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By: Philippe

Table of Contents Pages:

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What is a Nebula?


How is a Nebula formed?


What are Some Classic Types of Nebulas?


Whats the observed history of a Nebula?




Cited Sources


About The Author



What is a Nebula? The introduction of a Nebula Is Nebula a star? No, a Nebula is actually clouds made out of dust, hydrogen, helium and other gases. Before astronomers thought that Nebulas were objects in space like other galaxies beyond the Milky Way. But astronomers in the 20th century like Vesto Slipher, Edwin Hubble confirmed that a galaxy is not a Nebula, instead they said that a Nebula is a region where new stars are formed. In these big regions, gas, dust and other materials bunch together to form a larger and bigger object, that eventually becomes a star. This is one of the many Nebulas in the universe

Did you know? This is the Diagram of the Eagle Nebula

A Nebula is a word in Latin that means cloud.


How is a Nebula formed? How is a Planetary Nebula formed? Most of the Nebulas form when a star dies. A star dies when it uses all of its fuel. When the fuel is burning the star creates a force that pushes gravity away from it, when the star runs out of fuel the force will contract, then the gravity will push the star and eventually collapses the star. The star’s outer layers will be shattered and what’s called a Planetary Nebula is formed.

How is a Supernova Remnant Nebula formed? Some Nebulas can also form from a Supernova. A Supernova happens when a star is at the end of its life. After the Supernova the remaining elements from the star forms a Supernova Remnant Nebula. These are some Planetary Nebulas in the Universe.

This is a Supernova Remnant Nebula.

What are Some Classic Types of Nebulas? Diffused Nebula Most of the Nebulas can be called a Diffused Nebula. A Diffused Nebula is a Nebula with no clear boundaries. When light is visible these Nebulas could be separated into two different categories. The two categories are Emission Nebulas and Reflection Nebulas. An Emission Nebula is a Nebula that makes radiations and visible light. Whereas Reflection Nebulas does not make much visible light, instead they reflect light from nearby stars.

Planetary Nebula Planetary Nebulas are the most common and simple type of Nebulas. When a star dies, the star’s outer layers will shatter then eventually the star will become a white dwarf, which form Planetary Nebulas.

Dark Nebula Dark Nebula is a type of Nebula with cloud that is so dense that blocks any background light. The disappearance of the light is caused by dust grains located in the densest and coldest parts of the cloud. The Dark Nebula appears because of tiny sized dust particles coated with frozen Carbon Monoxide and Nitrogen, which block the passage of any light at visible wavelengths. The formation of such a Dark nebula is very irregular. The Biggest Dark Nebula can be seen by the naked eye, it looks like dark patches against the brighter background such as the Coalsack Nebula And the Great Rift Nebula.

A Supernova Remnants Nebula Supernova occurs when a heavy and big star reaches the end of its life. First the star will start to expand and when that happens the nuclear energy will slowly decrease and gravity will start pushing the star inwards making all the elements inside trapped then eventually the star explodes and causes a Supernova. The remaining elements from the Supernova become Supernova Remnants Nebula.

This is a one of the Dark Nebulas in the Universe


What is the observed history of a Nebula? The First Observers Nebulas were first observed in around 300 BC, by a man called Claudius Ptolemaeus. In his book he said that he found five stars that appeared a bit nebulous which means cloudy. The first true observed Nebula was described as a star cluster. It was mentioned by a Muslim Astronomer Abd al-Rahman alSufi, in his Book of Fixed Stars. He said that he saw a little cloud where the Andromeda Galaxy is located. The Arabic and Chinese Astronomers observed the Supernova that created the Crab Nebula in 1054.

The Old Observers Nicolas-Claude Frabri de Peiresc discovered the Orion Nebula on November 26, 1610 using a telescope. Johann Baptist Cysat also observed this Nebula in 1618. However the first detailed study of this Nebula was performed only until 1659 by Christiaan Huygens. Edmund Halley published a list of six nebulas on 1715. This number increased in 1746 when JeanPhilippe de Cheseaux published a list of 20 nebulas including eight that are not previously known. From 1751 to 1753 Nicolas Louis de Lacaille published a list of 42 Nebulas from the Cape of Good Hope with most of them previously unknown. Charles Messier then published a list of 103 Nebulas but some of them were actually Galaxies.

The Later Observers The numbers of nebulas listed then greatly expanded by the efforts of William Herschel and his sister Caroline Herschel. Their Catalogue of One thousand New Nebula And Clusters of Stars was published in 1786. The second catalogue was published in 1789 and their final catalogue was published in 1802. With the help of modern technology, scientists can understand more about the universe, we are continuing our search for new Nebulas. The list will go on.



Glossary • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

Shattered: Broken into many pieces. Hydrogen: It’s a highly :lammable gas. Helium: It’s a very light type of gas. Milky Way: It’s the galaxy we are in. Region: It’s an area. Bunch: It means coming together. Latin: It’s an ancient European language from the Roman Empire. Contract: It means it becomes shorter and smaller. Collapse: It means that the structure is falling down. Boundaries: It means that there is a limit in the area. Radiation: It’s a dangerous element with very dangerous waves. Dense: It means heavy. Carbon Monoxide: It’s a toxic and :lammable gas. Nitrogen: It’s an odorless gas. Nebulous: it means cloudy in Latin. Supernova: is the explosion of a star when it dies.


Cited Sources Info: "Nebula." Wikipedia. Wikimedia Foundation, 18 Jan. 2014. Web. 21 Jan. 2014. "BrainPOP - Animated Educational Site for Kids - Science, Social Studies, English, Math, Arts." BrainPOP Animated Educational Site for Kids - Science, Social Studies, English, Math, Arts. N.p., n.d. Web. 23 Jan. 2014. "Dark Nebula." Wikipedia. Wikimedia Foundation, 01 Mar. 2014. Web. 23 Jan. 2014.

Pictures:­‐content/uploads/2012/02/Pillars-­‐of-­‐Creation-­‐a-­‐star-­‐forming-­‐ gas-­‐and-­‐dust-­‐region-­‐within-­‐the-­‐Eagle-­‐Nebula-­‐M16-­‐or-­‐NGC-­‐6611-­‐a-­‐young-­‐open-­‐cluster-­‐of-­‐stars-­‐6500-­‐ light-­‐years-­‐away-­‐in-­‐Serpens-­‐Cauda.jpg­‐2009-­‐32-­‐c-­‐large_web.jpg­‐content/uploads/2013/02/Horsehead-­‐CCDStack-­‐2-­‐add-­‐ Ha-­‐4-­‐Lum-­‐PS1-­‐Blend-­‐Ha-­‐to-­‐Red-­‐V5-­‐for-­‐website-­‐new-­‐Stars-­‐.jpg­‐content/uploads/2011/06/3903384725_d295890952.jpg­‐content/uploads/2008/10/Eagle-­‐Nebula.jpg :ile:///Users/student/Desktop/slide27high.jpg­‐nebula-­‐hubble-­‐nasa.jpg­‐content/uploads/2013/10/Nebula-­‐HD-­‐11.jpg­‐content/gallery/hd-­‐nebula-­‐wallpaper/nebula-­‐wallpaper-­‐blue.jpg

About The Author

I wrote this book because I’m always very interested in astronomy. Since I was :ive years old I have been wondering about the stars and planets thinking if we are along or not. When I watch TV programs about the universe I am always amazed by these beautiful images. My dream is to become the :irst person to build a hotel in space and to discover new magical things in the universe. I also have a passion for dogs because they are very adorable, cute and friendly.


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