5talents Magazine November 2013

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issue 14 NOVEMBER 2013

TALENTS Christian Magazine

discovering talents for gods’ kingdom

Sheldon Bangera

I should have told them By George Powell Moving Mountains By Lorita Das

Contents Table How I met Jesus. ~ Sheldon Bangera

4 Candle Art ~

By George Powell



Peppa Susan

I should have told them

Missionary Story: Samuel Kellong (A Voyage to India)


5Talent Magazine is a webzine published monthly. MISSION: - Promote the Gospel of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ - Impact the character of individuals in the ’Body of Christ’ based on the word of God - Advertise programs and ventures that fulfills ‘The Great Commission’ for the end time purposes 5Talents Magazine grants permission for any original article to be quoted provided 5Talents Magazine is indicated to be the source. For use of an entire article permission must be granted.

Moving Mountains ~ Lorita Das

PUBLISHER Deepakshi Kolia EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR Premasis Satman EDITOR Elveera Redwood CREATIVE DIRECTOR Elizabeth Clayton PHOTOGRAPHY Soumya Susan



SHILOH GLOBAL SOLUTIONS Hyderbad: 970 082 2149 Canada: 416 502 3777 Editorial: emag@5talentsmag.com Advertising: bill@5talentsmag.com

5TALENTS MAGAZINE, LIGH-36, APHB Colony, Moulali, Hyderabad- 500 040

“Influence people”


hen unbelievers see us as friends they are more likely to see Jesus as one. We should approach our relational networks like Jesus would – as servants and friends. Offering grace and truth, we can be spiritual guidees to those who are struggling with life. Confidently believe that your daily work serves His kingdom. Your specific occupation, position and company are irrelevant. What matters is your availability to God. Your friendship is more valuable than a title. God is able to channel his grace through you. Jesus teaches us how to influence people. This is what Jesus did during His earthly ministry. Leaving His throne of grace, Jesus came to earth and lived His life among the lost. He brought God’s grace into everyday settings like people’s homes, social events and the marketplace. Problems and life circumstances were his classroom. Begin with Friendship: The discipleship process begins with friendship. Relationships are built by informal contact outside of the formal meeting.

Phone calls, breakfasts, lunches, socializing and serving together connect people at a deeper level. Be bold and creative. Let your imagination entertain the opportunities to do life together. Mitt Romney qoutes “Christianity is not the faith of the complacent, the comfortable or of the timid. It demands and creates heroic souls like Wesley, Wilberforce, Bonhoeffer, John Paul the Second, and Billy Graham. Each showed, in their own way, the relentless and powerful influence of the message of Jesus Christ.” Encouragement is one gift you possess and which you have an Unlimited arsenal of. You could dish it out over and again and never run out. In fact, the more you use it the more you receive of it. Imagine how our world might change if each of us focused our efforts on encouraging people around us with our words and actions. That’s how to influence other people. That’s how you can change the world.

Premasis Satman Executive Director

How I met Jesus. Sheldon Bangera S

heldon Bangera is a lead worshiper, singer-songwriter, musician, producer and conference speaker from Mumbai, India. For many years now, he has been a strong voice in speaking God’s truth into this generation. Having written over two hundred worship songs, many of which are sung across churches all over India and abroad, Sheldon has extensively travelled both rural and urban areas ministering across churches, schools, colleges, auditoriums and packed stadiums. He is also a thinker and influential speaker on subjects like worship and discipleship. Sheldon is married to Anita Bangera and they travel together speaking to young couples on Love, Sex and Marriage. Sheldon is a gifted musician and worship leader. His music is carried to the masses by his team of friends and talented musicians – The Sheldon Bangera Band. He is incidentally the first Indian to be writing and recording with Integrity Music. Sheldon has released three albums and his latest album is called “Nachoonga”.


