5talents Magazine March-April 2014

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issue 18 march-april 2014

TALENTS Christian Magazine

discovering talents for gods’ kingdom

Stella Bogi

Facing the Giants in your life

~ By George Powell


By Jenny Stevec


Content Table Life Journey of Stella Bogi.

4 A Prayer for India’s General Election 2014 Fr. Frank Pavone

Facing the Giants in Your Life George Powell

5Talent Magazine is a webzine published monthly. MISSION: - Promote the Gospel of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ - Impact the character of individuals in the ’Body of Christ’ based on the word of God - Advertise programs and ventures that fulfills ‘The Great Commission’ for the end time purposes 5Talents Magazine grants permission for any original article to be quoted provided 5Talents Magazine is indicated to be the source. For use of an entire article permission must be granted.


Christian Movie Review


“Grace Unplugged”



Jenny Stevec

PUBLISHER Deepakshi Kolia EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR Premasis Satman EDITOR Dr. Julious Watts CREATIVE DIRECTOR Elizabeth Clayton



SHILOH GLOBAL SOLUTIONS Hyderbad: 970 082 2149 Canada: 416 502 3777 Editorial: emag@5talentsmag.com Advertising: bill@5talentsmag.com

5TALENTS MAGAZINE, 40-416, Jawahar Nagar, Moulali, Hyderabad- 500 040

“Hope in Easter”


aster is so much more than just one of the most significant events on the Christian calendar. Yes, it’s the time believers consider the historic events of the crucifixion on Good Friday and celebrate the Resurrection hope three days later, but the Easter message is relevant for every human being and the world we live in today. Easter message is one of hope. Consider Jesus, Himself an innocent man, who experienced such horrific physical and emotional suffering on the Cross… In doing so, He identifies with and relates to the pain we experience here on earth. It enables us to seek God in those times of despair and sorrow, and know that He relates to the challenges we face. We take hope because the suffering on the Cross wasn’t the end of the story, and neither is our current situation. The Resurrection reminds us that there is hope in the midst of the dark days. The Christian faith is not one of denial where we ignore adversity and it will go away. Our faith in Jesus gives us the strength to face life and all its obstacles head on, knowing

God meets us where we’re at and takes us through. Hope is one of those three pivotal virtues we live by - faith, hope and love. Faith is what enables us to believe in our God, love is the bond which keeps us close to God, but it is hope that helps us to keep believing and keep loving, when darkness descends or the cross becomes too heavy. Jesus found it difficult to believe that God was with Him, or perhaps, even that God loved Him when he cried out from the cross ‘My God, my God, why have you abandoned me”. (Matthew 24.46) The Resurrection was God’s answer to Jesus’ desperate call. Easter is the sign for us that God will never abandon us, that there will never be a time when we should give up hope. May you - in your families, in your religious communities, in workplace find joy and gentle peace this Easter. Thank you for being people of hope who can say “Jesus is Lord - He is Risen, Alleluia!” God Bless.

Premasis Satman Executive Director

Life Journey of Stella Bogi... Coverpage Story


iss Stella Bogi of Hyderabad who graduated with M.Th in Pastoral Theology in 2000, is currently the Principal of Trinity College, Hyderabad. She gained much by studying at SAIACS. Stella taught at Trinity Christian college, first as a part-time lecturer and later committed herself to full-time lectureship, as she felt led by the Lord. She continues, ‘Years ago I was given Vice-Principal ship and then became a Principal. One afternoon I saw Jesus ( just like we see him in the movies, with white clothes, long hair, beard etc) signalling me with his hand to follow him. I followed him without any fear or hesitation, a few steps and then he disappeared. I ran and told this to my mother and my mom said next time He calls you say, “here am I”. So far I have not seen Him…

early age since my mother was a working woman, I had the responsibility of taking care of my younger siblings. I could not bear when difference was shown between the boys and girls at home. I wanted justice, I would speak out and say, if girls can do washing then boys can do too. Though I spoke up boldly, which was my defence mechanism, I was actually a very timid, shy, with very Low Self-Esteem. I hated the way I looked and thought there was no good in me and therefore always was found in the kitech. I hated myself so much that for two years of my teenage life I did not see the mirror. My parents gave us very good god-fearing atmosphere at home. The bed-time stories my mom told us was from the Bible. The first Bible study I remember was from the book of Nehemiah taught by my Dad.

