5Talents Magazine Issue 4 October 2012

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Movie Review


issue 4 OCTOBER 2012

discovering talents for gods’ kingdom

Maria Clara

painting for jesus



and principles of family life. You may be tempted to become unfaithful to your spouse, but learn to Everything has got certain basic princi- apply brake to your lust, ples. Unless the basic principles are followed, it will be very difficult to achieve seeing the RED light the required and expected result. In ahead you. the same manner, for a happy and Do not force successful life, every one has to follow your mind and eyes to read the RED some basic principles in life. We need signal as GREEN, as this can endanger wisdom and understanding to know these principles along with a desire and your family life. A diabetic patient can not eat whatever he wants. He need to will to follow the principles for a victoricontrol his diet. All that glitters are NOT ous life. gold and all that we eat are not sweet. There could be some sugar coated A driving student will first learn the ABC capsules which may sweeten your lips of driving before he takes the vehiclebut are bitter after chewing. Accelerator, Brake and Clutch. A person who learns the proper use of these Never say YES when you want to say A-B-C- will be given licence to drive a vehicle. Almost all accidents are the re- NO. We should know our limits. Never proceed when you feel the light is RED. sult of improper use of these A-B-Cs by any of the driver. We can increase the Apply brake to your mind whenever is required. We should be able to control speed of the vehicle by accelerating it, but should not forget to apply brakes our mind as a horse is controlled by the when you come across junctions or see bit and girdle. We should learn to apply a RED signal. Violation of the traffic rules A-B-C to our THOUGHTS, WORDS and ACTIONS for a happy and successful can lead us to accidents. life. Life is also like this. We have every freeKing Solomon Says, “ Wisdom is sudom to lead our life as we wish, but preme, therefore get wisdom. Though there are some rules to be followed it cost all you have, get understanding. and some A-B-Cs to be used. We will be tempted to go very fast in the mod- I guide you in the way of wisdom and ern EXPRESS track in life, but make sure, lead you along straight paths. When you walk, your steps will not be hamthe rules are not violated. We may use pered and when you run you will not many methods to become rich very stumble. Do not set foot on the path of fast, but see that it is not achieved the wicked”- (Proverbs 4: 7-15). at the cost of somebody’s future or through some unlawful ways. May God Bless you. We can enjoy life as much as we want, Premasis Satman but always remember the basic ethics Executive Director

A B C’s of Life


5Talents Magazine

Table of Contents cOVER FEATURE

Talent Search # 5

Featuring Maria Clara, a hyderabad based artist who has discovered her talent to use her creativity to make biblical painting which helps her to share the Gospel to the world. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4


Think of these things Discribing eight things that God wants us to think about it. ............................ 8

October Baby

Movie Review

A college freshman’s world is rocked when she learns she is the adopted survivor of an attempted abortion. On a journey to discover her hidden past and find hope for her unknown future, Hannah discovers that Every Life is Beautiful. . . . . . . . . . 20

Missionary Story Pandita Ramabai - Indian Social Reformer Pandita Ramabai was a scholar, poet, visionary and an eminent social reformer. She has translated

Bible into marathi language.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16

articles Why God allows problem in our life? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 What is the Christian view of smoking?. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 Is smoking sin? - www.gotaquestions.org Waiting on God: The God of our Salvation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 - Andrew Murray October 2012


Ma r i a Clara

painting for jesus

deepakshi SATMAN

We are so glad to meet Maria Clara, a Hyderabad based artist, who has discovered her talent to use her creativity to make biblical painting which helps her to share the Gospel to the world. Her paintings were exhibited several times in the churches and in public auditoriums. She has also been features in the leading news papers 4

5Talents Magazine

and TV media. She has found the joy in playing with the colors where she create arts from the events or a topic from the Bible. When the non-believers asks her about the meaning of the painting, she shares the word of God throught it. Amazing isn’t it? We thank Maria Clara for her time and permission to interview her. May God bless her exceedingly in her life. Share it : www.5talents.in

