5E Life & Times Newsletter - 2014 Special Edition

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Special Edition 2014

&& TIMES 5E LIFE LIFE TIMES Barbara Roach , MP, at 5E Employment Fair—2003

5E get Beacon Status award by LSIS—2009

Ken Livingstone, Mayor of London, visit 5E—2003 5E gets Avanta Award—2007

David Lammy, MP, visits 5E—2007 5E gets Investors in People Gold award— 2010

Helen Milner, Director Online UK, at 5E awards ceremony—2003

5E receives the Apprenticeship Ambassador Award—2012

5E once again bags the Investors in People Gold Standard award—2013

Opening of 5E College in Rajkot, India— 2010

5E Milestones 15 years of EXCELLENCE

Inside This Issue:

Raj Doshi, MD, 5E describes the trials and triumphs during 5E‘s 15 years and maps a way for the future...

Pg 2

Paula Nowodny, MAXIMUS Supply Chain Manager rates 5E as the best sub contractor on the Work Programme...

Pg 3

ESOL is enhancing confidence of clients for work… and many like Isabel Ferraz now have a job!

Virtual College & professional courses provide skills & qualifications for the new entrants in the job market...

Pg 4-7

Pg 8-10

Clients on IT courses at 5E have walked away with not just qualifications but job offers in the IT sector...

Pg 11

Julie Bilo found her dream job through the work programme. So did many others...

Pg 12-15

Natalie got 5 interviews and 3 job offers. The Skills Boost project for youngsters is changing lives... Pg 16-19


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15 years of serving society


Our ethos and values drive every member of the 5E family to give their 100% and then some more to help 5E surmount new pinnacles of success.�



Raj Doshi, MD, 5E Ltd

Ltd was established in 1998 to provide New Deal and work-based learning and welfare to work programmes for adults initially in North London. The organisation was successful in obtaining funding from a range of funders including the European Social Fund (ESF), European Regeneration Development Fund (ERDF), Single Regeneration Budget and other programmes. In August 2006, the Learning and Skills Council (LSC) (now the Skills Funding Agency) awarded 5E Ltd a contract to provide Train to Gain programmes. In August 2007, North London LSC (SFA) awarded 5E a contract to provide the Employability Skills Programme (ESP) followed by the Skills for Jobs – Local Employer Partnerships (LEP) provision in 2008. Over the 15 years there has been no turning back. We introduced new programmes and tailored our offerings to suit client needs and requirements. We currently deliver over twenty projects from 8 centres around North and North East London. We deliver two work programmes under

Maximus and Raj Doshi, Managing Director, 5E Ltd Ingeus and place hundreds of clients into We actively take part in Jeans jobs every month. for Genes, Wear Pink-Cancer While our ESOL classes Research, Red Nose Day and are extremely popular in the others. We encourage partnercommunity, we have several ship with local employers QCF Level 2-3 courses aimed which has helped companies at sector specific careers like source local talent and has led business and administration, to several of our clients finding retail, health & social care, IT and sustaining local jobs. Our etc. We also have Level 3 and advice and guidance advisers above courses and offer 24+ provide unbiased career adloans to help clients fund vice to help clients overcome those programmes. Our Aptheir barriers and find suitable prenticeships, Traineeships training and progress in their and other projects targeted at careers. younger clients who are not in Our success is driven by training or employment have the motivation and keen desire helped many find a new direc- of our management and staff tion and a career. We also de- to help the disadvantaged in liver projects as sub contracthe community progress in tors like the Skills Support for their lives. With a varied educathe Unemployed (Seetec) that tional and professional backhelp provide training and job ground and culture, our advissearch support to those ready ers and trainers/tutors use to enter the job market and the their skills and expertise in Skills Support for the Worktheir respective fields to motiforce (Manly Summers) that vate our clients and support provides training to employees them in their journey to find of small sized companies giv- and sustain employment. ing them a chance to update Our ethos and values their skills and progress in drive every member of the 5E their careers. family to give their 100% and We have also undertak- then some more to help 5E en several initiatives as part of surmount new pinnacles of our social corporate responsi- success. bility to serve society and the disadvantaged communities.


