the Senomyx website under 36 page document asking the SEC to ‘Collaborations; the company no reject the Shareholder’s Resolution longer reveals the names of partners filed in October 2011 that the comin development, no doubt citing con- pany “adopt a corporate policy that fidentiality as justification for prorecognizes human rights and emtecting their identities. ploys ethical standards which do not involve using the remains of aborted Their ‘News’ page links to one anhuman beings in both private and nouncement that they were given a collaborative research and developSafety Determination in October ment agreements.” 2012 for one of their flavour ingredients. A closer look reveals that this PepsiCo lead attorney George A. was not a prize for excellence in Schieren noted that the resolution safety, but a play on words describ- should be excluded because it “deals ing a “GENERALLY RECOGwith matters related to the compaNIZED AS SAFE (GRAS) ny’s ordinary business operations” DETERMINATION FOR NEW and that “certain tasks are so fundaS9632 FLAVOR INGREDIENT”. mental to run a company on a dayto-day basis that they could not be How far reaching could this be? Acsubject to stockholder oversight.” cording to Senomyx: Early in 2012, the Security and Ex“The GRAS status allows usage of change Commission under the S9632 in a broad range of non-alcoObama administration issued a rulholic beverages including powdered ing that PepsiCo’s use of cells deand concentrated beverages, along rived from aborted fetal remains in with ready-to-drink and powdered their research and development forms of dairy, coffee and tea prodagreement with Senomyx falls under ucts. In addition, S9632 may be used “ordinary business operations.” with alcoholic beverages, as well as a variety of foods, including dairy Again speaking out, Executive Diproducts, confectioneries, snack rector Debi Vinnedge of the pro-life foods, and sauces. Numerous indigroup Children of God for Life said vidual product types are included in she was appalled by the apathy and each of these product categories. Fir- insensitivity of both PepsiCo execumenich, a Senomyx partner, has ex- tives and the Obama administration. clusive rights to commercialize S9632 for the food product catego“We’re not talking about what kind ries and shares co-exclusive rights in of pencils PepsiCo wants to use – we the powdered beverage category are talking about exploiting the rewith the Company. Senomyx main- mains of an aborted child for profit,” tains exclusive rights for all other she said. “Using human embryonic non-alcoholic beverages and is cur- kidney (HEK-293) to produce flavor rently evaluating various commerenhancers for their beverages is a far cialization strategies for S9632 in cry from routine operations.” . . . . those categories.” “The company’s key flavor proDespite assurances issued by Pepsi- grams focus on the discovery and Co in March of 2012 that it will not
(Continued from page 16)
development of savory, sweet and salt flavor ingredients that are intended to allow for the reduction of MSG, sugar and salt in food and beverage products,” the Senomyx web site says. “Using isolated human taste receptors, we created proprietary taste receptor-based assay systems that provide a biochemical or electronic readout when a flavor ingredient interacts with the receptor.”Vinnedge explained, “What they don’t tell the public is that they are using HEK 293 – human embryonic kidney cells taken from an electively aborted baby to produce those receptors. They could have easily chosen animal, insect, or other morally obtained human cells expressing the G protein for taste receptors.” Who Uses Senomyx Products and Technology? Here is the most up to date list we are able to bring at this date. Certainly, there are hundreds of products that would be too extensive to list. The reader is encouraged to do their own research. PepsiCo (Uncertain what the full nature of their working relationship is to date.)Frito-Lay Quaker Gatorade Lipton Kraft (Note that Kraft is a parent company for Nabisco) Nestle Pfizer Inc Merck & Co Which Companies are Safe? Reportedly, Campbell Soup discontinued their working relationship with Senomyx. Coca-Cola reportedly contracts with Chromocell who does not appear test food additives with aborted fetal remains.
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Mother Nature's Magazine
(Continued from page 17) Clearly, in this is highly competitive market. Seemingly by its nature it is also lacking in transparency and we cannot count on any company to volunteer details that can be viewed as “standard business practices” if they are not compelled to do so. What can you do? BOYCOTT products you are concerned with. Contact the manufacturing companies directly and let them know you are boycotting their products and why. Share this information with others via social media such as Facebook and Twitter. Leave comments on your own pages, but importantly leave comments on the company’s own pages! Understand the potential health risks associated with the use of many of these chemicals! Senomyx states on its website:
The risks of processed foods are well documented and a detailed examination of that is not the purpose of this article. However, there are some simple things you can do to avoid encountering the risks associated with the new wave of ‘FrankenFoods’ we see increasingly on the shelves of our grocery stores. Our list below is modified from the Livestrong Foundation article “How to Eat a Whole Foods Diet”. Ÿ Avoid processed and refined foods on your grocer’s shelves. Stick to whole food choices. Ÿ Whenever possible, choose organic meats, eggs, dairy products, fruits, vegetables and grains. In addition, question the environments any animals are raised in as well as how they have been fed. Ÿ Understand your food labels and don’t get confused by what is vegan and organic for instance, but still highly processed. One example of this may be tofu.
Ÿ Explore natural foods and flavours and enhance "Using isolated human taste receptors, we created prowith herbs, spices, and combining foods in salads, prietary taste receptor-based assay systems that provide stews, raw and cooked. a biochemical or electronic readout when a flavor ingredient interacts with the receptor. To enable faster Ÿ While vitamin and mineral supplements may be discovery of new flavors, we integrated our assays into important at times, they are also highly processed. a robot-controlled automated system that uses plates Whenever possible use nutrient rich, whole foods. containing an array of individual fluid wells, each of Your body will always do better by running on the which can screen a different sample from our libraries fuel it derives from foods that are unaltered. of approximately 800,000 artificial and natural candidate ingredients isolated from plants and other sources. http://www.pepsico.com/PressRelease/PepsiCo-and-SenomyxEnter-Into-Collaboration-to-Discover-Develop-andCommerciali08172010.html Our high-throughput discovery and development prohttp://www.livestrong.com/article/193390-how-to-eat-a-wholecess allows us to conduct millions of analyses of new foods-diet/ potential flavor ingredients annually. This efficiency is http://senomyx.com impossible to achieve using conventional flavor discov- http://www.pepsico.com/Media.html ery methods. As a result, we have identified hundreds http://www.lifenews.com/2012/04/30/pepsi-stops-using-abortedfetal-cell-lines-to-test-flavors/ of unique potential new flavor ingredients that could http://www.naturalnews.com/035276_Pepsi_fetal_cells_business not be discovered using taste tests alone." _operations.html http://articles.mercola.com/sites/articles/archive/2011/09/01/wha t-you-dont-know-about-flavor-enhancers-can-harm-you.aspx
April 2013
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Winnipeg Weighs In on Fluoride in Their Water! By Trevor Adams Winnipeg started fluoridating the public water supply Dec 28th, 1956. The decision was made by city hall despite the fact that there was no vote or referendum to determine if the majority of the people wanted it in their drinking water. City Hall and the Province of Manitoba do not have the final word and cannot take action on our individual health needs as this violates our right to informed consent. Common Law states that we have the right to informed consent and under the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms Section 7, our bodily integrity is protected. We have the human right to refuse therapeutic treatments. Medicating an entire city with an untested chemical waste that has been falsely positioned as a therapeutic health product is deceitful and unethical. The fluoride used in dental offices and in toothpastes is a pharmaceutical grade fluoride. The fluoride that is added to the water supply is a waste bi-product of the fertilizer industry. Environmental agencies have banned this toxic bi-product from entering the atmosphere through the smoke stacks of the phosphate fertilizer facilities, as it was killing animals and plants in the area. Sadly, this bi– product called Hydrofluosilicic Acid is now collected from the wet scrubbers of these industrial plants, diluted and added into your drinking water. It contains contaminants such as lead mercury, chromium, and even radionuclide.
after eruption of the tooth into the mouth, and its actions primarily are topical for both adults and children.” The National Research Council has concurred, stating in 2006 that, “the major anti-caries benefit of fluoride is topical and not systemic.” By applying fluoride to the teeth directly instead of swallowing it in our water we can prevent fluoride’s toxic effects. As we do not drink sun block for sun protection, we must not drink the fluoride ion for dental protection. And if you think you are out of the woods because you drink only bottled water then you ought to consider that the EPA concluded that a person can absorb more contaminants from bathing and showering than from drinking polluted water. Studies conducted by Brown, Bishop and Rowan in the early 1980's showed that an average of 64 percent of the total dose of waterborne contaminants (including fluoride) are absorbed through the skin.
This archaic scheme of fluoridating our water began around the same time as when asbestos lined our pipes, lead was added to gasoline, PCBs filled our transformers and DDT was deemed safe and effective. One by one all these chemicals have been banned, but fluoridation still remains untouched in many cities across Canada. Canada is one of the most artificially fluoridated countries in the world. In comparison, only 5.7% of the world’s population When did humans become the toxic waste dump for a has their public water supply artificially fluoridated. chemical that is so toxic the workers have to wear In Winnipeg we continue to lobby our city councilmasks and gloves when handling? lors, mayor and MLAs. Every year starting on DeWe are told by the dental profession that drinking cember 28th ( the anniversary of Fluoridation in "fluoride" is good for our teeth. Winnipeg) we have a writing campaign. We have everyone write to the people responsible for fluoridating Really? Centers for Disease Control in 1999 stated our water such as the may- (Continued on page 20) that, “fluoride prevents dental caries predominately
Mother Nature's Magazine
(Continued from page 19) or, city councillors, chief dental officer, chief medical officer, and minister of health. We ask them why thousands of our tax dollars are spent on providing all city councillors bottled drinking water, if the fluoride in our water is so safe? For information to verify this please see our website http://www.fluoridefreewinnipeg.com . A freedom of information document shows just how much Winnipeg spent on supplying all these bureaucrats' bottled water. (Evidence # 4) On March 1st, 2013 we had our first Fluoride Free Fundraiser in hopes of using the proceeds to have Dr. James Beck fly to Winnipeg to give a lecture and participate in a debate. Dr James Beck is a leading expert on the dangers and ethics of fluoridation and author of the book “The Case Against Fluoride.” He was instrumental in removing the artificial fluoride from Calgary drinking water. At the fundraiser we handed out information and DVDs that featured documentaries such as the Fluoride Deception www.youtube.com/watch?v=LEZ15m-D_n8. Earlier in the year we set up a table the University of Manitoba and handed out information to the University students. In the past we have also filed a human right complaint with the Manitoba Human Right Commission and plan to do so in the future once again. Fluoride Free Winnipeg might be forced to take legal action against the city for violating our human rights. We hope we will not have to take these extreme measures and that our city councillors will listen to reason and follow the lead of other cities and towns who have already removed the fluoride from their drinking water.
ed with industrial fluoride ingestion are cancer of the mouth, esophagus, stomach, large intestine, rectum, kidney, bladder, urinary organs, breast, ovary. Goiter, mongolism, kidney disease & osteoporosis are also connected with fluoride. According to Dr. Albert Burgstahler of the University of Kansas, fluoride depresses the growth rate of human cells, causes dermatitis, affects thyroid and heart function, circulation and reproduction, and industrial fluoride is more potent than cyanide as an inhibitor of respiration. Advanced fluoride calcification of the pineal is now known to impair our sense of direction and explains how we can become disoriented, forgetful and walk around like we are on autopilot. Have we been chemically induced to live at a lowered state of mental awareness and personal health? There are many groups forming all over the world that are trying to stop water artificial fluoridation. You can go to Facebook and try searching there for a group in your city. Another great resource is Canadians Opposed to Fluoridation http://cof-cof.ca/ . This is a Canadian website and great resource to locate a group in your province that you can work with to remove the fluoride in your city. You can always form your own group on Facebook and make your own website as well. As Gandhi says, you must be the change you wish to see in the world…
Trevor Adams is heading up the Fluoride Free Winnipeg campaign
Fluoride is a serious health threat and can no longer be ignored by our city councillors. Diseases associat-
VITAMIN D NOW RECOMMENDED By Canadian Cancer Society The findings of a collection of 18 studies analyzed in September 2007 involving people over the age of 50 found that those who took at least 500 international units (IU) of vitamin D daily had a seven per cent lower risk of death. Lead researcher Dr. Philippe Autier suggested that Vitamin D may block cancer cell proliferation or improve blood vessel and immune system functions. The study reviewed research involving 57,311 participants. The Canadian Cancer Society said that based on current research adults should consider increasing their daily dosage of vitamin D. The society said Canadians should now consume 1,000 IU of vitamin D daily during the fall and winter months, in consultation with a health-care provider.