5Talents: Hello Maria, Greetings from 5Talents, how are you? Greetings to you and 5Talents readers in Jesus Name. Thank you for featuring me on this magazine. 5Talents: When and how did you come to faith in Christ Jesus as your personal Saviour? I come from a Roman Catholic Background and God in His grace had a special plan for me and my family. We got acquainted with a neighbor, Mrs.Kavita who was a Hindu but had accepted Jesus as her saviour. She used to tell us about all that is written in the Vedas with references about Jesus being the Saviour of the World. God also used her to open our eyes that idols were not acceptable to Him. We as a family began to thirst more to hear about the word of God, instead of being ritualistic. I received Jesus as my personal saviour on the 5th of November 1991 while attending a one day retreat at the Hebron church, at Golconda X roads. I’m married to Ch.Sushil Rao, a journalist for the Times of India and have a son Ch Nishan Sampreeth, studying in the tenth standard at Little Flower High School, Uppal. 5Talents: Please share about the talents you have received from God? God has been gracious and has blessed me with the talent of painting. 5Talents: How and when did you discover your talent? I strongly believe that nothing happens by accident or incidentally to His children. In the year 2006 the company that I work for GENPACT organized a week’s workshop in oil painting,

glass painting & pottery. The training was organized by Atiya Ahmed of Diara Art Gallery, Banjara Hills.I joined the oil painting group and picked up the basics from Artist Ashish. I did a few paintings initially which were not related to the Bible but one day felt I should paint on Biblical subjects. We have many friends coming home with whom we wanted to share the goodness of God but found it difficult sometimes to bring up the topic. That was when I realized that I could paint the incidents in the Bible. Through the paintings we share the word of God.

5Talents: How has Christ Jesus inspired you in your art work? Jesus is the central theme of all my paintings. The idea behind every painting is to tell the gospel - about how Jesus died on the cross for our sins and rose again. Though I just had basic knowledge in painting, it is the Lord who guided me in creating the works of art. God says, ‘My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect October 2012


in weakness’” (2 Cor 12:9). I attend The King’s Temple regularly and every week the teachings of my senior pastors, Pastor Samuel Raj Kumar Patta and Pastor Merlyn Patta give me the inspiration to work on new paintings. Their teachings from the Bible give me the ideas that can be put on canvas. But apart from that, it is only after my personal experience with God in every situation that I create a new painting. There is a painting of Daniel in the Lion’s den. The contemporary oil painting shows humans with faces of lions. Daniel is relaxed in their presence. In every day situations, there are people who might want to harm us but when we trust in God, we can be as relaxed and the Lord will shut the mouths that are against you. Another painting is of the woman in the Bible who experiences a miracle as the little oil that she has is poured into several jars but it does not stop. She was obedient to the prophet and she experienced as miracle. So far I have

painted 68 incidents from the Bible. I did my bit but God performed a great miracle. The photographs of the paintings have been published worldwide. AFP photographer Noah Seelam took special interest in the paintings and the photographs have appeared in Forbes,The Day life,The Sun Daily, The Wall Street, India Today, Hindustan Times among to name a few. In what ways you can reach the people more in number with your talent? I have held several exhibitions. At Andhra Christian Theological College,Hyderabad, the principal Rev.Dr.Ch.Vasantha Rao and the college management had organized a three-day exhibition in August 2011 which was visited by more than 300 people. I could explain the great miracles of God and His love through the paintings to several non-Christians who had come. I was greatly honoured with the the visit of stalwarts like Artist P Solomon Raj of Vijayawada and Artist Jyothi Sahi of Bangalore to my art gallery at my home in Nagole near Uppal in Hyderabad. Another exhibition was organized by MLA Christine Lazarus on the occasion of UN World Women’s Day at Hari Hara Kala Bhavan in 2011. Well-known artist P Narender Reddy invited me to participate in an exhibition along with him at Taj Deccan, Banjara Hills where God gave me the


