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Marriage Financial Workshop
Wednesday, April 26 | 10 a.m. – 11:30 a.m.
This workshop introduces the couple to many changes including, financial adjustments. It may assist the newly married Airman and their spouse organize their finances efficiently and work through many of the changes that come with the new status.
ETAP or Executive TAP is an essential workshop for our executive transitioning service members E9-06. It shines a light on concerns that pertain to executive level clients in order to meet their needs during their transition and emphasizes the information that prepares executive level clients with tools to boost their level of expertise in the workforce. We encourage all our executive level transitioning service members to attend our ETAP workshop. Pre-requisite to ETAP is the completion of the initial counseling and Pre-separation.
Please contact Anaika.Fletcher.1@spaceforce.mil for more information.
Casualty Assistance Office
This office provides dignified & compassionate assistance to survivors of deceased active duty and retired Air Force members.
Personal Financial Counselor
Military personnel can call a Personal Financial Counselor at PFC’s Numbers: Direct: (310) 653-5038 / Cell: (505) 231-3491 for assistance in managing finances, resolving financial issues and reaching long term goals such as education, buying a home and planning for retirement.
Military & Family Life Counselor
Need help with stressful issues? Call (310) 658-2334 for a confidential appointment
EFMP DD 3054
Family Needs Assessment? By appointment only. If you are an EFMP family and are PCS’ing, separating/retiring, or received a new diagnosis, you can call (310) 653-5290 or email SSC.LAAFB.EFMPFamilySupport@SpaceForce.mil to complete your EFMP family needs assessment.
M&FRC South Bay
One-Stop Business & Career Services providing resume writing, resume reviews to our military, civilian, veteran and spouses.
Weekly Meetings
Capstone (By appointment only)
Tuesdays, April 4, 11, 18, 25 | May 2, 9, 16, 23 8 a.m. - 2 p.m.
Required for all military that are separating or retiring.
Post-Deployment Reintegration
Wednesdays, April 5, 12, 19, 26 | May 3, 10, 17, 24,31 9:30 a.m. - 10 a.m.
Workshop is intended for Service Members returning from deployment. Spouses are encouraged to attend.
Pre-Deployment Readiness
Wednesdays, April 5, 12, 19, 26 | May 3, 10, 17, 24,31 1 p.m. - 2 p.m.
This workshop will give you tips on how to prepare yourself and family members while you are deployed.

Tuesday, April 4 | Tuesday, May 2
8 a.m. - 11:30 a.m. | Bldg. 272, Room C2-205
Newcomers are briefed on the exciting world of the Air Force, Space Force and the cutting-edge technology of SSC. Newcomers will be provided with informational and mandatory briefings in an interactive way!
First Officer Duty Station
Thursday, April 13 | Thursday, May 11
1 p.m. - 2:30 p.m.
Learn budgetary basics, saving tips, and how to survive in this high cost area. This is a mandatory class for all O1 & O2 who are new to Los Angeles AFB. All military and civilians may attend
*Must have at least 4 participants scheduled, in order to have class.
Initial & Pre-Separation Counseling
Monday, April 3 & 24 | Monday, May 1 & Tuesday, May 30 8 a.m. - 3 p.m
Are you separating or retiring from military service?

Fulfill your Initial Counseling and Pre-separation briefing requirement at this mandatory briefing preferably 18 months before separating and 24 months prior to retiring, but mandated NLT 365 days before leaving the service.
Managing Your Move
Thursday, April 20 | Thursday, May 18
1 p.m. - 2:30 p.m.
Get good advice on planning your next PCS from the clinic, traffic management and finance.
Transition Workshop (3 days)
April 10 - 12 | May 15 - 17 • 8 a.m. - 4 p.m.
The three day format covers a broad range of topics from financial planning to job search to a VA benefits briefing. Spouses are highly encouraged to attend. This workshop is mandatory for all separating members, highly recommended for retiring military members.
DOL Employment Track (2 days)
April 18 - 19 | May 22 - 23 • 8 a.m. - 4 p.m.
This new workshop is part of the Transition Program. It is a monthly workshop where Transitioning Service Members, Spouses, Retirees and Veterans can build a resume for a civilian or a federal job and learn interview techniques, salary negotiations and labor market information.
DoD Education Track (2 days)
May 24 - 25 • 8 a.m. - 4 p.m
Transitioning Service Members, Spouses, Retirees and Veterans can learn about education resources available. This is a quarterly workshop part of the Transition Assistance Program (TAP).