Movie Review
issue 1 july 2012
discovering talents for gods’ kingdom
stewardship of our talents and gifts 5 reasons to watch ‘courageous’
puppets for jesus
mary sujani
editorial Greetings to you! Dear Readers, I am so pleased that you are now a monthly subscriber of 5Talents Christian Magazine. If not, please login to our website and submit your email address to subscribe free. many time in our life we were discouraged when others say us. “You are good for nothing!” Ah! I have been told this. Are we really cannot do anything? That can be true, when we do not discover the talents and gifts which God has given us. We are so busy with the world that we forget to discover it. Having a talent does not mean that you should have a genius quality in you. Every smaller thing what we have in us might be a talent and somewhere it can be used for Gods’ Kingdom.
Dont hide your talents!
5Talents magazine is born to encourage the youth to discover their God’s gifts which can be use for its real purpose. We will be sharing the stories of people who have discovered their talents and using it for the extension of the Kingdom cause. The name 5Talents, is derived from the parable of three servants, Matt 25:1430, the two responsible sevants knows that their gifts must be utilise rather then hide it. Friends, we will be sharing you Whats & Hows about God’s gift, talents and its proper uses. Happy reading the Magaine. May God Bless you. Premasis Satman Executive Director 2
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Table of Contents cOVER FEATURE
Talent Search # 1
Featuring Samuel Stanley Jones, read the testimonial interview, his passion for worship and engaging himself for the Kingdom of God. . . . . . . . . . . . 6
YouVersion, a Bible reading app has crossed the 50 million download. Check out what happens in every one minute with the app?. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
Talent Search # 2 Puppets for Jesus Mary Sujani used to play with puppets in childhood, this interest leads her to design puppets for Sunday Schools and Vacational Bible Schools.
. . . . . . . . . 12
Movie Review
The Courageous: Four men, one calling: To serve and protect. When tragedy strikes home, these men are left wrestling with their hopes, their fears, their faith, and their fathering. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
articles Stewardship of our Talents & Gifts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 Should we raise our hand or clap during the worship? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 Missionery Story Graham Staines. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
July 2012
We thank the 5Talents team for their dedication and effort to bring up with the idea of publising this magazine, designing and the interviews. I also thank to the readers for subscribing it. This magazine is our first issue and will be published monthy hence forth. Please share about it to your family and friends, so that they will also be blessed by the word of God. Hope after reading the magazine many will come forth to use their talents and gift for the glory of God. Amen. Rev. K Stephen
Rev. K. Stephen Founder & President Sharon Prayer Fellowship & Ministries, Hyderabad
Rev. Ms. M.G. Basanti Former Regional Member of NCCI, ATTWI (Women Desk)
PUBLISHER Sharon Prayer Fellowship & Ministries Nacharam, Hyderabad
Inuguration of 5Talents Magazine by Rev. K. Stephen @ Sharon Church on 1st July’12
ADVISOR Rev. K. Stephen (President of SPFM) Rev. Ms. M. G Basanti EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR Premasis Satman INTERVIEW EDITOR Deepakshi Satman DESIGN DIRECTOR Pankaj Kumar Nayak CREATIVE MANAGER Elizabeth Clayton
Rev. Gabriel Ganta & Bro. Sambrudhi standing center.
5Talent Magazine is a digital magazine published monthly. MISSION STATEMENT Promote increase in membership, and growth in character, of the Church of Jesus Christ through the publication and advertisement of programs and ventures that fulfill the great commission and propagate sound doctrine. ADVERTISING To advertise in 5Talents Magazine, email us
Mr. & Mrs. Premasis Satman CEO TechMission India Vice President (Heaven Sent Ministries Inc., Florida, USA)
5Talents Magazine grants permission for any original article to be quoted provied 5Talents Magazine is indicated to be the source. For use of an entire article permission must be granted. Please contact CONTACT 5TALENTS, c/o Premasis Satman, LIGH-36, APHB Colony, Moulali, Hyderabad- 40 Phone: +91 9032 690 627
Samuel Stanley Jones ...I can definitely say that PRAYER is the only source to give life to our talents, which can be used for the kingdom of God.
DEEPAKSHI SATMAN On the way to talent search, we found Sam, a young guy who discovered his gift as to lead worship team. Recectly he performed in the “Hyderaad Festival with Franklin Graham in 2011” A zeal for sharing gospel leads him to study BTh and he is in final year now.