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opportunity to explain my paintings on my paintings, all of which have and tell the gospel to chief minister N a purpose, reason and meaning. Kiran Kumar Reddy and civil supplies minister d Sridhar Babu. 5Talents: What would you say to the one who are talented but are sad beI have also held an exhibition of my cause they are not given an opportupaintings at CSI Wesley Church, Mush- nity to use it... or the talent is not receerabad. ognized by others? I work for GENPACT and also take Through all the exhibitions, I could care of my family but still take out reach a lot of people telling about time to paint. It is not like a hobby or God. Through my blog artistmaria- a pastime. It is a mission. One should clara.blogspot.com also I have been make a beginning and do what reaching a number of people. A few God has put in your heart. It is for hundred people from all over the God to open doors and he will use world have visited this blog and write every talent you have for His glory. to me. I am encouraged through all this to reach more people with the 5Talents: What would you say to someword of God through my paintings.. one who says “I am not very talented; Recently, a visitor from Spain request- How could God use me?” ed for some of my paintings to be God has a plan for each one of us. used in a book he was writing. Mrs. He made this plan even before he Usha Devapriyam and Br.Vijay Kumar laid the foundations of the earth. One from the Aradhana TV have been should have the urge to do something very encouraging and did an an hour for God and he will teach you how long program about my paintings. to do it for him. The Bible says: `Call I thank God for the opportunities He unto Me and I will answer you and gives me to declare his greatness. will tell you great and unsearchable things you do not know” (Jer. 33:3). 5Talents: What important lessons has He who created the heavens and the the Lord taught you through your tal- earth will impart to us knowledge, ideent? as resources, and favour to be used I surrender every idea of painting to for Him. At another place, the Bible God and it is through him that I create says, “We are like clay jars in which each work. this treasure is stored. The real power comes from God and not from us.” (2 There are paintings on which I have Cor. 4:7). God will use us if we allow worked for about 6 months. God has him to work through our weaknesses. taught me to persevere and be disciplined. At times I have had to redo 5Talents: What else would you like to the complete painting because of share with our readers? a wrong combination of colour or God has blessed each of us with talstroke or the painting itself. My of- ents. Use it for Him. There is nothing fice work keeps me busy but with de- that you do will go in vain. termination I take out time to work October 2012


(worthy of praise)

Acknowledgement of what deserve commendation. “And it is my prayer that your love may aboud more and more, with knowledge and all discernment... to the glory and praise of God.” (PHILIPPIANS 1:9-11)


moral goodness, graciousness and virtue. “But you are a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people for his own possession, that you may proclaim the excellencies of him who called you out of darkness into his marvelous light.” (1 PETER 2:9)


Worthy, kind and unlikely to give offence.


Pleasing, acceptable and worthy of embrace.


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Thoughts, deeds and disposition that accord with reality. “Santify them in the truth; your word is truth.” (JOHN 17:17)


Serious, respectable and dignified. “Older men are to be soberminded, dignified, self-controlled, sound in faith, in love and in steadfastness.” (TITUS 2:2)


Righteous and innocent in the eyes of God. “Now it is evident that no one is justified before God by the law, for “The righteous shall live by faith.” (GALATIANS 3:11)


Holy and pure and free from any defilement. “Let no one despise you for your youth, but set the beloevers an example in speech, in conduct, in love in faith, in purity” (1 TIMOTHY 4:12) Remake from www.challies.com

October 2012


Why God allows problems in our Life? No one likes problems in life as it gives some kind of pain. But all the problems and pain can make us perfect and bring us more closer to God if we take it in a positive attitude. There could be sickness, sadness, trials, troubles, brokenness, sleepless nights etc. in our life. We must have asked many questions to God that why these all happen to me? We may have lost hope and cursed our life and self. But, it is a fact that nothing happens in our life without the knowledge of God, especially in the lives of those who seek God with full heart. God permits such problems in our life with a definite purpose, which is our sanctification, edification and spiritual growth. Whenever we are upset and throw many questions towards God, He has something to tell us. The following could be some of the dialogue between God and we.