I grew up with five other siblings. I grew up with two older brothers, two younger While studying in 10th class I had a great brothers and one younger sister. At an desire to be a Sunday School teacher. While 4


March-April 2014

I was preparing my first Sunday school lesson I was born again, when I came to the portion of, “How to lead a child to Christ” from one of the CEF Story books. Since I grew up with very low self esteem. I needed to be appreciated. So I put all my energies into developing my cooking skills and into studies. I was a very bright student and wanted to become a doctor. But God had a different path carved out for me. Since my friends from my 12th class went to do DCP (Diploma in Commercial Practice), I also joined the crowd without knowing what it was. Even before I could get my results of DCP I got a job in a Christian Printing Press.

to Isa 61:6, “And you will be called priests of the Lord, you will be named ministers of our God. You will feed on the wealth of the nations and in their riches you will boast”. I knew this was a direct call from the Lord. For a year I was accompanying my pastor to village ministries and other places. Then in 1985 July, one of our church youth boys had returned from his studies in Bible college. He suggested that I join the Bible college. Until then I had no idea that women too could go to Bible college. I prayed and asked the Lord if it was His will, he will open door for me in the Bible college as the admissions were closed one month back. On July14th 1985 I joined the Bharat Bible College and by 1990 had completed Bachelor of Theology and Bachelor of Divinity. I knew I was called to be a teacher. Teaching is my passion.

I was actively involved in preaching in the church (started by my dad) and other churches. Was actively involved in VBS, Involved in pioneering Bible College (KorYouth meetings, Sunday Schools, Good In) in Bangalore and then involved in news clubs etc. teaching in the same college for two years. (1994-1996) Then came to Hyderabad and I had completed working for one year and since then am involved in teaching and one month. It was 23rd Sept 1984, I head administration at Trinity Christian College. an audible voice, “Resign”. I knew it was for For past three years Trinity Christian College me. So I told my MD I am resigning since the is under New Management. Lord asked me to. He tried to increase my salary, but in vain. I shared this news with It was shocking to know that I was the only my Pastor Amos Jayarathnam, who asked lady principal in India in the Asia Theological me to confirm this word from the Lord. Colleges. My prayer is that there will be On24th Sept 1984, my first fasting prayer many women in leadership position in I began to seek the Lord. After some time Theological Institutions in India. I heard an audible voice, “read Isa 61:6”. I opened my eyes, looked at the closed Bible Any society is recognised by the values it beside me and thought, how can there be has. I strongly believe that if a society has to 66 chs….(I had no idea then about the chs) I be developed, then the women have to be heard the voice a second time, I opened my developed. Women influence their families eyes and thought what if I open the Bible and the families inturn influence the society. and there are no 66 chapters. And I began Thus the society with good standing is to cry and pray more. I could not resist the formed. The standard of a society is directly voice the third time as the voice was very proportional to the value of a woman at powerful and loud and I turned the Bible home. March-April 2014



A Prayer for India’s General Election 2014 Fr. Frank Pavone


God, we acknowledge You today as called to be a sect fleeing the world But rather a Lord, Not only of individuals, but of community of faith renewing the world. nations and governments. Awaken them that the same hands lifted up to We thank You for the privilege Of being able You in prayer Are the hands that pull the lever in to organize ourselves politically And of knowing the voting booth; That the same eyes that read that political loyalty Does not have to mean Your Word Are the eyes that read the names disloyalty to You. on the ballot, And that they do not cease to be Christians When they enter the voting booth. We thank You for Your law, Which our Founding Fathers acknowledged And recognized as Awaken Your people to a commitment to justice, higher than any human law. To the sanctity of marriage and the family, To the dignity of each individual human life, And to We thank You for the opportunity that this the truth that human rights begin when Human election year puts before us, To exercise our Lives Begin, And not one moment later. solemn duty not only to vote, But to influence countless others to vote, And to vote correctly. Lord, we rejoice today That we are citizens of Your kingdom. Lord, we pray that Your people may be awakened. Let them realize that while politics May that make us all the more committed To is not their salvation, Their response to You being faithful citizens on earth. requires that they be politically active. We ask this through Jesus Christ, our Lord. Awaken Your people to know that they are not Amen. 6