April 2013
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Men and Wellness - The Gender Gap By Bertie Thickwood PhD mulation of important science based data, men die at higher rates than women from the top 10 mostly preventable causes of death - heart disease, cancer, stroke, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, accidents, pneumonia and influenza, diabetes, suicide, kidney disease, and chronic liver disease and cirrhosis.
Women have become more vocal in their demands for a whole person approach to health care. It is time for us to remember that men also need to be cared for within the entire context of their lives. Men’s lives include their roles as father, lover, worker with all of the anxieties and concerns these bring. Age also brings a variety of specific concerns that may impact On average, women survive men by six years. Cana- wellness and the decisions a man makes to seek the dians' life expectancy at birth is estimated at approxi- support and care of a health care provider. It is critimately 76 years for men and 81 years for women. In cally important that we create a comfort zone in 1920, women outlived men only by one year. In fact, health care for men. according to recent studies in a variety of populations, It’s time we work toward raising the standard of the death rate in all age groups from birth through the men's health through awareness and toward the develage of 84 is significantly greater for the male popula- opment of policy and health care practice that will tion. support a healthier male population. Topics such as These are the facts leading many health professionals Healthy Living and Prevention; Life Cycle of a Male; Men's Sexuality & Reproductive Health; Mental to seriously question how health care to men can be improved in a meaningful way. First we must look to Health, Problematic Substance Use & Addictions; Healthy Environments & Working Conditions and how lifestyle and social gender stereotypes may immore. pact health care and health choices. It is a fact that men do not seek health care at nearly the same rate that women do with often disastrous consequences. For instance HIV and Hepatitis C screening is performed on less than half as many men as women. Men are far less likely to have their blood pressure checked leaving hypertension as a potential ‘silent killer’ affecting men who remain unaware of the fact that it has become a problem for them. There can be alarming consequences to delays in health care.
Healthy Living and Prevention - includes obesity, metabolic syndrome, cardiovascular health, diabetes, colon health, sport injury, nutrition Life Cycle – includes age related health problems, male andropause, hair loss , arthritis Men's Sexuality & Reproductive Health – prostate health, infertility, STD’s, erectile dysfunction, loss of libido, hormone health Mental Health, Problematic Substance Use & Addictions – depression, stress, anxiety, suicide risk, addictions and substance abuse
Men lead women in 14 out of 15 leading causes of death. Not only are men 29 percent more likely to get Healthy Environments & Working Conditions – cancer, they are 52 percent more likely to die from it The most likely cancer to kill men between the ages of includes stress, exposure to hazards, work/life balance 15 and 30 is testicular cancer, but most physicians don’t talk to boys about doing a testicular self-examination (Underwood, 2004) Men often struggle with the perception that illness, or at least a state of un-wellness will threaten their sense of security, strength and even their ability to be successful in their life endeavors. In fact men are often encouraged to engage in a so called ‘manly’ lifestyle including things risk taking, overworking or ignoring pain and other symptoms that may flag a health problem.
The Raw Milk Challenge Heats Up! By Chris Schafer Michael is a renowned North American raw milk advocate. He has spearheaded the soaring awareness of the cultural importance of biodynamic principles in farming and the raw milk food freedom battle in North America. His fight for raw milk freedom is documented in the film Milk War. What’s happening Michael was charged with 19 offences under Ontario’s mandatory pasteurization laws for his raw milk cow-share program.
cate and pioneer. Michael has worked tirelessly on behalf of the cause for decades and he needs your help now! How you can help The CCF, “Freedoms Defence Team”, is a group of lawyers dedicated to defending the constitutional rights and freedoms of farmers like Michael Schmidt.
The CCF is financed entirely through donations and grants from individuals, foundations, and companies. Michael, along with farmer Montana Jones and oth- Charitable contributions to the CCF are tax-deducters who all profess their innocence, was also charged ible in Canada and the United States. The CCF does with regulatory and Criminal Code offences related not accept government funding. to the disappearance of a flock of heritage sheep, To securely donate online, please visit subject to quarantine by the Canadian government www.theccf.ca/donate. under suspicion of them having scrapie. After the they were found and euthanized by the government, Donors can designate their donations on that website the sheep tested negative for scrapie. The governfor Michael Schmidt. That web link also provides ment is offering no compensation. instructions for donating by telephone, mail, etc. If ultimately found guilty of distributing raw milk through the “cow share” program he helped establish PayPal donors can donate or on the separate charges related to the “kidnapped” here: https://www.paypal.com/cgibin/webscr?cmd=_ssheep, Michael faces fines and jail time. xclick&hosted_button_id=HP7U6M8M5MZ9G. Why we need your help CHRIS SCHAFER | EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR If Michael is convicted, North America could lose its CANADIAN CONSTITUTION FOUNDATION celebrated raw milk and biodynamic farming advo-
Spring into Cycles With Food By Gary A. Scott When the seasons change, it is time to think about John Douillard’s book on nutrition, “Three Season Diet”.
body as having three essences; vata (essence of motion), pitta (essence of transformation-digestion) and kapha (essence of solidity). These essences are also described as vataair, pitta, fire and kapha, earth/water. A key in Ayurved is to keep the three in balance.
has worked on me and I have attended several of his courses including one based around his first book, “Body, Mind and Sport”. A former professional athlete, John John is one of the physicians who helped train Billy Jean King, was has made more difference in Mera consultant to the New Jersey ri’s and my lives than any other. I Nets and runs an Ayurvedic and have enjoyed three of his courses, one on pulse therapy, one on quan- Ayurved also recognizes differenc- chiropractic sports medicine practice in Boulder, Colorado. tum exercise and one on quantum es in seasons. Spring, being a nutrition. moist, fertile time of growth of The theme to “Three Season Diet” course is a kapha period. Summer, is that there is a surprising resoluWhat we learned from John has naturally is a time of heat or pitta tion to all the diet gurus with their helped us sustain a high level of conflicting nutritional research. energy. Merri and I are well past when the seeds transform into food. Finally, autumn and winter They are all right, but each for onretirement age yet we just started ly about four months of the our biggest business exyear. The 3 season diet pansion yet. points out that there are Why would we do this if three growing seasons, we don’t need the money spring, summer and fall. and don’t need the work? We should have three diets Simply put we are so filled we vary through the year, with energy and ideas and low calorie-low fat in creativity that we don’t spring, high carbohydrate even think about being in in summer and high protein our seventies. Age does in winter. This creates a not even seem to mean food supply that fits the anything to us. body’s requirements as it Part of our energy comes shifts to adapt to each of from our nutritional habthese seasons. its so this message is about how turn windy and cold. Things beThe 3-Season Diet aligns our deto change our nutrition in the come brittle and dried, the time of sires with the foods that nature has Spring. vata. So the tendency in summer is provided in season for thousands “Three Season Diet” shows how to for the fire in us (pitta) to grow of years. excessively, spring brings kapha lose weight, increase health and In the winter we naturally crave vitality by eating different foods at problems and winter hosts vata im- soups, nuts, warm grains, and other balances. different times of the year. The high fat and protein foods such as concept is based partly on This book is an excellent health meat and fish. Ayurved, the Indian science of life generator on how to lose weight, (Continued on page 24) and well being, which views the beat food cravings and get fit. John
In the spring we want salads, berries, and leafy greens — a naturally low-fat diet. And in the summer, when the days are long and hot, we require cooling and high-energy foods such as fruits and vegetables, which are a naturally available high carbohydrate diet. You can get more information about this book from John Douillard’s website www.lifespa.com. There are many similarities between the Ayurvedic and Andean nutritional sciences.
Our diet keeps protein balance without excessive amounts of meat using quinoa, eggs, goat and natural cheese and yogurt instead. A great deal of poor health and stress is tied in to the underlying hormonal disturbance caused by the excess production of insulin. This imbalance normally comes from too much food and incorrect protein, carbohydrate, fat balances in the diet. Every time we eat, hormones in our body will change, either good or bad. Delicious food with a balance of 3 parts carbohy-
The cornerstones of Andean nutrition are: #1: Eating a balance of fat, carbohydrates and protein. #2: Eating a combination of food for ideal digestion. #3: Eating clean organic food prepared and served by happy, joyful people. #4: Eating in good spirits at the right times. #5: Chewing in the correct way. #6: Eating purifying and satisfying meals.
drates, two parts protein and one part fat has the power to orchestrate beneficial hormonal changes in our body. #2: Eating the correct combinations of food for ideal digestion.
Andean nutritional ideals also fo#7: Balancing nutrition with cor- cus on combining foods in a way rect sleep and exercise. that avoid fermentation in the Here is what we will review about stomach. Foods and spices are divided into three types neutral, sanutrition: vory and sweet. Neutral can be #1: Eating a balance of fat, carmixed with savory or sweet, but no bohydrates and protein. savory and sweet foods are mixed. The main neutral foods are grains,
cereals, nuts and seeds. Meat and most vegetables are savory. Fruits are sweet. Cereals are ground and soaked to improve their digestibility. Sweet spices include cinnamon, nutmeg, allspice, ginger, mint. Savory spices include sale, pepper, chiles, oregano, coriander, bay leaf, cumin, saffron, fennel. No two fats are mixed nor are fruit types. #3 & 4: Eating clean organic food prepared and served by happy, joyful people and eat in good spirits at the right times. Food should be beautiful as well…like this quinoa-feta salad we often enjoy. Candace Pert, Ph.D., is a neuroscientist well known for her groundbreaking work that shows the mind is not just in the brain but in the entire body. The mind and body communicate using the chemistry of emotion. Short chains of amino acids called peptides and receptors are found in the brain, stomach, muscles, glands and all major organs. They send messages back and forth linking mind and body. When we are happy our entire body is happy and reverse and this chemistry has a dramatic impact on our food and digestion. Andean beliefs view the body composed of three elements earth (Pacha Mama), fire (Taita Inti) and air, Pacha Kuti.