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‘Best in Business’: 5E Maximus Team at Watkins House in Edmonton (above) together with another team at Selby Centre in Tottenham receive accolades for their performance by MAXIMUS


E delivers the Work Programme in the two London Boroughs of Haringey and Enfield, headed up by the two managers Rakesh Sonigra and Salim Ahmed, and form a significant part of our supply chain delivery. As the Supply Chain Manager at MAXIMUS, I have worked with 5E since the inception of the Work Programme and have enjoyed working closely with the team on their journey to becoming one of the top performing partners across both MAXIMUS and the supply chain. Performance targets have consistently been exceeded and the teams in both centres are driven ultimately to help customers to better their lives by finding work and staying in work. Performance is shared daily across the teams and 5E performance has earned them the respect they deserve. There have also been a number of internal competitions across the MAXIMUS and the delivery partner network to promote joint working and awareness of the contract delivery as a whole and 5E have been winners of these competitions on numerous occasions. They have been proactive in building relationships with other partner and MAXIMUS Business Managers to maximise delivery and services to their customers. The managers Rakesh and Salim are well established and respected within the network and are very open with their ideas and learning month on month and are keen to support the group and the less experienced managers within the group. 5E are receptive to feedback and suggestions and are not afraid to adapt and try new innovative approaches. Outside of performance what makes 5E stand out is that they are at the heart of the com-

Outside of performance what makes 5E stand out is that they are at the heart of the communities within which they deliver.” munities within which they deliver. The team are diverse with a wealth of experience and knowledge and 5E themselves have employed ex customers and have developed teams that understand the challenges and realities that the customers face and the support that they require to move forward and eventually in to employment and beyond. . 5E are very proud of their own and customer/ learner achievements and like to share the success with both customers and the key stakeholders. It is a real pleasure working with 5E.

- Paula Nowodny, Supply Chain Manager, Maximus


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The A.B.C of success


sabel Sebastiao came to 5E after only being in the UK for 6 months, from Portugal. She had experience working as a waitress in a restaurant, but wanted a change in career. Her ideal goals are to attend University and do a Human Resources course. But to be able to achieve this, she recognised that she needed to improve her English, as it was not her first language. She was enrolled on ESOL Entry Level 2, which she is currently enjoying. Isabel Sebastiao (right) with Yesenia Cuevas (left) engrossed ―My tutor Shraddha is very good. in a Skills for Life worksheet. ESOL has helped me improve in both my reading and speaking skills, and I love being able to communicate better with others,‖ says Isabel. She now wants to gain valuable work experience, as either a cleaner or shop assistant as she likes working hard and alongside others, in an attempt to achieve her dream!


esenia Cuevas was left a little disheartened after having to leave her business of 26 years as a hairdresser in her own salon, after a crisis in Spain. When she moved to UK she worked as a cleaner in 2012 but lost that too. She was referred to 5E by the job centre at the beginning of the year to learn English, and was enrolled on ESOL Entry Level 2 to help her improve. ESOL has helped her understand better and she is able to recognise more. Despite her barriers, she is highly determined, and hopes to complete the course and would like to go on and do more courses to gain more skills. This includes her aspirations of becoming an interpreter, as she loves to help people and wants to do Level 1 Beauty course, to take up her career in hairdressing and beauty once again. ―This is my first step in establishing my career in the UK—improve English and then gain professional qualifications. My tutor Shraddha has been very helpful,‖ says Yesenia who found a job as a cleaner.


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Smart Learning


t’s a real challenge to teach English to non-speakers especially if you have a class as varied as I do in terms of age, nationality and learning styles. I found using internet and you tube for graphic images and pronunciations very helpful in engaging the whole of the class. Power point is a wonderful tool for learning in both leaner and tutor-directed situations especially to explain abstract concepts accommodating all learning styles and you can even print it for learners who were absent that day. Group work helps them to communicate with each other and learn team work while individual exercises test a learners knowledge and understanding of the matter. Often in 3 months, a non-speaker gains enough confidence to communicate in basic English. - Julie Capon, ESOL tutor, 5E Ltd.


uler Varol came from Turkey in 1985, after running her dry cleaning business, which ended in 2004. She, herself wanted to come to learn English at 5E. She believes this will further help her job prospects. She enrolled on the ESOL Entry Level 3 course. She credits her tutor Pauline for making the course very useful in terms of being able to communicate better, and also improving her grammar. She was advised by Naz her advisor to continue to do the Work Programme after finishing her course, and hopes to go back to being a businesswoman again, having a dream of opening her own laundry business.

