5Talents Magazine August 2013 Issue

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issue 11 AUGUST 2013

TALENTS Christian Magazine

discovering talents for gods’ kingdom

Peter and Sandra McIntosh 30th Anniversary NewLife Assembly of God Church

Contents Table “From SEA to Shining SEA” -Peter & Sandra Mclntosh

4 30th Anniversary NewLife Assembly of God Church Empowered by His Love ~ Karen Munroe

8 11

CHAI Foundation Day Celebrations

My Child in match-Fixing!?! ~ Ingrid Albuquerque-


“Forwe are God’s masterpiece...” ~ John & Caroline

5Talent Magazine is a webzine published monthly.

PUBLISHER Deepakshi Kolia

MISSION: - Promote the Gospel of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ - Impact the character of individuals in the ’Body of Christ’ based on the word of God - Advertise programs and ventures that fulfills ‘The Great Commission’ for the end time purposes


5Talents Magazine grants permission for any original article to be quoted provided 5Talents Magazine is indicated to be the source. For use of an entire article permission must be granted.


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“Friendship Forever”


e know many different people in our life. Most of them may simply be acquaintances, while others be might considered friends. Of these, there may be only a few that we would consider close friends. Then, perhaps, there is that one person who is as close to us as a brother or sister or perhaps, as the Bible says, “is a friend that sticks closer than a brother” (Prov. 18:24), someone in whom you can confide and trust, and with whom you can share your hopes and dreams. A friend, who is there not only through the good times, but also the bad. Jonathan and David were one of the best examples of a true friendship, there were also things that could have easily destroyed their bond, but instead, they made it stronger. Jonathan, prince and son of Saul, was the heir, and could have been be the next king of Israel. He was destined to rule after the death of his father. Jonathan was a young man of courage, strength, and determination who looked to and relied on God. On the other hand, David, the youngest son of Jesse, was a ruddy, bright-eyed shepherd boy. A single great event made both the beginning of Jonathan and David’s friendship and their falling from love and favour in Saul’s eyes— David’s defeat of the giant Goliath. David’s courage and bravery that day affected Jonathan deeply; he was moved to love him as much as his own life. He realized that they shared much in common in the areas of courage, bravery, strength,

loyalty, trust and faith in God. From that day forward, they became the best of friends. Later on Jonathan discovered that his father Saul, was jealous of David and after his life. On many occasions, Jonathan, helped David to keep away from his father, he also talked to Saul not to kill David. David showed great loyalty to Saul and Jonathan. As many times as Jonathan and David were alone, it would have been very easy for David to kill Saul. David restrained himself. David well remembered the covenant made with his best friend not to harm Saul’s family (I Sam. 20:14-15). Even though David had been anointed king, he still showed great respect toward Jonathan—even to the point of bowing before him three times. After the death of Jonathan, he searched out Jonathan’s son Mephibosheth, and provided for him the rest of his life. The record of David and Jonathan’s friendship has been recorded in the Bible for our benefit. It pictures the close relationship between God the Father and Jesus Christ. They desire that same close, personal relationship with every human being. Jonathan and David’s friendship is a lasting legacy. At the resurrection, when David sees Jonathan, it will be just like the last day they saw each other in this world. They will continue to enjoy a friendship that will last for eternity. You too, are encouraged to develop that kind of friendship with God and Christ, and with other like minded people.

Premasis Satman Executive Director

From SEA to Shining SEA

Peter and Sandra McIntosh W

in 13 nations from India to Japan, and is also responsible for training overseas nationals and recruiting GW’s to open new fields.

Based in Bangkok, Thailand, he oversees and empowers 63 PAOC GW families engaged

On arriving in Bangkok, Sandra McIntosh saw the plight of young women subjected to human trafficking and began NightLight, an outreach program to help young women trapped in the enormous sex trade in Bangkok. Sandra is also director of the Impact School of Missions www.ismsea.com (ISM), a ministry she and Peter established in September 2012 to train and mobilize youth and young adults to intern alongside of the SEA’s GW’s and other ministries.

hile serving as lead pastor at Kennedy Road Tabernacle in Brampton, Ontario, Peter McIntosh was already heavily involved in international missions. With overseas work in his heart, both Peter and his wife, Sandra, sensed God’s call to become directly involved in missions work and in August, 2005, Peter was appointed to serve as the Regional Director of the South East Asia (SEA) Region of the Pentecostal Assemblies of Canada (PAOC)’s International Missions.