March-April 2014

March-April 2014



Facing the Giants in Your Life George Powell


ll of us face them . . . those situations or people that seem to tower over us sometimes leaving us paralyzed in our tracks and sometimes running for our lives. Whenever I think of giants I think of one of the greatest stories in the Bible, the story of young David facing big Goliath, the champion of the Philistines, who stood over 9 feet tall and daily threatened the army of God. You can find his story in the Old Testament book of I Samuel 17. It truly is an amazing story that took place in the Valley of Elah many, many years ago, yet contains timely life and leadership lessons for us today, regardless of the culture in which we live. This will be one of a series of articles written to help us learn and apply some of those lessons. Here are three giant statements about giants. 1. Every giant introduces a person to himself. Every time you or I face a giant it reveals a lot about who we are. Whether a personal crisis,


a person, or an overwhelming problem, that giant serves as a mirror to help me see myself. I remember one of the first ministry giants I faced was in the form of a tiny, petite lady in our church who happened to be the wife of one of the leaders in the church and the church secretary. To get to the point, she didn’t like the way I was running the youth program and proceeded to discuss it with everyone else but me. Essentially she was undermining everything I did. Realizing this just couldn’t continue, I mustered up all the courage I could as a young kid of 21 years of age, and confronted her on the issue. I shared with her how what she was doing was hurting my ministry and how I needed her support as a person of influence in the church. I’m happy to say that she responded favorably and as a result I not only gained her support but also her respect.


March-April 2014

Someone has said, “The size of a person is measured by the size of the challenges he or she is willing to face.” You see, a lot of times, rather than face the giant we choose to run from it, ignore it, or just pretend it doesn’t exist. That giant encounter helped me learn that every giant I was ever going to face in life was going to reintroduce me to myself. And when I faced them and dealt with them appropriately, though not always successfully, I could walk away with a certain amount of self-respect. I could say to myself, “George, that took courage. Way to go! You were not sure how that was going to turn out but you faced it! Good job.” “A challenge doesn’t make us . . . it only reveals the stuff of which we are made.” 2. People who are growing to their highest potential have defeated giants. It is true about sports teams, business teams, church leadership teams, marriages, families . . . no one will never be all they can be without somewhere, sometime facing and overcoming great obstacles. In 1962 a book was published that is now out of print called, Cradles of Imminence. It was a book that studied the lives of 413 famous and successful people for five years attempting to discover a common thread in their life that would show why they were so successful. After five years of close examination, it was noted that of the 413 people, 392 of them had faced unbelievable problems in their life. And they began to realize that the people who were coming out on top were the people who had been under overwhelming odds.

March-April 2014

Booker T. Washington, the great AfricanAmerican educator once said: “You cannot ever judge success by what position you have, you can only judge success by what you had to overcome to get there.” 3. Giants are often tools God uses to shape us for even bigger things. Giants are tools God uses to make us better people, stronger people, and more mature people. In the story of David and Goliath, it was not uncommon for one man to represent an army. They did that so there would not be a major loss of life. Each army would send forth their champion and put him up against the opposing army’s warrior. And whichever army won would submit to a certain period of slavery to the other nation. In other words, the giant represented something much bigger than just himself. He represented the whole army. Likewise, the giants you and I face seldom stand alone. Most problems you and I face represent a lot more that just what we are encountering or what we are seeing at the moment. An important lesson for you and me is simply this: when a giant defeats us, others close to us suffer, too. However, when we overcome the giants in our life, others enjoy the victory and are blessed. So ask yourself, “What giant am I facing today?” What are you discovering about yourself? How are you growing through this challenge? What is God building in your life in the process?



Christian Movie Review “Grace Unplugged”

Grace Trey is the ideal Christian teen who is also a phenomenal singer. But at the tender age of eighteen, after she gets the music break of a lifetime and is thrust into the “real world” - her faith is put to the test. Grace Trey has just turned eighteen. She sings in the praise band at church under the direction of her father, Johnny Trey, a former professional singer who prefers the down-on-the-suburbanfarm life to touring. Dad and daughter fight about all sorts of generic family stuff, but mostly about her not following his direction during the praise numbers. When a talent show cover of Johnny’s biggest hit renews interest, Johnny’s friend and former manager, Frank “Mossy” Mostin, comes knocking. He has what Grace thinks is the opportunity of a lifetime: resume recording, resume touring, and resume being a star. Dad’s not interested, but the lure of bright lights and big cities is too much for Grace. She steals Johnny’s song and sends a copy to Mossy. Pretty soon she’s on her prodigal 10

daughter journey to Hollywood Gomorrah. Will her upbringing, conscience, and the intervention of a faithful Christian intern help get her back on the right track before she does anything with deeper consequences than shame and regret?

