MARS By:Bill

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Mars By: Bill

Table of Contents Introduction


Cool Facts


Mysteries on Mars


Books and Movies about Mars


Mars: A great place to live in?




Cited Sources


About the Author


Introduction Mars is an amazing place. Even though Mars is smaller, colder and drier, it is similar to earth. Mars is way colder than earth, because in Mars the average temperature is -63 degrees Celsius. Earth usually isn’t that cold. Mars is 4,220 miles(6,794 km) in diameter. Earth is almost twice as large. Earth’s diameter is 7,926 miles. (12,756 km) That shows that mars is smaller than earth. On Mars, one day is 24 hours and 39 minutes. Mars is rocky and cratered, which is very different from earth, which is a little rocky, but not cratered. On Mars the atmosphere is made mostly with co2, and also some water vapor. This is different from earth because on earth, the atmosphere is made with nitrogen, oxygen, argon and some other elements too. Mars is cool, but it’s definitely not a place you want to live on.

Cool Facts Mars is home to the biggest mountain in our solar system. It’s called “Olympus Mons,” and it’s a shield volcano. It’s 21 km high and 600 km in diameter, which is extremely large and tall. (Taller than Mt. Everest!) Many people think that a long time ago, there was flowing water on Mars. Since in Mars there is lots of formation likely made from flowing water and big land that looks like there were lots of water inside. I wonder in the future if people will live on Mars.

Mars with water

Did you know that almost every planet is named after a Romanor Greek god or goddess? First, Mars was named after Mars, The greek god of war. Mercury was named after Mercurius, The greek god of thief and trade. Venus was named after Venus ,The greek god of love and beauty. Jupiter is named after Jupiter The greek god of the sky and the king of the gods. Pluto is named after Pluto , The Greek god of the underworld and lord of the under world. Uranus is named after Uranus, the greek god of god of the sky, and the first ruler, and Neptune is named by Neptune, The Greek it’s Poseidon, god of sea.) Maybe if you find a new planet, it can be named after you!

Did You Kno


unately only rt fo n u t u b , Mars missions to ot even half 9 n 3 is s a h w ic h re w e , Th eded sions succe is m e th f o 16 s they did. the mission Olympus Mons

Mysteries in Mars There were many mysteries on Mars that were shocking to the people on earth. Viking 1 photographed “The Face in Mars” in 1976. People thought that this was a creation of unknown intelligent beings. “The Face in Mars” became the subject of talk shows, books and a movie. In the Phoenicus Lacus region on Mars there was a shadowy outline of a famous Egyptian queen. This formation was very large. (The head of the formation is 0.5 miles across, and the hat was a mile (1.6 km) long. But even though these mysterious faces are very realistic, scientists think they are not made by unknown beings, but are just some natural formation. Maybe people can find out whether these mysteries are just natural formations, a trick by people, or if there really are aliens on Mars.

Books and Movies about Mars

There also were a lot of books made about Mars. Mr. E.R. Burroughs, famous for the book “Tarzan”, also wrote a Mars science fiction series. It is about a man called John Carter who goes to Mars and falls in love with this red martian called Dejah Thoris who is human like. He also find outs that he can jump really high and hit really hard. A movie based on this was made in March, 2012. One movie before that, called “Princess of Mars” was made in December, 2009.

Did You


Mars is n covered icknamed “Re d w that the ith rusty dust planet” and is . And th entire p ere’s a atmosp lanet is rea he p pink be re is pinkish. inkish, becaus son ca Th e from th use of particle e atmospher the e e surfa s of dus is ce. t thrown up

Director Orson Welles frightened the listeners in 1938 with a realistic broadcast of ‘The War of Worlds.” ( A science fiction tale about Mars aliens attacking earth) And when the people heard it, some fled because they thought aliens are going to attack. This was just science fiction; so no need to worry about aliens coming down to earth.

MArs : A great place to live?

Even if Mars is amazing, it still has some bad things. In Mars the average speed in orbiting the sun is 14.5 miles per seconds, while earth is 18.5 miles per seconds. So you can see that Mars moves slower than Earth. Mars is 142,000,000 miles,(229,000,000 km) away from the sun, which is 1.5 AU (Astronomical Units), and Earth is 93,000,000 miles away from the sun, which is 1 AU. If you’re going to Mars, there is not going to be a lot of gravity. Gravity is what pulls you down to the ground. So with out any gravity, you’ll be floating. And in Mars, the gravity is 62.5 % less than Earth, which means you can float in Mars. Because of this, you can see that Mars has less gravity, further away from the Sun than Earth, and moves slower. Mars is not a really perfect place to be in, but maybe people can find out how to make Mars like earth, so we can live on Mars.

Glossary Water Vapor = Substance spread all around the air. Usually liquid or solid. Nitrogen = A colorless gas that forms about 78% of Earth’s atmosphere. Argon = is the element of the noble gas group, and is the most common noble gas. Shield Volcano = A wide, arched roofed volcano with gently sloping sides. Orbiting = The path of space objects around a star, planet, or a moon. Martians = Things that are related to the planet Mars or supposed things on it.

Cited sources Websites Pictures h t t p : / / m e d i a . n p r . o r g / a s s e t s / i m g / 2 0 1 3 / 0 5 / 0 2 / m a r s nasa_custom-745ff15ed1a80d8cbb47a4cb44186c5b6bea41e3-s6-c30.jpg awarworlds.jpg Books

Murray, Stuart, and Edward S. Barnard. Mars. London: DK Pub., 2004. Print.

About the author

Bill is current 5th grade student in SAS. He likes to read, play video games and play with his friend. He has been living in China for 10 years, but is a Korean. This is his 3rd book doing independently, and he loves social studies, but doesn’t like math. His wish is to be the richest man in the world.

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