5Talents Magazine

August 2013

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From SEA to Shining SEA

the life changing power of Jesus Christ.

hat’s better than a group of likeminded people getting together for a business conference? How about a group of Christian workers, all with the same goal of bringing the Gospel message of Jesus to the unreached people groups of Southeast Asia?

To achieve its goals, the PAOC has 260 Global Workers in 50 countries, dozens of Bible Colleges, and thousands of leaders. It has also created schools, universities, colleges, hospitals, medical clinics, orphanages, and widow’s homes. Through its affiliated Bible colleges around the world, PAOC helps train over 3,000 indigenous students and another 15,000 in extension programs, men and women who will be the next generation of leaders to make a lasting impact on their individual nations.

It was an annual event for 70 Global Workers (GW’s), associates, and their families from the International Missions Department of the Pentecostal Assemblies of Canada (PAOC), who serve in PAOC’s South East Asia (SEA) Region under the leadership of Regional Director Peter McIntosh.

The GW’s appointed by the PAOC must first go through a lengthy application process that includes both spiritual and psychological assessments, as well as demonstrating appropriate interpersonal skills to ensure their calling and suitability to serve with people of different cultures.

When the PAOC was established 100 years ago, its founding fathers asked themselves, “What is it that we can do better than apart?” The answer was missions. Since that time the PAOC has been immersed in global missions, taking the Gospel message of Jesus Christ to all corners of the earth, its team of workers committed to change nations through transformed people by the power of the Holy Spirit.

The SEA Region conference participants came from far and wide, within an area spanning the Asian continent between the Arabian Sea to the Pacific Ocean, from Thailand, India, Japan, Philippines, Cambodia, and Sri Lanka.


The cornerstone of PAOC’s Missions effort has four components. • REACHING the lost, wherever they are— proclaiming the message of Jesus Christ to the spiritually lost in the world, through every available means. • PLANTING communities of authentic followers of Jesus—partnering with local believers to establish churches in more than sixty nations. • EQUIPPING and mentoring servant leaders—training them to proclaim the gospel of Christ to their own people and to other nations. • CARING for people—coming alongside the poor and vulnerable and introducing them to

These are the foot soldiers of PAOC’s SEA Region, serving God’s Kingdom in some of the most spiritually desolate places on the face of the earth; reaching, planting, equipping, and caring for a desperate world trapped in poverty, hunger, and persecution. Bringing a divine message of hope and redemption, many of these workers combat daily struggles in the face of opposition by religiously dominated governments and authorities, many of which condemn and even imprison both the workers and those accepting Jesus as their Lord and Savior. Regardless, they persist with their goal, driven by God’s Great Commission to “Go and make disciples of all nations” (Matthew 28:19). The main speaker for the SEA conference was Pastor Mark Running, from Lacombe Pentecostal Church, in Lacombe, AB. Mark’s key message to “Come Away to a Quiet 5Talents Magazine