From a non-speaker to a successful job seeker


Successful: ESOL classes gave rene Lopes Ramos Teixeira came to UK Irene confidence to find employment as a cleaner from Portugal 2 years ago. She never worked in UK and was a non-speaker of English. She met an IAG adviser who referred her to an ESOL class at 5E Ltd. She was put in a pre-entry class where her teacher Julie helped her with speaking and listening in English, learning new vocabulary and reading & writing basic sentences. Irene soon gained confidence and after a couple more sessions with the IAG adviser improved on her employability skills. She then applied for cleaning jobs with agencies and has secured a job for 30+ hours a week. ―I am very happy. I learnt a lot in my ESOL class and the tutor and adviser helped me find a job,‖ says Irene. ―We improved her skills on completing application forms and prepared her for interviews,‖ says Julie.


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Job & Qualification: Isabel with her ESOL tutor Eleftheria (left) practising filling personal details on a form.


moved to UK a year ago from Portugal. I did not have good English language skills and was very nervous speaking with others. I was very keen to work as I had already worked in Portugal for 4-5 years as a cleaner. I joined ESOL Entry 1 class in Edmonton. My teacher Eleftheria was very good and helped me improve my English language skills. Then I met NCS adviser Ruhi or a workshop on goal setting and gaining confidence. This is what I lacked the most. I was unemployed and wanted to work but didn’t have the confidence to pursue it. Ruhi helped me set up simple achievable goals and showed me how to achieve them. My ESOL lessons and NCS soft skills sessions helped me find employment in UK. I’m most happy. I have got a job at Southgate College as a cleaner 15 hours a week between 6am-9am. I am enjoying it and loving that fact that I’m working again. Thank you for helping me find employment in UK. And I’m also going to complete my ESOL course. I have a much clearer idea of where my life is heading to in the UK.

- Isabel Ferraz


hen I came to UK I was struggling to speak in English. I lacked confidence and didn’t know a lot of vocabulary. My tutor Shraddha was very motivating. She helped me slowly learn new vocabulary and use it in everyday speaking. She also gave us a lot of worksheets to practise our reading and writing skills which was fantastic. I have developed my writing skills tremendously and I’m more confidence to reading aloud now. What seemed so difficult when I started out has now been very easy thanks to Shraddha and 5E staff who have been very supportive and helpful. I finished my exam and I’m confident I will do well. I’m looking forward to moving to an ESOL Entry 3 class soon. I want to come back to 5E and continue my learning here. It has the best atmosphere for helping students learn and build confidence. I recommend 5E to all my friends. They never give up on you and help you achieve your best.

- Elif Dogan

All Smiles: Elif with tutor Shraddha (right)


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The good...

language learner! There has been a lot of research in recent

English just by sitting in the classroom,

years into what makes a good language

and does not rely on the teacher to to-

learner. Here is a brief summary of the lat-

tally direct her learning.

est theories:

ised and active. She uses her time to learn English sensibly, and is always

about how she is learning. She tries to

looking for opportunities to develop her

find out what works for her and what

language both inside and outside of the

doesn't. If she doesn't understand the


ised and active. She uses her time to

The good language learner is willing

learn English sensibly, and is always

to experiment and take risks. For ex-

looking for opportunities to develop her

ample, she will try out different ways of

language both inside and outside of the

way that suits her best. She is also not

The good language learner is organ-

asks the teacher.

learning vocabulary until she finds the

The good language learner is organ-

The good language learner thinks

purpose of a particular exercise, she


The good language learner has a

afraid of making mistakes, because she

balanced concern for communication

knows that these will help her.

and accuracy. Some students are ex-

The good language learner is realis-

perts at communicating their thoughts

tic. She knows that it will take time and

but do not care that they make many

effort to become proficient in English,

mistakes in doing so. The good lan-

and that there will periods where she

guage learner, on the other hand, is

does not seem to be making much pro-

concerned with both communicating


and doing so as accurately as possible.

The good language learner is independent. She does not expect to learn

- Paul Shoebottom, FIS 1996-2014


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his two day Food & Hygiene course helps clients understand the legislations governing business & establishments dealing with food. Day 1 is a tutorial in the classroom while on day 2 client‘s use the virtual college website to revise their work and do an online test. On successful completion, will receive a City & Guilds Accredited Level 2 Certificate in Food Safety and Hygiene meeting the legal training required, which must then be applied to work situations. We offer 91 courses on virtual college including Health & Safety, Manual Handling, Safeguarding, Conflict resolution and many more.

