odd hot cup of tea

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"Odd hot cup of tea" English release v116.1EN




Note Legalesi.

⌦ This

is "Odd hot cup of tea" English release v.116.1EN are written in English by 6502. To give a clear picture purposes & duties, only legal notes are written in Italian.


and all the stories the readers about

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Il webmaster 6502 O;-) Terminetor Magnetico, sono contro la guerra, il sito esprime tacitamente il concetto che la guerra e’ sempre ingiusta, inutile, mai santa, ma la WWII fu l’unica guerra necessaria. E' opinione del webmaster che i musei oltre a ricordare il sacrificio ed i nobili principi dovrebbero educare, insegnare, fungere da deterrente contro la guerra per non ripetere continuamente gli stessi sbagli per un motivo o per l’altro. E' inoltre opinione personale del webmaster il fatto che le testimonianze dei veterani di tutte le guerre, abbiano una curiosa assonanza con le opinioni dei pacifisti. I primi (volontari o coartati) hanno imparato direttamente cosa sia la guerra. I secondi (sicuramente molto piu’ fortunati dei primi) hanno imparato il significato dell’inutilita’ della guerra, apprendendo le altrui testimonianze?!. Le opinioni politiche e filosofiche espresse direttamente od indirettamente nel website e nel libro, cosi’ come le analisi storiche sono da ritenersi personali opinioni del webmaster. Tali opinioni non sono collegate in nessun modo alle persone, enti, organizzazioni e quant'altro citato direttamente od indirettamente nel website e nel libro, e come deja.dit, il contenuto del testo rappresenta esclusivamente e semplicemente la personale opinione del webmaster. E’ importante tenere presente che ogni riferimento esplicito od implicito a fatti o persone, enti, organizzazioni, eventi, circostanze che taluni lettori possono riconoscere od associare e’ del tutto casuale ed immaginario. Il website, l'ebook.pdf sono no-profit l’autore non persegue nessuno scopo di lucro o profitto diffondendo online il materiale assemblato. Il volume e’ liberamente stampabile in tutto od in parte, e' inoltre distribuibile senza alcuna limitazione legale, purche’ a)non ne sia alterato il suo contenuto b)purche' si faccia riferimento come citazione all’url del website www.omaha-beach.net Se ci trovate frasi troncate, vocali mancanti, punteggiatura a ca%%o, abbiate pazienza la stampa PDF spesso mi tronca le frasi in modo involontario. Sara' un worm s.o.b.? Chisse ne frega, mica e' un prodotto commerciale questo! A tale proposito ricordo che il sito storico non e’ un sito d'informazione e nemmeno un risultato di un prodotto editoriale, il volume, il forum blog, l'ebook.pdf, il sito non hanno una pubblicazione regolare, la loro evoluzione, articolazione e modifica si basa essenzialmente sulla volonta’ e l’interesse del webmaster che in modo gratuito, aleatorio decide di fare aggiornamenti o modifiche. L'ebook in PDF non contiene immagini, dovrebbe essere facilmente stampabile ed intuitivamente rilegabile o spillabile in un vero libro gia' correttamente impaginato. Non e' "garantita al limone" la resa grafica ed il processo di stampa di cui ogni utente ne assume la responsabilita'. Il webmaster non si assume la responsabilita’ della completezza delle informazioni pubblicate, dei problemi, danni di ogni genere che eventualmente possono derivare dall'uso proprio od improprio, dalla stamapa, dall'interazione e/o download di quanto disponibile online. Tutti i marchi, loghi, organizzazioni citati direttamente od indirettamente sono di proprieta’ dei loro legittimi proprietari bla, bla, bla... tutelati a norma di legge dal diritto nazionale/internazionale, bla, bla, bla legalmente registrati ecc... L'Ebook "Odd hot cup of tea" e' tutelato dal COPYLEFT(BY-ND) http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nd/3.0/ 6502 Per consigli, suggerimenti, critiche o quant'altro: info @ omaha-beach.net



INDEX: Purposes & Duties, legal notes. At page 2, there are all the legal notes, I wrote them in Italian only, just to offer a clear picture about purposes and duties on this book. Don’t worry about that, take in mind, this book is protected under Copyleft(BY-ND) http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nd/3.0/

1.0-What the hell of book is all about?!. In this short section, I hope that every readers discover what kind of fucking book is all about O;-)

To start, please go to the page 6 / Remarks

2.0-The story. "Odd hot cup of tea" English release v.116EN

Ok fox, Let’s discover which are your ‘true’ synthetic memories on www.omaha-beach.net please go to the page 11 / The Beginning.

3.0-Concept & Format:"Synthetic Holy shit!, where is the bottom line?



Memories It’s right here!

on www.omaha-beach.net click on Synthetic Memories


www.omaha-beach.net / info@omaha-beach.net

"Odd hot cup of tea"

English release v.116EN is written by 6502, the book is under the PDF format and it supports www.omaha-beach.net . On one hand I suppose all my stories sound very boring, odd to Emglish native speakers because there are lots of grammar mistakes and things like that!. That’s why I usually say to the Italian people, this book is the ‘inglish release’ ☺ of the Italian version. I'm sorry!, I did my best, I rewrote it, hand by hand on trying to maintain the same correct meaning of the Italian release but that's not easy for me. Please remember: I'm not a translator and I'm not a native English speaker. I'm a man of few American-English words and I’m playing for training purposes only. So, if there's someone who knows a thing or two, I'd be happy to accept any advice to improve this ebook.



1.0-Remarks. This book has a multi plot stories, this means that each reader will read many different books at the same time. It’s a sort of mechanism to put the reader inside the story, so every guests of this book should find easily their ‘true’ synthetic memories inside www.omahabeach.net

Each dialogue inside the book is short, generic and I hope that the text is not boring especially if you read it more than a couple of times.

Lots of stories are short, synthetic; I put them just in one page or two, nothing more. Each readers have to do ‘the right’ thing, and this is a gift because you are really free to play on finding your ‘true’ synthetic memories into this story. Inside the book there’s an approximation about life or things like that. Deep inside the pages there are 2 forces and the reader is in between "literary fate " vs. "literary freedom". War

produce destruction but I decided to approach in this topic in a soft way. I followed the same choices of www.omaha-beach.net


literary format and the literary approximation of odd stories are synthetic it means that the literary format put the focus before the D-Day landing and after the D-Day landing. All the stories during this historic event are shorts and for more information you can take a look inside historic books or cool websites. Please keep in mind that all the stories before and after the D-Day landing are synthetics it means they are fake stories I simply invented them and nothing is true.

The book runs on using the"reading jump" it means that you start to write a page so you have to take your decision to make your way. The reader has the literary freedom to make your own story and to take its impact into the literary fate. 6

This process runs on using a structural knot. Here is an example of structural knot or structural plot. When you find this point, it’s time for the reader to take the decision inside the story.

Please don’t move forward on scanning the future pages before to take your decision. Take your decision and go to the right page, and nothing more.


don’t move forward or backward on reading other pages, Please stay on your track only!!

Literal Plot it’s the moment when a reader has to take your own decision inside the story. Ok reader, now you have to take your own decision so follow these rules:

if you want to continue on reading, go to (pag.09) / Multiple plot stories if you don’t want to continue on reading this section, go to (pag.04) / Index. It means that, right now, my dear reader, exactly now you take your own decision. On one hand, if you want to continue to read this section you have simply to move forward towards page 9. In the other hand if you don’t want to read all this section, you have simply to move backward toward page 4. That’s all. In the next pages, you’ll have lots of decision to take, and all decision inside the story’ll be similar to this LITERAL PLOT. You have to decide what to do and to go straight to the page indicated. That’s all. This book is not a traditional book. Biunivoc books: These kinds of books have one beginning/one story/one end. Each reader’ will read the same story every time. Multiple plot stories: it means that this kind of books have got a different literary concept, (at least) one beginning/lots of stories/lots of ends. And each reader can decide the personal own path on using the Literal Plots

Into the literary future, there’s a sort of "Literary Fate" Casual stories and fortuitous events or deja written tracks into a literary fate can mix together on drawing your personal story inside this book. You can’t avoid some big event or bad scenarios, that’s because you are part of this literary story. Well, don’t worry about them, sometimes nothing is completely and exactly déjà written into a bad literal fate, and sometimes not. In any cases it’s for sure that you are reading your own story inside this book.


the literary future, there’s a sort of "Literary Freedom". It means that every each readers have lots of different stories to tell about the same event D-Day landing on reading this book. Those are exactly the own stories because each readers have to take their decisions on reading and on drawing their stories. This book is not as the real life is, it means that there are lots of different stories but there are not infinite stories and sometimes the literary format has got one way solution. You know, I’m telling stories only and it’s not easy for me. Well, don’t worry, I put hundreds of hundreds of Literal Plots so it’s for sure, you can draw your own story before to reach the end of this book.




plot stories". That’s the matter of a book, this book can’t contain infinite stories, Yah!, it contains lots of stories but not infinite stories.


keep in mind these instructions:


this book, it is ready made, there are lots of white pages in between, this white pages have the function to hide the literary future to the readers. So don’t go forward on scanning the literary future on reading what if this, what if that and things like that.

Take your decision and go to the right page, nothing more.

Please stay on your track only!! Remember!, this book it’s a gift, it’s a free gift, it offers to you the opportunity to use your one way ticket to reach your synthetic memories on www.omaha-beach.net Please don’t destroy your gift on moving forward or backward inside the book on reading other possible stories. As I déjà wrote: Stay on your track only!.

You have to do simply the right thing. But there isn’t a right thing to do, there isn’t the right story or the wrong stories, you don’t win scores. So use the information and take your decisions. Sometimes it’s useful to follow the orders of the friendly people around you, sometimes not because nobody has got the crystal ball. So if you don’t like the story, wait some days and restart to read this book. I suggest making same notes about any suggestions around the last literal plot. In this way you can read lots of stories inside this one book only.


suppose all my stories sound very boring, unusual to American and British native English speakers because there are lots of grammar mistakes and things like that!. I'm sorry!, I did my best for the moment. In the other hand, I rewrote them by hand, on trying to maintain the same correct meaning of the Italian release. That's not easy, so please remember: I'm not from the US, I'm not a translator and I'm not a native English speaker. I'm a man of few American-English words and I’m playing for training purposes only. So, if there's someone who knows a thing or two, I'd be happy to accept any advice to improve this book. Ok folks, that’s all. I hope you enjoy this book and have fun! 6502

Would you try to find your ‘true’ synthetic memories on www.omaha-beach.net so, please go to (pag.4) / "Index" and select the ‘2.0-The Story’ section. 9


2.0)The Story. You sat down on a chair, on waiting to meet the Brigadier General to discuss the way to introduce you in some units to follow the event D-Day landing. On your right there’s an M1 helmet, probably somebody lost it. In front of you there was the orderly, he worked on his typewriter. You looked at the M1 helmet, it had a white line on its back, and it was painted by someone with the division insignia on its front. It could be a cool stuff, especially if you had to stay embedded on the D-Day landing. Otherwise it could be a nice ‘souvenir’. So you asked to the orderly-who’s that M1 helmet?!- he answered-I don’t know, somebody leave it-. So you get the M1 helmet and you wore it. A windless voice called you from the door-COME IN!!- so you came into the office. There was the General in front of you, he sat down on his writing desk, he looked at the letter of your Editor, and this was your credentials for the staff. On your left there was another soldier, he wore a M1 too, he smiled silently at you. So you started on talking-Well, you know, the press sent me here, I have to cover the D-Day landing for historic purposes, especially the right side of the sectors on Omaha beach. Well this M1 helmet is not mine, I find it just outside of this office, and it seems cool and useful for me, so I get it. In any case, it could be a nice souvenir...You wore down your M1 helmet and you showed at the 2 soldiers. The brigadier general looked at the M1 helmet, there was an M1 helmet switched balls, and in front of the helmet there was the painted the division insignia and a white line on its back. There was a green net on the M1 helmet too, so the brigadier general looked one more time at the M1 helmet, while the second soldier smiled silently again, and he was watching at you. So the general asked-WHAT RULE IS THIS?You didn’t speak English so well, so you didn’t understand perfectly what it meant; role looked for job of functions of for military role?. So you decides to answer -Well, I don’t know...The second soldier smiled friendly so he spoke to you on saying-Well fox, you can’t speak to him on using this way, you have to use yes sir, or no sir,- You were not a military man so you are not used to use this kind of language so you answered-Really?-. The second soldier was laughing so he answered-Yah!, it’s for sure-. So you looked at the depliant of the military division. The pyramidal pattern into your brochure showed a complex military organization and the terms like ‘sir’ showed a form of respect only for the structure. Well, if you had to be embedded to this troops, 11

you’d better to have a more positive way of thinking, so you decided to try your first military salute -Yes, sir!- . General suggested to you to fix your salute, your hand has to look like a fixed blade, so you tried again. -yes, sir, well this time I suppose I did a good military salute, but you know... I am not used to salute in this way, it seems quite odd for me, I used to say hello or hi, that’s all-ARE YOU SURE LIEUTENANT?-Yes, sir- (you retried again on doing this odd military salute, everytimes you saluted, it seemed less difficult than the first attempt) -WELL DONE, YOU HAVE TO DRESS UP-general launched to you the M1 helmet, while you get it, you said-Well, everything seems an EA product, sirGeneral didn’t understand your comment so he asked to youWHAT?-nothing sirFinally your military salute looked fine, so general said to you-OK! LIEUTENANT,YOU DID IT!!General continued on saying-YOU KNOW... IF YOU WANT SOME PICTURES, WHY DON’T YOU GET AN AIRPLANE?-No sir, by plane the pictures seem to small-COAST GUARD BOATS SEEM A GOOD IDEA, DON’T YOU?-No sir, if you want a god picture you have to stay near the target, I totally agree with the great photographer Capa, he covers the left side of the beach, and I’m not a good photographer so I have to stay near the object to get good pictures, sir.General smiled silently so he looked to the other officer again, he was quite and he smiled too silently, it seemed he was a good time on listening the conversation. But he never didn’t say a word, he simply let his M1 helmet covered his face and his large smile. So the general continued on saying directly to you-SO, LIEUTENANT, YOU ARE REALLY SURE THAT DOG AND CHARLIE BEACHS ARE ON THE RIGHT SIDE OF OMAHA BEACH?-Sure!, Yes sir, I’m quite sure about that!On saying that, all the soldiers looked at the wall, you looked at the wall too. There was a big and large map on the wall and it showed a continental point of view, it meaned that the designer put the sea on the top of the map, rather than to put the sea on the bottom of the map. -SO YOU SPEAK ENGLISH, AND FRENCH, YOU HAVE TO GET SOME PICTURES OF THE RIGHT SIDE OF OMAHA BEACH FOR HISTORIC PURPOSE, MMHH...IS IT CORRECT, LIEUTENANT?-Yes sirFinally general smiled happy, he get a big map of Omaha beach, and he put it, right on the table so he started on speaking to find the right solution and the right company to stay embedded for your goals. 12


What is your answer?! You have to take a decision right here, in which sector do you want to start your adventure in D-Day landing on June 6th, 1944 ??

