Space Stations

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Space Stations, Space Shuttle,Solar Panels, Famous Astronaut,Modules, and Mars Explorers

By William Henry Arnold

Table of Contents page 1-cover page 2-contents page 3-Bibliography page 4-Glossary page 5-space stations page 6-living quarters in MIR space station page 7-solar panels and modules of space stations page 8- famous Astronauts and mars explorers page 9-About the Author

Space Stations The International Space Station (or ISS) has the biggest space project. Assembling the space station was a massive task. First steps were taken in December 1998 and it was a success. Then in November 2012, 2 more space stations were put in space, the International Space Station, and China's Tiangong. The other space stations were Almaz, Salyut series, Skylab and Mir. space stations are also called orbital station. Mir was made in 1999 but in 2001, Mir was taken out of orbit. (The Mir had reentered earth’s atmosphere near Fiji and it crashed around the Pacific Ocean). The United states contributed the most to ISS.

This is the inside of a space station.

Living Quarters in MIR Space Station

The aircrafts other name is space plane.

Every space station has living quarters for 2 people or more. The core module is the main part of the living quarters, it provides living space quarters for 6 astronauts. The MIR also has the cargo Progress, it carries up supplies used for experiments. The Kristal is another quarter but without gravity. Priroda is an living quarter that can carries equipment for observing and other stuff. Russia allowed U.S. astronauts to spend time, working and studying on the MIR. Astronauts need living quarters to study because they sometimes stay there for a long time

Fun Fact

This is a living quarter being Built.

Solar Panels and Modules of Space Stations FunFact Astronauts need electricity to live

Long times in space makes your bones and muscles weak. So you exercise for like 2 hours.

in space. The solar panels can change sunlight into electricity. In order for the people to live. In 1997, One of the Mir’s solar panel was damaged because it had 50 percent reduction in power. Some of the electricity came from solar panels. Most electricity come from batteries. ISS is also made of modules that can be easily put together. The modules had come from different countries like, Russia, Japan, and

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Canada. The ISS has 100 of modules and thanks to the astronauts help, they made solar panels and living quarters and it was completed in 2009.

By Will

There had been many famous astronauts like: Cosmonaut Aleksei was the first person to walk in space. Yuri gagarim was the first person to go to space. Neil Armstrong was the first person to set foot on the

Famous Astronauts and Mars Explorers

moon. The first person that was on the space shuttle was John Young, and Bob Crippen. Burt rutan was an airplane designer. Yuri Gagarin wore the first space suit, in 1930s. There have been many famous space shuttles. The first space shuttle was called Enterprise. In 1986, The Challenger blew up, in 2003, the Colombia blew up. The Other space shuttles (that didn’t explode) were Discovery, and Atlantis. Endeavor

This is a space shuttle.

was built in 1991 to replace Challenger. Atlantis was the only one that had the ability to draw power from ISS. The space shuttles were built and operated by U.S. NASA. Space shuttles are like space station but the space shuttle can move. The main mission that the mars explorers had was to find water or life on mars. The robot, pathfinder was a mars explorer. The other mars explorer was called probes. The other mars explorer was called surveyor, began in 1997. The first twin mars explorer was called rover and spirit. The LAST mars explorer that they sent was called opportunity.

This is a picture of me, Neil Armstrong.

glossary Assembling- speech

famous- someone that everyone knows

atmosphere- world

airplane designer- the people how designed the airplanes

living quarters- place where you study

blew up- exploded

core module- the most importent part

ability- able to do

astronauts- people who is in space

draw power- take away power

electricity- the thing that made our lives better

built and operated- made and controlled by

solar panels-the thing that makes electricity

mission- what you need to do

reduction- redo

explorer- look at a new place

different- not the same modules- parts

Bibliography Books Articles Websites Photos Earth_horizon_and_International_Space_Station_solar_panel_array_(Expedition_17_crew,_August_2008).jpg

About the Author William Henry Arnold is a fifth grader and he is at the school SAS, 10 years old. He likes to play video games and going to his friends house. His favorite food is fry rice or sausage rapped around with bacon.

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