(Continued on page 25)
(Continued from page 24) There are times of the
muscles are ultimately responsible for putting all the other muscles and all the organs of the body to work.
day when each of these elements are most active. The digestive fires are high- Chewing correctly stimulates the ring muscles and est at 12 noon, so a savory meal is normally eaten at consequently helps exercise all our muscles. this time. #6: Eating purifying and A sweet breakfast accomsatisfying meals. modates a more sluggish Fruit types also exist and digestive time and the eveare never mixed. Citrus ning is set aside for a puristands together, but is not fying fruit meal so the body mixed with other foods. can use the midnight fire Watery fruits (apples pears, energy to cleanse rather plums and grapes) can be than digest. mixed. Bananas are eaten Three herbal teas are alone only or with dairy served. In the morning cinonly..never with any grains. namon tea is served. Before Pineapple and melons are lunch ginger tea lights the digestive fires and before also eaten alone. sleep chamomile tea enhances a good night’s rest. There are three purifying meals we will learn about Part of good nutrition comes from eating, sleeping during the course. The first most gentle purifier is a and exercising at the correct times. water combination of apples and grapes. The second The yatchaks also suggest we eat only when hungry meal is an entire pineapple and the third, an entire and the stomach is empty so we recommend eating watermelon. only every four hours. For cravings between herbal Organic coffee, tea and cocoa are great purifiers rich tea is best and juices can be added if it is uncomfort- in antioxidants. Coffee and some tea is avoided by able to wait for the next meal. those who do not want caffeine. We recommend #5: Chewing in the correct way. Correct chewing releases nutrient molecules so energy from food is more quickly released and assimilated. This allows the brain to recognize flavors and release the correct digestive juices for that food. Proper chewing does even more because it stimulates the bodies sphincter (or ring) muscles that surround the various orifices of the body. Ring muscles include the muscles around the eyes, the nostrils, anus, urethra, genitals and the mouth. In a healthy body, all sphincters work together, contracting and relaxing simultaneously. They also activate the respiratory system, the gastrointestinal system, the circulatory system, the lymphatic system, the musculoskeletal system and the urogenital system. Ring
moderation and serve only organic, fair trade coffee and tea Coffee and tea (without milk) are neutral and can be consumed before or with any meal. #7: Balancing nutrition with exercise and sleep. Each day you can learn a gentle but profound exercise that will enhance your stress release. We do not have television at the farm and recommend going to bed before the evening fore cycle begins at 10 PM. The farm is totally quiet and dark for more restful sleep. Welcome to the new season‌Spring, a time of growth and rejuvenation and a time to alter your diet. Bring on the salads, berries, leafy greens and have a naturally low-fat diet that will put a spring in your step this Spring! Gary
Mother Nature’s Recipes “In the childhood memories of every good cook, there's a large kitchen, a warm stove, a simmering pot and a mom." Barbara Costikyan
Guacamole Dip and Tortilla RollUps ROLL UPs 8 Ounces Cream Cheese 1/4 Cup Chopped Green Onions 1/2 Teaspoon Chili Powder 2 Cloves Fresh Minced Garlic 1/3 Cup Fresh Chunky Salsa 1/2 Cup Old White Cheddar Cheese Grated 6 Large Whole Wheat or Multigrain Soft Tortillas
1. Follow instructions below for roasting the red peppers and garlic. 2. Sauté the chopped onion in some olive oil until transparent, add the vegetable stock, lentils and bay leaves. Simmer for about 20 minutes or until the lentils are soft. 3. Once the pepper pulp and roasted garlic is ready to add to the soup, mix it in and allow to simmer for at least another 10 minutes but on very low heat. 4. Remove from heat and allow to cool down slightly. Remove the bay leaves. 5. Carefully hand puree with a hand blender until creamy. 6. Taste for salt and pepper and add a small splash of red wine checking carefully for flavour. 7. Add finely chopped uncooked pepper as garnish. 8. Optional: Stir in some cream for a richer version.
GUACAMOLE 1/4 Teaspoon Chili Powder 2 Cloves Fresh Minced Garlic 1/8 Cup Finely Chopped Green Onions 1/2 Cup Sour Cream or Greek Yogurt 2 Tablespoons Lemon Juice 1 Teaspoon Lime Juice 1 Ripe Avocados Peeled and Mashed 1. For Roll-Ups: Combine all ingredients in list one (other than the tortillas) together mixing well. 2. Spread the mixture evenly on the tortillas and roll them up. Slice on an angle and refrigerate until ready to eat. First, Roast the pepper: 3. Guacamole: Mix all ingredients together and Slice the red peppers in half and remove the seeds. refrigerate until ready to serve. Place the pepper halves on a foil-lined cookie sheet. Roast the halves under a preheated broiler until the Roasted pepper, Garlic and Red Lentil Soup skin is blackened. Remove from the broiler and cool. Prepare the garlic for roasting while peppers are cooling. When peppers are cool enough, scrape all pulp 2 – 3 red peppers (save a little for garnish without off the skins. roasting) 200 g red lentils Roasting the garlic: 500 ml vegetable stock Cut the tips of the garlic heads off the top and drizzle red wine vinegar toss lightly in a bowl with olive oil. Season lightly 1 onion with fine ground pink Himalayan salt and black pepolive oil per. Wrap the garlic heads in foil, leaving a tiny open5-6 large garlic cloves roasted parsley/coriander ing at the top for the steam to escape. 2 -3 bay leaves Roast in a 325° degree oven for about 1 hour, or until Himalayan salt and black pepper soft. Set aside and allow to cool and then squeeze the Heavy Cream (optional) soft garlic out of the papery skins.
Sea Buckthorn - Mother Nature’s Herb Store in a Berry! By Helen Hill
“Sea Buckthorn (SBT) is without doubt the most exciting plant in the botanical world today. No other plant contains such a wealth of health-enhancing compounds as does SBT.” from W.R. Schroeder and Y. Yao I first became interested in Sea Buckthorn while living in the Okanagan Valley, BC. In the summer of 2004, I was introduced to a petite lady with bright blue eyes and the clearest wrinklefree skin I had ever witnessed on a mature woman. Listening to her talk about the plant, its varied uses and benefits with a passion that was unending, I soon started using her products and I too became a believer. I visited her farm in central BC and listened to her describe the process from planting to harvesting, then the preparation of the various products, the diligence that is taken to keep everything strictly organic, the trials of acquiring all of the required governmental licensing, and also heard testimonials of those who had great health benefits.
The Ministry of Agriculture, Food, & Fisheries in Kamloops, B.C. Canada states “Sea Buckthorn is a unique and valuable plant”. Extracts from the oil, juice, leaves and bark are currently being used to treat eye diseases, arthritis, fibromyalgia, high blood pressure, coronary heart disease, circulation, pain relief, gastric ulcers, cirrhosis of the liver, lupus, digestive disorders, gingivitis and the mild-tasting tea is also believed to rejuvenate hair growth and colour. Studies conducted confirm numerous beneficial characteristics with the unique composition of vitamins, nutrients and essential fatty acids usually only found separately. The leaves, berries and bark have been shown to contain no less than eight vitamins, twenty-four mineral compounds, and eighteen amino acids as well as organic acids, antioxidants, unsaturated fatty acids and other compounds that are essential to our health and well-being. Sea Buckthorn contains more than 100 active elements, some of them extremely rare in the plant world. The berries appear to be an unsurpassed natural source of vitamin A, full complex vitamin E, beta-carotenes, tocopherols, flavonoids, and is second only to Rose hips and Acerola in vitamin C content.
Tending to not always believe everything I hear, I researched at length, avidly reading the multitude of reports available. I spoke with other health conscious individuals, and found many who shared my interest An analysis of the composition of SBT Oil has been in this newly-popular wonder plant. done, and the studies have shown that it provides bioactive substances such as linolenic acid, (Omega 3), It has traditionally been a nutritional and medicinal linoleic acid (Omega 6), the rare palmitoleic acid othplant known and used by humans for centuries; men- erwise only found in Macadamia nuts (Omega 7) and tioned in the writings of ancient Greek Scholars such oleic acid (Omega 9). The oil contains the fatty acids: as Dioscorid and Therophast, Miracle Plant as relauric acid, myristic acid. The oil also contains 41 corded in the Tibetan medical classic “rGyud Bzi” of carotenoids,(B-carotin, Y-carotin, lycopene, crytoxthe 8th Century (Li and Guo, 1989). anthin) steroids (B-sitosterol, B-amyrin, a-amyrin) flavonoids, 17 phytosterols, 8 phospholipids, pro-viIt is noted in the journals of history that Genghis tamin A, C, E, B1, B2, K, P, superoxide dismutase, Khan and his armies drank the juice of Sea Buckthorn tocopherols, amino acids and the trace elements, Fe, Berry to increase stamina and speed the healing of Zn, Mn, Mo, Se, Ni, Sn, Si, NA, Cu, Mg, I. wounds. (the First Energy Drink!) Sea Buckthorn is now gaining popularity and rapidly becoming one of A summary of the claims of the effect that SBT the super foods of the Western World. Oils, as found in existing literature are:
(Continued on page 28)
(Continued from page 27) Helps to regulate and har- Has the effect of regulating women’s reproductive sysmonize the endocrine, circulatory, autonomic nerve and digestive systems. Helps maintain membrane structure and functions, with the antioxidant and free radical resistant properties. Helps protect heart and liver against chemical induced damage. It suppresses lipid peroxidation (the process whereby free radicals “steal” electrons from the lipids in cell membranes, resulting in cell damage) and assists in maintaining the normal functions of the cells.
tems. SBTSO has anti-bacterial, anti-fungal, anti-infection and anti-inflammatory properties both internally and externally, and can be effectively used for menstrual pain, cervical erosion and vaginitis and can be helpful to facilitate midlife changes. Topical application of oil speeds up the recovery process of stomatitis. Intragastric treatment with oil promoted the reparation of irradiation esophagitis.
