5E Life & Times Newsletter - Nov-Dec 2010

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Issue 6

November-December 2010


SPRINKLING SOME GOLD DUST... and understand the demands of the job market. Paulyn Bangura, a biomedical graduate was struggling to find employment without any prior work experience. “I would describe the project as efficient and innovative. It combines the support of a learning environment, the advice and help included with this and the proficiency of a recruitment agency,” said Paulyn. “I achieved confidence, effective job application skills and interview skills that enabled me to attain a job.” While uncertainty continues to prevail in UK’s Golden Moment: Managers Rakesh Sonigra & Jennifer Vaz hold IIP Gold Standard Award economic scenario, 5E is to improving people’s job optimistic about the future. 2010 has been a golden year vital prospects and helping em“A motivated and for 5E Ltd. Rated outstanding ployer’s to achieve growth,” said hardworking client can beat all by Ofsted and a Gold Standard John Hayes, Minister of State odds if provided with the right Award by IBP add to the many for Further Education, Skills s u p laurels that the company has and Lifelong acquired over the years. Learning in a “A motivated and This year, 5E has letter to 5E. been rated as one of the top He added that hardworking client twelve providers of work based “the inclusion can beat all odds if learning by Ofsted. would provide provided with the example The Ofsted report an right support and other noted: ‘good attention is paid to f o r training.” providing off-the-job training organisations for learners. Sessions are to follow”. p o r t Raj Doshi, MD, 5E Ltd & ICDI tailored to provide high levels of The ESOL/ Literacy a n d individual support and atten- classes are running to their training. And that’s what we dance is high’. maximum capacity and there is always strive to do at 5E,” said 5E is synonymous a strong focus on employability Raj Doshi, Managing Director, skills that help clients not just 5E Ltd. with providing excellent education and training especially for learn English but also prepare Doshi credits much of 5E’s them for the job market. success to its dynamic staff. “Your contribution Reneta Shijaku completed her Continued on Page 3... is vital to improving L i t e r a c y & people’s job Numeracy level 1 OFSTED’S a month early and prospects and OUTSTANDING went on to do her helping employers to Numeracy level 2 achieve growth” from Learndirect. PUTS 5E IN TOP 12 t h o s e “It was possible because 5E John Hayes, MP vulnerable staff helped me a lot. I also got IBP GIVES IIP GOLD and deprived communities in an interview call,” she said. STANDARD AWARD 5E is continuously the UK which are struggling to break the communication introducing short training provibarrier and find employment in sions for those who are almost UKBA RATES 5E job ready and are looking to these troubling times. ‘HIGHLY TRUSTED’ simply enhance their soft skills “Your contribution is

… AND TURNING DREAMS INTO REALITY Dinner & drinks? Say cheers to the Food and Beverage Supervisor at the Hilton. - Felix Kaeferstein Found it, got it, ARGOS-ed it! Meet the customer service assistants at Argos in Staples Centre. -Sonal Mistry, Michelle Mulqueen & Joseph Kao When Boots gave me the boot, 5E found me a new ray of hope at Central Vision Optician. - Anuradha Dorlikar No more pins & needle! I now work as the administrator at the Lister Hospital in central London. - Susan Nolan Singing ABC with tiny tots, I’m a nursery assistant at St. Mary’s & St. John’s CE Primary school. - Reshma Pathani No more hunger pangs. I’m flipping burgers at Mac Donalds and I’m Lovin’ It! - Dayle Burnett Christmas shopping? Drop in at Matalan, Ilford say howdy to us all. - Faizan Ahmed, Pallo Das & Mustafa Ghulam Dancing to my tune! I’m now a musician and a music tutor. - Poitr Piskorz From a client to employee of 5E, the journey became my destination. - Tefsehet Makonnen All this & more Success Stories on Page 2 & 3...



Excellent Education at an Affordable Price!

Moroccan girl: Rabia

My name is Rabia Bimasrai. I am from Morocco. My English was not very good. So I decided to look for a college to learn English. First, I went to a popular college which is very near my house in Southgate. However, the fees were a bit too high. Then, I came to 5E office and was recommended for ESOL Entry 2. At first they sent me to Selby Centre but I preferred the centre in Edmonton Green. And that is one of the good things about 5E- they have many centres spread over North London. What surprised me was that, being an established provider of English tutoring, the fee which they quoted me was very affordable. Moreover the centre in Edmonton Green is very modern and spacious. The staff have been very helpful and encouraging. I find the course extremely beneficial and have noticed an improvement in the level of my English. My teacher, Reuben has helped me tremendously by his method of teaching and support.

FROM ROCK BOTTOM TO STANDING TALL I worked as a counter intelligence officer and interro-

FOUND IT, GOT IT, ARGOS-ED IT! 5E Team at Merit House, Colindale helped several clients get jobs at Argos in Staples Centre.

