5E Life & Times Newsletter - Jan-Feb 2011

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my wings!

A man found a cocoon of a butterfly. One day a small opening appeared. He sat and watched the butterfly for several hours as it struggled to force its body through the little hole. Then it seemed to stop making any progress. It appeared stuck.



DOWN: 1. People who catch robbers. 2. What's three times two? 3. What's two times one? 5. What's one time one? 8. A person who is in the movies? 9. What's five minus one? 12. My book is ____ my desk? 13. I study _____ school.

The man decided to help the butterfly and with a pair of scissors he cut open the cocoon. The butterfly then emerged easily. Something was strange. The butterfly had a swollen body and shrivelled wings. The man watched the butterfly expecting it to take on its correct proportions. But nothing changed.


The butterfly stayed the same. It was never able to fly. In his kindness and haste the man did not realise that the butterfly's struggle to get through the small opening of the cocoon is nature's way of forcing fluid from the body of the butterfly into its wings so that it would be ready for flight.

January– February 2011


ACROSS: 1. A person who leads the country 4. A person who works at the restaurant. 6. My book is ___ my bag. 7. A person who teaches. 10. A person who fixes teeth. 11. A person who writes computer games.

Don’t clip

Special Issue

Wish You A Very Happy

2011 Courtesy: Boggle’s World


INSIDE THIS ISSUE Its all about accomplishments!

Pg 2

Take Action for Employment

Like the sapling which grows strong from being buffeted by the wind, in life we all need to struggle sometimes to make us strong.

A pink house is made of pink bricks.

Moral of the story: When we coach and teach

A yellow house is made of yellow bricks.

others it is helpful to recognize when people need to do things for themselves.

A blue house is made of blue bricks. An orange house is made of orange bricks. What would a green house be made of?

Pg 3

How to write an Action Plan

Contributed by: Mrugesh Desai, Quality & Compliance Manager, 5E Ltd

Answer: glass

Courtesy: www.businessballs.com



“Experience is a hard teacher because she gives the test first, the lesson afterward.” -- Vernon Law

Creating a brighter future through training & learning

Staff Annual Christmas Bash


Pg 4-5


LONDON N17 8JL TEL: 020 8885 3456 FAX: 020 8808 9977



PEGAMOID ROAD LONDON N18 2NG TEL: 020 8345 5458 FAX: 020 8345 6799

UNIT A 2ND FLOOR 2 COBURG ROAD WOODGREEN N22 6UJ TEL: 020 8889 3399 FAX: 020 8808 9977



BARNET 1ST FLOOR 508 EDGWARE ROAD LONDON NW9 5AF TEL: 020 8205 6868 FAX: 020 8200 3747

16-20 CLEMENTS RD ILFORD IG1 1BA TEL: 020 8911 8004 FAX: 020 8478 5353

Editor: Ruhi Khan

Pg 6-7


Pg 8-9

‘I found a job in ONE day!’

Publisher: Raj Doshi, MD, 5E Ltd, UK

For Feedback & Contributions: Email ruhi@fivee.co.uk

Pg 10-11

Personal Best clients putting a show of the best customer service practices at 5E & ICDI ‘s award ceremony.



E’s annual award ceremony took place on November 24, 2010 at Selby centre, Tottenham. 5E Ltd and ICDI hosted this grand event to celebrate the success of all of its learners on various funded programmes. Our clients on the Personal Best Programme put their best foot forward by presenting to the crowd of 150 learners, their own construction of the good (and bad) customer service demonstrations. Salim Ahmed, Performance Manager, 5E Ltd said, “It’s was a brilliant idea. It shows that our l earners not only have the capacity to succeed for themselves, but to share that knowledge and insight with the wider community.”

Then, the students were awarded certificates of merit by various funders who attended the event amidst a loud applause from their fellow learners and staff. “At 5E we believe the efforts should be rewarded. This not just aspires the awardees to do better in their lives but also motivates the others,” said Raj Doshi, managing director, 5E Ltd. Later Doshi also highlighted the difficulties within the current governmental climate as the funding cuts are underway and opened the floor to questions from learners in order to raise awareness of the wider issues of our provision and services. The event was concluded with a fantastic full course Indian lunch.