If you never had sickness and pain, how would you know that I am a healer. If you never had to pray, how would you know that I am a deliverer. If you never had a need, how would know that I am your provider. If you never had a trial, how could you call yourself an overcomer. If you never felt sadness, how do you know that I am a comforter. If you never made a mistake, how do you know that I am a forgiver. If you knew all, how do you know that I will answer your question. If you never were in trouble, how do you know that I will come to rescue you. If you never were broken, how do you know that I can make you whole. If you never had a problem, how would you know that I can solve them. If you never had any suffering, how would you know that I went through the same.


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If you never went through the fire, how would you become pure. If I gave you everything, how would you appreciate them. If I never corrected you, how do you know that I love you. If you had all power, how will you learn to depend on me. If your life was perfect, then what would you need me for. God Almighty declares, “ For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways. As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts� - Isaiah 55: 8-9. Let us try to create a positive attitude towards all our problems. Author: unknown

October 2012


What is the Christian view of smoking? Is smoking a sin? 12

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The Bible never directly mentions smoking. There are principles, however, that definitely apply to smoking. First, the Bible commands us not to allow our bodies to become “mastered” by anything. “Everything is permissible for me—but not everything is beneficial. Everything is permissible for me—but I will not be mastered by anything” (1 Corinthians 6:12). Smoking is undeniably strongly addictive. Later in the same passage we are told, “Do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own; you were bought at a price. Therefore honor God with your body” (1 Corinthians 6:19-20). Smoking is undoubtedly very bad for your health. Smoking has been proven to damage the lungs and the heart. Can smoking be considered “beneficial” (1 Corinthians 6:12)? Can it be said that smoking is truly honoring God with your body (1 Corinthians 6:20)? Can a person honestly smoke “for the glory of God” (1 Corinthians 10:31)? We believe that the answer to these three questions is a resounding “no.” As a result, we believe that smoking is a sin and therefore should not be practiced by followers of Jesus Christ. Some argue against this view by pointing to the fact that many people eat unhealthy foods, which can be just as addicting and just as bad for the body. As an example, many people are so helplessly addicted

to caffeine that they cannot function without their first cup of coffee in the morning. While this is true, how does that make smoking right? It is our contention that Christians should avoid gluttony and excessively unhealthy eating. Yes, Christians are often hypocritical by condemning one sin and condoning another, but, again, this does not make smoking honoring to God. Another argument against this view of smoking is that many godly men have been smokers, such as the famous British preacher C.H. Spurgeon, who was known to smoke cigars. Again, we do not believe this argument holds any weight. We believe Spurgeon was wrong for smoking. Was he otherwise a godly man and fantastic teacher of God’s Word? Absolutely! Does that make all of his actions and habits honoring to God? No. In stating that smoking is a sin, we are not stating that all smokers are unsaved. There are many true believers in Jesus Christ who smoke. Smoking does not prevent a person from being saved. Nor does it cause a person to lose salvation. Smoking is no less forgivable than any other sin, whether for a person becoming a Christian or a Christian confessing his/her sin to God (1 John 1:9). At the same time, we firmly believe that smoking is a sin that should be forsaken and, with God’s help, overcome.

October 2012


The God of Our Salvation ANDREW MURRAY

‘My soul waiteth only upon God; from Him cometh my salvation.’ Psalm. 62: 1(R.V.). If salvation indeed comes from God, and is entirely His work, just as our creation was, it follows, as a matter of course, that our first and highest duty is to wait on Him to do that work as it pleases Him. Waiting becomes then the only way to the experience 14

5Talents Magazine

of a full salvation, the only way, truly, to know God as the God of our salvation. All the difficulties that are brought forward as keeping us back from full salvation, have their cause in this one thing: the defective knowledge and practice of waiting upon God. All that the Church and its members need for the manifestation of the mighty power of God in the world, is the return to our true place, Share it : www.5talents.in

the place that belongs to us, both in creation and redemption, the place of absolute and unceasing dependence upon God. Let us strive to see what the elements are that make up this most blessed and needful waiting upon God: it may help us to discover the reasons why this grace is so little cultivated, and to feel how infinitely desirable it is that the Church, that we ourselves, should at any price learn its blessed secret.

