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The Texas Access to Justice Commission has collaborated for over two decades with the Supreme Court of Texas, the Texas Legislature, the State Bar of Texas, legal aid organizations, and volunteer attorneys to improve access to justice for lowincome Texans. This collaboration has enabled low-income individuals to better navigate the civil justice system. Since 2010, the Commission, with the generous support of the State Bar of Texas, has organized and hosted the annual Champions of Justice Gala. The proceeds directly fund civil legal services for low-income Texas veterans.
Texas, now home to the largest veteran population in the country, boasts over 1.5 million veterans. Of those veterans, almost half a million have a disability stemming from their time in the service. Ninety thousand of our veterans live in poverty. According to the Legal Services Corporation’s 2022 Justice Gap Report, 76% of lowincome veteran households were impacted by civil legal problems in 2021.
The demand for legal assistance among veterans continues to grow. The breadth and scope of their legal needs are increasingly complex. These issues, ranging from consumer matters to healthcare and income maintenance, can exacerbate existing challenges and lead to further distress. When many veterans are already struggling with issues like traumatic brain injuries, PTSD, and anxiety, legal problems like eviction or denial of benefits make suicide a frighteningly real risk. The funds raised by this gala are distributed to legal aid groups specifically to help veterans resolve these issues and solve their legal problems.
Organized annually by the Texas Access to Justice Commission, generous contributions and support from sponsors directly impact the lives of Texas’s veterans by ensuring they have access to important, sometimes life-saving, legal assistance, and other resources. Together, we provide a valuable support system to veterans in need. Every contribution made toward this event has a profound impact on veterans, their families, and their communities.
Van H. Beckwith, Halliburton, Houston
Jerry K. Clements, Locke Lord LLP, Austin
Erin Nealy Cox, Kirkland & Ellis, Dallas/Washington D.C.
Monica Karuturi, CenterPoint Energy, Houston
David R. McAtee II, AT&T Inc., Dallas
Ross R. Moody, The Moody Foundation, Austin
Stephen C. Mount, H-E-B, San Antonio
Hilary L. Preston, Vinson & Elkins LLP, Austin / New York
Sandra Phillips Rogers, Toyota, Plano
Hon. Dale Wainwright; Greenberg Traurig, LLP; Austin
Carlos M. Zaffirini, Jr.; Audrey & Carlos Zaffirini, Jr. Family Foundation; Austin
Harry M. Reasoner
Vinson & Elkins LLP
Gala Chair
Texas Access to Justice Commission
Cindy Tisdale President
State Bar of Texas
(As of April 10, 2024)
Barry Abrams
Mike Absmeier
Rick Alexander
Chad Baruch
Susan L. Bickley
Hon. Jane & Doug Bland
Ricardo G. Cedillo
Jerry & Mark Clements
Dean Jeremy Counseller
Erin Nealy Cox & Trey Cox
Alistair Dawson
Maddy Dwertman
Khristina & Joseph Fielder
Robin C. Gibbs
Dean Harvey
Benedict James
Hon. Wallace B. Jefferson
Roland K. Johnson
John R. Jones
Krisi Kastl
Mark & Becky Lanier
Mark Little
Hon. Lora J. Livingston & Eric Kennedy
Michael D. Marin
David & Cristy McAtee
Stephen McConnico
Dean Jason P. Nance
W. Frank Newton
Toni Nguyen
Barrett Reasoner
Dean Patricia E. Roberts
Regina Rogers
Esteban Sandoval
Chris Sileo
Kay Sim
John Sloan
Macey Reasoner Stokes
Neal Sutton
Dick & Kathy Tate
Dean Brad Toben
Robert Tobey
Terry O. Tottenham
Rob Walters
Jane Webre
Dean Patricia Wilson
Kennon Lily Wooten
Paul & Patti Yetter
Welcome Remarks
Harry M. Reasoner, Gala Chair
Color Guard Presentation – National Anthem – Pledge of Allegiance
Presentation of Colors
National anthem performed by Kara Covey, Doctoral of Musical Arts student, University of Texas at Austin
Recognition of Special Guests
Justice Brett Busby, Supreme Court of Texas
Harry M. Reasoner, Gala Chair
Introduction of Keynote Speaker
Harriet E. Miers, Texas Access to Justice Commission Chair
Keynote Presentation
Major General Alfred A. Valenzuela, USA Ret.
