J a n u a r y —F e b r u a r y 2 0 1 2
Pictures by Tito Mir
HALL OF FAME Celebrating success of 5E clients and learners across London centres- Haringey, Enfield & Barnet
Andy Love (Edmonton), MP David Lammy (Tottenham). MP Matthew Offord (Hendon) and 5E MD Raj Doshi hand out certificates to clients for achieving a qualification or securing employment.
exceptional show of music and dance put up by our talented clients entertains the audience. Clients played musical instruments and walked the ramp in their national costumes.
s not all work and no play for 5E team as they celebrate their success by exchanging ‘Secret Santa’ gifts in the festive season and shaking a leg at the end of the year party.
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5E L I F E & T I MES
stands for five ‘E’s which I think are very important. First E is for education and that’s what 5E is doing here. Then Equality, yes, we do face discrimination when looking for work sometimes. We have to stand up and fight. Next is Enterprise. Yes we are an enterprising community, always trying to find a nook and cranny to get through so that we can improve our prospects. Empowerment, 5E does empower you to find employment. I take my hats off to you all. I stand by you. I look at your faces and I think about my own family. I am very proud to be here.
am very impressed by you all here. If there is one thing that is incredibly important coz of the difficulties that the economy is suffering at the moment, it is being properly, adequately and comprehensively trained to do jobs. I want to congratulate 5E for fantastic job they do. They are the main provider of training in London and have the experience and expertise of dealing with issues related to deprived communities. But most importantly, it is all about ‘After Care’ that 5E provides. They ensure that the people can take the training they receive and put it into practise in a real job that they have sustained.
- Andy Love, MP Edmonton
- David Lammy, MP Tottenham
was determined to be here today because I very much value the work 5E does. I believe the most important ‘E’ among the five ‘Es’ that make up 5E is empowerment. And that’s what I think you do to people here. Employment is greatly important but that with knowledge and confidence you can get a job and for me that’s the most important aspect. I am very grateful for what you do here.
- Matthew Offord, MP Hendon
was an accident some 18 years ago when I was working in the voluntary sector and the women wanted to study a bit of IT. We used to work from a garage and a small grant of £6000. We very quickly went on to help unemployed and those that lack basic language skills. We have a million young people and if we are not careful we will lose a generation and the social evils that follow it. So lets prepare the generation that has missed out in education, skills and confidence to get jobs.
- Raj Doshi, Managing Director, 5E Ltd Pictures by Tito Mir
Watkins Waffle: 5E’s team at Watkins House is just a small part of the 230 employees from diverse backgrounds that work for 5E on different projects catering to over 3000 clients every year.
Basic IT
Job centre Plus centre manager John Merenngue gives a certificate for excellence in IT basics to Chantiranjothy Ananthraja.
ESOL / Literacy
Cindy Madali of CDG gives a certificate of excellence to Derya Ulgar, a motivated learner for passing her ESOL Entry 2 qualifications.
Work Programme
Ingeus Manager David Bryne gives a certificate for success in employment to Faizah Salihu, a work programme client.
Job Search Support
Allied Healthcare Care manager Hans gives a certificate for success in employment to Ishmahan Ahmadry, who works now as carer. Pictures by Tito Mir
5E L I F E & T I MES
5E’s determination got me a job
If it wasn’t for Kelly and Meral’s determination to get people back into work then people like me would always find it hard. I will never forget what 5E has done.”
Team Work: Wayne Cooper with Meral Ahmet (right) and Kelly Ng
ayne Cooper came to 5E on the Work Programme. Unemployed for over ten months, Wayne was reluctant to join another programme. “However in my first month it was made clear to me that this company was there to help in every aspect of finding work and not just updating my CV”, says Wayne. Wayne was given basic IT training, industry training and was also given one on
Wayne Cooper
Picture by Ruhi Khan
one CV review, interview techniques and job search support and guidance and also work trials. “Since being here, I have found that I was more willing to venture out into the job world such as retail. But now that I have started work in retail, I have found that I am good at it and I’m happy to do it,” says Wayne. “Wayne is a very proactive individ-
ual and has a passion to do well in his areas of interest. He has excellent people skills and manners and has also demonstrated that he works well in a team and also by himself,” says Kelly Ng, his adviser. “If it wasn’t for Kelly and Meral’s determination to get people back into work then people like me would always find it hard. I will never forget what 5E has done,” says Wayne.