5Talents: When did you know you wanted to be a worship leader? Ever since my childhood I’ve been attending regular Sunday school and participated in choir. However, my mother encouraged me in singing and music. Above all this, God has enriched me in leading worship.
5Talents: Hi Sam, Thanks for the opportunity to be able to conduct an interview with you, how are you doing? I’m doing good by the Grace of God. Thank you
5Talents: Did you need special training or coaching, or did it all come naturally? I believe that, it’s a gift from God. To improve this God’s given talent, I’ve been attending and participating in the Worship ministry.
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5Talents: When you get the chance to lead a group of youth in worship, what are your goals right there at that time? What are you hoping you’ll be able to accomplish in the next thirty minutes? I feel that I’m the source of worship chosen by God to lead the congregation in a Holy manner and make them experience the passionate love of God – Agape. -. My goal is to make them feel very easy and comfortable, to make them free from the chains and bondage’s of the world through the songs i sing and lead them into worship . I make it very clear to myself that “When God has come to take all our burdens and pains, Why should we still carry them?” Keeping this as my agenda. I look forward for the next 30 min to make up their minds to easily take the word of God (message).
5Talents: What does a lifestyle of worship mean to you? Worship means a lot to me especially as a worship leader. It simply means to live a life of love. Worship requires something from us and that is Obedience, God fearing . “It is not just a song we sing but a life we live”. 5Talents: What are the things that bring you inspiration as a worship leader personally? I mean, being a leader, we sometime distract with the worldly desires. How do you stay inspired? For me personally, I’m always aware of the process that our hearts take in worship. When my heart begin to soften as the Holy Spirit moves on me, and a desire for God awakens in me . It is a very tough time especially for the people on the stage facing the audience to get distracted. I keep myself very cautious of what I’m doing so that shouldn’t be a problem for me.
July 2012
5Talents: Yes, you have discovered the talents in you. Is that so difficult? What do you suggest to those who are not yet discovered their gifts and still unused for the Kingdom? I always get reminded of a quote “Sweet wine from the crushed grapes”. I believe that discovering a talent is never a difficulty or a burden. Talent is an empowering source to our life. Everyone have the gifts from God, but we are lacking to know His 5Talents: Being a teen leader, have you experienced others discouraging will in our lives. I can definitely say you? If yes, how do you manage the that PRAYER is the only source to give life to our talents, which can be used situation? Being a teen leader I don’t say peo- for the kingdom of God. ple have discouraged me, infact there are people who suggest me. I humbly accept them and apply them to my life for my betterment . 5Talents: How would you define your prayer life? Prayer is the only weapon to overcome anything that is what I’ve believed since my childhood. We can see things changing only through prayers and which very much happens in my life too, especially in the time of ministry. Through prayer anything is possible.
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rock for jesus 24 hour internet radio station ChristianROCK.Net is an Internet based streaming radio station, founded in June 1998. Part of our corporate goal is to glorify God with the talents and skills that He has given us. Our intent with ChristianROCK.Net is to bring God’s message to our generation in a relevant way.
July 2012
Bobby Gruenewald Pastor at Oklahama, innovation leader of and cofounder of YouVersion. “YouVersion was designed to take today and tomorrow’s technology to help people engage in the Bible,” said Bobby. The free Bible app is available on the iPad, iPhone, BlackBerry, Android, Windows Phone, WebOS, and Java phones, as well as any Web-enabled mobile 10
5Talents Magazine
device. It was developed by the team at BOBBY: Keeping pace with technology advancements can be overwhelming. In fact, if they don’t affect us and we aren’t interested, it’s tempting to ignore them. But if we’re building the church for the world
and not ourselves, it’s worth the effort to understand. The good news? We don’t have to change as fast as technology changes. We just have to stay in step with how quickly people are changing. Doing that will take shape differently for each of us (tracking social media, watching the news, etc.), but it can be as simple as maintaining a curious outlook and asking questions about why people are engaged in new things. Share it :
At every minute of every day, somewhere in the world people are using the Bible App to engage with Scripture. Here is a snapshot of what happens in one minute in the YouVersion community.
That’s almost once per second, and over 2 million times per month.
1,698 TIMES
About 28 times per second someone opens the app and starts using it.
YOUVERSION SERVERS A request happens any time someone interacts with the app in a way that requires the server.
25,134 LOG MINUTES OF BIBLE ENGAGEMENT People have spent more than 12 billion minutes total engaging with Scripture using the app.