-I would prefere dog green sector, sir!- go to pag.15 -Dog white sector, it’s right, sir!- go to pag.17 -Well, I’d prefere dog red sector, sir!- go to pag.19



-DOG GREEN, IT’S OKGeneral sat down on his chairs, while the second soldier started on speaking to you, he gave some informations and details about the mission so you can decide in which battalion could be the right ones for your goals. -USAAF'll drop lots of bombs on the beach, they'll cover the action,but... you know it's a tough action, a heavy shelling into the night, something can go wrong. That's why just before landing, the Navy'll shell at least of 30minutes of heavy bombing.-sir, about 30 minutes only?!-Well, as you see in the map, dog sectors are smaller than fox and easy sectors. We hope the Navy'll do a good job with an accurate fire from the sea. On the right side of the beach there are only 2 exits at the top. D1 is just in front of dog green, it seems a "V" valley. Dog white has no exit, the troops have to use D1 or D3. Les Moulins stands for D3 exit, it's in the middle of dog red sector, it seems a "U" valley full of mines. So if the weather conditions'll be nice, it could be easy to land on the nd right place. SordI suggest to land in attachment of the 2 wave or the 3 wave, st it'll be safer than 1 wave. As you can see on the map, you know our touchdown points are just in front of the nazy points WNs-How lucky, Sir-you say. -yah!, charlie sector is not a landing sector and in the early morning the low tide turns on the left side towards the dog white direction. Later, the high tide turns on the right side toward charlie sector-just like a yo_yo, sir-correct, it's a sort of 29rs'stuff-OK!,LIEUTENANT KEEP IT IN MIND, I'LL PUT YOU INTO THE FIRST BATAILLON, LATER YOU HAVE TO DECIDE IN WHICH COMPANIES A,B,D, DO YOU PREFERE FOR DOG GREEN LANDING, ANY QUESTIONS?-Yes, sir, No sir no doubts-WELL, THIS INFORMATIONS ARE TOP SECRET LIEUTENANT, YOU KNOW, EVERYBODY ARE SAYING THAT ALLIED FORCES ARE PREPARING THE BIG INVASION TO FRANCE, BUT NOBODY KNOW THIS DETAILS, SO KEEP QUIET, YOU KNOW WHAT I MEAN-yes sirYou came out from the General’s office, the second soldier was a captain, he brought you to your room. The room was empty with a sort of 3 castle camp bed, there was a typewriter on the table too. So the captain said-It’s your accommodation, take it easy Lieutenant-

go to pag.21



-DOG WHITE, IT’S OKGeneral sat down on his chairs, while the second soldier started on speaking to you, he gave some information and details about the mission so you can decide in which battalion could be the right ones for your goals. -USAAF'll drop lots of bombs on the beach, they'll cover the action,but... you know it's a tough action, a heavy shelling into the night, something can go wrong. That's why just before landing, the Navy'll shell at least of 30minutes of heavy bombing.-sir, about 30 minutes only?!-Well, as you see in the map, dog sectors are smaller than fox and easy sectors. We hope the navy'll do a good job with an accurate fire from the sea. On the right side of the beach there are only 2 exits at the top. D1 is just in front of dog green, it seems a "V" valley. Dog white has no exit, the troops have to use D1 or D3. Les moulins stands for D3 exit, it's in the middle of dog red sector, it seems a "U" valley full of mines. So if you land on dog white, you can stay in attachment with companies G,K and your exit is D3. If you stay in attachment with the HQ’s staff your exit is D1-NO!, WAIT A MINUTE-the general stopped the conversation -WELL, IF HE LANDS ON DOG WHITE, HE'LL LAND IN THE MORNING WITH MY STAFF, YAH!, EXACTLY, MY LANDING PROGRAM ON DOG WHITE SPEAKS ABOUT 7:30AM, IT’S NOT TOO LATE FOR A PRESS MISSION, DON'T YOU LIEUTENANT?!-Thank you sir, No sir, Well I appreciate!!-you answered immediately with embarrassed tone. -OK!,LIEUTENANT KEEP IT IN MIND YOU ARE IN ATTACHMENT WITH MY STAFF FOR DOG WHITE LANDING, DO YOU HAVE ANY QUESTIONS?-No sir, no doubts-WELL, THIS INFORMATIONS ARE TOP SECRET LIEUTENANT, YOU KNOW, EVERYBODY ARE SAYING THAT ALLIED FORCES ARE PREPARING THE BIG INVASION TO FRANCE, BUT NOBODY KNOW THIS DETAILS, SO KEEP QUIET, YOU KNOW WHAT I MEAN-yes sirYou came out from the General’s office, the second soldier was a captain, he brought you to your room. The room was empty with a sort of 3 castle camp bed, there was a typewriter on the table too. So the captain said-It’s your accommodation, take it easy Lieutenant-

go to pag.21



-DOG RED, WELL IT’S OKGeneral sat down on his chairs, while the second soldier started on speaking to you, he gave some information and details about the mission so you can decide in which battalion could be the right ones for your goals. -USAAF'll drop lots of bombs on the beach, they'll cover the action but, you know it's a tough action, a heavy shelling into the night, and something can go wrong. That's why just before landing, the Navy'll shell at least of 30minutes of heavy bombing.-sir, about 30 minutes only?!-comment. -Well,dog sectors are smaller than fox and easy sectors. We hope navy'll do a good job with accurate fire. On the right side of the beach there are only 2 exits, D1, and Les moulins, You know, Les Moulins stands for D3 exit, D3 is your exit, it's in the middle of dog red it seems a "U" valley full of mines. So if the weather conditions'll be nice, it could be easy to land on the nd right place. SordI suggest to land in attachment of the 2 wave or the 3 wave, st they'll be safer than 1 wave. As you can see on the map, touchdown points are just in front of the nazy WNs-How lucky!, Sir-you said -ya!, sectors are short with only 2 exits on the top-OK!,LIEUTENANT KEEP IT IN MIND, I'LL PUT YOU INTO THE SECOND BATAILLON, LATER YOU HAVE TO DECIDE WHICH COMPANIES F,I,M, DO YOU PREFERE FOR DOG RED LANDING; ANY QUESTIONS?-Yes sir, No sir no doubts-WELL, THIS INFORMATIONS ARE TOP SECRET LIEUTENANT, YOU KNOW, EVERYBODY ARE SAYING THAT ALLIED FORCES ARE PREPARING THE BIG INVASION TO FRANCE, BUT NOBODY KNOW THIS DETAILS, SO KEEP QUIET, YOU KNOW WHAT I MEAN-yes sirYou came out from the General’s office, the second soldier was a captain, he brought you to your room. The room was empty with a sort of 3 castle camp bed, there was a typewriter on the table too. So the captain said-It’s your accommodation, take it easy Lieutenant-

go to pag.21



The captain and the sarge came to your accommodation to give to you your post and lots of stuffs arrived via US Mail. There were some letters from home for you, and a big pack, it seemed that it came directly from your press office. -CAMERA, PLEASE HANDLE WITH CARE-FRAGILE-PRIORITYFor sure!, the pack came from your office!, it contained a new camera reflex,lots of roll of films, most of them are black and white roll of films but, a couple of this stuffs are colour roll of films. You get all this stuff and filled in your sack, so you charged your old camera with a color roll of film. You decided to get some special color pictures of the Great Britain, before the D-Day landing event. Yesterday the sarge told you some cool news, before the lunch troops usually had got a couple of hours of free time. Despite the war time, there were lots of pubs with good beer and hundreds and hundreds of nice british auxiliary terrestrials, nurses, british Waaf or hot Wrns. They usually went to pub for a cup of tea or to listen radio or some music. There were some cinemas too. On one hand it could be a good chance to take some special and amazing photo from Britain, before the landing. In the other hand, sarge told you cool news too, Late in the evening some guys of the regiment could try to do a party because most of them became fathers, so the regiments rumors spoke about a sort of secret daddy party with too many nurses and too many whiskey bottles. Captain and the sarge were informed about that, it’s why they would have to take a look inside a sort of logistic depot to prevent furthers odd problems. The captain asked to you-Ehi!, lieutenant,it seems there is a sort of regiment secret party later into the base, it’s the daddy party, me and the sarge have to take look for duty, you know, it seems that too many bottles of whiskey are disappeared from the infirmary’s cabinet, will you check it up?!-

What is your answer?! You have to take a decision right here,you accept the captain and sarge’s invitation to take a look at the “daddy party” into the base, or you go to a british pub to have a beer, or you decide to stay in your accommodation on reading your letters from home and checking off your new camera reflex??

-Yah, sure!- (go to pag.29) -No thanks sir, I think to have a beer into a pub, later!- (go to pag.25) -Well, No sir, there’s lots of letters from home, I have to take look on them and check off my new equipment too- (go to pag.23 )



You were in your accommodation and you opened all the post from home, you cheeked off your new reflex camera to verify all this components, it seemed it should work quite well. So you filled in the camera with a black and white roll of film. The letter from the office was clear, these couples of color roll of films are very expensive, rather than black and white traditional roll of films. You’d better to keep in mind to use them in very special opportunities or just to capture special actions and things like that. Letters from home were in late, they came in delay because there was a sort of misunderstanding about your right address. There were lots of jobs opportunities, hard work for the military production, good chances for savings too. At home everything seemed fine. There was some cool news too. You became an uncle, there were a new grandchild into the family. Newspapers and news-reel spoke about the D-Day, sooner or later Allied forces would land in France. As usual mum and dad suggested to stay sharp, and to take care of you coming home safe. The story of the grandchildren made you happy so you decide next time to go out for shopping just to buy some special gift. Now it was too late to ask one hour leave, so you prepared your sack and your equipment. After that you took pen and paper and you started to write home on waiting to have dinner. Tomorrow you would go out for shopping to buy some gift and souvenir for your family.

You have to think at a casual number, now get your choice! Think a casual number from 1 until 10.

if you think an even number, go to pag.25 if you think an odd number, go to pag.27



You came into a pub, it was full of crowd, military and civil people all around the tables, so you closed the door and immediately you watched a very nice auxiliary woman, and she seemed a hot tomato, dark shoes, and a sexy blue suite with some fucking yellow buttons, blonde short hairs and beautiful blue eyes, with sexy red lips. You were like a dude man and a sort of electric feelings between you and her. She looked at you silently, while she was drinking a cup of tea. You really fell in love of her, just like a sort of thunder struck, now you had to know only one thing, did she liked you too or not?!. You walked swiftly to the tables and you sat down near the woman and you asked for a cold beer to the barman. Near the woman there were some friends, they spoke to fast to you, fucking british language you didn’t understand a word. In any case you decide to start to speak with the girl. -I'm sorry My lady, is this a very british hot cup of tea?-Off course-Well, I'm not english, my name is... well you know, I don't speak english so well I'm sorry, mmmhhh this british hot cup of tea at lemon flavour, it seems too odd for me-I see it's not at lemon flavour,what's the matter?-well, tea at lemon flavour with a big piece of lemon, or with some milk, it sounds strange for me!The girl smiled at you silently, her eyes sparkled like stars, so she said-Well, I usually put milk, sometimes lemon, sometimes nothing-really?-Off course!-Her friends started to laugh and joked on trying to stop yours conversation. Immediately you saw the girl turned herself around, and she started kicking a couple of shoot directly to the others women’s shins. After that the others women leaved you alone. The hot tomato turned herself again so she continued on talking to you on saying-And Then!-what?-She smiled at you so she repeated slowly-well, my name is Claire Enden, nice do meet you-so she moved a cup of tea on the table towards you and she asked-would you try a british hot cup of tea?!-Sure!, would you try a cup of coffee, cold beer, milk or what else?-No thanks I’m fine- So you asked-mmmhhh... honey?-She smiled at you with her red cheeks, it seemed her face was on fireSorry, no honey my dear, only sugar at the moment!-she answered. You and she started to chat about times, weather, the small town, and things like that. You told her that you had a job for press and you didn’t know the town so you really needed of a sort of touristic guide. At the end of the conversation you paid your beer and her cup of tea. So you asked-Well, Claire, may I see you again?-She smiled happy at you and she answered-Off course, I usually take a cup of tea every afternoom’s leave, right here-.

