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Water carves through the tundra in a spot I shouldn’t have seen on a hike from the Prospect Heights trailhead to Williwaw Lakes, Long Lake and Near Point on July



A man walking on the Tony Knowles Coastal Trail at Point Woronzof is silhouetted against Mount Susitna.


It departs from downtown and arrives at the Glen Alps Trailhead within 30 minutes. e downside is that it’s easily the most crowded trail in Anchorage, so you may be jockeying for space with other visitors and their dogs. e trail becomes steep near the summit and the last 300 or so feet call for some rocky scrambling that might be a little scary for novice hikers.

TONY KNOWLES COASTAL TRAIL: If you’re looking for a walk that can be done with co ee in hand, this is it. Starting in downtown Anchorage, this paved 11-mile trail hugs the coast all the way to its terminus in Kincaid Park. It’s a leisurely path (save for a daunting nal half-mile that rises somewhat steeply) that links up with several sightseeing spots, including Westchester Lagoon, Earthquake Park and Point Woronzof. Aside from the occasional urban moose, there aren’t many possibilities of animal sightings until you reach Kincaid Park (unless you count the metal birds blasting o at the Ted Stevens Anchorage International Airport), but the land and cityscapes are lovely.


RABBIT LAKE: Eight and a half miles out and back, it’s a gorgeous hike the whole way, but the big payo comes right at the end with views of Rabbit Lake in the shadows of the mighty Suicide Peaks. An easy hike with pretty minimal elevation gain, the rst half cuts through brush as it runs parallel to the Flattop ridgeline before emerging into an open valley for the nal couple of miles. Pack in a picnic and spend some time soaking in the lakeside views before heading back. Keep an eye out for blueberries in late summer!

EAGLE AND SYMPHONY LAKES: Just northeast of Anchorage near Eagle River, this 12-mile round-trip hike is outrageously photogenic from start to nish. Even though it’s a longer hike, the bulk of the trail is level, making it easy to breeze through. It’s not until the end when you reach a boulder eld that you really need to watch your step (this part can be challenging for small kids and dogs). But the nale, including the two lakes — one mint green, the other a deep aquamarine — separated by a single moraine, and the towering peaks on all sides, makes the e ort worth it.


WILLIWAW LAKES: Tucked in Chugach State Park, this string of nine alpine lakes allows for the most customizable itinerary. You could do a big loop, starting at the Prospect Heights Trailhead parking lot and coming back via the Campbell Creek Canyon Trail and Near Point. You could take it easy, going down Powerline Pass to Middle Fork to the Williwaw Lakes Trail, following the creek through the valley as long as you care to before turning around. Or, if you start at the Glen Alps Trailhead, you could go up and over via the “football eld” (also called the “ball eld”) for a workout that’ll make your legs burn but o ers the most awe-inspiring views of the valley. Whichever way you choose, you’ll almost certainly see moose, Dall sheep and various waterfowl.

CROW PASS: If you travel light, move quickly and start early, you can cover the 21-mile trail in a single day. Most people choose to break it up over two days, though. Starting in Girdwood, the trail passes glaciers, waterfalls, mine ruins and a Forest Service cabin, then winds through a valley to the Eagle River before terminating at the Eagle River Nature Center. e river crossing can be dangerous (the depth of its frigid waters can reach your belly button, though it’s lower earlier in the morning, and the current is swi ), so it’s not recommended for a solo trek. Your odds of seeing wild animals — ranging from arctic ground squirrels, marmots and Dall sheep to bears and moose — are good, considering the trail isn’t as tra cked as others in the Chugach. Make sure to arrange for transport back to town from the end of the trail in Eagle River, though: e hike back to Girdwood is uphill.


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