5E Life & Times Newsletter - Mar-Apr 2011

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March—April 2011

Issue 6



Yezi: I want to write books in English Pg 2

Clients love 5E’s CV writing workshop Pg 3

Exploring beyond the Pg 4 classroom

A student’s ‘Thank You’ note Pg 5

Coping with Redundancy

Pg 6

Application forms: What employers look for? Pg 7

Poem, Puzzles & more...



n February 25, hundreds of protesters from Haringey Alliance for Public Services demonstrated outside Haringey Civic Centre as council leaders voted on a cuts package. The protestors fear that such cuts could see the loss of jobs and many of its local services. Senior citizens and pensioners from local day centres and youngsters from education institutions and youth clubs stood shoulder to shoulder in their opposition to the cuts. Haringey councillors approved £84m cuts from a total budget of £273m over the next three years. The council biggest cuts - worth £46m - would take place in 2011-12.

Services for young people and elderly people will be scaled back, and less money will be spent on libraries and leisure centres. More than 1,000 jobs will be lost, from a total of 4,500 staff, as a result of the spending cuts. Many more jobs will be lost by businesses and services that indirectly face the axe due to spending cuts. “We understand that cuts need to be made, but we only hope that the disadvantaged and the vulnerable are spared,” said Raj Doshi, Managing Director, 5E Ltd. Some staff members from 5E also joined the rally to represent clients who would lose many of these services and the job loss that would occur to businesses in the council. “Our clients need training and development to be able to compete in the job market. These cuts could be detrimental to their growth,” said Salim Ahmed, Operational Manager, 5E Ltd.

We understand that cuts need to be made, but we only hope that the disadvantaged and the vulnerable are spared.” Raj Doshi, Managing Director, 5E Ltd.

Pg 8



I want to write books in English


n China, everybody calls me Yezi- my pen name, it means 'leaf'. My real name is Ju Lanzhen. I was born in a poor family of 10 people with six sisters and brothers, parents and grandparents. At that time, people in China did not focus on education, so when I finished elementary school, I gave up my studies to help run the family's furniture business. But I never stopped reading and writing in my spare time. I always dreamt of going to University. After I married, I started my clothing business in 1984 by employing ten machinist and marketing the product myself. A few years later, I sold the business to fund higher studies. I also began writing for newspapers and magazines in Mandarin. Finally, I went to study at the Department of Chinese studies at Fudan University in Shanghai. After graduation, I was employed by a business newspaper as a reporter and editor in Guangdong province. I did interviews, edited news and wrote columns. A year later, I got promoted to the post of director of the news, managing twenty reporters. Three years later, I went back to my roots- to Qingdao city and joined a weekly newspaper as an editor and journalist. Simultaneously, I studied and

We had to get married in China because of visa issues. So he took employment in Qingdao University, to teach business and English. Since then, I started writing books. I have published a book in poetry (Travel) and one about my personal account (as a woman journalist) and I have two books written in Mandarin and English awaiting an international publisher. One is tentatively called Foreigners in Qingdao, translated by my husband and another one is called To be a Housewife. I also have a blog which I update once a week. In 2010 my husband was diagnosed with terminal liver cirrhosis. So we came back to the UK in September and decided to settle down here so that he could be close to his children. My daughter is here too. They all came visit obtained my Master's degree in Journalus. I am happy to be here and to have ism from Fudan University through this family life! Now, I take care of my husband 5E will be crucial and learn English at 5E. I'm in ESOL Entry 2. The teachers and staff are very in helping me helpful and motivating. My life is now realize my dream complete and meaningful. of writing a book I wish one day to be able to in English. I hope to write in English- write about my thoughts and experiences; the knowledge and became a British and cultural differences between English and Chinese cultural Chinese, not only for Chinese readers to exchange envoy.” understand UK but also for English Yezi readers to know about China. 5E will be crucial in helping me realize my dream of writing a book in English. I hope to became a British and

evening & weekend courses. When my newspaper was taken over by another company, they removed everyone approaching 40 (because the law protects employees above 40). I felt shocked and humiliated. I was divorced then and moved to the Middle East with my daughter. There I was a nobody and because my English was poor I could only be employed by Chinese language newspapers, starting again from zero. In Middle East country, I met my current husband. Although he was born in the Netherlands, he was educated in the UK. He was a divorcee with three children in the UK. We came to UK, and also went to China to visit my parents.

