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TGO Church Activities
The Great Outdoors Community Church
An Interdenominational Christian Church SUNDAY
WORSHIP SERVICE 10:00 am Watch the LIVESTREAM on our Church Website: tgochurch.org Dr. David Price
Lead Pastor J.B. Kump
Minister, Small Groups, Visitation and Retreats Dan Zahn
Minister of Prayer & Visitation 321-383-0303
Send e-mail to: info@tgochurch.org Visit our website: www.tgochurch.org
Watch Bible Study and Services
Pastor David’s Bible Study is LIVESTREAMING on Thursday mornings at 10:00 am on the church website: tgochurch.org. In person bible study is at 11:00 am in the Fellowship Hall. If you miss the livestream of any service, you can watch it from our website: tgochurch.org by clicking on the Resources tab at the top of the homepage, then click on Archived Videos to fi nd the service. Calling ALL Singles - Join us for fun events!
The SINGULARS of Great Outdoors Community Church are continuing their enjoyable schedule. Get on the email distribution list for all the events for this group: Send your email, with the subject line “Singulars Email” to: info@tgochurch.org or call the church offi ce at 321-383-0303 to keep up on the latest news for the Singulars. Singulars Port Canaveral Lunch & Tour
May 23, 2022 - 10:00 am. Carpool from the church to the port for a guided bus tour of the port and a visit to Canaveral Port Ministry. Lunch will be at Grills Seafood Restaurant. No cost for the tour, but lunch is on you. You must sign up for this tour either on Sunday or at the Church offi ce. This trip is open to all, not just singles. Remember to wear sunscreen and bring a hat. Listen to Verse by Verse
With David Price on WPIO 89.3 FM every Monday - Friday at 4:40 pm and 9:13 pm Prayer Shawl Ministry
Prayer Shawl Ministry meets on the 2nd and 4th Friday of each month from November through April and meets in the Narthex. Food & Clothing Donations
We will pick up food and clothing for the needy. Please call Marilyn (321-543-7208) or Mark (321-258-8406) Herbers.

Great Outdoors Community Church has a ministry that provides services to TGO residents. The areas of support and their points-of-contact are as follows: Home Repairs Heidi Turner 321-514-3719 jihsturner@msn.com Lending Closet Janis Lundeberg 763-221-1605 janislundeberg@gmail.com Temporary Meals Linda Snyder 610-751-5919 ravenmst@hotmail.com County Services Bev Houghton 810-919-1629 bhoughto10@hotmail.com Respite Sitting Martha Dayson 321-268-1460 jimdayson@bellsouth.net Transportation Charlie Wood 847-609-1222 charliewood847@gmail.com