Special Recognitions
Justice Brett Busby, Supreme Court of Texas
James B. Sales Boots on the Ground Award
John McDaniel Torti
Harry M. Reasoner Justice for All Award
Elizabeth S. Pagel
Emily C. Jones Lifetime Achievement Award
Harry M. Reasoner
Access to Justice Star of Justice Award
Hon. Judith Zaffirini
Closing Remarks
Harriet E. Miers, Texas Access to Justice Commission Chair
Major General (ret.) Alfred A. Valenzuela served in the United States Army for thirty-three years and was assigned to three combat corps, six combat divisions, and numerous joint and interagency assignments in posts spanning the globe. Highly decorated for heroism and valor, he holds the two highest peacetime awards: the Distinguished Defense and Army Service medals. With a marriage of over five decades, two accomplished children, and four grandchildren, family and community remain at the core of the General's activities. Business Magazine named him one of the 100 Most Influential Hispanics, and he served on the Tomas Rivera Policy Institute. He published No Greater Love: The Lives and Times of Hispanic Soldiers and The Essence and Variation of Soldiers in Politics: A Dimensional Typology of Latin American Leadership and Regimes and was a major contributor to Right Before Our Eyes: Latinos Past, Present and Future.
Upon retirement, Major General Valenzuela worked to address housing problems and create educational opportunities in his hometown of San Antonio. He received presidential appointments to the World War I Centennial and the America 250 Semiquincentennial Commissions. The General is a Senior Consultant at St. Mary’s University’s Center for Terrorism Law and the Warrior Defense Project. He is a proud Eagle Scout, has been named a Distinguished Graduate of Jefferson High School and St. Mary’s University, and was inducted into the Boys and Girls Club Hall of Fame. His enduring commitment to leadership, service, and community will shine as a beacon of inspiration for generations to come.
The James B. Sales Boots on the Ground Award recognizes a legal services program attorney or a pro bono attorney who is an exemplary advocate and who gives selflessly of their time and talent to provide legal help to those who have no voice.
John McDaniel Torti is a legal advocate with Lone Star Legal Aid who has consistently demonstrated a commitment to public service and dedication to securing justice for the most vulnerable members of society. With an almost four-decade-long career, Mr. Torti has proven his proficiency in an array of legal issues, earning the esteem of his peers and community.
Since joining Lone Star Legal Aid, Mr. Torti has been at the forefront of providing legal assistance encompassing an array of practice areas covering nearly every aspect of the civil legal system. His dedication to public interest law is such that he refused opportunities for advancement to continue to serve those in need, and he has taken on some of the most challenging cases brought to Lone Star Legal Aid. His expertise spans federal and state courts, administrative proceedings, and community outreach initiatives, reflecting a unique blend of legal skills and advocacy.
Mr. Torti’s contributions go beyond the courtroom to mentorship of younger attorneys and engagement in community outreach efforts. Whether offering guidance on complex procedural matters or supporting colleagues in need, the example set by his generosity and leadership will be felt for generations in the legal aid community.
The Harry M. Reasoner Justice for All award is named after Texas Access to Justice Commission Chair Emeritus, Harry M. Reasoner. This award recognizes an outstanding attorney who demonstrates dedication and commitment to providing pro bono legal services and promotes a pro bono culture within the Bar.
Elizabeth S. Pagel is commitment and compassion personified. Impressive though her professional achievements may be, Ms. Pagel’s passion for pro bono work is awe-inspiring. Throughout her career, she devoted her time and expertise to serving those in need. With an extensive caseload of pro bono family law cases, she has contributed countless hours to help her neighbors access the justice system. Her involvement in the Houston Volunteer Lawyers' Equal Access to Justice Champions underscores her dedication to advancing legal services in Harris County.
Ms. Pagel helps encourage a culture of service by motivating her fellow lawyers to provide pro bono services, sharing her expertise and offering guidance. Recognizing the challenges in finding pro bono representation for family law cases, she volunteers as co-counsel on particularly challenging ones, providing much-needed support. Her mentoring of volunteer attorneys enables them to tackle those cases with confidence.
The empathy Ms. Pagel evinces for each client she represents is remarkable. From navigating complex disputes to advocating for her clients’ rights, she approaches every case with dedication and professionalism, ensuring they receive the representation they deserve. Her dedication to exemplary service to her clients demonstrates the impact pro bono work can have on the community and encourages others to mirror her excellence and commitment.
The Emily C. Jones Lifetime Achievement Award reflects the highest honor given for a career dedicated to supporting legal aid for low-income Texans. This award, named for the Commission's first Executive Director, recognizes an outstanding individual whose extraordinary spirit and demonstrated commitment to legal aid has improved our society and inspired others.