Has antimutagenic and inhibitive effect on growth of tumour cells. SBTSO protects the white blood cells Decreases the levels of plasma total cholesterol and tria- against damage by radiation and chemotherapy. Helps cylglycerols, and increases plasma HDL-cholesterol lev- antagonize the effects of immune suppressors, improves el. It inhibits platelet aggregation, and retards formation specific and nonspecific immune functions, alleviates of sclerosis and thrombus. the immune suppression caused by chemotherapy of cancer patients. Its properties speed up regeneration of Speeds up the healing of burns, promotes tissue regener- tissue cells and promote natural healing; it therefore can ation, remedies irradiation dermatitis. The creams have provide essential health benefits to those undergoing an anti-inflammatory and analgesic effect, and improve treatments for cancer. fatty acid composition of plasma lipids and symptoms of topic dermatitis. Has the effect of stimulating bone marrow and blood regeneration and thus protecting the heart, spleen, liver, Helps to increase the hydrophobicity of the surface of and kidneys from work-related radiation damage. gastric mucosa. Has protective and remedial effects on (Computer operators, cellular phone users, medical pergastric and duodenal ulcer, by retarding gastric emptysonnel related to X-ray, electronic or nuclear workers, ing process, inhibiting gastric secretion, diluting ulcerastronauts, pilots and stewardesses are a few of the proinducing factors. fessionals who may be subjected to radiation in their daily activities.) Has sitosterol and sitosterol glycoside which are suggested to be among the major anti-ulcerative compoIf anyone is interested in the above products, please nents. Has the antioxidants including tocopherols and contact us at: 306-999-0520, or tocotrienols and cartenoids which are possibly also antiulcerative agents. sunberryelixir@gmail.com
Soy – Did You Know? One tablespoon of Soy Oil contains more estrogen than 5 whole roasts of beef – even from animals raised
with conventional use of growth hormones. The estrogen levels present in a 6-ounce serving of beef from a treated animal is approximately 3.8 ng. (nanograms). Furthermore, the amount of estrogen present in a 6-ounce serving of beef from a non-treated animal is approximately 2.6 ng. Beef is not the only food product that contains hormones. Many foods that we eat every day contain hormones, too. For example, four ounces of cabbage contains 2,700 ng of estrogen. A glass of milk contains 34 ng. One tablespoon of soybean oil contains 28,370 ng of estrogen—that’s almost 7,500 times the amount of estrogen present in a 6-ounce piece of meat from treated cattle! Phyto estrogens that disrupt endocrine function and are potent anti-thyroid agents are present in soy, including the potentially devastating isoflavone Genistein. Infants exclusively fed soy-based formula have 13,000 to 22,000 times more estrogen compounds in their blood than babies fed milk-based formula, the estrogenic equivalent of at least five birth control pills per day. Premature development of girls has been linked to the use of soy formula, as has the underdevelopment of males. Infant soy formula has been linked to autoimmune thyroid disease. Soy is linked to infertility, breast cancer, hypothyroidism, thyroid cancer, and many other disorders.
Feeding Your Hungry Brain By Bertie Thickwood PhD Start every day with a good breakfast! Moving on from breakfast, here are specific foods and nutrients that can enhance your diet and increase brain function. Remember the importance of key nutrients such as Choline, Omega 3 fatty acids, Antioxidants, Iron, Calcium and Vitamin D. You will find recipes at the end of this article. Bon Appetit! 1. Choline for memory This nutrient is best found in eggs and nuts. It augments brain and memory development. And remember, you can’t eat too many eggs. Simple Suggestions.... Start the day with some scrambled organic eggs with a few fresh vegetables mixed in, served over a slice of wholegrain toast. Serve up a fun "wild west wrap," with scrambled eggs, salsa and Monterey jack cheese served in a high-fiber whole wheat wrap.
3. Omega-3 fatty acids improve cognitive functions An important player in bolstering cognitive function, omega-3 fatty acids are healthy fats found in a variety of foods including cold-water fatty fish (like salmon and tuna), avocado, flaxseed oil or ground flaxseed, nuts (like walnuts and almonds), and Neptune Krill oil. *Note: Watch your young child's consumption of tuna because of its high mercury content. Aim for one to two times per week, and choose chunk light tuna in water which contains lower amounts of mercury than albacore. Simple suggestions...
An abundance of foods are packed with brain-boosting antioxidants like vitamin A, vitamin C & vitamin E.
Get creative in the kitchen with your kids and encourage them to taste new foods such as avocado or grilled salmon; you never know where their taste buds will take them! Slip two to three thin slices of avocado into sandwiches or whole wheat wraps for a brain-boosting lunch. Flaxseed is high in fiber to aid digestion and is packed with healthy omega-3 fats. Sprinkle 1-2 tablespoons of ground flaxseed meal into cold or hot cereal at breakfast or mix it into a yogurt-fruit parfait at snack-time; the kids won't even notice.
Simple Suggestions....
Recipes below...
Berries, berries, berries! Work in fresh fruit and vegetables at mealtimes and snacks. Nuts, beans and legumes are also rich in antioxidants. Pair a hummus or black bean dip with fresh cut vegetables for a fun "dip and dunk" snack kids will love. If you've got a picky eater, get creative with a tasty homemade yogurt-fruit smoothie as an energizing afternoon snack or a quick, satiating breakfast on-the-go.
4. Whole grains to improve your memory function
Recipes below... 2. Antioxidants for memory improvement
Add vegetables into kid-friendly dishes and get them involved in the cooking process. Try incorporating vegetables into pasta sauces and soups or top homemade pizza with veggies of your child's choosing. Recipes below...
Complex, whole-grain carbohydrates contain folate and other B vitamins which help improve memory function and are rich in fiber, providing a steady stream of energy so your child can ace that math test. Simple suggestions... For a morning wake-up call of whole grains, try hearty steel-cut oatmeal for breakfast. Choose unsweetened flavours to skip excess sugar and calories. Top with fresh berries or banana slices and a touch of honey for a burst of natural (Continued on page 30)
sweetness. Make the switch to 100% whole wheat bread and look for wholegrain cereals with 5 grams of fiber of more. Recipes below...
(Continued from page 29)
5. Iron for mental alertness
Staying well-hydrated is extremely important and helps prevent fatigue and keep concentration levels going strong. Simple suggestions... Skip the sugary soda and reach for water instead!
Bring a little ‘zing' to regular water with a slice or two Iron-rich foods also improve mental alertness and ener- of lemon, lime or orange. gy levels. Lean sources of red meat, poultry, spinach, beans, dried fruits, and whole-grains are excellent choic- 8. According to a recent Harvard study, consuming es. more beta-carotene may save your brain. Simple suggestions...
The experiment found that those who took 50 milligrams of the antioxidant every other day for 15 years Top off an easy weeknight spaghetti dinner with a few significantly delayed cognitive aging compared with meatballs using 93% lean ground round. Test out whole those who skipped the supplement. Why? Beta-carotene wheat pasta for a healthy switch to complex carbohymay fight the oxidative stress that can damage brain drates. Keep kids energized throughout afternoon activ- cells over time, decreasing your risk of dementia. In adities and pack a homemade trail mix such as dried dition to brain games, be sure to boost your beta-carocherries, golden raisins, raw pecans or almonds, and tene intake for cognitive health. wholegrain cereal. Remember that a little trail mix goes a long way... 1/4 cup equals a single serving. THINK ORANGE (AND GREEN) Recipes below... 6. Calcium to strengthen bones Last but certainly not least, calcium's great for growing youngsters to strengthen bones and help them remain active. Nearly 85% of young girls and 60% of boys ages nine to eighteen don't hit their daily calcium target of 1300mg. For four- to eight-year-olds, the requirement is 800mg. Simple suggestions... Make sure your fridge is stocked with healthy calcium picks such as low-fat milk or soy milk, yogurt and cheese as well as almonds, salmon, tofu, edamame and fortified cereals and OJ. *Note: To limit your child's consumption of excess sugar and calories, limit juice intake to the recommended daily amount, which is 4 ounces.
To reap these benefits, fill your diet with beta-carotene rich foods like carrots, kale, cantaloupe,spinach, and sweet potatoes (click on each link for delicious recipes featuring each ingredient). Foods that drain the brain Now that you've got your brain-boosting list down pat, steer clear of certain items that can quickly drain energy and attention levels, often causing short spikes in activity and then crashing lows from excess sugar and artificial ingredients. Check labels and ingredient lists. Bypass the following items on your next trip to the grocery store: Foods with artificial sweeteners or colouring High-fructose corn syrup Sugary fruit drinks, colas and juices Refined white sugars and breads
Pressed for time? Pack turkey and cheese ‘roll ups' for a quick and easy snack or as part of a healthy lunch...the kids will love the fun shape. Use antibiotic-free turkey slices and cheddar or Swiss cheese.
Trans fats and partially-hydrogenated oils Processed snack foods and luncheon meats
Recipes below...
Brain-boosting recipes:
7. Water keeps your concentration levels up
Spinach & Strawberries - Prevent age-related brain disease Spinach helps protect the brain from oxidative stress while reducing the risk of (Continued on page 31)
(Continued from page 30) suffering from an agerelated decline in function, while just half a cup pf strawberries provides 70% of the Recommended Daily Value (RDV) for vitamin C. Both of these can increase your learning capacity and motor skills.
as fresh fruits cover the markets! So get out and do some serious grocery shopping for your brain! And I hop you'll remember to come back to this site every day after increasing your memory and brain power, right!?: RECIPES!
Egg yolks & Yellow-fin Tuna - Prevent Alzheimer's disease A healthy benefit of egg yolks is that they contribute "Choline" to the diet, which is a component of two fatlike molecules in the brain that are responsible for brain function and health. Yellowfin Tuna is a rich source of omega-3 fatty acids, which keeps cell-membranes flexible and maximizes their ability to allow important nutrients in. Both of these have been said to prevent or alleviate age-related mental decline and Alzheimer's disease. Cranberries - For memory and coordination Cranberries can protect brain cells from free-radical damage and the tartness in the fruit can enhance your memory, balance and coordination. They also provide necessary antioxidants which keep you healthy and fit.
Eggs... Egg yolks & Yellow-fin Tuna - Prevent Alzheimer's disease A healthy benefit of egg yolks is that they contribute "Choline" to the diet, which is a component of two fatlike molecules in the brain that are responsible for brain function and health. Yellowfin Tuna is a rich source of omega-3 fatty acids, which keeps cell-membranes flexible and maximizes their ability to allow important nutrients in. Both of these have been said to prevent or alleviate age-related mental decline and Alzheimer's disease. Spinach and Egg Salad Sandwich
1 cup chopped cooked spinach Raisin bran - Prevent migraines and headaches 4 hard-boiled eggs chopped fine Raisin bran provides carbohydrates, iron, B vitamins, folic acid, calcium and magnesium, which are all important nutrients for brain fuel, as well as health and vitali- 1 teaspoon chopped onion ty. In addition, magnesium is a mineral that helps relax Mayonnaise made from Olive Oil blood vessels, preventing the constriction and dilation characteristic of migraine and tension headaches. Chop the spinach into small strips and mix with the chopped eggs. Add mayonnaise and onion, sea salt and Yellowfin Tuna - Protects against Alzheimer's black pepper to taste. Spread on both slices of bread, put Yellowfin tuna is a rich source of omega-3 fatty acids, together, and press lightly. which keeps cell-membranes flexible and maximizes their ability to allow important nutrients in. Yellowfin Curried Egg and Potato Salad tuna is rich in the B vitamin niacin, which also protects the brain against Alzheimer's disease. 6 hard-cooked eggs, cooled Kidney Beans - To improve cognitive function One cup of cooked kidney beans contains almost 19% of the RDV for the B-vitamin thiamin, which is critical for cognitive function because it is needed to synthesize choline. Kidney beans are rich in inositol, which again improves symptoms of depression and mood disorders.