―The information given to me is appreciated. The session was very helpful and had made me know some information which I wasn‘t aware of eg: food hygiene session. My advice was also very helpful and encouraging.‖



Rahena Ahmed

found this course helpful and informative. I believe it will help me find work in the catering field in the future. The information given during the session is relevant also for everyday life.‖ Stacey Skerratt


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‘No Man Is An Island’


n the Business and Administration class, clients learn the finer nuances of administration role and working in a business environment. These qualifications are ideal for those looking to work, manage performance of staff and themselves as well as communicate within a business environment. At the end of the course, clients achieve a City & Guilds Accredited Level 2 Certificate in Business & Administration. Besides theory the course focuses on various practical aspects like team building and communication activities.


am finding the course to be quite interesting and informative. I like the fact that the class isn‘t too large, therefore each student is given individual attention. I also like the teaching approach, where the topics are split between text based worksheets and teamwork developing role play work.‖


Chris Diljohn-Jones


find the course very useful and informative for people who want to get into administrative role. There are not only theories or contents we have to go through each day, but there are also activities and group meetings and brainstorming sessions to make it more interesting and exciting.‖


Pim Montakarn Wootisamanun



t was very fascinating. How marvellous is the teacher Anand Patel is for giving us extra coursework. My brain hasn‘t been vitalised for ages.‖ Dean Manley


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I got so much help to set up my business


ever Yildiz was studying ESOL in Edmonton when she came for a NCS workshop on Employability Skills. ―The adviser Ruhi Khan discussed interesting ways of finding work and how to keep our CV and cover letter updated. We also practised interview skills which I found very useful,‖ says Selver. Some days later, Selver met the adviser again to discuss how she could get back to work. ―Since she had never worked before, I suggested she do some voluntary work and showed her how she could apply for voluntary jobs. I also suggested she ask friends and relatives if she could volunteer in their business,‖ says Ruhi, her adviser. Selver then did some voluntary work at her friend’s grocery shop and also at her uncle’s bakery. This gave her the idea of starting her own business selling Turkish bakery goods. She tried it with her classmates in school and the positive feedback gave

her the confidence to pursue it. She came to the NCS adviser to get some help. Even though, her three sessions with the NCS were over for the year, the NCS adviser offered her continuous help and advise to set up her business. She was referred to a specialist self employment adviser who gave her advise on funding and business plan. NCS then referred Selver to training providers to get Food & Hygiene and Health & Safety certification. She was also referred to the Skills Support for the Unemployed project that would give her a specialist job search adviser to help her in her journey to be self employed. ―I am thrilled as I can see my dream of being self employed come true. NCS adviser showed me a direction and helped me get the necessary training and support to set up my business,‖ says Selver. Selver has signed off from the job centre as self employed and has started her business which is doing well. ―My dream has finally come true,‖ she says.

5E Excels In Supporting The Unemployed


came to 5E because I heard they had a great reputation with their clients offering outstanding employment help. I got referred to Skills Support For the Unemployed. I was introduced to my advisor Dillicia and immediately we clicked and she made me feel comfortable and sure about my employment aspirations. I really wanted to get into a business and administration or customer service field but lacked certain skills and knowledge in these areas. Dillicia referred me to join the Business and Administration Course that 5E provided to their clients along with other skill training courses. Throughout my time at 5E Dillicia has been very supportive and understanding pushing me to reach my goals of finding employment. I am pleased to say that I have now found employment with ERS Medical has a Helpdesk call Agent. I am also pleased to say that I completed my Business and Administration course which has equipped me to really go for my long term employment goals. I just want to say thank you Dillicia for seeing my potential and pushing me, and thank you 5E. - Chris Dil-John Jones

Happy Ending: Chris Dil– John Jones and his adviser Dillicia (right)