go to pag.35 25


You came into a pub, it was full of crowd, military and civil people all around the tables, so you closed the door and immediately you watched a very nice auxiliary woman, and she seemed a hot tomato, dark shoes, and a sexy blue suite with some fucking yellow buttons, blonde short hairs and beaufiful blue eyes, with sexy red lips. You were like a dude man and a sort of electric feelings between you and her. She looked at you silently, while she was drinking a cup of tea. You really fell in love of her, just like a sort of thunder struck, now you had to know only one thing, did she liked you too or not?!. You walked swiftly to the tables and you sat down near the woman and you asked for a cold beer to the barman. Near the woman there were some friends, they spoke to fast to you, fucking british language you didn’t understand a word. In any case you decide to start to speak with the girl. -I'm sorry My lady, is this a very british hot cup of tea?But the girl didn’t answer to you, so you decided to continue on speaking to her-Well, I'm not english, my name is... well you know, I don't speak english so well I'm sorry, mmmhhh this british hot cup of tea at lemon flavour, it seems too odd for me-I see-finally she answered sarcastic on laughing in a negative way.You continued to talking on trying to appear likeable and pleasant-well, tea at lemon flavour with a big piece of lemon, or with some milk, it sounds strange for me!- Her friends started to laugh and joked with the girl, she didn’t say a word to you and she avoided your view. -Damn!- you thought, she looked nice, she looked likeable with her friends, but she appeared in this way with her friends only because she was adverse with everybody didn’t know. You started a cigarette silently, but she didn’t like cigarette, she stood up and she walked away with her friends. So you tried, but you did it wrong. You turned yourself at the table to get another beer, but you saw the captain and the sarge, they laughed strongly on drinking beer and looking at you. So sarge told-ehi man!, you’ll get it right, next time!-Damn!, she was an so nice, a very hot tomato!-Sei qui’ per lavoro o vai a donne?-asked the captain while he continued to drink his beer.-Ehi!, non credevo che parlassi italiano!-Why not?- he answered on smiling silently at you.

go to pag.52



You came into a big logistic depot, captain and sarge came in too while outside on the road some jeeps and a couple of truck waited in stand by. There was long corridor and you heard music and whistles and laughing, there was a party somewhere in the building. After a while you saw a big man he looked like a sort of giant, he was inside a sack and he jumped around in the corridor, while he jeep on his shoulder another young man, they were drunk. The second young man on the giant’s shoulder, he whistled and he kept on his hand a sort of a rope. At the top of the rope there was 2 women in bikini’s suite only, they were into a sack too. The girls jumped around the corridor too on following the rope. The first woman was into a sack, she was strong with big tits and she seemed very drunk; she kept on her shoulder another young woman. The second woman was sexy, smaller and thin, she was red hairs, and it was sure she was drunk than the first woman. She smiled at you with a silly large smile so she started big huge whistles. Captain stopped the people so he said-Ok folks, party is over, drop down this bottle of Johnny Walker,keep your dresses,go to the exit,get on the trucks. One truck is for men, other for women.C’mon move your ass!-Yes sir-they answered in chorus, so they continued to jump silently and swiftly until they reached the exit. Sarge looked at them in a curious way so he said-much faster than bugs bunny!-. You continued to walk into the big bright corridor until you heard a noise. A couple of drunken young men were trailing a big metal container; it was full of bikini and women’s dresses. Somebody overturned a bottle of whisky into the basket and another launched a zippo. Inside the basket put on a big fire and all the women’s dress were on fire. The sarge said-Come here!-. But the 3 young men didn’t answer and they ran away with their metal basked until they ruined into a door and tumbled down with a big noise. A nurse came out from a door, she wore only a long white shirt-Ehi you, big boys!, give us our dresses!-she cursed versus the 3 young men. It seemed she wore only her white long shirt, she was sexy and she was in trouble. She cursed imprecations towards the 3 young men because she didn’t stop the fire inside the metal basket, all the dresses seemed on fire. So she kept a big besom and she hit several times the 3 young men. They didn’t care of the shoots, they were sitting down on the floor while they were drinking and laughing and singing in the middle of the room Captain looked at you,so he said-Ehi!, look out!-

Now you have to take your decision, what do you do? Do you help the nice nurse to put out the fire, or do you walk along the corridor with your squad?!.

if you try to put out the fire, go to pag.31 if you walk along the corridor with your squad, go to pag.33 29


You came into the room, you took a metal pail and you tried to put out the fire on using water. The nurse looked at you so she closed the bottoms of her shirt so she restarted to hurt the 3 young men on using the besom. But they didn’t care, they were sitting down on the floor drinking and laughing and pointing the finger to the metal basket that it was on fire with lots of women dresses. You heard a sort of noise-NEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!- a metal noise and a huge and deep hurt, you reached a part of the room just in time to avoid another big and huge metal basket. It was full of man’s dresses and it was on fire too. 3 women felt down in the room laughing and singing. They were drunk, more drunk than the 3 young men. They put on fire another metal basket, but this time inside the stuff were hundreds and hundreds of men’s shirts, pants, and lot more. The fire seemed more serious than the first metal basket, the flames were outside of the stuffs, and it was a big trouble. You started to use water and things like that to put out the fire but every time you put in water the fire and the flames became higher and higher. You were into a sort of laundry, or a big logistic depot, there were water, but lots of fuel tanks too. Probably the nurses used some chemical stuffs or things like that, just to accelerate or to improve the fire. It was a big trouble, but the basket was in metal matter so it didn’t seem a big threat for the room. Despite all, you looked around in search for some pail full of sand, but you didn’t find. After a while, you decided that the right thing to do, it seemed simply just waited and saw.Probably the fire put out itself on staying into the 2 metal containers. There was a sort of flash, a big light, and a sort of huge and massive explosion. You were down on the floor, the room was disappeared, there were lots of fog, it was black smoke and the air was full of gas. Probably methane gas or something like that. You felt like a sort of huge height on your body and you were in trouble, it was difficult for you to get one breath. Probably one or more metal basket hit the methane gas’s pipeline. You didn’t realize this kind of risk, you didn’t smell or probably the nice tits of the nurse and the swift events it was a bad and a lethal combination for everybody.

go to pag.4



The nurse was in the room she looked at you so she closed the bottoms of her shirt so she restarted to hurt the 3 young men on using the besom. But they didn’t care of anything, they were sitting down on the floor drinking and laughing and pointing the finger to the metal basket that it was on fire with lots of women dresses. You heard a sort of noise-NEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!- a metal noise and a huge and deep hurt, you reached a part of the room just in time to avoid another big and huge metal basket. It was full of man’s dresses and it was on fire too. 3 women felt down in the room laughing and singing. They were drunk, more drunk than the 3 young men. They put on fire another metal basket, but this time inside the stuff were hundreds and hundreds of men’s shirts, pants, and lot more. The fire seemed more serious than the first metal basket, the flames were outside of the stuffs, and it was a big trouble. You started to use water and things like that to put out the fire but every time you put in water the fire and the flames became higher and higher. Captain ran away towards the corridor, sarge ran away toward the corridor too, you did the same thing too. At the top of the corridor there were 2 men and 2 women, they played at poker, one woman put her shirt on the table so she bet her shirt. You looked at the cards, one player had a tris of seven, and he stayed simply. The woman had got a double couple. The sarge and the other 2 players whistled to the woman but she smiled and she called for one card only. Captain smiled and said-a nice couple-so he walk away and he drop away his small notebook and his pen too. There were lots of noises and music, lots of people were dancing, and drinking and talking and kissing and snoring. The sarge started on laughing and laughing so he called the captain to check it out. Near a part of the depot, a man and a woman sat down and snoring. It was a funny thing because the nice woman was snoring much stronger than the man did. There was an explosion in the distance, so everybody stopped for one moment to do what they usually did. Captain moved the head on saying no, he was anguished he crashed the radio and he stopped the music so he said-Ok folks, party is over, go to the exit, get on the trucks. One truck is for men, other for women.C’mon move your ass!-

go to pag.23



Some weeks ago you knew Claire Enden, you started to meet her on the pub and finally you and she was in love, finally she was your girlfriend. She spoke in a very british way, sometimes it’s hard to understand what she was saying, but despite all you found the right way to meet each other and to fall in love. The first times you met her in the pub to the cinema or to the restaurant for dinner. Later you met her at the stadium. She liked soccer, she knew everything about soccer. Why she knew so well soccer?! She told to you about the war times, it was great trouble and there were pain for british people for long time in Great Britain, since 1939. Perfumes and beauty soaps were very expensive and extraordinary stuffs and it missed many other things for long time. So you started to offer a gift, a LUX soap, it seemed the right gift for her. In the first times she liked the present, but in the long run you did it, you did it again and again. The same silly gift, so in the long run she smiled and she started to make to you for present a big white washing soap; again and again too. This sort of games of the soap presents, it became a sort of love rith between you and her, so every time you meet her, you usually try to offer her the same LUX soap as a sort of sort of secret discovery in her shoes, dresses, bag and things like that. She played the same game with you, on trying to realize to you the same big white washing soap as odd present. One day in the afternoon, Claire had a short leave for the week end, she had to return to the service in the tomorrow early morning only. She told to you that she had to go to a funeral ceremony in the middle of the city in the afternoon. It was the obsequies of one her dear friend, so she asked to you to joint with her to the ceremonies. You didn’t like funeral ceremonies, on one hand it was a bad idea you still had to take picture for your job before the D-Day landing, in the other hand you thought at the amphibious operation it would be a serious operation. Claire told to you that there was an old nice church in the middle of the town and you might take same pictures too.

You have to take your decision, what do you do? Do you go to the funeral ceremonies with Claire Enden or you choice to wait outside the church because you don’t like obsequies so you can take some picture of the old church.

if you take Claire to the funeral ceremonies, go to pag.37 if you don’t take Claire to the funeral ceremonies, go to pag.39



Finally you decided to take Claire to the obsequies of one her dear friend, on walking through the town you spoke with Claire to know something about who was this guy, but she didn’t say anything to you. You didn’t go to the obsequies because you meet her parents in the middle of the street. They were in town because they had to bring some stuffs from their old house to the new one. On one hand it seemed to you a sort of odd surprise, but in the other hand, it seemed that Claire knew one thing or two rather than you. So you decide to help her parents in their business, there were some furniture, lots of plaids, dresses and much other stuff. There was all their stuff on this wooden hand chart. Claire’s mummy and daddy seemed old and nice people too, they smiled at you in a pretty and happy way, Claire seemed happy and she spoke with other neighbors, she looked nice and cheerful, she started on playing with some children too. You smiled silently and you observed one more time, that every times Claire looked at some children immediately her eyes shined and she looked more cheerful. After a while, you did all job and the neighbors too, so Claire’s parents went away. -Ehi Claire, are they your parents?-you asked She smiled swiftly and silently and she bit one’s lips with her lovely rabbit teeth, so she answered-No, not at all-what does not at all, stand for?-you asked She smiled again silently biting one’s lips again with her lovely rabbit teeth so she said-You know, as I said, it means not at all-Really?She was happy and she made some nice grimaces to you. You looked at the watch, it was late, it was late to go to the funeral ceremonies in the middle of the city, so you asked-Well, and it’s too late, what are we doing now?!-Let’s take a room-she answered swiftly, while she smiled at you in sly look.-Well, it’s a good idea Claire!You asked to a british passer-by to take a picture for you, so you gave to him the best camera with a color roll of films, so he took a beautiful colorful nice picture in the evening with you and Claire on the british bridge. The bridge looked like to the Medal of Honor/Allied Assault’s bridge, it had got the same particular foundations. You looked at Claire and you smiled so you said-Well, Claire, you know, everything looks like an EA product, don’t’ you?-What-answered Claire looked at you a bit astonished.

go to pag.41



It was a brilliant hot evening, the sky was blue and limpid the night might be a beautiful night of spring. You walked along the bridge until you reached the strange octagonal church on your left. The door was open, there are few people, and someone was praying on standing up, many others fell in one’s knees. It was quite dark with very few candles were on fire with small lights. The chap had got dark religious vestment, and he took On one hand a torch to light up the holy bible. Claire was in dark, she smoked silently a cigarette and she looked quite sad and critic about this kind of sermon too. After a while she looked at you and she ran away to reach you. She was a bit sad, probably one hour ago, she wept with pain, and her eyes were wet to the skin. -Are you Ok?-you asked -Yes-she moved her arms on your body,so you kissed her. -You know, they are speaking about us-she said smiling, and biting one’s lips with her lovely rabbit teeth. -Really? What are they saying about?-They are saying that you are a yankee, and yankes’ll go to the France-Really?-you answered, while you tried to take away your mind from the D-Day operation, hundreds of bad ideas were roll in your mind. -Yes, off course-her tone revealed full of anxiety so she put her head on your shoulder and she necked you silently. You kissed her another time, but you didn’t smile this time. Slowly, slowly you take Claire to the bridge without saying a word, you walked along the british bridge to take a nice romantic picture. So you asked to a british passer-by to take a picture for you, so you gave to him the best camera with a colour roll of film, so he took for you a beautiful colorful nice picture in the evening with you and Claire on the british bridge. The bridge looked like to the Medal of Honor/Allied Assault’s bridge, it had got the same particular foundations. You looked at Claire and you smiled so you said-Well, Claire, you know, everything looks like an EA product, don’t’ you?-What-answered Claire looked at you a bit astonished

go to pag.41



It was a brilliant hot night, the sky was blue and limpid full of beautiful stars, the window was open too. May be there were too many roof which hided some british monuments and bridges. It was an early morning, Claire was get up earlier than you, she was in the bathroom, and you looked at the watch on your night table. Over there you discovered an odd hot cup of tea just for you. It was late, you had to come back to your military base and Claire too. You yawned so you said-Claire!,mmmhhh...you know...-What?-she twittered from the bathroom -Claire, I remind one thing, it’s important, it’s very important for me...-Oh dear, what’s the matter with you?-She leaved the bathroom and she was smiling at you, she discovered in your bag your traditional LUX soap. You hid it silently last night before to make love with Claire. She was cheerful but she did her hurried preparations while she stood up in front of the bathroom’s door. -Well, Claire, you know you are short nice blonde hair, blue eyes, you are left hander; your name Claire sounds like a French name, but your surname Enden has something of british flavor, mmmhhh... you love soccer, you like fish and chips,you like clothes, outside you are an iron temper but deep inside you are a sweetheart, you play like a child and you make love like a sex bomb. Well Claire I took a look on www.ancestry.com but there is nobody with your peculiarities-What?-she was astonished -you know, there is no Claire Enden on www.ancestry.com you repeated on looking directly in her eyes, waiting for the right answer. She smiled silently biting one’s lips again with her lovely rabbit teeth, so she opened her bag and she launched to you a big white washing soap. It was yours joke and yours love rith. So she looked at you, she smiled and she made some nice grimaces to you, so she ran away You took the big white washing soap, you smiled like a dork and you thought that she was right. You get your watch on your night table, it was late, very late, you had to come back to your military base. The fucking bill, Yah!, you rent the room for one night only, you had to pay the bill before you came back to the base.

