July 2020

Page 93

Detour Ahead b y Ky l e D e t e r m a n

Summer is upon us—or

“construction season” to

While we’ve come to expect these detours, and dare I say, plan for them, this year may prove to have more than the average number of orange traffic cones.

and miles of one-lane traffic

Global pandemics and national protests have a way of making us parents think on our feet when it comes to summer activities and outdoor adventures. So, feeling up for a challenge, I decided to up the ante and have knee surgery, rendering me to crutches… with a toddler… during the nicest week of the year.

going 30 under the speed limit,

It’s fine. I’m fine.

inconveniently delaying the

But really, the surgery went well. And while my recovery should eventually be a quick and (hopefully) painless one, attempting to explain that to Sloan proved to be a feat all in its own.

many South Dakotans. Miles

summer fun that awaits.

T H E O U T D O O R I S S U E july 2020

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