With High Hopes
ydia Asumang almost ten years experience in customer service and administrative roles. She has also gained qualifications in Level 2 OCR Administration and IT courses like CLAIT and ECDL. Lydia came to 5E on the six week job search support programme. She has received help with CV and cover letter, application form filling, speculative cover letter session and interview techniques besides one-on-one guidance and careers help. “It feels so good to have achieved so much in a short time,” says Lydia. “My time at 5E has been successful and beneficial in that I know I can confidently do job search knowing which sites are best to guarantee my criteria in jobs,” she adds.
“I can can also write my own cover and speculative letters knowing which letter fits when. I am now fine with accepting interviews whether or not I think the jobs suits my criteria because it can be used as Positive: Lydia Asumang is confident she will succeed in her job search practise for the interview techniques I’ve learnt at 5E.,” says Lydia who gives 70% credit to her personal adviser Soniya Akhter and 30% to the rest of the staff who have helped her achieve success on the programme. It feels so good to have “Lydia is a lovely and bubbly perachieved so much in a short time. My time at 5E has been success- son who I wish all the best for the future. She is an enthusiastic learner with a posiful and beneficial in that I know I can tive attitude towards job search. Lydia wishconfidently do job search “ es to return to the job search programme to continue her learning in IT, job searcha nd much more,” says Soniya. Lydia Asumang
Pictures by Tito Mir
Don’t give up on yourself!
Theo with 5E adviser Urkiye Dervish
measure my success not by what I have accomplished but by what I should have accomplished with my abilities. I have been a computer enthusiast for more than 30 years this has given me a unique skill set a gift the ability to quickly absorb new technology learn new ideas and even contribute a few of my own Five years ago I divorced my wife, mother of my children. Shortly after I met a beautiful brilliant girl who inspired me, lifted my spirit help me realise my true potential and together we built a very busy forum website providing technical support to 1000’s of members. Then she died from cancer leaving
me with a huge hole in my life- a piece of me had died with her. I gradually sank into a deep depression if it was not for the daily tasks and responsibilities to our members on the site we had built together I would have been lost for sure. The last conversation I had with her was that I had recently started working for a college- 5E Ltd- and had started training to further my career opportunities . She was so proud of me that day pleased that I had finally got onto the right path to study and gain my certificates and qualifications- something I had always regretted not having the time for or the money to advance academically. This was my Achilles heel that had been holding me down. Anyone can give up; it's the easiest thing in the world to do. But to hold it together when everyone else would understand if you fell apart, that's true strength. I would like to thank all my 5E friends for their help and support. A special thank you Urkiye who would not give up on me even when I had almost given up on myself. 5E had given me the opportunity I needed to achieve my goals, and the chance to learn more and help others. Thank you .
Edmonton MP Andy Love looks on as Theo speaks about the importance of never giving up
nyone can give up; it's the easiest thing in the world to do. But to hold it together when everyone else would understand if you fell apart, that's true strength.” - Theo Georgiou
s an employer who is looking for people like you and who has employed many from the 5E pool, I like it when I see people smiling when they get certificates. This is the beginning of the road. Now you need to go ahead with the success that you have and go and get that job, go and start the business, go and be successful. This is the beginning of your success.” - Remi Okeshola, Director RMSS Consulting & Associates Ltd Remi Okeshola, Director RMSS Consulting & Associates Ltd with Salim Ahmed, Operations Manager, 5E Ltd
e are very happy with the standard of staff 5E sent us. They sent 13 people to us and we employed them all. In the two wee trial, they showed us that they were really willing to work and had skills to be Matalan employees. The management team was happy with every single one of them.” - Denise Cummins, Sales Manager, Matalan — Wood Green
Dream Team: Matalan Manager Denise Cummins (left) enjoying the celebrations along with five of her newly recruited staff from the 5E client pool sitting alongside. Pictures by Tito Mir
5E L I F E & T I MES
Invaluable Partnerships with Local Businesses
tewart Grant, Training & Recruitment Manager at Cash Converters believes James Harman and 5E Ltd were instrumental in helping him fill his recruitment needs as the companies they used before only let them down. “Our biggest problem was that we advertised jobs but people did not turn up for interviews and also the stigma attached to Cash Converters did not help. James however took care of all our needs. He told the potential applications about our company, basically sold Cash Converters to them and the applicants who came to us were not just prepared but also excited to work with us,” says Stuart who added that 5E did a very good job getting people back to work. Many of those employed at Cash Converters were so dedicated to their work that they did not want to take a day off. Andre Walton, a 5E client who now works at Cash Converters says, “ These two (James & Stuart) are absolutely brilliant.” His message to his colleagues
Stewart Grant, Cash Converters
5e Client Ebrahim Hassan
eter Luwero, Store Manager of Sports Direct in Enfield interviewed Ebrahim Hassan on James request and never regretted it. “Ebrahim was working at JD sports for Christmas and then got reduced hours but he was keen to work more and kept calling me 7-8 times everyday to find him a full time job,” says James Harman. Peter hired him for the Haringey store and impressed with his work moved him to the Holloway store. “But when I was transferred to the Enfield store, it was in complete shambles and there was only one man I could actually ask to come and help and that was Abraham. He has been a fantastic member of the Sports Direct team,” says Peter. “I am very grateful to James and 5E for finding me an employment that I truly love. I was worried with recession looming large it would be an impossible task. Also thank you Peter for giving me the opportunity to grow and excel at my work,” says a well content Ebrahim. Peter Luwero, Sports DIrect
5e Client Andre Walton
haun Bailey, manager at JD Wetherspoons (left) and James Harman, 5E’s Business Development Executive with Nikolas Pavlou, a News Deal client as he gets his certificate of merit for securing employment. Shaun is very pleased with Nikolas’s performance and is happy to work with James to find the best match from 5E’s client pool for his vacancies at the pub.