go to pag.43



Spring 1944, somewhere in Great Britain. You sat down lazy on the stadium's tribune, you was smoked your cigarette while you was wait for somebody. The old doorkeeper limped to you, so he told"Ehi! yankee!, what are you doing here?!" You answered "I'm waiting for someone" The old doorkeeper kept "What? just here? " You answered"Sure!, She likes soccer, but I don't like it" The stadium was empty, today nobody didn't play football. The doorkeeper remarked"Boor Yankee, You don't ever understand anything!" "Sure!, We are boor people" You laughed good"but we are saving your ass from nazy..." "Damned war"doorkeeper replied immediately" I have enough of that, the World War One in 1914"1918 was it the last?! Not!, they had to make also this one..." You noticed that the old man observed with interest your cigarette package, you usually played on it, so you put carefully the cigarette just over one wood chair, those was near the doorkeeper. The old man took the package and he looked at the package in a curious way, then he said"What's Camel? Not Lucky Strike?" You smiled so you put his hand into your jacket, you took another package and gave it to the old man. The british door keeper opened the Lucky Strike's package and he took a cigarette. Then he put in his pocket also the other Camel's package just opened. There were not the cigarettes, the chocolate, and the candies that lacked to the Yankees... Old man doorkeeper said"Boy, I will close at 5:00PM, you can stay here, how much you want"then he ignited his cigarette with a match. You replied"I don't want to stay here until 17:00" The old man asked"At what time she could stay here?" You with your lazy voice replied"At least from a quarter of hour..." The door keeper replied"Don't worry, she'll come, women are in late every day, they make them self to wait for..." You did not want to speak about his lovestory, so you asked"Tell me Grandpa, before I'll exit, may I go to the green for a walk?" "Off course, do what you want to do"said the old man


You stand up, watched the old man so you raise light your right hand on the helmet, and you come down to the stairs to get on the green. You listened"Ehi!, Yankee!" You turned yourself and you watched in enigmatic way the old door keeper"God bless you, boy!" said the old doorkeeper with damply eyes. You smiled and he dashed him, his zippo. The old man put it together with the cigarettes.

You have to take your decision, what do you do? Do go straight to the exit and you don’t wait Claire, or you decide to take time and you are waiting for Claire.

if you want to go straight to the exit, go to pag.54 if you are still waiting for Claire, go to pag.46



It was a big stadium with at least 2 floors of chairs and a very large shed. It covers all the chairs and the stairs too. It was a big green with some strange sport tools. You look around, which was a strange place, especially if it was an empty stadium. You moved lazy with his boots just over the red earthen floor. You played for a while just to wait more time into the stadium only. The red track was in red earth and white chalk sand, you roped again with his boots, now the track was chalky. It seemed impossible to wipe the chalk line because it was fixed between the red earthen tracks. The earthen track was porous and it was fucking sticky especially under your boots You were bored, so you decide to go away. You saw her in this moment. She was beautiful!, she really was a hot tomato!. You thought for while she looked like just a nice cheerleader, she was pretty,with her sweet and lovely lineament and with her red lips. You did not detach never from her blue eyes. You step up the chairs and you watched her in a bit angry way. She maked face to him meanwhile she also smiled him happy. That was her!, sure! she was just her! in her personal way on doing all things; she have got her iron temper but sometimes she also have played like a child, and she usually have make love like a sex bomb! She wore a dark blue uniform, with some funny yellow small buttons. She had a white blouse opened on the neck, from which a smooth sexy neck emerged. She was a lot attractive, there were two nice tits up under her jacket, and even if they were not big they were always lovely. Sexy flanks with one enough long close fitting skirt under her leg. Dark stockings and dark leather shoes with not excessive high heels. She hat You She arm

had to blink on the right hand sonorously her dark blue so she asked to you"HI!, WHERE ARE YOU GOING?" grumbled"mmmhhhh... I gonna go out" smiled in silence so she took you fast under her left and she said"OK, LET'S GO!"

You start to walk to the exit, it was a short and dark passage with some scattered lamps on. "MY FAMILY WENT TO THE COUNTRY SINCE 1941, THAT'S GOOD, NOW THEY ARE HAPPY AND THEY FORGOT THE BAD STRESS OF NAZY BOMBING" she said happy.


You replied"Well, that's good, the worst is over. Ehi,You know, I'm uncle, really! I get a letter from home, there are a new baby now, Ya! now I am an uncle!". She looked at you happy, and her eyes shined like stars. Every time someone spoke about babies, her eyes usually shine like stars!. "Ok!, where are we going?"you asked "NOT, INTO THE BARRACKS"she sounded malicious and ironical "Let's take a room"you smiled again "NO, LET'S GO TO THE BEACH"she answered. You felt a frosty wave who chilled the bone so you said no with your head silently so you answered"Why don't we go to the mountain?, I have got a jeep!" She said"ME THE SEA, YOU THE MOUNTAIN, EENY, MEENY, MINY, MOE, CATCH A BABY BY A TOE, IF HE IT SQUEALS LET IT GO, EENY, MEENY, MINY, MOEE!!, IT'S SEA"she smiled ironical and mocking so she start up to make funny faces to you. You stopped her to say"What? That's catch a tiger by the toe, if he hollers let him go, and it's wrong in this way!" "NO!, IT'S PERFECT"she answered in sexy tone. She slowed her left arm on your right hand, she tightened it and then she gone away till all both arms were completely wide. So she turned herself of 90 degree to straight angle in counter, finally she returned to you, putting her face just in front of your one. Blue eyes, blonde short hair, sexy red lips, she was less tall then you. She was a hot tomato, so she looked at your eyes dreaming for long time. So you put your hands on her flanks, and you kissed her. Soflty, sexy, hot lips, her tits were not so big, but just fit and sexy. She breathed breathlessly, and her ass was fit and sexy too. She really was a hot tomato!. She smiled then she bite her lip so she told"NOT HERE!" then she moved her lateral face while she started to look at you on dreaming. She pulled out a gift from her bag for you. "what the hell is this?"you asked, while you smiled too. "DONKEY"she answered immediately"IT'S A GIFT, IT'S FOR YOU" You extracted the gift from the package. It was a small glass bottle, it seemed a sort of shampoo with a photo too. No big white washing soap this time, it sounded quite odd to you. You turned round her photo so you found some lovely words from her. You put for first the 47

bottle into his jacket so you put her photo inside your helmet. She looked at you in a curious way so she said"HONEY, WHAT ARE YOU DOING?" You answered"I'm taking care of your gift, I don't want to lost it" so you put on his M1 helmet. You bring her over your arms and you walked to the exit inside the corridor. "Here it seems a dark passage into a twilight zone, don't you?" you asked. She didn't answer but she took her arms on your neck so she put her head between your shoulder and your chin silently. "what's wrong?"you asked "NOTHING, I WAS TIRED"she answered. There was a little stop, so you felt her a bit far from you. "That's possible we can't meet each other, honey"you said. "HOW LONG?"she asked. "Too Long for me, for a very long long time, baby" you answered. "WE CAN'T CARRY ON LIKE THIS" she snapped. You were in front of the exit, the big door was open, and sharp, warm and white light shined into the passage. "WE CAN'T CARRY ON LIKE THIS", she repeated one more time, but you didn’t care about her sentences, because you know that she loved you. Suddenly she really froze you when she said"LET ME HERE, I WANT TO GET DOWN" You let her get down, but she decided her to get down properly. She added to her last phrase some lethal words for your love, she said"YOU HAVE TO GO, I HAVE TO STAY". "What?"you asked A lovely spring sun shined you and her, you were in hand by hand, nearby the open door. Also there was a great day outside, just to make a note into calendar, because it was a beautiful day. Correct!, it was just like a big event for this cloudy, frosty, foggy, dumpy country. "baby, I love you"you said. She started so fast, so you had not time to say anything, she sweeped away with her iron temper. You did not listen 48

her, you were just thinking on the next fucking amphibious operation, it did not seem to grant anything good. So you started a cigarette and you kept to put away some frosty bad ideas from your mind. Simply you didn’t listen a word of what she said to you, except for her last fucking words. "I KNOW, YOU ARE GOING TO FRANCE" she said. "I love you, I'm in love with you only" you answered "NO, THAT'S NOT I WANT TO SAY ABOUT THAT"she stroked lovely your face. So you tried to ward off her frost sentences. "You change look on your hair, they're more yellow, longer with a pretty central row, I like it" "WE CAN'T CARRY ON LIKE THIS", she snapped angry. "What’s wrong?" "YOU KNOW I LOVE YOU TOO, I'M FALLING IN LOVE WITH YOU FOREVER" she said lovely. "I know, so what?" you asked. "WE CAN'T CARRY ON LIKE THIS", she snapped angry. "I really don't understand what you are saying about"you added sarcastic. "WE CAN RE.MEET TOGETHER, SOMETIMES"she froze you totally. There was a little pause between you and her, so you continued "Sure we can, we can re.meet just over there" while you looked at the jeep on pointing the finger to the jeep. You were lying each other. You knew she was just in this way, with her iron temper. Now she had red and full eyes of pain, she could cry for a while. She feels something about you, you were in trouble, every time you were in trouble you usually stay quiet without to talk too much. "I hate to say goodbye"you said "that's better, see you later" you stopped his sentence in a frosty tone of your voice. "OF COURSE" she answered swiftly and silently she cried, while she gets up with her nose, on trying to keep clear her nose with her hanky. Big tears fell down silently from her beautiful blue eyes and they had mix with her fard. 49

You get down the stairs without saying a word so you reach the nearby jeep. At the end of the stars you stopped, so you turned back and you watched her for a while. She missed you, she was in a twilight zone, under the open door, and she looked at you while she hailed you with her left hand. She started to cry, she covered her face and she ran away while she gets down the stairs too. Jack put down from the jeep, he watched everything. He came on to you with a cigarette's package in his hand, so he asked"Are you Ok?" "Yah!"you answered swiftly with a dark tone, while you sat dawn heavy to the jeep. Silently Jack turned himself for a while to look at Claire. She was still running away and her bag went up and down just like a see-saw. Jack moved his head with disappoint while he smoke his cigarette. "If you don't use the jeep, I'll get it"asked Jack to you. "That’s the same for me,please take me to the base,I’m in late".

go to pag.54



You was at the mess, you had lunch a single pig steak fried, a fresh salad, a dish of rise and a couple of peaches in syrup. What the hell of food is all about?! That’s for sure they didn’t know something about italian cool food. Food was quite bad here, but on the other hand you weren’t a tourist, you were over there for duty and perhaps for job. Captain sat down on the table near to you, the sarge did the same thing. They looked at their dish, so they looked at you, they were not happy, silently they moved slowly their forks in their dishes in the middle of their rise, but they didn’t a single word. They waited some minute before on start eating, so the captain asked-Hai fatto delle fotografie?-sure!, I took some pictures of the british people, some monuments, some streets, pub and bridges too-mmmhhh... did you take same color pictures?-No, I didn’t have a good opportunityCaptain gave to you a file, it was a big report about the programs about D-Day landing on Omaha beach. It contained times, regiment information and lots more. It was strictly classified, you had to take look because sooner or later the division would sail for France and you had to know everything. -preferisco decisamente i piatti italiani-told to you the captain while he smiled. -Yah!, sure!, I like spaghetti al pomodoro-you answered -Exactly-well, I prefer big melons-the sarge said -she was a hot tomato-you smiled, while you thought at the nice british blonde woman that you meet at the pub, days ago. -Ehi fox, you know, we gonna go to the pub in the late afternoon, and you what do think to do?-captain asked, but you didn’t say a word.Somebody silently slided on the table a packet of Lucky Strike with a new zippo. -Ehi fox, would you try with those stuffs, next time?-you know, she fired me-you answered

You have to take your decision, what do you do? Do go to the pub during the late afternoon leave, or do you stay in your accommodation to study the big file?. The decision depends strictly in which day of the week you are reading this book, right now. What kind of day is it?, right now when you are reading this book?

if today is a holiday, go to pag.25 if today is a workday, go to pag.27 if you decide to stay in your accommodation to study your file, go to pag.54

if you return from pag.27 for the second time, you have to go to pag.54 52


D-Day landing was near, all the Division sailed from the british harbors at 21:00 and more than 5’000 vessels moved towards France. After dinner you were invited at the Division Staff Briefing. The general started his report. -USAAF'll drop lots of bombs on know that, it's a tough action, early morning with only one air goes wrong, just before landing of 30minutes of heavy bombing.-

the beaches, I know and you an heavy shelling into the campaign, well if something the Navy'll shell at least