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IT Careers through 5E

hen I joined 5E, I had very little knowledge of IT. Then I started off on PC Maintenance Level 2. Everything has turned from dream to reality as soon as I completed the course. Then I upgraded to Level 3 ICT System and Principles for IT Professionals, then to MCSA and MCITP which I never thought I could reach. But the training and support provided by 5E was very helpful and very promising as well. I‘ve also completed English and Maths in Functional Skills Level 2—a City & Guilds qualification. Now I feel very confident and future seems very bright. I am now applying for IT jobs and hope to get one soon. Thanks to God and then to 5E for their support and help and for boosting my confidence. - Abdirahman Hersi


want to thank 5E for the excellent training and work environment that you have created, with highly skilled and friendly staff, making it possible for long-term unemployed person like myself, people of all ages, creeds and cultural backgrounds to come together, learn, work and get empowered. Most specially, I thank you for getting my employment and educational needs properly and professionally assessed via a series of multi-level functional and technical skills exams, which clearly captured and informed me to my exact career needs and the appropriate steps to take to acquire them towards securing a sustainable long term employment. After securing my 24+ Advanced Learning Loan, I enrolled and settled in on the MCSA/CCNA IT courses. I am pleased to acknowledge how well I am learning and advancing. Finally I thank you and your highly supportive staff to giving me an opportunity to volunteer within the same learning environment, picking up the relevant hands– on IT skills while I learn. I am pleased to say that this is the exact opportunity that I was looking for as it will greatly help to repair and enhance my CV and job-seeking chances. - Abraham Etukudo


came to 5E in 2011 as an unemployed person having previously worked at a local authority for 11 years as an enforcement officer for Trading Standards and as a legal assistant for the Legal Department. I wanted to retrain as a qualified computer technician and found out about 5E through a career adviser. I went to 5E and spoke to a member of staff and one of the course tutors and they were very helpful. I was given a very detailed and useful course prospectus. I then successfully completed their entry tests. I was then enrolled on the Microsoft MCITP course, but I was still not sure if I really wanted to complete the MCITP or Cisco‘s CCNA. I attended the first lecture for MCITP and had a long discussion with the course tutor who was very helpful and gave a lot of information. I decided to go with MCITP and began my journey with 5E. The course lecturer Sohail Goli was very knowledgeable about the course subjects. The course was enjoyable but required a lot of dedication and hard work. Having passed the MCITP, my next step was the CCNA course also taught by Sohail Goli, extremely well versed with the subject. We are now finishing the CCNP and will take final exams soon. I am extremely happy with the extra time given to complete our courses, well after the teaching period. We were given numerous practical lab work to complete to help us secure meaningful employment in our chosen fields. I am grateful for all the support and advice given to us while on, and after the courses had been completed. My journey at 5E has been a pleasant one that I will not forget in a hurry, thus I would recommend 5E to all my friends. - Jeremy Murray


found my course at 5E to be very well taught and managed. The teacher was very helpful in answering my questions and was able to help me make progress very quickly. I found the materials very well organised and I could also do some course work from home. Overall I fell I have improved my IT skills and confidence with using software applications and I would recommend the course to others. - Krishan Naik


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Absolutely recommend 5E!


eceived a lot of help learning to fill out application forms effectively. Learning to really highlight the skills I had in applications. Also received useful interview preparation. My adviser Sonya prompted me to visit my old store Sainsbury to enquire about job openings which I did and landed myself a part-time job—exactly what I wanted and what I was looking for. The team at 5E are professional, caring & helpful. Absolutely recommend them!‖


Samsam Akunawo

I found a light at the end of the tunnel


am now working as a customer service security marshall 48 hours a week in Brookfield Shopping Centre, Cheshunt. Big thank you to my adviser Soniya & James to forward me for this terrific opportunity. I am happy to have had great motivation, support & persistence from Soniya & James. I was struggling to find a way out, but like they say… there is a light at the end of the tunnel!


Spencer Price


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Catering to my needs


ane Jackson came to 5E on the work programme. She has over 10 years experience in the catering industry. She was made redundant in her previous employment and was seeking help with her CV, cover letter and interview skills. ―When I came to 5E, my adviser Soniya was very helpful and gave me a lot of advice on improving my interview skills,‖ says Jane who found a job as a catering assistant with Rentokil. ―Jane was confident and work ready. It was a matter of referring her to the right opportunities and soon she was able to secure a job,‖ says Soniya.

