The Middle Colony

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THE MIDDLE COLONY By: Shauya, Allison, Kaden and Brad

The Table of Contents Introduction

Page 1

New Netherlands & New Jersey

Page 2

The Lands of the middle Colonies Page 3 Peter Stuyvesant

Page 4

Benjamin Franklin

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Page 6


Page 7

About the Author

Page 9


Page 10, 11, 12


Page 13

Cited Sources

Page 14

Introduction The middle colonies include New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania and Delaware. The middle colonies were also called the wheat colonies due to the ridiculous amount of wheat and grains they produced. The middle colonies also made iron, paper, textiles and cloth. Some famous people in this area are Benjamin Franklin and Peter Stuyvesant. It also has a weird land feature of big hills with no plains.

The Colonies

The way people dressed in the colonial times.

New jersey and New York

War for New Netherlands

Why They Made Land Religion Free

On 1664 Duke of york won The New Netherlands from the dutch. Duke of york has lots of names like Peter Stuyvesant or Peg leg Pete. The places he won are now called New york and New Jersey.

Duke of york and his friends made their region religion free to attract more colonists. His idea was great! Colonists every where heard about New Netherlands and New Jersey. They came with out even thinking (Not really) and made Duke of york and his friends rich. A famous place where colonist gathered is New Amsterdam or now called New York City.

Sharing the land

Peter Stuyvesant’s army getting ready to attack

Duke of york won a huge chunk of land from the dutch people. Because of this huge land, He shared it with two of his friends. His two friends converted this land and called it New Jersey. Inspired by his friends He renamed it New york also due to his name, Duke of york. 2

Religious colonists in New Netherlands and New Jersey doing religious activities.

The Lands of the Middle Colony In the Middle Colonies, people have rich farming land.The best farming land is Pennsylvania because they have good weather. Occasionally they will have bad weather, but not much . The middle colonies have the best soil. The states in the middle colonies were Delaware, Pennsylvania, New Amsterdam, New Jersey. When they farm, they will find some stones from the ice ages. They will take he stone to the brick wall and add on to it.

This is a painting of the time in the Middle Colony.

Though out the year, the middle colony farmers will grow wheat because they can make food out of the wheat. People now call that “The bread basket Colonies� because the Colony makes things out of wheat. The lands of the middle colonies are bumpy because they live near the mountain. They always have good weather.

P.S. Not like Shanghai or other cities.


eter Stuyvesant

eter Stuyvesant

Peter Stuyvesant kind of smiling

Peter Stuyvesant tried his best to keep his colony from going to war with other colonies. When Stuyvesant went to rule New Sweden an Indian girl went into their peach garden and picked a few peaches. As a punishment to the girl the guard that was in the garden shot her and that caused a big war between the New Netherlands people and the Indians. Once Peter Stuyvesant came back from New Sweden he made peace with the Indians instead of taking revenge on them for killing 100 of his colonists. He tried his best to avoid fights with other nations. One reason that his name is honored to this day is because he worked so hard to peace without any bloodshed. Even though he did all these great things Peter Stuyvesant had a dark side. When the Jews wanted to land their ship in New Netherlands Peter Stuyvesant tried his best to make sure that they didn’t land. He was a bigot. He had no tolerance for differences. Once one of the his people disagreed with him and he stomped his “leg” and swore at them. When the elected councilors disagreed with him he called them “ignorant subjects” and of course stomped his wooden leg. In the end when he told his army to fight the British no one listened to him because he was a bigot.


A Profile of Benjamin Franklin

Benjamin Franklin [BEN] Ben was very appreciated in the Middle Colony. Ben was a very kind caring person. He loved his town he lived in very much very much. The town’s people loved him back. He was very famous.

The 100 dollar bill. Ben Franklin’s world and the world today

Benjamin was very famous inventor. Ben invented many inventions. He made our earth better by inventing. Because he was in the middle colony, the middle colony got his inventions first. He invented the lightning rod, swimming fins, public library, sanitation departmet, postal service, fire station and more. What an amazing person. He improved so much, and he invented so much. Ben signed the declaration of independence. Because Ben advanced America, we see Ben today on the 100-dollar bill. Ben was an amazing man!


The American Flag

Conclusion Man the Middle Colony was a great area. Lots of fun and interesting information came out of this Colony. We hoped you learned about the Middle Colony, and how amazing it was in colonial history. You can Visit the USA and see more of this amazing Colony.