(Pictures by Danish Khan)

At 5E we believe that efforts should be rewarded. This not just aspires the awardees to do better in their lives but also motivates the others. - Raj Doshi, Managing Director, 5E Ltd More pictures on page 2







Neville and Tracy found their dream jobs after sharpening their skills through 5E’s employability skills workshops

(Top Left) Hundreds of clients enjoy the 5E certificate ceremony at Selby centre. (Left) Clients bask in the spotlight holding onto their certificates of merit. (Top Right) Directors Raj Doshi & Shilpa Desai along with funders proudly watch clients’ achievements. (Above) Sailesh Solanki, 5E’s training manager, sings his heart out in an African melody. Pictures by Danish Khan


M “

erin Karaman from Enfield was enrolled on six weeks “Jobsearch Support” She found the support extremely useful and tailored towards her needs. She is now working as a store assistant with Toys “R” Us Limited.

5E client Merin Karaman receiving an award for her excellent performance on the six week Job Search project from the funder A4e’s representative Nasim Khan. (Pic by Tito Mir)


t 5E, job ready candidates are put on a two day workshop to hone their skills and prepare them for interviews. They are taught the tricks of the trade that help them stand apart from the hundreds that apply for the same position and successfully gain employment. This project is

I am thankful to all the staff and advisors at 5E limited who encouraged me to find a placement. This has helped me to get back into work.” - Tracy Cook

funded by the A4e and as the name suggests its all about taking action to get employment. Tracy Cook from Enfield attended a two day training on Skills for Work. She was encouraged to carry out regular Job Search. She found the support extremely useful as she was also assisted in finding out work placement. She has started employment this year. “I am thankful to all the staff and advisors at 5E limited who encouraged me to find a placement. This has helped me to get back into work,” said Tracy. Neville from Edmonton attended a two day training programme on ‘finding

& getting a job’. He saw this as a first step to achieving his ambition. He is currently working as an employment advisor and helps jobseekers get back to work. “I feel more confident and valued The workshop I attended for two days changed my life. I was guided to the job of my choice by my trainer,” says Neville.

I feel more confident and valued. The workshop I attended for two days changed my life; I was guided to the job of my choice by my trainer.” - Neville Fernandes

What our clients think of our trainers?

The span of few weeks that I was with 5E Ltd, I realised my potential and felt more confident to get back into employment. I am now delighted to work for Toys “R” Us, thanks to my trainer and advisors at 5E Limited who gave me guidance on successful job applications” -Merin Karaman

“Shamim was very engaging and did a very good job of getting the information across in an easy, intelligent and understandable way.” - Sandjena Barnes “I enjoyed the way in which Wai approached the sessions with a lot of enthusiasm. This prevented him from being boring’ - Denise Ramsay “The trainer Amin made me feel comfortable and was very understanding; when I didn’t follow some of the work, he walked me through it and explained to me in a simplified way” - Latoya Scarlett Meet the A4e Team (from left to right): Shamim Mir, Wai Fung, Rakesh Sonigra (Manager), Amin Lakhani & Tito Mir





HOW TO WRITE AN ACTION PLAN Writing down your goals turns them into a plan, not a dream.



When writing an action plan to achieve a particular goal or outcome, you can get much help from the following steps.