4 medium potatoes, chopped into small cubes
Sweet potatoes-Beetroot-Carrot- For nourishment of the brain Tubers like sweet potatoes and beets are highly nourishing for the brain. They are rich in vitamin B6 as well as carbohydrates and antioxidant nutrients (vitamin C and beta-carotene), which not only purify the blood, but also help increase brain power significantly.
Spring is the best season to horde up on all these foods
2 medium eating apples, chopped 2/3 cup chopped celery 1/3 cup chopped green onion
1/3 cup fat-free yogurt or sour cream Âź cup low-fat mayonnaise 1 tbsp vinegar
(Continued on page 38)
Seeds & What You Need to Know HEIRLOOM
DEFINITION Heirloom Seed Seed that is produced through open pollination by a natural means
Hybrid Seed
GMO Seed
Seed that is produced by artificially crosspollinating plants
Seed that has had its DNA altered using genetic engineering
CHARACTERISTICS Heirloom plants are like parents to the seeds.
Hybrid plants have higher yield, uniform size, colour, disease resistance etc..
GMO plants have traits that are modified or Unique
ADVANTAGES Large selection of plants Resistance to extreme weather, pests and disease non-homogenous taste
Popular, easy to find, high yield uniform crops, may be more resistant to disease
DISADVANTAGES Not as hardy or disease sistant as hybrid plants
Uniform taste, can be costly, Seeds from first generation plants can’t be saved and replanted
Not proven to be safe reLinked to serious health risks such as infertility, immune problems, accelerated aging. Insulin regulation problems, changes in major organs, gastrointestinal problems, can cross-pollinate with non GMO plants and crops
Butter and Coconut Oil are Better By Bertie Thickwood PhD Butter is a good source of easily absorbed vitamin A, needed for a wide range of functions in the body ranging from a healthy immune system to good vision and a healthy thyroid and adrenal glands. Butter also contains all fat-soluble vitamins, E, K, and D. Vitamins A and D in butter are essential to the proper absorption of calcium making butter a good source of dietary prevention against osteoporosis as well as promoting strong teeth. Butter is rich in trace minerals, especially selenium, a powerful antioxidant. Ounce for ounce, butter has more selenium per gram than either whole wheat or garlic and even more than some fish. Butter also supplies iodine which like Vitamin A is needed by the thyroid gland. Butter has appreciable amounts of butyric acid, used by the colon as an energy source. This fatty acid is also a known anti-carcinogen. Lauric acid, a medium chain fatty acid, is a potent antimicrobial and antifungal substance. Butter also contains conjugated linoleic acid (CLA) which gives excellent protection against cancer. Butter also has small, but equal, amounts of omega 3 and 6 fatty acids, the so-called essential fatty acids. These are a special category of fatty acids that protect against gastrointestinal infections, especially in the very young and the elderly. Children should not drink skim or low fat milk and those who do have been reported to have higher rates of diarrhea than those that drink whole milk. Human breast milk is extremely high in saturated fat and cholesterol and should be our best model for information supporting the importance of both in our diet. While some margarines are reportedly Trans fat free, does that mean margarine can be a good source of fats? No. Margarine is made from vegetable oils that have been heated to very high temperatures resulting in a product that almost certainly becomes rancid. To solidify the end product several processes can occur and additives such as nickel are frequently put into the mix. Then, in order to disguise the smell, appearance and flavour colouring and deodorizers are added. DO NOT USE MARGARINE! Remember, there are three food groups. Protein, Carbohydrate and Fat. Carbohydrate is used by the body as energy and what is not used immediately goes next to the liver to be stored in the form of glycogen
and once the liver is saturated the remaining surplus will be stored on the body as fat. Protein too goes through this process of metabolic conversion but to a far lesser degree will ultimately be stored as fat. There is only one food group that will not be stored as fat, and that is FAT! The human body knows what to do with butter and other animal fats. We’ve been processing these fats since the beginning of time. Look for good quality butter, raw and cultured preferably or at the very least organic butter. Coconut Oil Once condemned for use due to the rich saturated fats found in coconut oil, we now know its benefits are numerous. While coconut oil contains 90% saturated fat, it is also an important source of medium-chain fatty acids (MCFAs) that can improve your health in many ways. The MCFAs in coconut oil are easy to digest and these important, hard-working fatty acids are immediately converted into energy rather than being stored in your body as fat. MCFA are very different from LCFA. They do not have a negative effect on cholesterol and help to protect against heart disease. MCFA help to lower the risk of both atherosclerosis and heart disease. Overall, MCFAs help to boost your metabolism. In addition to a whole host of amino acids, coconut as a whole food is also a great source of the minerals potassium, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, and manganese, as well as vitamin C and riboflavin (vitamin B2). There is evidence that coconut oil helps prevent osteoporosis. In addition to the nutrients coconuts provide on their own, coconut oil also appears to help with the absorption of other nutrients such as calcium and magnesium making it a very useful tool in the prevention of osteoporosis. Also, it increases absorption of some of the B vitamins, the fat-soluble vitamins: A, D, E, K, beta-carotene, and some amino acids. Because of it is easily digested, provides a quick and easy source of nutrition, and improves absorption of other nutrients coconut oil has been recommended in the treatment of malnutrition. Coconut oil has many other uses. Research has shown it can be useful in the treatment and prevention of obesity. A lot of research (Continued on page 34)
Calcium and Magnesium. How much are you absorbing from your supplement? By Rose Stevens Have you ever asked yourself, how much of the calcium and magnesium you are actually absorbing through the supplement you are taking? As babies we are born with the capacity to absorb 60% of the calcium we ingest. By adulthood it drops to between Rose Stevens 15%-20% Then absorption drops by ¼% every year until a plateau is reached in senior years. Why is absorption so limited? Ion atoms are unstable by nature, and therefore, bind to other molecules (amino acids, carbonates, citrates, etc.). The body absorbs calcium and magnesium in their free ionic forms. This means that calcium and magnesium need to be liberated from the molecules they are bound to by enzymes in the stomach, and once again be ionized to be absorbed. As we age, our digestive capacity and its ability to liberate calcium and magnesium ions becomes less and less efficient. With this process these ions get absorbed through an active transport system.( fuelled by ATP and Vitamin D) Liquid Ionic verses non ionic forms.
ence between ionic and non ionic forms for health benefits. This difference is very important because our bodies recognize, utilize and metabolize only ionic forms. Liquid ionic calcium and magnesium however, provide the body with a concentrated pool of already pre-ionized calcium and magnesium. Delivery of a concentrated pool of these ions creates a ‘concentration gradient’, which allows these ions to travel effortlessly through ion channels instead of the slow and energy intensive active transport process. Nobel prize winners Edwin Neher and Bert Sackman M.D. were able to prove in 1991 that ionic channels exist within human cell membranes. They state: “An ion channel is like a tunnel running from the inside of a cell to the outside. Cells communicate with one another using the 20-40 ion channels which each cell has in its membrane.” This is how calcium and magnesium are transported and utilized in the cells and this is why Liquid ionic Calcium and Magnesium is able to provide you with required amounts of calcium and magnesium to maintain optimum health. Rose Stevens RT Holistic Practitioner www.biofrequencyconsulting.com
In his book, chemistry and Biochemistry of calcium, W.G Robertson stresses the importance of the differ-
(Continued from page 33) is current being done in this area. Studies show it may be helpful in preventing liver disease, kidney disease, Crohn's disease, cancer and many infectious illnesses such as the flu, herpes, bladder infections, and candida, to mention just a few. Studies are now being done to test it effectiveness against serious illness such as AIDS and SARS. Preliminary results have been very promising. Dr. Mary Enig, a Ph.D. nutritionist/biochemist and one of the world's leading authorities on fats and oils, goes on to say, "Approximately 50% of the fatty acids in coconut fat are lauric acid. Lauric acid is a medium chain fatty acid, which has the additional beneficial function of being formed into monolaurin in the human or animal body. Monolaurin is the antiviral, antibacterial, and antiprotozoal monoglyceride used by the human or animal to destroy lipid coated viruses such as HIV, herpes, cytomegalovirus, influenza, various pathogenic bacteria including listeria monocytogenes and heliobacter pylori, and protozoa such as giardia lamblia. Some studies have also shown some antimicrobial effects of the free lauric acid." Coconut oil is very stable to cook with because it withstands high temperatures without heat damage. The damage done to vegetable oils and other fat sources due to high heat are significant to human health. Coconut oil is not destroyed by heat. The medium chain fatty acids are very resistant to heat and even commercial oils heated to very high temperatures retain their MCFA's. Coconut oil is one of the best and safest oils to use in cooking.
(Continued from page 9) tabolism is add a 1/2 teaspoon of cinnamon to your diet each day. The active insulin-enhancing components have they been found to increase insulin metabolism of glucose by up to 20 times and also have antioxidant activity. Gymnema Gymnema is an Ayurvedic herb that is believed to have a marked effect on blood sugar control. Doctors often prescribe gymnema for mild cases of type 2 diabetes, in conjunction with standard treatments. Alpha Lipoic Acid In Germany, the master antioxidant alpha lipoic acid is used widely for the prevention and treatment of peripheral neuropathy in diabetes.
Green Tea Extract The compounds in these plants are powerful antioxidants, particularly against pancreas and liver toxins. Laboratory studies have also shown that green tea suppresses diet-induced obesity, a key risk factor in developing diabetes and metabolic syndrome. ***Note on Sweeteners*** Generally, stevia is a first choice in sweetening agents that do not result in insulin spikes. Other choices may include Xylitol and Erythritol.
Diabetes - What are the Symptoms? Frequent trips to the bathroom: Urination becomes more frequent when there is too much glucose in the blood. If the kidneys can't filter glucose back to the blood they become overwhelmed and try to draw extra water out of the blood to dilute the glucose. This keeps your bladder full and it keeps you running to the bathroom. Unquenchable Thirst: Hand in hand with frequent urination. If your body is pulling extra water out of your blood and you're running to the bathroom more, you will become dehydrated and feel the need to drink more to replace the water that you are losing. Losing Weight Without Trying: In Type 1, the body looks for an energy source because the cells aren't getting glucose. It starts to break down muscle tissue and fat for energy. Type 2 happens gradually with increasing insulin resistance so weight loss is not as noticeable. Weakness and Fatigue: Insulin carries nutrients to our cells, but when that function is imparied the body’s cells become energy starved and you feel tired and run down. Tingling or Numbness in Your Hands, Legs or Feet: Called neuropathy, this occurs gradually over time when high glucose in the blood damages the nervous system. Neuropathy can very often improve when tighter blood glucose control is achieved. Blurred vision, skin that is dry or itchy, frequent infections or cuts and bruises that take a long time to heal are also signs that something is amiss. Again, when these signs are associated with diabetes, they are the result of high glucose levels in the body.