5E opened new careers for me


eorgina Samuels wanted to work in the admin sector, so her adviser Soniya referred her for ECDL Level 1& 2. She also did employability skills, 1-1 confidence building and team management sessions. She was on the work programme for almost 22 months when her adviser referred her to a ‗Life after Work Programme‘ session coupled with encouragement to do a CV walk around in care homes and was able to se-

I feel free


feel free! Sense of liberation & productivity. I am extremely thankful to my adviser Soniya who has been very supportive, seeing the potential in me and building my confidence every step of the way. My adviser gave me aims, tips, advice, interview mock & confidence building. I applied for voluntary role via do-it.org as asked by adviser, gained excellent training & certificate after which I went for an interview and succeed. Now I am a family & child therapeutic worker for 30+p/w women’s refugee.‖


Janet Notice

cure an interview for a speculative job. ―Soniya encouraged me to be speculative and I managed to get an interview. She then prepared me for the interview and I got a job!‖ says Georgina. ―I am extremely happy for Georgina as she managed to secure employment before her work programme finished. She is now doing something she enjoys,‖ says Soniya.

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First graduate job: Aran is grateful to Tuncer for spotting his potential in admin work and helping him find his first office job.

Helping Graduates find their first job


ranjit Singh was born in UK. He did his university degree in business computers from Greenwich University. With short jobs in retail, admin, telesales and IT tutoring, Aran was confused about the career path he wanted to follow. This changed when he was referred to 5E from the job centre. ―Having been referred to 5E from the job centre it was evident from the start that the main priority of the company was to help me get back into work. After meeting with my advisor Tuncer I felt more confident that I was going to be back into work soon,‖ says Aran. After reviewing and updating his CV, Tuncer arranged an interview for me with manager Rakesh. After my interview Aran was put on a work placement in administration. ―I found Aran to be a sincere and dedicated young man who was a quick learner and keen to be employed,‖ says Tuncer. Tuncer also referred Aran to the SSU programme. ―I was put on a Business and Administration course to help me with my work placement. The SSU team were again very kind and tried very hard to ensure I was ready for employment,‖ says Aran. During his placement, Aran proved to everyone his skills and passion to learn. He was soon given more responsibilities and offered employment at 5E. ―Now working for 5E will be a good opportunity to repay the efforts the company had put in for me. I would like to thank Tuncer and everyone at 5E that was helpful and kind,‖ says Aran.



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Perfect team: Julie credits Meral (left) and Tuncer (right) for helping her find her perfect job. Winning the battle against unemployment: Mamunul with Beks (left) and Zeynap (right) celebrating his success at finding work


uring my time at 5E, my adviser was very helpful and provided me with support and confidence, by selecting me to attend training programmes and job screenings, improving my CV and seeing other people‘s perspective during their time at work. I would like to thank everyone for their support during mu time at 5E and providing me with confidence to gain employment.‖


Mamunul Islam Sales Assistant Cash Converters

I found a job that is perfect!


ulie Bilo was studying part-time while trying to pursue part-time employment to suit her studies which she initially thought would be impossible. However her adviser Tuncer tailed her CV and referred her for a work trial at a care home. Julie completed her work trial successfully and was offered a position for Parkside care home as a carer. ―The residents absolutely love her, says her employers‖, says Tuncer. ―I am thrilled to be appreciated for a job that I had no experience of but have falled in love with after the work trial. It would not have been possible without the advice and support of my adviser Tuncer and 5E staff,‖ says Julie.

Finding & Sustaining Employment


he work programme was great in finding me a job in Security. I am very happy with the help the help I received from my advisor the whole time, and in giving me the attention, help and advice I needed. I have been working for the past three months and am so happy that I‘m working. I‘m enjoying my time at work.‖

Secured!: Abdus Uddin is grateful to his adviser Krystal (left) for helping him find work in security.


Abdus Uddin Security Guard


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Dream Team: Natalie worked with her adviser Ibsa (right) to source various vacancies and successfully apply for many of them.


efore coming to 5E Ltd, I was lacking direction. I had a number of concerns including money and trouble with parents. I had been unemployed for one year and was living in a hostel. This is not how I expected life to be. When I first got to 5E and saw Ibsa, I wasn‘t sure he could help. I had been sold the dream time and time before but nothing ever came from this. But in under one month that I was working with 5E, I could see a new route opening. Ibsa introduced me to Srikant who was a huge help in preparing me for work. I learnt useful techniques of finding work. Ibsa then flooded me with job openings and guess what I secured 5 interviews and 3 job offers. This was after a year of no success. I would recommend all young people for 5E‘s job programmes. Thanks for having faith in me!‖

Natalie Constantas

Natalie did employability skills and intensive sessions with her advisers on the Traineeship project. She has taken up part-time employment with Pizza Hut and Coffee Dogs and will also be volunteering one day a week as a videographer for a human rights charity.


