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Chief of Staff, Providence Alaska Medical Center; Pediatric Anesthesiologist, Providence Anchorage Anesthesia Medical Group

Education: Bachelor’s degree, Kinesiology, Rice University; M.D., University of Colorado School of Medicine; Anesthesiology Residency, Case Western Reserve University Hospital; Pediatric Anesthesiology Fellowship, Cleveland Clinic Children’s Hospital

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Community work: Health and Safety Team, Children’s Ministry, Rabbit Creek Church; PPE Donation Project At Rabbit Creek Church, I have served as their Medical/Health liaison to facilitate answering any medical and health emergency related questions the church has. This started (pre-COVID) as reviewing their emergency response kits, placement of AEDs in the facility, and availability as a first responder to any emergencies that might arise during congregation. My husband and I were also actively involved in the Children’s ministry and volunteering for their Tuesday evening dinner and Bible study sessions for elementary age students. Since COVID, I have met with the pastoral staff and reviewed their mitigation plans to help inform them about safe practices in maintaining in-person worship. We filmed a “Q&A” with our lead Pastor which was shared with the congregation about what we knew of COVID at that time. We also met last spring, prior to Easter services, to talk about how to safely proceed with a celebration while obeying state and local mandates. I have tried to keep them informed on recommendations and best practices surrounding gatherings, and more recently to offer a discussion and invite questions about vaccinations. Early in the COVID response I initiated a social media campaign (assisted in logistics by Rabbit Creek Church) to arrange for individuals to donate unused PPE such as masks and gloves to be used by frontline workers and emergency responders. We worked with Marian Giannulis to coordinate donations, which were then delivered to the Anchorage EOC to be distributed to firefighters, EMS, and others with limited access to PPE supplies. Girl Scout members of Rabbit Creek Church also donated cookies to frontline workers, which I was able to deliver to the nurses in the ICU and IMCU. I was able to connect Perfectionist Auto Sound, who was making face shields, with PAMC supply chain and with the anesthesia department to provide PPE at PAMC. In addition, I assisted coordinating an effort to save surgical supply wrap and have it repurposed into facemasks to be used at PAMC. Family: Drew Cobb, my husband and my rock; Declan (9) and Graham (8), my fun, energetic, bright, caring boys Hometown: Monument, Colorado Current city: Anchorage


What is your most memorable Alaska experience? One of the reasons my family loves Alaska is the abundance of opportunities for memory making! It would be hard to pick a favorite or most memorable. We have weathered rough seas in Prince William Sound, enjoyed glass calm waters of the same, landed huge king salmon, dropped pots for shrimp, hiked hills to find freshwater pools for swimming, floated rivers, mountain biked the singletrack, and skied the North Face at Alyeska. A favorite story we tell relates how we ended up in Alaska. When we visited for the job interview, my husband was convinced this was where we should be. I was more hesitant. On our final day, we were driving from fishing in Cooper Landing and returning to Anchorage to head to the airport. My husband remarked, “what, do you need a sign or something?” I said “I don’t know, maybe!” On that drive, we saw 14 rainbows between Cooper Landing and Anchorage. It was incredible and to this day we have never counted that many distinct rainbows in that short of a drive. Needless to say, we decided to move to Alaska and have never looked back. Name the person you most respect and why. My husband. He has been my personal and professional support person, greatest cheerleader, and best friend. He has weathered the storm of irregular work hours, spontaneously becoming a homeschool teacher, raising two busy boys, and he always finds a way to make me laugh. Favorite quote: “Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.” — Philippians 4:6 What was your first job? Babysitting when I was young. Which developed into tutoring during my college years. What is the book you most often recommend? Anything by Brene Brown What has been your most rewarding community service, and what is your pitch when you are seeking others to get involved in a cause? Whenever we try to engage our kids in something like pitching in to wash the dishes, we love to use the phrase “many hands make light work.” I think the same is true of service opportunities. What can seem like an insurmountable task suddenly becomes very doable with the right numbers of people involved. Service doesn’t always mean giving up huge chunks of personal time or making large commitments. Service can be done in little ways, like offering someone a ride, dropping off a few groceries, staying late to clean up after an event, or being an extra set of hands. Hopefully community See COBB, Page 50


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