Mother Nature's Magazine
Stressed Out? Now You Can Do Something About It! By Bertie Thickwood PhD
There is an important connection between Vitamin C, the hormone cortisol and stress. Vitamin C appears in greater concentrations in the Adrenal Glands than in all other tissue and its role is fascinating. The adrenal glands use Vitamin C in order to produce various hormones. The adrenal cortex contains a large quantity of vitamin C, but these stores of vitamin C can be rapidly depleted during times of stress. In animal studies even relatively minor vitamin C deficiencies have been found to cause an elevation of cortisol levels. Chronic elevation of cortisol can lead to many detrimental health conditions. Vitamin C is also vital for the synthesis of epinephrine from the amino acid tyrosine. Epinephrine is also secreted by the adrenal glands in response to stress. Epinephrine and norepinephrine are responsible for our fight or flight response to stressful situations and epinephrine also plays a role in blood pressure. Supplementing with vitamin C while under stress has been shown to have numerous beneficial effects. When depletion of vitamin C causes excess production of cortisol, supplementation of vitamin C can reduce excess cortisol production and its associated destructive effects. This connection between stress and cortisol, and vitamin C, has been the focus of a great deal of research. Cortisol has many important roles and is necessary at normal levels for proper body functions including: April 2013
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mood and wellbeing blood pressure bones, muscles and skin immune cells & inflammation stomach and bowel function
In stressful situations, cortisol maintains blood pressure and limits inappropriate inflammation. However, the effects of excess cortisol, which include weight gain, suppressed immune function, high blood pressure and even diabetes, become destructive rather than positive. Dr. Hans Selye, a Canadian doctor and researcher, the founder of the International Institute of Stress at the University of Montreal, was the first to document the relationship of stress to cortisol excess and vitamin C in 1936. He “reported that the adrenal glands contain the highest concentration in the body of vitamin C. The adrenal glands make cortisol from vitamin C. When a person is under stress, the adrenal glands make tremendous amounts of cortisol and the concentration of vitamin C in them drops.” So, the link between vitamin C and cortisol is significant. Stress causes excess cortisol production, which depletes vitamin C. Vitamin C supplementation reduces excess cortisol, which in turn reduces its destructive effects and helps to counteract the negative aspects of stress.
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Earth Day 2013 APRIL 22
Get Involved! Introducing Mother Nature’s Magazine Feature Green Business - The Carbon Farmers. (As seen on CBC’s The Dragon’s Den)
This special farming couple is turning select parcels of previously farmed land that has been in their family for three generations back into boreal forest. Brad and Rebecca Rabiey will plant and care for a tree in your name for $1.99. They do all of the digging in the new forest in Canada and you get the recognition in the virtual one by including the name and message of your choice along with each tree. For a one time fee of $99.00 you can even customize an online forest with your own web address, title, picture or company logo, so that your virtual trees go into your very own branded forest. Not only is this a perfect Earth Day activity, it can also be the perfect way to share a green reward with your business clients, give green favours for weddings or conferences and even create a memorial for a loved one you've lost. All trees planted are species native to the boreal region. Brad and Rebecca are managing 100% of the forest as a conservation area, not for harvesting, and very soon the land will have a 100 year lease and a caveat on the title protecting the forest from anyone else trying to harvest the trees. Brad and Rebecca provide pictures and updates of the trees and Mom's Forest is also in the process of pre-validation to the CarbonFix Standard, a leading standard for climate forestation projects. Projects certified according to the CarbonFix Standard are known for their high social and ecological engagements and require monitoring, reporting and appropriate replanting. When you Create Your Forest you don't own the land, the trees or the carbon stored in the them. You are having trees planted and cared for in your name. Trees that are creating habitat, healthy waterways and many other benefits to Planet Earth. For every purchase you make you'll be sent the appropriate Planting Code(s) via email that you can use to Plant Your Tree in our Virtual Forest and enter the name and optional message you want displayed when you Explore the Forest online. Once you've planted your tree you can visit it anytime using the handy Find Your Tree feature and entering the original Planting Code. Mother Nature’s Magazine encourages you to please help Brad and Rebecca create a boreal forest today by making a purchase!
Go to www.thecarbonfarmer.ca
Mother Nature's Magazine
(Continued from page 31) 2 tsp mild curry powder, or to taste
ingredients; sprinkle over sweet potato mixture. Cover and bake at 350 degrees F for 30 minutes. Uncover, bake 15-20 minutes longer or until heated through.
Sea Salt and black pepper, to taste Peel and chop four eggs; slice remaining two eggs into wedges for garnish. Cook potatoes 5 to 7 minutes or until tender; drain well. Combine, in large bowl, eggs, potatoes, apple, celery and onion. Whisk together dressing ingredients in small bowl. Pour dressing over potato mixture and fold to coat well. Cover and chill until serving. Fruit... Cranberries - For memory and coordination Cranberries can protect brain cells from free-radical damage and the tartness in the fruit can enhance your memory, balance and coordination. They also provide necessary antioxidants which keep you healthy and fit. Banana-Berry Smoothie (serves 2) 1 medium banana 1 cup frozen cranberries 1 tbsp natural hazelnut butter (if desired) 1-2 tbsp ground flaxseed or hempseed(if desired) 1/3 cup of 1% or 2% milk 1 cup plain yogurt 2-4 cubes ice Put all ingredients in a blender; blend until smooth. Veggies... Sweet Potato and Carrot Crisp 4 medium sweet potatoes, peeled and cubed 2 pounds carrots, cut into 1/2 inch chunks 3/4 cup orange juice 2 tablespoons honey 2 tablespoons butter 2 garlic cloves, minced 1 teaspoon sea salt 1 teaspoon ground cinnamon TOPPING: 3/4 cup soft bread crumbs 1/4 cup chopped pecans 2 tablespoons butter, melted 2 teaspoons minced fresh parsley In a large saucepan, cook sweet potatoes and carrots until tender; drain. Cool slightly; place in a blender or food processor. Add orange juice, honey, butter, garlic, sea salt and cinnamon; cover and process until smooth. Pour into a greased 2-1/2-qt. baking dish. Combine topping April 2013
Kidney Beans and Whole Grains... Kidney Bean Pate Puree: 2 cups well cooked kidney beans 2 cloves minced garlic 1/2 tsp. ground cumin 1/2 - 1 tsp. Tabasco 2 Tbsp. olive oil 1 1/2 Tbsp. Garlic flavoured vinegar 1 Tbsp. chopped fresh cilantro as desired Serve on thin rye bread topped with avocado or sprouts.
Oatmeal Scones Mix together dry ingredients: 1 1/2 cup whole wheat flour 1 1/2 tsp. baking powder 1/2 tsp. baking soda 1 1/2 cups rolled oats 1 cup currants Cut into above until about the size of a pea: 1/2 cup butter Beat together: 3/4 cup buttermilk 1 egg 1 Tbsp. honey Mix together and knead about 5 times. It will be sticky. On a greased baking sheet, flatten the dough into a circle 1/2-inch thick. Score into 8 and bake at 400 for 25 minutes.
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All About Tea Tea is often thought of as being a British drink, and we have been drinking it for over 350 years. But in fact the history of tea goes much further back. The story of tea begins in China. According to legend, in 2737 BC, the Chinese emperor Shen Nung was sitting beneath a tree while his servant boiled drinking water, when some leaves from the tree blew into the water. Shen Nung, a renowned herbalist, decided to try the infusion that his servant had accidentally created. The tree was a Camellia sinensis, and the resulting drink was what we now call tea. There are approximately 1,500 different varieties of tea, all offering interesting and varied style´s, taste and colour. The character of tea, like wine, is influenced by the elevation of the garden, the soil, wind conditions and temperature and, of course, the quality of the plucking. With so many teas to choose from there is a lifetime of enjoyable exploration ahead. Daily cups of tea can help you recover more quickly from the stresses of everyday life, according to a new study by UCL (University College London) researchers. New scientific evidence shows that black tea has an effect on stress hormone levels in the body.
In a study involving bladder cancer cells, green tea extract seemed to make the cancer cells behave oddly. They matured sooner, bound together tightly, and had a hard time multiplying. Another study found that men who drank oolong tea plus green tea extract lost more weight and total body fat, compared with men who drank plain oolong tea. Also, the green tea drinkers had lower LDL cholesterol. Other small studies have found that the antioxidants from drinking tea can help prevent skin cancer. There's also evidence that tea extracts applied to the skin (in a lotion) can block sun damage that leads to skin cancer. Black Teas Black tea comes from the same plant that green tea, white, and oolong tea come from, but it has a distinctively strong flavor and characteristically dark colour. To make green tea, the leaves of the Camellia sinensis plant are first dried and then gently steamed. When creating black tea the tea producer processes the leaves with a far more intricate sequence of steps.
First, the black tea leaves are withered. Second, they are rolled to release the beneficial polyphenols presThe study, published in the journal Psychopharmacol- ent in the leaves. Third, the leaves are placed in the ogy, found that people who drank tea were able to open air and exposed to heat and humidity in order to de-stress more quickly than those who drank a fake initiate the fermentation process. The fourth and final tea substitute. Furthermore, the study participants step is to dry and pack the leaves after full oxidation who drank a black tea concoction four times a day for (fermentation) is completed. six weeks - were found to have lower levels of the stress hormone cortisol in their blood after a stressful The combination of these specific steps actually acevent, compared with a control group who drank the count for the uniqueness of black tea. The tea exhibits a range of taste from brisk to astringent to delicately fake or placebo tea for the same period of time. fruity, flowery, or even smoky. Often, the differences UCL researchers also found that blood platelet activa- in flavour can be traced back to the growing regions tion - linked to blood clotting and the risk of heart where the black tea is produced. Regardless of taste, attacks - was lower in the tea drinkers, and that this flavour, and colour, the one constant of black tea are group reported a greater degree of relaxation in the the health benefits derived from this "wonder plant". recovery period after the task. In a study done at the American Heart Association in Some laboratory tests also show that black and green New Orleans, researchers found that black tea may tea may help boost metabolism to aid weight loss, provide the additional benefit of lowering the risk of block allergic response, slow the growth of tumours, heart attack and stroke. According to their findings, protect bones, fight bad breath, improve skin, protect certain compounds found in black tea help relax and against Parkinson's disease, and even delay the onset expand the arteries. This relaxation and expansion of diabetes. aids in the increase of blood flow to the heart along with minimizing clogging (Continued on page 40)
Mother Nature's Magazine
of the arteries. The eight-week study on the benefits of black tea involved 50 men and women with coronary artery disease. During the study period, the volunteers drank four cups of either water (a placebo) or tea a day for four weeks. The results provided some insightful conclusions - the group that drank black tea produced more nitric oxide, the chemical released by the body that causes the artery to dilate, which accounted for their arteries to dilate normally. This dilation helped increase the blood flow to the heart.