5Talents Magazine

Nov 2013

Sheldon has done several radio shows with RJ Jeeturaaj, RJ Mallishka and other popular internet radio stations. In 2012, Sheldon was one of the most travelled artists with LIVEJAM on the Breakfree Tour across schools and colleges through 25 cities in India. Early Childhood I grew up going to sunday school, singing church songs and winning prizes for scripture examinations. However, by the time I reached 8th and 9th grade, I started to lose interest in church and activities. The only reason I liked church is for the music. It was for church that I was trained to play the organ. Later on, I went on to pick up the guitar and learn it myself just by observing the Sunday School teacher play. Soon, my interest in all church activities dwindled and I stopped attending church. I wanted to explore more of life and fun. After my 10th grade, I thought I had all the freedom to do whatever I want. With both my parents working and with nothing to really look forward to every afternoon, friends took prime spot in my life w w w . 5 Ta l e n t s M A G . c o m

and guess what these were music lovers too. I spent a lot of time bunking lectures, playing the guitar outside the college main gate, drinking, smoking and yes, we started slipping into the consumption of drugs. College Days I loved rock and heavy metal music, spent most of my time playing guitars for a rock band, practiced hard to get good at my guitaring and wanted to quit studies so that I could concentrate more on my music. Yet, there was nothing positive about the music we were playing. It was more about hatred, rebellion, hopelessness, giving us a hundred reasons to hate God and hate other people. Whatever I did, I Ioved to give my best shot at it. So whether it was fights, music or overdosing on drugs, I was now pushing it to the max to see how much my body could take.

world’s theories have come out. A bunch of rebellious guys trying to give a name and build a system around their rebellion. Getting Darker Life was getting more and more dark. I lost 3 friends to an overdose of drugs. Another very dear friend of mine was sent to rehab and couldn’t come out of the influence of the harmful chemical drugs he was hooked on to. There were violent fights with parents at home where during fits of rage , I would break furniture and other household item s. Being uncontrollable,

Obviously the money coming from home was limited and restricted. So, my friends and I would walk into the most expensive section of a shopping mall, happily chop of the RFID tags with great mastery, try them out at the changing room and then walk out with the most expensive clothing, go out and sell them at half rate to some naive rich college kid. We spent most of our time at a friend’s place doing drugs all day and night, talking about karma and why this life was so meaningless. When you’re high on drugs, you love making up theories and talking out things out of reach as if they were well within your reach of comprehension. I bet that’s how most of the

on multiple occasions the police had to come in to calm things down in a to ugh way. Life was hopeless, meaningless and with no future. I almost came to be convinced that there was no God and that even if there was one, He was too far to help me out or simply, I was too far. I was 5Talents Magazine

Nov 2013


far from church, living helpless and hopeless, mostly alone. I felt unloved, miserable and guilty that I had caused too much grief. I was heavily addicted to alcohol and drugs and found myself going alone to the bars often. First Year Engineering My getting admitted into an engineering college was a miracle by itself. With a percentage as low as 50 in my H.S.C College examinations, I realized that God was somehow answering all my parents prayers. I did get into one of the best colleges as one of the worst students. Due to the drugs, I had lost some straight thinking and memory abilities. I was not able to sit to read or study for more than ten minutes at a stretch. So, I worked really hard but the result was - I flunked my first semester exams. I failed in 8 out of 10 papers and got a year drop. Thus, I was now at home with nothing much to do except play the guitar and surf the internet all day besides meeting friends. Someone along the way invited me to play the guitar at a prayer meeting. Encountering God Playing the guitar is something I loved. Church and prayer meetings - I was allergic to. I thought it to be a boring place for boring people. However with not much thought, considering that I had nothing significant going on at that time, I decided to show up to play the guitar at that prayer meeting. One afternoon, I smoked my cigarette and was heading to this prayer meeting. I stepped on stage, befriended by the music team all neatly dressed - I proceeded to take a corner spot. The unholiest among all holy people I thought I was. The meeting was good. I had never seen people pray like that before. While people were praying, so many were experiencing the power of God at that moment. Some were weeping, some falling under the power of God, some had their hands lifted up. Never before had I seen a sight like this. A Revelation of Jesus’ Authority All of a sudden, a lady started to scream. It seemed like she was possessed by an evil spirit. It screamed and shouted begging the Lord not 6