August 2013


Place” reflected on Jesus’ word to His disciples India is also the ministry base for Frank Juelich, in Mark 6:31, stressing the need to ‘get away’ a German born Canadian who is the longest for a while to get some rest. serving GW in the SEA region. Considered the ‘dean’ of PAOC’s missions effort, Frank arrived Not surprisingly, these tried and tested GW’s in Nagpur, India in 1978, where he started needed to ‘get away’ for this time of renewal, a children’s home with six boys in a tent. In reflection, and rest from their labors. It was the ensuing years the home, which is now also a time to connect, build relationships, known as Prem Sewa Shikshan Sangh (Hindi and to share in each other’s challenges and for ‘Love, Service, Education Society’) grew blessings. Charles Silva, a PAOC GW serving in in leaps and bounds, all credited by Frank Sri Lanka said, “It truly was a time of refreshing to God’s divine intervention, and now takes for our family, and a time to reconnect with care of almost 1,000 boys, along with a fully fellow GW’s and also meet the new ones. government accredited school from 1st to Through these retreats we’ve built some 12th grade. In addition, Frank established a awesome relationships, which we believe will girl’s home in another district, which is now develop into ministry opportunities.” caring for more than 500 needy or orphaned girls. Check http://www.premsewa.org/ to It is the unreached ‘nations’ that matter to learn more about Frank’s work in India God. The Greek word Jesus used in Matthew 28:19 for nations was ‘ethnos,’ which translated Like Frank Juelich, all of PAOC’s GW’s heard into English means an ‘ethnic’ or ‘people’ the call from the book of Romans. “How, group, not a specific country. The Joshua then, can they call on the one they have not Project (www.joshuaproject.net) defines an believed in? And how can they believe in the unreached nation as “a people group among one of whom they have not heard? And how which there is no indigenous community of can they hear without someone preaching to believing Christians with adequate numbers them? And how can anyone preach unless and resources to evangelize this people they are sent? As it is written: “How beautiful group.” are the feet of those who bring good news!” Romans 10:14-15. Jesus’ command was to make disciples of ALL nations. While many have been reached the These words highlight the dual responsibilities work is far from complete and for evangelicals, faced by all Christians in fulfilling God’s Great the SEA region represents perhaps the Commission. The GW’s are the ‘sent’ ones greatest challenge worldwide in completing but they most certainly cannot do it alone. the Great Commission. Joshua Project figures Following the example of St. Paul, who show there are still 7,266 unreached nations was the first missionary to the unreached in the world and more than 4,000 of them are nations, all of PAOC’s GW’s have developed within PAOC’s Southeast Asia region. partnerships with churches and individuals Clearly then, the task is huge. The countries who help provide them with the necessary served by SEA have a total population of funds to cover their travel, living, and ministry more than 2.3 billion, which is one third of the expenses while serving overseas. Those world population, yet there are only 63 PAOC partners are crucial to the mission. They are GW’s serving that region. One SEA Region the ‘senders’ who play a significant role as cocountry in particular faces an enormous workers in reaching the nations of the world challenge. With a massive population of 1.2 with the Gospel Message of Jesus Christ. billion (representing one in every five people on the face of the earth), India is home to To learn more about PAOC’s work in Southeast 2,365 of the remaining unreached people Asia please visit the SEA website at www. groups in the world. impactasia.ca. ~ Rev. Anthony Baker


5Talents Magazine

August 2013



for greater things thirty years & beyond


hirty years! It seems like only yesterday a handful of people gathered at Hotel Karan and began worshipping together every Sunday. Who could have imagined God’s wonderful plans for New Life Assembly of God, Hyderabad?

There are two important aspects of our celebration today. First, we are Remembering our Legacy. We are looking back and recalling thirty years of the grace of God upon our church: thirty years of transformed lives. . .thirty years of miracles. . .thirty years of laughter and of tears. . . thirty years of God’s unfailing grace. What began as a simple step of obedience with four members meeting in a home has blossomed to touch countless lives. We exclaim with the Psalmist: “The Lord has done this and it is marvelous in our eyes.” (Psalm 118:23) The Scriptures teach us the importance of remembering. Joshua chapter four recounts the miraculous crossing of the Jordan River by God’s people. The Lord commanded Joshua to carry twelve stones from the middle of the Jordan river and deposit them on the far bank. What was the reason? “They are to serve as a sign among you in the future. When your children ask you ‘What do these stones mean?’ tell them that the flow of the Jordan was cut off before the ark of the covenant of the Lord.


