1 minute read
Jason Ehresmann
from May 2023
by 605 Magazine
What’s your Drink of choice?
I really don’t drink a whole lot. But when I do, it would probably be my Cucumber Lavender Martini.
How would you describe Deadwood Social Club?
The vibes are very traditional, but creative. It’s a hidden gem.
What’s A highlight of your career?
I’m the first person in South Dakota (if not the Midwest) to create a Jelly Fish Shot with an aromatic bubble on the top of it. That’s what we’re well known for now & people will visit specifically for that shot.
Worst pickup line you’ve heard
Nowadays people are just blunt! Once a lady hit on me while her husband was downstairs playing poker.
Favorite downtime Activity?
I love spending time with my daughter or doing something outdoors with her.
Favorite type of patron?
The old time traveler; They always have the greatest stories & they’re easy to talk to. It’s fun because most of them are old timers that have never really seen the stuff I do. It’s my time to be like, “I want to show you something new.”