.reorganized exam naterial

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Ch11 replicon A: 名詞解釋 1. ter site and Tus

2. Replicon

3. Episome

4. Decatenation

5. Licensing factor of MCM proteins

6. D loop replication

7. Okazaki fragment B: 問答題 1. DNA replication: a) form, D θ -loop and rolling circular in circular DNA replication b) The way to copy the end of DNA in linear DNA replication c) The mechanism of plasmid incompatibility (ch13)

2. How to identify “Unidirectional Replication” ??, Give one example

3. How Dam methylase in regulation of chromosome replication in E. coli ??

4. How to map the replication origin and quantitate of the replicons??

5. Describe the relation of Licensing factor, ARS, ORC, Cdc6, and MCM of yeast.

6. How to control the multiple replicons is activated only once time in a single cycle in yeast??

Ch12 extra chromosome replication A: 名詞解釋 1. F plasmid

2. T-DNA

3. Relaxase

B: 問答題 1. Describe how the F-plasmid participates in bacteria conjugation.

2. What is bacteria two-component signaling system and how is the vir loci participate transfer DNA from Agrobacteria into plant

3. Differentiate between the following types of cells: F+, F-, Hfr and F’

Ch13 bac. Replication connected to cell cycle A: 名詞解釋 1. Fts ring

B: 問答題 1. How to control ColE1 plasmid replication

2. How the Partition system (par) ensures that duplicate P1 plasmids are segregated to different daughter cells produced by division?

3. ColE1 replication control: What is the size of the RNA primer? What is the structure of the RNA primer? Which enzyme is needed in order to generate the 3’-hydroxyl of the RNA primer? What is the persistent hybrid and why is it persistent?

4. Describe how minB locus, MinCDE, controls septum location.

Ch14 DNA replication A: 名詞解釋 1. Clamp loader

2. iDNA


3. Nick translation


B: 問答題 1. DNA polymerase involves in the DNA replication: a) Functions of different types DNA ploymerase in E. coli b) The different molecular and it exactly function in the replication fork

2. Functions of different types DNA ploymerase in E. coli.

3. Difference between Ori C and Oriλ replication initiation in vitro.

4. Difference molecules and it exactly function in the primosome, replisome (replication fork) at Ori C and in it termination site.

5. Describe all the cis-DNA element and protein factors which are essential required during the three stages of initiation, elongation and termination in Bacteria DNA replication

6. Which DNA polymerase provides the priming function in eukaryotes?

7. Which DNA polymerases are replicases in mammals? What are the functions of RFC and PCNA?


Synthesis of the double-stranded RF of φX174 serves as model for lagging strand synthesis, please describe it.

9. What types of DNA replication activities are defective in quick-stop mutants? How about in slow-stop mutants??


Ch15 homologous and site specific recombination A: 名詞解釋

1. Chiasmata

2. Synaptonemal complex

3. RecBCD system

4. Ruv system

5. Type II topoisomerase

6. Chi site



B: 問答題 1. The mechanism of phage DNA incorporate into bacteria chromosome by integration and the excision

2. Recombination system in bacteria involves with single-strand DNA assimilation, which involves with RecBCD pathway, different Rec factors and proteins, please describe it.

3. What is Holliday junction and how to resolve it?

4. Which three conditions needed at the recombination system in bacteria to assimilate single-strand DNA???

5. Assimilation also involves with (1) chi site (2) RecBCD complexes (3) others Rec factors and proteins (4) Ruv A, B, C factors. Please to describe the mechanism

6. What are Interallelic complementation, Negative complementation, and Dominant negative ??

7. How to creating the replication fork at an origin of E. coli ??

8. How the MRX complex controls the recombination-repair of double-strand breaks in yeast?

9. Mechanism of Yeast Mating Type Switch (1) Silencer?? How to maintain it silencing?? (2) How to initiate the switch?? (3) How to regulate HO endonuclease expression?

Ch16 repair system A: 名詞解釋 1. Uvr repair system

2. SOS box

3. Error-prone repair

4. Photolyase

5. Excinuclease

6. Glycosylases

7. AP endonuclease

8. XRCC1

9. Mfd protein

B: 問答題 1. The mismatch repair system

2. What is “MutS/L system” and individual function of MutT, M and Y ??

3. How the Uvr repair system functioning in DNA excision repair systems ?

4. What are the “SOS response” and “Error-prone repair by DNA polymerase V?? and how the RecA to involve with it??

5. Describe the NER and conserved NHEJ mechanism for repairing in eukaryotic cells.

6. Describe a best know ABC excinuclease action in E. coli and compare it in Eukaryotic system.

7. Describe that two repair pathways in Eukaryotic system after the base removal which triggers the removal and replacement of a stretch of polynucleotides.

8. How to deal with the oxidized Guanine??

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