5Talents Magazine

June 2013

These stones are to be a memorial ...forever.” (Joshua 4: 1-7) It is important to remember God’s past blessings. The second aspect of our celebration is equally important: Renewing our Vision. As important as it is to remember, we would be remiss if we spent all of our time looking back and rehearsing the things God has done for us in the past. People who are gazing backwards will have a hard time stepping forward. Jesus cautioned when He was on earth, “No one who puts his hand to the plow and looks back is fit for service in the kingdom of God.” (Luke 9:62) We all know that in nature life is never static. There is constant change: things are either growing or else declining and decaying. The same principle applies in the spiritual realm. If we do not move forward, we will begin to slide backwards. We cannot live today on yesterday’s blessings. His blessings are “new every morning” for each one of us. As a church, we also must continually believe the Lord for new blessings and new challenges. On this 30th Anniversary, I believe the Lord is speaking to us from Isaiah 42:9: “See, the former things have taken place and new things I declare.” To state it simply, the w w w . 5 Ta l e n t s . i n


Photography by Soumya Susan

past--for better or worse--is behind us. Some people waste their time longing for the “good old days.” Others have regrets for things in their past that they wish they could change. Beloved, “the former things have taken place.” We cannot change the past, nor can we live in the past. God has new things in store for us. Greater things are still to come! The Lord spoke those words from Isaiah 42:9 to my heart almost five years ago. I believe that right now we are on the brink of one of the wonderful “new things” God has prepared for us. Would you join your prayer and faith with mine? “Lord, we believe for greater things!” The Story So Far... The New Life Assembly began on the 10th of July 1983 when Rev. Earl and Arlene Stubbs and their two daughters gathered to worship the Lord at their home in Sainikpuri, Secunderabad. The first three services were held at the Stubbs’ home. On 31st July 1983, as the Church family grew, the meetings were moved to the conference hall of Hotel Karan in Secunderabad, and the first meeting here had 14 people in attendance. The Church continued in Hotel

Karan for four more years, and these were wonderful years of blessing and growth. With an increasing need for space and amenities as the Church family grew, the meetings were moved to a large garage of Apex Motors on Rashtrapathi Road on 2nd August 1987. For the next three years, this seemed like the place to be as the Church continued to experience God’s Presence and enjoy His goodness. Then on 3rd June of 1990, once again the continually expanding family had outgrown the space available at Apex Motors, and moved to its present location at the Millennium Gardens, Secunderabad. And through the past 23 years of worshipping at Millennium Gardens, God has remained faithful to His Word, touching and transforming the lives of our members, and meeting all their needs. The Lord has graciously led us for almost 30 years, and the Church has grown from strength to strength in fellowship and in devotion. Now, the Church Family has over 5,000 members, and we remain committed to connecting people to Jesus and watching the change and growth in people and the Church.

5Talents Magazine

August 2013


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We also undertake Church Decorations and Catering. 10

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June 2013 August 2013

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Empowered by His Love By Karen Munroe


ive, Love, and Laugh Often” is the phrase written on our welcome mat as you enter our home. It is quite worn out from the many people who have come to visit. One thing I can tell you about these words: it is our desire for each person who has entered our home to receive a rich deposit of God’s life, love, and refreshing joy before they leave! “Lord, teach us to love, the way you love us.” These words have echoed a kingdom sound deep within my soul. John 13:34-35. “Now I am giving you a new commandment that you love one another. Just as I have loved you, you should also love one another.” This new commandment is an attitude that reveals itself in actions. The Masters command is given and it appears to be similar to the Old Testament commandment. But now Jesus Himself has connected these commandments, creating a powerful bridge of brotherly Love. What was old has now been made new! “Thou shall love thy neighbour” has now been released as “You shall Love one another.” The Lord’s timing is perfect in every way as He instructs the greatest doctrine to His disciples in combination with His own death. “As I have loved you”…Love to the end…“Greater Love hath no man than this, than to lay down his life for them.” It is by this action the world will see Jesus and know that we are His disciples rooted in Him.