must be just as continuous and unbroken, as the breathing that maintains his natural life. It is, then, because Christians do not know in their relation to God of their own absolute poverty and helplessness, that they have no sense of the need of absolute and unceasing dependence, or of the unspeakable blessedness of continual waiting on God. But when once a believer begins to see it, and consent to it, that he by the Holy Spirit must each moment receive what God each moment works, waiting on God becomes his brightest hope and joy. As he appreciates how God, as God, as Infinite Love, delights to impart His own nature to His child as fully as He can, how God is not weary of each moment keeping charge of his life and strength, he wonders that he ever thought otherwise of God than as a God to be waited on all the day. God unceasingly giving and working; His child unceasingly waiting and receiving: this is the blessed life.

The deep need for this waiting on God lies equally in the nature of man and the nature of God. God, as Creator, formed man, to be a vessel in which He could show forth His power and goodness. Man was not to have in himself a fountain of life, or strength, or happiness: the everliving and only living One was each moment to be the Communicator to him of all that he needed. Man’s glory and blessedness was not to be independent, or dependent upon himself, but dependent on a God of such infinite riches and love. Man was to have the joy of receiving every moment out of the fulness of God. This was his bless- “Truly my soul waiteth upon God; edness as an unfallen creature. from Him cometh my salvation.” First we wait on God for salvation. Then When he fell from God, he was still we learn that salvation is only to bring more absolutely dependent on Him. us to God, and teach us to wait on There was not the slightest hope of Him. Then we find what is better still, his recovery out of his state of death, that waiting on God is itself the highbut in God, His power and mercy. It est salvation. It is the ascribing to Him is God alone who began the work of the glory of being All; it is the experiredemption; it is God alone who con- encing that He is All to us. May God tinues and carries it on each moment teach us the blessedness of waiting in each individual believer. Even in on Him. the regenerate man there is no power of goodness in himself: he has and can have nothing that he does not each moment receive; and waiting on God is just as indispensable, and

“My soul, wait thou only upon God!” October 2012


pandita ramabai 1858-1922



andita Ramabai was a scholar, poet, visionary and an eminent social reformer. She lived during the times in India, when women were not allowed to study or work and were also considered lower than men. Child marriages were widespread and the child widows were left to abuse and slavery from the family and society. They lived terrible lives filled with agony and pain. Ramabai was born to High caste Hindu Brahmin named Anant Shastri. H e was a social reformer and believed in educating girls. When he was forty, he had married a 9 year old girl. He was very learned in Sanskrit and he read the old Hindu Scriptures for livelyhood. The Hindus would give money and gifts to those who read the Scriptures for them. In this way the family traveled hundreds of miles on foot, never resting, and living a very simple life with adequate food or clothing.

Her parents were getting ill and she had her older brother Srinivas. One other sibling had passed away. The country went through a huge famine in that time. There came a time when there was no food at all for them to eat for days. Sadly, in that destitute condition too weak and sick, her father passed away. Before dying he took Ramabai and said, “Always go on in the path of God. Always make it your aim to serve God. I have given you into God’s keeping”. After this they travelled on, in few months the same conditions took her mother’s life.

Brother and sister were now left utterly alone. Ramabai began to lose her faith in the religion where she had suffered so much. They decided to give up their wanderings and come to Calcutta. Here, they were welcomed by the Hindu priests as they too were high caste Brahmins. They were amazed to hear Ramabai read the Puranas in Sanskrit Years went by, Ramabai was 13 now. So they bestowed her with the highest 16