Ju Lanzen is a very hardworking and motivating student. She is very eager to learn English and hopes one day she can write articles in English. I am confident she will succeed.” Reuben Chelliah, ESOL tutor, 5E





1. A total of 5+ years of countable experience in working within urriculum vitae (referred warehouse settings. widely as CV) is a docuSome hobbies that show the enment that is used to 2. thusiasm of the candidate. introduce jobseekers to Some work specific duties that their potential employers. It is a docu- 3. would highlight organisation on ment highlighting a candidate’s skills, job. qualifications, employment history and Written reference from a previous achievements. It is of a significant im- 4. employer highlighting level of portance to keep the CV updated on a organization and punctuality regular basis. (Although it is not necessary to Employers look for best candiattach or mention on the CV, but dates! By best I do not intend to disthe candidate will need it on criminate against anyone who has the hand. It is only required to menability to perform the given tasks, howtion on your CV that references ever with your first point of contact, will be available upon request) CV is considered to be your first impresIt is easy to make a well written sion on the employer and by reading a CV, however not all well written CVs are presentable. It needs plenty of extra CV is considered to be efforts make your CV presentable. your first impression At 5E ltd all our advisors are trained to advice on developing well on the employer and presentable CVs tailored to the by reading a couple of candidates’ personality and experience. lines from your Regular workshops are conducted to profile, usually, the advice and guide our clients on developing CVs to highest standards. employers make their - Amin Lakhani, 5E Trainer mind to shortlist

“ “ “

I will say this workshop is an eye opener for me. Got me spot up and gave me confidence to write a good CV.” – Folu Olalye

Extremely helpful. The trainer was very clear in his explanation, interesting, lively, getting us to think through each point. Also gave opportunities to ask questions.” – Susan Spring

Having been just made redundant, I found this training session extremely helpful. The trainer knew his business and made me feel confident.” –Bert Johnson


couple of lines from your profile, usually, the employers make their mind to shortlist candidates. It is of utmost importance that maximum time needs to be devoted to compile a personal profile on the CV. Spellings and grammar errors can be avoided by word processing and running tools such as spell checks on MS-Word. A bigger issue with CVs today is explaining gaps and matching the individual’s profile with his own CV. Many times we see cases where CVs containing profiles of the candidate that does not match with the rest of the information on their CV. Let us take an example: “An experienced, organized, punctual and enthusiastic warehouse assistant with more than 5 years of experience is looking for a job in similar settings.” The above statement is not valid unless the CV of that individual reflects above all the characteristics. To validate the above statement, an individual needs the following evidences:

5E trainer Amin Lakhani conducting a CV writing workshop at Watkins House, Enfield (Pic by Tito Mir)



Class trip to the National Art Gallery & Trafalgar Square


tudents of ESOL Entry 3 & Level 1 from Selby Centre went on a class trip to central London. They visited the National Art Gallery and Trafalgar Square. 5E believes that there is more to learning than class work and often tries to encourage students to explore the world beyond the classroom. This trip helped the students visit some interesting landmarks of London and use some of their English skills in the real world.

Qualifications & MORE Qualifications!


comfortable at the 2 in Numeracy. Learndirect centre and It is very flexible met helpful tutors. I have and I can attend the class level 2 at my own time. I was referred to completed 5E at Colindale by the job programme in Literacy regained my confidence centre and I wanted to and now pursuing a level achieve qualification in Literacy and Numeracy It is very flexible and I can to seek better job prosattend the class at my own pects. I





while doing the courses and have now started applying for the jobs. I want to thank the Learndirect staff for guiding and helping me in my studies and would definitely refer my friends to this place. - Salma Macolin





can not god speack English (and bad righting). But today class me is a finished. Thank Dorcas for all kindness You are very kind and very very good teacher. I wish lucky in live for you and hasbent. I like you.



y name is Mohsen Mehdizadseh. I am from Iran. I have been in the UK for six months. I worked as a mechanic in Iran.

I have completed my ESOL Entry 1. I am very happy that I have passed all my exams for Entry 1. I want to study Entry 2 at 5E because everyone here is very nice and helpful. When I learn good English, I will have a better chance of finding a job. I really liked my class. I made many friends and I enjoyed studying here. My teacher Dorcas is very good. She helped me a lot to speak, read and write basic English.