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Nov 2013

to send it out of the body. The preacher sent for the lady and the evil spirit started confessing all about it’s mission to destroy the lady and her entire family. The demon was trembling and begging the preacher not to send it out of the body. He ordered in the Name of Jesus and said “Get out of her in the Name of Jesus” That’s all that he said. Over and over again. He said this a number of times before the lady dropped to the ground and the evil spirit left her. I was still in the corner trying to make sense of what was going on. I had a huge question in my head - “If the Name is so powerful, what then must the person be like?” I knew that I had taken that Name for granted and that I did not believe in or trust in Him. I was now very afraid - not of the demon spirit but of the Lord’s presence. I thought to myself - ‘if evil spirits submit to Him, why then cannot humans like myself submit to Him?’ I was afraid of Him and I thought to myself ‘He has really been patient with me’ He should have ideally destroyed me for what I had done to myself and others but He did not. In love, He patiently waited for me to meet Him. While on one side I felt the fear of God, on the other side, I felt the love and mercy of God drawing me near. There was a voice I could hear inside. I was familiar with that voice but only as a background voice. But now, this voice was louder to me than all other voices. It was the voice of the Holy Spirit. I heard him say a thousand things to me in a minute. He affirmed and reaffirmed that God loved me, that He had a plan for me, that He cared for me and how He was going to change me. For the first time in my entire life, I felt so loved and cared for. I knew that this was the truth, this was reality. Not what I saw outside in the world, but this was truth. Jesus is truth. Bowing my knee The meeting was over and everybody had gathered for tea. But I was still there praying and talking to God. Without wasting much time, I wanted to bow my knee to this great and magnificent God. I gave Him my life and asked w w w . 5 Ta l e n t s M A G . c o m

Jesus to forgive me of all my sin. I told him that I was giving Him my life and that He could do whatever he wanted with it. All my gifts, my talents, my guitar playing, my voice... I gave Him everything. I felt like I had received new life and that my world had changed. I had so many questions and I suddenly felt new desires. The want to understand what’s written in the bible and the need to be around godly people. God changed my desires and I now began to attend every prayer meeting possible, spending the rest of my time with people of God learning from God’s word. Music and friends were idols in my life and so I decided to run away from them as far as I could. I stopped playing the guitar and deleted all my music collection. Starting new All that I did for the next two months was read the bible and attend prayer meetings. I was listening to gospel music and serving as much as I could. It was so dramatic that even I could not believe that I was completely delivered from drugs and all the former habits. Finally when I met my friends after two months, on being asked and probed, I started to tell them about this journey and how God saved me. I shared the truth about Jesus and His Lordship and how we are all going to be accountable to Him, how He loves all of us and wants for us to turn. This sharing did lead some to receive Jesus while others thought I was completely off my mind. A new song After an entire year, I picked up the guitar to play again. I loved to worship God and so I spent my time singing new songs to God. Very soon, I was writing songs that others could relate with and sing. The Holy Spirit started to whisper in my hear that He would give me songs in Hindi for the nation to be blessed and touched. I hesitated because I was very poor with Hindi but in time, I felt like the words flowed from heaven and started touching many lives. My childhood dream was to be a musician and God was so gracious to use me in the area of song writing and leading others in worship.

A few years back, John Pac from the UK got interested in my ministry of song writing and travelling with worship music. He was happy seeing all that God was using me to do. After dialoging for a while, I was happy to partner with Kingsway (now Integrity Music) for the extension of God’s kingdom for worship music in India. Marriage At one stage, being the kind of guy I was, I never thought anyone would marry me and I never knew if marriages would work especially because of the disturbance in my parent’s marriage. I was against the idea of marriage, but God gradually worked on me and on my thinking and understanding in this subject. He showed me through dreams how I was to get married to Anita with glimpses of how it would be for us. God promised me that He would use all my brokenness and broken experiences to help many young people and repair many broken homes Life - Today Today, My wife Anita and I run a small company, a recording studio, a music school. Most of the time we are travelling either with the Sheldon Bangera Band for concerts or as a couple to teach and mentor youngsters on subjects such as Love, Sex and Marriage. God has been very gracious to us in this one year of wedded life. We have seen Jesus’ faithfulness and friendship in our home, ministry, family and business. We are happy to serve in the local church whether it is about teaching in the weekly Bible study or helping young people meet with God. Anita has a burden for evangelism and every week - shares the gospel at the nearby slums. It is overwhelming to see how God has taken our music and influence around the globe. We love God and God’s people and want to see the Kingdom come into lives, families and nations. We are living to see a generation experience the life transforming power of Jesus Christ. If He did it for me, He can and will also do it for you.