As we “put on” the love of Jesus like a garment, it is His life and His love that clothes us, covers us, and leads us from the corruption of this world into the heart of Jesus. Colossians 3:14. “And above all these things put on love, which is the bond of perfectness.” Imagine with me for a moment what the world would look like if we, the believers in Christ Jesus, were empowered by His everlasting love. He is an endless reservoir we can draw from and express His love and compassion, for the entire world to see. We are actually empowered by the Holy Spirit to love. When we are totally convinced that we are loved perfectly by Him, all hindrances fall away and we can gaze upon Him with confidence. What a precious privilege it is to be loved so perfectly by Jesus. What great triumph there is to those who are loved by Him! Judges 5:31. “So let all your enemies perish, O Lord. But let them that love Him be like the sun when he goes forth in His might.” This declaration has a triumphant sound to it! Whether we are in the middle of a great victory or a difficult situation, we can be certain of His love. As we worship and adore the One who loves us, faith rises. His transforming love is released to families, friends, cities, and nations. The fullness of abundant life through the love of Jesus is ours today--ours to know and ours to share.

5Talents Magazine

August 2013


To the Leadership Team and Church Family of New Life Assembly of God: Thirty years ago God had a plan! We celebrate with you as you mark this milestone along your journey of vision, faithful service and excellence. The Lord has built a house for His harvest! “Everything God has done is because of what God is going to do!� Jack & Peggy Kennedy www.TwoSilverTrumpets.ca


Hear the Sound

Breakthrough Building teams inside out


reakthrough is an organization that uses experiential learning to train teams on behaviours and values. This outbound training company has been in the market for the last 13 years, impacting organizations. Breakthrough, is a project of Sports Outreach India, a trust established in 1993.

have an enriching experience. Breakthrough currently has two facilities one in Bannerghatta Road, Bangalore and the other in Annaikati near Coimbatore. There is also an upcoming facility at the Revive Centre in Hosur. Over the years, 45,000 participants have visited our campuses.

It was founded in 2000 by Robin Paul, who was a former international athlete. Robin has also been the Chaplain at several sporting events, including the Sydney Olympics 2000. Using his experience in the field of sports, Robin translated several team concepts into impacting training modules based on experiential education. This led to the conception of Breakthrough. The organization uses a large number of activities including ropes courses in their programs.

Located 45 minutes from MG road, the Bangalore campus of Breakthrough gives participants an opportunity to do activities like rappelling on a rock which is present in the facility. Right on top of the rock is tree that over the years has challenged lives. The tree is special as it has broken through the rock which was its challenge and has made it a source of strength for itself. That’s where Breakthrough derives it’s logo from. The tree is used by the Breakthrough team to challenge participants to turn the difficulties in life as opportunities. With a vision, to impact lives, Breakthrough is working towards creating life changing experiences.

In addition to corporates, students from schools and colleges visit Breakthrough for various developmental programs. Various Christian groups have also visited Breakthrough to

5Talents Magazine

August 2013


CHAI Foundation Day Celebrations


HAI’s 70th Foundation Day was celebrated on 29th July 2013 by member institutions with various programmes like tree planting, medical camps, blood donation and eye camps, health education classes etc. Diabetes, and tuberculosis check-up camps were conducted by 692 member institutions. In all, 45637 people, including women and children, were tested for diabetes. They were also given help in seeking treatment in various hospitals and health centres as well as tips on follow-up. CHAI’s journey through the seven decades has been an inspiring saga of challenges and changes. The story began way back in 1920 when Sr Dr Mary Glowrey, an Australian Sister-Doctor landed in Guntur, Andhra Pradesh, with a new vision and a definite mission. Both the vision and mission were translated into action when more than 70 years ago CHAI was started by her in 1943. The Catholic Health Association of India (CHAI) has an expansive base of 3,410 Member Institutions (MIs) including large, medium as well as small hospitals, health centres, and social service societies.

Sr Dr Mary Glowrey, the founder of CHAI, has been declared a “Servant of God” and is on her way to “Sainthood”. Special novena prayers were also conducted remembering her and her services to humankind. At CHAI Central Office, Secunderabad, the day was observed with a public meeting, eye testing, diabetes and dental check-up camps. The celebration started with a Holy Mass led by Fr Vincent Arokiadas, Procurator and Chancellor, Archdiocese of Hyderabad. The public meeting started at 10.30. am Smt Minnie Mathew, IAS, Chief Secretary (Retd), Andhra Pradesh was the Chief Guest. His Grace Archbishop Thumma Bala presided over the function. Guests of honour were Ms Christine Lazarus, Member, Legislative Assembly, Andhra Pradesh and Smt Mariamma Thomas, Director of Postal Services. Fr Julius Arackal, President, CHAI; and Rev Dr Tomi Thomas, Director-General, CHAI were also present. Unveiling of Sr. Dr. Mary Glowrey’s Portrait was done by the Chief Guest.