(Note given to Dorcas by Mohsen ESOL E1)

t first, Mohsen was very reluctant to speak English and very negative about his potential. Nevertheless, when he realized that 5E staff and myself genuinely wanted to help him, he radically changed. It was truly inspiring to see his progress and gratitude. He always said “Thank You” after every lesson and one could see he was actually enjoying it. - Doscas Alvarez, ESOL teacher

Mohsen Mehdizadeh is grateful to his teacher Dorcas for helping him learn English. (Pic by Jandan Candan)

pleted the Numeracy qualification and started with the ECDL course. While I was doing the ECDL course, I realized how brushing up my skills in numeracy had been a blessing in disguise as it proved to be very helpful while I was working with spreadsheets. I also secured a job in the meantime and found it difficult Students enjoying numeracy teasers at a Learndirect session (Pic by Ruhi Khan) to complete the ECDL course. earn computers and he y referred me to Ilford, 5E. However, my tutor constantly called me up and I did an assessment encouraged me to access and my tutor suggested the course and comdoing the Numeracy plete it and she also sat in course before I started the name is Jorge. I told my the office after working IT course. Though I felt it friend that I wanted to hours so that I can comwas not necessary, I still plete my course. went ahead and com-


Today I am happy and grateful that I have gained a Literacy, Numeracy and ECDL Level 2 qualifications. My parents are very proud of me now.

I have gained a Literacy, Numeracy and ECDL Level 2 qualifications. My parents are very proud of me now.”

Throughout my learning period here, I felt very comfortable and had got individual attention whenever I needed support with any of the topics I was learning. Thank you 5E. - Jorge Garcia



COPING WITH REDUNDANCY almost as crucial as having the right qualifications when looking for a new job. You can’t change the situation you’re in but you can change your attitude. If you adopt a positive mental attitude this will rub off on others and at interviews. Don’t fall into the trap if using your days to watch daytime TV and lounge around the house. The more purpose you can bring to your day the more rewarded and wanted you will feel at the end of it. Keep Busy


he first three months of your redundancy can be crucial as this is the time you are at your most motivated and most likely to find work. The longer you are unemployed the harder it can be to find work, so it is important to grab as many opportunities as you can in the early days of your redundancy. Don’t Feel Guilty One of the first emotions people often have when made redundant is guilt and that they have let their family, friends and themselves down. You should try and eradicate any negative feelings you might have towards your redundancy. Remember it is your job that has been made redundant not you. Get into a Routine

If you fear you may be redundant for a long period of time you may want to look at other ways to earn some extra money. It is a good idea to keep using your skills when redundant, whether these are manual, creative or administrative skills. Speak to friends and family and see if they require any of your skills.

Set yourself your own working day and between the hours of 9.30am to 5.30pm dedicate your time to working on your CV, searching for jobs, visiting recruitment agencies and getting in touch with old contacts. Once it gets to 5.30pm you can allow yourself to switch off and enjoy your For example, if you are creative evening. one of your friends might have a business you could help promote. You could volunteer to Remember it is your help at a local business a few job that has been made days a week. They may not have any jobs but the contacts redundant not you. and networking you will make could prove to be invaluable. Look to the Future A big stumbling block for many who have been redundant is trying to forget their old job. But instead of reminiscing about how good your old job was or your old pay cheque think about the future and how rewarding it will be once you are in your new job and meeting new people, try and get excited about what the future holds. Look to the elements of your life that you can control, you may not be able to control being made redundant but you can control finding a new job.

Having the right attitude is almost as crucial as having the right qualifications when looking for a new job. redundant is shy away from the outside world. It is important you let as many people as possible know you are looking for a job. You may have a friend who is looking for somebody with your specific qualifications and is able to offer you a job. Look at the Positives You will inevitably face rejection and set-backs on your path to finding a new job. When you take a particularly hard blow it can be hard to regain your confidence. In this situation it is important to get strength from those around you. A job is only one element of your life, if you get particularly downhearted make a list of all the positives in your life, such as your family, your health and what you have achieved to date.

Being made redundant can have serious psychological effects and it is important you do not isolate yourself from Take Some Time Out others. If you stay positive, look Many people feel under pres- to the future your chances of sure to get straight down to job re-entering the workplace will hunting the minute they are be greatly improved. made redundant, but this is not always the best method. There You could volunteer to are not many times in your career when you can take a break help at a local business and assess your career path a few days a week. and life choices. It is a good idea to take a week or two to They may not have any sit down and assess where you see your career going, are you jobs but the contacts happy with your career and and networking you will what other options you have?

