Black holes

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By: Justin

Introduction The universe is packed with both amazing and strange objects. There are stars that spin around on their axes 50 times per minute or even faster. There are thin strings about ten centimeters wide but hundreds of trillions of miles long. But, nothing in the universe is more astonishing and amazing as a black hole.

Table of Contents Topic




What is a black hole?


Stellar Black Holes


Intermediate Black Holes


Supermassive Black Holes




Cited Sources


About the Author


What is a Black Hole? Fun Fact

A black hole is an invisible star that has such a powerful gravitational pull that when something is in the event horizon of the black hole, not even light is fast enough to escape it. Many people think that dark matter may be made of tiny black holes. There are three kinds of black holes: stellar black holes, supermassive black holes, and intermediate black holes.

A black hole’s mass is so great that it creates a hole in space time, which lots of people think could be wormholes to other galaxies.

Stellar Black Holes When a star finishes burning all of its fuel, it will start collapsing. For smaller stars that are only about three times the sun’s mass, the core will then become a neutron star or a white dwarf. But when a much larger star collapses, it will continue to collapses in on itself to create a stellar black hole. When objects get sucked in, the black hole will grow. Stellar Black Holes are two basketballs in a gigantic mall compared to a supermassive black hole, but their power is is extremely powerful!

Cygnus X-1; The first stellar black hole spotted in the milky way

Supermassive Black Holes There are many small black holes in the universe, but their ancestors, the supermassive black holes, are massively ginormous. Supermassive black holes are millions and in some cases, billions of times more massive than the sun. These black holes are thought to exist in every single galaxy, including the Milky Way. People aren’t sure about such huge black holes spawn in the galaxies. Once they form, they can gather mass from the dust and gas around them, they can grow to enormous sizes. There is a gigantic supermassive black hole in the middle of the Milky Way.

The huge supermassive black hole in the middle of the Milky Way.

Intermediate Black Holes Scientists once thought that there were only small black holes and huge black holes, but scientists then found another kind of black hole, which was called the intermediate black hole. These objects formed when a cluster of stars collided in a chain reaction. Although most of them formed intermediate black holes, some were found to be supermassive black holes.

The first Intermediate black hole to be discovered was GCIRS13E discovered by a team of astronomers on November 2004.

an ordinary Intermediate black hole.

Glossary Chain Reaction:A reaction where a something causes something else to happen. Dark Matter:a kind of matter that seems to have no mass. Event Horizon:The point of when no object, not even a black hole, can escape the black hole. Neutron Star:an extremely dense star that is mainly made of neutrons. Space Time:The concepts of time and three-dimensional space in a four dimensional continuous sequence. White Dwarf:A star about the size of earth, is being compressed by gravity, and is going through the last stage of low-mass stars.

Cited Sources

About the author Jus$n is the third child in his family. He lives in Shanghai with his mom, dad, and older sister (his older brother is working in San Francisco, California). In his spare $me, Jus$n likes to read books, play his iPad mini, and watch television with his dad.

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