If Harry M. Reasoner is a towering figure in the legal profession, his impact on access to justice is gargantuan. He graduated from UT School of Law in 1962, clerked for luminaries like Judge Charles E. Clark and Justice Thurgood Marshall, and joined Vinson & Elkins in 1964, where he would serve until retiring in 2023.
Mr. Reasoner’s career has been defined by a commitment to fairness and equality, and Texas would not be the same without him. He served on the Texas Access to Justice Commission for fifteen years, twelve of those as its Chair, and spearheaded initiatives for underserved communities. The Commission developed Supreme-Court approved forms for pro se litigants, like the Transfer on Death Deed, ensuring Texans had access to the justice system and that wealth was correctly and affordably passed between generations. The Commission educated the public and the bar about limited-scope representation’s ability to bridge the justice gap and promoted rule changes to make courts more accessible to pro se litigants and waive court costs for indigent defendants.
Mr. Reasoner’s faith in the legal system and in lawyers to positively impact their communities is best described in his own words, “.…let’s keep a tenacious spirit of helping others in the forefront of our minds, continue doing pro bono, and strive to keep the doors of the courthouse open to everyone, not just to those who can afford it.”
The Star of Justice Award honors individuals who have demonstrated outstanding dedication to advancing legal services for the underserved and enhancing access to justice for all Texans.
Senator Judith Zaffirini's upbringing in Laredo exposed her to marginalized populations and shaped her commitment to social justice, propelling her into a civil service career. Elected in 1987 to represent District 21, she was the first Hispanic female elected to that chamber and is now the highestranking member and Dean of the Texas Senate. Her perfect voting and attendance records highlight her commitment to public service.
Senator Zaffirini's appointment to the Texas Access to Justice Commission in 2017 underscored her dedication to improving Texans’ lives. Advocating for initiatives to bridge the justice gap, she has supported the expansion of legal aid services statewide. She sponsored or co-sponsored bills to help Texans access the courts, including bills that safeguarded crime victims’ compensation eligibility and defrayed court costs associated with interpreters.
Beyond her legislative endeavors, Senator Zaffirini has engaged in community outreach and educational initiatives raising awareness about access to justice. She has participated in forums, workshops, and conferences dedicated to addressing inherent barriers to legal assistance and empowering individuals to assert their rights. Her dedication to this cause reflects a belief in the principle that justice should be accessible to all, regardless of their circumstances. Her legacy as a advocate for access to justice in Texas continues to inspire meaningful change across the state.
David J. Bertoch
David Anthony Bloomer
Travis Bryan
John Fleming
Paul E. Anderson, Jr.
Timothy Azevedo
Sharon Beausoleil
Ron Dale Betz
Rebecca Bishop
Hugh T. Blevins
Eric Boettcher
Ronnie Earl Bounds
Marian Lyia Brancaccio
Brian Broussard
Alice A. Brown
Wm. Kevin Cherry
William R. Crow
Sabrina DiMichele
Carol E. Dinkins
Sara E. Dysart
Richard A. Edwards
Quinton Alan Farley
Kem Frost
Kerry Galvin
Kara Elizabeth Gehan
Michael W. Hilliard
Alexander Knapp
Dwaine Morris Massey
Harriet E. Miers
Kevin Bernard Gerrity
Andrew Gould
Jose Guerrero
Bryan H. Hall
Holly R. Haseloff
George B. Hernandez, Jr.
Paul Herz
Steven Hollingsworth
Morgan Hollins
Dee Dee D. Hoxie
Lynne James Hudson
Jeanine Hudson
Sadik Huseny
Caroline W. Jackson
AnnMarie Johnson
Eileen Keiffer
Lawrence Kelly
Stephanie Lynn Koury
Robert Bruce Laboon
Allen Ladd
Heather Mackenzie
Peggy Montgomery
Corrie Thomas Reese
J. Michael Solar
Carlos M. Zaffirini, Jr.
Hon. Michael C. Massengale
Charles Black McFarland
Meredith Morrill
Stephen S. Mosher
Robert T. Mowrey
Maureen Murry
Kelly O'Neill
Alexander Piala
Ann Kaylene Ray
Harry M. Reasoner
Christopher Vincent Ryan
Demetris A. Sampson
Kevin Simmons
Jane Snoddy Smith
Matthew R. Stammel
Joel Jay Steed
Macey Reasoner Stokes
William Sutton
Ben Vaughan
Allen Eugene White
Maria Nan Alessandra
Theodora McShan Anastaplo
Elizabeth Anne Apperley
Kevin Barnes
John P. Beall
Hon. Brett Busby
Michael Caywood
Kevin Clark
Richard Alfred Cort
Brian Cramer
Karen Crawford
Katrina Crenshaw
Mario Davila
Emma Doineau
Merilee M. J. Fong
Julia Patterson Forrester
Hon. Thomas C. Fuller
Hon. W. Royal Furgeson, Jr.
