Venus flytrap

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The Venus Flytrap By: Luke

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Title page


Trap mechanism and diet


Lifecycle of a 4 Venus fly trap Habitat




About the author




Trap mechanism and diet

Diet & Digestion Venus flytrap is only healthy when it eats its normal diet. If you feed it a hamburger, the fat and protein will rot and at one point kill the Venus flytrap.

Trap Mechanism

The way a Venus 2lytrap catches its prey is by closing its leaves. The mechanism is still poorly understood. When the trigger hairs get pushed or pulled a reaction happens making the water cells grow rapidly making the “mouth” close. There are only six trigger hairs and three are on each lobe. Two trigger hairs have to be pushed for the “mouth” to shut.

Lifecycle of a Venus flytrap In the Beginning At first, the Venus flytrap will start from tiny black seeds. In the first year they will rarely be bigger than a penny and its traps will only be about 1-2 mm long. They are fully functional. On the third year of a Venus flytrap the trap will grow about 1/2inch. After this it is able to catch something bigger than a soil gnat. The plant will grow a couple of inches tall. And some my bloom a flower early.

Diagram of Venus flytrap

Maturity In years 4-6, the Venus flytrap is now mature. A flower will blossom holding seeds if it is healthy. It can self pollinate to produce the seeds. The flower takes most of the Venus flytrap's energy. The Venus flytrap can live to the 7th year and even longer. If the Venus flytrap survives this long, it's trap can get big enough to hold a ping pong ball. It can get bigger then 1".

Venus fly trap flower


A classic Pitfall plant.

Carnivores’ plants have evolved many different ways to catch bugs. One of them is the Sundew plant uses touch sensitivity to rap around the bug at the right time. Another example is the Pitfall plant. The pitfall plant has a lot of nectar but when the bug goes in it drowns inside. The Pitfall plant is passive like the Lobster pot trap. The Lobster pot trap has little hairs pointing inward so the only direction the bug can go is forward until it goes into a stomach like place and gets digested A carnivores plant in the water is the Bladder trap.


The Venus )lytrap lives in a swampy habitat. One of the reasons a Venus )lytrap evolved to eat insects is because the swampy lands ground doesn’t provide enough nutrients to grow. . The habitat provides a lot of sun and water. There isn’t enough nitrogen so they get the nutrients from the bugs.

HISTORY What we believe The Venus flytrap is a carnivorous plant that has leaves that act like a trap with trigger hairs. Many scientist believe that the Venus flytrap evolved from a similar carnivorous plant that was a sticky trap. Scientist believe that the trigger hairs used to be sticky tentacles. The first thing that scientist believe that the Venus flytrap did to evolve was to gain the ability to move its leaves and tentacles in the direction of its prey. Scientist started using DNA in 2002 to find out how long and from it evolved from.

What Charles Darwin thought Charles Darwin was very important in the study of evolution. He said that the Venus flytrap was "one of the most wonderful plants in the world". He liked carnivorous how the plants went through evolution and became carnivores to survive.

Drawing of a Venus flytrap

About the author

I am Luke. My favorite sport is baseball. My favorite Carnivores plant is The Venus Flytrap.

Citations "Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia ."http:// Venus_flytrap. N.p.. Web. 27 Jan 2014. "Venus fly trap Facts." http:// N.p.. Web. 28 Jan 2014. "Fun Facts."http:// s2007/knoblauc_kris/ fun_facts.htm. N.p.. Web. 28 Jan 2014.

Carnivores: something that eats meat.

Glossary Digestion: when you eat something your body acids break it down

DNA: Something in your body that will make up your genes.

Maturity: You will be more responsible when your mature and When your older your mature.

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