5Talents Magazine

Nov 2013




eing a stay-at-home mother of two young children kept me on the go for a few years. However, deep down I knew that God had something greater planned for me. As I prayed and sought the Lord, last year He showed me the technique of designing unique decorative candles embossed with Bible versus. These candles can be lit for few hours without the melting wax overflowing onto the text. I was also able to design flowers with wax to make His word more prominent and beautiful. I thank God that these candles have become very popular due to its uniqueness and nonavailability in the market. It was early December in 2012 when I started making these candles and uploaded the pictures on Face book. As the news about these candles spread, people started requesting these candles for different occasions like Weddings, Christmas, New Year, Birthdays, Souvenirs for conferences and many more. These candles have also become a wonderful tool to share Gods word as people who bought them also started gifting it to their friends from other faith. 8

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Nov 2013

I was amazed and surprised to see how God could take something as simple as a candle and grant me the privilege to lift His word high and be a blessing to different events in people’s lives. In January of this year I was asked to make a 24 inch tall candle which was to be used for a formal lighting ceremony in a Christian Businessmen’s Conference. The verse printed on the candle was “You are the light of the world”. As each participant in the conference was getting their candle lit from the flame of this large candle, I felt the importance of the work that the Lord had called me for…to impact the lives of people with His word… ”to let our light shine before others, that they may see our good deeds and glorify our Father in heaven.” (Matthew 5:14-16). I am amazed at how the Lord is using these candles to be a blessing in the lives of people. Few months back, a pastor from Trivandrum said that he had received a call from a couple who were heartbroken because the doctor said that the child in the mother’s womb had w w w . 5 Ta l e n t s . i n

was excited about making the candle, I was also anxious to see how it would finally look, as it was to be used as part of the formal wedding ceremony and I was a novice in this field. As I prayed and worked on the candle, God gave me the guidance and wisdom to make a candle that was truly unique. Since then I have received requests for several unity candles and I am humbled to say that the Lord has enabled me to make good of the Interestingly, the design and verse on the talents He has given me. candle had come about as a result of a failed trial. It was a plain white candle which As I reflect on my journey thus far, I am following the trial had a large hole towards its amazed at how these candles have been a base. To cover up this hole, I poured in some blessing and inspiration to many. In all this orange color wax which I had handy at that work, I thank God for giving me a very loving time. I then sealed it with several layers of and supportive husband without whose help orange wax. Since nearly half of the candle I would not have been able to achieve what I was orange, I had very little space to print and have achieved thus far. My goal through this the only verse that could fit in that space was endeavor is to communicate Christ through “I am fearfully and wonderfully made”! arts. Although at this point it is in the form of Looking back I am reminded of how God uses candles, I am sure that in the future there will the so called “imperfect pieces” and lifts it up be more avenues. to accomplish His purpose. Peppa Susan The first wedding unity candle that I made Phone: 91-9866005040 was for a lovely couple from my church. They Email: peppaemail@gmail.com trusted me to give them a unique unity candle Face book page: Candles Art with the words “And the two shall become www.facebook.com/CandlesArt one”. (Mark 10:8) printed on it. Although I severe disabilities and therefore had to be aborted. While speaking to this family, the pastor’s eyes fell on the candle which he had just received as a gift and had kept on the shelf of his house. The verse on the candle was “I am fearfully and wonderfully made”. Based on this word the pastor was able to minister to the couple and encourage them to have faith in God and not loose hope.

5Talents Magazine

Nov 2013


I Should Have Told Them By George Powell


So, ask yourself, what is it I need to say to someone?

As I gathered up my belongings I thought to myself, “I should probably say something to the two ladies sitting near me why I’m moving so they won’t think they’re the reason.” Failing to listen myintuition, I didn’t say anything.

