Global Warming

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Warmin g

By: Ele


Table Of Contents: Title Page - 1


s t n e t n Of Co


Intro - 3


use Effe ct - 4

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B r o d o o G e Is Ozon Bad Effects G

lobal Warmin

g Causes - 6

Intro: Global Warming is Earth warming up. Earth can warm up in different ways. The greenhouse effect, and damaging the ozone layer, are just two examples. Global warming is causing a lot disasters, but how do we stop that from getting worse?

The Greenhouse Effect The greenhouse effect is the earth trapping heat just like a greenhouse. A greenhouse traps heat by letting the heat of the sun go through the glass or transparent plastic walls of the greenhouse and use thermal energy to trap the heat inside of the greenhouse. Earth is kind of different from the greenhouse, solar radiation goes through the upper atmosphere into earth, the plants and animals takes in this energy, plants give back leftover energy to the upper atmosphere, instead of not letting the heat go away like the greenhouse does, the upper atmosphere gives it back to the lower atmosphere. The loop of energy and heat starts here.

Is Ozone Good or Bad For Global Warming: Ozone is made up of molecules,it has three oxygen parts. On the upper atmosphere, there is a ozone layer, this protects earth from solar radiation. The chemicals we are releasing is damaging the ozone layer. Ozone can protect earth but can also be harmful. If ozone is down here where we live, it can cause skin cancer, eye problems, and is also harmful to plant sand animals. The layers of earth’s atmosphere

Bad Effects that Global Warming Causes: Earth's average temperature has increased three quarters of a degree celsius in the past ten years. Scientists predict that earth’s average temperature could increase six degrees celsius in the next one hundred years! Global warming can be harmful to lots of animals, plants, and even humans. Animals like penguins are suffocating from heat. It can also change weather patterns and increase the chance of floods, droughts, storms, and hurricanes. Global warming is also causing heaps of coral reefs to die because with too much sunshine coral reefs dry out. Without coral reefs, fishes to either swim away to find food, or die. On the top and the bottom of earth, there are two huge ice caps. These ice caps hold a lot of water. Heat can cause the ice caps to melt, and water to flood over the coast line.

To Stop Global Warming: We now all know that global warming is harmful, but what can we do to prevent it from getting worse? Carbon dioxide traps heat, and burning fossil fuel generates carbon dioxide. Firstly the more we walk or bike, the better it is to earth because we are not burning fossil fuel to drive cars. Secondly, trees and green plants are one of our “super heroes”, they take in carbon dioxide and produce oxygen. Finally, “STOP THE COW”, cow burps and farts are one of the gasses which contains the most carbon dioxide and pollution that can turn into poison! To stop cows from producing carbon and poison, we can feed the cows friendly chemicals (although you’ll have to make sure that the chemical is safe).

Glossary: Carbon dioxide ———————— A colorless gass Molecules —————————— A group of atoms Solar radiation ——————— Energy from the sun Thermal energy —————————— Heat energy

Sources: fossil_fuels_and_global_warming.htm greenhouseeffect/ airpollution/

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