Someone in the room asked-Only 30 minutes sir?-Well, I know, I know, ya! you know my position, I read the documents, I read your reports, I listened your suggestions, I talked too much, well, you know, how many fucking genius are in the Operational Sectors, so guys, what can I say, 30 fucking minutes are much better than 29 fucking minutes or less. Dog sectors are smaller than fox and easy sectors. I hope our navy's guys'll do a good job with some smart accurate fire on nazy WNs.There was another question from someone at the bottom of the room. -what's the weather like on tomorrow morning, sir?-Well, I have no crystal ball, you know, but Commander in Chief do, ya! He told me by phone good news, tomorrow morning it seems a sunny day, a good choice to go to the beach and have fun in France!There was a guffaw laugh in the briefing room. So the general continued-Well guys, now let's take a look at the map, on the right side of the beach there are lots of exits, but on the left side we have only 2 exits, each others are on the top of the beach. D1 is our exit, but you know, the landing points are just in front of WNs nazy strong points.Someone from the HQ’s staff said-How lucky! sirThere was a guffaw laugh in the briefing room. General smiled so he put 2 finger at the shape of V-Mmmhhh ya!, ya!, well watch out guys! Just remind it!, D1 it seems a "V" V stands for Victory but it also stands for V-valley and, on other hand D3 seems a "U" valley, keep in mind men, dog white sands have no exits, ya!, you know our troops have to use D1 or D3 for the heavy equipments only.Somebody asked-D3 is it the right exit for heavy equipment only, sir?Someone from the bottom of the briefing room answered-Ehi! fox, the artillery'll be right here-. The general smiled so he said-I know, I know, and keep it mind men, I'll be just here, guys, on dog white at 7:30 in the morning!54

So he continued-Ok!, everybody know "Les Moulins" stands for D3 exit, it's in the middle of dog red sector. As I told, it looks like a "U" valley, probably is full of fucking mines, so watch out, and take a look at MG points and all WNs strongpoints too. So watch out, the Big Red One use this exit too, yeah! D3 it's the main exit of the beach. We need it, and our Engineers have to do a very very tough work in very short hours. But we are not alone! our armored division is on the beach, our tanks'll lead the way just here and here. Ok, is there any questions?-No sir-in the room everybody said together. -Well, you know the operation is complex, as I said, it's a fucking complex operation, and in my experience when something is fucking complex, something goes wrong. It could mean somebody'll land just in the right landing points, and somebody does not. Well, don't worry, everybody have to give support to everybody, we need of each other. So you know what I mean!, keep in mind our goals, we have to clear the Exits as soon as possible!. Cherbourg, Caen and Paris are waiting since 1939, you know what I mean!So general said -Well, here are in attachment our press package, you know it's our guest, so men we have to take care of our press package, he is here in attachment with our units for historic purposes & duties. Ok! Lieutenant, now tell us in which company do you prefer to stay in attachment for your D-Day landing?!-

You have to take your own decision, what do you answer to the general? -dog green sector, I'd prefer 29/116/A, sir- go to (pag.57) -dog green sector, I'd prefer 29/116/B, sir- go to (pag.71) -dog green sector, I'd prefer 29/116/D, sir- go to (pag.65) -dog white sector, at 7:30 with the HQ's staff, sir- go to (pag.81) -dog red sector, I'd prefer 29/116/F, sir- go to (pag.67) -dog red sector, I'd prefer 29/116/I, sir- go to (pag.79) -dog red sector, I'd prefer 29/116/M, sir- go to (pag.69) -Ok guys, the job is done. Let's go!-UUUUAAAAAHH!-everybody answered in this way, so they came back to their Unit, waiting for the right hour of the D-Day landing.



You was on board of one of 6 LCA, they took the company A/116/29 to the beach. The captain sent to you to the bottom of the LCA, you didn’t want to go but the Captain told you that he thought that you was irresponsible or insane man because the first wave was the most dangerous action and probably the safer place was at the bottom of the LCA. After waiting for a very long time on turning around and around in the sea, everybody had a sea sick, you too. The sea was bad, it was really rough sea, but finally the radio grumbled-OK!, LET’S GO BEACH IS CLEAR-. The LCA changed own path, it moved swiftly to the beach, while it rolled from left to right and so on, just like it was a yo-yo. There was very rough sea, the Sherman Tanks went down, and you reached the top of the LCA to take a look. There were bad news, things went from bad to worse, tanks sunk one after ones, the rough sea was lethal for tanks, and very few tanks reached the beach. You put your camera outside the LCA to take same good picture of the action, but you didn’t take cool photo because the LCA rolled too much. After a while, mortars shoots hit the sea and the beach. Hundreds and hundreds of machinegun burs hit the flank of the LCA, everybody heard the metal clack of the lethal burst. Somebody said-beach is clear, it doesn’t mean muchLCA chief said-30 seconds-FIIIIIIIIIIIIII- a long whistle smelt like an alarm, it meant to stay sharp and ready for the action, the LCA’s door would open in 30 second or less. Everybody were nervous and were quiet, finally the door was opened. A lethal wave of MG machinegun burst took lots of soldier in front of you. Most of them fell swiftly and silently, others screamed. The LCA slowly backed out, a big mortar shoot hit in front of the LCA, the vessel rolled in a terrible way. Many other shoots of rifles and machinegun burst hit the inside of the LCA, you felt lots of a huge pain in your body, so you felt down.

go to pag.59



You have to take a decision right now, but it depends on ☯ your “literal memory”,

your “literal integrity” Please, do not hack your own storypath!, you know what it means!!. If you are reading this page, your adventure on the D-Day landing is over, your mission was lethal for you. Don’t worry, this page drives you into a sort of ‘Twilight Zone’ so you have to be honest on answering at some questions.

It’s a fact that on reading this book you decided your own story path, because you decided this or that in lots of literal-plots. That’s for sure, on the other hand you have a sort of “literal memory” of some characters that you meet on reading this book.

Please, log on http://www.omaha-beach.net/omaha/twilightzone and answer to questions of the website.



Simply for a fast formal need, on telling the story into a sort of direct dialogues, please keep in mind these identities on telling what [0] = Claire Enden is speaking about [1] = the 1st Claire’s colleague is speaking about [2] = the 2nd Claire’s colleague is speaking about [3] = the 3d Claire’s colleague is speaking about ----------------------------------------------------------Somewhere in Great Britain, summer 1944 She is in her room, she sit down on the her camp bed, [1] sit down on the bed too and [2] sit dawn on a fucking chair, simply in front of Claire. They speak slowly and Claire is crying. Nobody can hear you, nobody can see you, you are in a sort of new dimension, everything look so far from you. [3] come into the room swiftly and she saw that Claire was crying silently. Long tears came down from her eyes, she kept in one hand a paper and a letter. [3]-What’s the matter?[1]-it’s the Claire’s letter, simply it comes back[3]-so what?[1]-Claire sent a love letter to him, on trying to be friends again, but it seems he denies any replies[2]-well, she reads the newspaper, everybody are still speaking about D-Day landing, Yankees are in French with our troops too so, why the letter is undeliverable?[3] get the letter swiftly and silently, she looks at the postmark, somebody rejects the letter on June 6th 1944 so she says-I suppose he rejects this letter, he is still aliveClaire was quiet, she looked at [3] full of hope, while she get up with her nose, she kept on trying to clear her nose with her hanky. Many other big tears fell down silently from her beautiful blue eyes. Finally Claire found the power to say-[3], You are telling to me that you know that he is still alive?[3] stood up, she moved faster on giving her shoulders to Claire. You were right in front of [3] but she didn’t see you. [3] was older than Claire. The face of [3] was dark, she was her officer but she also was her best friend, and it was for sure, she didn’t want to be the person who had to give any sort of bad news. She wouldn’t have been the person to say any bad news to nobody, but sometimes somebody’s gotta do it, you knew exactly what it meant. Life was fucking strange, you heard her voices and their thoughts too. It looked that you was in their minds, and there were no fucking doubts about that. [2] was pointing and ticketing her fucking right finger to the office stamp, while she looked at [1]. 61

[1] looked at [2] so she asked-what does it mean? What does this red label mean?[2]-simply this letter was REJECTED, UNDELIVERABLEYou hate [2], fucking bitch, her voice was hard, it was cold and you heard a sort of fucking ironic tone.Claire restarted on crying again. [3]-Well, there’s nothing to say about that, during D-Day landing, some operations were quite easy for the British and Canadian troops. But about American troops there were lots of odd or bad situations, in which unit are we speaking about?[1]-yankees, 29rs, my dear, do you know what it means?[3]-shut up [1], we don’t know any information about American units, I’ll try in the next days to reach some details about this units. After a while, D-Day landing was not as hard as we knew about during the first hours of the operations at Omaha beach[0]-Well, Tell me, what’s the story? Is he alive?[3]-No, No, I know anything about that, I’m sorry[2]-you are a stupid, silly woman, listen Claire, you should never, ever choice an infantry man for a boyfriend, next time, keep it in mind![3]-shut up [2], listen Claire, do you know what are the rules of the war?Claire looked at [3] with her big blue eyes, she hoped to hear any sort of good news, so she answered-No, what’s the matter?[3]-Claire, my dear, war produces a sort of appetite of destruction, there are dead and wounded, and missing soldiers. Well, infantry forces usually do the 3/4th of the dead, navy usually does the 20% of the dead, air force usually does the 5% only of the dead. Logistic forces and Command and Control Operations usually does less than 0%. There’s nothing to say about that,there’s a fact of war, do you understand what it means?-Claire started on crying again.[3]-well, don’t worry Claire, I told you many times, I don’t know what’s the story, I don’t know the details, I don’t know if he is still alive or if he was shooted in action. But you have to keep in mind your own decisions. You are a young woman, as you said, you can’t marry him, there’s a war, what is the future of your children?, what if he will be shooted somewhere or what if he would run away to the US without you? So what if this, what if that and things like that, Think Claire!, you did it, you did the right thing, and I’m sure he wasn’t in love with you[3] was lying, it was for dang sure, she was a fucking liar, but on the other hand you knew that nothing was important because everything was so far from you. Claire was crying again and you were in a twilight zone in the same room, just in front of Claire, but her dint’t hear your lovely words, she didn’t see you. For a strange fucking 62

case, you were watching everything around you, but nobody saw you. [1]-Stop, you deduce that he was dead, but what if he is still alive...[2]-look [1], look at this letter, it was rejected because this letter was undeliverable, so...[0]-No, I love him, I know he is still alive, I want to marry him...[3]-Claire stop!, keep it mind one fact!, things are done, you dropped him, you did it, there’s nothing to blame and nothing to say all about, you did it, that’s a fact!On listening these words, Claire stops to cry and she looked at [3] silently, big tears still fall down again silently, from her beautiful blue eyes. [3]-Come on Claire, Let’s go to the stadium![0]-really?[3]-Sure!, after the cinema we can go to the stadium, simply to take a fast look, do you agree?[0]-yes...So Claire keeps quiet, while she started to dress out. [2]-Oh my God, the stadium, what a waste of time, I really hate that place, it’s horrible![1]-I love cinema! Let’s go to the cinema! Hurry up![3]-Come on girls, let’s move, and dress out![2] was whispering with [1]-Why we have to go to the stadium? It’s a fucking waste of time, 2 different tubes to catch up, I’d really prefer to go to Piccadilly, you know what I mean[3] is smiling silently-Don’t worry [2], sooner or later Claire is going to get tired to go the stadium, and my intention is to bring Claire to new others guys, listen [1], you know what it means[1]-Amazing... well, what about some new guys at the Operations Office, or what about to meet people of the Allied Air Force[3]-It seems a great idea!, don’t you?For a fucking biting irony, you are right here in the same room, Claire was in front of you but she didn’t see you and she didn’t hear your words. Nobody didn’t. You were in a twilight zone, and you were tired and more tired, just like seconds become days and days. On the other hand you felt exhausted, you was in love with Claire. You should meet Claire again and everything should be as once and for all. So you fell down with a sweet bitter reminiscence.

go to pag.4 63


You were on board of one of six LCVP, they brought the D/116/29 to its target, and the sticky sent you to the bottom of the vessel, because it seemed the safer place. The LCA changed own path, it moved swiftly to the beach, while it rolled from left to right and so on, just like it was a yo-yo. There was very rough sea, you climbed at the top of the LCA, and you stood up near the seaman, just to take same good picture of the D-Day landing. There were lot of dark smocking clouds, a softly wind E-SE hided many details of the landing sectors. Things went bad to worse, lots of sea water rolled into the LCA and on your camera seemed wet to the skin. Probably the pictures were bad and your cameras were out of order. You saw a sort of big flash!, a huge and a massive force pull out you and you jumped out the vessel. You fall into the sea. Water was fucking cold, you were freezing to the bones, you drop the sack and you swam to the sea surface, what the hell was happened? the shock was terrible. The LCVP was broken in 2 parts, and it was on fire, many other hits of machine guns hit the vessel, the crew and other explosions shined in the air. Too many guys were shouting, many others crying, asking for help or trying to get out from the LCVP. Lots of them were on fire or wounded, they were shooted by lethal machine guns fire, most of them fell down to the sea too swiftly. You didn’t know what to do, it was hard to swim, sea was rough ad it was cold, and there wasn’t any wooden part of the boat to use like a safe tools, in very few minute all the LCVP went down into the sea. You was under shock, in the middle of the sea, alone, it was difficult to swim and to stay safe. But you was a lucky man a coast guard boat reached you, they put you in safe. They gave you a rug and a cup of hot coffee. The medic took care of you because you were injured. Under a post traumatic stress disorder, you told what it happened. It was horrible ad it was so swift, there was difficult to describe what exactly it really happened. Coast Guard crew said to you that you was a fucking lucky man, you was one of very few men who saved their lives, just because you were standing at the top of the LCVP. A huge hit of nazy mortar get the LCVP, they broke the LCA in a couple of parts, and the 2 massive explosions pulled out you from the vessel. That’s why you were alive, that was for sure, if you were inside the LCVP you were dead.