I have never worked before and was very terrified of rejection from companies. I wanted to work in retail and was struggling with application forms and never had an interview before. I was given the opportunity to take a customer service course which prepared me for the retail industry. Now that I am working at Argos, I am putting in use everything I gained from the course. - Michelle Mulqueen

I was initially nervous at the prospect of a group interview, but 5E’s interview training let me into to some useful inside knowledge of the assessment process and made me think positively about the whole experience! A week later I got a call letting me know that the interview was successful and I had got a position for Customer Service Adviser. - Joseph Kao

When I came to 5E the main thing I was looking for was to improve my English literacy skills and getting a job seemed like a distant dream. I was in an entry 3 class and it helped me build up confidence and really improved my English. Now I work at Argos and am very happy to be in employment. - Sonal Mistry

“What surprised me was that, being an established provider of English tutoring, the fee which they quoted was very affordable.”

– Dayle Burnett

I’M LOVIN’ IT! I went to 5E apprehensive how they can help me since I applied at many places and received only rejection letters. I spoke with Alex and the first barrier he identified was my CV. He changed my CV and he trained me with various employability skills as well as mock interviews. Whenever I went for an interview, I realised that I was now feeling more confident. I was sent for 3 interviews and I got placed in 2 companies. I am now working in McDonald’s, Ilford and I’m happy with my job.

gator in my home country. I was homeless during the month of August and September. I went into depression and 5E helped me get out of this. I arrived in a very negative frame of mind. After an initial induction with advisor Kamal, I felt as though there was still hope. Attending the NLP2 project three times a week I learnt how to search for a job, write out job applications, talk properly on the phone, create a CV, write letters and finally pick the most suitable job. Without 5E’s highly trained staff I I would still be in the same predicament. 5E is the perfect place to get back into employment. - Amuzati Kiboko

Newly qualified Microsoft certified server administrators from Selby Centre are confident to take on the IT world

I am from Addis Ababa Ethiopia. I came to London, UK in October 2009. I was unemployed for 12 months. While on a course at 5E, I was offered an opportunity to work for the company. The first thing I love about 5E is that all the colleagues are like a family and very welcoming. We are all from different backgrounds which has inspired me to use this opportunity to meet people from different cultures and explore them. I have also learnt how to work better in a team and talking to different clients allows me to learn everyday about the different types of people that make up our community. —Tefsehet Mekonnen

How to crack any interview: Tips & Tricks on Page 4...



PLAYING THE TUNE OF SUCCESS I have been living for over 3 years in the UK. My best qualification and skills had not been recognised until I enrolled on the Personal Best course in Merit House in Colindale. I learnt music in Poland. Tutors encouraged me to look for engagement in that realm. In Merit House I was encouraged to establish a duo with a singing course mate

Darren Paul. We performed together in Merit House and in Jewish Care in Hendon. I produced a demo CD for us. We presented some songs and instrumental music on the CD. Attending the Personal Best Course I have got more confidence and received help to look for job as well I interacted with gifted mates.

Piotr Piskorz playing at a 5E event

TEACHING TINY TOTS I wanted to get into any job in a primary school, considering that I have the qualifications and experience to back up my applications. I had a 6 page CV which the advisors at 5E helped me edit well enough to reflect my core strengths. I also gained a First Aid qualification. Within a day I received a response. I had an interview booked! I undertook the one-on-one interview skills session. The advisors are very good at building confidence. And I got the job! I now work at St Mary’s and St Johns CE Primary school in Hendon as a Nursery assistant. I’m loving my job! -Reshma Pathani

very informative but also relaxing and they covered bus fare which helped. 5E also found a vacancy at Central Vision Optician and arranged for an interview. I got that job. - Anuradha Dorlikar

NEVER SAY NEVER I had not worked in over 8

months and had many complications in my life. During the 4-5 weeks I was at 5E I had help all the way. There was a time about 2-3 weeks into the project that I felt like giving up, but I talked to the advisor Anand and he made me see that to give up now was a bad thing. I am so glad and grateful to the staff at 5E because if I had not stayed I

would have never found the job I really wanted. I work at the Lister Hospital in Central London as an administrator. - Susan Nolan

ON HILTON’S PLATTER I come from Germany. I

didn’t know how to find vacancies in the hospitality industry. At 5E, advisor Zulaiha was extremely helpful and positive in motivating me to find the right type of career. 5E found me an interview slot for a Food and Beverage Supervisor at the Hilton and trained me for the interview. I was successful and have been employed in my dream job. - Felix Kaeferstein

CLEAR VISION I used to work full time for Boots Optician for 18yrs. I was on medical leave for a year, after which I was made redundant. At 5E, I was given ICT training and had sessions on confidence building, motivation and interview techniques. I enjoyed coming to 5E as I found it not only

Giving back to the community: Staff at Watkins House Centre sprint to raise money at Cancer Research’s Race for Life 2010 event.