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I learnt to be practical and believe in myself BOO




came to 5E on the Skills Boost course. The tutors, Srikant and Mustapha, were extremely helpful in understanding what I wanted to achieve. Mustapha suggested that a retail environment would greatly improve my confidence and had conversations about self esteem and how I should handle myself in a work environment. The 2 week course included various workshops on how to apply for jobs, where to find them, how to write CV‘s and cover letters and interview techniques. Srikant then suggested that a 6 week traineeship will help me out. Mustapha found me a traineeship placement in Shoe Zone for 3 days a week. I began this placement immediately. My confidence was getting higher and higher each time I was interacting with customers and colleagues. Mustapha visited me often to give me any support whilst on my placement and he called my manager every week to see how I was doing. My manager was really pleased with me as I was always early and I always helped customers very courteously. Before I had even finished my placement I was told by my manager that I would be offered a paid Apprenticeship role. I would not have been in this situation without 5E and especially without the 2 week course which boosted my knowledge greatly on the working environment. I have now achieved my short term goal which was to be in paid employment and now I will aim to improve professionally and personally. 5E has taught me the importance of being practical and always believing in myself, because I now know that I have succeeded in gaining paid employment.

- Errol Gundogdu


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‘I’m 20 and I’m a successful Employment Adviser’


arah Abdurahman was referred to skills boost course at 5E Ltd to hone her employability skills. She had some experience at the local job centre interacting with clients on benefits and was looking for a career in this sector. Over the course of the project her Skills Boost adviser Ibsa noticed her mentoring abilities as well as general positive personality. "One of Sarah's long term goals was to become a support worker for members of her community. From the outset I could see Sarah fitting into the 5E family as she was kind, supportive and was very keen to get into work related to helping others,‖ says Ibsa. Sarah did a placement at 5E where she shadowed employment advisers on the work programme. Sarah was a shining example to others during her placement and was soon offered employment. She is now working as a work programme adviser helping long term unemployed people into work and she is doing a great job at it. ―I‘m thrilled to be able to get this job and help people find work. In my first month itself I have successfully put at least 6 clients into jobs,‖ says a beaming Sarah who believes young age or lack of much Perfect opportunity: Sarah Abdurrahman started off on the Skills experience is never a factor when you have the desire Boost project to help young people ease into the job market and soon became an employment advisers helping many more find work to learn and grow.



Dress to Impress

Test Run: Young clients of the Skills Boost project dress up in formal attire to practise the employability skills learnt on the project by taking part in mock interviews and screenings.


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Together we can do it!: Young clients on Skills Boost project learn the art of working in a team through various team building activities.



Walking away with it all: Young Soufiana credits Ibsa (left) for settling him in his life


Its almost unreal!

5E helped me get a... Job, Qualification and a new home!

and another adviser Krystal pitched in to help and as if by magic by the end of the day I had a met Ibsa at the Job Centre. At first I was home. It sounds unreal! apprehensive, I didn‘t think Ibsa could Now I have a job as a sales aassistant in help. In the past I wasn‘t getting any advice and Bon Marche, a home and Functional Skills Level support that I needed to move me forwards. Ibsa 2 qualification. I am fully prepared for what life provided me wrong. Ibsa put me on the Skills can throw at me. From my lows to my current Boost project and helped me with my searching high, 5E has always been there for me. Thank skills which led to a job. My tutor Utpal, helped you all. me with my Maths & English. During my time - Soufiane El Khattani on the project I was evicted from my house, Ibsa



ESOL Entry 3 students from Hyde House, Colindale took a day trip to the RAF Museum at Colindale.

5 E L I FE & T I M E S

Action is the foundational key to all success. Pablo Picasso

Creating a brighter future through training & learning


WATKINS HOUSE PEGAMOID ROAD LONDON N18 2NG TEL: 020 8345 5458 FAX: 020 8345 6799

HYDE HOUSE THE HYDE EDWARE RD LONDON NW9 6LH TEL: 020 8205 6868 FAX: 020 8205 6969

FOREST HOUSE 16-20 CLEMENTS RD ILFORD IG1 1BA TEL: 020 8911 8004 FAX: 020 8478 5353

TWITTER: 5ELimited FACEBOOK: 5E Limited London



Editor: Ruhi Khan Publisher: Raj Doshi, MD, 5E Ltd, UK For Feedback & Contributions: Email ruhi@fivee.co.uk


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