go to pag.87 65


You were on board of one of six LCVP, they brought the F/116/29 to its target, and the sticky sent you to the bottom of the vessel, because it seemed the safer place. You didn’t want to go the bottom of the boat but the Officer said-Stay in cover!The LCA changed own path, it moved swiftly to the beach, while it rolled from left to right and so on, just like it was a yo-yo. There was very rough sea, you asked to the seaman to climb at the top of the LCA, but he didn’t accept your request. So you were at the bottom of the boat near the NCO. You put your camera outside the LCA to take same good picture of the action, but you didn’t take cool photo because the LCA rolled too much. On the other hand there were lots of dark smocking clouds. You took a look on your right and on your left, but you didn’t see any other LCA.Probably the seaman lost the right landing path. NCO asked-what do you think about that?You answered-I don’t know, it should be dog red, I suppose-Is this dog red?-a soldier asked to you -Probably, I think soYou didn’t answer because you took a look on your cameras, you were scared that things went bad to worse, lots of sea water rolled into the LCA, the sea was rough and your camera seemed wet to the skins. Probably the pictures were bad and your cameras were out of order. A couple of huge mortars explosions flashed in front of the LCVP, the boat stopped and it came back, while, many other of mortars shoots hit the sea and the beach on your left and in your right. Hundreds and hundreds of machinegun burst hit the flank of the LCA, everybody heard the metal clack of the lethal burst. Seaman said-30 seconds-FIIIIIIIIIIIIII- a long whistle smelt like an alarm, it meant to stay sharp and ready for the action, the LCA’s door would open in 30 second or less. Everybody were nervous and were quiet, finally the door was opened. A lethal wave of MG machinegun burst took lots of soldier in front of you. Most of them fell swiftly and silently, others screamed. The LCA slowly backed out, a big mortar shoot hit in front of the LCA, the vessel rolled in a terrible way. Many other shoots of rifles and machinegun burst hit the inside of the LCA, you felt lots of a huge pain in your body, so you felt down.

go to pag.59



You were on board of one of six LCVP, they carry the M/116/29, and the sticky sent you to the bottom of the vessel, because it seemed the safer place. You didn’t want to go the bottom of the boat but the Officer said-Stay here, Stay in cover!The boat was sailing round and round for a couple of hours, troops were sea sick, somebody ate chocolate, others were smocking, somebody were praying, most of them were bring up one’s food. The sea was rough, a lot of sea water fell down the LCVP, but despite that, troops had got a soft cheering up. The sticky had been a call from the radio, there was a different landing program-BEACH IS NOT CLEAR, WE’LL LAND ON EASY SECTOR IN FRONT OF E1, BIG RED ONE NEED OUR SUPPORT, DOG RED IS NOT CLEAR, I REPEAT, DOG RED IS NOT CLEAR, D1 IS NOT OPEN, WATCH OUT, HEAVY FIRE OF MACHINE GUNS, MORTARS, ARE EXPECTING ON THE BEACHThe LCA changed own path, it moved swiftly to the beach, while it rolled from left to right and so on, just like it was a yo-yo. There was very rough sea, you asked to the seaman to climb at the top of the LCA, but he didn’t accept your request. So you were at the bottom of the boat near the NCO. You put your camera outside the LCA to take same good picture of the action, but you didn’t take cool photos because the LCA rolled too much. May be the picture could be slight out of focus. You took a look on your right and on your left from the LCA border, the seaman didn’t leave the contact with the other landing boats of the company. -TAKE COVER!, INCOMING ENEMY FIRE!- some machine guns fire hits the vessel, a lethal metal click was roaring outside. But the enemy fire was not so lethal, it was not so heavy. Very scattered mortar explosions, same few machine gun fires were incoming from the top of the bluff near E1. Troops of the company M/116/29 moved into the sea, they ran scattered into the water towards the obstacles near the beach ahead. You are near 2 GIs and the NCO, they took care of you, and their mission was a sort of babysitting for all D-Day long.The company stopped in the middle of the water, near the beach ahead. In the low water, in the middle of obstacles troops looked silently at the situation, just before to understand the situation and to reach the top of the beach. Captain gave the order to move out, platoons moved towards the beach ahead and immediately some machine guns fire hit the troops, and some mortars fire too. A MG burst hit you, you fell down the water, the shock was high, but you was still alive, and you was injured, it didn’t seem so serious -Don’t worry man, it’s your lucky ticket to the lovely british hospital-NCO smiled to you. Troops moved swiftly into the bluff, you had to take your time. After a while somebody reached you to bring back you to the Allied fleet.

go to pag.97 69


Just before the boat sailed, you had to take your choice, there were 6 of LCA, they were incoming to bring the 29/116/B to the dog green sector. Captain was looking at you, so he asked-Hai poi fatto delle fotografie a colori?-Si’ alcune foto, non poi molte-Why?-he asked -I’m trying to save up this kind of color roll of films, you know, it’s very expensiveA couple of LCA were docking to the troop control boat -what about your cup of tea, what’s the story?-he asked smiling at you -mmmhhh...-you grumbled something Captain smiled, so he told to you-Ricordati, mai e poi mai mettere tutte le uova nello stesso paniere-what?-Where are your cameras? Where are your rolls of film? Do you bring all your stuffs in this action?-Sure!, exactly, I have right here a couple of camera, and the bigger camera reflex, and all my stuff are in my sack-I don’t think it’s a good idea, you know what I mean-well, I have to take some pictures, I need my camera, it’s my job, it’s my duty, it’s my mission-Yah, I understand but, keep in mind my adviceCaptain said-Ok guys, move on! Everybody on board the LCA, so Lieutenant, in which LCA do you want to sail in?!-

You have to take your decision, in which LCA you want to sail in?!

-This!- go to pag.73 -That!- go to pag.75



You were on board of one of six LCA, they carry the B/116/29, and the captain sent you to the bottom of the vessel, because it seemed the safer place. You didn’t want to go the bottom of the boat because you had to take some good picture. And you had a good reflex camera with a powerful 2.x magnifying lens so this stuff might be more useful than military binoculars. Captain didn’t say anything, he added-Watch out!-. For the rest of the sea trip, he seemed quiet, too much quiet and a bit worry. There were lot of dark smocking clouds, a softly wind E-SE hided many details of the landing sectors, D1 exit in the middle of the V-valley seemed disappeared in the dark clouds, and Wns were hided from smokes and the terrain. The LCA changed own path, it moved swiftly to the beach, while it rolled from left to right and so on, just like it was a yo-yo. There was very rough sea, but you put your arm out the boat border and you kept on trying to catch some odd good photo. May be, things went bad to worse, lots of sea water rolled into the LCA and your cameras seemed wet to the skin. Probably the pictures were slightly out of focus because your cameras weren’t waterproof. Lots of huge mortars explosions flashed in front of the boat, in the right and in left flank, hundreds and hundreds of machinegun burst hit the flank of the LCA, everybody heard the metal clack of the lethal burst. At the bottom of the LCA there was confusion, but the captain was near the exit, he turned himself and he saw that you put your arm and your camera in the middle of the vessel just in front of the metal door. He moved his head on disappointing so he said-I told you watch out!, don’t move, stay in coverSeaman said-30 seconds-FIIIIIIIIIIIIII- a long whistle smelt like an alarm, it meant to stay sharp and ready for the action, the LCA’s door would open in 30 second or less. Everybody were nervous and were quiet, finally the door was opened. You caught a great picture while the door was opening but a lethal wave of MG machinegun burst went inside the vessel. The camera exploded and you were injured, many others are hit buy nazy incoming fire. Captain turned himself swiftly and he brought you away from the enemy fire, and he put you in one side of the LCA so he screamed-STAY IN COVER!You were injured so you fell down unconscious.

go to pag.97



You were on board of one of six LCA, they brought the B/116/29 to its target, and the 2nd sticky sent you to the bottom of the vessel, because it seemed the safer place. You didn’t want to go the bottom of the boat but the Officer said-Stay in cover, over there!The LCA changed own path, it moved swiftly to the beach, while it rolled from left to right and so on, just like it was a yo-yo. There was very rough sea, you asked to the seaman to climb at the top of the LCA, but he didn’t accept your request. So you was at the bottom of the boat you put your camera outside the LCA to take same good pictures of the action, but you didn’t take cool photo because the LCA rolled to much, they were slightly out of focus. On the other hand there were lots of dark smocking clouds. Lots of huge mortars explosions flashed in the right and left flank of the boat, while hundreds and hundreds of machinegun bursts hit the flank of the vessel, everybody heard the metal clack of the lethal burst. So the LCA turned on its right, it moved swiftly through the rough sea towards the rocky costs. Incoming enemy fire was less severe but there were much more incoming machineguns fire on the left flank. Seaman said-30 seconds-FIIIIIIIIIIIIII- a long whistle smelt like an alarm, it meant to stay sharp and ready for the action, the LCA’s door would open in 30 second or less. Everybody were nervous and were quiet, finally the door was opened. Troops jumped into the cold, rough sea, it was a massive shock, and somebody fell down in the deep water for the huge and massive sack. Officers said to move swiftly towards the beach ahead. LCA turned around swiftly and they came out from action. 2nd Rangers company C was in the middle of the sea, just as a part of B/226/29, they were scattered all around the obstacles in the deep sea. Situation was critical. In a very short time the 2 companies realized that they were near the CHARLIE sector border, and the beach wasn’t clear, situation was very critical. On the one hand there were a severe incoming enemy fire near the beach ahead, it was a fucking lethal risk keep on trying to leave the water to reach the bottom of the rocky bluff. On the other hand troops were in the middle of the presight sea, without any support. Cold water was rising, lethal incoming fire from the nazy snipers and scattered mortars hits and machine guns fire had starting to decimate the units. LCA went out of action too swiftly so nobody might get on board to land elsewhere. Officers said-Let’s take hell out from here!-.Scattered troops ran to the beach ahead, but they meet a severe nazy incoming fire, so at every attempt of the troops, only 50% of them reached alive a safer position.

There’s very few time, you have

to take your decision, right now!, so what do you do? -if you try to run towards the bluff, you have to take a look at what time is it right now, at what time you’re reading this book? Are the minutes odd? Then go to pag.77 - if you decide to take cover near the sea obstacles, or if the minutes are even then you have to go to pag.59 75


You was a fucking lucky man, you dropped down all the cameras and the huge sack, just to keep on running much swift as you ever did. Finally you did it, you reached the bottom of the rocky bluff of the CHARLIE sector, you was fucking wetndto the skin but you was still alive!. CO of the C company 2 Ranger told-stay sharp, stay in cover-.There was a high risk of lethal hit from snipers, mortars and things like that, incoming from the left flank. Troops ate some chocolates and candy stuffs, because it was too cold. Most of Rangers’ equipments have been lost in the deep water, and all Wn nazy strong points were active, D1 was closed, there was no fucking exit from this beach. You had a pen and a small note pad, so you wrote everything you saw. Early morning of June 6th, 1944: One LCA was carrying a platoon of B/116/29 was hit by severe nazy incoming fire, the boat turned on its right to avoid the risk of sinking. It reached the CHARLIE sector border. Same story happened to nd the landing boats of the C company 2 Rangers. Situation was critical for the 2 units, there were mines, intense mortars fire, machine guns bursts and severe shoots from snipers near the beach ahead. Same story was in the middle of the obstacles in the deep cold sea. Units reached a safer place but they left in action on the beach up to 50% of their troops. D1 exit was still closed, a couple of nazy strong points WN72 and WN73 stopped all the movements with lethal fire. Middle of the morning, USS destroyer approached near the beach, it opened fire to the nazy strong point, and it offered a sort of support for the infantry troops. Some hits were cool, others gone out of targets. Destroyer was attached by nazy artillery, and the unit reached the deep water without any damages. Late morning, some Sherman tanks went in action on the left flank of the infantry troops. Tanks gone out of action in a very short time, nazy fire was very accurate, lots of Shermans was on fire. Anti tank wall closed the D1 exit, it seemed there were no signs of activity of the rest of B/116/29 in front of D1. Cold sea was rising, there were no radio contacts from the command. th Late afternoon of June 6 , 1944: The rest of the C company 2nd Rangers and the few men of platoon of B/116/29, they attached for all day long the nazy strong point WN73. Severe and intense enemy fire stopped all actions from the top of the rocky bluff. It seemed that WN73 gave support on keeping closed D1 Exit. Since the very late afternoon only, no enemy fire was incoming from WN73; officers tried a lucky action at the top of the bluff. Finally they get the nazy strong point. At the end of the day, numbers were sad: dead and wounded were up to 75%, there were only the 25% of troops in action, since the early morning.

go to pag.87 77


You was on board of one of six LCVP, they brought the I/116/29 to its target, the officer sent you to the bottom of the vessel, because it seemed the safer place but you didn’t want to go the bottom of the boat because you had to take good picture and you had a good reflex camera with a powerful 2.x magnifying lens so this stuff might be more useful than military binoculars. LCVP was sailing round and round for very long time. Troops were sea sick, somebody ate chocolate, others were smocking, somebody were praying, most of them were bring up one’s food. The sea was rough, a lot of sea water fell down the LCVP. A massive dark foggy smokes were wided in ‘Les Moulins’ a soft wind E-SE covered all nazy strong points, it was quite hard to understand what it was going on the beach ahead. But it was quite sure that things didn’t go on the right way, may be it turned from bad to worse. You asked to the captain-What’s wrong?-He saidTake a look here are the nazy fire line, all the WNs are still active-. He was pointing the finger on the U-valley of the ‘Les Moulins’. The landing sector was changed from Fog Red to Easy Green. -FIIIIIII- a long whistle smelt like an alarm, it meant to stay sharp and ready for the action. Troops get down in the cold water of Easy Green, the enemy fire came from the right flank, but it was quite light so the company I reached the beach ahead and the bottom of the bluff. Here there were the K/116/29 too so the story seemed cool. You took much photo with your camera. Officers decided to infiltrate into the French territory, on scattering the units in platoons. The beach had a huge risk of nazy artillery, it was better to reach a better position. Somebody ran along the beach. Other ran into the French territory. Many others used the Bangalore, others ran along the flanks on finding others exits. Little by little the company I and K moved to St. Laurent but finally they meet a massive nazy artillery formation with lots of snipers. Things were complicated. Captain said-Watch out!,stay in cover, snipers!-

Youthhave to take your decision, right now. It is the afternoon of the D-Day

June 6 , 1944 and on one hand you get lots of pictures, on the other hand you still have some movies to use for your cameras. what do you do?! Do you go to St. Laurent in attachment with the 29/116/I or do you prefer to come back to the beach on stopping your mission.