Rev Dr Tomi Thomas, IMS, Director-General gave the welcome address. Before welcoming everyone, Starting as the Catholic Hospitals’ Association he read out the message sent by Honourable Prime (CHA) providing curative care to people, especially Minister, Dr Manmohan Singh. “The health crisis to the poor, women and children, the organization is the biggest adversity confronting India today. slowly got transformed into a Health Association. Bringing a transition for poor to good health care As CHAI grew in strength, its vision got broadened. is a state responsibility. There is a need to go ‘back Promoting community health, CHAI began viewing to basics’ with renewed focus on PHC, preventive health as a basic human right. measures health education etc”, he said. 14

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August 2013

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Photography by Soumya Susan

29 July, 2013 In Member Institutions as well as Central Office, Secunderabad

Then, a documentary on the life and career of Sr Dr Mary Glowrey was shown. Smt Mariamma Thomas while releasing the special postal envelope praised the selfless service rendered by Sr Dr Mary Glowrey. She would continue to inspire everyone, she said. “I am impressed by the similarities between vision and mission of CHAI and the Indian Postal Service, since both are striving to reach all the people”, she concluded. His Grace Archbishop Thumma Bala in his presidential address spoke about how health care has become inaccessible and unaffordable to people. CHAI has been trying hard to reach out to people at the grassroots level and Sr Mary’s Glowrey’s example will continue to inspire everyone in doing sincere work for the poor. Under the leadership of Dr Tomi Thomas, CHAI will scale new heights in taking health care to all, especially the poor and the marginalized, he concluded. Ms Christine Lazarus, MLA, in her felicitation address spoke about the excellent work being done by CHAI. It has made glorious contribution not only to the state but the entire country. With the blessing of Sr Dr Mary Glowrey, the organization will go to the next level through greater dedication, she said. She then released the special postal cover meant for internal use. Smt Minnie Mathew, the Chief Guest, in her address spoke about the government’s ambitious plan of Universal Health Care for all. But inadequate allocation of funds will pose a constraint. Health care has become very costly and people are

helpless. It is in total disarray. It is in this context Catholic Institutions which make a difference have a greater role to play. Service to humanity is service to God. CHAI is reaching out to remote areas which others cannot reach. CHAI will always have the satisfaction of having left indelible footprints wherever it has worked, she concluded. Fr Julius Arakal, President, CHAI, in his address congratulated everyone on behalf of the Executive Board for their team work, spirit and commitment for making the day a big day. What makes CHAI different from other organizations is its identity – an identity of serving people regardless of position or money. A vote of thanks was proposed by Dr Srinivas, National Co-ordinator, Axshya Project, Global Fund 9. Following that, the statue of Sr Dr Mary Glowrey was unveiled by Sr Fatima JMJ, Vice-Provincial of JMJ Province, Hyderabad and blessed by His Grace Archbishop Thumma Bala. An eye-testing, diabetic and dental check-up camp was inaugurated by Roja Rani, Registrar, Nursing Council, Andhra Pradesh. Tree planting inside the CHAI premises was inaugurated by Chief Guest, Smt Minnie Mathew and she was joined by Fr Julius Arakal, Ms Mariamma Thomas, Ms Christine Lazarus, fourstudent interns from Canada, Sr Dr Lalitha and Sr Fatima. In all 188 persons’ eyes were tested; 146 people were checked for diabetes and 83 dental cases were examined. 15 5Talents Magazine August 2013

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5Talents 5TalentsMagazine Magazine August August2013 2013

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My Child in match-Fixing!?! By Ingrid Albuquerque-Solomon


ow should we as followers of Christ respond to the current horror of matchfixing in the game of cricket (the sport is viewed as a religion in India)? How would we respond were it to be our child caught in this terrible crime? I have three adult children and if it had to be one of them caught in the spot\match-fixing scandal, how would I like to respond to the situation, and more important, how would the Almighty One want me to respond to the situation? No 3 guesses about how I would want to respond. I would cry myself hoarse before and away from the cameras saying, “My child is innocent; he or she is being framed!” I would go on saying this, long after guilt is proved and established. How the Lord would want me to respond is another matter altogether; and since I believe I have been created to please Him and glorify His Name through my life and actions, I would follow His course. I would tell the authorities (since there exists no authority except that instituted by God), “I am sorry this has happened to my child; but my prayer is that you will conduct a fair and impartial enquiry.”