Chip Gage
Gary Gex
Stephen Andrew Gibson
Michael Louis Goldstone
P. Rowland Greenwade
Manuel Guerra
Patricia M. Hanson
Sara Harris
Mark Edward Heidenheimer
Joshua Henderson
Mary Taylor Henderson
David H. Herndon
Hon. Federico G. Hinojosa
Jason Aron Itkin
Lamont A. Jefferson
Krisi Kastl
Thomas Craig Kildebeck
Ronald Kirk
Caroline Rene Kirksey
Jeanne Leslie
Nathaniel Lounsbury
Mary Olga Lovett
Michael Lowenberg
Elizabeth E. Mack
Austin Mathis
Stephen Mierop
Patrick J. Moran
Karen Sue Neeley
Robert Nelson
Wendy Pellow
Howard K. Prol
Aleed Janet Rivera
Penny Robe
Beth Sanchez
Stacey Beth Saunders
Dan Settle
Nancy Shivers
Stuart Charles Smith
Michael Steinmark
Regina Uhl
Luke Abraham Weedon
Sarah Williams
Chad Wilson
Barbara C. Wingo
Lori Wrotenbery
Hon. Evan Young
The Commission established the Champion of Justice Society in 2012 for individuals who wanted to show their strong support of access to justice in Texas. Contributions received from Society members are part of the annual Justice for All Campaign which raised over $1.5 million last year to support civil legal aid for lowincome Texans.
We are pleased to have the very generous support of our sponsors.
(As of April 10, 2024)
We are pleased to have the very generous support of our sponsors.
(As of April 10, 2024)
Baker Botts L.L.P.
Gibson Dunn
The Lanier Law Firm
Harriet E. Miers
Perkins Coie LLP
Patricia Villareal, Thomas Leatherbury, & the Dorothea L. Leonhardt Foundation
Alexander Dubose & Jefferson LLP
Baylor Law School
Beck Redden LLP
Hon. Jane & Doug Bland
Blank Rome LLP
The Law Offices of Frank L. Branson
Davis Cedillo & Mendoza, Inc.
Enoch Kever PLLC
Gibbs & Bruns LLP
Haynes and Boone, LLP
Henna Chevrolet
Jackson Walker
Johnston Tobey Baruch PC
Kastl Law
A|I Legal
King & Spalding LLP
David & Cristy McAtee
Norton Rose Fulbright
Phillips 66
Sandoval & James, PLLC.
Scott Douglass & McConnico
Kay Sim
Southern Methodist University
Dedman School of Law
SBOT Corporate Counsel Section
Richard L. Tate
Texas A&M University School of Law
Yetter Coleman LLP
Jerry & Mark Clements
Erin Nealy Cox & Trey Cox
Randall M. Ebner
Khristina & Joseph Fielder
Goranson Bain Ausley, PLLC
Hon. Lora J. Livingston & Eric Kennedy
W.Frank Newton
Regina Rogers, in loving memory of Joe Jamail
Sloan Law Firm
Neal Sutton
Maria Thomas-Jones
We also extend our appreciation to Kara Covey, Doctorate of Musical Arts student, University of Texas at Austin, for the performance of the National Anthem.
Harriet E. Miers
Pablo Javier Almaguer
Hon. Nicholas Chu
Alistair B. Dawson
Joe Escobedo, Jr.
Hon. Roy B. Ferguson
Lisa Hobbs
Roland K. Johnson
Fort Worth
Krisi Kastl
Thomas S. Leatherbury
Hon. Michael C. Massengale
David R. McAtee II
Karen Nicholson
Hon. Latosha Lewis Payne
Marshall Sales
Brad Toben
Terry O. Tottenham
Maj. Gen. Alfred Valenzuela
San Antonio
Kennon Lily Wooten
Hon. Brett Busby
For the Governor
James P. Sullivan
For the Lieutenant Governor Hon. Judith Zaffirini
For the Speaker of the House
Hon. Gene Wu
Harry M. Reasoner
April Faith -Slaker
The State Bar of Texas, our co-sponsor, generously helps underwrite the 2024 Champions of Justice Gala Benefiting Veterans so that the proceeds directly support civil legal aid to low-income Texas Veterans.