Do you have friends? Maybe one of them is starting down a road that will only lead to painful experiences and they just don’t see it.

ust recently I was in one of my favorite places working on a couple of projects. I was sitting pretty close to the door and felt the draft every time patrons came in and out. Being kind of cold natured, I decided to find a different seat.

Sure enough one of them spoke up, “I hope we are not the reason you are moving. I hope we haven’t been too loud.” To which I said, “You know, I was just thinking ‘I should probably tell you why I’m moving so you won’t think you are the reasonbut I decided not to.’”

Are you a parent? Maybe a son or daughter is developing bad habits or showing signs of disrespect?

Are you a leader? Do you have people that work for you? Maybe there is a pattern of behavior you are noticing in an employee that needs addressing.Or maybe they said or did something that you can’t quite figure out why.

As I thought about that brief exchange, I thought about how often this is true in life and leadership.

Are there people in your life who truly look to you for inspiration and direction? Maybe they need a word of encouragement or some prodding to get them moving in order to realize their full potential.

How many times, because something was left unsaid, did it lead to hurt feelings, a misunderstanding, wrong conclusions, and numerous other unfavorable outcomes?

It’s odd that I’m even writing this article because I’ve been one of those people who have hesitated to say something when something should have been said.


5Talents Magazine

Nov 2013

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Why do we do that? For many, they just don’t like the conflict and uncomfortable conversation you’re opening the door to, so you avoid it at all costs. For some, they fear rejection and think to themselves, “If I say something, they won’t like me any more.”


For others, they simply don’t care enough to muster the emotional energy it will take to engage in the conversation. Experience has taught me, in most cases, it’s better to speak up and say something rather than let things simmer and turn into something bigger than what they really are. So here are just a few principles I’m trying to live by when it comes to speaking up. • Care enough to confront. • Believe that what you have to say matters and will make a difference in someone’s life. • Others need and want your perspective. • Better to bring the matter into the open and deal with it than leave it in the dark and let it get worse. Now, however, before I finish this article, here is some great advice I’ve received on the use of our words. I share this because on the other side of the coin are those who have no trouble whatsoever expressing how they feel. If that is you, ask yourself these four questions before you speak: • • • •

Is it true? Is it necessary? Is it helpful? Is it kind?

So, make that phone call, initiate that meeting, engage in that conversation. Clear the air and keep the lines of communication open. Ok, I’ve got to go. I just thought of someone with whom I need to go have a conversation.

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Nov 2013


BUSINESS MEN’S FELLOWSHIP INDIA HYDERABAD CHAPTER You are cordially invited with family & friends for a Dinner Meet to listen to the real-life, inspiring, suicide to success story of VINOD VENKATRAMAN (Director, Asia Cottons Delhi) on Saturday, 16th Nov, 2013, 6:30 pm at Hotel United 21, Opp. Passport Office Clocktower, Sona Arcade, Secunderabad.

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News: A new BMFI chapter has started in Nepal on 9th Nov’ 13. Around 98 people attended, there were businessmen, dealers, top government officials, teachers, youth entrepreneurs, and students. Mr Mario Pereira and Mr Michael Ravindran both Directors spoke and shared their testimony. Their testimonies has touched many where 20 were from non-Christian background who attended. 12

5Talents Magazine

Nov 2013

w w w . 5 Ta l e n t s M A G . c o m

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We specialize in Wedding Gowns, Imported Wedding Veils, Bridemaids Dresses,Flowergirl Dresses, Baskets, Halos, Suit Boutannaires, Corsages, Unity candles and all other Wedding accessories. We also undertake Church Decorations and Catering. 14 14

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( A Voyage to India )