Many people who have been made redundant struggle to find purpose in their day because they have no job. If you are used to getting up at 7am and leaving the house by Make Contacts 8.30am there is no reason you Your Attitude shouldn’t stick to this timetable The worst thing you can do Having the right attitude is when redundant. when you have been made

make could prove to be invaluable.

Courtesy: .redundancyexpert.co.uk





ll too often, competency-based question give very little away. But so long as your answers demonstrate you have the right skills, character and experience for the job, you can feel confident you're on the right track. To give you a head start, here's a run down of the behavioural areas employers probe. Goal setting Employers want motivation and commitment. Are you ambitious and driven or the type to give up easily? Communication and people skills Interacting with people and getting your ideas across is central to the working day. Have you got the people skills to get colleagues working effectively with you or to keep your customers happy?

what personal skills help you to do so? What's implement solutions? your management style? Creativity Flexibility This isn't about whether you've mastered oil Companies have to be responsive to many painting. Businesses need people with ideas factors in order keep up with the competition. who can contribute to a progressive vision. How do you handle change or how might you ensure others adapt effectively? Risk taking Risk taking is important in business as the Diplomacy rewards can be high. Employers want confiThere will be many work-based situations dent individuals who can calculate risk and where you disagree with a colleague. How do reward and proceed accordingly. you get your point across and respond to people with conflicting opinions? Stress Performing well under stressful situations is Decisiveness and judgment important for many roles. Can you keep a You'll often encounter situations at work clear head and think on your feet? where difficult decisions need to be taken in order for progress to be made. Do you have Initiative the confidence and skill to do so? Employees who go above and beyond their day to day tasks are gold dust. An employer Autonomy wants individuals who can use their initiative Employers want individuals who are resource- and come up with ideas they might not think ful and can work without the need for detailed of. instructions.

Sticking to policy and procedure Rules can be really important to the smooth running of a business, especially in large or- Organisational and planning skills ganisations. Are you able to stick to process, Employers are looking for high productivity. both established and new? Can you challenge Can you organise your workload so that tasks it where appropriate? are done well and on time?

Leadership Problem solving If you're working with junior colleagues it's Every day we come across obstacles of varying important you take a role in fostering their scales. How do you approach problems and career development. Can you lead teams and

Teamwork Very few professions require individuals to work in isolation. It's important you can work towards a common goal with a team of colleagues as well as contribute on an individual level. Courtesy: TotalJobs.com




here was a most important job that needed to be done, And no reason not to do it, there was absolutely none. But in vital matters such as this, the thing you have to ask Is who exactly will it be who'll carry out the task?

But nobody told anybody that we are aware of, That he would be in charge of seeing it was taken care of. And nobody took it on himself to follow through, And do what everybody thought that somebody would do.

Anybody could have told you that everybody knew That this was something somebody would surely have to do. Nobody was unwilling; anybody had the ability. But nobody believed that it was their responsibility.

When what everybody needed so did not get done at all, Everybody was complaining that somebody dropped the ball. Anybody then could see it was an awful crying shame, And everybody looked around for somebody to blame.

It seemed to be a job that anybody could have done, If anybody thought he was supposed to be the one. But since everybody recognised that anybody could, Everybody took for granted that somebody would.

Somebody should have done the job And Everybody should have, But in the end Nobody did What Anybody could have. - Charles Osgood

ACROSS: 1. An animal with a long nose 6. My book is ___ the desk 7. He ___ reading comic books 8. An animal that jumps and catches flies 10. An animal that flies 12. An animal with black & orange stripes 14. An animal with black & white stripes DOWN: 2. The king of animals 3. A short fat animal 4. A green animal with a long mouth 5. I like ___ play football


8. I ate pizza _____ lunch 9. What’s one time one 10. An animal that sleeps in winter 11. A brown animal with horns 13. ____ to bed 15. A cat. A dog. ____ elephant

CRACK A RIDDLE What month has 28 days?

Courtesy: www.businessballs.com

Contributed by: Mrugesh Desai, Quality & Compliance Manager, 5E Ltd

Answer: All of them


“A good head and a good heart are always a formidable combination” Nelson Mandela

Creating a brighter future through training & learning




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Editor: Ruhi Khan Publisher: Raj Doshi, MD, 5E Ltd, UK For Feedback & Contributions: Email ruhi@fivee.co.uk

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