ina Angus, Manager at Matalan in Brimsdown (centre) thanks Meral Ahmet, 5E’s Business Development Executive (left) for helping with recruitment at Matalan. Linvin Higgins, a dedicated work programme client at 5E found employment at Matalan. Angus is keen to work with Meral to source 5E clients for future vacancies. Pictures by Tito Mir
Entertainment Galore C
lients and learners at 5E centres put up a great entertainment show at the Awards ceremony. While some sang, others played musical instruments that reflected the essence of their home land. Others wore their national costumes and walked the ramp for a multicultural show. Some learners spoke a few words about the country they come from. “I was very nervous at first but my teacher gave me confidence and my friends were very supportive as we all walked in or national costumes in front of a huge audience,” says Jideofor Okoye. “I’m very happy that I know English now and I can talk about my country– the place, food and culture,” says Masud Saad of ESOL Entry 2 class. Chaner Abdurrahman who played a Persian musical instrument says, “I got a chance to show everyone the traditional music of Iran. So many people loved it.” Leaners also performed a skit about interview techniques. They first showed how clueless they were in a interview and then how they improved with all their learning at 5E. “I am so happy with the performance of our learners at these events. They were very keen to be a part of the celebrations and came up with ideas for entertainment. It shows that they feel a part of 5E and their enthusiasm to make the event a success was wonderful,” says Rakesh Sonigra, Regional Manager, Enfield & Barnet centres.
Pictures by Tito Mir
5E L I F E & T I MES
Not Lost in Translation
came to 5E on the Work Programme. I had done a Community Interpreter course and was keen to find job as a translator/interpreter. I often translated for my friends and family and found it interesting and really enjoyed it. At 5E, I got a lot of help with my CV and my adviser Girish was very helpful and encouraging. He supported me in my quest to
find employment always encouraging and motivating me. I finally found employment with Universal Language services as an Persian to English Interpreter. 5E was very instrumental in me securing employment. -Ahmadreza Mohammadian Choblojeh Pictures by Tito Mir
ahya Patel came to 5E Esol Entry 2 and now I have finished ESOL Entry 3 and improved his understanding of English and wanted to get a qualification in Numeracy. So he enrolled for Numeracy level 1 at 5E. He scored 100% in his Numeracy exam. “This is due to the hard work of my teacher Raju Saginala. He is a very good teacher and I give him 100% credit for teaching so well,” says Dahya Patel.
wanaidi Mdachi has studied Health & Social Care Level 2 and wants to go to University now to study nursing. She also wanted to improve her Numeracy so she came to 5E. She did her Numeracy Level 1 and thoroughly enjoyed her class. “My teacher Raju is a very good teacher, friendly, helpful, patient and hardworking. I would like to come back to continue with Numeracy Level 2. Thank you 5E,” says Mwanaidi.
5E’s Numeracy tutor Raju Saginala explaining the concepts of mathematics to his students Mwanaidi Mdachi & Dahya Patel Picture by Ruhi Khan
Erica Bucher found a job as a sales assistant at Smyth’s Toy Store in Friern Barnet. Her adviser Ila (insert) is proud of her client.
“Many thanks for giving me this rica Bucher came to England from huge opportunity. I am so happy at my job. I Italy but was unable to get a job like it a lot and I have wonderful colleagues. due to her poor language skills. My manager is really professional, clever and a good person.” says Erica. She joined 5E for ESOL Entry 3 and progressed on to Literacy Level 1 & 2 But a jubilant Erica credits 5E for from Learndirect. 5E also helped her find all her success. “I feel lucky. My life has work at Smyth’s Toy Store in Friern Barnet. changed and it is because of my adviser Ila and 5E,” she says.