Many green China teas are still traditionally made by hand using methods that have been handed down from generation to generation. However, more and more teas are now made in mechanized factories. Green teas are totally unoxidised (compared to black teas which are fully oxidised) and so the first stage of the manufacturing process is to kill any enzymes that would otherwise cause oxidation to take place. To de-enzyme them, the freshly plucked leaves are either steamed (to make 'sencha-type teas) or tumbled quickly in a wok or panning machine (to make panA recent Chicago College of Dentistry study showed fired teas) and are then rolled by hand or machine to that people who rinsed their mouths with black tea give the leaf a particular appearance - some teas are multiple times a day had less plaque buildup than twisted, some curved, some rolled into pellets, etc. those who rinsed with water. "Polyphenols in tea sup- To remove all but 2-3% of the remaining water, the press the bacterial enzyme that triggers plaque accutea is then dried in hot ovens or over charcoal stoves. mulation," says Christine D. Wu, Ph.D., the lead study author. "Drinking tea a few times a day could Oolong have the same effect." Traditionally from China's Fujian province and TaiGreen Teas wan, these are semi-oxidised teas that vary from greenish rolled oolongs (that give a light, floral liquor For thousands of years, the Chinese have been enjoy- reminiscent of lily of the valley, narcissus, orchid or ing this drink for its many health benefits. Green tea, hyacinth) to dark brown leafed oolongs (that yield especially, with its refreshing delicate taste, is said to liquors with deeper, earthier flavours and lingering help in relieving the symptoms of certain diseases hints of peach and apricot). This tea is also reported from the simplest discomforts (headaches, stomach to strengthen your immune system as well as clarifypains, etc.) to very complex ailments and diseases ( ing your skin, giving it a health clear glow. A new heart disease, cancer, arthritis, etc.) study published in the academic journal Archives of Dermatology, researchers from Japan's Shiga UniverScientists believe the reason green tea is claimed to sity of Medical Science found that drinking Wu-Long have more beneficial virtues compared to other teas is daily dramatically clears up skin within just one that the leaves never undergo full oxidation. Since month. And, in addition to enhancing mind and body they are not fully fermented, the polyphenols, espewellness, the Department of Dentistry at Japan's Osacially the polyphenol ECGG, remains intact. This ka University shows the regular consumption of Wuchemical compound is regarded as a potent substance Long strengthens teeth and helps prevent tooth decay against disease-causing free radicals in the human by significantly inhibiting plaque deposition. body. However, modern studies have shown that, while it is true that full oxidation does somewhat White Teas break down ECGG, the benefits of black tea are not completely tied to the presence of that chemical com- White teas traditionally come from China's Fujian pound. province and are made from leaf buds and leaves of the Da Bai (Big White) tea varietal by the simplest Scientists found that the benefits of black tea are process of all teas. Very young new leaf buds and more directly associated with certain chemical combaby leaves are simply gathered and dried - often in pounds that give black tea its characteristic fruity fla- the sun. The manufacturing process includes no vour and dark colour rather than ECGG. These withering, no steaming, no rolling, no oxidising and compounds, called theaflavins and theaburigins are no shaping. The best known white teas are Pai Mu polyphenols with antioxidant properties that are atTan (White Peony) which is made using new leaf tributed to removing and cleansing the body of harm- buds and a few very young leaves, and Yin Zhen (Silful free radicals. ver Needles) which is made from just the new leaf buds.
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China tea which has been dried with Jasmine blossoms placed between the layers of tea. The tea therefore has a light, delicate Jasmine aroma and flavour.
people who have sleeping disorders and also helps in relieving anxiety. . Chamomile tea has a host of anti inflammatory and anti spasmodic properties that help relieve and wade off a variety of body problems especially cramps. It is rich in natural oils and assists the digestive system to function properly. Chamomile tea is very good for one's skin. It can be applied to the skin as a cleanser.
Rose Congou
(Continued from page 40) Flavoured and Scented Teas Jasmine
Ginger herbal teas has powerful medicinal properties, the most common being, relief from stomach upsets by neutralizing acids and helps in proper digestion. The ginger herb tea is reputed to enhance sexual desire and also very helpful in freshening the breath. Ginger tea also has properties in it that helps relieve Earl Grey nausea, dizziness, motion sickness, gastric problems Traditionally, a blend of black China teas treated with and even in some cases relief from severe muscle natural oils of the citrus Bergamot fruit which gives pain. Ginger tea also helps to ease congestion in the the tea it's perfumed aroma and flavour. Earl Grey tea chest. is said to have originally been blended for the second Earl Grey by a mandarin after Britain had completed Orange, lemon and other citrus fruits peel are also used as a sedative and will also help to solve the a successful diplomatic mission to China. problem of indigestion. Persimmon herbal tea is a Herbal Teas health drink and a good supplement for Vitamin C. Raspberry herbal tea is helpful in reducing diarrhea. The most common of the herbal teas that are conBirch herbal tree is useful for people suffering from sumed all over the world are Rooibos, chamomile tea, headaches and rheumatic problems. Birch tea is jasmine tea, ginger tea, all spice tea, lemongrass tea sometimes considered as an oral hygiene and is helpand cinnamon tea. All these herbal teas have very ful to reduce fever and is a pain reliever for kidney good medicinal benefits and each serve a different problems. Ginseng tea is said to have properties to purpose. simulate vitality and is also helpful in maintaining the body to be healthy. Some herbal teas are believed to Rooibos have antioxidants that can help in reduction of cancer, while some are very good for stomach, esophageal Rooibos tea is high in antioxidant properties, rich in and skin cancers. Most of the herbal teas help in reminerals and rare trace elements and caffeine free. ducing cholesterol levels. Recent Japanese research is indicating, that the antiA large-leafed black tea scented with rose petals. The manufacture of 'gongfu' teas demand great skill in the handling of the leaves, the temperature control and the timing of each part of the process.
aging properties found in the Rooibos plant far exceed any other known plant on earth. In additional studies conducted in South Africa and Japan, Rooibos has been shown to aid in health problems such as insomnia, irritability, headaches, nervous tension, and hypertension. Studies also show that this tea releases anti-spasmodic agents, which can relieve stomach cramping and colic in infants. Rooibos has also been used to treat allergies such as hay fever, asthma and eczema. Chamomile Chamomile tea is known for its soothing and calming attributes. It has natural sedative and can be used by
Selecting the best tea for you will depend upon each individual's taste, for a certain flavour or the health benefit that you may be looking for. Regardless of which tea you choose, the health benefits and simple comforts a cup of tea can bring should be enjoyed by all.
Mother Nature's Magazine
Mother Nature’s Perfect Cup of Tea
● Making the Perfect Cup always use freshly drawn cold water. ● Ensure that kettles, teapots and mugs (preferably ceramic) are spotlessly clean. ● If you are using a teapot, make sure to warm the pot with hot water then pour it away. ● Use one tea bag per person, plus one for the tea pot. ● For Black, Oolong and herbal teas, bring the tea pot to the kettle and pour the water onto the tea as soon as it boils. Let the tea stand and brew for 3-5 minutes and stir once before serving. ● For Green teas, since boiling water can damage the leaves and cause the tea to taste bitter, use water that is just below the boiling point. Let the tea stand and brew for 1-2 minutes and stir once before serving.
April 2013
● Use one teaspoon of loose tea plus one for the tea pot. For one person use a 10oz tea pot, for two persons a 20oz tea pot is recommended. ● For Black, Oolong and herbal teas bring the tea pot to the kettle and pour the water onto the tea as soon as it boils. Let the tea stand and brew for 3-5 minutes and stir once before serving. ● For Green teas, since boiling water can damage the leaves and cause the tea to taste bitter use water that is just below the boiling point . Let the tea stand and brew for 1-2 minutes and stir once before serving. ● Adding milk and sugar is a matter of personal taste. People take their tea in all kinds of ways, and tea's broad variety of flavours and strengths can be customized to each person's palate. Some believe sugar affects the taste of tea because it numbs the taste buds. Others
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(Continued from page 42) like their tea sweetened. owner of The House of Tea in Philadelphia, (800) ● Honey is best used to sweeten when milk is not added. And many tea drinkers enjoy their tea with simply a slice of lemon. And while some teas do benefit from a little milk, others are best served without milk.
923-8327. He offers nearly 200 gourmet teas and tea blends from around the world. When in the city of brotherly love, stop by at 720 South Fourth Street.
1 tsp. good-quality oolong or black tea leaves 1/2 chopped tomato 1 tsp. each: chopped red, yellow and green bell pepWhen milk is used, it should be placed in the cup be- pers fore the tea. This allows the milk to cool the tea, rath- 1 tsp. chopped onion er than letting the tea heat the milk and possibly cause 1/2 chopped onion it to separate on the surface. 1 tsp. thyme 1 bay leaf Best served with milk:: 1 tbs. butter 2 c wild rice English Breakfast, Earl Grey, Lady Grey, Prince of 4 c chicken stock Wales, Irish Breakfast, Assam. 2 oz. demi-glaze (concentrated chicken stock), optional. If eliminated, use additional chicken stock. Best served without milk: Lapsang Souchong, Jasmine, Traditional Gunpowder, Darjeeling, herbal infusions, fruit-flavoured black teas. Try prepared tea in place of water or stock when cooking rice or other grains for a delicate tea flavour. ● Don't steep "strong" tea for extra time, as this will make the tea bitter. Instead, use twice the quantity of tea as usual, and steep for the maximum amount of time appropriate for the type of tea, generally 5 minutes for black teas, 7 minutes for oolongs, 3 minutes for greens, and 12 minutes for white teas. ● In general, substitute one half or more of the liquid (water or stock) called for in a recipe with tea. You may need to adjust some seasonings, especially salt. ● If you prepare homemade cranberry sauce, use tea in place of the water. Choose a "holiday" tea made with cranberries, oranges, and/or spices. Steep the tea to regular strength.