Clarify your goal. Can you get a visual picture of the expected outcome? How can you see if you have reached your destination? What does make your goal measur- • able? What constraints do you have, like the limits on time, money, or other resources. Write a list of actions. Write down all actions you may need to take to achieve

your goal. At this step focus on generating and writing as many different options and FOOD FOR THOUGHT ideas as possible. Take a sheet of paper and write more and more ideas, just as A study on 1979 Harvard they come to your mind. While you are MBA students asked them, doing this, try not to judge or analyze. "Have you set clear, written goals for your future and Analyze, prioritize, and prune. Look at your made plans to accomplish list of actions. What are the absolutely them?" necessary and effective steps to achieve your goal? Mark them somehow. After that, Only 3% of the graduates had what action items can be dropped from in written goals and plans; 13% the plan without significant consequences had non-written goals and for the outcome. Cross them out. 84% had no specific goals at all. Organize your list into a plan. Decide on the order of your action steps. Start from Ten years later, they were looking at your marked key actions. For interviewed again. The 13% each action, what other steps should be of the class who had goals completed before that action? Rearrange were earning, on average, your actions and ideas into a sequence of twice as much as the 84% ordered action steps. Finally, look at your who had no goals. plan once again. Are there any ways to simplify it even more? And the 3% who had clear, written goals were earning, on Monitor the execution of your plan and average, ten times as much as review the plan regularly. How much have the other 97% put together. you progressed towards your goal by now? What new information you have got? Use this information to further adjust and optimize your plan.

Great things are done by a series of small things brought together.” - Vincent van Gogh

I sat with Jandan and together we drafted my action plan. She identified by goals and gave advice on the best way to reach them.” - Beal Mahmood

Next Step IAG Advisor Jandan Candan helping Beal Mahmood write his action plan (Pic by Ruhi Khan)



started at 5E in May 2010 after being on the dole for six months, I was sent there by the Jobcentre.

and another advisor Jenna reviewed my action plan and suggested I work as an employment advisor at 5E to get some work experience that will be beneficial to secure the kind of job I was looking for. I found this method of approach extremely rewarding and a step towards my goal of securing employment.

Also the tutors and staff were very supportive and helpful. If it wasn't for 5E I don't think I would have got this job. Its is an important step in furthering my career goals. I would recommend friends and family to 5E Ltd.

At 5E, Edmonton Green, I was asked what type of job I wanted to do by Jandan, an IAG When Beal came to I volunteered for 5E as an Advisor, and I said I was looking me, he was confused for work in Admin, Security or on Employment Advisor for 1 month about what he wanted and then I was sent for an interview reception. at Selby centre. I received a call to do and how he I sat with Jandan and from the HR saying that I had got together we drafted my action plan. could get into employment. She identified by goals and gave the job. I was really happy and started working for 5E as an Employment Advisor. I learnt how to make CVs, dealing with clients and phoning employers. I also had training on interview techniques. I also learnt a lot about effective job search. I took on new I went to Watkins House and challenging responsibilities that helped build my self confidence.

advice on the best way to reach them. She told me that the best project for me to be on would be LDA’s Employment Training. She suggested I go to Watkins House and speak to the manager who might be able to find me a volunteering position in the company.

But after writing an action plan, he was more focussed about his goal and worked hard to achieve his objectives.” - Jandan Candan, IAG Advisor





Cheers to a New Year and another chance for us to get it right. - Oprah Winfrey My name is Leonara Bulatova. I am from Lithuania. I have three children. I love cooking and this year my new year resolution is to learn to cook Indian food especially with goat meat. I would like to learn Waltz and hopefully at my next Christmas party I can a shake a leg. One of my other resolutions is to travel more. I’d love to go to Greece.


My name is Cemile Kanidagli. I am from Turkey. Earlier I learnt English at a church school but this year my resolution was to join a proper English school. I am now learning ESOL E2 at 5E. I want to improve my English and find a job as a hairdresser. I am pregnant and will have a baby this year. So my other new year resolution is to be the best Mum ever!

My name is Sam Kennedy. I am from Ireland. My new year resolution is to start looking for colleges/universities for further studies. The tuition fee is soon to go up and I want to start applying this year. I am in Entry 3 and I want to finish Level 1. I also want to do charity for disabled people. My son is 1 year old and I want to teach him many things in 2011- perhaps teach him to count till 100!

My name is Iffat Qureshi. I am from Pakistan. I am married. I have two children. I am a housewife. But this year, my resolution is to find a job in a retail outlet like Tesco, Morrison etc. I want to spend more time with my children and help them with their homework. My eldest son is in Year 4 so my other resolution is to improve my English to be able to help him with his homework.