1638 Delaware is founded.

1626 New york is founded.

1647 The religion free rule comes true. 1660 New Jersey is founded.

1682 Pennsylvania is founded. 1664 A english troop won New Amsterdam.


bout the Authors

SHAUYA IGHANI wrote about Peter Stuyvesant, this page and the Title page. She is 10 years old and loves music. She is in 5th grade and goes to Shanghai American School. In school she was learning about the Middle Colonies. She is a musical person and loves to dance. Shauya enjoyed learning about the Middle Colony. ALLISON ROHRBECK wrote about Benjamin Franklin, she did the cited source page and the Conclusion. She is 10 years old and goes to Shanghai American School. Allison is a grade 5 student. In school she were learning about colonies. Then she was told to research about the middle colony. She is creative and imaginative. She loves life and enjoy lots of things! KADEN WU wrote about Table of Contents, Index and the lands of the Middle Colonies. He is in shanghai, he is going to a school called Shanghai American School. He is 10 years old. During school he works on different subjects. He is in 5th grade. He enjoy 5th grade more than other grades because there’re more subjects and fun things. BRADLEY XU is a student in 5-SH, SAS. He was bon in California, USA on November 4th 2002. Bradley likes to eat pizza. SAS is his third school. This is his fist time writing a real book so he is really excited. 9

Glossary inventor |inˈventər| noun a person who invented a particular process or device or who invents things as an occupation. occasionally |əˈkāZHənl-ē| adverb at infrequent or irregular intervals; now and then: he met her occasionally for coffee | very occasionally the condition can result in death. bloodshed |ˈblədˌSHed| noun the killing or wounding of people, typically on a large scale during a conflict. bigot |ˈbigət| noun someone who doesn’t belive in difference. ORIGIN late 16th cent. (denoting a superstitious religious hypocrite): from French, of unknown origin. colonist |ˈkälənist| noun 10

a settler in or inhabitant of a colony. textile |ˈtekˌstīl| noun (usu. textiles) a type of cloth or woven fabric: a fascinating range of pottery, jewelry, and textiles. ORIGIN early 17th cent.: from Latin textilis, from text- ‘woven,’ from the verb texere . tolerance |ˈtäl(ə)rəns| noun 1 the ability or willingness to tolerate something, in particular the existence of opinions or behavior that one does not necessarily agree with: the tolerance of corruption | an advocate of religious tolerance. ORIGIN late Middle English (denoting the action of bearing hardship, or the ability to bear pain and hardship): via Old French from Latin tolerantia, from tolerare. Declaration of Independence |ˌdɛkləˈreɪʃən əv| a document declaring the US to be independent of the British Crown, signed on July 4, 1776, by the congressional representatives of the Thirteen Colonies, including Thomas Jefferson, Benjamin Franklin, and John Adams.


ignorant |ˈignərənt| adjective lacking knowledge or awareness in general; uneducated or unsophisticated: he was told constantly that he was ignorant and stupid. [ predic. ] lacking knowledge, information, or awareness about something in particular: they were ignorant of astronomy. ORIGIN late Middle English: via Old French from Latin ignorant- ‘not knowing,’ from the verb ignorare.

Information from apple computer dictionary


Index A About the author !




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B bigot

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C Cited sources ! ! ! Conclusion ! ! ! councilors

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colonist D Declaration of Independence F Franklin, Benjarman G Glossary Graph



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I Ignorant

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N New Netherlands & New Jersey

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O occasionally

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S Stuyvesant, Peter

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T Table of Contents Page 5

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The Lands of the colony

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Page 7,8,9 Page 12


Sources Shauya: A History of US. Joy Hakim. Press 1993. New York. The New Jersey Colony. Dennis Brindell Fradin. Chicago. Press 1991. Children’s Press. Kaden: Build Our Nation. Boston. Sarah Bednarz. Press 2000. Houghton Fiffen. www.en.wikioedia/wiki/middle_colonies Bradley: The New Jersey Colony. Dennis Brindell Fradin. Chicago. Press 1991. Children’s Press. Allison: The Americans Reconstruction Through The 20th Century. Gerald A. Danzer. IL. Press 1999. The World Book Encyclopedia. 1992-1993.USA. Build Our Nation. Boston. Sarah Bednarz. Press 2000. Houghton Fiffin. Now and Ben. Gene Barretta. 2006. New York. Henry Holt Compony. 12

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