March 2020

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6 things to do this month

MOUNTAIN WEST WHISKEY FESTIVAL March 7 RUSHMORE HOTEL, RAPID CITY. 5:30 P.M. Whether you’re a scotch fan or a bourbon lover, the 4th Annual Mountain West Whiskey Festival will remind you why whiskey is your go-to. Industry experts and a variety of whiskey samples will lead to an evening of live music and whiskey appreciation. MORE INFO: MOUNTAINWESTWHISKEYFESTIVAL.COM.

ST. PATRICK’S DAY WEEKEND March 13-14 HISTORIC DOWNTOWN, DEADWOOD. ALL DAY. Irish or not, make your way to downtown Deadwood for Leprechaun Olympics, St. Panties Day, and a St. Paddy’s Poker Run. In an effort to outdo any past St. Patrick’s Day celebrations, historic Deadwood is also hosting a parade that will be followed by a pub crawl through downtown for the 3,000+ guests. MORE INFO: DEADWOOD.COM.

28 BELOW FATBIKE R ACE, RIDE, AND TOUR MARCH 14 SPEARFISH CANYON LODGE, LEAD. ALL DAY. Presented by Ridge Rider Racing, LLC, this 50K race will snake through the Black Hills starting at Spearfish Canyon Lodge. Known as the only permitted snowmobile trail bike race, cyclists will pedal through Cement Ridge Fire Lookout, Roughlock Falls, and many more picturesque places. MORE INFO: 28BELOW.COM.

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