My name is Tom Tientcheu. I am from Congo and Cameroon. My new year resolution to get a job in Security. This is a priority. Also this year I want to take at least two holidays– see my best friend in Germany and meet my family in Cameroon. Another important new year resolution is to get married to my girlfriend. Hopefully it would be a nice summer wedding!


Nadia enjoying her new job as a sales assistant at JD Sports at Ilford. (Pic by Alexander Yohanan)

adia Choudhary first came to 5E ltd in November 2010. She wanted to work in any retail store, however she did not have much experience and had never given a formal interview before. She was extremely nervous and her confidence levels were very low, this was also reiterated by her JCP advisor Nisha, who sent her to 5E for personal development. After a lot of training (interview skills and confidence building) and a number of mock interviews Nadia went for 2 interviews sourced by 5E ltd. She did not clear the first one but she nailed the second one. She was delighted and really eager to start working as soon as she was given the news that she got the job. Nadia was and still is very grateful for all the support received from 5E Ltd which has helped her not only develop her employment skills but also make her a much more confident person who can take on many more challenges in the future. She still keeps in touch with 5E ltd for advice and guidance for her future growth at JD sports. Recently I contacted the manager to see how she was doing and he is all praises for Nadia. He even stated that he wants me to send him more people like her. That's sweet music to my ears! - Alexander Yohanan, 5E Advisor

Pictures by Jandan Candan




and welcoming and she encouraged me to go further with the course and advised me to go on to a project where they can help me find a job. Idrani would hug me and assure me that everything would be ok and sometimes check on me once in a while to see how I am getting on. I am now on the H2H project where I have a new I took part in advisor Tatum and she is group work giving me one to one sessions, assisting me with a which also cover letter, improving my helped me to CV and helping me to find a build my confidence job in the retail sector. Throughout my I learned so much on and motivation to do course, I enjoyed meeting this course. I was not just able well.” - Saima Butt new people and hope to to speak English but also continue to do so in the actually understand and speak near future. I hope I get a job a sentence. Throughout the course where I can help people as 5E I was embarrassed my teacher Idrani was so kind did for me. Thank you all. before because I couldn’t



Maxing it out at T K Maxx

speak and frustrated because I wanted to work and help provide for my children. Being in class made me more determined to be fluent in speaking and writing. In class I studied English and maths. I took part in group work which also helped me to build my confidence and motivation to do well.


y English was very poor and I could not utter a word of English. I was told to enrol on a course called ESOL for 15 weeks. I was attending the course 4 days a week.





hen I was informed by my local Jobcentre as a new deal customer, I would spend the next six month at 5 E Ltd I was very upset with my supervisor and the system. My very first day at 5 E was stressful. I never stopped asking myself why I was here. And It was like that for about two weeks. After a month I decided to get involved fully in all activities. What exactly could 5 E deliver? And what could I achieve while I am

there? This positive approach paid off. To this day I have achieved a lot and I am proud of myself because I have gained new qualifications: Literacy Level 1. Literacy Level 2 and Numeracy Level 2. Hopefully by the end of January 2011 I will get my ICT qualification and be better prepared for employment Many thanks to my tutors. Thanks 5 E.

To this day I have achieved a lot and I am proud of myself because I have gained new qualifications.” - Mickael Bombatu

Moses Weah is excited that 5E found him a cleaner within a day.


was working with Chrobler Cleaners 5 days a week. My job role was cleaning the office in Oxford Street. Due to recession, the company lost the contract which meant that all the cleaners including me were made redundant. I was very upset because it is very difficult to maintain bill payments without a job. After that every day I would go online and look for jobs in warehousing. I was also I planning to do an SIA Course. But no luck and things at home were very difficult, so I needed to take action. I went to the Tottenham jobcentre and explained my

situation. I was desperate and I needed a job very much. J o b c e ntr e referred me to 5E at Selby Centre. I met an advisor Tatum and she advised me to come on a programme called H2H and that she will help put me forward for a cleaning job. That same day, in the afternoon, I got a call asking me to come for an interview. I was very job as a surprised. I went for the interview and in less than an hour they said I was successful. I was so delighted. I am now working at Beechwood property service. The team is very welcoming and have been very good to me. Thanks 5E.