“In this day and age when aggressive and sex related topics fill the big screen it is very refreshing to find a great, moral family movie that catch our complete attention and add a new perspective to the parent- teenage relationship. It is very important to construct, not destroy. We should feed our youngsters positive messages that do not encourage aggressiveness but compromise and cooperative positive behavior. It’s this the reason why we have to “Unplugged”. Unplugged from what? So many realities we have to leave along this life’s road. If you do not do anything to reroute teenage life don’t complain when more aggressive behavior becomes our reality. Do not blame anyone for the shootings in our schools, colleges and universities. Let’s hope everyone works on making family movies well known. See it you will really enjoy it. Similar movies are: God’s not dead, Urchin amongst many others.” ~ Masalazar Salazar (USA) IMBD


March-April 2014

March-April 2014



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March-April 2014

March-April 2014





March-April 2014

March-April 2014





March-April 2014


Jenny Stevec


From the moment God made our world with tthose marvelous words,”Let there be light”, God has been invading our darkness with His Light and He has never stopped.

He declared, “Those who are wise will shine like the brightness of the heavens, and those who lead many to righteousness, like the stars for ever and ever”. (Dan 12:3).

Years after Adam and Noah, centuries later, God chose a people to carry His light. One day, He grabbed Abraham and pulled him into relationship, saying, “Go to the land I will show you.” In Canaan, on three different occasions, the Lord urges Abraham:

Daniel declared God as worthy of worship in every situation and would not relent in his prayers despite deadly persecution. In turn, God shifted kingdoms, established the captives return and revealed end-time visions to His beloved servant.

“Look up at the heavens and count the stars--if indeed you can count them.” Then he said to him, “So shall your offspring be.” (Gen 15:5, 22:17,26:4).

When Moses ushered the million Jews out of Egypt, God then established worship as daily morning and evening practice. Painstakingly God outlined the blueprints for the tabernacle, saying

God plans to use His kids as His spectacular stars that shine and illuminate the darkness, a “Make this tabernacle and all its furnishings sign and a wonder as lights in darkness started exactly like the pattern I will show you” (Exodus back then and continue today. 25:9). In ancient days, Daniel, standing tall as one Here was God’s Worship Manifesto: of a few believers in a dark occult controlled kingdom understood his destiny to shine. Central to the camp, the twelve tribes camped around its hub, as life flowed from the March-April 2014



tabernacle of God where the priests of God in heaven,and who serves in the sanctuary, daily worshiped Him. the true tabernacle set up by the Lord, not by man ... They serve at a sanctuary that is a Out in the Outer court there were two objects: copy and shadow of what is in heaven. This is 1. the burnt offering altar for the sacrifices why Moses was warned when he was about to 2. the brass basin for washing build the tabernacle: “See to it that you make everything according to the pattern shown Inside the tabernacle, in the Holy Place, there you on the mountain. (Hebrews 8:1, 2, 5) were three key items: 1. the table of the showbread, with twelve Now when Jesus walked the earth, He taught loaves of bread for the twelve tribes of His friends that He was the Light of the World Israel replaced daily (John 8:12). All our light comes from Him. 2. the table with incense trimmed and lit morning and evening Jesus taught us to pray, 3. the lampstand with pressed holy olive oil for fuel lit morning and evening “Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be Thy Name. Thy Kingdom come, Thy will be Inside the inner sanctum, the Holy of Holies done, on earth, as it is in heaven.” (Luke 11:2). there was: 1. the ark of the covenant with the two The Bible says that the tabernacle God set up cherubim which God said, “There, above with Moses was a copy or a shadow of what is the cover between the two cherubim in heaven, so in this tent of meeting, there is that are over the ark of the Testimony, I revelation of heaven’s own tent of meeting. will meet with you and give you all my commands for the Israelites.” (Exodus Jesus, Messiah, Saviour and Son of God, said 25:22) to the Jews of His day: 2. Inside this area was a jar of manna, as God commanded: “Take an omer of YOU ARE THE LIGHT OF THE WORLD. A CITY manna and keep it for the generations ON A HILL CANNOT BE HIDDEN. NEITHER to come, so they can see the bread I DO PEOPLE LIGHT A LAMP AND PUT IT gave you to eat in the desert when I UNDER A BOWL. INSTEAD THEY PUT IT ON brought you out of Egypt.’ “ (Exodus ITS STAND AND IT GIVES LIGHT TO EVERYONE 16:32). IN THE HOUSE. IN THE SAME WAY, LET YOUR 3. Aaron’s perpetually budding almond LIGHT SHINE BEFORE MEN, THAT THEY MAY stick was also placed before the SEE YOUR GOOD DEEDS AND PRAISE YOUR Testimony (Numbers 17:10). FATHER IN HEAVEN. (MATTHEW 5:14-16) 4. The Ten Commandments, two stone tablets scribed by God’s hand, were Jesus was speaking to his nation, the Jewish placed inside the ark (1 Kings 8:9) nation. For every child of Israel standing there, the only city that mattered was Jerusalem, So why care about something established in Israel’s crown jewel. the desert over four thousand years ago? The writer of Hebrews explains:

King David, with the Lord of hosts, and Joab and the army wrestled Zion from the Jebusites We do have such a high priest, who sat down (1 Chronicles 11: 4-9). God gloriously at the right hand of the throne of the Majesty established the city of David and his lineage 18


March-April 2014

to rule and reign perpetually. Centuries later, Jerusalem fell to the Babylonians and was restored by Ezra, Nehemiah and Zerubbabel. History records it fell again to Greece and then to Rome. Sixteen times, Jerusalem has been fought for.(see footnote)

then praise the God who has empowered you to love? Are you light in the darkness? Are you light in your home? Are you light in your workplace, in your business, in your nation? Do you understand you are a lampstand? Do you know where your Light comes from?”

In that tent of meeting, the holy lampstand bore seven branches, representing the Holy Spirit. The lamp bore seven wicks which shone day and night. These wicks only shone if they had the fuel required, the holy oil, pressed When Jesus used Jerusalem as his example, it olive oil, the symbol of Israel all through the was like Jesus was waving Israel’s flag, asking: scriptures. “Do you remember Whose you are? Do you remember your testimony as a nation chosen God our Father dreams about us, a breed by God? Do you remember your purpose? Be redeemed and full of Christ Jesus, fueled by His Spirit, burning with wisdom, counsel, light! Be light in the darkness!” knowledge, fear of God, might and Remember the tent of meeting that Moses so understanding, burning 24/7 through Him, carefully established at God’s command? Inside with Him and in Him, in the unity of the Holy the temple, the permanent tent established Spirit for God’s glory. by David, then Solomon and then erected as a monument by Herod, in Jesus’ day, there Paul challenged us in Philippians 2:12-16 to still stood the lampstand, the incense, the live holy and shine bright: showbread of heaven’s decree. Therefore, my dear friends, as you have always Both the holy menorah and the lampstand obeyed--not only in my presence, but now were practical items, like a flashlight is today, much more in my absence--continue to work bringing illumination and sight to darkened out your salvation with fear and trembling,for places. In Jesus’ day, electricity had not been it is God who works in you to will and to act yet invented so the household oil lamp lit the according to his good purpose.Do everything whole house. The lamp had practical purpose, without complaining or arguing,so that you to bring light to dispel the darkness, to cook, may become blameless and pure, children of to visit, to study, to celebrate, to live. The God without fault in a crooked and depraved menorah stood as a reminder of our darkness generation, in which you shine like stars in the without God who is Light. The menorah was universe as you hold out the word of life. tended daily, replenished with fuel as often as needed, a perpetual testimony of God with us, Do you have the oil of God, the Holy Spirit to burn bright in the darkness? Or are you an and us in God. empty lampstand, looking good but running Life flowed (despite darkness!) when the on empty? Have you stayed there in the welllit church, an ancient lamp without oil? It’s time lampstand was lit. to be filled with the oil of God once more!!!! Through these two pictures, Jesus was asking: “Do you remember your holy purpose to To be light in the darkness and shine bright shine? Do men see your holy walk of love and with love, to be of practical help and holy love It still stands as Israel’s sign and wonder, and for thousand of years has stood as a testimony of God’s provision and protection, that Israel is indeed God’s chosen nation.

March-April 2014



for those in darkness, much oil is required. Thank God for the patterns He reveals in Scripture. The Holy Spirit is the oil of God. We are designed to shine with the fuel of God. He made us this way! To love is to be light! John the beloved stated this emphatically: No one has seen God, ever. But if we love one another, God dwells deeply within us, and his love becomes complete in us - perfect love! This is how we know we’re living steadily and deeply in him, and he in us: He’s given us life from his life, from his very own Spirit. (1 John 4:12-13)

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Holy Spirit of God, would you fill us that we may shine with the love of God and be a practical solution in the dark around us? Lord Jesus, as we love you, as You have loved us, would your light, O Light of the World, burn through us?

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O Father God, abide in us as we abide in Christ! By your grace, make us burn bright in the darkness. O Father, send your Holy Spirit, that we may live as the holy spectacles You have always planned for us to be.

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May the convergence of the Holy Spirit spark the flame, that we may shine bright with Jesus, Light of the World, for those in darkness. Do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own. 1 Corinthians 6:19 How bright are you shining? O that we may all be burning ones for God Almighty and take this world with love!


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March-April 2014

March-April 2014




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March-April 2014

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