Sweat tomato, peppers and onion in butter until tender. Add wild rice, tea leaves, spices and chicken stock to cover. Add demi-glaze. Bake in covered casserole dish in 350-degree oven for 45 minutes. Remove bay leaf, fluff and serve. Tea thyme soup About 4 to 6 servings 5 cups vegetable stock, broth, or bouillon 4 large cloves garlic, minced or pressed 3 teaspoons dried thyme, lightly crushed 3 cups chopped broccoli, fresh or frozen 1/2 pound (8 ounces) small shells, wagon wheels, fusilli, or other macaroni shapes 1 cup steeped green tea at regular strength juice of one lemon (about 2 Tablespoons) 1/8 teaspoon freshly ground black pepper or to taste additional salt to taste (optional)
Combine the stock, garlic, and thyme in a heavy saucepan and bring to a boil. Stir in the broccoli and macaroni, reduce heat, and simmer until the macaroni is just at the al dente stage of tenderness, about eight ● Remember that "tea" made with herbs, fruits, to twelve minutes depending on the shape chosen. flowers only is not really tea but an infusion Stir in the tea and heat through for about a minute. or tisane. These recipes use real tea unless Remove from heat and stir in the lemon juice and otherwise noted. And unless otherwise noted pepper, and adjust the salt if necessary. Serve immeall recipes call for standard eight-ounce liquid diately and piping hot. cup measures, not the contents of a teacup, Variations which normally holds only six ounces. > Substitute other chopped cruciferous vegetables Wild Rice with Tea This recipe is from Cordon Bleu-trained chef Nat Litt, (cabbage, cauliflower, Brussels sprouts, kohlrabi) for
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(Continued from page 43) all or part of the broccoli. > For a main dish soup, add 1/2 pound firm tofu, diced, or 1 cup cooked or canned beans, rinsed well drained, with the green tea. Jasmine winter fruit salad About 8 servings 1 cup raisins 1 cup dried apricots 2 cups mixed dried fruits in any combination 1 cup slivered almonds 1/2 cup pine nuts (pignolis) 1/4 cup maple syrup or alternative syrupy sweetener of your choice 1 vanilla bean, split lengthwise down the middle but not cut through 2 cups hot steeped jasmine tea 2 teaspoons Amaretto liqueur (or 1 teaspoon almond flavouring) Place raisins and apricots into a large mixing bowl. Remove any pits from the other fruits, and cut any large pieces in half or quarters, and mix in. Add the nuts, syrup, and vanilla bean. Pour the hot tea over the mixture and stir once or twice. Allow to rest until it reaches room temperature. Stir in the Amaretto or flavouring and stir well to distribute. Cover the bowl and store in the refrigerator overnight. (Note: I find it convenient to use a large plastic container with a tight-fitting lid as both mixing bowl and covered storage.) About two hours before you are ready to serve, take the fruit salad out of the refrigerator and place on a counter to bring it to room temperature. Just before serving, remove the vanilla bean, stir gently to mix, then transfer the fruit salad, with its liquid, to a serving dish. Vanilla Roo pudding About 4 to 6 servings 1-1/2 cups strong-steeped Strawberry Almond Mint rooibos 1-1/2 cups whole milk or almond milk with ½ teaspoon of Vanilla Extract 1/4 cup cane sugar 4 rounded Tablespoons cornstarch or arrowroot powder
under the pot (if you don't use one, cook over a lower temperature or it will burn pretty easily). Stir very frequently, scraping the solidifying curds from the sides and bottom and mixing them in. The mixture will eventually begin to bubble, making the surface look kind of bumpy. Keep cooking/stirring. As soon as the bubbles begin to break at the surface, the pudding is done. Pour the mixture into one big or four to six smaller serving dishes, and refrigerate until set. Note: The amount of sweetener you use, and the type, is up to you -- the milk is already sweetened so you might want to taste the mixture before you add too much. Variation: > If you want to use a syrupy sweetener, add an additional 1 teaspoon of cornstarch. Spiced cocoa tea About 4 servings 1 cup strong black tea, freshly made 6 Tablespoons cane sugar or other sweetener 4 Tablespoons unsweetened cocoa, preferably Dutch processed 4 cups plain, unflavoured whole milk or almond milk 2 teaspoons vanilla extract 1 teaspoon ground cinnamon 1 teaspoon ground nutmeg Place the tea into a saucepan over medium heat. Stir in the sugar and cocoa powder and cook,stirring until dissolved, just until the mixture comes to a boil. Remove from heat and stir in the milk, vanilla, and spices. Allow to remain in the pot just until the milk is heated through. Pour into cups and serve. Festive Green Tea Cheesecake Cake 1 cup (generous) ground shortbread cookies (about 6 ounces) 2 8-ounce packages cream cheese, room temperature (do not use whipped or "light" products) 1/2 cup (packed) heavy, full fat yogurt or sour cream 3/4 cup plus 2 tablespoons sugar
Mix together in a saucepan the rooibos and milk, then 4 large eggs stir in the sugar, then the cornstarch, until smooth. Heat the mixture, preferably placing a heat diffuser
(Continued on page 45)
(Continued from page 44) 2 teaspoons Japanese green tea powder** or 2 teaspoons finely ground green tea from about 4 tea bags Topping
into a large teapot or heat-proof pitcher or bottle. Pour in the steeped tea and stir well. Serve hot. Indian Chai About 4 servings chilled or 6 servings hot
3 cups rice milk, plain or vanilla flavoured 3 cups water 1/3 cup cane sugar or alternative sweetener of your Preheat oven to 325째F. Press cookie crumbs firmly choice onto bottom (not sides) of 8-inch-diameter spring2 Tablespoons black tea leaves (try Assam or a breakform pan. Wrap outside of pan tightly with 3 layers of fast blend) heavy-duty foil. Using electric mixer, beat cream 1 two-inch or longer cinnamon stick cheese, yogurt, and sugar in large bowl until smooth. 8 whole black peppercorns Add eggs 1 at a time, beating until incorporated after 2 whole cloves each addition. Beat in green tea powder until smooth. 4 cardamom seeds Pour batter over prepared crust in pan. Place cake in 1/4 teaspoon whole cumin seeds roasting pan; add enough hot water to roasting pan to 2 whole allspice come halfway up sides of springform pan. 1/8 teaspoon ground nutmeg Fresh berries of your choice.
Bake cake until set but center moves very slightly when pan is gently shaken, about 1 hour. Remove cake from roasting pan; cool 1 hour at room temperature. Refrigerate uncovered overnight. (Can be prepared 2 days ahead. Cover and keep refrigerated.) Cut around pan sides to loosen cake; remove sides. Place cake on platter. Garnish cake with some raspberries. Cut cake into wedges. Serve each piece with a few raspberries or berries of your choice. **Green tea powder is available at Japanese markets. Russian tea (chai) About 8 cups 1-1/2 cups water 3 medium oranges, sliced 1 large lemon, sliced 2 cinnamon sticks, about 3 inches long 1 teaspoon whole cloves, optional 2 cups pineapple juice 1/2 cup sugar or equivalent alternative sweetener 4 cups steeped black tea Combine water, fruit, and spices in a heavy, non-aluminum saucepan. Bring to a boil, and allow to boil for five minutes. Remove from heat. Pour the mixture through a large mesh strainer into a bowl or container; press the fruit with a heavy spoon (or your hand) to expel all juice. Discard the fruit and spice pulp. Add the pineapple juice and sugar, and stir well. Pour
Mix the milk, water, sweetener, and tea leaves in a saucepan and bring to a boil. As soon as the mixture boils, turn off the heat and stir in all the spices. Cover the pan and allow the tea and spices to steep for fifteen minutes. Remove the cover, stir, and heat again to a boil. Again as soon as it reaches the boil, remove from the heat. Pour the mixture through a fine strainer or sieve into a teapot or directly into individual teacups or mugs to serve. Can be stored in an airtight container for up to two days, and served chilled or reheated.
Mother Nature’s Greener Home Hints Earth Day is a good reminder to all of us to be concerned for the long term impact many conventional household products could have on the environment. However, nothing is so compelling or immediate as the concern for the safety of our children. Every year hundreds of children need medical care for poisoning from products commonly found around the home. Most accidental poisonings occur to children less than five years of age, with children aged one to three most at risk. What can be Poisonous to Children? ● All Medications; Over-the-counter and Prescription (i.e. Sedatives, Heart Pills, Iron Tablets and Contraceptive Pills) ● Drain Cleaners and Oven Cleaners ● Pesticides and Herbicides ● Dishwasher Powder ● Laundry Detergent ● Bleaches ● Alcohol (i.e. Perfumes and Methylated Spirits) ● Shampoos and Soap ● Cigarettes ● And Many more common household substances For some homes, environmentally friendly cleaning means that they only use ‘green’ substances like baking soda, vinegar, and lemons. Other homes may still want the convenience and at times the strength of commercial cleaners that are healthy for the environment. They will still want to avoid phosphates, chlorine, artificial fragrances, and artificial colors. Some commercial household products used every day may have ingredients you find surprising when reading labels carefully. These can include harmful chemicals such as chlorine bleach, ammonia, phosphates, NTA & EDTA (ethylene diaminetetraacetic acid or ethylene dinitrilotetraacetic acid or any of its salts), APEO - (alkophenol ethoxylates), Halogenated organic solvents or Butoxyethanol - VOCs - (volatile organic compounds). Surfactants constitute the most important group of detergent components. Detergents and soaps are used for cleaning because water alone isn’t able to remove oily organic matter. Surfactants clean by acting as an emulsifier. Surfactants found in detergents allow oil and water to mix so that oily soil can then be removed during rinsing. During World War I and World War II there was a shortage of animal and vegetable fats normally used to produce soap, resulting in the development of detergents which are primarily surfactants. Cellulose Gum (derived from plants and also a food additive) may also be added to detergents as a bonding agent to prevent loosened soil particles from returning to clothes.
Deciding if a cleaning product is safe for you, your children and the environment can be difficult and even confusing. Problem ingredients may include: PHOSPHATES which are commonly used in dishwasher detergents due to their ability to break up ‘greasy’ substances but are not environmentally friendly. Phosphates enter waterways in everyday use and cause a flush of algae growth resulting in depleted oxygen and death of fish and other marine life. NTA & EDTA - (ethylene diaminetetraacetic acid or ethylene dinitrilotetraacetic acid or any of its salts) are chelating or bonding agents that allow heavy metals to actively enter our water and food supplies. APEO - (alkophenol ethoxylates) This family of chemicals include: ● NPEs – the hormone systems of wildlife and human beings are similar in many ways. Possible disruptions due to exposure to NPE’s such as declining sperm counts, increased breast, prostrate and testicular cancers and childhood hyperactivity and learning disorders are being explored. ● Halogenated organic solvents – this group of solvents are know to be potentially carcinogenic. They also have a fairly slow rate of biodegradability and can accumulate in the liver and lymph nodes. ● Butoxyethanol - VOCs - (volatile organic compounds) are used to dissolve other ingredients and to enhance cleaning power. These volatile compounds enter the air during product use or application. Some estimates suggest that indoor air pollution levels can be up to 100 times higher than that of outdoor air, largely due to the presence of VOCs in cleaning products. VOCs are also thought to aggravate asthma, irritate eyes, nose, throat, and skin, can cause respiratory problems, dizziness, and harm the liver and kidneys. Many VOC’s are known carcinogens and neurotoxins. When looking for safer commercial cleaning products look for products by companies with full disclosure of ingredients who are willing to share Material Safety Data Sheets. This information will provide you with chemical composition, hazards associated with the products, first aid measures should they be required, waste disposal information and ecological information. Know what you are buying and make a contribution to the future health and safety of your children, your home and your environment. Remember Earth Day this April 22.
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