I am praying that the authorities will conduct an impartial enquiry. Should the truth emerge that you have done this, I will be sad, but more than that, I want you to know that I will be with you to see it through; you will not be on your own; we will get through it together, my precious one.” When we cover up for our children’s crimes, we do not only fail society but we sin gravely against God. When a powerful politician’s brother-inlaw killed an innocent person in Bangalore at point blank range, the politician moved the powers that were and got the criminal out scot free. A few years later, when this same powerful man’s nephew cut his grandmother into pieces in Hyderabad and confessed to his crime, the man moved not heaven but earth and got his son out of the Hyderabad jail and overnight shipped him to US. As I sit watching the fascinating new series ‘IN COLD BLOOD’ brought out by National Geographic every night, I dread the day one of the episodes will feature a terrible crime committed by either of the two ‘freed’ criminals mentioned above.

Lord, only You can give us the courage to do what is right in these difficult situations, for You know we are frail, weak and made of dust. To my child I would send this message: “Son\ Please be with the families currently in the daughter, first of all, I love you, no matter what. limelight. 5Talents Magazine

August 2013


Tears of the Bride is priced at Rs 275 + Rs 25 postal charges. Cheques in favor of “Berean Bay Media House Pvt Ltd”. The book is also available on Amazon Kindle at http://www.amazon.com/dp/B00D7CCWBI. Email tearsofthebride@gmail.com or call 9880174153 for more details. Postal Address: 001 Geobirds Manor, 2 Cline Road, Cooke Town, Bangalore 560005 18 18

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“For we are God’s masterpiece...” ~ John & Caroline Wycliss


or we are God’s masterpiece. He has created us anew in Christ Jesus, so we can do the good things he planned for us long ago.” Ephesians 2:10 (NLT) Rachel and Abhi keep playing the CD repeatedly. Surely their wedding experience was one that could last a life time. Their all-important day was made so memorable. Everything seemed to have fitted so perfectly and for days people talked not just of the beautiful bride, how gorgeous she looked but also about the entire grand entourage. Rachel is so grateful to Soujanya Sunil for making many witness this unique and memorable day for her. Soujanya Sunil is known in the Christian circles as the affable, creative wedding planner who makes one’s wedding exclusive and unforgettable. She takes charge of things for that grand day to make you comfortable and the day perfect. She takes care of the entire paraphernalia – down to the last detail. Ask Soujanya how she brings this comfort in élan to her bride and she quips “I tell her, you take care of each other and I will take care of the rest”. One totally distraught mother after Soujanya’s timely creative intervention expressed joy and relief thus, “You came as an answer to our prayers.” How did this all come about for an unassuming Home Science graduate whose only aim was to be a teacher and mold lives? No doubt she loved teaching in the Sunday School! But that was not it. Actually a major change in her life was about to

Soujanya Sunil

catapult her into a different trajectory. In a way Soujanya stumbled into this profession almost by accident. But in God’s plan there are no accidents. Beginning with her bridal veil that she designed herself she got to make more veils, tiaras, and wedding accessories for family members and relatives. Then her creativity that simply could not be suppressed led one thing to another among an ever widening circle of church members and community. While she moved on in life as a dedicated wife and mother her work got noticed and orders kept simply pouring in. It was at this point she was seeking to know what God’s plan was for her in this regard. On one hand she was equipped with a formal degree in Home Science having topped the college and a Masters in child Education and psychotherapy and counseling she pursued after she married. Here was something that was not so directly related to her academic achievements but prospects increased by the day. As she waited on the Lord he confirmed her calling with two instances. Soujanya relates “I could not believe my ears when one brides mom hugged me and said we would have been lost not knowing how to go about with this all important event if we were not directed to you. With eyes full she said surely this is the Lord’s leading”. That day I heard God confirm my calling to this profession. Gifts and abilities will give you the strongest indication of what your calling is. God will match your calling with your capabilities. He equips those He calls. 5Talents Magazine