6,080 BIBLE
Every second, people are collectively viewing 101 chapters.
ARE STARTED People sign up for a new reading plan to help them engage with Scripture daily.
People check off their daily reading plan selection to nore they’ve finished it.
People open an audio version so they can listen to God’s Word.
271 TIMES People enjoy comparing verses between the 160 versions and 51 languages available.
Geeks, Its amazing to see that how technology is used for the Kingdom of God. I appreciate Pastor Bobby for the innovative idea that he has kept put into action and made the great Bible app. Technology can be used to make us better stewards and ministers. We can enable the Good News to be spread widely and rapidly, in ways that grip the viewer, listener, or reader, using technology. If you have plans and concepts to use your talents and skills for the Kingdom, go ahead. Do not wait, the harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few. Premasis
July 2012
Introducing you Mary Sujani, a multitalented from Hyderabad. She used to play with puppets in childhood, this interest lead her to design and make puppets. Till now she has made more than 300 custom made puppets and creative materials for Christian organisations. 5Talents team had a nice time interviewing with Mary. Hello Mary, Greetings from 5talents, how are you? I’m fine thank you.
than nine years. My main work is to develop curriculum for Children Bible Schools, a part from writing Bible lessons for different age group I also design illustrations for the children workbook. I’m also deputed for various training programs at State and All India level for training our partner/organizers concern to our projects and staff of my proficiencies.
Please share about the gifts you have Please share about your professional received from God? life? God gave me skills such as, drawing, I’m working with a Christian Organiza- painting, soft toys, writing skills and tion located in Hyderabad for more different Puppets making. 12
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How and when did you discover your talent? Mmm… at a very young age. Specifically I cannot mention when and how but I would say, as I was growing up I discovered one talent after the other. Who are your influences? My family, who also think creatively as I do In what ways you can reach to people more in number with your talent? I have been involved in training programs conducted by the organization I work for, where I am utilizing my God given talents to reached as many as I can and hopefully in future too. Did you need special training or coaching, or did it all come naturally? It was all natural but to polish my talents, I took vocational courses. How have you learned to use your talent/gift humbly for God’s glory? Yes, as I already mentioned that I work for my organization where my talents have turned out to be my profession.
What important lessons has the Lord taught you through your talent? First of all I have learnt not to be proud of any of the talents that I received as a gift from God. Secondly, I did not worry of the smallest talent that I had. God showed that He is a “refiner,” and my life as gold. I walked in faith thinking that, God who kept the seed of talent in me will surely use me and let it grow in His own time. When I was struggling with my career and I found myself at the cross roads not knowing what next…, the God who saved me placed me in this very ministry and gave me a platform to multiply and use my talents for His glory. I experience success in very step I take. In what ways has God used you to bring blessing to others? Through my writing and drawing skills many are being blessed and have come to know the Lord, I have seen many transformed stories and children accepting Christ, I feel so blessed.
July 2012
Have you ever felt inadequate or not enough? If so, then which verse from bible helped you to be patience? Never, God gave me in abundance even before I asked for, based on the life of FARMER from James 5:7-8 I really like these verses for showing the need for Patience.....because, FARMERS HAVE TO BE PATIENT. I have also learned the secret of being content in any and every situation, whether well fed or hungry… thoroughPhil 4:12 What would you say to the one who are talented but are sad because they are not given an opportunity to use it... or the talent is not recognized by others? I believe - “God does not create waste” and “Never give up.” Each individual is valuable I would like to encourage you in saying this If we walk upon natural diamonds/stones in a wilderness, most of us would ignorantly walk over them and treat them as worthless, having no clue of their value and how beautiful they would look if expertly cut and polished. Likewise, most of the people might walk over and never give an opportunity for you to shine or recognize you don’t get discouraged. It matters not how people see you. All that matters is the staggering power
of God to transform into something of breathtaking beauty in you. It is in our hands friends, whether we want our lives to be a rugged stone or a polished one.’ Recognize and utilize opportunities that are placed before you and leave the rest to God. What would you say to someone who says “I am not very talented; How could God use me?” It is often used by Christians as an excuse not to do anything to benefit the Kingdom of God. They insist on sitting back saying, “I am not very talented” until the Lord finds something for them to excel in. You want to discover what your God given talents are and how you should use them for the Lord? Then get busy serving the Lord in some capacity. In doing so, you will find out where your true talents lie and ultimately where you can best serve the Lord. I did the same and I encourage you do the same. Keep in mind, a day is coming when we will all stand before our almighty God & He will want to know how you have served Him with the talents, time, money, & resources entrusted to you. Be a good steward for our Lord Jesus Christ and ask Him daily how you can serve Him. Would you like to contribute beginners’ lessons of [talent/Do It Yourself Crafts or Puppet design lessons] in our 5Talents emagazine in future? Yes, for crafts Our team is so glad to have this conversation Miss. Mary. May God Bless you. Thank you
We need your support Please share our website to your family & friends Our target is to reach one lakh email subscriber by end of 2012. It is possible, if you share it to all your email contacts. Thank you for being a part this noble cause. You will find a sharing button in our website hompage.
Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God’s grace in its various forms. 1 Peter 4:10
Stewardship of our Talents & Gifts
God created us with a great variety of talents. You may be able to run a marathon, organize a group meeting, teach, or write. Your skill may be typing, photography, or painting. Perhaps you sing or play a musical instrument. Maybe you are a carpenter, landscaper, engineer, mechanic, or bookkeeper. Each of us has a unique function to perform in life and in the Body of Christ. The Bible refers to the church as the Body of Christ with Christ as its Head (1 Corinthians 12:27; Ephesians 5:23). Just as your body has many specialized parts,
5Talents Magazine
each with its own function, so the church is composed of many individuals, each with his own special function to perform - and contribution to make - to the rest of the Body. I encourage you to identify your talents, and ask God to show you how to use them for His glory. Every Christian possesses both natural talents and spiritual gifts. Our natural abilities come to us at physical birth and are developed through life. Our spiritual gifts are imparted by the Holy Spirit, enabling us to minister to others in behalf of Christ. Share it :
Natural Gifts What talents and natural abilities do you have? How did you acquire them , or improve upon them? According to I Corinthians 4:6-7 and Exodus 4:11, what should you attitude be about them? How would you apply Colossians 3:17 to the stewardship of your natural gifts?
tering s i n i M ing Teach g Givin ng Helpi g tin Exhor aith gF Havin Mercy ng Showi ing Rul
Spiritual Gifts Major passages on spiritual gifts in the Bible are: Romans 12:3-8, I Corinthians 12:1-31, Ephesians 4:4-8,11-16, I Peter 4:10-11. From these passages make a complete list of spiritual gifts (combine any two that might be identical). Give your brief description of the gift. (You may wish to consult a Bible dictionary if you have one.) What are some reasons God has given gifted people to the church (Ephesians 4:11-16)?
Though some spiritual gifts seem to be of greater value than others (I Corinthians 12:28-31), what ideas does Paul stress to keep Christians from personal pride because of those they may possess? (Romans 12:4-5, I Corinthians 12:12-16, I Corinthians 13, Ephesians 4:11-16) List several principles that describe what your attitude and responsibilities should be toward your spiritual gifts. (Romans 12:3-8)
Why will two people not exercise the same gift in the same manner? (I Corinthians 12:4-6)
Life Application Follow these steps to more fully understand your part in the Body of Christ: • Realize that you have at least one spiritual gift, probably more (Romans) • Pray that God will make your gifts know to you • Determine which of your activities the Lord seems to bless and inquire of other mature Christians who know you well what your spiritual gifts might be. • List here what you believe your spiritual gifts are: Seek to develop your gifts in the power of the Holy Spirit. Realize that you may have other gifts of which you are not presently aware, so excercise various gifts. Be aware that you are accountable to God for stewardship of your spiritual gifts. July 2012
Why intensely colored fruits and vegetables are most beneficial to health?
5Talents Magazine
Next time you go to the supermarket, make sure to choose fruits and vegetables with a variety of colors, ranging from yellow and orange to deep red and purple.