-if you stay in attachment with 29/116/I to reach St. Laurent, go to pag.59 -if you turn back and you return to the beach, go to pag.87



It was 7:30AM and you were on board at 29/HQ’s LCVP, it was approaching to Dog White, when holy shit the boat hit a mine but it didn’t explode!. Somebody said-lucky bastards, come on let’s take hell out from here- So the small platoon jumped immediately into the cold sea, it started on moving towards the beach ahead, in the middles of the obstacles. All around thendDog White sector, there were 29/116/C, A,B companies of 2 Ranger, and B company of 5th Ranger. A cool and smart battalion moved towards the beach ahead, mission was opening D1 exit. On the right of the rd beach road there were a few numbers of Sherman Tank of 743 Tank Battalion. They reached the beach without sinking in the rough sea. You took lots of pictures with all your combat cameras while you kept on running and running in the middle of the deep water. Sea was rising and nazy machine guns fires were bursting somewhere the air. You were a lucky man, everybody was a fucking lucky man, the enemy fire came from the right flank, but it didn’t so massive than other sectors. Troops slighted out the obstacles towards the beach ahead. CO and a couple of GI had the mission to take care of you, so you were still under the escort of the CO and a couple of GI with the radio man too. CO said-Take cover!, Look out, guyseverybody fall down in the sand, waiting for the best. The general with a couple of GI were walking swiftly towards the beach ahead, so general stopped and he started speaking with some rangers. They get up, after a while he get his binocular and he pointed his fingers towards a nazy Wn strongpoints on saying something to the officers. You kept on getting pictures and pictures, you was really watching the story in live situations, the great myth of the historic motto‘Rangers leads the way’ started right here!. But somebody referred to you a quite similar sentence, so you wrote it swiftly on your notepad for historic purposes. Originally the first meaning was quite similar to -D3 is still closed, can rangers lead the way or not?CO repeated to you-Don’t move, keep in mind, we are under enemy fire on dog white, take cover, stay sharp and take cover!-

You have to take your decision, right now, what are you gonna do? Do you stand up and you run towards the General to take more pictures from his point of view, or do you stay in cover near the metal obstacle on the beach ahead of Dog White?

-if you stand up, and run towards the general, go to pag.59 -if you stay in cover on the metal obstacles, go to pag.83



You did it right! General, a couple did it right! You pictures of D-Day

A nazy mortar hit the sand near the of GI went down. General was fine, but you continued in you mission on taking great landing.

Later in the morning you asked to the CO what time was it? He answered that it was 9:30am but during the morning you repeated this question to him. Something was wrong, finally you understood what, and his watch was out of order because he answered every time on saying the same thing!. In the late morning, there was a USS destroyer in the deep sea, it reached the coast and it opened fire towards nazy strong points all around D1 and D3 too. You kept on taking photos and photos all around but situation was really critical. Nazy strong points, especially armored WNs were all active, they stayed quiet until they hit allied forces with an extreme accurate fire on destroying US tanks and troops. It was hard to keep on walking towards D1 on following the sea route. On one hand Allied tank kept on moving but not as fast as nazy mortars hits so some tanks went out of action in a very short time. WNs were stationary targets but dust and black smokes hide all the terrain so every WNs had been difficult to identify and target. All the beach ahead was hot, high risk of sniper’s shoots, machine guns bursts and lethal nazy mortar hits. Troops kept on moving inland, they had their fucking mission. But it was hard to find a safe place for you, CO suggested to avoid the US tanks because they were easy targets. On the other hand you were running out of camera movies, so you still had very few camera roll of films. CO told that if you continued to stay in attachment with the HQ’s units, you had to follow a sort of hybrid platoon. The small platoon had been composed by men of C/116/29 and Rangers, but CO suggested to you to think quite well on what was the right thing to do, because situation was critical and the mission was very complicated. You have to take your decision, right now, what are you gonna do? Do you stay in attachment at the platoon, or do you prefer to return towards the Dog White sector?

-if you stay in attachment at the platoon, go to pag.85 -if you return to the Dog White beach ahead, go to pag.87



At the top of the platoon there was a soldier with his Garand, he didn’t like to lead the way of the platoon there were mines everywhere, but he did it without saying a word. He knew what he could meet on putting his foot on a bad stuff, but he started on walking swiftly just like a courage of lion. In a short time, an Officer with a tommygun and a soldier with a BAR rifle. Later 3 men with a machine gun browning 30’’ and all its fucking heavy equipments. Later there were a couple of officers and you, finally the radio man and the CO covered the platoon. Everybody said to move fast, stay quiet, stay sharp and put exactly the feet in the same paths of the track wrote by the pathfinder. You didn’t go away of track, it was for your safe, and you had to stay exactly on track. CO told to you to stay calm, he did his best, but you had to remind that it was your fucking choice. So he said that probably you was a fucking lucky man, just kept on reminding the mortar history of some hours ago, you did it right!, so you knew, it was your own story, kept on following the platoon and put your feet in the right places!. You stayed sharp, and you kept on trying to put your feet exactly on the same paths of the platoon’s tracks but... it was a sort of massive cold flashlight! Somebody put his feet on the mine...

go to pag.59



You did it, you get it right, you was still alive!, that was for sure!, you outlived D-Day landing!. You are in a British Hospital, don’t worry you are a light wounded only, you have to stay into the Hospital for a very short time, one week only, medics are saying to you all about that. You get up, you go to the bathroom, you feel fine, but that’s for sure you need to have a bath, and you really need to have a shave. On the top of the mirror you find an odd big white washing soap. There is some funny howling, so you take a look at the windows. Outside there’s French, English, American, Canadian, Polish military people, they are all light wounded, they look happy and they are playing soccer. Amazing!, playing soccer in the Hospital’s garden, it’s sounding quite odd for you. Fucking soccer, why don’t they play on football or baseball?! A nice nurse comes into your room, she looks like a hot tomato or something like that. She smiles at you, so she leaves swiftly on your desk some bitter pills. It is your medic ration, nothing to worry about that. But she also brings a hot cup of tea. You feel surprise of that, so you take a look immediately at your odd cup of tea, it’s hot, and there is any lemon piece on the dish. But on left of the table, the nurse leaved a small honey box, it’s for you. Holy shit!!

You have to take a decision, look at the table and start thinking about the cup of hot tea, there’s no lemon on the dish. There’s a small honey box, there’s a big white washing soap somewhere and people are playing soccer outside.

Do you remember anything? If yes, go to pag.91 What the hell of fucking stuffs are all about?! So go to pag.89



Well, the multiplot book is over. What you have read in this book, that’s for sure, they are your own synthetic memories about D-Day landing on www.omaha-beach.net

â˜Ż The end.

go to pag.4



Well, Claire usually gave to you the big white funny washing soap, it was her funny gift for your LUX soap to her. You usually put the LUX soap in all places just to keep on trying to offer an odd funny present. Claire usually liked soccer, you didn’t like it, but you kept on listening her every time she spoke to you all about soccer performances and things like that. The odd hot cup of tea, did you remember the first time that you meet her in a pub?. She was drinking an odd hot cup of tea at the lemon flavor. Sometimes she put milk into her favorite drinking and sometimes not. Holy shit!, finally you remember Claire, where is Claire Enden? You dress up swiftly and you go to the pub. But you don’t meet her in the city. There is nobody in the pub too. So you decide to go to the stadium. You don’t forget the stadium, she knew the stadium keeper quite well. Probably he knew where is Claire.

You have to take a decision, but this decision is quite odd, it means that the final point of this plot, it don’t depend on your desire or on your actions. Take a look right here, at what time do you read this ebook. Look at the minutes, so get the minutes and keep the fingers crossed; now discover what is it your literal destiny about the story of Claire and you.

if minutes are even, go to pag.95 if minutes are odd, go to pag.93



Well, the stadium keeper is smiling at you, he recognizes you too, so he is saying-Hi!, guy!, nice to see you again, how are you?-Fine thanks, and you?-not bad!, tell me, what’s the matter?-Well, you know, I’m looking for Claire, Claire Enden, do you remember her? She was blue eyes, blonde, she was less tall than me, she likes soccer, where is Claire Enden?-She is waiting for you!-Really?-yes off course, look over thereYou turn back and she is exactly where you remember, she is in the same place, she looks at you. She wears the same blue dress with her fucking yellow buttons, this time she wears much longer blonde hairs, you run down to the stairs to reach her as soon as possible. She starts on smiling, so she starts on crying, it seems she doesn’t stop on smiling and crying in the same time. You reach the stairs and you start on climb them much fast as you can, she looks at you, she is smiling silently biting one’s lips with her lovely rabbit teeth, so she looks at you on making some nice grimaces. Finally you catch her and you tell-I love you-ME TOO-would you marry me?-YES, I DO-she smiles happy while she bites one’s lips with her lovely rabbit teeth. You take her on your arms, so you start to walk to the stadium exit; the passage is a sort of twilight zone, there’s lights and darkness in between. On the other hand it is a beautiful day, a powerful light comes from the door at the bottom of the path, and the sun shines warm in the sky, there’s no clouds in the blue sky. While you keep on walking, she put her head under your chin, it’s a strange situation, it seems a sort of déjà.vu, it remind you something so you ask-What’s up?-NOTHING, I’M SO HAPPY!-

go to pag.89



Well, the stadium keeper is smiling at you, he recognizes you too, so he is saying-Hi!, guy!, nice to see you again, how are you?-Fine thanks, and you?-not bad!, tell me, what’s the matter?-Well, you know, I’m looking for Claire, Claire Enden, do you remember her? She was blue eyes, blonde, she was less tall than me, she likes soccer, where is Claire Enden?-she is in love with another man-who is he?-I don’t know, Royal Air Force,I suppose, but I don’t’ knowYou stop your conversation, you move your right hand on the top of your M1 helmet, so silently you start on walking through the fucking empty stadium. The building is empty, it sounds quite odd, quite strange. There’s lots of things that you would have said to her, there’s hundreds and hundreds of lovely funny things that you would have done with her. You moved lazy with your boots just over the red earthen floor. You still play for a while just to wait one more time into the stadium only. The red track is in red earth and white chalk sand, you moved again with your boots, now the track is chalky too. It seems impossible to wipe the chalk line because it is strictly fixed in between the red earthen track. The earthen track is porous and it is fucking sticky especially under your boots -Sometimes, it happens-those are the words that you say, just you are speaking with nobody. Silently you look around one more time, the building is still empty, and all places are free. You look at the stadium as a container of lots of memories all about you and Claire in between. All this chairs, all this building were a sort of testimonial of your love and Claire. On the other hand you know that the truth is another story, you are waiting and keep on waiting silently on the empty stadium, because you are still waiting for Claire. It’s a waste of time, she doesn’t come to the stadium today to meet you again. Probably she is busy, she is too fucking busy, and she is in love with another man, that’s another story. Your odd hot cup of tea is over, it was a cup of tea at the lemon flavor, and you know what it means. You move forward your M1 helmet on covering your face, you put on your combat jacket, and you start a cigarette, after a while you start on walking silently towards the exit. go to pag.105



You did it, you get it right, you was still alive!, that was for sure!, you outlived D-Day landing!. You are in a British Hospital, you have been hit with a severe shoot, and you have to stay into the Hospital for long time, at least 3 months. You get up, you go to the bathroom, you don’t feel fine, but that’s for sure you need to have a bath, and you really need to have a shave. On the top of the mirror you find an odd big white washing soap. A nice nurse comes into your room, she smiles at you, and so she leaves swiftly on your desk some bitter pills. It is your bitter medic ration, nothing to worry about that. You have to take them for very long time. But she also brings a hot cup of tea. You feel surprise of that, so you take a look immediately at your odd cup of tea, it’s hot, and there are a couple of lemon pieces on the dish.

You have to take a decision, look at the table and start thinking about the cup of tea, there’s a couple of piece of lemon on the dish. There’s a big white washing soap somewhere on the wash basin.

Do you remember anything? If yes, go to pag.99 What the hell of fucking stuffs are all about?! So go to pag.89



Well, Claire usually gave to you the big white funny washing soap, it was her funny gift for your LUX soap to her. You usually put the LUX soap in all places just to keep on trying to offer an odd funny present. The odd hot cup of tea, did you remember the first time that you meet her in a pub?. She was drinking an odd hot cup of tea at the lemon flavor. Sometimes she put milk into her favorite drinking and sometimes not. Holy shit!, finally you remember Claire, where is Claire Enden? Claire usually liked soccer, you didn’t like it, but you kept on listening her every time she spoke to you all about soccer performances and things like that. You can’t dress up to the pub, you have to stay in this fucking hospital. After 3 months, you are free, medics says your are fine, probably that’s true because you feel quite better than the first day of being in the british hospital. You dress up swiftly and you go to the pub. But you don’t meet her in the city. There is nobody in the pub too. So you decide to go to the stadium. You don’t forget the stadium, she knew the stadium keeper quite well. Probably he knew where is Claire.