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known title of “Pandita” (Scholar). The more, she studied the Hindu Scriptures; she became more unhappy and restless as she could not find peace and God. After all the struggles and pain she went through, his brother became ill and died too. Now, she was all alone in this world and so decided to marry. There was a lawyer who was not a Brahmin but was from a lower caste called “Shudras”, he loved Ramabai and had asked her to marry him. So they both got married. One day Ramabai saw a small book in his husband’s library called the “Gospel of St. Luke”. It was in Bengali and she read it to the end. When she inquired about it to her husband, he said he had got it from the mission school. She wanted to know more and so her husband let a missionary come to their home to explain her about the book. This went on for some days, she felt very peaceful by reading this book. And she wanted to become a Christian which her husband would never agree to. Just after 18 months of their marriage, Ramabai’s husband encountered Cholera and he died. They had a beautiful daughter named Manorama (joy of the heart). As a Hindu widow, she had no place in her husband’s home so she took her daughter and set forth to go to her home state and came to Pune. Ramabai studied English here and also wrote a book called “Morals for women”. One day, when Ramabai was reading in her home a little child widow came to her door. She was very sick. She had nowhere to go. Ramabai took her in-

side and cared for her. She took in this child like her own daughter. Now she knew what she had to do. She wanted to start a home for such widows where they will be loved and care for. Fired by this thought she tried to raise the necessary money but no one would give her any. She had so little of her own. It was a time of great disappointment for her. But she had made friends with an English missionary Miss Hurford during that time. She was going home back to England and suggested that Ramabai can accompany her. Ramabai’s book had bought in little money, just enough to pay the passage for her and Manorama. Ramabai was very afraid crossing the ocean and go to a foreign land. But she knew that God was calling her and she had to go. In England Ramabai and her daughter went with Sister of Mercy at Wantage. Here she found that her long pilgrimage to find God is over when she felt the love and compassion of Jesus Christ.

“A life committed to Christ has Nothing to Fear Nothing to Loose Nothing to regret” - Pandita Ramabai October 2012


From here she came to America. She found American people very enthusiastic and helpful. She started educating the West about the conditions of women in India. American women offered to help with her plan to start the home for widows. They formed Ramabai Association and promised that if she would start a school for the young widows they would help for 10 years. Ten years seemed like a life time to her. She returned to India overjoyed to start her mission. When she came to Bombay (now Mumbai) she was welcomed by her old friends. She would herself travel around the country and bring back young girls who are widows suffering in pain and agony. Ramabai had seen some land a little far from Pune in Kedgaon and brought it for the girls to stay. She started a school called “Sharda Sadan� (House of knowledge) in which she taught reading, writing, history and nature study. She started here with 20 girls. Ramabai herself set out to bring children who are hungry and begging. She brought back 200 of them. She built huts and let the new girls stay.

Ramabai also got 2 helpers, one Indian and other English, who shared her burden with helping young girls. She systematically taught the older girls first who in turn would take charge and help the younger girls. Gradually she had 2000 girls living in Mukti Mission (The home of Salvation). For 20 years Pandita Ramabai went on working and caring for her large family. She passed away on 5th April, 1922. It has been more than 100 years since she started a humble beginning of Mukti Mission. Her vision still continues in the lives of many women and young girls today who have found hope and new life at Mukti Mission. Ramabai translated the Bible into Marati language. Thus, she ran a good race by having faith and commitment in every work she did.

In recognition of her contribution to the advancement of Indian women, the Government of India issued a commemorative stamp.

WE STRONGLY BELIEVE That the Bible is the inspired and infallible word of the Living God; that it is the only source of reliable divine revelation about God for man, and the foundation of our faith, doctrine, and way of life In the veracity of- the doctrine of the Trinity; the divinity of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ as the Son of the Living God; His virgin Birth; His Redemptive work on the Cross; His Resurrection; His present-day ministry; and of His second coming In the ministry of the Holy Spirit: His indwelling presence in every born-again Christian; His baptism of the Believer for service in Christian ministry; and His work in the believer for fruitfulness, and Christ-like character development In the doctrine of man’s sinfulness by nature, and the need for salvation only through Jesus Christ our Savior and Lord In the scripturally sanctioned divine sacraments of water baptism and communion; as divine imperatives after conversion In the doctrine of the Church as the universal body of Christ comprising all born-again Christians; and also in its physical and local manifestation as an assembly of bornagain Christians gathering for fellowship with the Lord and one another In a Christ-like life of fruitfulness in character and service that reflects Holiness, Wisdom, Faith, Love, Integrity, Submissiveness, Discipline (Self-denial), Purposefulness, and Hope