That same day, in the afternoon, I got a call asking me to come for an interview. I was very surprised.” - Moses Weah

Tikvah Sagiv: Manning the 5E reception

I One step closer: Mgcini Ndlovu excitedly shares the news of finding a job at TK Maxx with advisor Gidraph


y name is Mgcini Ndlovu. When I first came to 5E, I didn’t have a CV and a covering letter and not much knowledge about interview techniques. I was sent by the Tottenham job centre to get help with job hunting. The advisors at Selby centre helped me with job search and assisted me with CV writing, cover letter and interview techniques. They also made me aware that though I always wanted a job in the media sector I was also well suitable for the retail sector. They brought to my attention the importance of working and then slowly changing the sector through time. The project was very helpful and I really enjoyed meeting the advisors and the training sessions. At 5E, I could use the fax, computer and telephone to call employers which was very helpful when applying for jobs. I achieved good customer service skills which helped me get a job at TK Maxx. I am now working there happily and getting closer to my dream of finally working in the media sector.

Opening the door to my career goals

From clients to colleagues: Joan Ann joins her advisor Veera Tucker to now work for 5E as a teaching assistant.


y name is Joan Ann. I am a well qualified and experienced teacher, looking for a job when a job centre plus employee suggested I contact 5E Ltd. I got help with updating and creating a new CV, interview techniques and finding a job for my specifications. I would describe the project as very useful. My advisor Veer Tucker and the rest of the staff were very efficient, reliable, knowledgeable and helpful. It did take sometime, however my advisor was really patient and helped me get a job within my career specifications and requirements. I am now in a job that I am trained for and I am very happy. I am currently working for 5E as a teaching assistant. I would recommend 5E to all job seekers.

was unemployed for 6 months and was actively seeking full time employment. I’m a single parent and was desperate to find a job to help me to support my family. On one of my visits to the job centre I happened to mention it to my advisor, and she suggested that I book an appointment at 5E. When I arrived at 5E Ltd, I met Amar who was really nice and helpful. I sat in his training class and I was amazed how much I didn't really know about the procedures of getting back to work. After the training session I was introduced to Rahme who is a career adviser I explained to her my situation. She suggested that I sign up for the workshop, which I did.

Everyone in the job search team was very helpful, the atmosphere was superb and they really made me feel comfortable and welcomed.”

I told her about my work experience, and what I would like to do in the future. With her help and guidance I managed to produce a very professional looking CV and covering letter. The help and support that I received in 5E Ltd was beyond my imagination. My advisers both Rahme and Sandeep were brilliant and extremely helpful in every way. Throughout the time I was there they gave me confidence

and encouragement. They both helped me regain my confidence and explained how to put myself across at an interview. Everyone in the job search team was very helpful, the atmosphere was superb and they really made me feel comfortable and welcomed. After completing my course, Sandeep suggested that I do a work placement at 5E as an administrative job at 5E needed to be filled. I was given the opportunity to do two weeks work placement at the Guidance Centre. I really enjoyed, and because of the time I spent there, I decided to put my name forward for a permanent position of an administrator. Together w ith Sandeep's help I applied for the position. I am currently working as an Administrator / Receptionist at 5E Ltd. I am very grateful of the opportunities that were given to me to allow me to re-gain my confidence, and would like to thank everyone who helped me at 5E Ltd. to get where I am now. I believe 5E Ltd is doing great job to help the community to grow. Thank you 5E Ltd!

I believe 5E is doing a great job to help the community to grow.”



It’s Time to PARTY...



Staff Annual Christmas Bash

Pictures by: Tito Mir & Bernadette Fillery

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