August 2013


In determining your calling, look at your gifts:

words for the newlyweds to be. Her lessons in psychology come to play as she counsels them and • What are your strengths? points them to the greatest marriage counselor • What brings out your passion? and guide – God and His Word - so that they have • How do people respond when you act in your lasting marriages that are built on the Rock. giftedness? Surely God is not only the weaver of dreams, Soujanya has been referred to others by her own but He answers them as well. God has limitless one-time new brides, the pastors, and the network creativity, and Soujanya as His creation takes these of people she associates with to get these events opportunities to create and design and produce planned. Of course, her work speaks for itself. things of value for that Big Day. She takes care of the entire gamut of what goes into a wedding and plans with great detail on the God is the one who plants dreams in our hearts to intricacies of the bridal gown, the veil, the dresses be held until the time is right to bring them to life. for the bridesmaids and flower girls, baskets, halos, boutonnières, corsages, unity candles et al that Soujanya identifies fully with wise woman of make the celebrations worth it. Proverbs 31…quite literally. While planning through all these, Soujanya gets to She selects wool and flax and works with eager spend long quality hours with the brides to be. As hands…… She makes linen garments and sells an extension of her ministry she shares the best them, and supplies the merchants with sashes. advice she learnt in her own life along with wise


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5Talents Magazine

August 2013



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5Talents Magazine

April 2013

w w w . 5 Ta l e n t s . i n

Featured Ministry: Sharon Prayer Fellowship

Slum Kids at the Church

Food packs to the homeless

We are registered with government as religious and social organisation. The audited statement of account submitted to the Home Ministry of the Government of India every year.

Women’s Retreat

Free Eye Medical Camp

Father’s Day Celebration

Sunday Service with Rev. Tony Baker

Youth performing skits

Sunday Lunch to the Slums

The Ministry: In 2004, Sharon Prayer Fellowship started with four street kids in a slum area sharing the love of Jesus. Presently the Church has grown to 50 families all worshiping Jesus. The youth choir of the church has sung on national TV and Gospel Crusades.

Areas of giving: 1. Sponor a Child $20 a month. (24 in need) 2. Sponor a Sunday Lunch for $100 3. Support for purchase of a Computer for $300 4. Support for Building Fund how to donate Bank transfer: Non-Indian passport holders (International) Account name : SHARON PRAYER FELLOWSHIP & MINISTRIES Account no : 30984647262 Bank name : STATE BANK OF INDIA Bank code : 7112 Swift code : SBININBB321

How we do it: The ministry works in the slum community in Nacharam area of Hyderabad., helping and building the community by identifying and feeding the need. It has creative programs for the Children, Youth, and Women. We regularly conduct Medical Camp for the slum people and food distribution to the street kids. Recently we distributed gift boxes to the children with the Kindly send us an email stating your name and address and the amount transferred so that we can support of “Samaritan’s Purse”.

track the credit and acknowledge receipt of the same.

Current Need: Its been 13 years the ministry is serving the slums. There is requirement of a permanent building for a development center. The center will be used for computer learning center for the youth and day care for the kids. We need your help to be able to assist the poorest of the poor where the need is most urgent. For more info visit www.sharonchurchindia.org Contact Administrator @ +91 949 075 3061 Email: info@sharonchurchindia.org

Bank transfer: Indian passport holders Account name : SHARON PRAYER FELLOWSHIP & MINISTRIES Account no : 006901025937 Bank name : ICICI Bank, Habsiguda IFScode : ICIC0000069 Cheques can be made out in favour of:


Postal address: K. STEPHEN, 12-13-691/20, Nagarjuna Nagar, St No. 13. Lane 1, Tarnaka, Secunderabad – 500 017 A.P., INDIA

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