3 minute read
from May 2023
by 605 Magazine
For this year’s road trip, the 605 team piled into our van for a drive out to Hot Springs for the Fall River Hot Air Balloon Festival. At dawn during the event, around 30 balloons launched into the everchanging horizon for spectators to watch.
605’s Cailyn Patterson and I had never been in a hot air balloon before this opportunity, and the experience was worth the early hours. Throughout the weekend, the team also had the chance to explore what Hot Springs had to offer for lodging, food, drinks, attractions, and more.
Historic Hospitality
Late Thursday night, the team arrived at The Historic Burdette House and hauled everything into our respective rooms, where we’d be staying for the weekend. Alana and John Snyder in one bedroom and Cailyn and I in the other. The 1891 rental has two bedrooms, one bathroom, a full kitchen, and a spacious living room with fold-out couches.
The original Native American name for the Hot Springs area was "Minnekahta," which means "warm water."
The next morning, everyone explored the property. Out back includes a sauna, a pond with turtles, a firepit, and a playground.
Just a two-minute walk down the road is Springs Coffee, where the team grabbed caffeinated beverages and substantial breakfast burritos. Many of Hot Springs’ other businesses are also walkable from the Airbnb. Recharged and with full bellies, the 605 team headed down the street to our next stop.

Suit Up
Relaxing music and aromatic scents washed over the team in the lobby of Moccasin Springs Natural Mineral Spa . Soaking in the hot, mineral-rich pools was a soothing way to start the day.

The six pools range in temperature from 88-104 degrees. One of the pools was built in 1913, while the two newest ones were constructed last year to allow more people to enjoy Moccasin Springs year round.
If guests want to try a different spa experience, they offer aromatherapy, craniosacral therapy, various massages, reiki, facials, yoga, and more
The team stopped by Winner’s Circle —a restaurant and bowling alley—for a quick lunch and milkshakes to prepare to dive back into natural spring water.

Take The Plunge
For those traveling with a bigger group of people or with children, Evans Plunge Mineral Springs offers a variety of family friendly activities, including two kiddie pools, volleyball, basketball, swing rings, slides, and the splash pad.
605's John Snyder tried his hand at swinging across the pool on the Tarzan Rings. It didn’t go as planned, but he had a blast at the attempt. Cailyn, John, and I also made sure to shoot down a couple waterslides.
Since it was founded in 1890, the spring-fed indoor mineral pool has been a destination for wellness. On site, guests can find hot tubs, a steam room, a sauna, the large indoor mineral pool, the outdoor pool, exercise classes, and a gym.

At the base of the indoor pool is natural river stone. Through this floor, spring water flows at 5,000 gallons per minute.
Once our stomachs started grumbling from all of our swimming, it was time for a gourmet meal at Buffalo Dreamer, which is located at Moccasin Springs.
Chef and owner Rebecca Christensen and her staff treated the team to an intimate dining experience with a range of menu items from small plates to entrées and finishing with dessert. We made sure to pair our meals with some wine, too.
Menu items vary with dishes including the Watermelon Jalapeño Salad , Cheese Plate, Swimming Angel, Steak of the Day, and Huckleberry Lime Tarts
Satisfied, I retired back to the Burdette House for a nap, Cailyn explored Hot Springs on foot, and the Snyders headed out on the town to check out Southern Hills Mercantile & Taproom
Plan Your Trip
Use the hashtag #605roadtrip when visiting these Hot Spring destinations!
Road Trip Itinerary
Recreate 605's road trip! Check out our activities below.

The Historic Burdette House hotsprings-sd.com
(605) 891-4472
Springs Coffee springscoffeesd.com
(605) 745-5553
Moccasin Springs Natural Mineral Spa moccasinsprings.com
(605) 745-7625
Winner’s Circle hotsprings-sd.com
(605) 745-5414
Evans Plunge Mineral Springs evansplunge.com
(605) 745-5165
Buffalo Dreamer buffalodreamer.com
(605) 745-6100
Southern Hills Mercantile & Taproom southernhillsmerc.com
(605) 745-2739
Fall River Hot Air Balloon Festival fallriverballoonfest.com
(605) 745-4140
Mornin’ Sunshine Coffee House & Boutique morninsunshinecoffee.com
(605) 745-5550
Two Cows Creamery + Bistro twocowscreamery.com
(605) 745-3838
Minnekahta Coffee minnekahtacoffee.com
(605) 440-3462
On Saturday, the four of us rubbed the sleep from our eyes before the sun had even thought of rising and headed to the Hot Springs Municipal Airport
At 5 a.m., the team checked into the Fall River Hot Air Balloon Festival for our sunrise flights. Waiting for our flight time, we sipped coffee and munched on muffins.
As the sun rose into the sky and painted the horizon a rainbow of colors, so did about 30 hot air balloons. 605's Alana Snyder and I were flying with Garrett Williams, while Cailyn and John went with Hank Humiston

Soaring above it all, we took in the views and watched as the crowd of spectators grew, just enjoying the experience, though there were a few (literal) bumps along the way.