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Manager’s Corner
May 13, 2022
Dear TGO Community,
I meet with The Happenings editors Tim and Cindy Clark to preview each issue prior to publishing. I’m always excited to read the new cover stories and feature articles about volunteers and employees who make TGO such a special place. These special stories happen because Cindy and Tim take the extra time to research, write, conduct interviews, take photos and go above and beyond the scope of their editor responsibilities. I am grateful for the extra time and attention placed into this and every issue.
TruGreen techs and trucks return to our community next week to spray all lawns on Tuesday, May 16 and Wednesday, May 17. This is a four-in-one spray treatment which includes a 16-0-8 slow-release liquid fertilizer, an insecticide for lawn destroying insects such as chinch bugs and grubs, and two diff erent herbicides for sedge weed control and broadleaf weed control.
The 2021 external audit of our fi nancials is now complete and in the hands of our CSA board of directors for their review. This audit was conducted by an outside accounting fi r m specializing in HOAs. Just following the CSA Board Meeting on Wednesday, May 18, I will post this audit to our password-protected website, tgocsa.org, for our owners to view. This and all previous years’ audits are available after entering your username and password. I invite you to take some time to review the audit, and email me or your board members if you have any questions.
The Nature Trail improvement project for 2022 is completed. I am hearing comments that the project is a big improvement as we addressed most of the trouble areas and eliminated the worst potholes and wash-boarded areas, but maintained the “rustic” feel of a nature trail. Although the major work is now completed, CSA will continue to monitor and adjust the trail as we enter the rainy season to see how our improvements weather the storms. A big thank you is owed to CSA Board Member Matt Willey and the nature trail committee who steered this project and provided feedback along the way.
The City of Cocoa provides our community with our potable water. This issue of The Happenings contains a report from the City of Cocoa sharing their plans to begin a treatment of their potable water with Cloramine soon and for a short period of time. Please read the article on page 15 for more information, and if you’re sensitive to treatments in your water, you may want to drink bottled water during this period.
We are making steady progress on the renovation of our CSA offi ces and former Jukebox Café space. Soon the CSA offi ce team and I will play some ‘musical chairs’ as we move around to allow the renovation of our existing offi ce space. In order to clean up our offi ces and prepare for these moves, I will be closing the CSA offi ce to foot traffi c starting on Monday, May 23, for a short period of time. The offi ce will be open and operating, but please, you will need to contact us by phone or email during that week. A sign will be posted on the CSA offi ce door.
Finally, on a personal note, I recently survived the latest variant of Covid-19, which my doctor confi r med was the Omicron variant. My bout with Covid included fi ve days of mild headaches and some cold symptoms. The worst part was isolating myself from my family and work colleagues, but I used this time to do some reading, some must-see TV watching, and some resting. This experience reminded me that we are living in diff erent times and must continue to stay vigilant and protect ourselves.
My best wishes to all of you, for health and happiness, as we enter into the summer season. Sincerely,

Billy Specht CSA Manager