Picture by Ila
I feel lucky. My life has changed and it is due to my adviser Ila and
G Enthusiastic: Gunsel Bodur
unsel Bodur came to 5E three months ago on the Level 2 Retail Works course. “It is helping me very much. I am looking forward to getting my certificate,” says Gunsel who has successfully completed the course and also a basic IT course. “Thank you 5E staff for helping me get back to work,” she says. “Gunsel was very fun loving and friendly and a good participant in group activities,” says her tutor Anand Patel.
che Oraelosi, another learner who has successfully completed her course is confident her job seeking prospects have increased. “I want to thank my adviser Maria Verde, tutor Anand and all the classmates who made it so enjoyable,” says Uche. “She has a sound knowledge of the retail sector and demonstrates this in class activities,” says Anand.
Determined: Uche Oraelosi Pictures by Tito Mir
5E L I F E & T I MES
Pictures by: Tito Mir
Ten Stress Busting Tips Take time to discover what is worrying you and try to change your thoughts & behaviour to reduce it. A stress assessment can help to fully understand the causes, implications to your health & how to manage, cope & make those necessary changes.
We waste a lot of time doing unimportant tasks, especially when stressed, so prioritise your day and do the important jobs first. The unimportant ones can wait, and often they will disappear completely leaving you time to do other things. Also, don’t put off the unpleasant tasks – avoidance causes a great deal of stress. Give unpleasant tasks a high priority and do them first.
we will often have a good laugh. It boosts the immune system that is often depleted during stress. If you do become stressed, engage in some form of physical activity. It works off the biochemical and physical changes that occur within your body due to stress. Relaxation also helps your body 5 . A V O I D U N N E C E S S A R Y C O N - return to its normal healthy state. Good relaxation techniques include breathing FLICT Do not be too argumentative. Is it really exercises, massage and a variety of compliworth the stress? Look for win - win situa- mentary therapies. tions. Look for a resolution to a dispute where both parties can achieve a positive 9 . T R Y T O S E E T H I N G S D I F F E R outcome. Find out what the real cause of E N T L Y , DEVELOP A POSITIVE THINKING STYLE the problem is & deal with it. If something is concerning you, try to see it 6 . A C C E P T T H E T H I N G S Y O U differently. Talk over your problem with somebody before it gets out of proportion. CANNOT CHANGE Changing a difficult situation is not always Often, talking to a friend/colleague/family possible. If this proves to be the case, rec- member will help you see things from a ognise and accept things as they are & different and less stressful perspective. concentrate on all that you do have control You may also need to consider professional over. Managing change effectively is essen- help in order to achieve the desired outcome & prevent ill health &/or burnout. tial or else performance will be reduced.
2. ADOPT A HEALTHY LIFESTYLE If we eat a healthy diet, exercise regularly and ensure we get adequate sleep & rest our body is better able to cope with stress should it occur. If any of these areas are 10. AVOID ALCOHOL, NICOTINE not happening for you it is usually a warn- 7 . T A K E T I M E O U T T O R E L A X A N D CAFFEINE AS COPING ing sign, don’t ignore it, ask for some help. A N D R E C H A R G E Y O U R B A T T E R - M E C H A N I S M S IES Alongside holidays, with at least one break Long term, these faulty coping mecha3. KNOW YOUR LIMITATIONS of 10-14 continuous days recommended, nisms will just add to the problem. For exAND DO NOT TAKE ON TOO you will perform more effectively during ample, caffeine & MUCH work after even a short 10/15minute nicotine are stimuWe cause ourselves a great deal of stress break, easily making up the time you used lants, too much & because we like people to like us and don’t the body reacts to relaxing. want to let people down. We then end up this with the stress doing more than we should. Learn to deleresponse increasing FIND TIME TO M E E T or even causing anxigate effectively & be assertive so that you 8 . ety symptoms. Alcocan say no without upsetting or offending. F R I E N D S Friends can ease work troubles & help us hol is a depressant! see things in a different way. The activities 4 . F I N D O U T W H A T C A U S E S Y O U we engage in with friends help us relax and STRESS
Courtesy: ISMA UK
“Stress is nothing more than a socially acceptable form of mental illness.” -Richard Carlson
Creating a brighter future through training & learning
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Editor: Ruhi Khan Publisher: Raj Doshi, MD, 5E Ltd, UK For Feedback & Contributions: Email ruhi@fivee.co.uk