You have to take your decision, but this event it is a sort of gambling of live, just like playing on dice, so take a dice, keep finger crossed and throw your dice to discover your destiny:

if there is the number 1, or 5, go to pag.95 if there is the number 3, go to pag.103 if there is the number 4, go to pag.93 if there is the number 2, or 6, go to pag.101



Well, the stadium keeper is smiling at you, he recognizes you too, so he is saying-Hi!, guy!, nice to see you again, how are you?-Fine thanks, and you?-not bad!, tell me, what’s the matter?-Well, you know, I’m looking for Claire, Claire Enden, do you remember her? She was blue eyes, blonde, she was less tall than me, she likes soccer, where is Claire Enden?-Well, I don’t know-No!, I don’t believe you, where is Claire? Tell me the entire story, I want to know where is Claire?After a long silently pause, the stadium keeper says-Ok, I’ll tell you the story... well, she is gone, she is dead-Holy shit, what?-There was a massive blast, somebody said V1 or V2-when?-well, now it’s in fall, well it happened in the end of summer, I’m sorry!-Yah!, sometimes it happensYou stop your conversation, you move your right hand on the top of your M1 helmet, so silently you start on walking through the fucking empty stadium. The building is empty, it sounds quite odd, quite strange. There are lots of things that you would have said to her, there’s hundreds and hundreds of lovely funny things that you would have done with her. You moved lazy with your boots just over the red earthen floor. You still play for a while just to wait one more time into the stadium only. The red track is in red earth and white chalk sand, you moved again with your boots, now the track is chalky too. It seems impossible to wipe the chalk line because it is strictly fixed in between the red earthen track. The earthen track is porous and it is fucking sticky especially under your boots. -Sometimes, it happensthose are the words that you say, just you are speaking with nobody. Silently you look around one more time, the building is still empty, and all places are free. You look at the stadium as a container of lots of memories all about you and Claire in between. All this chairs, all this building were a sort of testimonial of your love and Claire. On the other hand you know that the truth is another story, you are waiting and keep on waiting silently on the empty stadium, because you are still waiting for Claire. It’s a waste of time, she doesn’t come to the stadium today to meet you again. She is gone in the end of summer, while you were in the british hospital. Your odd hot cup of tea is over, it was a cup of tea at the lemon flavor, and you know what it means. You move forward your M1 helmet on covering your face, you put on your combat jacket, and you start a cigarette, after a while you start on walking silently towards the exit. go to pag.110 101


Well, the stadium keeper is smiling at you, he recognizes you too, so he is saying-Hi!, guy!, nice to see you again, how are you?-Fine thanks, and you?-not bad!, tell me, what’s the matter?-Well, you know, I’m looking for Claire, Claire Enden, do you remember her? She was blue eyes, blonde, she was less tall then me, she likes soccer, where is Claire Enden?-Well, she leaved the Great Britain-What?,No!,I don’t believe you, where is Claire? Tell me the entire story, I want to know where is Claire?After a long silently pause, the stadium keeper says-Ok, I’ll tell you the story... well, she sailed to the Australia-when?-Well, it’s fall, I don’t see her since this summerYou stop your conversation, you move your right hand on the top of your M1 helmet, so silently you start on walking through the fucking empty stadium. The building is empty, it sounds quite odd, quite strange. There are lots of things that you would have said to her, there’s hundreds and hundreds of lovely funny things that you would have done with her. You moved lazy with your boots just over the red earthen floor. You still play for a while just to wait one more time into the stadium only. The red track is in red earth and white chalk sand, you moved again with your boots, now the track is chalky too. It seems impossible to wipe the chalk line because it is strictly fixed in between the red earthen track. The earthen track is porous and it is fucking sticky especially under your boots. -Sometimes, it happensthose are the words that you say, just you are speaking with nobody. Silently you look around one more time, the building is still empty, and all places are free. You look at the stadium as a container of lots of memories all about you and Claire in between. All this chairs, all this building were a sort of testimonial of your love and Claire. On the other hand you know that the truth is another story, you are waiting and keep on waiting silently on the empty stadium, because you are still waiting for Claire. It’s a waste of time, she doesn’t come to the stadium today to meet you again. Your odd hot cup of tea is over, it was a cup of tea at the lemon flavor, and you know what it means. You move forward your M1 helmet on covering your face, you put on your combat jacket, and you start a cigarette, after a while you start on walking silently towards the exit. go to pag.105



Somewhere in Great Britain, today’s. The X-files team come quickly to the stadium. The odd event was close, swift and it happened in very short time, from 14:00 until 16:00. Despite the lots of working men, there is very few witness about this strange story. The evidences. [x] M1 helmet of the WWII, it is a switched balls model, it seems a M1 helmet with a white raw on its back, it is an officer M1 helmet, and it had been found near the stadium exit, gate number 3. [x] a black and white photo, the stuff is quite old, there are some damages on the border of the photo, inside there is a female image, and it seems a blonde, pretty nice navy auxiliary woman. Probably a Wrns or a Waaf. [x] there’s a strange wooden door, it seems a very old door in place of the new metal one. There are a couple of glass round windows on the wooden doors. Some stuffs are made in crude brass. Old photos about the stadium prove that all those stuffs were in the same place years and years ago during the 194x. The soccer society changed the doors and for strictly security necessity during the 1980s. All others stuffs are in their correct place, except for this 2 doors. [x] more than a quarter of the track in the stadium is changed, there is some odd red terrain with white chalk, and the tartan surface is missing. It seems that a quarter of stadium track is disappeared and somebody remplaced it with the old version of the stadium structures. [x] all electric equipment is still running, but there is lots of damages in some parts the water tubes and the lamps are out of order. [x] walls of the corridor have been damaged, there are little damages only, but it’s quite odd, it seems that all the zone it has been exposed to very low zero temperatures. [x] 10seconds of frames in the CCTV camera shows into the exit number 3, the image of 2 ghosts. There were a young woman (it was the same figure of the black & white photo) and a WWII American soldier, they walked through the twilight passage for 10 seconds only. It’s impossible to see the face of the soldier, because he was hided by his M1 helmet. So the man and the woman looked quite happy on walking hand by hand in the passage. After a while they disappear swiftly in a mysterious way. The images seem quite ordinaries, if we speak about people of 194x on the other hand the 2 persons looked quite odd, probably they are ghosts because the camera shows some 105

strange facts. The military man and the young blonde woman appeared from nowhere, they silently walked through the twilight passage, the digital camera moved to them to keep on focus the action, so after a while they disappeared to nowhere. The corridor seemed empty from last frame. There are 2 kind of witness about the odd event. The crew operators are the working men, they work in the stadium for long time, and they have to fix some parts of the old stadium. Most of them, they see anything, only 3 operators saw something strange was happening. The 3 working men saw an American soldier WWII in the middle of the stadium, it was in a sort of black and white pictures, and he was standing silently into the stadium on walking slowly. The 3 technicians called the strange black and white person but the ghost of the WWII soldier didn’t answer to nobody. So he walked through the exit number 3. Workers have to do their job so they kept on working so later the 3 working men went to the other side of the stadium on checking other stuffs. They had on fixing others new security equipments and new digital cameras for the security. So they discovered that more than a quarter of the stadium was disappeared. There was no more tartan surface on the stadium track, in place of the traditional component there were the red earthen material and long lines in white chalk. They supposed that somebody stole the tartan surface, it was a stupid idea because nobody can do a thing like that. So they called the security members. The second types of witness are the security people, there were 2 security personnel in the stadium, and they usually take a rest in the morning, so they start on working at the first afternoon. The first security member didn’t see the 2 ghosts. He was in the control room and he was taking care some cameras of the exit number 1 and 2. He was in contact via radio with the technicians, he checked out the new electric equipment and stuffs like that, for all the working time. The other security member was walking in the stadium to check the emergency entrance, he had to take a look in the parking too. He get the radio call by the 3 working men, when they discovered the damages in the tartan surface. He looked for the odd ghost in the middle of the stadium towards gate 3. The security man run towards the exit 3 but he discovered the door was closed and it was out of order he didn’t walk through because the door was strictly closed. So he run away to another exit, and he kept on running along the outside border of the stadium, on reaching the exit 3. When he reached his target, he discovered that the 2 metal doors were disappeared and there were a couple of strange wooden doors in place of them. 106

Special Notes about the evidences. The old wooden doors are still operative. The metal doors in the exit border of the stadium are disappeared; The indoor exit metal door are operative, there are no damages, it’s quite hard to understand why it didn’t run when the operator tried to open. The keys and the numeric combination are running well. The report of the second security member is quite odd on comparing to the evidences of the door’s magnetic system devices. The X-Files crew are eating fish and chips and drinking coke and beer, all the story is silly, stupid. There’s no logic reason to understand why anybody can stole a tartan surface on the stadium or a couple of doors. Why somebody have to replace the cheaper materials with the expensive red earthen materials and white chalks rows. Why somebody have to stole a couple of huge and massive metal doors and why somebody have to remplace them with a couple of old wooden doors? On the other hand this entire X-files looks quite hard to understand. All this job was too hard to do in a very short time for one man only. Somebody says that it was a ghost, so nothing is impossible for a ghost. The X-files team are eating fish and chips with a coke, captain look at the files, the evidences are odd, but he told that on the other hand the coke was better than beer for a fast lunch, especially when the X-Files crew is still working. Somebody tells that it was 5pm in the afternoon, tea was over in the thermos and they have to stay at job until the 6pm so it is necessary to discuss the event for one hour more. There is a report to fill in. The captain smiled and he said that the WWII American soldier was a ghost, so this was a fact, but the fact was no logic or rational reason to explain what the hell happened at this fucking stadium. Somebody says that the stadium passage was just like a sort of twilight passage, the twilight passage was similar to wormhole but in his opinion the ghost passage ran just like a sort of time quantum passage. All the places were exposed on low temperatures, near the low zero. Somebody else says that superconductor run near the low zero temperatures, so quantum effect and things like that, all this stuffs were similar to the ghost’s passages. Superconductors was the answers; may be ghosts are magnetic stuffs and they moved towards all directions, they come from the past towards the future and again. 107

Somebody else said that everything was wrong, probably the true have been lost in the story and in his opinion these 2 ghosts had to meet in the stadium, and probably it was a sort of love appointment or stuff like that. They kept hand by hand, they walked along the twilight passage, so it’s clear that they were in love. Probably they usually meet together at the stadium. Captain smiled and kept quiet for a while so he said during the WWII there were no nazy bombing at this british stadium so all this bullshits were too long. There was a long job to do on writing all these fucking conjectures, the pizza and the fish and chips were over. Now it was the right time to come back home, so he said that he wrote a very few synthetic words about this X-File. -Well, job is done!-said the captain of the X-Files team. -what the hell do you write in the report, sir?-the crew asked. Captain showed its report, he had decided to fill in the report on writing simply there’s no nature or rational reasons about this strange and odd event. -Ok guys, this is the bottom line!, let’s go home!On the other hand the security manager took his carbon hard copy. He looked at the document, and he was quite happy, this kind of odd reasons were even for the Insurance Company. The contract spoke about a generic risk of famages, so probably the assurance would have paid the bill to fix the gate number 3.

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You are on board the boat which is sailing to the US, it brings lots of troops and soldier home. You sit down on the deck. It is a brilliant hot night, the sky is blue and limpid full of beautiful stars. It looks like the time of months ago, when you laid down to the bed with Claire. You were in Britain, it was night, and you hired a room for a night only. You look at the sky in the sea, it’s the same sky that you saw from the window this time ago. There were too many roof which hided some british monuments and bridges. You saw Claire, she was exactly as you remember her, she wore an odd blue uniform with some fucking yellow buttons, a sexy white neck came out from a white open shirt, and nice tits came out in hot design under this blue uniform. Quite long blue skirt and dark stockings, and a couple of dark quite high heeled shoes. She was an earthquake, she was too hot!. She slowed her left arm on your right hand, she tightened it and then she gone away till all both arms were completely wide. So she turned herself of 90 degree to straight angle in counter, finally she returned to you, putting her face just in front of your one. Blue eyes, blonde short hair, sexy red lips, she was less tall then you. She was a hot tomato, so she looked at your eyes dreaming for long time. So you put your hands on her flanks, and you kissed her. Softly, sexy, hot lips, her tits were not so big, but just fit and sexy. She breathed breathlessly, and her ass was fit and sexy too. She really was a hot tomato!. You look at Claire and you say-Strange it seemed so real, how is possible, Claire are really you here?She smiled then she bite her lip so she told"IT’S A GIFT, AND IT’S FOR YOU ONLY!" then she moved her lateral face while she started to look at you on dreaming. So you took her in your arms and you came into this twilight passage, while she was putting her blonde head just under your chin. You were cold, there were a sort of frozen wind inside this odd corridor. So you stopped and you turned around to understand what was up, but you knew, you didn't see anymore the stadium, there were all darkness just all around you, except for a lucky white light on the top of the corridor. You took a look at the woman, she had silently frosty face just like a pet, so you looked at her frosty silently eyes wide opened and immediately she started to move them. She changed her color into her face just a sort of a quite poor red color rather than a frosty white blue color. She silently smiled sadly and she silently wept with pain on watching at you. It was no important in the moment to ask why or the reasons of 110

this all odd things, there were this idea that you thought lots more times, on walking through this twilight passage. At the top of the corridor, you reached the light, the door was open, a big warmly light shined in all the passage so few meters before the exit, she asked to you an odd question:"OK LET ME HERE, I HAVE TO STAY, YOU HAVE TO GO". -NO!, not this time, I love you!, please don’t go away-I LOVE YOU, I’M FALLING IN LOVE WITH YOU FOREVER!-. You get up, it’s early morning, and you are still on the deck of the boat. It still is sailing toward the US, you aren’t in the Great Britain, you aren’t in the stadium, you are in the middle of the Atlantic sea and it’s early morning. You dreamed, you simply dreamed Claire. You take a look to your combat boots, there’s no fucking red terrain under your shoes. You smell the air, in the air there’s a lovely tea flavor and it’s not at the lemon flavor. Claire, it was the sent of Claire!. You stand up immediately and you look around, nearby there are a couple of ventilation opening, they pull out a large smell of tea, it simply comes deep from the cook house.

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