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missionery story
Martyr for Christ ELIZABETH CLAYTON nes was an Dr. Graham Stuart Stai ho along with Australian Missionary w to death by a his two sons was burnt arpur village religious mob in Manoh rissa, India on in Keonjhar District in O January 22nd, 1999.
in “HO” laning a part of the Bible very popular guage of India. He was hom he used among the patients w mats out of to teach how to make hand weavrope and basket and the poor ing. He not even served tients but y pa and helped the lepros wherever he also shared the gospel everywhere went. He served Lord ople became he went and many pe Christ and the believers of Jesus him. were led to church by
nes was born Dr. Graham Stuart Stai , Queensin 1941 at Palmwoods d India in land, Australia. He visite had been 1965 for the first time. He e tribal g th working in Orissa amon ith leprosy poor and especially w ter he joined patients since 1965. La Society of Evangelical Missionary Mayurbhanj Mayurbhanj(EMSM) in s took over District in Orissa. Staine ission at management of the M so played Baripada in 1983. He al ent of the a role in the establishm me as regMayurbhanj Leprosy Ho met Gla. He istered society in 1982 working for dys Jane in 1981 while ey married leprosy patients and th d together in 1983 and had worke children, a since then. They had 3 two sons(Philip daughter(Esther) and & Timothy). riya and tribal Staines spoke fluent O thali” and languages called “san in translat“ho”. He also assisted
ary 1999, On the night of 22 Janu s two sons Graham Staines and hi el crusade in after attending a gosp t the night in Manoharpur, they spen in the vehicle Manoharpur , sleeping cold. A relibecause of the severe ople, armed gious mob about 50 pe uipments with axes and other eq ng a fire to attacked them by setti s and his two the vehicle while Staine Some villagers sons were fast asleep. and his sons tried to rescue Staines the mob. but were threatened by were sons . Graham and his two m Staines burnt alive. Thus, Graha r Christ. became the martyr fo which die in …Blessed are the dead : Yea, saith the Lord for henceforth rest from the Spirit, that they may works do foltheir labors; and their 14:13 low them. Revelation July 2012
Should we raise our hand or clap our hands during worship? The various Christian denominations worship quite differently. Some choose to worship very solemnly, others choose to worship very dramatically, and the remaining worship somewhere in between. Without getting into denominational tradition, let’s look at how God’s Holy Bible addresses worship. We are cautioned about ritualistic worship that is almost done out of habit, rather than heart-felt. Worship Must Be From the Heart “The Lord says: ‘These people come near to me with their mouth and honor me with their lips, but their hearts are far from me. Their worship of me is made up only of rules taught by men.’” Isaiah 29:13-14 20
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question Scripture commands that we worship God, that we exalt His name and offer Him our praise. There is biblical precedent for both the lifting of hands and the clapping of hands as an act of worship. Psalms 47:1 says, “Clap your hands, all you nations; shout to God with cries of joy.” In this instance, both clapping and shouting out joyful worship to God are urged. In 1 Timothy 2:8, we read, “I want men everywhere to lift up holy hands in prayer, without anger or disputing.” The emphasis of this verse is the attitude of the heart; however, we see that lifting hands is an appropriate posture for prayer and worship. Having these biblical precedents, we can safely conclude that both of those expressions can be an act of worship. What we need to ascertain is if those expressions, or indeed if any specified expression, is an actual requirement for worship. In examining specific acts of worship in the Scriptures, we see there are a variety of expressions and postures. We’ve already seen the command to clap our hands and shout to the Lord. “The trumpeters and singers joined in unison, as with one voice, to give praise and thanks to the LORD.
Accompanied by trumpets, cymbals and other instruments, they raised their voices in praise to the LORD and sang: ‘He is good; his love endures forever.’ Then the temple of the LORD was filled with a cloud” (2 Chronicles 5:13). So we see that singing praises and playing instruments were also appropriate expressions of worship. Singing as worship is also found in Ephesians 5:19, “Speak to one another with psalms, hymns and spiritual songs. Sing and make music in your heart to the Lord.” The postures of worship include standing, kneeling, prostrating ourselves, eyes lifted up, eyes cast down, and hands raised. We do not see one specific posture universally required in worship, and neither do we see one specific “authorized” expression of worship. We can conclude, therefore, that the raising of hands and/or the clapping of hands during worship is an appropriate expression of worship, although neither is required for worship. John 4:24 says, “God is spirit, and his worshipers must worship in spirit and in truth.” Worship is a spiritual event, and true worship comes from the heart. If our worship is not heartfelt, it doesn’t matter what posture or expression of
worship we use. If our worship is from the heart, God accepts our worship. Coutesy:
The custom of raising hands during worship was a common practice in the early church, especially during prayer. In Paul’s letter to Timothy he writes, “I desire, then, that in every place the people should pray, lifting up holy hands without anger or argument” (1 Timothy 2.8). Indeed, according to some Jewish commentators, the Israelite practice of lifting hands during worship in the synagogues was stopped in reaction to the Christians who customarily raised their hands during prayer. So, should everyone lift their hands during worship? Certainly not-there are a number of people who would feel very uncomfortable doing so. Worship is meant to be an act of praising God in celebration, and each participant must feel good about their actions in order to experience true worship. Conversely, if you feel the urge to lift a hand during a song or a prayer, your heart should feel free to exercise that impulse-surely God would approve. Premasis July 2012
5Talents Magazine
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review Best of Festival Award - 2012
5 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
If I asked you to name a courageous man in India, what would be your answer? “William Carey!”, someone might say reading about his pioneering missionary work in India. Maybe Gandhi, given his non-deterrent and determinant spirit in his struggle for Indian freedom. Or even Anna Hazare for his single-handed manhandling of the UPA government. Some might even argue with me for my gender insensitivity when calling out for the “courageous”. Often we look up to towering heroes who’ve moved mountains economically, politically or socially and call them courageous, but little do we think of men who faithfully lead their families in the way of righteousness as courageous. Don’t get the idea? Then you need to watch the movie Courageous.