I play in two bands (Brass Band in Barnet, and Big Band in Rickmansworth). I give private music tuitions to two children. The idea came from the 5E staff. I am at present providing my services to Church of England by playing Hymns on Piano every Sunday, in Finchley. I have also offered my services as a music teacher in various English schools.

Contd from page 1…

STAFF PAR EXCELLENCE Doshi explains, “Important factors in sustaining 5E’s success are: ensuring the company provides the necessary resources to support clients’ needs, especially in employing staff who possess the necessary skills set to support and monitor clients, understand and empathise with people from very disadvantaged backgrounds and instil the necessary attitudes and values in learners so they are encouraged and motivated to progress.” IIP GOLD STANDARD AWARD This ethos has helped 5E bag the prestigious Investors in People Gold Standard Award. 5E was found to rate extremely high on various parameters that evaluated the working culture, communication at all tiers of the organisation and the motivation and aspirations of the staff. “It was an honour to get the recognition for the dedication and hard work everyone at 5E puts in to make this company a success,” said Rakesh Sonigra, Manager, Enfield centres. Staff development and progression is encouraged. The company organises formal and informal staff meetings which serve as a platform to air opinions, suggestions and find new & innovative ways to handle challenging situations. SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY The company also always strives to help the disadvantaged in the community. “On our Jeans for Genes Day, the staff and management helped raise over £500 for children with genetic disorders”, said Jennifer Vaz, HR Manager. Staff at Watkins House also took part in Cancer Research’s Race for Life Event 2010. EXPANDING GLOBALLY The goodwill 5E has generated in the UK helped it expand globally with their first centre outside the UK opening in Rajkot in India this year. 5E has also been awarded the rating of ‘Highly trusted’ by the UK Border agency. This will help open more opportunities for the company to expand on its offerings and client base.

5E team at Ilford centre successfully placed several clients in customer service jobs at Matalan Retail. “I had one-to-one help and support from advisors in CV writing, interview techniques and applying for jobs online. I also had customer service training in group where I was able to interact with variety of people and improve my confidence.” - Faizan Ahmed "I received great help and support from all 5E advisors in my job search activities as well as skills development such as customer service training and interview techniques” - Pallo Dass “With 5E’s help I was confident in doing job search and I was able to get a job in Matalan as customer service assistant. I strongly advise anybody looking for work and training to come and join 5E. - Mustafa Ghulam


GET ARMED WITH INTERVIEW SKILLS Before the interview… 1. Find out all you can about the company and the job: What do they do? Who are their competitors? What does the job involve? What skills you have that would be of interest to the company? 2. Keep a copy of your CV and re-read it before the interview. 3. Think about and prepare for the questions that you may be asked. 4. Prepare some questions to ask the interviewer.

find out about you! 4. Take a copy of your CV along and use it as a memory jogger. 5. Be friendly, polite and enthusiastic! 6. Make sure you get all the points about your skills and what you can offer the company, across in the interview. 7. Show interest and be positive. Never offer negative information about yourself. 8. Establish a two-way communication process. Tag relevant questions on the end of answers to obtain a good conversational flow. Avoid yes/no answers. 9. Think before you speak! Momentarily pause before replying to give a well thought answer. 10. Watch for signals that the interview is coming to an end. 11. Check the time schedule and what the next stage is and thank the interviewer for an enjoyable interview and find out when you are likely to hear from them.

On the day… 1. First impressions count. Dress appropriately to feel confident and comfortable. 2. Make sure you know where you are going, and allow yourself plenty of time to get there. 3. Get a feel for the company while you are waiting to be interviewed. (Read any literature available) 4. Remember the interview starts from the moment you arrive on the company premises – the receptionist/secretary may be asked what she thought of you.


At the interview… 1. A firm, brief handshake if offered. Avoid sweaty palms and a contest of strength! 2. Sit up straight and look at the interviewer, speak clearly and don’t fidget. 3. Be yourself – the interviewer wants to

After the interview… If you are offered the job… Ask yourself: are you genuinely excited with the offer. 1. If ‘yes’–keenly accept–verbally; await the written offer and reply within a few days. 2. If ‘no’ – explain to the interviewer why you feel you cannot accept it. If you are not offered the job… Review your performance objectively with yourself. 1. What interested the interviewer? 2. How could you improve your presentation next time? 3. Did you get all points across? 4. Did you interrupt the interviewer at all, or fail to complete any questions? 5. Were you positive, aggressive, tense, too laid back, too talkative or reserved?


“The two basic processes of education are knowing and valuing.” - Robert J. Havighurst

Creating a brighter future through training & learning




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16-20 CLEMENTS RD ILFORD IG1 1BA TEL: 020 8911 8004 FAX: 020 8478 5353


Editor: Ruhi Khan Publisher: Raj Doshi, MD, 5E Ltd, UK For Feedback & Contributions: Email ruhi@fivee.co.uk


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