Promote programs, ventures, and events that exalt the name and work of Jesus Christ our Lord; to help bring more people to repentance and fellowship with Him

Publish a non-denominational monthly magazine at the beginning of every month, which will be given away free of charge that will be called 5Talents Magazine(digital edition); to serve as our primary medium for achieving our goals

Create awareness about spiritual and physical tools, facilities, venture, programs, and fora available to believers in the Lord Jesus Christ; to help them prosper in their Christian pilgrimage Promote the healthy growth of the church of the Lord Jesus Christ by helping to increase and deepen believers’ knowledge of the word of God through the propagation of sound doctrine; and by stirring up the body of Jesus Christ (His

Design and make available to the readers of the magazine a web-site where they can access further information in addition to what is published in the magazine Advertise churches, ministries, programs, events, and ventures (e.g. books, projects, movies, CDs, and etc) that promote the name and work of Jesus Christ with sound doctrine in 5Talents Magazine at the beginning of every month October 2012




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movie A beautiful college freshman’s life turns upside-down when she learns she was adopted... after a failed abortion attempt. As Hannah embarks on a journey in search of answers and healing, she’ll discover the power of forgiveness and how life can be so much more than what you have planned. October Baby is an intensely human film about friendship and finding more beauty than you bargained for. But this film is even more than that - it tells a compelling story inspired by numerous true stories of abortion survivors. October Baby honestly and evenhandedly invites audiences to explore their own views of life’s value and the importance of their choices. This movie has the potential for great healing and changed lives. Go out and see it right away. It is visually beautiful and tells a story from a unique prospective. This is the kind of movie we need to tell Hollywood to make more of--Good moral value and done with excellence. The music is beautiful, the soundtrack is wonderfully orchestrated and the Erwin Brothers shot the film in a way that draws you into the story. New comer, Rachel Hendrix, could not have acted this film better. I would have thought she had been acting for years based on her stellar performance. Jasmine Guy showed a whole new range of acting talent, and John Schneider truly shines as the main character’s father. This is a must see.

There are so many people in deep emotional pain. This movie heals and gives us hope with humor and gentleness. I recommend it to everyone. Even though we aren’t all going through the same thing as the main characters in the movie, the under lying messages apply to us all and are very helpful.

Released the Sequel on 18th September 2012 “The Encounter: Paradise Lost” October 2012



PUBLISHER Sharon Prayer Fellowship & Ministries Nacharam, Hyderabad ADVISOR Rev. K. Stephen (President of SPFM) Rev. Ms. M. G Basanti EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR Premasis Satman INTERVIEW EDITOR Deepakshi Satman

Invitation for Guest Columnist 5Talents welcomes for volunteered writers who are passionate about Jesus Christ and sharing His message of truth with the world. We are now open to receive articles on Christian topic relative to talents, lifestyle, doctrinal messsage or stories. Please submit your article or story to premasis@5talents.in Note: The content will be review by the board and if it is approved it will be scheduled to published in future issues. © ALL RIGHT RESERVED

DESIGN DIRECTOR Pankaj Kumar Nayak CREATIVE MANAGER Elizabeth Clayton 5Talent Magazine is a digital magazine published monthly. MISSION STATEMENT Promote increase in membership, and growth in character, of the Church of Jesus Christ through the publication and advertisement of programs and ventures that fulfill the great commission and propagate sound doctrine. ADVERTISING To advertise in 5Talents Magazine, email us premasis@5talents.in 5Talents Magazine grants permission for any original article to be quoted provied 5Talents Magazine is indicated to be the source. For use of an entire article permission must be granted. Please contact premasis@5talents.in CONTACT 5TALENTS, c/o Premasis Satman, LIGH-36, APHB Colony, Moulali, Hyderabad- 40 Phone: +91 9032690627 October 2012


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