~Elizabeth Clayton


amuel Kellogg (1839-1899) was born on Long Island, New York. He was home-schooled and briefly attended Williams College in 1856, but graduated from Princeton College in 1861. He raduated from Princeton Seminary in 1864 and was ordained a missionary to India. Kellogg was a Presbyterian scholar, linguist, professor, missionary, and pastor. “He was a man of the Book.” Kellogg taught at the theological school in Allahabad and completed a monumental grammar of the Hindi language in 1875, which stood for many years as the leading authority. Upon the death of his wife in 1876, he returned to the United States and pastored a Presbyterian church in Pittsburgh. Before returning to India where he died, for the final five years of his life, he pastored St. James Square Pres¬byterian’ Church, Toronto. Kellogg’s final task in India was to head a triad of transla¬tors of the Old Testament into Hindi. Perhaps Kellogg’s greatest gift to Christendom lies in his contribution to the Hindi language. His most well-known English contributions are his commentaries on Leviticus and Samuel, still widely respected and used today. However, he also made

an impact in an area that he greatly loved as an Old Testament scholar---eschatology. Kellogg penned two outstanding works on Bible prophecy. “They are The Jews or Pre¬diction and Fulfillment: An Argument for the Times (1883) and Are Premillennialists Right? (1890)”. Kellogg’s scholarly statement and defense of premillennialism in Are Premillennialists Right? involves a survey of church history and Scripture. Convinced that the Bible teaches premillennialism, he interacts with many of the arguments raised against it by postmillennialism. Postmillennialism was dominant during Kellogg’s seminary days. A common argument in his day raised against premillennialism by postmillennialists was that it discourages efforts at world evangeli¬zation. Kellogg was said to have been motivated to enter the mission field in the first place by anticipation of his Lord’s return. It was the blessed hope that drove him to excellence in his work. Thus, at his death his friends placed on his gravestone at Landour these precious words, “Till He Come.” 5Talents Magazine

Nov 2013





he Lord answered, “If you had faith as big as a mustard seed, you could say to this mulberry tree, “Pull yourself up by the roots and plant yourself in the sea!” and it would obey you. ” (Luke 18:6) Every day, when I wake up, I thank Him for all the things He has given me: a good night’s sleep, a new day, a loving family, faithful friends, but most of all, for giving me FAITH. Each day, I know He won’t give me anything that the two of us together can’t handle. I know that if there have been failures, it is so that I may learn to be better. Faith is nothing but complete Trust in He who has made us. We can’t SEE faith; but we see everything BECAUSE of it. Look around you. Doesn’t all that you have seen teach you to trust Him for all that you have not seen? If He carried us through life this far, would He forsake us now? If He has moulded each one of us in His likeness, would He let go of us so easily? 16

5Talents Magazine

Nov 2013

People sometimes misunderstand faith. They believe that those who leave all to God are ones who are too lazy to do it themselves or want an excuse for not being capable enough to do it. Well, the concept has been turned on its head. Faith is taking a step in the dark and believing that He is watching. It is what makes a person take a step TOWARDS something, not away from it! It is putting your best foot forward and knowing that it will not land in quicksand, but on solid ground. When you know you haven’t studied a day’s worth of notes and yet give the exam and somewhere deep down, you know you might just make it; isn’t that faith? That lady on the corner of the street who sleeps on an empty stomach after feeding her children all she could gather; what is she living on, if not faith? When you see that the precious little time you have with a sick friend is slipping through your fingers and yet you find a reason to smile and make them laugh; what are you living on, if not faith? w w w . 5 Ta l e n t s M A G . c o m

Having faith is essential, but having faith in the right things is most important. Murderers, dacoits and thieves also have faith; only it is in inefficiency of law and order enforcement, probably. That we place our trust in God is what matters: Trust Him to do not what you want, but what is right for you. Remember the lady who touched Jesus’ cloak and was healed? That’s the kind of faith we’re talking about! There isn’t a dearth of worries or sorrows in our lives; it is not like we don’t need healing. So what is stopping us from trusting in Him? Why do we doubt? Is it because Jesus is too far away? Is His cloak out of reach? If so, start tonight. Pray. Every night when you close your eyes, thank Him for all that He has given you, thank Him for where he has brought you, but most of all, trust Him to know where is taking you. Approach life with a smiling, a winning attitude and be equipped with faith. Like He said, even faith the size of a mustard seed will do! May we all grow in trust and faith and be close to the Lord, always: close enough to reach out and touch His cloak!

5Talents Magazine

Oct 2013



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Nov 2013


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Nov 2013

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5Talents Magazine

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