reasons to watch the “Couragerous” movie
Fathers will discover or rediscover their God-given purpose. Wives will be encouraged how to support their husbands during crisis. Children will learn virtues that train them to be moral adults. Pastors will be encouraged to instruct and raise up a new generation of Godly fathers. It will surely put an impact the viewers to think about the relations between you and God.
Four men, one calling: To serve and protect. As law enforcement officers, Adam Mitchell, Nathan Hayes, David Thomson, and Shane Fuller are confident and focused. Yet at the end of the day, they face a challenge that none of them are truly prepared to tackle: fatherhood. While they consistently give their best on the job, good enough seems to be all they can muster as dads. But they’re quickly
discovering that their standard is missing the mark. When tragedy hits home, these men are left wrestling with their hopes, their fears, their faith, and their fathering. Can a newfound urgency help these dads draw closer to God ... and to their children? Filled with action-packed police drama, COURAGEOUS is the fourth film from Sherwood Pictures,
the moviemaking ministry of Sherwood Baptist Church in Albany, Georgia. Viewers will once again find themselves laughing, crying, and cheering as they are challenged and inspired by everyday heroes who long to be the kinds of dads that make a lifelong impact on their children. Protecting the streets is second nature to these men. Raising their children in a God-honoring way? That’s courageous. July 2012
WE STRONGLY BELIEVE That the Bible is the inspired and infallible word of the Living God; that it is the only source of reliable divine revelation about God for man, and the foundation of our faith, doctrine, and way of life In the veracity of- the doctrine of the Trinity; the divinity of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ as the Son of the Living God; His virgin Birth; His Redemptive work on the Cross; His Resurrection; His present-day ministry; and of His second coming In the ministry of the Holy Spirit: His indwelling presence in every born-again Christian; His baptism of the Believer for service in Christian ministry; and His work in the believer for fruitfulness, and Christ-like character development In the doctrine of man’s sinfulness by nature, and the need for salvation only through Jesus Christ our Savior and Lord In the scripturally sanctioned divine sacraments of water baptism and communion; as divine imperatives after conversion In the doctrine of the Church as the universal body of Christ comprising all born-again Christians; and also in its physical and local manifestation as an assembly of bornagain Christians gathering for fellowship with the Lord and one another In a Christ-like life of fruitfulness in character and service that reflects Holiness, Wisdom, Faith, Love, Integrity, Submissiveness, Discipline (Self-denial), Purposefulness, and Hope
Promote programs, ventures, and events that exalt the name and work of Jesus Christ our Lord; to help bring more people to repentance and fellowship with Him
Publish a non-denominational monthly magazine at the beginning of every month, which will be given away free of charge that will be called 5Talents Magazine(digital edition); to serve as our primary medium for achieving our goals
Create awareness about spiritual and physical tools, facilities, venture, programs, and fora available to believers in the Lord Jesus Christ; to help them prosper in their Christian pilgrimage Promote the healthy growth of the church of the Lord Jesus Christ by helping to increase and deepen believers’ knowledge of the word of God through the propagation of sound doctrine; and by stirring up the body of Jesus Christ (His
Design and make available to the readers of the magazine a web-site where they can access further information in addition to what is published in the magazine Advertise churches, ministries, programs, events, and ventures (e.g. books, projects, movies, CDs, and etc) that promote the name and work of Jesus Christ with sound doctrine in 5Talents Magazine at the beginning of every month July 2012