Jupiter Project

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Jupiter By: Hali

Table Of Contents Introduction............................Page 3 The Planet..............................Page 4 The Big Red Spot.................. Page 5 Moons................................... Page 6 The Mythical God...................Page 7 Glossary................................. Page 8 Cited Sources........................ Page 9 About The Author................... Page10


Introduction he t t a h w d e r e d n o w Have you ever rth? a E d n o y e b e ik l e r a planets ur o in t e n a l p st e g r a Jupiter is the l ay w a s t e n a l p o w t is It Solar System. s and r a M is h ic h w , h t r from Ea om r f s t e n a l p e v fi is r Saturn. Jupite f the o e n o is d n a , n Su e h t r a l So r u o f o s t e n a l outer p System.


The Planet compared to Earth This is a diagram of Jupiter

Size Jupiter is almost 90,000 miles (145,000 km) wide! Jupiter is the largest planet in our solar system. The surface area is around 23.71 billion square miles (61.42 billion km²). Jupiter is more than one-and-one half times as large as the other planets put together. If Jupiter was hollow, it could fit more than 1,300 planet Earths inside it.

Appearance Have you ever eaten a scoop of rainbow sherbet with a cherry on the top? The planet Jupiter looks a little like that. It is a round ball of many colors with a large red spot. Jupiter’s clouds have colorful stripes called zones and belts. The clouds have different colors because of their temperature and what their made of. They also have different colors because of their altitude. Red clouds are the highest. Brown and white clouds make up the main layer. Blue clouds are the lowest in the atmosphere. Location Jupiter is located in our solar system. It is the sixth planet from the sun and is one of the outer planets. It is the planet after Saturn; the ringed planet. Jupiter’s distance from Earth at the closest is about 628,743,036 km. Like all planets, Jupiter rotates, or spins. Normally, Earth’s day is 24 hours long, but for Jupiter, it takes less than 10 hours to turn around once.

The Inside You could never stand inside Jupiter or visit it. Jupiter is mostly made of gas, just like the other outer planets. The planets are called Gas Giants. Unlike Earth, Jupiter does not have any solid ground. Most of the planet is made of Hydrogen Gas. Some Scientists believe that inside Jupiter has a core made out of liquid or slushy rock or metal. The core could be as hot as 36,000˚F (20,000˚ C)! Jupiter’s atmosphere is made out of gas and clouds around the planet.


Fun The Fac B t ig R the e

The Big Red Spot

b sola iggest d Spot r mor system storm i is n e th an 3 . It can our Eart hs i Planet fit nsid e it!


Weather In the Big Red Spot, the wind blows over 400 miles per hour! It’s lightning is much more dangerous than any Earth storm.

This Is The Big Red Spot compared to Earth

The Great red spot was first found through a telescope from Earth more than 300 years ago. But till now nobody has figured out, how the spot was formed. The spot changes over the years. Sometimes it is small and pink. Other times it turns large and bright red. Only the position of the Great Red Spot hasn’t changed. Planet Earth has observed the Big Red Spot for hundreds of years now, but no one knows why it has kept its oval shape for centuries. 5

Ganymede Ganymede is the largest moon in the solar system. The surface area of the moon is about 87 million Km2 (0.171 Earths). Ganymede’s diameter is 5,268 km (3273 miles), 8% larger than the planet mercury. The diameter is also 2% larger than Saturn’s moon, Titan, the second largest moon in the solar system.

Moons m n Ga n y o o m e th This is



This is the moon Io Th is



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Io is one of the four most massive moons of Jupiter. Its surface area is about 41,910,000 km2 (0.082 Earths). It has a diameter of 3,642 km (2,263 miles), it is also the fourth largest moon in the solar system. With more than 400 active volcanos, Io is the most geologically active object in the solar system.

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Europa Europa is the least massive moon of Jupiter. Even though it is only slightly smaller than our moon, it is still the sixth largest moon in our solar system. The moon Europa is mostly made of silicate rock and probably has an iron core, and its atmosphere is mostly made of oxygen. Europa’s surface area is around 309,000,000 km (0.061 Earths).

This is the moon Europa

Callisto is another one of Jupiter’s most massive moons. It is the third largest moon in the solar system. Callisto has about 99% of mercury’s diameter but only 1/3 of its mass. The moon’s surface area is about 720,000,000 km (0.143 Earths). Because the moon Callisto has a really low radiation level, it has been considered the most suitable place for a human base for future exploration.


The Mythical God Did Ju you the piter kno w ( y big oun Zeus tha thr ges ) w t str ee b t of as on t ge ut th he st? e

The Big Three Jupiter was known as the sky god. His symbol is the fierce, powerful weapon, the Lightning Bolt. His sacred animal on the other hand, is the eagle. The eagle is a common symbol in lots of roman armies. Jupiter has two brothers. Neptune (Poseidon), and Pluto (Hades). The oldest of the three brothers is Poseidon, then Hades, and then Zeus. Neptune is the God of Horses and the Sea, while Hades is the God of the treacherous Underworld. They are known as The Big Three.

The Name Jupiter was the Roman name for Zeus. He was the god of the sky and lightning, or the King Of the Gods. The Romans named the planet Jupiter after their god, Zeus. Why? Because Jupiter is the largest object in our solar system. Other than the sun, it is like the King of all the planets, just like the god Jupiter was King of the Gods.

This is The Lightning Bolt in the movie Percy Jackson The Lightning Thief


Glossary She des rbet~ A s ma ert lik froze d e gel e with an ic n atin milk e cre . , eg am g , an Ga sG d ian fille t~ A d or S with gas planet atu , lik rn. e J that is upi Hyd ter r o g odo e rles n~ A kind co s, of g highly lorles as. flam s, ma ble

Ne ho ptu Gr rses ne~ Po eek and The g se na ido me the s od o n. is ea; f

Century~ 100 years. Telescope~ An object that makes thing appear closer.

Symbol~ a thing that represents or stands for some other thing.

Altitude~ the height of an object or point in relation to sea level or ground level.

nonym y s A ~ e iv Mass ge and r la y ll a e r for big, heavy. body of e g r la A ~ Mass no exact s a h t a h t matter shape. iddle m h g u o t e Core~ Th net, la p , it u r f a part of things. and other

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Cited Sources "http://en.wikipedia.org/ wiki/Jupiter." Wikipedia. Mediawiki, 23 01 2014. Web. 23 Jan 2014.

Siman, Seymour. Destination: Jupiter. New York: Morrow Junior Books, Print.

"http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ Jupiter_(mythology)."Wikiped ia. Mediawiki, 15 01 2014. Web. 23 Jan 2014.

"http://www.space.com/7jupiter-largest-planetsolar-system.html." space. Tech Media Network, 20 10 2010. Web. 23 Jan 2014.

"http://en.wikipedia.org/ wiki/ Moons_of_Jupiter."Wikipedi a. MediaWiki, 4 01 2014. Web. 23 Jan 2014.

Rau, Meachen Dana Our Solar System Jupiter. Minneapolis: Compass Point Books, Print.


About The Author

Hi, my name is Hali Huang. I am 10 years old and I wrote this book about Jupiter. I prefer watching TV, playing video games than writing stories in my free time. Swimming is my favorite sport and my best. I also like to bike, read and like to go to school. Even though I do not enjoy writing but love to type. I hope you have liked my non-fiction book on this planet Jupiter, and maybe you can check out other books that I have typed or written on my blog!


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